🎉🎉🎉 I am beyond excited to finally release ggraph v2, a major upgrade that has been in the works for years. If you are into #dataviz and network analysis, this is for you! #rstats https://t.co/CaiBqHLTfH



Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 1136/273): 🎉🎉🎉 I am beyond excited to finally release ggraph v2, a major upgrade that has been in the works for years. If you are into #dataviz and network analysis, this is for you! #rstats https://t.co/CaiBqHLTfH

Lukas PM Kremer (@LPMKremer; 786/190): My first #rstats package📦 ggpointdensity is now on #CRAN 🎉. It provides a #ggplot2 geom that is a cross between a 2D density plot and a scatter plot: geom_pointdensity(). Useful to deal with overplotting without hiding outlier points. https://t.co/7hNZy3rTpy https://t.co/2AspdGU4wz

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 382/92): 🗺 Gorgeous map-making feat geom_richtext()…
“NYT-style urban heat island maps” 👩‍💻 @katiejolly6
https://t.co/n8RjEYwR0a #rstats #maps #dataviz https://t.co/j9BLT3X2th

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 250/75): Forget about Excel, Use these R Shiny Packages Instead {https://t.co/XJvKRiFrMx} #rstats #DataScience

Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 211/16): #rstats #generative https://t.co/5rO9Qx2jJs

Richard Dinga (@dinga92; 203/35): If i got the debate correctly



𝓛𝓾𝓬𝔂::assistant_prof(📈) (@LucyStats; 202/17): Really leaving my students guessing about my language preference 😂🙊 thanks @AmeliaMN for the awesome fabric! #rstats https://t.co/3wvd5qjVxz


Desirée De Leon (@dcossyle; 124/25): Add some 💐pretty🌻 tip boxes to any #rmarkdown, #bookdown, #distill, or #blogdown (.Rmd post) site!

📝I show you how to make and customize them here: https://t.co/x0FQTFlGBU https://t.co/wILswP78w5

Innocenter Amima (@am_innocenter; 21/6): I have been tossing with this idea for months now🙃I finally finished creating my blog https://t.co/1G6qmP1uS6 and even made a post showing how I went about it https://t.co/y3zC7jfKKT Feel free to drop a comment #rstats #blogdown #AfricaRusers #HappyWeekends #CodingMilestones https://t.co/3zuZtCTIXo

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 15/0): @dataandme @andrewheiss @OleksiyAnokhin The recent releases of Hugo have bothered me a lot, too. If you prefer stability, I recommend that you remove the Homebrew version of Hugo (brew remove hugo), and install a fixed version that worked for you before: blogdown::install_hugo(version, use_brew = FALSE).

MarcinStepniak (@marcin_stepniak; 8/2): Not a final web address yet, but my personal web is live on-line.
Any comments & suggestions are welcome!
All done in #rstats blogdown using Hugo Academic template (https://t.co/G0Bbpw0jgJ). https://t.co/pdv6c0uScj

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 7/3): #rstats folks: any quick examples of your favorite #shiny dashboards? I’m making the case for a robust ecosystem of #blogdown, #pkgdown, and #shiny at work, and I have tons of examples for the first 2 but shiny isn’t my forte yet.

Jamie Lingwood (@LingwoodJamie; 7/0): Thanks for sharing @veabrunsdon. Just finished creating my own website using @dsquintana’s fantastic thread on how to create your own personal website using blogdown. Easy to follow and create, even for an R novice like me 🤓

🕸️https://t.co/agt65qcoYD🕸️ https://t.co/zgveelw8CP

Kristen Osborne (@Kristen_Osb; 5/1): There’s an exciting #rstats user meetup in Adelaide on September 25 , which is one thing… But I’m supposed to talk about #blogdown and give my (dubious) wisdom 😄

Anyone got blogdown tips/questions/annoyances that they’d like to share? https://t.co/jrj5JDqtm0

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 5/0): Omg this is gorgeous and super informative…

@dcossyle a question for you: I’ve been looking to make a #blogdown site with the #academic theme, but the docs say to use .Rmarkdown files instead of .Rmd.

