私が初めて知っただけですが、Jupyterもブック形式での出力に注力している様子。早期の開発版という状態。Bookdownにも敬意を払っていて素晴らしい。R,Python, Julia、言語を問わない利点は大きい。すでにいくつかあるけど、今後これを使った教材が増えていくのだろうな。 https://t.co/2BmqCO6s4K https://t.co/KSUdznrNqI



sapfluxnet (@sapfluxnet; 1911): We have a brand new web!! Check it out: https://t.co/zn1aijxWdH Made almost completly in #rstats with the help of #blogdown, #pkgdown and #hugo

Dr Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 152): Here is a #IWD2019 initiative I can get behind. 3 #rstats women I admire: @djnavarro the gganimate queen, @apreshill for her blogdown generosity and @allison_horst for the way she captures the magic of R in art https://t.co/OxVNTiVwlN

Stephan Furger (@S_Furger; 103): Hey #Rstats fans I created an internal site with @gitlab and #Blogdown for our neuroscience researchers about R #DataScience, data wrangling #tidyverse, data visualization #DataViz #ggplot and statistics #ML. > Now I have to fill it with content. What shouldn‘t be missing? https://t.co/kYBKc2iJuM

alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 101): has anybody set up an SSL certificate for a #blogdown blog in #rstats? i’m trying to make https://t.co/ULpiJXH4vH not give off all kinds of warnings but don’t know anything about the internet

Maria Teresa Ortiz (@TeresaOM; 84): Just finished my website with #blogdown! I migrated from Squarespace and I still have to add some content but the process -so far- was pretty easy and fun #rstats #rstatsES https://t.co/efykqoxqts

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 70): @CandaceLapan Not only is R handy for all your data cleaning and analyzing needs, you can: make reproducible reports for your analysis (#rnotebooks), start an academic webpage on which you blog about your studies (#blogdown), and even present your projects as online books (#bookdown).

Sanjeev Kumar (@a_teachr; 61): @causalinf The incomparable Xihui (is he on twitter?) has created a whole ecosystem to build online content using R/RStudio/RMarkdown - Bookdown for writing books, blogdown for writing blogs/websites, he has a presentation package as well. Bookdown creates HTML, PDF, GitBook etc as outputs.

Kristen Osborne (@Kristen_Osb; 51): Having fun with #rmarkdown , #blogdown and general #rstats this weekend. Super easy to pickup if you’re thinking about trying it!

Dianne Cook (@visnut; 41): @StatSocAus @ABSStats @ACEMathStats @DiscoverAMSI @Minitab @rstudio @Swinburne @unisuperfund @BiswasRaaj @statsgen Wishing I was a young statistician again! Lovely to see web site that looks to be made with blogdown and an exciting lineup of keynotes, and opportunities to present your work. I wonder if a game of cricket could be in order since it’s at Manuka Oval 😜

Ariel Muldoon (@aosmith16; 40): My last two weeks of #blogdown: “Hey, I should do some (totally-unnecessary-because-the site-is-already-working-great) work on one of my websites.” “Rabbit hole!” 🐰 “Regrets!” “Revert.” 🤦‍♀️ Which has been a great way to procrastinate on grading.

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 20): @grrrck @xieyihui Does this extend to blogdown? Noice! https://t.co/tXIrtPsiaL

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 20): @kingsushigino @freakonometrics @EmilyRiederer Code folding is a JS that recognise the ‘r’ ‘pre’ tags. Individual buttons are recognized with their specific ‘id’. I isolated JS for code folding, do you speak JS ? https://t.co/NqCM7anc0l You may recognize a specific div class with JS that you specified in the chunk options.

Michael Harper (@MikeyLHarper; 20): One of the benefits of using a static website generator like #hugo / #blogdown is that your website can randomly encounter a 33000% increase in traffic and not crash your server. Still doesn’t explain why I got so many visits in a day though! https://t.co/vquaNwzK8T

Romain François 🧩 (@romain_francois; 20): @zentree That sounds like a nice #rtweet / #blogdown exercise 😋.

Arman Oganisian (@StableMarkets; 20): Thinking about migrating my wordpress blog to a blogdown site hosted with netlify. Posts with interactive visualizations sounds really cool.

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 10): @carroll_jono @xieyihui Yes it does! That’s how I stumbled into discovering the class.output chunk option. Are you having fun with blogdown?

