Excited to announce my next book project: mastering shiny, https://t.co/0mhQs57TDp. I didn’t write shiny, but I’m having fun writing about it! #rstats



Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 1847/429): Excited to announce my next book project: mastering shiny, https://t.co/0mhQs57TDp. I didn’t write shiny, but I’m having fun writing about it! #rstats

Yan Holtz (@R_Graph_Gallery; 1161/406): ⭐️⭐️ Glad to announce a massive update of the #rstats Graph Gallery !! ⭐️⭐️

Now built with R Markdown ⭐️ 50+ new charts ⭐️ Hosted on GitHub ⭐️ ggplot2 focus ⭐️ loading time divided / 10 ⭐️ <- friendly ⭐️ And more!

https://t.co/37QCKbhZfg https://t.co/pJZIYnObD7

Antoine Fabri (@antoine_fabri; 354/80): I designed a package to do intuitive text extraction inspired by glue’s convenient syntax, it looks a lot like glue in reverse :
#rstats https://t.co/IXkVMHbjgx

David Robinson (@drob; 313/62): In this #tidytuesday screencast, I analyze Bob Ross paintings, and demonstrate a tidy approach to principal component analysis

Turns out first principal component is between the extremes of “Mountain Waterfall” and “Balmy Beach” ⛰️🏖️🎨🖼️

https://t.co/98AkMlSso7 #rstats https://t.co/9GrrYQ0Rkb

Bożena Wielgoszewska (@MeBozena; 273/24): My contour plot is… leaking?😳
#rstats https://t.co/79rlN92tHl

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 264/44): I’m amazed at how many people considering R think that their needs are “too basic” to justify learning it. People often assume it only do complex things and fail to appreciate how much it can improve your efficiency in completing “basic” things. #rstats

Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain; 221/56): Last week some #rstats spatial super stars published an open access paper on analysing locations for stroke treatment facilities. It has website with fully worked code examples that I have been able to adapt to fire station location analysis: https://t.co/WogDEBH46s 😭😭😭 https://t.co/UNCrXbIpnq

David Grubbs (@crcgrubbsd; 200/391): To celebrate @hadleywickham winning the COPSS award, we would like to giveaway an autographed copy of Advanced R. To win, retweet this message, follow me and @CRC_MathStats and we will pick a winner at the end of next week. #rstats @RLadiesGlobal @CRCPress https://t.co/M3iBld6Eui

JD Long (@CMastication; 181/25): This is so much more intuitive than a bunch of regex to do the same thing. And intuitive enough for a learner to grok without having to learn 5 other things first. Great little purpose built text extractor. #rstats https://t.co/Kjum2VYqXG

Nicholas Tierney (@nj_tierney; 169/56): I’m excited to announce the soft release of the brolgar package for exploring longitudinal (panel) data in a sane and tidy way, working with tools like dplyr, ggplot2, and the new tidyverts packages.

See the blog post for more details:



Shel 🇰🇪 (@Shel_Kariuki; 61/5): This is how I spent my day. New website made from #blogdown. I finally made it, despite the many errors… 😭😭😭. Still work in progress though…🙌


Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 41/3): Starting to learn Hugo tonight. To make it extra fun I’m going to semi-live tweet my process over the next several weeks. I’ll update this thread as I go. If you use Blogdown, you might learn something about how your website works. Pray for my sanity. #rstats https://t.co/8X0ZV0Y9Ql

Dr. Maja Ilić (@MajaIlicZg; 15/0): Exciting news: I spent some time creating my own academic website using Hugo Academic and blogdown in R, which is now finally online:
Many thanks also to @dsquintana for a great introduction into this!

Giovanni Briganti, M.D. (@giovbriganti; 12/1): Although I already have a website, I made a very cool blogdown site in under an hour in #rstats with @dsquintana’s amazing tutorial https://t.co/dMDtKDK7Yw ; this is so cool ! https://t.co/7EA3sUGRqb

Shel 🇰🇪 (@Shel_Kariuki; 11/1): After a whole day working on a #blogdown website, it is time to dance the night away… #accomplishments https://t.co/zMkvOdLyIW

Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 11/0): New post and a redesigned (blogdown) website!

