Looking for teaching material for intro to #rstats and the #tidyverse? I’ve made mine easier to reuse. Please help yourself: https://t.co/gFWZG5iAqO @rstudio @hadleywickham



Garrett Grolemund (@StatGarrett; 792/224): Looking for teaching material for intro to #rstats and the #tidyverse? I’ve made mine easier to reuse. Please help yourself: https://t.co/gFWZG5iAqO @rstudio @hadleywickham

Miguel Hernán (@_MiguelHernan; 353/129): The gfoRmula package is available on CRAN.

All #Rstats users can now implement the parametric #gformula for #causalinference with time-varying treatments and confounders.

For a detailed software guide, see https://t.co/HwzAi5yQOV

Have fun, everybody! https://t.co/Ag0z24qKR6

Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 346/45): I just merged support for one of the most frequently requested features into the ggplot2 development branch: Plot titles that span the entire plot.
#rstats #ggplot2 https://t.co/tKTWevtvzo

Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 301/49): Did you know #rayshader comes with a function that can detect bodies of water directly from the elevation data? detect_water() looks for large contiguous flat regions of a user-defined minimum size and “flatness.” Use add_water() to layer it on the map. #rstats https://t.co/kBEltc98OH

Yan Holtz (@R_Graph_Gallery; 251/67): 😎 I’ve added a small tool in the #rstats graph gallery to explore the most common #ggplot2 themes 😎

https://t.co/7sOc6uM6P6 https://t.co/SYil5y5bEO

Gil Henriques 🌹 (@_Gil_Henriques; 234/35): 📈 I learned a lot doing this week’s #TidyTuesday. I had to make the axes and the lines connecting the points look hand-drawn (it takes some jittering!), and learn how to put a figure in the background. Happy with the result! Code below.
#dataviz #rstats #ggplot2
@R4DScommunity https://t.co/Gr0w37pbt9

Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 191/70): It can be bewildering to even begin to explore which of the over 13,000 packages on CRAN might be suitable for your task!

I found this wonderfully curated list of packages, broken down by particular task at hand, a good place to start:

#rstats #tidyverse https://t.co/NZ0iCiGa3u

Sebastián Garrido (@segasi; 190/47): Acabo de actualizar la lista de recursos para aprender a usar o ampliar habilidades en #rstats.

Más recursos y (creo que) mejor ordenados.

Ojalá les sirva

https://t.co/NLyZpt5kM5 https://t.co/zaoSVBK3KN

Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 156/48): Did a #rspatial workshop today. Forgot to took a picture.
It went quite well, some people managed to install #rstats and the required libraries in 15 minutes 😳

Now 40 people has R, {dplyr}, {sf}, {tmap} and {cartography} basics.
Materials :


Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 51/11): In case you aren’t aware, you can embed #rstats slides in your #blogdown. Just add knitr::include_url(a_link) to the R Markdown file. Thank @timmastny’s post here https://t.co/F261Vk7FMs and see how to embed shiny apps here https://t.co/YaF7cQEwDq https://t.co/isJlMfIweS

atusy (@Atsushi776; 32/9): Yihui が blogdown 本 に加えて R Markdown Cookbook 書いてる!!

Kristijan Bakaric (@kbakaric1; 23/5): Exploring #regex via friendly regular expressions of {rex} package.



Alison Hill (@apreshill; 14/2): So many cool projects being wrapped up - it was very cool to watch @yimregister and @Mayacelium’s projects unfold: https://t.co/jHZf6B9eII and https://t.co/G6pCE50z8L (➕check out Maya’s awesome #blogdown site for more too: https://t.co/F5rahtNH2K) https://t.co/PjhclesMWn https://t.co/ap2YAYoIR1

Alberto Acerbi (@acerbialberto; 14/2): Still need to populate with material and play with personalisations, but the new website, made in with blogdown, and Academic theme for Hugo, is online. Feedback welcome! #rstats https://t.co/8vdOJs2JYl

Peter Sobolewski (@psobolewskiPhD; 8/3): @guijacquemet @christlet If you’re already using R @Rstudio, then I think #blogdown and #hugo are a good way to go. See this tutorial by @dsquintana https://t.co/etkdIMhfMH
There’s a blogpost at the end of the tweetorial. More themes: https://t.co/dgQHiBLVSm
Deploy on @Netlify or your Uni web server.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 5/2): #rstats question:

I want to implement an internal analytics / data science site at my company, to share insights w/ #blogdown, streamline docs w/ #pkgdown, + have a place for #shiny dashboards.

