THIS IS SO COOL!!! Instantaneous #xaringan #rstats slide previews! 🤩 @xieyihui, you rock!



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 9829): Another spoonful of Hugo for #rstats #blogdown users: > 🍃 Why (and how) you should use Hugo’s new page bundles feature > > Previous spoonfuls: > 👺 Archetypes ( > 🗃️ netlify.toml file (

Ben Ackerman (@backerman150; 428): 🤔 Hey #PhDchat, what are some of your reasons for making a personal website? I’ll be sharing my two cents and leading a website-building tutorial using #rstats and #blogdown today @JohnsHopkinsSPH at 12:15 pm in W2029!

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 305): 🥄 Another super useful dose of hugo for #blogdown users! “A Spoonful of Hugo: Page Bundles” 👩🏻‍🏫 @apreshill

Roel (@RoelMHogervorst; 123): Quick hack for #rstats #blogdown : rebuild your hugo website a few times a week. This allows you to schedule your blogposts in the future

Nick Zeng (@zenggyu; 114): Hey, #rstats community, I just figured out how to host my #blogdown blog using services provided by @gitlab & @cloudera. It works like a charm and has saved me a lot of trouble and money!😊 > Here’s the post to share how I did it, check it out: >

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 110): Current status: testing out blogdown. This could be a rabbit hole 🐰🕳️

Ben Ackerman (@backerman150; 71): PS if you can’t make it, here’s the tutorial I will be going through (courtesy of @apreshill):

Ben Ackerman (@backerman150; 50): I’ll also give a shameless plug for my own #blogdown website with a link to find my slides from today 🙃

Leon Eyrich Jessen (@jessenleon; 42): #Rstats + #blogdown + Hugo Academic = 🏆🏆🏆 Using this combination and #RStudio really is quite satisfying, when the aim is to build a website for my small #dataScience training company @nordicdatalab:

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 41): @swmpkim @JennyBryan @statquant @daattali @i_steves @LockeData @thinkR_fr @tjmahr @ozjimbob Finally, I found @xieyihui’s post on notebooks, IDE, and R Markdown an interesting read > I enjoy his writing style and sense of humour (eg., so recommend his blog in general! Check out the Chinese blog for another side of him :)

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 30): @grrrck @livingwithdata Maybe I need to create a dummy blogdown and play with it. Peer pressure FTW!

Duncan Garmonsway (@nacnudus; 20): It took about a day to get to the bottom of how rmarkdown renders documents. Now I’m in blogdown and wow are there a lot more layers.

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 20): Okay, #blogdown is very cool, and overall is taking less configuration than my WP instance, but still lots of fiddling to do. Once I’ve imported and tweaked I’ll show it off.

Sharleen W (@_sharleen_w; 20): @apreshill Thank you for retweeting my post! I wanted to say thank you for writing the article “Up and running with blogdown”, I followed it step-by-step and it worked perfectly to get my website working! (I also copied your Academic theme, thank you!)

Matt Dray (@mattdray; 20): @BrodieGaslam @carroll_jono Same. Blogdown has made things much easier for me because I write about R. Focus on the posts first; customise the site later. I took a template and later tweaked some colours and fonts, e.g.

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 20): @carroll_jono @livingwithdata That’s cool, and blogdown does too! Somehow starting a draft post seems like so much more work, but I can open github issues all day long 😂

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @BrodieGaslam @mdsumner interesting question, I’ll test that out! That is on my to do list. In the mean time if you can post enough in a GitHub issue that would be great:

Sebastian Sauer (@sauer_sebastian; 20): @x00live @carroll_jono I switched to rmarkdown/github, and never felt like going back. Hugo with blogdown is great, maybe that’s also something for you

BrodieG (@BrodieGaslam; 20): @apreshill @mdsumner Great read. Have you been able to use bundle archetypes? I could not for the life of me get blogdown::new_post() to play nice with it. Does blogdown::new_post() work for you with bundle archetypes, or only via the Rstudio add-in?

BrodieG (@BrodieGaslam; 20): @carroll_jono I was happy to ditch my WP site for blogdown/hugo/netlify. If you do a lot of Rmd stuff it seems like a no-brainer. Beware though, you can sink a huge amount of time to get your site just right in blogdown. If you can accept an off the shelf setup as is then its not too bad.

