nick michalak (@nmmichalak; 31/8): After I squashed most of the blogdown website demons, I decided to finish a post I had started awhile back:
Using Principal Components or Common Factor Analysis in Social Psychology
I borrowed the MDS introduction from my favorite statistics mentor :) ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 18/6): 💪 Up your blogdown game w/ @apreshill’s “spoonful” series!
🥄 “A Spoonful of Hugo: The netlify.toml File” #blogdown
/* PS Already put this one into my own site! */ ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 18/2): @hertzpodcast @dalejbarr @UofGPsychology #psyTeachR has a new blogdown website where we’ll add open materials as we complete them (there should be a big update by the time @improvingpsych 2019 starts) ↪
antuki (@antuki13; 13/7): Today is the only day to tweet my only (and useless) blog post in 1 year and a half. #HappyValentinesDay2019 #ggplot2 #emojifont #blogdown #rstats ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 13/1): 🥄 sharing some of my #rstats #blogdown best advice in bite sized chunks on my blog (
so far:
- use archetypes (➕ see great post by @fellgernon on this)
- use a netlify.toml
- later today: use page bundles 🎁
( thanks @dataandme - a+ student 😉) ↪
Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 (@dmi3k; 11/3): 🎉New meetup announced🎉: “Building websites in R: step-by-step introduction to {blogdown}” with Andrea Chi Zhang.
#rstats #oslo #useR! ↪
Chris Engelhardt (@EngelhardtCR; 11/0): My 5-year-old son now knows that ctrl + s performs a live reload of a #blogdown site. He loves mashing on the keyboard and seeing the result of his work render in a browser. I don’t know what I’d do without version control. #rstats ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10/5): @tladeras @kierisi @ChelseaParlett + networking! Go to local meetups, #RLadies, and DS conferences depending on your preferred coding community (if #rstats, try @UseR2019_Conf and @rstudio conf). A snazzy #blogdown site and active @github account can help people get to know you before they meet you in person. ↪
nick michalak (@nmmichalak; 8/3): I think some people read my blog? I’ve been converting my website to blogdown, so I’m sorry it has been up and down lately. But it works now! ( Please let me know if anything looks weird (e.g., can’t access .csv files, see pictures). ↪
Kirsten Smith (@kirst_nicole; 3/0): blogdown on my lunch break. ↪
Kirsten Smith (@kirst_nicole; 3/0): @EricNeudorf Lots of one off google searches, but this is what finally did it for me. ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 2/0): @felipe_mattioni @dataandme Nope ↪
Kirsten Smith (@kirst_nicole; 2/0): Making progress with github, netlify, and blogdown today, but wow was a lot of that counter-intuitive. Documentation could use further clarity – not sure it’s super helpful when you’re googling part of the documentation for further explanations. ↪
James Day, PhD (@jamesday87; 1/0): @roberto_boberto @AFLLab +1 for blogdown if you are already using R ↪
Harvey (@roberto_boberto; 1/0): @AFLLab whats wrong with your current set up?
depending on what programs you use, I really like blogdown ↪
Rika Gorn (@RikaGorn; 1/0): I’m a copy, paste, change learner. So very happy to have found this minimal example website for blogdown! #rstats ↪
Roman Valls (@braincode; 0/1): Has someone implemented automatic image resizing with #hugo #blogdown static site engine and #AWS #CloudFront?: … bonus points if you ditched all that and are running something similar 100% for free somewhere else :) ↪
Thomas Lumley (@tslumley; 0/0): @GretchenAMcC One special case: If you’re a statistics grad student (so you’re already using R markdown and github) use blogdown for your website. ↪
Peter Verweij (@Peter_Verweij; 0/0): Export code from esquisse for ggplot on a static website based on Hugo. writing in R blogdown. ↪
Felipe Mattioni, MSc (@felipe_mattioni; 0/0): Is it me or #blogdown really doesn’t support toc_float? @apreshill @dataandme ↪
Tobias Dienlin (@tdienlin; 0/0): @MattEagle09 @OrbenAmy @cruwelli @mitchoharawild @robjhyndman Well, in fact have often been thinking of switching to pagedown/blogdown – mb it’s about time ;) ↪
Shravan Vasishth (@shravanvasishth; 14/2): @xmjandrews I am preparing them for release, in time the Physalia course in late March. They will be on github, in bookdown format. ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 12/2): 2 out of 3 powered by #rstats #bookdown 🚀 ↪
Omni Analytics Group (@OmniAnalytics; 7/5): What do you get when you combine #bookdown, the #tidyverse, the @TwitterAPI, and the latest #rstats technologies? Our new Tweet Book Service! Here’s a preview of the @OmniAnalytics tweet book! Ability to generate your own #comingsoon … ↪
