My first major PR as an @rstudio summer intern has been merged! #ggplot2 now has a new vignette on best practices for using it within an #rstats 📦. If you have an #rstats 📦 that uses ggplot give it a read and let me know what you think!



Dewey Dunnington (@paleolimbot; 451/92): My first major PR as an @rstudio summer intern has been merged! #ggplot2 now has a new vignette on best practices for using it within an #rstats 📦. If you have an #rstats 📦 that uses ggplot give it a read and let me know what you think!

Garrett Grolemund (@StatGarrett; 390/124): Thank you @khailper for a #gganimate #rstats cheatsheet. Animate ggplot2 plots! Available at @rstudio

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 365/89): Fab intro to one of the 🐐 ggplot2 extensions!
🌈 “gghighlight: Highlight ggplot2 w/ predicates” by @yutannihilat_en #rstats #dataviz

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 351/98): I prepared step-by-step instructions for reproducing a few of the figures from my book. #rstats #ggplot2 #dataviz

David Robinson (@drob; 321/56): Just learned about a new feature in dplyr 0.8.0: you can pass a name = argument to count() if you don’t want it to be n

No more count() %>% rename()! 🥳


Steen Harsted (@SteenHarsted; 242/59): Please check out the very early version of mocapr. An R-package to animate motion capture data.
Feedback is most welcome.
@thomasp85 @SDUIOB #rstats

Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 214/94): One of my all-time favorites >> The Most Complete List of the Best Cheat Sheets for #DataScientists covering #AI #NeuralNetworks #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #BigData #DataScience #DataViz #Python #Rstats #Coding etc.

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 185/40): today my work released our annual report on Ontario’s nursing registration exams and i’ll let you in on a little secret: it was completely built using #rstats. begin thread!


R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 176/60): Become a Bayesian master with bayestestR (0.2) {} #rstats #DataScience


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 188/40): Slides from my #SDSS2019 talk on teaching #blogdown…

3 🔑 points:

⏱️ Leave 60-90 mins to cover
🚀 Minimize time-to-deploy (you can get a share-able link in 15-20 min using @Netlify Drop:
🖼️ Pick a good theme (I have 3 faves)

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 62/4): Heading out to @SDSSconf in Bellevue, WA- excited to share my experiences and lessons learned from teaching #rstats #blogdown in the classroom 🙇🏾‍♀️ Thursday @ 4pm (+ @rudeboybert!)

(link to slides not active yet- which are OF COURSE totally done 🤣)

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 38/7): 🤯 Woah! @jdatap has “Academic theme” night mode!
🌓 “Posts | John (JP) Coene” #blogdown #hugo

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 33/2): What did I do so far using #R?
I created my own website with ao a list of my publications (Hugo, blogdown/Rmarkdown):

I saw it on twitter and thought: oh my, that’s way to hard, but it really wasn’t! If I can do it, you…well, you know what I mean! 👍

R-Ladies Berlin (@RLadiesBerlin; 9/2): Instead of writing your blog alone at home, come and join us at today’s meetup which covers blogdown 💯

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 7/0): Also featuring some of my favorite #blogdown sites by @ProQuesAsker, @rudeboybert, and @statsgen 🥰😍

Noam Ross (@noamross; 6/2): Free idea (meaning, someone plz do this):

authors: r pkg::rnd("Author A", "Author B", ...)

But as an htmlwidget so it’s different each time you reload the page. Bonus for blogdown compatibility. #rstats

Jozef Hajnala (@jozefhajnala; 3/0): A bit ago I wrote about how to port and redirect a blogdown (or any #gohugo) website to a custom domain ( and suggested how to do it easier.

After actually doing it (for a subdomain), I must say @Netlify is amazingly convenient, 301 redirects included.

Jozef Hajnala (@jozefhajnala; 1/1): Also, it has a website, where you can see all the posted 📈 interactively, such as: Made entirely with #rstats as well, thanks the amazing #blogdown package (and @GoHugoIO).

