RVerbalExpressions, where were you 10 years ago https://t.co/7QLjDcd2Tt #rstats https://t.co/r9RB9ZJLwd



Stephen Turner (@strnr; 739/192): RVerbalExpressions, where were you 10 years ago https://t.co/7QLjDcd2Tt #rstats https://t.co/r9RB9ZJLwd

Malcolm Barrett 🦁🐻 (@malco_barrett; 444/116): ggdag 0.2.0 is now on CRAN! 🛳️➡️🥳. ggdag fuses the powerful algorithms in dagitty for analyzing causal diagrams with the unlimited flexibility of ggplot2. Blog post: https://t.co/uEpckUAVlA Package website and vignettes: https://t.co/J1xDeAC4kZ #rstats #epitwitter https://t.co/7aCDjLQZc3

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 410/75): I used this idea today for teaching #rstats pipes and 🤞hopefully it helped? 🤞 https://t.co/XnpsIw96Hw https://t.co/6sAmM4FDRy

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 335/88): 🎞 Liked it so much, I had to GIF it…
“A Graphical Introduction to tidyr’s pivot_*()” 👨‍🎨 @yutannihilat_en
https://t.co/0FPzwiMQmz #rstats https://t.co/xZ1Zfz4jYL

Julian Reif (@JulianReif; 328/112): Attention @Stata users who also like to use #Rstats: @davidmolitor and I developed a new Stata command, rscript, to help manage workflow. Type “ssc install rscript, replace” to install. Here’s a quick overview.

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 310/71): 💞 A gift from @tyluRp unto those of us who struggle with RegExps…
💬 “RVerbalExpressions: Create regular expressions easily”
https://t.co/jJCPAQvGSw #rstats #RegEx https://t.co/sq927rHDcu

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 268/65): 🐟 Love the use of visuals in these slides {santoku}…
🔪 “santoku - a visual introduction” by @davidhughjones
https://t.co/TAqV4GL7C8 #rstats https://t.co/r36lf2ZJLz

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 171/45): 🏫 Getting to know the new {tidyr} verbs? Check this out…
“Pivoting data from columns to rows (and back!) in the tidyverse” ✍️ @mjfrigaard
https://t.co/60rZjPMvDA via @storybench #rstats

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 152/48): Feature-based time series analysis {https://t.co/rB3tU2YKPs} #rstats #DataScience


Eric Dawson (@erictdawson; 13/1): @americanuninte1 @AcademicChatter I use a simple static site from Hugo, which you can use with the Blogdown R package, then host with GitHub Pages or Netlify (+ google domains or dreamhost for domain name). Super cheap ($12 / year), fast, easy, and lots of tutorials and community support.

Kapil.Khanal (@almost_kapil; 10/6): All the projects I worked on as a @CMU_Stats summer statistics/data science intern. @_jsanchez1
(It’s been few days i figured out how to setup #rstats #blogdown , hence a little late post…) https://t.co/zWZdUuDaZl

Lauryn Burleigh (@L_Burleigh; 6/1): Finally finished creating my site with blogdown! It is officially deployed and now has a logo. New posts to come. 🙂 https://t.co/ImKkR7EgnU
#rstats #Website https://t.co/OPy3RW4qIi

Xavier (@xvrdm; 5/0): @grrrck @CedScherer This might help you: https://t.co/STgQ1jZ46S although, full disclaimer, Its 2y old and I haven’t reviewed it since writing it.

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 4/1): When I search “my name + usc” in Google, my personal website doesn’t show up in the first two pages of search results. Any ideas on how to boost its ranking? #rstats #blogdown

Ryan (@RyanEs; 4/0): Me trying to set up a new blogdown post for the first time in six months. This used to be muscle memory what happened?! 😂 https://t.co/adyMh0CNIj

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 3/1): #rstats #blogdown #thread 1/n (cc @apreshill?)

Putting together an internal #blogdown site for a shared project. Couldn’t get a server instance ATM. @JonTheGeek suggested maybe I could just use a shared filesystem!

Using @GeorgeCushen’s Academic theme for @GoHugoIO. https://t.co/k2qjRMmX4G

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 3/0): @zhiiiyang @Brightspeaking I’m likely biased, but using {blogdown} 📦 with #hugo and #rmarkdown to power https://t.co/i8MzKnag8t and https://t.co/vstRRmNl4M makes posting my content fun and a great way to learn the stack behind it all 😀

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @chendaniely Well blogdown does that for you (Rmd -> md). I do this in the static folder using this trick: https://t.co/PVdRlXFn7K

You can look at my personal website or any of my workshop websites as examples

yeet in my backyard (@TheRealEveret; 2/2): My stack:

I use the blogdown #rstats pkg - a wrapper for the Hugo static site generator. Lets me write posts/pages in Rmd.