Dirk Schumacher🚲 (@dirk_sch; 7/2): A simple, but often useful internal package is to bundle common markdown templates. Ideally with sample code for standard stuff. #rstats ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 5/0): @rogers_k8 We’ll have an updated bookdown version of our MSc data skills course available by summer, but here are the current materials (focussing on tidyverse, data wrangling, visualisation, simulation, and reporducible reports). ↪
Marta Sestelo (@MartaSestelo; 4/0): @fandradechavez Sí, en la sección 1.1.1 del libro tienes los links a la base de datos y a un diccionario explicando las variables. Un saludo! ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 2/0): @tjmahr @adriennerwood @strengejacke Since this is based off Hayes’s (2018) text, it’s all single-level. But hopefully the #brms code will give you a place to start: ↪
Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 (@dmi3k; 2/0): @nacnudus @rlmcelreath Really fun read. Please keep doing it. Did you see ? ↪
Mike Love (@mikelove; 1/0): @RArgelaguet I guess, if they are already mostly vignettes then you may not want to have various versions floating around, and dealing with keeping them up to date. But bookdown looks so cool :-)
I’ll have to check out your new preprint! ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @rogers_k8 And @djnavarro’s materials are fab (I think the intro to R is really accessible) ↪
Jimmy xu (@MKTJimmyxu; 0/1): Why R is so great?- From Yihui: R bookdown is an R package that allows you to write books and long-form reports with multiple Rmd files. After this package was published, a large number of books have emerged. You can find a subset of them at #rstats ↪
Lily Bentley (@lilybentley; 0/0): @Marj_Lundgren I really like for readability/accessibility/memes, especially for undergrads who haven’t used R before. Not a course but pretty easy to follow along w the book if motivated. (+ of course for more sophisticated stuff.) ↪
R StackOverflow (@r_stackoverflow; 0/0): Add Table Caption Number R-Markdown [Votes: 2] #r #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Mark Andrews (@xmjandrews; 0/0): @shravanvasishth Looks excellent. Thanks for making them available. Especially in bookdown. ↪
Mhztar Sammy (@Offical_sammy; 0/0): @showyousarah If you wish I can help bookdown for you…. ↪
Jimmy xu (@MKTJimmyxu; 0/0): From Bookdown"Yep, R will become both your best friend and your worst nightmare. The bad times will make the good times oh so much sweeter.
There is nothing more frustrating than when your code does not work
There is nothing more satisfying than when your code does work!" ↪
Thea Knowles (@theaknowles; 0/0): TIL There is a way to compare diffs between 2 .docx files
Implications for Rmd workflows with collaborators/supervisors using Word: Use the revised .docx version to guide changes in your .Rmd, then compare new output with the original to dbl check
👍 ↪
Jessica Burnett (@TrashBirdEcol; 0/0): is there a quick way to auto-add package citations to document in bookdown? e.g., Packages Used section, or just adding citations to the .bib? @xieyihui @rstatstweet @rstudiotips ↪
Johannes Bracher (@johannesbracher; 22/6): Preparing the name tags for tonights @ZurichRUsers event at @nzzvisuals. Check out how it’s done using #knitr and the ticket package for LaTeX: 🤓 #rstats ↪
Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 14/2): knitr::purl() is my favorite #rstats function name. ↪
Desi Quintans (@eco_desi; 5/0): @_erikaroper I use knitr::kable() and kableExtra to format it further. ↪
Adam Palayew (@AdamPalayew; 4/3): Just used @brentthorne18 posterdown package to make a poster and it was awesome! So much #rstats fun with the magic of knitr and rmarkdown! ↪
We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 4/0): @adamhsparks @S_Owla Thanks, it’s really interesting to learn how other people work! :)
Have you heard of knitr::spin()? I’ve never used it, but judging from @daattali’s post, it might fit your workflow pretty well! (if you’ve never tried it) ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 4/0): @frod_san @tjmahr @apreshill This has been a TODO item since day one of knitr::write_bib(). I didn’t include other entries in CITATION only because I didn’t have an idea about how to generate citation keys automatically, i.e. @ article{???, If you have an idea, I’d implement it right now. ↪
Daniel Anderson (@datalorax_; 3/1): Also… I was having a hard time getting the plots to render with R Markdown, but the answer is here:
Just add
Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 2/1): @cantabile @JennyBryan Thanks for your enthusiasm! Reveal is not officially part of the Xaringan package… maybe someday! :-) You might find @statsgen’s post interesting: ↪
Andreas Gutweniger (@AGutweniger; 2/0): @johannesbracher @ZurichRUsers @nzzvisuals In addition to knitr, maybe also use glue the next time (to make the tags more sticky) 😀
Thanks for organising this great event! ↪
We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 1/1): @JennyBryan @S_Owla @rstudio Thanks! Would you advise using rmarkdown::render over knitr::spin mainly because it works for both file types?
