Attention #rstats users: In a few weeks, I’m going to release #cowplot 1.0, and there are going to be some important changes from the current release. I encourage you to check out the development version now and verify things work for you. Thread.



Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 810/210): Attention #rstats users:
In a few weeks, I’m going to release #cowplot 1.0, and there are going to be some important changes from the current release. I encourage you to check out the development version now and verify things work for you. Thread.

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 264/45): 🤔 You’ve gotten the big yes, but what about the guests…
👣 Step-by-step
💒 “Using R Shiny to Build A Wedding Invite Risk Model and Web App” by Bryan Clark #rstats

Rebecca Barter (@rlbarter; 235/64): The recipes package makes pre-processing data for machine learning insanely easy - check out my short blog post on how to use it, complete with a baking-relevant data example

Ms. Anthropology, the other face-tattoo one, MA (@SavvyOlogy; 232/50): Can SOMEONE please tell me WHY the fuck so many #rstats packages steal & use #Indigenous tribe names?

I kept seeing “apache” as one too, & frankly, I’m fucking sick of it.

Indigenous scientists also do #statistics, & I shouldn’t have to feel alienated by MATH. Jfc

Caitlin Hudon👩🏼‍💻 (@beeonaposy; 214/46): Tip for debugging plots (in ggplot2) from @ClausWilke:

  1. Save your plot (for example, as ‘figure’)
  2. Call layer_plot(figure)

Now you can see the data that ggplot2 is using to generate your plot to help you debug! #rstats

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 170/39): Great resource; code, 🗺s, and more:
“Spatial data in R” 👨‍🏫 @edrubin #rstats #dataviz #maps

One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 157/54): The complete book, R Programming for Data Science by @rdpeng, is available online at #rstats

Serah Njambi Rono (@serahrono; 156/47): “Every team I talked to, there are people using #Rstats, and there are people using #Python, and it’s really important to help those people work together. It’s not a war or a competition. People use different tools for different purposes” 👏 @hadleywickham


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 125/26): If making an #rstats #blogdown site is on your summer data science learning list, follow along with our @rstudio interns using the @GoHugoIO academic theme #MadeWithAcademic #SoDS19

4⃣ days
👩🏾‍💻 ~ 1 hour a day (see slides) +
🛠️ ~ 30-60 min homeworks

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 113/26): Here is a 20s demo on how to get a shareable link for your R markdown file by using @Netlify Drop mentioned by @apreshill at #sdss2019. It also applies to your blogdown websites and xaringan slides. 😎

Researc/hers Code (@ResearcHersCode; 41/3): One of best perks of being an @rstudio intern? Learning how to create a #blogdown site from the expert herself @apreshill. But you can, too! Follow along our workshop and build a site yourself! Thank you @apreshill! #rstats #SoDS19

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 21/0): I 💜 seeing all our awesome interns making some seriously amazing websites with #blogdown.

I’m also very much enjoying the demo site I’m building:

Robert Chang (@_rchang; 16/3): Dear lazy Twitter, what is your preferred framework for building a website to host blogs? I have been using #Jekyll + Github pages, but I’ve also heard #hugo, #Gatsby, #blogdown … etc. Love to hear what data folks use! #pydata #rstats

R-Ladies Tampa (@RLadiesTampa; 9/2): Had fun with @RLadiesTampa today! @TheGinaGi gave a tutorial on #RMarkdown and will be doing a fun lesson on #knitting and #RStats in a few months. Next month? @datakritter will teach us all about #blogdown on July 13!

Researc/hers Code (@ResearcHersCode; 6/0): Today, we further personalized the widgets of the #blogdown site and set it up to push to @github and continuously deploy via @Netlify. Homework for tomorrow? Get familiar with .toml files!