I’m going to chat w/ the infra folks this week. What will they need to put in place?

Maya Gans (@Mayacelium; 4/1): Sending up the Mom Signal: @apreshill do you have a tutorial for adding the github link to the top of your blogdown posts? I think that’s where I’d like people to comment on my code? Opinions?

Jess Rohmann (@JLRohmann; 4/1): Soooo I am finally getting around to making a personal website and am teaching myself blogdown & Hugo. Can anyone recommend a good domain name registrar? Ideally one that would let me purchase myname(dot)net? #rstats https://t.co/tzTaTayha4

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 4/0): blogdown + Hugo is no longer moving rendered HTML files to the public folder and it’s incredibly hard to troubleshoot. Like, everything knits just fine, but the public/reading folder is empty??? Did something change in a recent version of Hugo? https://t.co/QSknu1vwfN

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 3/3): One upon a time, I found a cool #rstats package on GitHub that (I think?) made it easy to distribute project folders through blogdown or through a package maybe? (like get_assignment(url)?) I can’t find it now though. Does anyone remember this?

Nelson (@nelsonpray; 3/2): Hey #rstats and #ggplot people, has anyone had the experience that plots are initially blurry but given a few seconds they become better as if they aren’t fully rendering, they remain blurry if I use ggsave or try to include them in blogdown https://t.co/ju9IvKB8dy

Oli Clark (@PsyTechOli; 3/1): @farid_anvari Yeah! This cheatsheet was really useful to get started! https://t.co/fs1SChg4CD

Once you’ve got the hang of headings, including code chunks in your work and dealing with citations the move to bookdown/blogdown/papaja is pretty straightforward!

Kieran Healy (@kjhealy; 2/0): @andrewheiss I ran into various problems just yesterday with your templates and blogdown, though only for _index.Rmd files. Updating to hugo 0.57.2 seemed to fix things, but then I was greeted with a message about how bad things are about to happen to the .Pages variable in 0.58.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/0): @Mayacelium Here were rough notes on how to do it in other themes: https://t.co/rPJAOxEZz2 (search for “Github Edit” on this page). I’ve even offered PRs to do this for other people, and had it on my past academic site. But this version eludes me 😔

Harry Fisher (@harry__fisher; 1/0): Put together a quick post on a little project I’m working on using data from every athlete’s favourite website… https://t.co/kyNBa3VYUm #rstats #blogdown

Kieran Healy (@kjhealy; 1/0): @andrewheiss Yeah it’s hard to diagnose that sort of thing, partly on the blogdown side and partly because hugo has recently been a bit too breaking-change-happy for my taste.

Ralf Stubner (@rstub73; 1/0): @opencpu @ojessen ACK. Problem is that {RWordPress} uses {RCurl}. Of course, one should probably replace WordPress by {blogdown} …

Sush (@SushGopalan; 1/0): @apreshill Ooh thank you - I did not know that!
Turns out it deployed, but I broke something :P
(Also, I’m using your Summer of Blogdown content for this! It’s SO helpful - thank you 🙂)

Shamindra Shrotriya (@shamindraas; 0/1): Had fun migrating my site (blog) over the summer from blogdown to @RStudio’s port of @distillpub package


Check it out and leave some feedback



Arthur Fisch (@atrfisch; 46/10): Muito legal este guia que está sendo criado para ensinar análise de texto em Ciências Sociais para R


ProfZobitz (@ProfZobitz; 37/10): Just in time for fall term … I finished the open ed resource (“textbook”) for my math bio/modeling/diff eq class that uses #rstats. Made using #bookdown. TOC in photos. Feel free to DM if you’d like to take a peek! https://t.co/XUndtFvfRA

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 30/15): 📚#Libros de #Rstats en #Español

#Statistician #Statistics #Maths #Stats #Econometrics #DataAnalysis #Estadistica #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RstatsEs #Probability #BookDown #MachineLearning #Bayes #Bayesiana #Bayesian #ML https://t.co/g5ZhiBZq1J

Ivan Ukhov (@IvanUkhov; 22/6): Your #R notebook is getting swamped with sections, tables, and figures? Thinking of converting it into a #ShinyApp for the sake of better navigation? Do give a try to tabbed sections first! #RStats #RStudio #RMarkdown https://t.co/IK5TMWwVzV

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 21/21): 📚Libros de #Rstats en #Español