Are there any snags when you use it with .Rmd?

https://t.co/SFhD7qQ5UI https://t.co/OUiQA2MqSy

Vivek Das (@ivivek87; 2/1): @thebyrdlab Here you go:
Link 1: https://t.co/1SQT9hkm54

Link 2: https://t.co/jVs2y6xWVH

It’s all Blogdown+ Hugo + Github post site deployment. Good luck

Houston Haynes (@whiskersedge; 2/1): @AbelSquidHead @DonovanBrown I too am sensitive on a case by case basis. 😆

Totally jelly over your beta access! I’ve signed up and I’m waiting to streamline my #rstats #blogdown site deployment into both Azure and AWS. 👍

Nicholas R. Davis (@DemocObserver; 2/1): @DavidPoe223 My own site is in html but I’ve looked at rmarkdown/blogdown as an alternative and I think it’s pretty accessible. Rstudio makes it easy to knit good looking output. Without git I’m not sure if you’ll need a ftp client to publish, will have to look into that.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 2/0): @IsabellaGhement @r_medicine @chendaniely @ibddoctor Yes, blogdown with the Hugo academic theme! Thank you for noticing 💐

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 2/0): @apreshill @dcossyle @georgecushen Oh, wonderful, thank you so much!

That means I can use Hugo / blogdown / academic with even less disruption to my status-quo workflow. https://t.co/wQTZvcyJol

Catherine Laing (@cathelaing24; 2/0): @LingwoodJamie @veabrunsdon @dsquintana This looks great! I use Google sites but might transfer to blogdown now I’ve seen this!

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 1/0): @Andrew___Baker OK so you have a bunch of folders where your blogdown Project lives, like in the screenshot I attached? you wanna copy and paste the xaringan files into “static”, then push them to github https://t.co/QLbfXYqnet

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 1/0): @AllbriteAllday @medewittjr @Andrew___Baker https://t.co/rfDU2iKIIU

the URL to get to the presentation will be:

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 1/0): @AllbriteAllday @medewittjr @Andrew___Baker What I’ve done is to host the presentation on my website. You have blogdown right? I have subfolders in “static” by pdf, html and then in this case copy everything into the html folder.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/0): @pmbaumgartner: thank you for your cautionary tales at https://t.co/1PKlZwDmNI!

I’m considering creating a blog w/ Hugo, blogdown, academic theme + xaringan (saw your post on that, too!).

Does the combo still work for you?

#thread 1/2

Desirée De Leon (@dcossyle; 1/0): @BenjaminWolfe Thanks, @BenjaminWolfe!

I haven’t experienced any snags, but paging the blogdown guru @apreshill to see what she says🔮

廖顯禕 / Shen-yi Liao (@liaoshenyi; 1/0): I won’t do this today but bookmarking this for the future… https://t.co/ggGY8XnCiB

Philipp Gärtner (@gartn001; 1/0): @sciremotesense What about #blogdown, #hugo hosted on #github or @Netlify?

Lorenz Walthert (@lorenzwalthert; 1/0): commit: https://t.co/bP5MYjRFzW how it looks now: https://t.co/xPePk08cSB https://t.co/Joo3cKERp1

Luke W. Johnston (@lwjohnst; 1/0): @thebyrdlab @rstats4ds Depends how your rmarkdown website is generated. Using blogdown? Bookdown? Or the original rmarkdown website set up?

Vivek Das (@ivivek87; 1/0): @thebyrdlab If I understand correctly the troubleshooting then you will need to change settings in your “config.*” file for changing “global settings”. You have an updated version of that blog. My bad I put the old one earlier.

Updated link: https://t.co/ymVt6ygZ1K https://t.co/Q4eOqaIKUs

Jessica Streeter (@phillynerd; 1/0): @NayBiggs If you feeling fancy you can do it in r! blogdown and host on netlify for free. I’m sure there’s something on connecting Google analytics too.

