Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 541/163): NEW POST: (Re)Launching my supervised machine learning course 💫
This course on predictive modeling with #rstats is based on the ✨amazing✨ framework by @_inesmontani, and was built in collaboration with @cantoflor_87!
https://t.co/ZEmmGqFSaf https://t.co/YfTvRvJQQw ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 327/79): PDF Scraping in R with tabulizer {https://t.co/TWec3S5adZ} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 266/50): New
📦 adds_half_
extensions to selectedgeom
- geom_half_boxplot
- geom_half_violin
- geom_half_point
Also works with special geoms introduced in #ggplot2-extension packages.
For more, see-
https://t.co/xdmKqHgKDj#rstats #dataviz #tidyverse https://t.co/4kWzPtVmgL ↪
Altuna Akalin (@AltunaAkalin; 208/100): updated book draft “computational #genomics with R” #Rstats https://t.co/L4buuGIAXg. New #Chipseq chapter added, in addition to the latest #Machine
, #multiomics and #rnaseq chapters. There are most likely typos & mistakes, you can help us improve it https://t.co/x7s4QTlhGn https://t.co/aGBxh5pBz4 ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 174/38): 📊 Since it’s the affirmative answer to many can-you-*-w/-ggplot Qs…
🐮 “cowplot: Streamlined Plot Theme & Plot Annotations for ggplot2” by @ClausWilke
https://t.co/kLyzCkirW4 #rstats #dataviz https://t.co/LHrHHhi1wW ↪
Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 166/48): A slightly different take on John Snow’s classic public health cholera dataset, looking at nearest neighbor clustering using the cool new ggpointdensity geom from @LPMKremer. And of course, #rayshader’s 3D ggplots😀
Gist: https://t.co/BrzyCV7wg0
#rstats https://t.co/Q3jFpc9AaP ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 489/165): I’m thrilled to share that the @RStudio Education team has a shiny 🆕 #blogdown website 🎉: https://t.co/NpiISRGRiG
Come for the content and resources for learners ➕ teachers, stay for the tiny drawings by @dcossyle 🎨
Welcome post here: https://t.co/4cqwNsZ38v ↪
Angela Li (@CivicAngela; 98/27): Materials from tonight’s @RLadiesChicago blogdown workshop can be found at https://t.co/bVoDYekJo9!
Thanks to @apreshill and @joyceisms for their materials I adapted and modified. Learn how to make a new #rstats website for this academic year! https://t.co/yBXNy9s4Kx ↪
Jim Hester (@jimhester_; 30/0): Big thanks to
@apreshill for putting her site’s code online, it was a great thing to work off of!
@xieyihui for creating and maintaining blogdown
@GeorgeCushen for the Academic theme ↪
Bea. (@Chucheria; 29/2): I am happy to say that the new version of the R-Ladies website will keep all content in GitHub so any person in charge of change the information does not need to know anything about websites or blogdown. This will give us so much freedom as a community. ↪
Briana Mittleman (@brimittleman; 19/4): Thank you @CivicAngela for teaching an awesome #blogdown workshop tonight at the meetup with @RLadiesChicago! Everyone look out for my fancy website, coming soon! #WomenWhoCode ↪
Dorris Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 9/3): I do love making a website with blogdown! Which is why I have several blogdown websites😆. I didn’t just randomly make them; they each have a purpose 😅. Here are some materials to get you started! https://t.co/S1ukz6FxdT ↪
Oscar Baruffa 📊🇳🇱 (@oscar_b123; 8/0): Figured out basic Bookdown, next stop is blogdown! https://t.co/JHw7KgkXl8 ↪
R-Ladies Chicago (@RLadiesChicago; 6/1): Come through for our first of two events this month! @CivicAngela will show us how to build a personal website with Blogdown 👩💻 https://t.co/bLkZLVRi82 ↪
Ya-Wen Yama Chang (@yama_yawenchang; 6/0): Excited to share my academic website, built from the blogdown package in R: https://t.co/patw0BtvBw
I started learning R programming three weeks ago and are surprised by how amazing it is to complete creative works. Thank you @dsquintana for making this thorough tutorial! https://t.co/U8dMlDIFAx ↪
R-Ladies Chicago (@RLadiesChicago; 4/4): We had a great time last night building blogdown websites in #rstats! Thanks again to @UChicagoMPCS and @UChicagoCAPP for hosting us. If you missed it, you can find resources from our #RLadies workshop at https://t.co/xunYv8vXT4! https://t.co/yIBZjMF8Ev ↪