#Statistician #Statistics #Maths #Stats #Econometrics #DataAnalysis #Estadistico #Estadistica #AnalisisDeDatos #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RstatsEs #Probability #BookDown #Rspatial #RspatialEs https://t.co/n8e9thCaD0

Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 17/15): 📚Libros de #Rstats en #Español👇

#Statistician #Statistics #Maths #Stats #Econometrics #DataAnalysis #Estadistico #Estadistica #AnalisisDeDatos #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RStudio #RstatsES #Probability #Probabilidad #BookDown https://t.co/Pbh4aaiir5

Mark R Payne (@MarkPayneAtWork; 15/7): A new adventure in #OpenScience with @johnkpinnegar @EngelhardGeorg : doing @ceresproject_eu climate vulnerability analysis & writing manuscript in the open with #Rstats #bookdown package and #Github. Highly recommend this workflow!

Watch it unfold:

Daniel Holmes (@DrDanHolmes; 15/4): An RMarkdown template to handle multiple academic affiliations, reference abbreviation, cross-references producing either MS-Word or PDF (or html) output using @xieyihui’s awesome bookdown package: https://t.co/0WQhfnGZaE #rstats #rmarkdown #reproducibleresearch https://t.co/xJjWPDEymT

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 14/4): Just stumbled upon this great quote from @CivicAngela: “If you can type words, you can use #bookdown.” 🤣

ht to this awesome #xaringan slide deck from @RLadiesMelb by @MrsLaviniaG: https://t.co/hbwbaxF452 https://t.co/zXwDTmCf58

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇳🇱 (@oscar_b123; 12/2): Dipping my toes into #rstats Bookdown.

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 10/16): Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux
https://t.co/PDt1Zz6MYj https://t.co/T3be04ye0q

Josiah🤷🏻‍♂️(Joe-sigh-uh) (@JosiahParry; 8/4): New bookdown project 📖
Tidy Music Information Retrieval

This is a genre classification case study using the 📦s:

spotifyr - audio features (thanks @_RCharlie)
genius - song lyrics
bbcharts - Billboard Chart rankings

#rstats #musicscience


Christina Van Heer (@msvanarmy; 5/0): @AmyPerfors I think statistical rethinking is good (is this too specific?)
Lectures are on YouTube and code on github with the rethinking package
There is a version with tidyverse too

Kushan Liyanarachchi 🛡️ (@KushLiveNow; 4/3): Good Read on #RLang #rstats
@YaRrrBook @RLangTip

#DataScience #DataAnalytics

Steve D (@SteveDX_; 4/2): @oscar_b123 I just wrote this in Bookdown: https://t.co/dnqq000oyB. I’m not expert, but let me know if you have any questions I might be able to help with

Roxana Noelia (@data_datum; 4/1): R para principiantes https://t.co/7RPuJ9amfh

Jacob Kaplan (@JacobKaplan19; 3/0): maps, interactive maps, and making reports in R Markdown. Since a lot of good data for research isn’t in an easy to access format, this book also covers webscraping and PDF scraping. #AcademicTwitter #EconTwitter #Criminology #phdchat #PhDTwitter #bookdown 3/3

Oli Clark (@PsyTechOli; 3/0): IT COMPILES STRAIGHT INTO BOOKDOWN TOO!!!!! That was seamless - my thesis now has another results section! Paging @FrederikAust & @xieyihuiif, if we’re in the same room and they’re serving coffee &/or beer…!

Amanda Peterson Plunkett (@DrAmandaRP; 3/0): @NRatnaweera @R4DScommunity I thought the “Geocomputation with R” explained it we’ll. See chapter 1: https://t.co/esG7D0p7xR

Anja Munder (@anja_munder; 2/0): @maomogami90 https://t.co/UUgu80zXDD I find this quite approachable :)

Oli Clark (@PsyTechOli; 2/0): @paulbuerkner @DanielLudecke If you’re writing in markdown, check out @ed_berry’s blog - https://t.co/IjFijrK7lL - I was up and running in no-time! (well a few hours because I suck at naming my code blocks!)

🔎 🏳️‍🌈 👨🏿‍💻 📊📈🇿🇲 (@pure_entropy; 1/1): @MT_statistics @rstatstweet Pardon me if I’m mansplaining:
First install #LaTeX, @rstudio and #Bookdown
Turn them into Rmarkdown documents by starting a new R markdown doc in R studio, then set the output to pdf. Do the usual content stuff and you’re done. Here’s a doc page:


John Muschelli (@StrictlyStat; 1/1): Wrote a book in #bookdown #rstats with some other people w/code. Made some comments about the simulated data/random samples. R random sampler changed, text was not dynamic, OK to have
suppressWarnings(RNGversion(“3.5.0”)) in book? Thoughts?