Will Wheeler (@willwheels; 1/0): @grant_mcdermott @Andrew___Baker I will, but it might be a little while. I think I’m going to be using the academic theme with blogdown (published through GH). I experimented with simpler themes, but I think I want the added functionality, at the expense of upfront work.

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 1/0): @wytham88 @medewittjr @Andrew___Baker I do have blogdown! The font/styling/colors looked different when I tried to put them onto my blogdown website. Couldn’t figure out why and ended up giving up. On my to do list to explain thoroughly & ask Rstudio community at some point.

Dilsher Dhillon (@TexanDhillon; 1/0): @DavidPoe223 You would barely need to use GitHub to manage it (add commit and push are pretty much the only commands you will ever have to use). https://t.co/VG2eCK1Ain this pretty much walks you through step by step.

Howard Baik (@howard_baik; 0/1): #rstats is there a way to “prettify” code chunks inside a #blogdown post? I’m using academic theme for my blog


Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 32/4): 出版前に内容をインターネット上で公開する書籍が海外では多い。特にR界隈はbookdownが普及していて、それが標準とも言えそう。

Brian Weatherson (@bweatherson; 20/2): As part of teaching myself bookdown, I decided I’d make prettier HTML versions of some @gutenberg_org philosophy books. So here is a version of Hume’s Dialogues.


廖顯禕 / Shen-yi Liao (@liaoshenyi; 14/0): I start teaching tomorrow (again), so obviously I am very anxious, so obviously I am working on updating my website, and so obviously I am now thinking about redoing the whole thing in R -> bookdown…

atusy (@Atsushi776; 7/0): bookdown の PR のレビュアーにアサインされてるのに今気付いた.よさげだったので承認したけど,それだけでなんか緊張するな…….さて,マージも俺がやってしまっていいものか…….

Michael Sumner (@mdsumner; 6/7): #rstats #rgl #bookdown I can’t get subsequent rglwidgets to work in later chapters of bookdown, having trouble isolating the issue.


Any help with bookdown/rgl problem in the next day or so I’d be very grateful


Max Kuhn (@topepos; 6/2): @nnstats @hadleywickham We felt like we needed to talk about binning but didn’t want to encourage people so “Discretize Predictors as a Last Resort”. 😐 There are refs and simulations that might convince people.


Dr. Ryan “Class Started” Straight (@RyanStraight; 5/2): Want to up your presentation game this year? 🐱‍👤 Xaringan by @xieyihui to the rescue. It totally changed how I present content to my students. (Ie, it’s much more interactive, fun, and reproducible now.) https://t.co/LPbzEGebVj #RStats

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 4/3): any recommended task schedulers for #rstats and GitHub? I invariably forget to render my course notes to bookdown and/or push to git 😂😂 and would like to automatically run a script that does this

Phil McAleer (@McAleerP; 3/1): @ceptional Might not be what you are after exactly but if you use webex package in RMarkdown you can create formative MCQs etc for students, & embed the html in Moodle. This might give the idea (https://t.co/BgD2pEbgRc - see L2 practical). Moodle is clunky, so we changed to bookdown.

Tiago Ventura (@_Tiagoventura; 3/0): @maricarvalb @relances @guilhermejd1 @rationalexpec @KimJoaoUn @claudferraz @fbizzarroneto Criei um repositorio no github com um formato de e-book via bookdown. Quem estiver afim de participar, escreve ai o email do github que mando o convite.

Michael Sumner (@mdsumner; 3/0): I found it, each subsequent new page in bookdown requires

rglwidget(reuse = TRUE)

I suppose because the resources for previous plots are in the previous HTML page, and not available to the current one without this

Erika Roper 🦜🏘🌳 (@_erikaroper; 3/0): @JasonRoncancioM @AcademicChatter You could write it in Bookdown using RMarkdown. Or you could make a Shiny app for it.