Duncan Garmonsway (@nacnudus; 10): Radix vs Blogdown? As a scarred and bleeding Linux user since 2011 with squillions of config files, I can’t put it more strongly than this: I use Radix defaults.

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 10): @tylergbyers It’s precisely that and I know it. But it’s a barrier to even trying something else. > Peer pressure is going to get me to try blogdown and I’m probably going to love it. I need to find some free time though.

Matt Dray (@mattdray; 10): @carroll_jono @vboykis @bearloga A nice thing about the Blogdown approach is you can run a spellcheck on your Rmd file before pushing, e.g.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @jamie_lendrum I believe it works for any single HTML output (like it won’t work for bookdown/blogdown) but it does for flexdashboard, standard HTML, etc

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 10): these posts are so helpful #rstats #blogdown

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 0/1): Adding Syntax Highlighting to Blogdown Posts #rstats

Duncan Garmonsway (@nacnudus; 0/0): Status update: I understand how blogdown renders documents and it doesn’t seem possible to override

尼古拉斯·汤师爷 (@00prc; 0/0): @leodknuth @p3p3pp3

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 0/0): @whiskersedge @dataandme Here is a comparison:

𝙸𝚕𝚓𝚊 (@fubits; 0/0): TIL that @GoHugoIO has a built-in getCSV / getJSON function. Might be helpful for #blogdown users, too.

Jeffrey Girard (@jeffreymgirard; 0/0): @julianetzel Haha, I’ll put together a blogdown post soon. Stuck in meetings now.


Max Kuhn (@topepos; 26565): The final countdown! > All of the chapters of our book are now available at > 4 new chapters on profile data and feature selection. Chpts 2 and 7 were updated. We’ll finalize for production in 1 month > Comments/questions: > #rstats

Anna Quaglieri (@annaquagli; 131): Wow! Setting up for an #rstats @RLadiesMelb workshop with this view is just the best ☀☀😍😍 @NousGroup #Rbooks #rticles #bookdown

Henning (@henningsway; 112): Definitely one of my favourite #rstats #bookdown books!

R-Ladies Melbourne (@RLadiesMelb; 107): #bookdown: the answer to @annaquagli’s problems. Nice way to create RMarkdown documents - not just books! Provides a flexible way of cross-referencing between sections, with the ability to tweak the formatting and structure. #rstats

Anna Quaglieri (@annaquagli; 104): My final top tips for papers in #R:1. 👀 for #RmdLaTex template in the #rticles 📦 or #BiocWorkflowTools for @F1000Research; 2. use the flexible-general #bookdown::pdf_document2; 3. if you are a #LaTex guru 🤓 code new journal templates 🙏! …#rladies

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 51): @TrashBirdEcol @rstatstweet @rstudiotips Here is what I did in the bookdown book: and packages.bib was used in index.Rmd:

Kris Stevens (@kristophrdelane; 45): Does anyone who has published a physical book via bookdown/git/#rstats have any time to talk to a few people who are putting together a book on Data Science for Educators who have questions about non-technical processes?

Javier Nogales (@fjnogales; 42): Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models by @topepos and Kjell Johnson A beta version that looks very good! #datascience #rstats

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 40): @swmpkim @JennyBryan @statquant @daattali @i_steves @LockeData @thinkR_fr @tjmahr Also ICYMI, you can add tabs in HTML reports :) > They’re so easy to add and, as @ozjimbob discovered, you can iteratively generate tabs and corresponding outputs! 👍😀 > All of this compatible with both .Rmd and .R 😍 >

Robert Osazuwa Ness (@osazuwa; 31): Im writing a tutorial on causal inference in ML, settled on using #bookdown in @rstudio, and using some models in pytorch via the reticulate package. I think I just heard the “power up” soundbite from Altered Beast…

Anna Quaglieri (@annaquagli; 30): @_StuartLee @RLadiesMelb I actually just recently learnt it from reading the bookdown book! I have always been an underscore type of person 😁

Gwenaëlle L. (@GwenaelleL_; 30): @matthiasblum @yokofakun @nlavielle @BioinfoFr Dès que j’ai fini mes articles sur la nomenclature des omiques, l’analyse et intro au text-mining de l’enquête, l’intro à bookdown, la présentation de réseaux de co-expression de gènes. Easy :D

Robert Boscacci (@cinemarob1; 22): @AudreySage this feature engineering eBooklet is #MachineLearning gold, thanks for sharing with the class