JanLauGe (@JanLauGe; 1/1): @PipingHotData @brodriguesco @dataandme I’ve tried passing vector graphics to pandoc but that didn’t work. Makes me think the problem is with pandoc and markdown? See example below, based on

annibenz (@annibenz; 1/0): @christine_blume For an English really good and actually super funny introduction to R, I usually recommend https://t.co/AVyDJ8LIpl with easy to handle tutorials and all open source

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 1/0): @HadlingtonLee Don’t overlook @rdpeng’s “R Programming for Data Science”. https://t.co/0Bk2bBbKI7

Mikhail Dozmorov (@mikhaildozmorov; 1/0): @IvanUkhov Interesting feature. The whole book is worth skimming to learn about new/lesser-known features. Just noted an option to compile PowerPoint presentations https://t.co/7MWKUOps7m

Mariano Scagliotti (@MarianoScagliot; 1/0): @54cero571 https://t.co/f7pTW6kDfl

Mariano Scagliotti (@MarianoScagliot; 1/0): @54cero571 Usen R: https://t.co/hgiZLGpoX9

whiskey_daydream (@whiskey_daydrm; 1/0): @ApikorosRope Some folks keep things really simple and just publish PDFs / text on webpages, but bookdown is a very good solution for a long-term thing that you may want to update on occasion after publishing. (Happy to offer technical support if you went that route)

Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 1/0): @MIT_CSAIL Doesn’t work on mobiles :( it would be great to have a bookdown version

txt4cs (@txt4cs; 0/1): [Update] Capítulos 1 e 2 publicados. Saiba mais sobre o que está por vir!

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: bookdown ludic https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