{ggtext} as x-axis labels // https://t.co/PZHSHL1hwA

Let me know if you spot something not working as it should. I’m still getting the hang of this setup.

Travis Loux (@TLstats; 3/0): First substantive post on my new #blogdown blog is a visual explanation of collinearity https://t.co/7Rlpz22B0I

Jiri Stodulka (@jiristo; 2/3): I am not using #R for #DataScience any more. But still shiny is a very cool tool especially if you blog with #blogdown. Definitely, the book will expand my library. Still, #rstats is the most dedicated community I have encountered on twitter so far. https://t.co/B1gCS3g3q3

atusy (@Atsushi776; 2/1): おや https://t.co/J1xn9BUoAO に blogdown 本が来ている.

Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 2/0): @Shel_Kariuki Nice! Blogdown can be painful to get started with, but your site looks great!

David Barney (@davidjbarney; 2/0): @OzerTheMoon GitHub pages — if you use R, it’s pretty easy to make a nice looking page with blogdown

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 1/0): @SciWithRhi I’d consider blogdown. Static site generators are perfectly adequate for personal blogs, and they’re cheaper and will get you further at the same time.

levene bartlett (@levene_bartlett; 1/0): I addict to blogdown in R :))

Doctorb Zhian N. Kamvar (@ZKamvar; 1/0): @dirk_sch blogdown and usethis

Bea. (@Chucheria; 1/0): Ok, this is it for me. blogdown::serve_site is not getting my folder structure and I don’t really know why this could happen. Anything I can try is appreciated because right now I’m out of ideas.

Jordan Foley (@FoleyJ0; 0/1): If any #rstats person is familiar with blogdown/hugo/netlify and the academic theme, I am having some issues with my website that I can’t figure out and would love some help from someone smarter than me.


TAKEbayesHI (@psycle44; 96/27): すごい!pim(メタ分析神)と京大の古川先生(神)サポートでRでメタ分析のブックダウンできてる!ネットワークメタ分析までカバーされてます!個人的には、Rでrevmanスタイルのバイアスのリスクのplotを綺麗に作れるコードがのってるところがエモイ。神。
https://t.co/IAqA6veCfU https://t.co/Ux9x5tq6FJ

Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 53/12): 1. PhD thesis ‘Modelling BCG vaccination in the UK: What is the impact of changing policy?’ submitted and everything is totally normal….

Written with #rstats, #bookdown, and #thesisdown.

Read here: https://t.co/NFyv1kHg14

#phdchat #epitwitter #openscience #tuberculosis https://t.co/AFz6iZleWR

boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 30/5): What kind of a hole do you have to be researching in to not include #rstats {rmarkdown} / {bookdown} in this? My respect for new work coming out of MIT continues to degrade (which I didn’t think was possible…might be in dichotomy paradox territory). https://t.co/QcCq05HIxn

Andy MacLachlan (@ac_maclachlan; 26/3): We’ve moved our @CASAUCL GIS course into Bookdown with some cool new online mapping tutorials and examples👩‍🎓👨‍🏫. Thanks for an awesome tool and great documentation @xieyihui @rstudio @LeafletJS https://t.co/a88Pd98gxT

atusy (@Atsushi776; 13/3): よっしゃ,bookdown に
markdown_document2 は base_format に任意の出力形式を指定して相互参照可能にするツワモノ.

Kodai Kusano (@KusanoKodai; 8/2): Wow.
“Doing Meta-Analysis in R: A Hands-on Guide”

Doctorb Zhian N. Kamvar (@ZKamvar; 7/1): @klsywd I did mine in markdown with bookdown: https://t.co/hZk8xEo85K. Since each chapter was separate, it was possible to convert them to word individually to get feedback from my advisor. The redoc package might help with incorporating the edits.