Site theme is Hugo Tranquilpeak by @thibaudlepretre.


Oleksiy Anokhin (@OleksiyAnokhin; 2/1): How to organize the Blogdown/Hugo content properly?
#rstats. @andrewheiss , maybe you have any tips?

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 2/1): @nicfoxds @apreshill You are most welcome… I hope to see your site hosted on netlify soon…😊😊😊. Incase of any questions, ask on twitter and tag #rstats #blogdown. Happy ‘blogdowning’ (new word alert)

Julia Beitner (@JuliaBeitner; 2/0): @katestorrs @B_vanKemenade .@B_vanKemenade my website was also made in Blogdown with Hugo and with this tutorial it was relatively easy! Highly recommended :) https://t.co/JCve3jv6bV

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 2/0): @apreshill @Brightspeaking Remind me of a quote: platforms - they come and go, but s̵t̵o̵r̵y̵t̵e̵l̵l̵i̵n̵g̵ #blogdown is forever.

Dⓐniel Chen 🐍🏴‍☠️ (@chendaniely; 2/0): .@apreshill what’s the best way to create #blogdown pages (not blog posts, but something like a CV page) that reads content from a csv file (e.g., google sheets)?

Write the the page as an rmd file and then convert that to a raw md file before building+publishing the site?

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 2/0): @EmilyRiederer @tableau @javierluraschi As I consider what a more #blogdown-driven flow might look like, I’m even more concerned w/ how these mechanics will work.

Refreshing data is slow and I likely want to keep some datasets stable, refreshing them only when I want to.

I was just 👓 this:


We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 2/0): @nicfoxds Ooh… cool. I created my site using blogdown, have a look: https://t.co/dpfeX1VCcW (still work in progress though 😊😊)

If you want to learn more about blogdown, check this book by @apreshill

Kristen (@ka_99k; 1/2): What resource(s) would you recommend for learning R blogdown? Any suggestions/guidance would be greatly appreciated! #rstats @WeAreRLadies

Casper Albers (@CaAl; 1/0): @MarijeMichel Thanks!
Blogdown and Hugo Academic actually do 90% of the work. I used that to make a first site, then tinkered with all part I wanted to change. Will write something down about that (but later).

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 1/0): @ka_99k @rstatstweet @WeAreRLadies https://t.co/HdMOEmT34K

Amy Orben (@OrbenAmy; 1/0): @Sam_D_Parsons @Saffello96 @MJaquiery @dsquintana But @Saffello96 is not using blogdown methinks ….

Joel Nitta (@joel_nitta; 1/0): @NataliaPabonMo1 If you use R blogdown is great, and there are free hosting options via netlify or github https://t.co/f0CNTRwhii

Houston Haynes (@whiskersedge; 1/0): @daveclarance @rstatstweet @code Agreed. That last one is tough. I still use @rstudio but have toyed with the idea of moving to @code. One of the things I’m nibbling around the edges with is tag highlighting for #blogdown and @semanticui in the editor - for deployment as an @azure Blob static site.

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 1/0): @nicfoxds Good job… 👏👏👏👏👏. Did you create your website using blogdown? How was the experience?

Nic Fox (@nicfoxds; 1/0): @WeAreRLadies Thanks 😊 No, I don’t know about blogdown. I’ll look into it. I published the R Markdown to html and published direct from RStudio to https://t.co/oTWbuFNAMp which hosts it for free 😃

{garrick, adenBuie} (@grrrck; 1/0): @CedScherer Agreed! Hugo does the final compilation for {blogdown} so you have to modify or work within your theme template. Sometimes you can inject html snippets, ie the html written with write_meta(), or you could use meta_social() as a starting point when you modify your template

JEMSU (@Jemus42; 0/1): Things I achieved today that probably nobody except me cares about:


One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 72/25): Getting used to R, RStudio and R Markdown, a free book on R basics by @old_man_chester https://t.co/J0vYmJ2BPE #rstats

Peter Dahlgren (@peterdalle; 39/21): Book online:

Doing Meta-Analysis in R: A Hands-on Guide #rstats


Elizabeth Hiroyasu (@EHHiroyasu; 21/0): I just knit the second chapter of my dissertation from an rmarkdown file to docx and sent it to coauthors. I have never felt more powerful! #RMarkdown #Bookdown https://t.co/J2Mu694tSI

Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 16/0): Huh.