R-Ladies Chicago (@RLadiesChicago; 4/1): .@CivicAngela showing us what we can do with #blogdown! #rstats #RLadiesChicago https://t.co/o6Qx9EUWvn ↪
Ben Moretti (@BenMoretti; 3/2): Adelaide Rbuser group spring meetup: “An introduction to blogdown”, talk by @Kristen_Osb #rstats #adelaide https://t.co/5vuqIqJf5x ↪
Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 3/0): @dataandme Ooh boy we really are nearing completion. Today I socialized the site by adding meta tags for twitter cards and such. Followed this excellent tutorial https://t.co/X1CQNECF6h ↪
Los Angeles R Users (@la_Rusers; 2/3): @zhiiiyang @RLadiesSB Oo @zhiiiyang is talking about this great blogdown resource from @apreshill #rstats https://t.co/ZMgE4cRoaI ↪
Gustavo (@ogustavo_com; 2/1): @dikayodata @MedillSchool @squarespace Yeah… I’m good at modifying a template of a static web page to suit my needs/wants, but I can’t do it from scratch. I used the #blogdown package in #rstats to create a few webpages. It relies on Hugo, which makes it easier to understand/modify ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 2/0): @drrachelbrenner With R, you can make your own academic website and blog with the #blogdown package. And with #bookdown, you can publish your own online books. ↪
Gemma Cantan (@littlebitsocial; 2/0): So today I decided to do some tweaking to my blog to now find that it’s not working! Feeling like a muppet! But we learn from trying, right? #blogdown #muppet #bloggerlife https://t.co/4OOsgC4o7d ↪
Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/1): quick question #thread, 1/3
@kirorisk’s Fuse.js (https://t.co/9YIa940OHq) is the #javascript fuzzy-search library that powers search for @georgecushen’s amazing @GoHugoIO #academic theme (used by many #rstats #blogdown site). Such fantastic, vital tech. ↪
Owen Churches (@OwenChurches; 1/1): @Kristen_Osb Really looking forward to it! #blogdown in #rstats in Adelaide at Lot Fourteen, 5:30 Wednesday September 25. ↪
Joey Stanley (@joey_stan; 1/0): *blogdown. Wow. ↪
Earo Wang (@earowang; 243/40): I haven’t written a book yet, but I’ve created my first-ever #bookdown website for my thesis 📔https://t.co/vK1hjK02gI . It’s been a fruitful program. Thanks to ppl who helped me all along. Inspired by @lazappi , beeswarm plots of git commits, with annotations. #thesisdone https://t.co/EEHlcGdhRY ↪
Oscar Baruffa 📊🇳🇱 (@oscar_b123; 92/14): Hello #rstats fans! I am writing a free book to help introduce R programmers to using Twitter for fun and profit. It’s going to be a super simple guide. https://t.co/cAoy2foWyR ⤵️ https://t.co/GdcHEbHpfM ↪
Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 82/21): You want to contribute to GNU R but don’t know where to start? @_lionelhenry got you covered!
📓 “Contributing to GNU R”
https://t.co/1ETWDJkum2#RStats https://t.co/uAefKdgpri ↪
One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 73/26): YaRrr!, The Pirate’s Guide to R, by @YaRrrBook https://t.co/VDfjTeXnYr #rstats ↪
Michael Lopez (@StatsbyLopez; 39/3): Legler and Roback’s book is free and a great resource for stats students who want more than multiple regression (https://t.co/XhC5MErzGC, free!!). Gelman/Hill’s book worthwhile too (https://t.co/4RBvGOkXl8) ↪
Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 31/3): If you want to get together and write a book, use #bookdown. I’ll lead a workshop for you and your authors if need be. https://t.co/LrpmtlYlvG ↪
Michael Dorman (@MichaelDorman84; 28/4): Revising the “Spatial #rstats programming” course materials for next semester, to use ‘stars’ for working with rasters @edzerpebesma + in ‘bookdown’ format @xieyihui . Work in progress, any comments and ideas welcome! URL is same as before 👇 https://t.co/IC8drrDXkB ↪
Dr. Sam Tyner (@sctyner; 11/5): Folks who have written books w/ #bookdown, how do you convert b/w output formats? (HTML -> PDF) It seems a lot harder than just switching to bookdown::pdf_book. I’m running into tons of small LaTeX issues (e.g. GIFs in HTML don’t work in LaTeX, the & symbol, etc) #help #rstats ↪
Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 8/6): Great @rweekly_org this week.