Benjamin Gravesteijn (@BGravesteijn; 1/1): @eKrijkamp Thanks! I made it with #rstats: blogdown!

boB 🇷udis (@hrbrmstr; 1/0): @KenButler12 @noamross If {blogdown} then shld be where you remove your shortname

Eric R. Scott (@LeafyEricScott; 1/0): Boy, @xieyihui isn’t kidding when he says not to update Hugo or your theme unless you really really need to. Just broke my #blogdown website pretty bad and had to load backups and downgrade. Gonna need a BIG chunk of time if I want to do this right.

alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 1/0): @gvwilson @hrbrmstr @noamross I’ve heard this but have no idea how to integrate with blogdown. @apreshill have you seen any examples of making this go?

ヴィンティー@T/T (@vin_tea01; 1/0): blogdownで開発するメリット


Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 90/2): the 🔥 entire thing 🔥 is built, end-to-end, into an R package that uses the tidyverse, usethis, bookdown, and kableExtra.

Mike Love (@mikelove; 63/18): Some similar sets of notes & books we recommended to our class:

Hao Wu:
Ryan Tibshirani:
@csgillespie & @robinlovelace:

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 18/0): it’s all bookdown and kableExtra with a little (but not too much!) LaTeX spice to make things look just so. tables like this are automated 😎 (and up to 8 pages long!)

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 14/8): 📚💻Libros en linea totalmente gratuitos👇

#DataScience #statistics #dataanalysis #stats #maths #rstats #rstatses #bookdown #rstudio #machinelearning #deeplearning #estadistica #cienciadedatos #analisisdedatos #DataViz #RMarkdown #TextMining #statistician

Christina (@canoodleson; 12/2): Alicia Johnson’s presentation on bookdown is so cool and modern 😎#SDSS2019

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 10/1): TIL bookdown:: does math environments.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 9/2): @contefranz @rstudio This is not impossible but not trivial to implement. I’d suggest you preview HTML output instead of LaTeX/PDF using xaringan::inf_mr() as you develop the document: This way, the scroll position will be preserved when the output is (automatically) refreshed

Steve Haroz 📊👁️🧠 (@sharoz; 7/0): @LacePadilla @mjskay This might be a good start

Miles Ott 🏳️‍🌈 (@Miles_Ott; 6/0): @ScotinaStats @StatsbyLopez @MineDogucu @Macalester @CRC_MathStats We are writing the book in #Bookdown, and it will have a print version for purchase and a free and open source online version

Keep It Surly (@surlyurbanist; 6/0): Experimenting with bookdown for final formatting of the dissertation and, man, this is one of the few things from the RStudio folks I just don’t think is well explained at all

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 5/20): Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books

Omni Analytics Group (@OmniAnalytics; 4/6): We missed the chance to hang out with our #rstats colleagues at the #SDSS2019 #datascience conference that wrapped up Saturday. To make ourselves feel better, we compiled some of the highlights into a #bookdown #tweetbook. Have a look!

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 4/1): TIL bookdown:: has a sepia option.

Really makes the draft motivational pictures at the start of every chapter in my thesis pop. 🥐

Hannah Blackburn (@hannah_h_b; 4/0): @DinaPomeranz Principles of Econometrics with R ( by Constantin Colonescu (2016) #R4Econ

Frans van Dunné (@fransvandunne; 2/2): Por cierto, la presentación y con todos los vinculos esta aqui:

(puedes ir a la pagina siguiente usando la barra de espacio en tu teclado)

Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 2/1): If you have experience creating or modifying #bookdown or #learnr templates please consider taking my (institution’s) money. I’m looking for help customizing templates for an open access course. #rstats

(live shot of me trying to fix these templates)

Fabian Dablander (@fdabl; 2/1): Does anybody know how to get Stan syntax highlighting to work with rmarkdown? Simply doing


as described here ( does not seem to work.

Bahareh Heravi (@Bahareh360; 2/0): New book: Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse

David John Baker, PhD (@DavidJohnBaker; 1/1): Can someone point me to a #LaTeX / #rstats #Bookdown person that would be willing to help me with a few formatting questions? I have some requests from the grad school for my #phd thesis that will make it look worse, but have to do to get it uploaded. I’d happily pay for time.

Jonathan Regenstein (@jkregenstein; 1/1): @JoannaMelon I’m trying to use data.tree in bookdown and having some issues. any recommendation for a flowchart/decision tree visualization package? thanks! #rstats

Jessica Streeter (@phillynerd; 1/0): @sharlagelfand This is AMAZING 🙌 But the real question is how did you do the fancy cover page? Haven’t figured it out in markdown, now wondering if it’s a feature of bookdown?