Martin John Hadley (@martinjhnhadley; 20): I really appreciate ⁦@xieyihui⁩ taking the time to go through his thought process. I’m now convinced it’s much better to refer back to a section rather than an individual code chunk 😄 > Not because I can’t be arsed to implement it 😂

learnbyexample (@learn_byexample; 12): @driscollis good summary, I’ll probably write one too once I’m done setting my blog > regarding book generation, I plan to check these out: * * * > Currently I only do markdown-to-pdf with pandoc

Lucy Liu (@lucyleeow; 11): @methylnick @RLadiesMelb Bookdown by @xieyihui

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 11): @alexpghayes @glupyan @tjmahr And if you’ll allow me a gratuitous plug, I’m slowly chipping away at Kruschke’s text, including the ANOVA stuff. I was hoping to be done this spring. But based on my recent pace, it’s looking more like fall or winter before it makes it into #bookdown form

Ben Anderson (@dataknut; 10): .Rmd, a .bib file, #rstats #knitr #bookdown & a multi-user @github repo is probably the only sensible way to collaboratively write scientific documents (articles, funding bids etc) when the output needs to be an editable word doc.

Dan S. Reznik 🔎 (@dreznik; 10): @bearloga i’d add to the list: Kieran Healy @kjhealy ’s data viz book ; and as 3rd: Max Kuhn’s @topepos just out book on feature engineering – these guys ROCK

Droo Tire (@atiretoo; 10): @TrashBirdEcol I just knitted it to bookdown, got a pdf with working links to tables and figures?

Jeremy R. Winget (@_jwinget; 10): I’ve been looking for a resource like this for awhile and cannot wait to dig in! > 📖 Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models 🔗

Ujaval Gandhi (@spatialthoughts; 10): @drdcarpenter Thanks. I used the ‘tufte_handout’ format

Christoph Molnar (@ChristophMolnar; 10): @RoelandtN42 @xieyihui Yes, the book is based on bookdown.

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 10): @ChristophMolnar I’m not into ML and such but thanks for making it in Creative Commons! > Did you used bookdown? Looks like it 😁 > If so maybe @xieyihui can add it to the bookdown website… 🤔

Ken Butler (@KenButler12; 0/0): @hadleywickham this would be part of a bookdown that went “6 groups, 8 fields”.

Data Science PY (@Data_Science_PY; 0/0):

syed sheheryar (@sjsheheryar; 0/0): Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models

Dr Alan Beckles (@Ritmonegro; 0/0): Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models

RK Veluvali (@IamRKVeluvali; 0/0): Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models

krismp ⚡ (@_krismp; 0/0):

Kostas Kokkas (@KokkasKostas; 0/0): Feature Engineering for predictive models free on-line book. Available to download and as pdf. Enjoy here: #DataScience #MachineLearning #PredictiveAnalytics #featureengineering

Matthew Currier (@mcurriernyc; 0/0):

Francesc Rossello (@cescro; 0/0): @luisrodriguez_z Hola,el libro no existe, estamos preparando una versión bookdown, se va actualizando en y En unos meses será final. Gracias por tu interés


Sahir Rai Bhatnagar (@syfi_24; 175): Reminder to myself: when working on the text portion of manuscripts in #knitr documents, create a global variable finalversion <- FALSE. Then set eval=finalversion in every #rstats code chunk to avoid lengthy re-compilations.

Ulrik Lyngs (@ulyngs; 111): New #rmarkdown blog post: How to use #pandoc #filters to take total control over your output formatting when #knitr’s options ain’t enough for what you need. @xieyihui #oxforddown

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 90): @AllieSherier @thomas_mock knitr::kable() with knitr/rmarkdown or gt::gt()

R-Ladies São Paulo (@RLadiesSaoPaulo; 81): A @BeaMilz e a Mariana Dias Guilardi falaram sobre relatórios dinâmicos no R, nesse sexto #meetup do #rladiesSP ! A apresentação está disponível em #knitR #Rmarkdown #RStats #RLadies

Rodrigo Botafogo (@RodrigoBotafog1; 61): Just published galaaz v0.4.6 on RubyGems. This version improves gknit that allows documenting Ruby applications in rmarkdown documents (this is knitr for Ruby). It also improves Ruby expressions to allow integration with dplyr and tidyverse.

yoni sidi (@yoniceedee; 51): { #ggplot2 } + {whereami} (in a knitr chunk) #rstats