Researc/hers Code (@ResearcHersCode; 5/0): Yesterday, we learned about #blogdown and @GoHugoIO themes. We set up our site as an @rstudio project and got a sneak peak of our site via @Netlify. Our homework? Customize the content admin page. 👩‍💻

Dr. Brianna McHorse 🏳️‍🌈 (@fossilosophy; 5/0): I finally picked up my Hugo/blogdown site that I’d set aside to finish my dissertation…it took about 20 minutes from opening RStudio again to having it deployed. Sweet.

Needs moar content (and to be hosted on my actual domain) but hey I made a thing!

Laurent Gⓐtt⓪ (@lgatt0; 4/0): I’ve been learning and experimenting with the {blogdown} 📦 by @xieyihui and I really like it. I now have a new and cool procrastination project to migrate my personal jekyll website to {blogdown} and hugo.

Futbol AnalysR (@FutbolAnalysR; 3/1): I know I only started this blog a few days ago, but I already have a new name and a website written in Blogdown using @rstudio.
My first post is up now, looking at the first game of the @FIFAWWC using free data from @StatsBomb. Take a look here!

Dr Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 3/1): Yay yay #SUAC! I’ve started revamping my website using #blogdown so I’m going to use the session to carve out some time to work on it. I’m happy to share how to get your R website started. Or maybe you have a project of your own? What are you going to work on? Join us! #rstats

Therese Anders (@thereanders; 3/0): It might be cheesy to re-tweet my alter ego for this week, but @apreshill’s resources for creating #blogdown sites are amazing and I didn’t want any of you to miss out. #SoDS19 #rstats

chris diaz (@chrisdaaz; 3/0): i wrote a tutorial on creating a free academic website with #rstudio, #blogdown, #github, and #netlify

Sannsynligvis FOTBALL (@sannsfotball; 2/1): During the Fifa Women’s World Cup 2019, the Norwegian Computing Center will daily consider the chances of every team participating in the championship, based on a probability model, using #rstats and #blogdown! Results are available at

Mine Dogucu (@MineDogucu; 2/0): What are your favorite #blogdown Hugo templates for academic course websites?

Dorris A. Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 1/0): @joelrudinas03 Netlify is a platform in which you can use to deploy your site either manually or automatically when you push your commits to GitHub for your website. And here’s my materials on how to create a site using #blogdown!

Dorris A. Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 1/0): @joelrudinas03 I just use blogdown package with R to do it. Even though the name of the package is as such, you can make a proper website from it. I push my commits to my repo and then I just deploy the site from Netlify. I can share some materials I made on how to do it if you want.

Ian Cero (@IanCero; 1/0): @xieyihui I’m using blogdown for the first time and I love it. Thanks!

La ilusión de Nina (@lailusiondeNina; 0/1): NewPost!

☕Freshly lifted, disheveled and without makeup. I’m still asleep…

#kitchen #kitchendecor #decorating #decoração #MorningLive #goodmorning #ukbloggers #blogs #blogdown #blogfamilia #bloghop #blogchef #BlogchatterEbook #blogger #bloggerrequest

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: blogdown formatR #rstats

Rsquared Academy (@rsquaredacademy; 0/1): We are really pumped about the new look and feel of our blog website. It’s amazing how easy #blogdown makes this, thanks @xieyihui.

Feedback always welcome 😀 #rstats


Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 366/117): My goodness, Michael Clark (who is not on Twitter) does incredible work for the #rstats community. Check out his recent bookdown-based tutorial on mixed models with lmer

One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 97/32): Learn to generate reports and documents in R with the book R Markdown: The Definitive Guide #rstats

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 38/7): Michael Clark is also a total #bookdown and #distill master:

🕵🏾‍♀️ I have learned a lot about customizing each with CSS by spelunking around his GitHub!

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 20/0): it’s all bookdown and kableExtra with a little (but not too much!) LaTeX spice to make things look just so. tables like this are automated 😎 (and up to 8 pages long!)