I’d like to share this when I tweet about Rmd, but don’t have any experience.. ↪
Michael Chirico (@michael_chirico; 1/1): #rstats TIL ANSI encoding in html-vignettes doesn’t just not display, it completely hangs pandoc compilation…
I guess a UTF-8 conversion issue like that here: ↪
Sanne Menning (@sannemenning; 1/1): Any #rstats users know why knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir =’’) in rmarkdown doesn’t change my working directory anymore? It used to work, didnt change anything in my code… ↪
Emily Ricotta, PhD (@Iplaywithgerms; 1/0): I’m trying to be better about making my code more readable and sharable… I’m going to have to look into rendering and knitr::spin it seems. ↪
noora said (@mdnoor78; 1/0): knitr هي حزمة توليد تقارير ديناميكية أنيقة ومرنة وسريعة تجمع بين R مع TeX أو Markdown أو HTML. ↪
\mathfrak{Michael Betancourt} (@betanalpha; 1/0): @joelwatsonfish Rmarkdown rendered with knitr. The corresponding entry at includes a link to the repository with the raw Rmd, images, and license information. ↪
Mburu (@mmburu_w; 0/1): @Shel_Kariuki Hello you can try model %>% broom::tidy() %>% knitr::kable(format = “pandoc). In your case format is in html. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/0): Display animated plot using gganimate in knitr Markdown for ioslides presentation #tidyverse #rstats ↪
Craig Duncan (@CraigDuncanAU; 0/0): @svheeringen 2/2
Local path? Diagnose by testing these alternatives before knitting:
<img src=”./pages/mydoc/files/myplot.png"/>- Markdown
- knitr
``` ↪
James Goldie (@rensa_co; 0/0): @OppenheimerEvan They’re the supplementary materials from my first PhD paper! Straight out of the dlnm package 🙂 Having some problems with knitr and subfigures in the week before I submit my thesis though 😅 ↪
Kristian Kleinke (@kristiankleinke; 0/0): @simongrund89 I use RStudio most of the time (for simulations / data analysis, but also for writing up results => Sweave, knitr,…) I find vim & Emacs a little bit too cumbersome to learn and I currently use vim only for fine tuning LaTeX tables (I like the block selection feature…) ↪
D:/avid/Quartey 🎅 🎓 👨🏾💻 🇬🇭 (@DaveQuartey; 0/0): @xieyihui @juliewfarmer @sorenlind Hi Yihui, the tweet above has a link about installing MacTex on Mac. Wondering if TinyTex condition also neccesry for Windows10. Link to Windows version of the article: . Realize MiKTex is more lightweight (179.77MB) than Mac version (3GB). Thanks ↪
Kazuki Yoshida (@kaz_yos; 0/0): Create Awesome HTML Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra ↪
John Blischak (@jdblischak; 0/0): @timtrice wrote a vignette a sharing code across analyses using knit_expand() and other advanced knitr features ↪
John Muschelli (@StrictlyStat; 0/0): @conjugateprior So read_csv, dplyr::recode, haven reading stata, never touch raw data, tools::showNonAscii, knitr::kable, and rmarkdown to word for a start? ↪
\mathfrak{Michael Betancourt} (@betanalpha; 0/0): @PogrebnyakE @brickinedifice @rlmcelreath The case studies are html output from knitr. The rest of my website is Jekyll rendered in GitHub pages. ↪
Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 67/28): Happy to share new tutorial on
package! to explain (~ < 10 min.)
- why this package exists
- current functionality
- benefits
- limitations
Big thanks to @xieyihui for #xaringan & @grrrck for CSS template!
#rstats #dataviz #ggplot ↪
Alejandro Correa (@sci_phonetics; 9/0): Finalmente ha resultado bastante divertido y rápido hacer transparencias con #RStudio y el paquete #Xaringan #GoodbyeJupyter ↪
David Schoch (@schochastics; 6/0): preparing my first set of slides with xaringan in #rstats. Remarkably straightforward. I am seriously thinking of finally ditching latex beamer. And gifs are so much easier to include ↪
devin. (@ks_devina; 4/0): @radenrauf Xaringan ↪
Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 2/0): @rstudio: Is it possible to add to the autocomplete dictionary, either for personal use or in an #rstats package?
Specifically, I have in mind #css classes for when I’m writing #xaringan or #pagedown documents (or when someone else is writing them using my package). ↪
Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 2/0): @JennyBryan 😮 xaringan::reveal! ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @chrismainey Now you can use the devel version of xaringan to generate the slides and skip incremental slides when printing to PDF in Chrome: ↪
Karl Ho (@karlho; 1/0): exemplary of ggplot2, xaringan and reveal ↪
Danilo Freire (@danilofreire; 1/0): @BrianCAlbrecht Really cool presentation! I’ve also been using Xaringan in my classes, students like that they access the slides on their iPads, phones, etc. No more “Overfull \hbox” :) ↪
박찬엽 (@mrchypark_; 0/0): anyone have set code img build from carbonate to xaringan page? #rstates #xaringan #carbonate ↪
Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 0/0): @RoelandtN42 So many! Haven’t managed to install xaringan:: yet either 😢 ↪
Garnet 🌟 (@Th4yxx007; 0/0): Mangake xaringan ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 2/0): @skyetetra @sharlagelfand Totally missed this until now! In my “umms” and SEO badness" defense (ouch), [hashtag] repeatTweet has been my attempt to replace “ICYMI” after @xieyihui pointed out that the world already has enough FOMO in it in this post ↪
Lucas A. Meyer (@lucas_a_meyer; 1/0): PSA: your .Rprofile needs to end with a new line ↪
Matt Brook O’Donnell (@mdbod; 0/0): ↪