John Minter (@jrminter; 32): #rstats TIL how to make a code chunk for a pagebreak only in a PDF document when I want to knit both PDF & html: > {r, results='asis', echo=FALSE, eval=(knitr::opts_knit$get('') == 'latex')} cat('\\pagebreak')

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 30): @swmpkim @JennyBryan @statquant @daattali @i_steves One of my favourite #rmarkdown features when working with large data sets: caching code chunks with knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE) > This works best when your chunks are named, eg. using @LockeData’s {namer} > More on {knitr} opts:

Camping Municipal (@CampingMunicip; 10): @HydrePrever #knitr or #Jupytr

Tanya Murphy (@tmurphEpi; 10): @EpiSconroy While not a programmatic solution and may not fit into your usual workflow (I really should just stop…), I find knitr::kable(table, digits = c(2, 2, 8)) useful. It has an output format for latex. If your 1st column is text use c(NA, 2, 2, 8)

Miha Kosmac (@biomiha; 10): @S_Owla You can knitr::purl an .Rmd file to an .R file as well. The one big plus of .Rmd notebooks in RStudio for me is the scrollable output of big dataframes

Amelia McNamara (@AmeliaMN; 0/1): @LucyStats @jtleek I just get two pieces of code over and over. library(knitr) and pandoc(“”, format=“html”)

RPubs recent entry (@RPubsRecent; 0/0): Knitr Demo

Dr Pauline Provini (@PaulineProvini; 0/0): Very cool tool highlighted by @daattali to transform an .R file into a good looking @markdown report! Easy to use with #RStats and crucial for #reproducible research! > Knitr’s best hidden gem: spin

Brendan Cooley (@brendanmcooley; 0/0): This is very useful. Thank you @xieyihui

kazutan (@kazutan; 0/0): @Kimihira0120 細かい仕様はここにあります


Fedora Linux Users (@fedorausers; 0/0): Fedora 28 Update: R-tinytex-0.10-1.fc28

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 0/0): @DaveQuartey @juliewfarmer @sorenlind TinyTeX is cross-platform, meaning that it also works on Windows. I’m pretty sure it is smaller than MiKTeX. Also note that the basic MiKTeX version is unlikely to work for R Markdown because there are more LaTeX packages required.


Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 460109): THIS IS SO COOL!!! > Instantaneous #xaringan #rstats slide previews! 🤩 @xieyihui, you rock!

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 22042): A bit more flipbooking. 🙂🙂 “The Tidyverse in Action” project, steps through plotting and wrangling with reveal() (@statsgen, @grrrck) pausing at + and %>% and ->. Work in progress. #rstats #xaringan @Gapminder

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 17855): {xaringan} just reached a whole new level. > “The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides”

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 13234): ⚔️ Instant preview, no rebuild required! “The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides” 👨🏻‍💻 @xieyihui #rstats #rmarkdown

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 459): A bit more flipbookery. 🙂🙂 “The Tidyverse in Action” project, steps through plotting and wrangling with reveal() (@statsgen, @grrrck) pausing at + and %>% and ->. Work in progress. #rstats #xaringan @Gapminder

Dianne Cook (@visnut; 435): Changing the body font size in xaringan slides took me too long to work out. Unlike h1, h2, … which can be changed easily, doesn’t work for body {…}, even though colour does. You need to add > .remark-slide-content { font-size: 32px; } > to your css. @xieyihui

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 3816): @xieyihui Now available in the GitHub version of {xaringan}! > Live preview… ⚡ previews text and code while you write ❌ doesn’t re-run code chunks ❌ breaks when number of slides change (+/-) 📑 picks back up when you save your file 🧙‍♂️ is real life magic!

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 125): The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides @xieyihui #rstats #datascience

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 70): @grrrck every time i google how to do something in xaringan you have a blog post about it > so good > how

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 70): @grrrck @xieyihui oh this is AMAZING! i just started using xaringan and the things that bothered Yihui also bothered me – yes, i don’t want to wait a few seconds!

Omni Analytics Group (@OmniAnalytics; 63): Latest development version of #xaringan slides in combination with the @RStudio addin Infinite Moon Reader = automatic live preview of #rmarkdown output in the RStudio viewer! #rstats

Gorka Navarrete (@gorkang; 50): Cool way to create presentations with instant preview… #xaringan by @xieyihui > As easy as 123: > 1. remotes::install_github(‘yihui/xaringan’) > 2. Set xaringan::moon_reader as output in the doc header > 3. Run xaringan::inf_mr() in the console > Thanks @grrrck for the tip!

