Aline Deschamps (@alinedeschamps; 6/2): @charlyx @jessfraz Oh my god, so many amazing things ! 😀 Go look at : Shiny, Blogdown, RStudio addins, … And #rstats ! 😉 ↪
Steph Locke (@TheStephLocke; 2/0): @jessfraz @nigelainscoe Well, there’s a lot of ❤️for Docker right now in the R community! Check out: terms of data analysis, the {tidyverse} and {DataExplorer} are great
For dashboards, {flexdashboard} is super helpful
And R ❤️@GoHugoIO so {blogdown} ↪
Andriy Gazin (@AndriyGazin; 1/0): @taraskaduk я почав з blogdown, але потім вирішив працювати без посередників :) ↪
Eric Krantz (@EricLeeKrantz; 1/0): @_ColinFay Start a blog with blogdown, and get comfortable with Hugo, css, html. ↪
Taras Kaduk (@taraskaduk; 0/0): @AndriyGazin blogdown FTW! Верстается на HUGO, пишется в R (RMarkdown) 🙌🏼 ↪
RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): Intro to Blogdown ↪
Dr Emily Kothe (@emilyandthelime; 6/3): @djnavarro @lingtax @kylehamilton Bookdown is being annoying with my URL - so if you’re looking for this and can’t find it try for the most recent version on git ↪
Francesco Grossetti (@contefranz; 0/0): @xieyihui hi there! Any ideas why I am getting “unexpected EOF while parsing” with this Python chunk in #bookdown? I am literally stuck! Please find knitr config in the second image attached. Thanks in advance! #rstats ↪
Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 3/1): @CMastication Just goes to show how well thought out the programming of RStudio itself is so that they could reuse pieces of the autocompletion engine for Python. Same with the generic knitr chunk engine idea in general ↪
Jozef Hajnala (@jozefhajnala; 2/2): Ever wanted to use 📊 #highcharts in your R Markdown html rendered by knitr and disliked the size of the generated html? Here is a small #rstats function to include only the necessary minimum in the output: ↪
Apoorva Lal (@ApoorvaRed; 1/0): @CMastication I really like Atom + Hydrogen + knitr / Pweave. The subpar vim mode in Rstudio makes it a non-starter for me. ↪
Mim (@mim_djo; 1/0): added a new tab using #Python #altair, all gracefully generated using #rstats #knitr, yes, rmarkdown accept other languages too, open source rocks ↪