📣 Now on CRAN. Neat pkg for importing and inspecting the messiest of spreadsheets… “tidycells: Read Tabular Data from Diverse Sources and Make Them Tidy” by @IndranilGayen https://t.co/6C6H3kPmnO #rstats https://t.co/hvZ4g97l5p



Mara Averick (@dataandme; 401/106): 📣 Now on CRAN. Neat pkg for importing and inspecting the messiest of spreadsheets…
“tidycells: Read Tabular Data from Diverse Sources and Make Them Tidy” by @IndranilGayen
https://t.co/6C6H3kPmnO #rstats https://t.co/hvZ4g97l5p

Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 220/61): gargle is a new package to take some of the pain out of working with Google APIs from #rstats. It’s already used in googledrive and bigrquery.

Mɪʟᴏꜱ Pᴏᴘᴏᴠɪᴄ (@milos_agathon; 142/98): My map shows a horrendous rate of severe material deprivation for the Balkan regions in 2018. 🇲🇰N. Macedonia has the worst rate in Europe (31.1.%)

#deprivation #poverty #HumanRights #Europe #dataviz #maps #mapping #rstats https://t.co/mCTXgK1cCo


Noam Ross (@noamross; 99/12): Finally got around to updating my website for the first time in years and consolidating my scribblings from around the web: https://t.co/9zjK8XLqcx

Got aboard that #rstats #blogdown train, too, though it’s a lot more Hugo than blogdown.

Alberto Acerbi (@acerbialberto; 27/1): I am moving my website from wordpress, using blogdown and Hugo (Academic theme) in RStudio. I may win the master procrastinator prize, but it is pretty cool so far #rstats https://t.co/EkoTgNBr9b

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 17/3): I’m thinking about starting an R-related podcast. Do any #rstats folks have a blogdown website for a podcast? How do you host the actual episode mp3s? @theRcast

Dr Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 17/1): I wrote a cool blog post about making your R all pretty and stuff, but how do I get it to appear in twitter with one of those fancy card things #rstats #blogdown

Jantsje Mol (@JantsjeMol; 12/1): I proudly present summer project #1: New my personal website with #rstats and #blogdown. #madewithacademic

It has PDFs (postprints), DOIs, talks and more.

Have a look at https://t.co/aWn2IvMOzh #ifyoucanspellmyfirstnameyoucanfindme https://t.co/1LDprdzDjb

Gustavo (@ogustavo_com; 8/2): I think I had a pretty productive #SoDS19.

In the past 10 weeks, I’ve:

[1] Started and finished Coursera’s Deep Learning Specialization (5 courses - from the basics to CNNs & RNNs);
[2] Conducted a Workshop on #rstats, #blogdown and #shiny to an all-women audience;

Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 6/2): Boom, syntax highlighting enabled! Very easy thanks to the blogdown book. https://t.co/gschiGHzuk

atusy (@Atsushi776; 6/0): reactable::reactable は blogdown で特に複雑な手順なく使えるな。DT::datatable の代替に良いぞ。

Stephanie Hicks (@stephaniehicks; 5/3): Is there a good Hugo theme in #blogdown that includes a page to highlight current (or past) members of a team or group or lab? #rstats #AcademicTwitter

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 5/1): @JenRichmondPhD See some tips here: https://t.co/BnUQhg68TZ (not easy, you have to edit Hugo layouts, and this how to doesn’t apply to all themes)

Scott Davies 📚📊 (@scottjdavies01; 4/3): A handy tutorial by @storybench to build a website with Blogdown in R. It’s been a great help so far on my first proper coding project using R https://t.co/KwHjQqG5US

Dr Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 4/2): my new post about really trivial things (aka how to make your R experience pretty) https://t.co/kbrR0hazJY comes up as a link that doesn’t look worth clicking… how to I make a twitter card for my blog posts ??#blogdown #rstats

Lauryn Burleigh (@L_Burleigh; 3/0): Spent the majority of my day learning about #blogdown and have successfully designed the structure and home page of my site. #itsabouttime

Dr Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 3/0): Previous post was not very clear… when I post links to other #blogdown sites like @cantabile ’s amazing post about allyship https://t.co/3gdXl9g56L the link comes up as a twitter card

Alberto Cebada-Aleu, PhD (@alceal; 2/2): Now I’ve just made the Spanish version of my blog: https://t.co/CetvpZa0vP
#datascience #rstats #blogdown

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 2/0): @CMastication @theRcast It looks like some of the podcast-specific sites make things a little easier… But the things they make easier happen once. I was hoping someone would have an answer like “use {{specific_podcast_service}} with {package} and it magically works with {blogdown}.”