Jose S. Ameijeiras (@jsameijeiras; 10): Realmente, blogdown de @xieyihui es de lo mejor cito para crear sitios webs sin salir del entorno de R. Y una muy buena forma, también, de acercarte al mundo web. Al menos para los no 100% tech.

Sanjeev Kumar (@a_teachr; 10): @causalinf I misspelled his name: its Yihui Xie. His wonderful website (created in blogdown of course): https://t.co/1Gzuj87ODA. The definite resource for bookdown is Yihui free eBook (created in bookdown of course): https://t.co/m88YZoW7Lu

Fatih Kansoy (@kansoy; 10): I have just updated [transferred from wordpress(dynamic) to hugo(static)] my website by using @georgecushen’s academic-theme + with helping #Rstats, #blogdown, #python and deployed at @github and @Netlify. –> https://t.co/SX1AR4xvnk

Morgan Brand (@morgsbrew; 10): @marcdotson @drob @juliasilge @andrewheiss @betanalpha @JennyBryan @jdotson77 #blogdown

Alexey Shiklomanov (@ashiklom711; 10): @infotroph My current website is built with Jekyll, with a Makefile that knits my Rmd files. However, I’m planning on converting it to blogdown – it works out of the box with Rmd (which can run not just R, but Python, C++ , and more!), and is built on Hugo, which is popular and mature.

Matt.0 (@MattOldach; 0/0): Hey @jtleek I really appreciate your CBDS guide to setting up a #rstats blogdown site. Unfortunately, it’s the second time I need to 🔥 my repo. For some reason Rstudio forgot the git connection establishment 🤔. 1/n https://t.co/c7M9gGRKQq

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/0): CRAN updates: blogdown distrTeach Rcmdr RobAStRDA SHT https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

Michael Bolger (@michaelbolger; 0/0): First post: Getting started with blogdown on Synology - https://t.co/un9zUeIO6O https://t.co/NtKfYpqhnU


Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 12842): 私が初めて知っただけですが、Jupyterもブック形式での出力に注力している様子。早期の開発版という状態。Bookdownにも敬意を払っていて素晴らしい。R,Python, Julia、言語を問わない利点は大きい。すでにいくつかあるけど、今後これを使った教材が増えていくのだろうな。 https://t.co/2BmqCO6s4K https://t.co/KSUdznrNqI

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 4012): as my R tricks list becoming long, it is hard to track. thinking about making it a book (by bookdown) and organize by categories (visualization, tidyverse) and open for contribution https://t.co/2FFpI1alMb #rstats I try to add the reference (tweet, stackoverflow link)

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 171): @LittleMissData One thing I have embraced since joining @rstudio is using parameterized .rmd files (https://t.co/qhwuvWnfVm). I now use them all the time- you can even use them in #xaringan slides: https://t.co/M2fnArUX6D > Nice touch for learners to play with an Rmd but only change Parma’s

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 1513): Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux https://t.co/PDt1Zz6MYj https://t.co/DVOGINmOri

Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 116): コードのコピーもボタン一発だし、ThebeLab 、binderとの連携ですぐにコードを試せるというのも良い。(ついでに、心なしかgitbookベースのbookdownよりも見た目が洗礼されているようにも見える。ぐぬぬ…)

Dale Barr (@dalejbarr; 90): @JhendersonIMB Bookdown and gitbooks are great if you use R/RMarkdown https://t.co/9XKNNnxcyk

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 71): @JhendersonIMB +1 for bookdown, which I’ve used for a few OER projects. I made these notes on the process I used https://t.co/RJTRONzA5K In general the R Markdown universe supports embedding of the things you mentioned. But, it’s mostly a homebrew kind of process without official support.