Rayna Harris (@raynamharris; 13/2): 👇 Thread. Some awesome advice and resources for teaching the #rstats package bookdown from @apreshill. This kind of collaborative lesson design is one of the under-appreciated parts of teaching. Thanks for the introduction @gvwilson!

Dr Rachael Lappan (@RachaelLappan; 11/1): In the not-too-distant future I would like to write a blog post, or series of posts, on using #bookdown to write a #thesis (I’ve said it now, so hold me accountable!) (3/3)

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 11/1): @gvwilson @raynamharris @StatGarrett @xieyihui Hi there! I would do the following:

  1. do this in @rstudio (File > New Project > New Directory > Book Project using bookdown)
  2. use the preview book add-in right away
  3. walk through index.Rmd (the only Rmd YAML + the first “chapter”)

Then let them edit the content from there.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 9/1): @gvwilson @raynamharris @StatGarrett @xieyihui @rstudio Md headers + cross refs here:

Other slides from advanced workshop here:

Marcin Kierczak (@quiestrho; 9/0): Sun is about to set in Visby and #raukr team keeps on discussing #bookdown capabilities.

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 9/0): @apreshill @gvwilson @raynamharris @StatGarrett @xieyihui @rstudio Unless you have a very good idea of the final book structure, I think it’s better to explicitly structure the book in _bookdown.yml. I think this is worth covering fairly early as otherwise changing chapter order is a nightmare

Rajiv Jhangiani (@thatpsychprof; 8/4): I have an instructor who is interested in adapting an #opentextbook that was developed in LaTeX (and which is being updated in Bookdown) but also weaving through @H5PTechnology applications. Trying to figure how to bring it all together. Any advice, fam?

Rayna Harris (@raynamharris; 8/3): I have 15 min to live demo bookdown with a small group of people who will code along with me then work on a project for 1 hour. If the audience is a mix of R markdown novices and experts, what are the key functions to show? What would you teach @StatGarrett @xieyihui @gvwilson?

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 8/0): @gvwilson @raynamharris @StatGarrett @xieyihui @rstudio In that short time I would avoid discussing the _bookdown and _output yaml files (these are confusing), and focus on the gitbook output format only (personally).

I WOULD talk about why the chapters are named starting with 01-, + if possible markdown headers & cross refs

Dr Rachael Lappan (@RachaelLappan; 7/1): I wrote this thesis in #bookdown which was a steep learning curve but a far better experience than writing one in Word, and I have @xieyihui, @old_man_chester and @rensa_co to thank for making that an option. (2/3)

Charles T. Gray (@cantabile; 7/0): 😂😂Well, bookdown:: that’s interesting. ☕️

azu (@azu_re; 6/2): Rstudioの人が作ってるRMarkdownで書けるGitBook的なもの。
PDF、LaTex、HTML、Epub、Wordなどへの出力に対応している “Home | Bookdown” #Markdown #book

Michael DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 6/0): softboy stats geek writing diary entry in bookdown

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 4/0): @raynamharris @gvwilson may the bookdown force be with you!

Hannah Blackburn (@hannah_h_b; 4/0): @DinaPomeranz Principles of Econometrics with R ( by Constantin Colonescu (2016) #R4Econ

Peter Baumgartner (@pbaumgartner; 3/1): “Physik Libre” - a #bookdown project for a free German physics textbook by Michael Rundel, an Austrian teacher Read the interview about his experiences and what he understands as “Proof of Concept”.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @raynamharris @gvwilson @StatGarrett @xieyihui @rstudio Oy yes. If you want to use GitHub + RStudio, you’ll need to use an unexported function to start at the same place: (pls feel free to upvote @CivicAngela’s suggestion here:

Juan José Leitón M (@juanleitonm; 3/0): @yorleny_a_v @WeAreRLadies @hadleywickham @Fichulina @Rbloggers @milamila07 @dataandme @rivaquiroga @pacocuak Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R

Data Visualization - A practical introduction

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide

Learning Statistics with R

Josiah🤷🏻‍♂️(Joe-sigh-uh) (@JosiahParry; 2/0): Andddd Google Trends for Campaigns. I think I’ll have a bookdown in the near future.