So, usethis::use_data saves as .rda.

I have been using R on and off for nigh on seven years now.

TIL load() 🥐


Aaron Caldwell (@ExPhysStudent; 13/0): @lakens @Heinonmatti @LisaDeBruine @jamovistats @JASPStats @dalejbarr @jjjjonathon I also have a 200+ page bookdown document about the package and its capabilities. So that should be helpful for students. https://t.co/kld2vvEnin

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 12/3): @Mcotsar @javisamo If you enjoy using #rstats and Rmarkdown, you might like xaringan for slide presentations: https://t.co/cMLHRMXtBV (using remark.js). Of course there is also an R pkg for revealjs: https://t.co/Uuui78CnNK. But I find xaringan much easier and more fun to use

Sam Bashevkin (@SamBashevkin; 2/1): @CoryCopelandH2O Statistical rethinking is my favorite and I would highly recommend it! Recorded lectures and slides from the course the book is based on are free here: https://t.co/qF1SUrXttD Examples translated into ggplot, tidyverse, and brms can be found here: https://t.co/PgwVFr5X6v

Matt Cowgill (@MattCowgill; 2/0): @wfmackey uh I have been working on a bookdown site but I guess I will drop everything to do some Tweets

Yannick Morvan (@yannick_morvan; 2/0): @hansijzerman @LisaDeBruine Hi very interrested ! With few colleages in Nanterre we have a long run project (time is missing) 1st) transfer old Stat materials used for teaching on GitHub with a bookdown template & 2nd) add & share stuff. Also great ressource (& model) in french here https://t.co/xebYpfTyoC

Corrado Lanera (@CorradoLanera; 2/0): Great suggestions here like “one line per sentence!” when writing #bookdown (or other collaborating) 📚 on @github. That allows to 👀 exactly where changes happened. 😍🤩 A strategy I will adopt starting from right now on! https://t.co/N9DQi0bI23

Heather Turner (@HeathrTurnr; 1/1): @cantabile Custom pandoc template? https://t.co/QZmHU6G3TH

Julian Stander (@giulianoinpiedi; 1/1): @cortina_borja @HelenEBedford I would have considered the suggestions already made, especially the one concerning CACHE. Please see https://t.co/Q962fITwUy

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @martinjhnhadley Thanks :) Our bookdown template materials are here. Feel free to use and modify!


Martin John Hadley (they/them) (@martinjhnhadley; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine Ohh what’ve you used to make {bookdown} feel so fancy?!

I’m cautious about changes immediately, there have been some nasty burns recently from updating too quickly. But it’s exciting to be on the cutting edge, right? 😂

ポストDのD氏 (@minami_siki; 1/0): sparklyrの本、出版したらbookdown版も公開するそうだが、タイトルでググったら普通に中身が読める件

Dr. Brett Favaro (@LetsFishSmarter; 1/0): @ConserveChange I did one myself b/c it was quite expensive and it was a paaaaain. And I probably didn’t do a great job.

If I were writing a second book I’d consider authoring the whole thing in Markdown, which enables you to easily generate indexes as you write.


Patrick Schratz (@pjs_228; 1/0): @grant_mcdermott @ipnosimmia @yutannihilat_en There are some bookdown/rmarkdown problems only on Manjaro. Therefore I would not recommend it currently. Discussion can be found in the xaringan GH repo.

PennMUSA (@PennMUSA; 1/0): Check out this #bookdown book on geospatial #ml for soil prediction by @tom_hengl & Bob MacMillan.

Another great open source R modeling resource!


Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 0/1): #R #Automated | Making pretty note boxes: A div tip for all occasions https://t.co/u8qWd1NM9c


Heather Piwowar (@researchremix; 35/4): Using a Jupyter notebook for the first time. I must say, it is pretty great. It just works.

I was a fairly early executable paper writer (via @dexyit, knitr, etc) and it sure is nice that all of this has come so far!


{garrick, adenBuie} (@grrrck; 7/1): @joshbuchea @malco_barrett @jcheng @rstudio And of course thank you to @xieyihui for having the vision for {knitr} that made all of this possible. I use #rmarkdown every day and am always learning something new. {knitr} is truly impressive in its scope and flexibility.

atusy (@Atsushi776; 7/0): knitr 1.25がきたぞー。word_documentでfig.widthとか指定できるようになったぞー。
https://t.co/tUbhDYPT8B https://t.co/2yEoZQgLu2

EstatSite (@EstatSite; 3/1): E também a formatação dessas tabelas (gostei menos do que dos histogramas, mas vou deixar aqui para quem gosta dessas formatações).