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 2/0): @wytham88 FWIW, you need to switch from Bookdown’s default rendering approach to “Knit and Merge” (K-M) to use subdirectories. See https://t.co/0vwAwRHXHP

With that done, see here for examples: https://t.co/P3tkAfXNUT

kotaro (@kotaro_holland; 2/0): https://t.co/OMtaUnBf1n nbsphinxで作ったけど、bookdownで再作成してみようかな。

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 2/0): @RyanEs @apreshill This is a pretty minimal example but explains the parts: https://t.co/YMdlnfUIy8 I’ll look for a better / more involved one to DM you

Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 2/0): @StephanKadauke @RStudioJoe @srmaster @xieyihui @_inundata @rdpeng @kwbroman @victoriastodden @rOpenSci A few (Elsevier journals) will via the rticles package in R. https://t.co/LDYZdSbeF1

Eduardo Guamán Daquilema (@guamandseduardo; 1/3): #Statistician #Statistics #Maths #Stats #Econometrics #DataAnalysis #Estadistico #Estadistica #AnalisisDeDatos #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RStudio #RstatsEs #Probability #Probabilidad #BookDown #Rstats https://t.co/iigTUzOQUw

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/1): @mdsumner I don’t know that this would fix your specific problem, but I by default set new session to TRUE for various reasons- I see you already have a solution but this is helpful for various hygiene reasons: https://t.co/1u7YGXcJWO

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇳🇱 (@oscar_b123; 1/1): Dear #rstats #bookdown creators, what software do you write your long form content in? I’m finding writing directlyin the rmd script/s quite challenging. Cc @SteveDX_ @hadleywickham @xieyihui

Jesus M. Castagnetto (@jmcastagnetto; 1/0): @BeaMilz @rstatstweet Might help you to look at @xieyihui Bookdown package (docs: https://t.co/XbvXKU1Bjn), perhaps with some modifications to the base template. Also, see https://t.co/zdYIE8QfHU (by @healthandstats). Finally: https://t.co/BMMMz6fEs7 (by @old_man_chester)

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 1/0): @andrew_leach @AllbriteAllday You might be interested in thesisdown (or one of the derivatives). It’s based on bookdown so native support for bibtex: https://t.co/vH0ljhf8rN

JEMSU (@Jemus42; 1/0): If you’re considering to build a #bookdown book via travis, and you want LaTeX/PDF output, and you also have silly specific font preferences, prepare for a world of pain unless you know how travis/xelatex/ubuntu/fonts wokr/interact.
Nice when it finally builds though.

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 1/0): @ZachFeldman3 @JennyBryan @jimhester_ The former (re. workspace) is covered in that first chapter (it’s not long — just a bookdown book that truly covers What They Forgot!) and .Renviron is covered here: https://t.co/A7XsuhYgWq

Not being withholding, there’s just no way I can give a more parsimonious explanation.

Leo Kiernan (@DrLeo037; 1/0): @GReales7 @rstatstweet https://t.co/uBJcGsn7gp

Brian Weatherson (@bweatherson; 1/0): @jweisber No that doesn’t work either. I’m pretty sure bookdown generates different phone and tablet versions.

Armando (@elabuel_o; 1/0): @stabridis77 Muy interesante su pregunta y planteamientos.

Yo diría que hay herramientas para divulgar: para no estar a expensas de Nexos et al., están Github (wiki, pages), markdown, bookdown, knitr y demás (que además tienen ventajas de control de versiones y son colaborativas)

Jannik (@JannikBuhr; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine @aRtofdataviz @DurhamPsych I am about to do something similar with a bookdown book embedded on my website that gets filled up with the things we cover during the course :) Super excited!