Nayef Ahmad (@NayefAhmad4; 1/0): @sharlagelfand This is amazing! How hard is it to get bookdown to deal well with splitting tables across PDF pages, and moving figures around sensibly?

Stas Kolenikov (@StatStas; 1/0): @dataandme @_inundata @gdequeiroz #bookdown this


Jo Etzel (@JosetAEtzel; 28/5): Just about ready for my “knitr for neuroimagers” #OHBM2019 #OSR lightning talk next week: a quick pitch for #rstats, #knitr, and dynamic report generation in general.

Simon Schwab (@SimonSchw4b; 8/2): Important meta-analysis on response to antipsychotics using R and knitr with code and data available on OSF. Excellent work & congrats!

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 4/2): 1/ #rstats #tipoftheday

Using #knitr chunk options you can set HTML classes in really fine-grained ways:

```{r my_code,



You can use those classes in CSS.

Rodrigo Miranda (@peregrinrm; 4/1): @lmonasterio Criei um exemplo no RStudioCloud:
No RStudio 1.2 ao criar um doc rmarkdown ele instala as bibliotecas e pede para escolher um template. Escolhe o Presentation/PDF(Beamer). Gera o PDF rodando o knitr. Espero ter ajudado.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/2): 2/2 #rstats question, piggy-backing on that.

class.output sets the class of #knitr text output.

I haven’t seen an option to set the class for a plot or other image output. (also haven’t seen it for “as-is” HTML tables, but I get that.)

does it exist? @xieyihui maybe?

Taylor (@Taylor50041702; 1/2): It’s good to be teaching linear models this summer. Shaking off some rust and learning more about making slides w/ #rmarkdown and #knitr (in progress) #rstats

Jo Etzel (@JosetAEtzel; 1/0): @derek__beaton Some neat examples; I’ve made very complex knitr documents, but never attempted citations!

Hao Ye (@Hao_and_Y; 1/0): @rasmus1610 @TexanDhillon @rstatstweet IIRC, getting tables in Rmarkdown output using knitr::kable (or other packages) works pretty well, but getting a MS Word output that is a MS Word table is a known pain. (not sure if there’s a good way to do that)

Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 1/0): @djnavarro @rubenarslan So basically you just put everything in an .Rmd file without the YAML, and then pass that through knitr in a function where you make sure that whatever it needs in terms of objects with ‘content’ is available.

Ok, maybe it is getting too late, sorry 🙂

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 1/0): 1) code might run in the editor because the necessary bits are already loaded into the current global environment…However, the global environment is not used by knitr, because it loads a new R session, and creates a different global environment

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 1/0): Set global options for how all code chunks are rendered

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval=TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 1/0): Oh no…I was writing just fine, everything was ok, and then I made a table with knitr::kable()…no table was made. Argh. this will not do. must have nice tables.

CSS OSS (@oss_css; 0/1): markdownposter - first cut at using markdown, knitr, pandoc, wkhtmltopdf, and css to create…

David Reinstein (@daaronr; 0/1): @dorotheafrenkel With #Rstats (Rmd #knitr sweave etc) you can do this as part of a dynamic document where the text and code are in the same file. But even with #Stata you can have the results output to a particular folder and reference that in your #latex code (“include” “include_graphics” etc


Miles Ott 🏳️‍🌈 (@Miles_Ott; 5/0): Thanks to @BaumerBen and @AmeliaMN for helping me with my first xaringan slides!

Thanks to my colleagues and students at @SmithCollegeSDS for always being willing to chat data ethics!

RSE@Sheffield (@RSE_Sheffield; 2/5): Tonight at @Sheffield_R_: 1) @richyyl on webscraping in #rstats (a short walk through #rvest, #selenium and #purrr) and 2) @annakrystalli on presentations in R (using the #Xaringan package)!

Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 2/0): @mitchhendo_ Actually I made them in R with the xaringan package

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 1/0): @jasongrahn @AmeliaMN @kwbroman I guess, from the Yolo feature of {xaringan} ? 😁

Jens von Bergmann (@vb_jens; 1/0): @stephen_tapp xaringan! That’s all I use these days. Renders markdown with R code, as well as latex. Lives as a webpage so easily shareable and accessible. And has a cool presentation mode.