alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 2/0): anybody figured out syntax highlighting for stan code in blogdown posts? is this a thing yet? ↪
Kim Ky (@KimmyKy2; 2/0): @WeAreRLadies My very own #rstats blog using #blogdown 😍 ↪
Dr Lowri E. Evans (@L0wriEvans; 2/0): @apreshill @dataandme @xieyihui Nice! I’ve just started working on my own website with #blogdown and really love it! Good to learn about some extra hints and tips. ↪
Chi Zhang (@Andreasheenn; 1/0): Writing my first R package! Gonna try to learn #blogdown before 2019 officially arrives 🤩 #rstats ↪
Rika Gorn (@RikaGorn; 0/0): Hey #rstats and #blogdown folks, any idea (or help resources) why netlify deployments would stop publishing. Commits to github are perfectly fine. ↪
Jason K. Freels, PhD (@jasonkfreels; 0/0): @apreshill @juliasilge Thanks.
Perhaps my blogdown/bookdown workflow is nonstandard, but I haven’t encountered many of the issues @yihui references. Conversely, the github/netlify/custom domain/https connection always seemed like a house of cards. ↪
Kazuhiro Goto (@drkgoto; 67/26): jamoviを心理統計の授業に導入しようとする人もいるかと思いますが、仕事のできる同僚のスーパーマンが本学学生のためにLearning statistics with jamoviを全訳して公開しています。 ↪
💬 (@lisancao; 0/0): @nabavinoushin @Editage Happy holidays to you too! Hope the bookdown comes out great and also that the weather in Victoria isn’t too bad 😊 ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/0): CRAN updates: benford.analysis bookdown callr RDieHarder readr #rstats ↪
polyurinsane (@polyurinsane; 0/0): @xieyihui I’m writing a book using LaTeX and knitr with the tufte-book.cls, but no R Markdown. I was able to set some parameters: e.g.,
but don’t see how to set the input to \tt (it appears to be \normal\small). ↪