Damien C-C (@dccc_phd; 7/1): @JohnHolbein1 This is a good #Rstats solution one might use: https://t.co/loDufaynDi

Paul Oldham #FBPE #RevokeA50 (@junglepaul; 5/1): @francisko_r @IamMRWani @nj_tierney @Dale_Masch @162880 @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @apreshill @xieyihui @rOpenSci You can download the GitHub repo with the files here: https://t.co/mYKAVRCt17 and open the rproj file to see everything in rstudio. Downloading & Reviewing github repos is recommended for learning how others use rmarkdown e.g. https://t.co/GZi0FywR9R projects.

Paul Oldham #FBPE #RevokeA50 (@junglepaul; 5/0): @IamMRWani @162880 @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @apreshill @xieyihui @rOpenSci @nj_tierney has produced the really useful RMarkdown for Scientists https://t.co/IjNOq9STno as suggested by @Dale_Masch. Working through this book and its exercises would be a really good way to get started. It’s a living #bookdown so feel free to make suggestions on Github.

Luuuda (@ludmila_janda; 4/2): excellent documentation for quickly getting started with #rstats bookdown, thank you @seankross https://t.co/xrqYqWI3cV

Dan MacLean (@danmaclean; 4/1): @klsywd Use Markdown and Pandoc. Specifically use the bookdown package in Rstudio to create a book project. This will let you write a nice simple markdown document and will output word, latex, html and pdf versions if you ask it.

Sergio Berdiales (@SergioBerdiales; 3/1): @jantleon https://t.co/dTd7H6YRwC está genial para ir publicando tus cosas con R. Es gratuito y funciona muy bien. https://t.co/RN2f7tJYM4

Andrew Leach 🇨🇦 🚲 (@andrew_leach; 3/0): The road from here to an energy markets textbook written in bookdown with automated updates each month or so can’t be that long, right @apreshill?

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @francisko_r @Dale_Masch @junglepaul @IamMRWani @nj_tierney @162880 @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @xieyihui @rOpenSci You may have better luck asking on: https://t.co/Qfg1xoWnaJ (I find it really hard to troubleshoot code on this platform)

Nono Gueye (@GueyeNono; 3/0): @patilindrajeets If you’re looking specifically for a paper, then I am not sure. But there definitely must be a tidal wave of articles/talks out there for #rmarkdown on the same subjects. Also, you can take a look at the book itself: https://t.co/e1u00KqHAI

Greg Tucker-Kellogg (@gtuckerkellogg; 2/1): @dataandme @hrbrmstr I think the authors are mistaken, but I wish they were correct (in that I wish RMarkdown and Bookdown were more closely aligned with the underlying pandoc).

FWIW, the authors also neglected to include #emacs #orgmode.

Jalal Al-Tamimi (@beppeFusilli; 2/0): @PatStrycharczuk Yes statistical rethinking is a must. Also there is an online book that introduces the user to apply the analyses using the brms package: https://t.co/iFJq6eJT9E

boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 2/0): @themba Which ignores rmarkdown and bookdown. It’s shoddy faux research.

Paul Oldham #FBPE #RevokeA50 (@junglepaul; 2/0): @apreshill @francisko_r @Dale_Masch @IamMRWani @nj_tierney @162880 @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @xieyihui @rOpenSci I agree with @apreshill. It may be that @nj_tierney bookdown repo has a pdf ready to go…but it’s a work in progress repo…so maybe not. Rstudio community much better for code questions.

Dr Rachael Lappan (@RachaelLappan; 2/0): @klsywd @phylogenomics I wrote drafts in Word for feedback, which once finalised I transferred into #bookdown (specifically thesisdown) to format. Nice intermediary between Word and hardcore #LaTeX. Would strongly recommend the final formatted product not be a monstrous lagging Word abomination.