Michael Daly (@MikeD_SUNYOER; 2/0): @thatpsychprof 1/3 “If they really have a version in markdown/bookdown id start there”

Debbie Yee (@debyee29; 2/0): @LizBonawitz Not sure if this was already mentioned, but the @YaRrrBook is a pretty accessible and phenomenal online textbook for getting started with the nuts and bolts of R.

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 2/0): @monkmanmh ok, the cover is my biggest cheat. it’s a PDF included by using \includepdf{} in a first_pages.tex file, e.g.

before_body: first_pages.tex

E. David Aja (@PeeltothePithy; 1/1): @dgkeyes Consider using a parameterized report to create a version for each school. If it’s online Shiny Server Pro handles auth easily, but not for free:

azu (@azu_re; 1/0): Bookdown、VuePress、docusaurus v2、mdBook 調べて

CaterPilar Vesga (@CaterPilarVesga; 1/0): YaRrr, the pirates guide to R…. I’m in love by now. PiRte xD #RNerds #SoMuchLove

Ludwig Pursewarden (@LudwigPursewar1; 1/0): @Kind_Geek @hollymathnerd There’s quite a few textbook-ish publications made in R bookdown. All to do with R and stats though.

Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 1/0): @benmarwick @aglHurley @WorldBank @PeerJPreprints @xieyihui Awesome - I hadn’t realised bookdown could be used in standalone documents! Looking forward to using this in the future - thanks.

Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 1/0): @benmarwick @aglHurley @WorldBank @PeerJPreprints Just been looking through the documentation for rrtools - looks great for getting projects set-up. What do you use/recommend for figure/table referencing? I have been using a wrapper for captioner ( and then bookdown for my thesis…. could be out of date!

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 1/0): @seabbs @aglHurley @WorldBank @PeerJPreprints We’re using @xieyihui’s bookdown::word_document2 or pdf_document2 because it gives easy bookdown-style captions and cross-referencing for a single self-contained Rmd: Other templates can be used this this too!

Daniel Hocking (@djhocking; 1/0): @tahirenesgedik @rstatstweet @xieyihui Yeah I was limited to four choices. I’ll have to check it out. I do love bookdown by @xieyihui

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @MattCrump_ For this quirk, you may see the last method at

Jessica Streeter (@phillynerd; 1/0): @sharlagelfand This is AMAZING 🙌 But the real question is how did you do the fancy cover page? Haven’t figured it out in markdown, now wondering if it’s a feature of bookdown?

Nayef Ahmad (@NayefAhmad4; 1/0): @sharlagelfand This is amazing! How hard is it to get bookdown to deal well with splitting tables across PDF pages, and moving figures around sensibly?

Samuel Crane (@samuelcrane; 0/1): Anyone know if it’s possible to use a YAML parameter to disable the font settings in Gitbook-themed bookdown sites? #RStats #bookdown

Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 0/1): Hey #academictwitter and #rstats folks. I’m writing an online textbook in #bookdown with loads of URLs. URLs break, so what’s the best method for linking to web content? Is there a good service to archive the page you’re linking to and serve up the archive if the raw link breaks?


Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 21/5): Wow. It took me a while to wrap my head around @wmlandau’s {drake} workflow, but it’s super useful for projects that involve a lot of (computationally expensive) modelling. It’s also a great complement to {knitr}’s cache feature for #RMarkdown reports/papers. #rstats

Malcolm Barrett 🦁🐻 (@malco_barrett; 10/3): I got a question about using here in R Markdown to set the figures directory for plots made in the document (e.g. the fig.path chunk option), which I think is a great idea: fig.path = here::here("figure_dir", "figure_prefix") in your chunk header or knitr::opts_chunk$set

Juniper Katz (@juniperkatz; 9/0): Just completed a three-day workshop on R #RStudio -@ICPSR . The good news: I can use R Markdown and knitr to generate complete manuscripts with code. Bad news: can’t run an OLS regression 😂

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 8/2): Do you need a knitr code chunk?
Press option command I (on a mac, ctrl+alt+I on pc)

Just got new vocoder, couldn’t resist putting my two favorite things together #rstats #analogsynthesizers #RtipsWithVOCODERSOUNDS!!!!!!