Neptanum (@neptanum; 46): Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux https://t.co/Du6T2n81ib @gp_pulipaka https://t.co/CmcmMr9q0C

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 41): Moodle 2.4のマニュアルを作って放置してあったので、Bookdownを使って学内向けにMoodle 3.5のマニュアルを作ります。

niszet📚技術書典6か21 (@niszet0; 41): みんなもう通読しているんだろうなぁ・・・周回遅れどころではない…。 > R Markdown: The Definitive Guide https://t.co/KINyh4QIxj

Andy Gonzalez (@bio_diverse; 41): @resilienceSci @seb_renaut @sthlmresilience This book “R Markdown: The Definitive Guide” is a very good resource: https://t.co/KtVR27t353 Written in #Bookdown > The R Markdown from R Studio tutorial is good too: https://t.co/zrrptQvCr2 > Intro for writing reproducible papers: https://t.co/IOKsmws3Ua

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 30): Bookdownがすばらしいことをが分かってきた。あとはTeXを入れないとPDF出力できないんだっけか。これを明日やるか。

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 30): Bookdownでこういうのを作っている。 https://t.co/BsIfjjStG4

atusy (@Atsushi776; 30): Rmd: The Definitive Guide で最近勉強になったのは (ref:foo) を使って chunk option外にフィギュアキャプションを書いておくと,マークダウン記法をフィギュアキャプション内で利用できるってことやな. > https://t.co/owBWA4UdvS

Stephen Kinsella (@stephenkinsella; 30): @KevinSLeahy @jmkorhonen Perhaps, but even if you really want a textbook, you can get like this which is far better than the material I had when I did econometrics back in the day. https://t.co/KUaaUvN73X

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 21): bookdownのはじめかたからしてわからない。とりあえず https://t.co/rkjL2ZBWDH ここのを持ってきてみた。フォルダ名がそのままbookdown-demoになるのがださい。

SFRA is good (@TheRealEveret; 20): @causalinf I believe yes. You write in Rmd, maybe have a few YAML config files, compile w/ bookdown, & output is HTML, displays as an ebook-like webpage (below). You can have buttons to download as PDF or epub. Also a button to view the source code of the book. https://t.co/nggF7hncsa

Ryan Travis (@fledglingStat; 20): @causalinf https://t.co/KxxZgzowHd Has a lot of resources and examples

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 20): @aosmith16 Me but with bookdown/doctorate. 🤣🥐

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 11): R book down cheatsheet https://t.co/eceD8wxvjk

atusy (@Atsushi776; 11): @daihiko @niszet0 RStudio %>% File %>% New File %>% New Project… %>% New Directory %>% Book Project using bookdown で好きな名前のディレクトリにデモデータが作成されますよー.

William Chase (@W_R_Chase; 10): @thomas_mock These ones were almost all possible due to packages from @thomasp85 and @ClausWilke . But I have thought about writing a bookdown about some ggplot hacks, and more generally with all the stuff I constantly google about ggplot… as much for my own benefit as others

Stephen Kinsella (@stephenkinsella; 10): @MJSteilen Through the UL library I’ll often assign e-texts, but I’m much happier to send students to something like, say, this. https://t.co/BHXq6BvtK8

JD Long (@CMastication; 10): @ginandepi I’m finishing up a book all written in RMarkdown (bookdown). Recommended!

SFRA is good (@TheRealEveret; 10): @causalinf I haven’t had anything to say valuable enough to warrant a book, so I haven’t used bookdown in production yet. Lmk how it goes.

SFRA is good (@TheRealEveret; 10): @causalinf They’re built using the bookdown R package. Chapters written in Rmarkdown. https://t.co/1dJtRqbIut

scott cunningham (@causalinf; 10): @a_teachr So it sounds like it’s definitely Bookdown. Others mentioned it as well. So that’s what I’ll write down. Thanks!

Ilya Kashnitsky (@ikashnitsky; 10): @nikolasander Thanks to @xieyihui for {bookdown}. Check your https://t.co/T5BxKSJCNq for other cool #rstats books

Achmad Syahrul Choir (@madsyair; 10): https://t.co/1taqc16hl1 Dengan belajar bookdown, terbukalah pintu ilmu. Banyak buku yg ditulis dengan bookdown. Kebanyakan kode2 buku tsb juga tersedia di github. Ini bisa dicari di google: github “judul buku”

Alex Swiderski (@AlexSwiderski; 10): @CandaceLapan @djnavarro Commit to not opening spss for a month or so and you win! @SolomonKurz forgot to mention his bookdown, which may also provide aid in Bayesian inference

Alberto G8 (@albertoflorez21; 10): https://t.co/bn77bWZjrB https://t.co/sbsxuR2zqQ

Max Kuhn (@topepos; 10): @adosibalo It sounds like right-censored data (APM pg 41?) and https://t.co/4qMKIG0Gpe. If so, there are survival models (aka time-to-event models) that can be used.