Alex Norman (@Aarleks; 31): The new live-preview capability in the latest update of @xieyihui’s Xaringan package for making presentation in RMarkdown is very, very satisfying. #rstats >

Dale Maschette 🐟🧗‍♂️ (@Dale_Masch; 30): @_abichat @romain_francois @_lionelhenry @privefl that xaringan sticker 👌

Daniel Sjoberg (@statistishdan; 20): First time using #xaringan to create slides. The documentation made it quick to pull the presentation together, and they look great! Thanks @xieyihui! 🥳🤗

superboreen 🇮🇪 (@superboreen; 20): This is great! Working fine for me today on Ubuntu 18.04 and RStudio preview. #xaringan #rstats

Stas Kolenikov (@StatStas; 20): I wonder if there is a button for that in xaringan @xieyihui

Omar Wasow (@owasow; 20): @EvaMaeRey Thank you for these flip books! I’m just learning Xaringan for teaching this semester and your slides are a model of how to show the step-by-step process of building a plot with ggplot.

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 20): Crisis averted everyone who cares*. I installed xaringan::. 🥐 > *I can pretend Euclid does.

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides

Charutinho (@NeguinNicolasT2; 10): @NetoVerissimoM Estou chegando no pique do xaringan

Rick Pack (@rick_pack2; 10): The @EvaMaeRey flipbook #rstats code enables progressing through dataviz layers line-by-line with a key press. Beautiful use of #xaringan for instructive presentations.

Chi Zhang (@Andreasheenn; 10): Not a #xaringan user yet but this looks fun!

Omar Wasow (@owasow; 10): @rudeboybert @andrewheiss With R Markdown + Xaringan, I find HTML comments routinely mess up the compiling of slides. This looks like a good alternative. Danke.

Oscar Baruffa 🔎📊🇳🇱 (@oscar_b123; 10): OK, time to learn how to use #xaringan #rstats

artzyatfailing2 (@artzyatfailing2; 10): Why did I only see this just now in the #xaringan #Rmarkdown slides template? So many missed opportunities… colleagues get ready to be Bromanized.

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 0/0): How to exclude some slides from rendering in #xaringan and make a shorter version of your existing slides? A neat solution based on the answer from #rstat

exclude: true

Title of the slide

PeopleSpace (@PeopleSpaceOC; 0/0): Tonight at PeopleSpace, Orange County R Users Group (OCRUG) Meetup: “Opinion Mining of Climate Change Research and Xaringan Slides”. RSVP:

SSSS.ando (@hirahira2835; 0/0): xaringan::でリアルタイムプレビュー出来ない!!

Lars Schoebitz (@larnsce; 0/0): @trj2 You work with #rstats or? Not real-time voice recognition but #xaringan has significantly reduced my time load and frustration when preparing a talk.

かつどん (@nozma; 0/0): 新しいxaringanのコレ本当良いな。 > The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides - Instant preview without fully rebuilding HTML, and the linked navigation - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 -

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 0/0): Oh, this is cool. TikZ in HTML docs. Something to consider for Xaringan @xieyihui?

kazutan (@kazutan; 0/0): ほぼxaringanを作るのと同じくらいのレベルになりそう……なかなかに厳しい

Eileen F. Leigh (@urinjaini; 0/0): Practically. @gwurz77 @gahlan99 #xaringan

Jamie Lendrum (@jamie_lendrum; 0/0): @apreshill Ooh, thanks! I was thinking it was just for xaringan…

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 0/0): @andremrsantos @xieyihui This is in the xaringan package, which is only slides.

Salifyanji Aaron (@asimumba_; 0/0): #rstats #xarigan The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides - Instant preview without fully rebuilding HTML, and the…

das Kino (@kyn02666; 0/0): @kmizuno16 そこでxaringanですよ

Gorka Navarrete (@gorkang; 10): @xieyihui @grrrck More info here: > #rstats

ashish (@a5hi5h; 0/0): The First Notebook War - So Joel Grus doesn’t like Jupyter notebooks. Here are some of my thoughts on notebooks, IDE, and R Markdown. - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉

Aizan Fahri IIX (@aixnr; 0/0): Thanks for this, @xieyihui !!

Carlos (@coforfe; 0/0):