Ana Luísa Pinho (@ALuisaPinho; 8/1): If you enjoyed the talk of @JosetAEtzel on Knitr for neuroimagers in the #OpenScienceRoom at #OHBM2019, you can write a recommendation in her profile on @WINRePo1.

Dayana Knits (@DayanaKnits; 8/1): Holy moly this Rowan #knitalong doesn’t make a “cushion”, it makes a dog bed! 🐶 😂 So I was going to go to TJ Maxx to buy an on sale pillow to cover, but now I know to go to the pet section instead, lol.
It’s looking beautiful tho, right? 🤩

Jeremy Foote (@jdfoote; 6/1): For @aaronshaw’s class that I’m TA’ing we created a really simple example of using knitr in a LaTeX document. Sharing here in case it’s helpful:

ikuma ogura (@ike_og_ike; 6/0): R MarkdownファイルからRコードだけを抜き出すにはknitr::purl()を使えばいいのか。今までコピペしてた…。

Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain; 6/0): @raynamharris @StatGarrett @xieyihui @gvwilson Some useful things: knitr::include_graphics, plotly::ggplotly, plotly::toWebGL, and how to use a custom CSS file to change a background colour or font for a section.

𝙰𝚟𝚘𝚕𝚢𝚗 𝙵𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚛 (@AvolynFisher; 4/0): Who knew #knitr in @rstudio used for #RMarkdown was created by a grad student while studying at @IowaStateU 😍💗#iowapride #iowastate #data #R #rstudio #themoreyouknow

Really enjoying this class on #ReproducibleResearch taught by @rdpeng from @JohnsHopkins via @coursera

Kirstie Whitaker (@kirstie_j; 3/3): 13:45 knitr for neuroimagers

Want to use the awesome #Rstats #knitr tool to make reproducible reports of your brain imaging data? Jo will show you how!

#OHBM2019 #OSR #LightningTalks⚡️

Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 3/0): For example, you could be analysing the latest #datosdemiercoles dataset and created this plot. If you want to share it, just add a small text on the same knitr chunk and the text you want to tweet (e.g. this one).

Naim Matasci (@nmatasci; 2/1): #rstats folks: anyone has some pointers on how to get checkpoint work with knitr directly from RStudio? I’ve tried this ( but no success…

Dr. Kirby Conrod (@kirbyconrod; 2/0): @VerbingNouns I DON’T AGREE (because i cant get knitr to work)

Ben Mansfeld (@BenMansfeld; 2/0): Don’t you love it when there is a random glitch in #knitr and #latex that gives you an “! Undefined control sequence” error but then when you copy and paste it to another Rmd file without changing anything it works no problem?!

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 1/1): @dantonnoriega Does it auto install missing stuff only from knitr/rmarkdown, or does it do its magic from the rstudio terminal? I use latex more outside of rmds

hammoth macky sack (@paul_obrecht; 1/0): @SeanDEhrlich @ChrisPolPsych @prof_mirya @smsaideman One of the many wonderful things about R is the knitr package, which allows you to write LaTeX documents with R code embedded throughout. A single paper or report can thus change dynamically with updated data.

Dr Verónica Lloréns (@VeroLlorens; 1/0): UPDATE: solved! While running in the console all the warning messages of “Cannot compute exact p-value with ties” by the cor function weren’t printed, but knitr was trying to print each single message (likely >10e6 🤯) which was causing it to go super slow. Thx for suggestions!