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 0/1): @AlexSwiderski @CandaceLapan @djnavarro That’s kind of you to mention. My #bookdown projects seemed a little niche for what she was asking for. But yes, those can be helpful options for folks interested in mixing #rstats + Bayes.

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 0/0): https://t.co/VUXbp0rDlF Bookdownで画像を入れる方法。ただ、どうもfig.capとかサイズの指定が効かないので継続した研究が必要。

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 0/0): Bookdownで図表番号を自動付与する。またぞうさんか! https://t.co/BYrOIPrxKg

中西大輔 (@daihiko; 0/0): bookdownでも使おうかと思って、とりあえず「bookdown kazutan」で検索する。

OZAWA (@ozapro18; 0/0): 僕はBookdownが何だかわからないので、残念ながら手伝えない。無念である。

MH Manuel Haqiqatkhah (@_psyguy; 0/0): “Introduction to Econometrics with R.” #Bookdown by Hanck C., Arnold M., Gerber A., and Schmelzer M. > https://t.co/SeOq6rkQMz

MH Manuel Haqiqatkhah (@_psyguy; 0/0): “How To Do Archaeological Science Using R.” Online #bookdown by Ben Marwick. > https://t.co/RxZojD1TTy

Data Science Boom (@datascienceboom; 0/0): Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models. Book by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson https://t.co/8BoTcaxAH2

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 0/0): @freakonometrics Here it is!: https://t.co/mdAFUVTjyI

scott cunningham (@causalinf; 0/0): @TheRealEveret So you could write the book in bookdown and product html versions of each chapter? Does this also have the option to let people comment on the online version or am I thinking of something else? I should have bookmarked this a long time ago but forgot but it came up.

Richard (@richardvenusfo; 0/0): Trying out a bookdown example in #R LaTeX was working fine for a long time… apparently latex_engine:pdflatex rather than xelatex option in output.yml made it work

Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 0/0): @derek__beaton @LisaDeBruine @Ref The best way (as @aggieerin points out https://t.co/mFc3YltjvQ) is to correctly use the bookdown cross-referencing syntax: https://t.co/R32nbNkfkv

何柏慧千 (@hebaihuiqian; 0/0): 1.3 Usage | bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown https://t.co/JGwaDAumSJ


R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 4310): Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs https://t.co/96ZFCkfsFA #rstats #DataScience

Oscar Olvera (@oscar_olvera100; 40): @JoshuaGrubbsPhD TeX was developed by mathy people for mathy people precisely because it’s incredibly useful for equation-heavy writing I think it’s only become popular outside cuz of its interface with RMarkdown/knitr Now on the coding part, just to be controversial 😈 https://t.co/tzWa0xFQPj

Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 22): Old post but is it possible to paramterize parametrs in knitr to display values conditional on a previous selector within the shiny app that knitr launches? https://t.co/eygztr3myO #rstats

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 20): @jonatanpallesen @elbersb @rweekly_org Go to options in the knitr setup chunk, and add collapse = TRUE

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | Style knitr Code Output Appearance in HTML with Custom CSS Classes https://t.co/zHRyhAr8Q1

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 10): @EmilyRiederer Oh thanks! ☺️ > I am really glad I helped you merged such a great new feature! > ➡️ Thank you @EmilyRiederer for adding a new #knitr engine sass/scss to convert Sass/SCSS to CSS. > What a 👍 first PR! And it is on CRAN now! 🎉

Javier Abella (@JavierAbellaG; 10): Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs https://t.co/NZbgViBMSv https://t.co/Wwnb67QxXb

Tim Trice (@timtrice; 10): Then when I’m ready to write, if I want to include that chunk to show the code, I can do so with knitr::read_chunk (to read the code) https://t.co/HNSug5qskh

Derek Beaton (@derek__beaton; 10): @LisaDeBruine @Ref The second response here has helped me a few times (in either papaja or rticles… I can’t remember which): https://t.co/4nLD2kyQ4c > where you ref a label in the fig.cap defined in the chunk as opposed to the chunk name. > Is there a better way @FrederikAust?

fragiledata (@fragiledata; 10): @ryanwesslen “Knitr (or Magrittr) critters”? Though not necessarily related to Shiny or ggplot!