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 2/0): @dgkeyes @JonTheGeek @TransistorFM That sounds fun and welcome to the podcasting fam! I use #blogdown with the castanet theme and host the episodes with @firesidefm . More links about my setup 👇



Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 2/0): .@xieyihui @malco_barrett do either of you know if it’s possible to select the blogdown table of contents YAML parameter within HUGO? The way the YAML is specified in blogdown is a little weird to me, and HUGO doesn’t seem to be able to parse it. https://t.co/nLBNzyzLAE

Jen Wu (@imjenwu; 2/0): a cool tutorial to get started using blogdown in RStudio, the Academic theme, netifly, and github: Blogdown tutorial (Part 1) https://t.co/O2uIZVN3EK

Open Science Community Rotterdam (@OSCRotterdam; 1/2): Developed by @asch3tti and @Ol1909 with #rstats, @rstudio, and @xieyihui’s #blogdown. Tranquilpeak theme by @thibaudlepretre. Source code on @github: https://t.co/GLzDWtML2F

Jesús Pérez (@Masher_2; 1/1): Hey there! I finally made a personal blog with #blogdown. Here I will (hopefully) be posting about #rstats, #python, #datascience and whatever else I find interesting.


Gail (((Clement))) (@Repositorian; 1/1): Write YAML for R Markdown, bookdown, blogdown, and More • ymlthis https://t.co/3oxOQT27vH

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): @siero5335 確かに.もともと撮み食いしてくれって感じの本だったように思います.私も隅々まで読めてないですね.bookdown や blogdown にまで言及してるので目次見るだけでお腹いっぱいになります.

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 1/0): @theRcast @dgkeyes @TransistorFM @firesidefm I’ve been shotgunning your back catalog on my morning walks and keep hearing mentions of the upcoming move to blogdown, so I was hopeful that you’d have ideas 😁

Daryn Ramsden (@thisisdaryn; 1/0): @owasow Definitely trying this out soon. Shouldn’t be surprised by the author I guess. I’ve been using bookdown a lot and was planning to try blogdown this weekend.

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 1/0): @davidmkling @gabelade @edrubin @mmistakes Another (easier?) alternative to GH pages and Jekyll nowadays is blogdown. You can have a cool looking site up and running within a couple minutes: https://t.co/lh9LyGgUW5

Dⓐniel Chen 🐍🏴‍☠️ @PyBay 2019 (@chendaniely; 1/0): @TiffanyTimbers @apreshill My current site is blogdown to GitHub and netlify. Where https://t.co/WGhNTfMUb4 deploys from netlify.
That way I still have my street cred for having a https://t.co/yoxyeHWWGv page

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: apcluster blogdown bnviewer CBPS NPP rticles https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


R-Ladies Queretaro (@RLadies_Qro; 18/9): Encontramos este libro de R para principiantes en español ¿Qué les parece? ¿Ya lo conocían? https://t.co/7sX9yKiyuK

Ken Urano (@uranoken; 10/1): 前に紹介した『jamoviで学ぶ心理統計』の分析版。同じく芝田征司先生のもの。スクリーンショットもついてとてもわかりやすいです。


Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 8/1): Are folks starting to use bookdown + github + netifly? Tutorials/examples? tagging @apreshill

Henrique Faria de Oliveira (@henriquef1008; 5/1): O BOOKDOWN é uma fonte que tenho explorado bastante, e tem matérias muito bons, sobre quase qualquer temática que se queira aprender.
Sempre bom para se aprofundar em um determinado tema.

Sam Orange (@SamOrange01; 4/3): This is a fantastic guide if you plan to do a meta-analysis in R: https://t.co/kaYbtHx524

Dⓐniel Chen 🐍🏴‍☠️ @PyBay 2019 (@chendaniely; 3/0): @apreshill @TiffanyTimbers Just realized I made a training manual fory previous lab that’s bookdown+GitHub (for the street cred). What role does netlify play in this?