atusy (@Atsushi776; 21/5): プロットを一端非表示にして,任意の場所に挿入する方法.これは便利!!

```{r cars-plot, dev=‘png’, https://t.co/BndiM7sKuV=‘hide’}
![A nice plot.](r knitr::fig_chunk('cars-plot', 'png'))


atusy (@Atsushi776; 21/0): knitr のコミッターになったZO☆

atusy (@Atsushi776; 11/1): knitr に送った3つの PR を一気に review してもらえた.既に approve してくれてて,自分でマージしていいよと言ってもらえたので,やってみたけど,なかなか緊張する(笑)
というわけで全部 merged!!

atusy (@Atsushi776; 4/1): 今日もknitrにPR

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 3/2): 世界のatusyによって俺のknitrのissueがクローズされるのも時間の問題っ…!

atusy (@Atsushi776; 3/1): @niszet0 書いてる……けど極力全ての chunk option に example 付けてるので時間かかりまする.
まだ↓のCode decorationの段.


Joe Wasserman (@JoeWasserman; 3/0): I’m creating snippets of R code for an online supplement to a textbook on program evaluation. Aside from using markdown and knitr, does anyone have advice or resources on best practices for something like this?

atusy (@Atsushi776; 2/2): もいっちょ knitr に PR.マージされれば Rmd 本で紹介した,```{style=color: red} はエラーになるから style の前にスペースを入れようっていうハックが不要になる.

Ruby Programming (@ProgrammingRuby; 2/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/jZprcO9LZT

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/VJMyIfrpYG

Ruby Developer (@DeveloperRuby; 1/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/aAMkrtuuCH

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/pDGFJ3TMx5

Ruby (@ruby_codek; 1/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/RnGX0Dre5I

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/3H5rln2Gir

Oliver Slay (@oliverslay; 1/1): @strnr RCurl or knitr… https://t.co/pfxtDHnAWZ

jsonpott (@jsonpott; 1/0): @dgkeyes @RussInMtl Not the op but I use the
Read_chunks(‘rscript.R’) function

Then call each chunk with

@knitr chunk_name

I can’t find the RStudio page on this but this link describes it https://t.co/mvznuK2o3o

くろきち (@akaikaze_; 1/0): @Atsushi776 さんのcommitがどんどんknitrにとりこまれていく。

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): PR しといた.


atusy (@Atsushi776; 8/3): みんなも pagedown でカンタンに表紙画像を挿入したいよね……? というわけで PR.
https://t.co/4CQlaFPPMy https://t.co/nHze9JInEa

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 6/0): @MT_statistics @rstatstweet pagedown::chrome_print(“your-slides.html”) https://t.co/8y4hwfVLH8

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): Yihui は rmarkdown など色んな down を作ってきたが,goverment shutdown は彼のせいではない.

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 1/0): @MT_statistics @rstatstweet This function is from another package (pagedown) from the same author (@xieyihui ) . I saw that tip on the talk in this link. 😊 https://t.co/8y4hwfVLH8


Ryan Peek (@riverpeek; 1/0): @nickrsan @aimandel Look at the tinytex package if in RStudio. It’s worked well for various platforms for me and for teaching. https://t.co/j5DngLsUEV


Maria Tackett (@MT_statistics; 16/3): #rstats question: is there any easy way to convert html slides to PDFs? I make my slides with xaringan.

Alice Sweeting (@alicesweeting; 12/1): @mattdriller If you are an #RStats user, check out #xaringan slides. Flexibility, no need to copy/ paste figures from RStudio into ppt & plenty of (free) online content to get started.

Cédric Scherer (@CedScherer; 10/2): Does anyone know what’s going on here and how to fix it? Using .pull-left[ ] and .pull-right[ ] in a #xaringan #Rmarkdown slide show but somehow the code chunks are not aligned… 🧐

And unrelated but - why is there no scale_color_gray() function?!? #ggplot2 #rstats #tidyverse https://t.co/p7s8Pm8BOb

Dianne Cook (@visnut; 10/0): @annafergussonnz Definitely ignore 😜 and if they say you need to upload your PDF or ppt slides ahead of time, you plug your laptop in showing off your xaringan HTML 😂

Travis Gerke (@travisgerke; 9/0): The finishing touch to every really slick xaringan or beamer presentation is burning the whole thing down when you’re informed it must be in pOwErPoInT format

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 8/1): Set “two bonuses” on fire in my xaringan #rstats slides. https://t.co/iZP8d2239V

Katie Peterson (@KatieAPeterson; 8/0): Last night: went to a great meeting once again with R-Ladies! Really stoked about the xaringan package to export a presentation! Also, @allison_horst who taught me stats at @brenucsb, got a cross-Pacific shout-out for in one of the talks for her stats and data mgmt illustrations! https://t.co/7ft85PhGlX

Paula Andrea (@orchid00; 7/1): @Huiwen_zh1 @RLadiesBrisbane in this photo I’m saying thank you to @statsgen and @apreshill for sharing their themes Kunoichi and #rladies rladiesfonts :) for #Xaringan #Ninja presentations :)

If you missed this meeting here are my slides https://t.co/0zQZRhbozl

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 5/0): @MT_statistics Here are some options:

Thomas Mock 👨🏼‍💻 (@thomas_mock; 5/0): @sheikhbarabas @MT_statistics Couple options, check out the docs at https://t.co/LLkSO9dQH0

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @ludmila_janda @visnut @annafergussonnz Yes- I always practice this first and still depending on the projector, weird things can happen 😭 https://t.co/nJo3YaLdkQ https://t.co/emaYCCEWOR

Luuuda (@ludmila_janda; 2/0): @apreshill @visnut @annafergussonnz oh this is nice, i love the keyboard shortcuts for xaringan! for some reason the hardest part with my last talk was dragging the slides to the display

Andrew Mercer (@awmercer; 2/0): @lorenc2 All the cool kids are using xaringan now.

shitpost para precoces (@dxdxpxg; 1/0): @manusemdedo quando vc ver meu xaringan sua adaga fica dura

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 1/0): @mwark89 I might be biased, but I’m a fan of xaringanthemer 😆

The goal of that package is to quickly and easily tweak the fonts and colors to create xaringan themes and it gets you pretty far without having to get into the CSS.

Luuuda (@ludmila_janda; 1/0): @visnut @annafergussonnz xaringan for the win!! but fair warning for my last conf talk we spent some time trying to figure out how to drag the talk slides to the display. it ended up fine but worth checking set-up before the talk

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 1/0): @thomas_mock @MT_statistics That’s a great approach. Another option is the decktape fxn now part of {xaringan} (if you have docker installed)


Devin Judge-Lord (@JudgeLord; 4/0): @RyanDEnos @fghjorth I highly recommend trying R Markdown slides with xaringan https://t.co/XfZQzHys9F

It’s so nice to use the same plain text for papers, slides, and HTML pages.