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/0): @zeehio_ well no actually I think you can’t! I was just doing that to make the tweet easier to read! 🤣🤣

you might be able to do it w/


Danton Noriega (@dantonnoriega; 0/1): @andrewheiss I think from knitr/rmarkdown. I recall that prior to the pandoc step, I would see tinytex installing stuff.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 0/1): #rstats #tipoftheday

If you’re ever poking around deep in the innards of #knitr + having a hard time debugging, consider a line like this:

save(confusing_object, file=“load-it-later.rda”)

Then run #knitr, load that file in your normal session, and check it out at your leisure.


Danton Noriega (@dantonnoriega; 1/0): @andrewheiss Try it! I think if you render in rstudio with tinytex installed, it will search and install missing Tex packages for you.

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 1/0): @dantonnoriega I was this close to just trying to rely on tinytex, but I chickened out


Sandra Pintor (@sandrapintor; 27/4): Had so much fun preparing this presentation: using 📦 #countdown, #emo, #icon with #xaringan, and playing around with a @R4DScommunity dataset! Even more fun delivering to @RLadiesFRA community!! 👩🏻‍💻 🔗 #rladies #rstats

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 12/1): Also big shout out to @grrrck for his countdown package- I’m very much enjoying using timers in my #xaringan slides ⏳

Hans IJzerman (@hansijzerman; 11/7): Interested in presenting in Xaringan/RMarkdown? You can download my files for the InMind presentation at @ZPID here: #Rstats

Eline Krijkamp (@eKrijkamp; 10/1): This was so rewarding. Thank you all for joining. And thank you @palolili23 for my new coding addiction of xaringan slides from @xieyihui.

Tahir Enes Gedik (@tahirenesgedik; 9/0): @djhocking @rstatstweet Not in the list but I really like xaringan ( by @xieyihui.

Elizabeth Davis (@__EODavis; 4/2): Happy to say I just created my first ever presentation using #rmarkdown and specifically #xaringan by @xieyihui! My lack of skill means that it looks pretty goofy, but already it’s been a total game changer in teaching #rstats efficiently!

Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 4/0): @djhocking @rstats4ds {xaringan} by @xieyihui has recently replaced ioslides as my go-to. Super easy to use with R Markdown.

Plus, who can resist randomly inserted pictures of @kwbroman.


Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 2/6): Ok #DataScience #reproducibility advocates, I need some ammunition for selling #reproducible slide decks (e.g. /#rstats Xaringan, @ProjectJupyter rise). Motivation and beautiful slide deck examples are needed!

Dr Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 2/1): Creating ninja xaringan templates is fun 6/9 #rstats @statsgen

Emma Rand (@er13_r; 1/1): Why use reticulate? I’m at home in #rstats, comfy in@RStudio and have some favourite tools but dabble in #python 🐍
Learning @xieyihui xaringan for slides. It’s loads of fun!
#userR2019 @UseR2019_Conf

Joshua Kunst (@jbkunst; 1/0): @djhocking For me, revealjs is the first choice, but if you want more space for code or long text xaringan comes up (my latest example

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 1/0): @djhocking Tried beamer first, and along came {xaringan} by @xieyihui and saved the day. By far the easiest and clearest to alter without needing mad LaTeX skillz.

Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 1/0): @djhocking Another vote for #xaringan here!

Paul Jeffries (@ByPaulJ; 1/0): @djhocking Xaringan?

Todd R. Johnson (@johnsontoddr4; 1/0): If you use xaringan check out the Sydney xaringan theme. It has a lot of customizations, such as vertical scrolling of R output, equation numbering, comment boxes, etc.

Tahir Enes Gedik (@tahirenesgedik; 2/0): @djhocking @rstatstweet @xieyihui It has some neat features like the “instant preview without fully rebuilding HTML, and the linked navigation” (

Lucas Graybuck (@hypercompetent; 1/0): @mfphotograph I go for library():