Michael Dorman (@MichaelDorman84; 1/0): @oscar_b123 @SteveDX_ @hadleywickham @xieyihui I’m using ‘gedit’ #bookdown


paul cross (@paulchafeecross; 14/0): Went down a long rabbit hole on character encoding in latex, rmd, knitr, and RefmanageR. No solution yet. For those 3 followers that understand this tweet you probably know my pain

Johannes Björk (@AwfulDodger; 5/1): gam folks: do you know if there’s an easy way to make nice knitr/rmarkdown tables from gam.check(m) and anova.gam(m)? There’s the itsadug::gamtabs but that’s summary.gam(m) @ucfagls @noamross @ericJpedersen

jon (@jarana; 2/2): knitR + gather question! This code outputs perfectly in the console. But knitr errors when I gather a tibble in Chunk 2. Saying it can’t find my newly declared Gather-key and Gather-value. https://t.co/rTczjXLJmN #rstats

Jonathan Weisberg (@jweisber; 2/0): @bweatherson Super easy! One thing I realized about .Rmd vs plain .md is it takes the pain out of tables! I just put the contents into a data.frame and call knitr’s kable() funcrtion. It draws the table for you!

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): 次の knitr の PR ネタを閃いた.

Ruby Developer (@DeveloperRuby; 1/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/wXmBGZSA8V

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/oJ57Cejd6f

Learn Ruby (@MaryLearn; 1/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/2KzfNvyx4d

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/32zkWkicvb

Ruby Programming (@ProgrammingRuby; 1/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr

☞ https://t.co/vUSCwzvskx

#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/wT0jM1v7Nh


HighlandR (@_johnmackintosh; 1/0): @ChrisBeeley Knit to pdf fails because I don’t have Latex. I have tinytex as per error message, but am being prompted to install MikTeX.
Pagedown means I can avoid all this faff


Brooke P Deak (@Deakology; 15/1): In an #R meeting today, we went over a package called Xaringan. I chuckled a bit loudly, because it’s based on Sharingan dojutsu from an anime called Naruto, and I recognised the logo.

Then…just for a moment…in a room full of nerds, I was the nerdiest.


Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 7/0): @Andrew___Baker HTML is a much safer experience IMO. For backup:

  1. Easy to host on GitHub and render directly via GH pages or https://t.co/fVQFvh7W4I.
  2. Even if your slide engine doesn’t support PDF conversion (e.g. xaringan), it’s pretty easy to convert from HTML: https://t.co/mtdgDtiLDs

Timothy Tsai (@seizethedatum; 4/2): Working on my presentation for #rmedicine 2019 - using #rstudiocloud for interactive demos and xaringan for slides! #rstats #DataScience

Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 1/1): .@xieyihui - how do I pronounce Xaringan? I am teaching it again this year and I want to have confidence when I say it outloud 😊


Andrew Baker (@Andrew___Baker; 1/0): Who has uploaded xaringan slides to netlify?

Stephen Vaisey (@vaiseys; 1/0): @torkildl @grrrck This all happened in about a 2-week period. But xaringan is easier to customize than ioslides with the package I mentioned above. Totally worth a look.

Sergio Oller (@zeehio_; 1/0): @TiffanyTimbers @rstatstweet @xieyihui Good point! Based on the phonetic transcription written at the top of the Xaringan readme, yes, it sounds like Sharingan 🙂.

Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 1/0): @zeehio_ @rstatstweet @xieyihui But do I pronounce Xaringan the same as Sharingan?

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 1/0): @medewittjr @Andrew___Baker Agree that you should present from a browser to do this! I tried a xaringan presentation in May & it looked v diff when I presented from a USB on a PC. (HDMI wasn’t working. 😳) Also, FYI if you save a backup PDF, it may look different (mine had diff, suboptimal sizing/spacing).

Mike Carter (@cartermaclab; 1/0): @paulgribble @JCashaback I’ve been using Beamer for my slides for the last few years but have actually just switched to using R Markdown and the xaringan package…so far I’m liking the switch

Andrew Baker (@Andrew___Baker; 0/2): Who has uploaded xaringan slides to netlify? #rstats halp


Ryan Peek (@riverpeek; 1/0): @nickrsan @aimandel Look at the tinytex package if in RStudio. It’s worked well for various platforms for me and for teaching. https://t.co/j5DngLsUEV