Dan MacLean (@danmaclean; 2/0): @klsywd Bookdown wraps all the tools into a really nice simple workflow in the Rstudio App https://t.co/87W5ek4LNU https://t.co/FYpHRQlCNH

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 1/2): @BioMickWatson A great post, thanks for bringing it to my attention 4 years after you first published it!
I just added it to my Data Science with #rstats resource compendium:

Martin Chan (@martin_rstats; 1/1): Can anyone in the #rstats community recommend an app / reader for reading bookdown style books offline on mobile?

They’re great in desktop browsers but being able to read these offline would be great! Thanks 🙏

your colleague (@themba; 1/1): @pubpub interesting omissions of markdown and, particularly, bookdown. Just passing along feedback from an open source software author.

E. David Aja (@PeeltothePithy; 1/1): @serdarbalci @rstudio https://t.co/SShC49rpOP

You may need to install JuliaCall

Jack Dougherty (@DoughertyJack; 1/0): @pubpub @MellonFdn @mitpress @KnowledgeFuture Great to see “Mind the Gap” report on #OA publishing tools and platforms, but surprised that survey did not include #bookdown package by @xieyihui and colleagues at @rstudio. Check out https://t.co/U4ZYkhM6N5 and please update https://t.co/ftcCWy39y0

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): @niszet0 —
output: bookdown::word_document2