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 0/1): Answered my own question: https://t.co/TkEAls95TH > Good to know that this is a really obscure and weird thing and not just me being dumb with my code

niszet📚技術書典6か21 (@niszet0; 0/0): @kato_kohaku 未だknitr/rmarkdownに疎いままのですが、Pandoc2.6からipynb形式の入出力が出来るようになりまして、Rmd->ipynbの変換がRのパッケージで出来るはずなのでもう誰か作っているだろうと思ったけど見つからなかった、というのが背景になります…。reticulateで処理した場合は出力はRmdでしょうか…?

niszet📚技術書典6か21 (@niszet0; 0/0): @Atsushi776 knitr::kable()が対応しているので、それでよいと言えばよいのですよね…。 が、見栄えが…という気持ちで。ちょっとそれも試してみますか…

claudîus (@dataclaudius; 0/0): Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs via #rbloggers #rstats #datascience https://t.co/nsv1yNdNfx

Data Geek (@datascigeek; 0/0): Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs https://t.co/NhKnavoLjD #r #statistics #data science

Pierre DeBois - Zimana Digital Analytics Services (@ZimanaAnalytics; 0/0): A new daily post from Rbloggers, a site for R programming techniques and news - Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs https://t.co/Tl5IFRHs0C

Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/0): Posted by Yongfu, Liao, now on R-bloggers: Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs #rstats https://t.co/FL8SS6IiXq

Chandan Kumar (@Chandanrtcs; 0/0): Wrapper of knitr::include_graphics to Handle URLs & PDF Outputs https://t.co/gtoF9hjs0e

Jonatan Pallesen (@jonatanpallesen; 0/0): @elbersb @dataandme @rweekly_org This is cool. > I attached a screenshot of how it looks using knitr. I feel like it should be in one box instead of 5 seperate. https://t.co/IvPLpaKfxs

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 0/0): Yet another tricky knitr / #rstats Q: When knitting and using opts_chunk$set(dev = c(“png”, “cairo_pdf”)) to save figs as PNG/PDF everything works great, except knitr generates a ton of warnings even though it works fine. What are these ghost messages? https://t.co/vNZJjcOOck

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/0): CRAN updates: aweek knitr https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

BountyBot (@BountyBot; 0/0): How to use Cairo PNGs in R Markdown https://t.co/Xzs79dMqdB Amt:500 #R #Ggplot2 #RMarkdown #Knitr #Cairo

Mohamad Ghassany (@M_Ghass; 0/0): knitr::purl(“foo.Rmd”) https://t.co/7taZnzSYKs


niszet📚技術書典6か21 (@niszet0; 10): やったー! https://t.co/39vpsouE3r


André Calero Valdez (@Sumidu; 10): @AchimZeileis Solution was found! Thanks! TinyTex was lacking some packages, moved to MacTex. Everything is fine!

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/0): CRAN updates: codemetar ems GMCM sjmisc tinytex https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

Achim Zeileis (@AchimZeileis; 0/0): @Sumidu Thanks! I also posted my comments on SO. If you could find out what went wrong for you, this might be useful for other users of TinyTex.


Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 10019): Not sure how I just found out about these now but the macros in Xaringan/remark.js are super duper useful! Here’s a few that I have made that have already saved me lots of copying and pasting! Just as I thought I may go back to keynote #rstats comes through! https://t.co/iTcqwAH6Gz

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 4811): One of the best talks I got to hear at #rstudioconf! Also the most beautiful- slides made with #xaringan 👩🏼‍🎤 > Repo: > https://t.co/q3cwlcTU5N https://t.co/MfLYCM4OO5

Ulrik Lyngs (@ulyngs; 90): Hello, R Markdown! Flip through the slides for Day 1 of my @Project_TIER introduction to #rmarkdown here: https://t.co/3Lm5sM9VOb
> Made with @xieyihui’s #xaringan > #TIEROxford2019 https://t.co/WLw5OXJgWx

Jakub Nowosad (@jakub_nowosad; 40): @MorelleKevin @robinlovelace Hi Kevin, I think it depends on the type of the rmarkdown presentation, e.g. “R Presentation”, “ioslides”, “Slidy”, “xaringan”… Which one are you uisng?

Bea. (@Chucheria; 30): First time using xaringan. Between the name and the YOLO option and the R-Ladies theme, I’m falling in love.

