Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 17/6): 📝 “spice rap, rap splice” 🎼🎤
🧩 #blogdown version of my #rap talk from @RLadiesMontpel first meetup, with perhaps more thinking on the notion of implicit mapping, i.e going beyond the purrr-ental advisory pun.
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Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 8/0): I should definitely do more of these #blogdown version of talks, ideally before giving the talk.
🧬 pdftools::pdf_convert() to convert the pdf slides (generated from keynote) to a series of images. @rOpenSci @opencpu ↪
Chi Zhang (@Andreasheenn; 6/2): Super helpful when I was overwhelmed by the multiple directories appeared after using Academic theme. Thank you @djnavarro ! #rstats #blogdown ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 2/1): @romain_francois @dvaughan32 It was introduced last December so needs to be better integrated in blogdown docs/demo site ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 2/0): @dvaughan32 @romain_francois I desperately want working with images in blogdown to be easier, that and relative links to other blog sections. In my last class, the majority of commits were students losing it over how to embed an image. Page bundles do help! ↪
Romain François 🦄 (@romain_francois; 1/0): @dvaughan32 @apreshill That’d a be a nice 🎄🎁 for #blogdown users. ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @dvaughan32 @romain_francois (I’m thinking of file paths for xaringan in blogdown, which is a mind meld) ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@lisadebruine; 3/0): @nmmichalak I just followed the tutorial at and it took an afternoon. The main difficulty was editing my old rmarkdown site into the right format for blogdown. I think it would be easier to just start fresh. ↪
woshisanhu (@woshisanhu; 0/0): @nasyxx 可以试试TinyTeX ↪
leiticia (@leiticia_otaka_; 0/0): @_Itadakimaaasuu xaringan ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10/1): @dataandme @alexpghayes highlight.js support stan. I feel I have been saying this about once a week to different people: The answer to your question is buried in Section 2.5 of the blogdown book. I can tell you the direct answer, but you may want to learn how to fish instead :) ↪