I just taught a conference workshop for R newbies, and I wanted to send them home with an online booklet (https://t.co/kadYTvrazx) to try out. @xieyihui’s wonderful bookdown to the rescue! The sugar on top? @eddelbuettel ’s binb package for the slides (https://t.co/RPldiCwbo5).



Malcolm Barrett 🦁🐻 (@malco_barrett; 168/27): Just added to my Rprofile: a function that takes R Markdown HTML slides, moves them to the static folder of my blogdown site, and pushes it to the web. Gist: https://t.co/oCiqMZumnt

I can’t tell you how many times the fs and git2r #rstats packages have made my life easier!

Chi Zhang (Andrea) (@Andreasheenn; 28/7): Yesterday I gave my first talk (ever) at my local R Meetup on #blogdown, it was fun 😄 I have a companion blogpost (like everybody) on https://t.co/3rkx6CR1ek. Glad to join the community! Thanks @xieyihui @apreshill for making it easy 😇 #rstats #rladies @RLadiesOslo https://t.co/WCDFsSiN3j

Steen Harsted (@SteenHarsted; 22/0): @KBoogie @thomasp85 Stay tuned - I will write a blog and share some code :-) (as soon as I learn blogdown or something similar).

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 18/2): Was a guest speaker today in the Harvard undergrad “Gov 1005: Data” class! Demo’d how I use #rstats notebooks/Github/RPubs/#blogdown to make my content reproducible & accessible. 👩‍💻 Thanks to XKCD for providing me (a self-taught useR) with the perfect content for my last slide. https://t.co/F79EOjxO08

Sally Grace (@sallyagrace; 9/2): Shoutout to Twitter lord @dsquintana for making this thread on how to build your own academic website in #rstats blogdown so easy to follow! 🙌

You can find mine at https://t.co/B1NglThTxv https://t.co/YOG5yl8DXY

𝙸𝚕𝚓𝚊 #saveYourInternet (@fubits; 5/3): TIL that even if even you just use #blogdown only, the #bookdown book is a must-read nonetheless - i.e. because of ⁦@xieyihui⁩’s intro to essential YAML basics. I’m afraid that this probably is also true for the RMarkdown book… 😬 #rstats https://t.co/HB2QAuPjum

Edward Anton Rubin (@edrubin; 3/1): @JoshuaSGoodman You can also build with R Markdown (https://t.co/GmCWQYm5e3) and Github pages for a totally free website (example: https://t.co/43xrcmhKH8).

Blogdown (https://t.co/4VLVmSvAFG) is super fast (and also free).

AlfredoSanchez-Tojar (@ASanchez_Tojar; 3/0): Half way (20h) through my trip to #ESHCanberra2019 & I managed to put together an academic website using blogdown. Hoping to launch it very soon. Stay tuned!

AlfredoSanchez-Tojar (@ASanchez_Tojar; 3/0): @kirstyjean A potential alternative could be using blogdown. Below there is an excellent tutorial to create an academic website using blogdown: https://t.co/ybWR6sllio

🇲🇽 Dr. Leonardo Collado-Torres (@fellgernon; 3/0): I can make hugo/#blogdown websites, but I think that it might be best to get a designer to update my mom’s https://t.co/hC65W2BSDK for 2019 PC/mobile browsing & adding web shopping utilities.

Do your recommend someone? Or do you have an hugo theme +some web shop plugins in mind? https://t.co/wrTocHh9XK

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @cantabile @rensa_co @apreshill Oh, thanks Twitter for the disorganized conversations… I just saw this one. Maybe Stack Overflow next time?

I don’t like YAML or TOML (fn 23: https://t.co/26O5kGHzQn), but I don’t know a better alternative, either. The world of config languages is a total mess.

jsonpott (@jsonpott; 2/1): @TheDataAnts @rstats4ds @rstats @sirajraval Rmarkdown and blog down? You can then host using nettify and github/bucket


Aditya Mangal (@AdityaMangal410; 2/1): Moved over blog from using #pelican on #github pages to #blogdown on @Netlify. Took less than an hour, super impressed with both of these tools! 😎👏🏻 #rstats Check it out here - https://t.co/D9lRHoBXYm

jormtz (@mtzzmtzz; 2/0): creo que no entiendo muy bien lo que hice, pero siguiendo varios tutoriales por fin pude montar un sitio de prueba en GitHub Pages con blogdown y Hugo

Ilya Kashnitsky (@ikashnitsky; 2/0): @SteenHarsted @umairdurrani87 @_seantma @thomasp85 Another option is to ask for setup help at https://t.co/e5c4qd7oxR. The community is amazing at promoting easy #blogdown.