William Chase (@W_R_Chase; 20): @ulyngs @PSU_Anthro Sure, my slides are all made using the Xaringan package. The rmd for all of them is here https://t.co/6gSgRfgJxq

Matt.0 (@MattOldach; 10): Having lots of fun trying out @xieyihui xaringan::infinite_moon_reader() with the ninjutsu theme #rstats https://t.co/c13Ww5mL16

Matt.0 (@MattOldach; 10): @tjmahr @Bioconductor Shameless plug: Come for the memes, stay for the Drake! https://t.co/UwMUAEB0HQ https://t.co/lNIQV7JSES

John S. Erickson (@olyerickson; 10): @danbrewer If you like #ioslides you’ll love #xaringan, an #RMarkdown and #remarkjs-based presentation framework by @xieyihui https://t.co/cdysyc3WTt . Also consider #Slidy, which gives you “infinitely long” slides (sometimes very useful)

Dr Zeydy Ortiz (@Dr_ZOrtiz; 10): @rick_pack2 @RLadiesRTP @RTPAnalysts Learned a new trick from you yesterday: add a line at the top of the xaringan document (over the title) that will appear in all of the charts. Loved the collaboration!

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 10): @andrew_leach Oh, one last tip is that you can add s’thg like system("npm bin/decktape remark slides.html slides.pdf") to the very end of your Xaringan slides if you want to create a PDF copy. You need to install decktape.js first, but it works like a charm: https://t.co/XbiirwiqCE

Christopher (@communicating; 10): An R package for creating slideshows with remark.js through R Markdown https://t.co/CXVUi5cUud

Ulrik Lyngs (@ulyngs; 0/0): Slides for Day 2 of my @Project_TIER introduction to #rmarkdown here - Applications of R Markdown! > https://t.co/r6k8uYmD6m > Lots of #xaringan love! #TIEROxford2019 https://t.co/Iz8rNDGcpc

Equal Pay Act (@equalpayact; 0/0): From #Reddit: the ggplot flipbook, building charts slowly - made with xaringan (cross post from r/programming) via /r/dataisbeautiful https://t.co/NqdwQ6xzMh

AV Speech Processing (@AV_SP; 0/0): Gotta love xaringan https://t.co/5vAlEEd2tv Here is a great example by Gina Reynolds - the ggplot flipbook https://t.co/MJlcO0cQgy

Ani (@animesh1977; 0/0): the ggplot flipbook - building charts slowly - made with xaringan https://t.co/MsZuEMD32Y

Ilya Kashnitsky (@ikashnitsky; 0/0): @nikolasander @xieyihui There are many more reasons of that kind. Among my recent ones are {radix}, {xaringan}, the new {gganimate}, {r2d3}, {stars}, {pagedown}

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 0/0): @andrew_leach @dataandme @earowang Not to interject, but you should be able to deploy Xaringan slides pretty easily using GitHub and https://t.co/QdPea47P1a. Trick is just to swap out the suffix (and remove “blob/”). E.g. Original GH location: https://t.co/vG9QXIXZhs Rendered slides: https://t.co/QuQRxw81q9

Andrew Leach 🇨🇦 (@andrew_leach; 0/0): @dataandme @earowang Great deck. Earo, is this using the self-contained option in xaringan to create the rendered slides or are you dealing with all the images and such manually? I’m struggling with web deploys of xaringan.


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 242): @sharlagelfand see @xieyihui’s advice (and it still happens to me too): https://t.co/NnfJGI3xep

Jakub Nowosad (@jakub_nowosad; 175): A nice set of tips from @xieyihui on how to build incremental slides - https://t.co/MFOTJ2Orq7. One of many useful features of the xaringan 📦#rstats https://t.co/C4nfXImPBu

Jana Jarecki (@JanaJarecki; 21): how weird is it when code jokes make you laugh out loud? from https://t.co/rtdYdEytGb https://t.co/Hfww97BEDT

Ken Bodnar (@ArtofWarm; 20): The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides - Instant preview without fully rebuilding HTML, and the… https://t.co/YKzha74NNq

Tiago MBP (@tiagombp; 10): @bwundervald @leleportella @xieyihui has a really nice post about his struggles with a foreign language. > https://t.co/pN6ANHDwNm