#rstats https://t.co/gG1sAI4STM

Tam (@tam07pb915; 3/0): knitするたびに分析めっちゃ時間かかるやんて思ってたけど結果を保持してくれるオプションそりゃあるよね…これを知ってたら今頃夜ご飯食べ終わって妻を愛でていたはずだ(仮定法 /knitr の cache オプションを使いこなす https://t.co/K8RfcWb3dV #Qiita

Will Queen (@WillQueen5; 2/3): .. to create PDFs and reproducible documents, but I’ve never tried to do it from a full latex class.

Anyone have any suggestions or resources? Google is coming up blank on this.

#rstats #rmarkdown #latex #knitr

Predictive Ecology (@PredictiveEcol; 1/2): @eliotmcintire @alexchubaty @github /3: making your research reproducible is not just good for you, its good for your research!

We mostly use #RMarkdown for combining our #R code with text to produce reproducible documents.

Not sure where to get started?
Try here: https://t.co/jozHVON73K https://t.co/30CMCCaadG

Richard Leyshon (@Rich_L1984; 1/1): @yutannihilat_en I’d ensure the default encoding is UTF 8, as i believe pandoc and knitr will be pulling support for other encoding formats in the near future.

Antoine Fabri (@antoine_fabri; 1/1): dear #rstats, can I kable all tables ?

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 1/0): @lobrowR For a new session, use system() https://t.co/7jc4f59hae or even just call knitr manually (the point of Rmd is that they always run in their own session when knit).
For the existing session, see this discussion, https://t.co/40EDX0wHYA, but I suggest using .R files instead of .Rmd

Asmae Toumi (@asmae_toumi; 1/0): @chuurveg @recspecs730 ugh i need the knitr

Prof Gaëlle 🇪🇺 (@ProfGaelle; 1/0): @ac_maclachlan @rstats4ds @nicebread303 I found the solution! 1) save() to save the outputs of your simulation as an RData file. 2) in rmarkdown, load() to load your RData file before running code on your simulated data. The knitr now compiles in a ⚡️#HappySaturday

Roxana Noelia (@data_datum; 1/0): R Markdown and knitr make it easy to intermingle code and text to generate compelling reports and presentations that are never out of date. https://t.co/FN9pkQISeI

JEMSU (@Jemus42; 0/1): Anyone else getting peculiar pkg loading errors on travis with #rstats pkgs? In this one, it can’t load knitr, yet it installed it previously https://t.co/D5lxXbDFGh

Similiar error the other thay, but it was tidyr then. It’s always oldrel though, release and devel are fine. https://t.co/l0gNDM0t01

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: ConvergenceConcepts distances flashlight knitr vapour https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: easyalluvial tinytex https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Timothy Tsai (@seizethedatum; 9/2): Big thanks to @r_medicine for the chance to talk about our work! Lots of personal firsts for me in this talk: first time at R/Medicine, first slide deck w xaringan, first use of @rstudio cloud for a live demo! #rstats #DataScience

Oslo UseR Meetup (@OURmeetup; 7/2): Lars Q. Sørensen shares climate scenarios, {xaringan} presentations and {shiny} apps for ESG investing. #rstats #oslo #useR https://t.co/DXz56JNquw

Juan M. Zaragoza (@jm_zaragoza; 1/0): @Mcotsar Xaringan! https://t.co/U5bVZKItOJ

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 1/0): @shinyps1 @lingtax Heh. For once it’s not R markdown. I used the web based GUI at https://t.co/mYVbAtJ08p. It relies on the same library (reveal.js) that is used by @xieyihui’s xaringan package, but my xaringan skills are a bit weak so i find the GUI front end really helpful

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: DT fclust googleAnalyticsR kwb.hantush pairwiseComparisons ptmixed Rmalschains tmap xaringan https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 32/5): @polesasunder and you’ll soon regret learning it… Partial matching is the one single thing I hate most about R. FYI If you end up hating it as much as I do, I have a simple helper function xfun::strict_list(): https://t.co/ic5OJw3Jn2

Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 2/1): @haematobot xaringan?

Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 1/0): strict_list feels like one of those functions that is about to become an everyday function.