JEMSU (@Jemus42; 1/2): Is it just me or is a decent content security policy (CSP) header really painful to figure out for #shiny, #RMarkdown and #blogdown projects if you haven’t basically DIY’d the whole project from the ground up for safety? #rstats

La ilusión de Nina (@lailusiondeNina; 1/1): New Post!

🍍 Fruit of exotic aroma and refreshing flavor. Between sweet and acid. Between freshness and passion.

#ukbloggers #tropical #blogposts #blogpost #dress #DressAGraduate #dressing #Blogs #blogdown #bloghour #bloghop #BlogLikeABoss #BlogLCU #Tbt https://t.co/ZHjehrrRkK

La ilusión de Nina (@lailusiondeNina; 1/0): 📷“La fotografía como cualquier otro lenguaje, permite siempre ser pensada de nuevo.”- Terré

#fotografia #FOTOS #blog #blogquirky #blogetan #BlogTour #BLOGOS #blogoftheday #BlogosphereChat #blogpost #BlogPzP #blogposts #Blogs #blogdown #BlogLCU #blogchat #blogset #blogsofa #Tbt https://t.co/fhO72NU3LJ

AlfredoSanchez-Tojar (@ASanchez_Tojar; 1/0): Off I go, hopefully I manage to:

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 1/0): Sidenote, this project is also to school myself in blogdown::, just in case I run into formatting hell with distill:: for thesis. I haven’t figured out how to customise yet, but I’m impressed with the defaults 🥐

Dorris A. Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 1/0): This might be useful for those who use blogdown. How to add Google Analytics on your Hugo site: https://t.co/N3mLmQdfi1. Some themes already have the Google Analytics set up, so all you need to do is set up your Google Analytics site and get a tracking ID!

Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 1/0): @DataKimist Python: my blog was made with Python before moving to blogdown. R: APIs, SQL connections, automated reports, linear models

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/0): @frizzyroselle I don’t, sorry. I use blogdown to write blog posts with R Markdown: https://t.co/e6Xj4bXVDl

meu nome nao e charles (@comsemassim; 0/0): On page 134 of 188 of blogdown, by Yihui Xie https://t.co/OW7YxrQAmP

meu nome nao e charles (@comsemassim; 0/0): On page 134 of 188 of blogdown, by Yihui Xie https://t.co/o56jgVL0aG

Glyn Mottershead (@glynmottershead; 0/0): of course that should have been blogdown #damnyouautocorrect

Professional Griefer (@Ctrl_Shft_Del; 0/0): Hello @sellorm, I’d like to add my blog to the https://t.co/WyveozZCr9 curated list, I need some assistance. Kindly follow back for DM.


Brooke Anderson (@gbwanderson; 257/61): I just taught a conference workshop for R newbies, and I wanted to send them home with an online booklet (https://t.co/kadYTvrazx) to try out. @xieyihui’s wonderful bookdown to the rescue! The sugar on top? @eddelbuettel ’s binb package for the slides (https://t.co/RPldiCwbo5).

Florian Privé (@privefl; 233/73): Finished teaching my advanced #rstats course for PhD students for the 2nd year 💪


Materials always available as an online #bookdown:

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 72/6): Heads up: I’m very close to releasing the update of my recoding Statistical Rethinking #bookdown project.

Many of you have helped me correct typos and clean up my code. Thank you!

If anyone has further suggestions on how to improve the text, now’s the time.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20/2): @yoniceedee @apreshill @ijlyttle @cantabile @RoelandtN42 @rensa_co @JenRichmondPhD @WeAreRLadies I’m surprised that you still haven’t got an answer, with the help of so many experts in my eyes. I’m never a fan of YAML, but… I’m afraid you have to learn YAML anyway. Answer:

trials: 10
k: [3, 7, 10, 20]

Here is my 1-min YAML intro: https://t.co/omr1vdXGtR

Pablo Casas (@pabloc_ds; 10/5): Data Science Live Book 📗 [ed. Jan 2019]
Paperback available at:

B/W: https://t.co/B0xNL4JnRt
Color: https://t.co/w5gH9G2cRc

Awarded by the ‘1st Bookdown Contest’ (@rstudio 🚀 )
#MachineLearning #Rstats #datascience https://t.co/pagvZX78IM