Table @ref(tab:iris) is about iris.

```{r, echo = FALSE}
flextable::flextable(iris[1, ]),
“Table: (\#tab:iris) flextable”


Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 1/0): @rborashko I don’t use python but I recently saw on the bookdown website a book that showed R and Python in parallel. Could be useful.

Francisko Rezende (@francisko_r; 1/0): @Dale_Masch @junglepaul @IamMRWani @nj_tierney @162880 @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @apreshill @xieyihui @rOpenSci Should I be able to knit it into a PDF w/

‘bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”, “bookdown::pdf_book”, config_file = “_output.yml”)’

or maybe

‘bookdown::render_book(“index.Rmd”, “bookdown::pdf_book”)’


Sorry for not letting this tread die & thanks again :)

Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 1/0): @lnalborczyk @cedricbatailler @brice_beffara That said, if you are willing to write the neccessary LaTeX and HTML/CSS yourself, you can use block2-chunks to create the corresponding outputs across the different output formats: https://t.co/kF2yttpsqo

José Antonio León (@jantleon; 1/0): @SergioBerdiales Sí! Gracias, al final lo haré con bookdown + Netlify. Muy interesantes tus proyectos ;)

Evgeny Pogrebnyak (@PogrebnyakE; 1/0): My intent is to cover:

Is that an exhaustive list of options for requirement above?

Murray Cadzow (@MurrayCadzow; 1/0): @nj_tierney My impression was it was very accessible and does a nice job of blending the information from https://t.co/Jww9RKpP3z and https://t.co/9c9LZJVeqJ into great practicable content

Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp; 0/2): @seabbs Hola please find the unroll here: Thread by @seabbs: “1. PhD thesis ‘Modelling BCG vaccination in the UK: What is the impact of changing policy?’ submitted and everything is […]” #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/wdJICAULxv
Enjoy :) 🤖

Greg Tucker-Kellogg (@gtuckerkellogg; 0/1): @dataandme @hrbrmstr It’s certainly strange, but perhaps there is a benign explanation. Both RMarkdown and Bookdown use pandoc markdown as the underlying syntax and pandoc for the conversion engine. Perhaps the authors didn’t realise the extent to which RMarkdown and Bookdown deviate from pandoc.


Shila Ghazanfar (@shazanfar; 26/2): It’s now been 10 years since I was introduced to R!! 🥳🎉 Before RStudio, knitr & Shiny existed. Base plots abounded, RSweave was kinda/sorta a thing (imo). It was a good 2.5 years until I started writing functions though 😅😅

Here’s to the next 10 years! 🥂🥂 #rstats https://t.co/mTsStz4LI1

Kirill Müller (@krlmlr; 19/1): Big kudos to @xieyihui and contributors for making knitr so amazingly customizable. For the side-by-side layout I didn’t need to do any copy-pasting! Take a look at the source: https://t.co/VOXCmlnxBz

boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 6/2): need to get this into an #rstats {rmarkdown}/{knitr}/{svglite} workflow https://t.co/cV65XvFlfJ

Bryan Jenks (@Tall_Viking; 4/2): Developed some snippets in @rstudio for #Rmarkdown table writing when knitr::kable() is just overkill, up to 9 column tables with tab stops in column headers and first row data points with a “t#” syntax where “#” is column count you want. Snippets on my #github 👍🏻📊 https://t.co/2N99CDRE8X

at it again (@TheRealEveret; 3/1): New RMarkdown update: Now only accepts UTF-8 encoded docs.

New knitr update: Only UTF-8.

UTF-8 now. UTF-8 forever.

Windows users: Please set RStudio to encode in UTF-8 by default.

https://t.co/Ac0KRSYve3 https://t.co/s8bJ5yuyjd

Matt Crump (@MattCrump_; 3/0): @kd_valentine3 @rstudio macro for knitr code chunks

niszet⋈ (@niszet0; 2/1): 世界のatusy氏によるわかりやすいknitrの解説本はどこで読めるかなぁ

Omar Wasow (@owasow; 2/1): @matloff @MattDowle @hspter @rdpeng Also important to consider incredible body of non-tidy public goods RStudio & co help bring in to the world by supporting folks like @xieyihui. RMarkdown + knitr is much better for student assignments than Sweave. Students engaged with my Xaringan/HTML slides way more Beamer.

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 2/0): @krlmlr @xieyihui Mad knitr skills ! 👏 Impressive ! A very good real life exemple on how to use knitr hooks ! Thanks.

⚽️Ryo Nakagawara📊 (@R_by_Ryo; 2/0): @CedScherer @geokaramanis For me it’s the best part of RMD haha! Also use a setup chunk at the top:
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.height=6, fig.width=8)
If you know what size you want all your plots to be!

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/1): よし、 knitr に PR してきた。

Ruby on Rails (@ruby_o_rails; 1/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/2lDgMhI3BF

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/ACHezhJfAR

Carson Sievert (@cpsievert; 1/0): @jdatap @fruce_ki @rstatstweet It’d help to know more about what you’re trying to do, but note that you can:

subplot(plot_ly(), plot_ly()) %>%
layout(width = 600)