Daniel J Leybourne (@danielleybourne; 3/0): @Dr_Joe_Roberts If using R I found the metafor package was a good package to use (and the associated documentation and paper). This site was also a godsend https://t.co/zU97l3tzEd

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 2/2): Does anyone know what’s going on with my column headers? I’m just using knitr::kable(df) to display the tables in bookdown::gitbook format. The problem is in the html, not the alignment:

<tr class=“header”>
<th>id t</th>
<th align=“left”>rial</th>

#rstats #rmarkdown https://t.co/PrpByQyYKT

Niels 📈 (@Niels_Bremen; 2/1): It would be cool if there was a way to read bookdown websites on my kindle paperwhite. #rstats

Luuuda (@ludmila_janda; 2/1): it’s crazy satisfying to change a #bookdown Rmd and see the knit output change in browser #rstats

Joshua Kunst (@jbkunst; 2/0): @LisouskiXimena @R4DS_es Buen análisis :)! quizás pueda servirte la opción code_folding para esconder el códgio por default pero permitir mostrarlo en caso que el usuario quiera :D así no tendrías que hacer 2 versiones https://t.co/YesWhKpyLU

Maurício Vancine (@mauriciovancine; 2/0): Code for An Introduction to Spatial Analysis and Mapping in R 2nd edition
Chris Brunsdon and Lex Comber

Stanisław M. Stanuch (@dziennikarz; 2/0): @EwaMFabian W R jest specjalna biblioteka do robienia… książek. Nazywa się bookdown. Super sprawa. Nawet autor zrobił serwis z… darmowymi książkami (głównie do R) https://t.co/AJJgwJHb22

Zorro Notorious M. E. B. he / him (@znmeb; 1/0): @pachamaltese @digitalocean I have R scripts to install the packages I use regularly. There’s tidyverse, of course. The other big one is one I call “authoring” - it’s all the R Markdown packages like “bookdown” and “flexdashboard”.

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): Does anyone (@xieyihui ?) know how to turn off smart quotes in bookdown when rendering a gitbook? I have the following in my _output.yml file, but it’s not doing anything (I thought it worked in the past, but maybe just for html_document).

smart: false

K (@SilverLinings71; 1/0): @evalparse In no particular order, my personal favorite

Documentation: #Rdatatable #tidyverse #shinyapps #Rdrake by @wmlandau

Particularly, drake has many tutorials, bookdown is organized, and even a shinyapps (https://t.co/Cfn9GdLwu5) !!!

Error messages: data.table

Stanisław M. Stanuch (@dziennikarz; 1/0): @szescstopni @EwaMFabian Nikt już nie robi ich LaTexie. Bookdown wszystko załatwia.
W pythonie, to pierwsze słyszę 😁

Ken Urano (@uranoken; 1/0): 『jamoviで学ぶ心理統計』はこちら。



Rasmus Bååth (@rabaath; 86/2): After 3.5 years I’m leaving @King_Games for a new opportunity. As a parting gift my amazing team made me a set of modified #rstats hex stickers! 😁
(Not sure how to interpret the needles going through my head in the knitr sticker though… 😅) https://t.co/8rRCwEsD6T

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 16/2): @pommedeterre33 Yes, basically they reinvented my 7-year old knitr::spin(), as pointed out by others like https://t.co/YByi3bK6XU and https://t.co/i5RYCm2G0u

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 8/3): @yutannihilat_en @Atsushi776 @Dale_Masch @kazutan Well, I’m not surprised at all now (I would have been surprised seven years ago: https://t.co/lnLLCTDBRt). I know @kazutan has a huge amount of chakra :)

Nigel Wallis (@Mole_9; 3/0): Modern stimuli for productivity 😊
From Yihui Xie’s “Dynamic Documents with R and knitr” https://t.co/l1sj1iNn1C

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 2/1): TFW you find your mojo ♥️

—@rstudio w/ dark theme
—@FiraCode w/ ligatures 😍
—widescreen monitor turned sideways for less scrolling
—documenting every step of data collection w/ #knitr::spin
—#dbplyr for lazy query evaluation
—#glimpse at the end of pipes to preview data

Susannah Cowtan (she/her) (@SuusJC; 2/1): @raulpacheco Data analysis specific: if you do your analysis in R, do it in R/sweave or RMarkdown using knitr. Now your blank page isn’t blank, it has graphs and tables. If this is an assignment rather than for publication, you can write the entire paper that way.