Ulrik Lyngs (@ulyngs; 10/3): #oxforddown v1.0 is out! Write your @UniofOxford #phd thesis in #rmarkdown and output to PDF, gitbook, and Word - now includes video tutorials! https://t.co/VWw3OwL8V3

Thanks @xieyihui for #bookdown @old_man_chester for #thesisdown and @McManigleMD’s for #OxThesis @rusersoxford

Martin Montane (@martinmontane; 6/0): @iamuncleken @JorgelinaM_ https://t.co/RYQs1OrkiI quién pide un paquete en R recibirá un libro sobre el tema en R

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 5/2): 📚#AdvancedR, Secong Edition - Hadley Wickham👇
#BOOKDOWN: https://t.co/3lWQWYmgz0
#RStats #RStudio #Statistical #DataAnalysis #DataScience https://t.co/adyNd9xnd5

Peter Hickey (@PeteHaitch; 4/0): @davisjmcc @Bioconductor @lievenClement We’ll see! I’ve likely a scRNA-seq workshop to give in Melbourne around that time, too, so it’ll be a busy time.
Regardless, all the course materials will be available using bookdown like last year https://t.co/W55KWltKdY

Emma Rand (@er13_r; 4/0): @Neooology @DataCamp 💻 Tutorials on DataCamp https://t.co/rj5TrWjPO7
💻 follow @Rbloggers
💻 google R tutorials!
💻 N. D. Phillips’ YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R https://t.co/qUBB4O2Pdc
💻 W. Chang Cook book for R https://t.co/tFU8GcAXLC
💻 for UG biologists https://t.co/DxhxWqbU0j

Riinu Ots (@RiinuOts; 3/1): @ewenharrison @ProfG_Edinsurg @ProfW_edinsurg @NIHR_GSU @ksoreide @BecomingDataSci @DataLabScotland @EdinUniUsher @GlobalHealthEdi @drob @juliasilge and @drob what was it like co-authoring a book using #bookdown and GitHub?
We’re well into branches and merge conflicts already 😅😬🤷‍♀️
Did either of you ever write up/come across good notes on this in addition to https://t.co/CzTN6Yz9Jj… 👏👌

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 3/0): @BrodieGaslam @thosjleeper Did I had forgotten that I started to work on that a while back? Yes.
I have a POC for that somewhere on my laptop, converting package doc into a bookdown, and converting manuals from you local R installation into bookdown.

Nahuel Bargas (@Nahuel_Sef; 2/0): @martinmontane @Diego_Koz @Nicolas_Ajz @constant_hevia @emiliano_libman El paquete rticles simplifica un poco la estandarización del R-markdown para los requerimentos de diversos journals.
La explicación se encuentra en el capítulo 13 del libro:

mixOmics (@mixOmics_team; 1/1): @ContinentalIv That is correct, you can find us in bioconductor with a new tutorial vignette! https://t.co/nRgI1rpnN2 #rstats #bookdown

Monica (@monipip3; 1/0): Writing my first research paper using this resource https://t.co/QhC6cBvOOy . As a grad student using R, I am so thankful for the bountiful/well thought out/well laid out resources in the #R community. #researchpaper #gradstudent #rladies

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 1/0): @ColinTQuirk Thanks!

That’s a good question. I haven’t attempted using #bookdown for PDFs. I’ll look into it.

Paul Teas (@Paul_Teas; 1/0): @JeffSkals I learned to code with R and this site really helped me - https://t.co/oRYdqmdnW6

Sep Dadsetan (@phdjsep; 1/0): @AllenDowney Still a WIP but I’ve managed to publish it as a github page for now: https://t.co/K7s5JG0ApM

rexarski (@rexarski; 0/0): 其实bookdown的showcase页面也是一个很好的R语言入门学习资源页。https://t.co/sdXPK5ustG

Peter Dahlgren (@peterdalle; 0/0): @staffanbetner https://t.co/5SpJSJfhaO

jonathan rosenblatt (@johnros2013; 0/0): @xieyihui Using and loving bookdown.
How do you recommend to deal with URLs? Using link is a problem when in the print version, and using the full URL inline hurts readability.
Maybe have a separate bibliography for URLs?


Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 32/1): @WeAreRLadies I think you’d be interested in @xieyihui ’s article on Code Externalization https://t.co/BxRiOWHPib

Nat Price (@DayduhScientist; 30/5): Excited about my new CV workflow to uncouple data storage from design. Put my education, experience, etc. in CSV files and publications in BibTex. knitr + vitae + dplyr + LaTeX to create PDF. #rstats @rOpenSci https://t.co/I7kH5UlcNS

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 13/0): @theaknowles @PhDemetri I would bite the bullet and use two different chunks and toggle which shows with knitr::is_latex_output()

Nancy Huynh (@nh_writes; 12/2): Trying out a few new tricks (knitr::kable() so handy!) I’ve seen around from other #TidyTuesday posts. Here’s the most popular first letter of pet names in 2018 Seattle: M, S, B, C, and L // see next tweet for code walk-thru #rstats https://t.co/29I3Lgv2dp

Darren L Dahly (@statsepi; 9/1): @jd_wilko I bop this into mine, which is usually what I want for a “clean” doc.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE,
fig.width = 6 * 1.67, fig.height = 6)

John Muschelli (@StrictlyStat; 7/2): Oh God purl = FALSE, where have you been all my life #knitr #rstats @xieyihui https://t.co/ak4w2kSJee

boB 🇷udis (@hrbrmstr; 6/1): knitr::knit_expand() is the 🐝 knees #rstats

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 5/0): @LisaDeBruine Or knitr::inline_expr(‘3+4’). Also see https://t.co/dxnOpExYNc

Will Hulme (@wjchulme; 2/1): @epi_afro @jd_wilko get this bookmarked :) https://t.co/qiidXeFbwR

Scott Stoltzman (@stoltzmaniac; 1/0): @felipe_mattioni @xieyihui @apreshill Thinking something like this could be better: https://t.co/jEG9sL48z5

Eric Leung (@erictleung; 1/0): @AmyDWillis It appears you can access the YAML header metadata through rmarkdown::metadata list https://t.co/CEcs5MBBtJ. Hope that guides you in the right direction!

Nic Fox (@nic_fox_; 0/0): @enoches @hadleywickham Ah OK! Thanks. Well, I get an error whether its loaded or not. Initially I had the following loaded: tidyverse, operators, dplyr, ggplot2, knitr. Then added plyr and got a different error. Then tried loading plyr and dplyr in the opposite order and still get the error :(


Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 7/0): @cantabile I have discovered that the tinytex 📦has handy tools for analysing the .log files, which solved my problems for me. That is, after I wasted half an hour trying to install MiKTeX for no good reason

Adam Gruer (@AdamGruer; 2/0): @djnavarro So glad whe I recently found out about tinytex

STAT_NT UDELAR-IESTA (@STAT_NT; 2/0): Si no tienen LaTeX instalado aún, usen #TinyTeX para compilar #Rmarkdown a pdf
Es muy sencillo usando el paquete #tinytex para instalar #TinyTeX (https://t.co/2cYqelxKuN)


Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 1/0): @AdamGruer Seriously. TinyTeX is the best!


Towards Data Science (@TDataScience; 5/3): The Ultimate Infinite Moon Reader for xaringan Slides: Instant preview without fully rebuilding HTML, and the linked navigation. https://t.co/0LQYhHVbT1 🖊by @xieyihui #rstats #TDSPick 🌖

Charles Lanfear (@cclanfear; 4/0): Useful script for today: When my Xaringan slides for my R course knit, they’ll have an option to automatically pop up a headless Chrome instance to print them to PDF immediately. Basic code:

chrome –headless –print-to-pdf=“output_path” “input_path”

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Image-grid with Ninjutsu CSS theme in Xaringan https://t.co/BQA8SLgzaN

Prof Gaëlle 🇪🇺 (@ProfGaelle; 1/0): I’m sure everyone in my Twitter echo chamber knows about Presentation Ninja, but still, let me say 🤩🤩🤩 https://t.co/Om9pPw2J7r

marquetti (@lucaasmarquetti; 0/0): Lucas: família
Vó: Cocozinho
Demais pessoas: marquetti, baguete, espaguete, boquete, raquete, patinete, relâmpago marquetti e xaringan Kkkkkkk https://t.co/KQVCPqI2xS


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 8/0): @joelgombin No, but xfun::embed_file() does: https://t.co/XHdxZ7tICZ

Michael Steeves (@steevmi1; 1/0): @0x0ddc0ffee May or may not work for you, but check out TinyTeX.