BTW, in rmarkdown/knitr, you shouldn’t have to do this (it should be respecting the fig.width option)

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 1/0): @bhive01 @butterflyology @malco_barrett @riannone Yeah. Esp. since I’ve added the knitr setup chunk to my defaults since then!

Kimon Froussios (@fruce_ki; 0/1): How do you fix it when #knitr says your code causes subscript out of bounds error, but manually executing all the blocks produces no errors whatsoever?
I’m just trying to extract the assay() from a vst() transformed #DESeq2 object. #rstats

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: BDgraph GDINA knitr paws.common tmcn https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Paul Oldham #FBPE #RevokeA50 (@junglepaul; 3/0): @IamMRWani @162880 @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @apreshill @xieyihui @rOpenSci @nj_tierney @Dale_Masch When you have an article, reuse Rmd code chunks & data to create a presentation in #xaringan https://t.co/BeMUAkQWtk. Follow @apreshill guide https://t.co/kxEgIss2ur. Use #pagedown https://t.co/1L5L6fVkHr for posters & CVs. Go further at https://t.co/Wb7zYJtvAv

Rodrigo Almeida (@roalme; 1/0): @martinsarmando7 Usa pagedown: https://t.co/gwM1vnrjWQ


Mike Treglia (@MikeTreglia; 12/5): For a while I haven’t had to produce pdfs from #rmarkdown… and whenever I would go to I’d remember I didn’t have a any form of LaTex on my PC, and I didn’t want to be bothered… but I just discovered #rstats tinytex - https://t.co/9nyAJlF4mw - so great!!!

John Blischak (@jdblischak; 2/0): @fellgernon @CDSBMexico Have you tried tinytex? I haven’t installed MikTek since I started using it


M R Wani (@IamMRWani; 1/0): @JoosJulia @thomas_mock @veerlevanson @rosannavhespen Indeed very very helpful. Thank you so much for this suggestion @JoosJulia.
@rosannavhespen RMarkdown now features TinyTex, so it can be used insted of Latex


Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 25/7): demoR 📦 by @KellyBodwin is going to be such a game-changer for teaching #rstats! 🙌💫😻

Prepare lesson slides in xaringan (https://t.co/D4kBRNsPM5) & then use demoR to highlight different parts of the code chunk to emphasize specific lesson points. https://t.co/eRlvOrnFRZ

Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 21/2): Minor update: {demoR} now plays nice with {xaringan}. 🤗

Show me your beautiful slides! 🥰 https://t.co/oylOFdOrTS

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 18/2): I’ve been told that the kunoichi theme for #xaringan #rstats is hard so been thinking of a new way to support grid layout. Still WIP but I think the new API is looking cleaner 🧼 Feedback welcome~ https://t.co/NV80eP1CXj

Mike Kearney📊 (@kearneymw; 17/0): I still like xaringan but (and I’m sure this is an unpopular take) it doesn’t quite give the same level of ease, flexibility, and polish as PowerPoint.

Mike Kearney📊 (@kearneymw; 17/0): So I gave a PowerPoint (i.e., not beamer, xaringan, remark.js, or any other PDF/HTML method) talk for the first time in three years. It was actually quite nice, except I forgot that certain fonts wouldn’t automatically render when projected from someone else’s computer 😅🤷‍♂️🕺

kazutan (@kazutan; 4/0): 最近あまりチェックしてなかったけど、xaringanのthemeが結構増えてた

Rushad Faridi (@rushadFaridi; 2/1): Hello #rstats folks, while trying the amazing infinite moon reader in RStudio to create an xaringan presentation, I ran into the following error shown in the image. I have reported the full issue here:

Any help will be highly appreciated https://t.co/7xcbM7flCi

Paul Jeffries (@ByPaulJ; 1/0): @kearneymw Totally agree! Just taught a Xaringan course a few weeks back, and one of my main disclaimers was that no matter how good your R skills are, you’re probably never going to be as fast at flexible aesthetic iteration in Xaringan as you can be in PowerPoint–different use cases!

Mitch Henderson (@mitchhendo_; 1/0): @dsquintana What are your thoughts on the cost:benefit of code generated presentations (e.g. Xaringan package in RMarkdown) compared to PowerPoint?

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 1/0): Eu fazendo apresentações no xaringan e tentando deixar tudo lindo com css hahaah https://t.co/v0mRSxSmgA

atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/1): 途中から Xaringan のソース読んでて、Pandoc の Lua filter のマニュアルのこと忘れてた。

atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/1): Xaringan のソース見てると
Pandoc をバイパスするとかいう黒忍術使っててやばい。

> store md content here (bypass Pandoc)

atusy (@Atsushi776; 0/1): @statsgen Xaringan のソースを見てみましたが、Pandoc をバイパスしているようです。例えば html_document では
[Red]{style=“color: red;”}
が赤色の “Red” になりますが、
moon_reader ではそのまま [Red]{style=“color: red;”}
なので、Syntax の拡張は結構難しそうです。


Dustin Tran (@dustinvtran; 2/0): @danijarh @markvanderwilk knitr’s control output settings may be a helpful reference (https://t.co/7R7WQTzqKw), and knitr more generally. It’s highly related and is popular among statisticians. I used it often in grad school for problem sets/finals.