Hannah A. Brazeau at #EcoEvoEnto2019 (@HABrazeau; 2/0): @rigridzak Appropriate picture considering we’re using knitr

NiclasKuper (@niclas_kuper; 2/0): “4) R is becoming increasingly popular in psychology already, making it easier to collaborate using the software; 5) analyses in R can be highly reproducible with features like R Markdown and knitr, simplifying the process to provide open science […]”

Myfanwy Johnston (@Voovarb; 1/0): @jimhester_ devtools::build_vignette() returns NULL if knitr isn’t installed…is this expected behavior or should I try to submit a patch with an error message? Admittedly probably a rare circumstance


Julio Trecenti (@jtrecenti; 19/3): I tested {pagedown} 📦 yesterday and it was a great experience. It’s like xaringan for reports. Is latex dead? 😶#rstats https://t.co/sVAalSY4d9

atusy (@Atsushi776; 5/2): Rmd に lua フィルターの並が押し寄せている…….これがマージされると word_document や pagedown::html_paged の改ページが楽になるね.

isplab (@isplab1; 1/0): R package to make a CV


Ektropos (@Ektropos; 1/2): running Tinytex from a flash drive or a dropbox #rstats

Erika Roper 🦜🏘🌳 (@_erikaroper; 1/0): @boeta007 Weird. I thought my computer was being silly. I reinstalled tinytex and it didn’t work.

Knit to word is also not happy. Have gone with HTML printed as PDF for now.


Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 (@dmi3k; 26/5): One of the best references for {xaringan} https://t.co/X1cXfIHJ0R

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20/0): @Atsushi776 To my knowledge, you are the first person who has discovered the most essential technical (dirty) hack in the xaringan source code and mentioned it in public. You are an overqualified ninja now. https://t.co/NwfgS4k1ZB

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 12/2): wait, how did I miss the keyboard shortcuts AND presenter mode for {xaringan}?! (goes to figure out how to add notes to slides!)

@apreshill thanks a bunch for these slides! https://t.co/9tfXJzUoKZ

Katie Jolly (@katiejolly6; 9/2): @thisisdaryn Thanks!! I use the xaringan r package to write the content, it’s great for interweaving some code and uses the r markdown syntax. To design them I use the xaringanthemer package! The code is here: https://t.co/gNo5bRADW8

Quinn Asena (@QuinnAsena; 8/6): Made a #Shiny app @rstudio of population growth to give students to accompany my first lecture on population modelling. Slides made in #xaringan.
Code available, love to know if anyone re-purposes it.


#R #rstats #Rshiny

Devin Judge-Lord (@JudgeLord; 3/0): @RyanDEnos @fghjorth I highly recommend trying R Markdown slides with xaringan https://t.co/XfZQzHys9F

It’s so nice to use the same plain text for papers, slides, and HTML pages.

Rushad Faridi (@rushadFaridi; 2/1): Hello #rstats folks, while trying the amazing infinite moon reader in RStudio to create an xaringan presentation, I ran into the following error shown in the image. I have reported the full issue here:

Any help will be highly appreciated https://t.co/7xcbM7flCi

Devin Judge-Lord (@JudgeLord; 1/0): @RyanDEnos @fghjorth HT to @mikedecr for introducing me to xaringan. I use it for all of my lecture slides and course web pages, which are the same Rmd files knit to different outputs.

It’s also fun to turn bits of papers into web tutorials with code_folding: hide

Chris Prener (@chrisprener; 1/0): @LucyStats @JennyBryan @xieyihui If interested, I’ve created a gist of the R script for scraping google drive and reformatting the resulting tibble for my use case: https://t.co/xnhkyWoGvS

I’ve also got a gist of the xaringan template I use: https://t.co/U0MEyQYKtE


Omar Wasow (@owasow; 1/0): @thisisdaryn Switching from Latex / Beamer to HTML / Xaringan required nontrivial adjustments but was absolutely worth it. In prior years, I never saw students interacting with pdf slides after lecture (eg during sessions to help w/problem sets) but web slides were in use constantly.

Omar Wasow (@owasow; 1/0): @thisisdaryn @katiejolly6 Looks like https://t.co/iLIngWDG6E

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/0): @chrismainey Funny you should mention CSS and xaringan.

That’s yet another 📦 I have brewing, but I needed to get {brandy} off the ground first because the other one will depend on it.

Making it easier to get your xaringan CSS just right is a more ambitious undertaking.

Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 1/0): @BenjaminWolfe I’d be keen on this. I think branding is particularly helpful for Rmarkdown doc, knitter to Word for other colleagues. Same goes for xaringan slides. I spend a lot of time on CSS. For word docs, it’s best to use a template file, but I can’t get it looking nice.

Emi Tanaka 🌾 @ ISI WSC 2019 (@statsgen; 1/0): @certifiedwaif Xaringan is powered by remark.js and it’s a markup language (as well as slide processor) so generally easier to write directly than html.
I reckon the two are for different purposes though. Bootstrap has nice layouts for website for sure


John Blischak (@jdblischak; 4/0): @fellgernon @CDSBMexico Have you tried tinytex? I haven’t installed MikTek since I started using it