Highlights for me are:
@rstudio intro to #ggforce: https://t.co/iTkO44L0gz
A primer on meta-analysis with #rstats by @MathiasHarrer @DDEbert:
#epitwitter https://t.co/1xKuLgLXXz ↪
Alessio Bricca (@a_bricca; 6/1): Doing Meta-Analysis (in R) - A very useful Hands-on Guide complementary to the Cochrane Handbook 🤓 #metaanalysis #systematicreview
https://t.co/8G8gVWZhTs ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 6/0): bookdownの777番目のPRキメた
_output.ymlでhtml_document2とか使った時にself_contained: falseが正しく機能するようになる。
https://t.co/sjsTFE5HBF ↪
cmsadler (@cmsadler; 5/2): I’m wondering how often people use #Jupyter notebooks for publishing reports and books. I see notebooks used in exploratory fashion, mostly. And I hear a lot more about publishing with rmarkdown and bookdown from the #rstats community, but not so much for Jupyter. #DataScience ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 5/1): @ryangarnett78 All these recs are good and I’ll add another one: the gt package- I used for this purpose recently within bookdown and worked well for me https://t.co/7f3hSkVtpt ↪
Axel-Cleris Gailloty (@cleris_mr; 5/1): I wanted to publish a #python project as an online jupyter-book. I spent hours trying to install #ruby & #gem to then install #jekyll to render the book which finally didn’t work. Guess what : I finally did my project with #Rstats #bookdown and hosted at https://t.co/hubSNRsI2z ↪
Ryan Travis (@fledglingStat; 4/0): @StatsbyLopez Here’s a nice little (free) book on the topic https://t.co/rwpIlKZfET ↪
f0nzie@OilGainsAnalytics (@OilGains; 3/3): Just added the most common activation functions using #rstats #rTorch to bookdown “Minimal rTorch Tutorial”, this page: https://t.co/bgiLDKU1bZ
Activation functions coded & plotted (ggplot2, matplotlib) via #RStudio from the same notebook using #Rmarkdown (100% reproducible) ↪
UBC Master of Data Science (@UBCMDS; 3/0): Vincenzo here again as this week’s Twitter curator! Random fact: my most used tool as of late is probably #bookdown. ↪
SethGitter (@SethGitter; 3/0): Happy national talk like a pirate day! If you are Statalubber. There’s YaRrr! a Pirate’s Guide to R to get you started on your voyage
https://t.co/Y54ZCgmqG2 ↪
Oscar Baruffa 📊🇳🇱 (@oscar_b123; 2/1): Dear #rstats #boookdown peeps, I need some advice. I want to publish a book, and code is on github. Not sure if i should be publishing from Rstudio to https://t.co/gOzG0Xx8XG, or configure https://t.co/gOzG0Xx8XG to display book from github? 3rd option is via github pages. ⤵️ ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 2/0): @JennyBryan @STAT545 Those were fun to learn how to make with the gt package in bookdown, plus the htmltools package: https://t.co/9h2iWZP1JI (thanks to @riannone and @jcheng for the help on those!) ↪
Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 2/0): @DianeBELDAME @joelgombin Bookdown ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/2): #R #Automated | Doing Meta-Analysis in R https://t.co/mWNrbNPxPD ↪
Giacomo Bianchi (@cuorechirurgia; 1/1): an awesome bookdown site https://t.co/2wR1glwSOA @raffdoc ↪
Cara Richardson (@_CaraRichardson; 1/0): @WvBallegooijen Thanks, I’ll look up gemtc (leaning towards Bayesian!). I found this chapter really useful for explaining the differences between the two: https://t.co/7FFU8SQZwq ↪
Benjamin Rouse (@Benjamin_Rouse1; 1/0): @_CaraRichardson Here is a guide for conducting network meta-analysis in R: https://t.co/N9B6ZQ5E0Q ↪
gradschool whisperer (@TJ__Murphy; 1/0): @kwbroman I had a bunch of handouts for my stats class then stiched them all together with #bookdown
https://t.co/oSOTUZ3X0S ↪
Paul Jonker-Hoffrén (@ArjenPolku; 1/0): This book is useful: https://t.co/ctF4jWgkJR ↪
Diane BELDAME (@DianeBELDAME; 1/0): @_ColinFay @joelgombin Oui pardon un bookdown versionné sur gitlab ↪
Thomas Mock 👨🏼💻 (@thomas_mock; 1/0): @JosiahParry @brownalytics @Cardanski0 https://t.co/MOiUAd5eCV
Floating TOC ↪
Chase Clark (@ChasingMicrobes; 1/0): I was at five this morning 🙈🥴😱
Lab notebook (bookdown)
Bug fixes for two packages
Data analysis project
“Programming with IDBac” vignettes project ↪
Jonathan Brauer (@RealJonBrauer; 1/0): @Alberto_Chr Looking forward to reading! Are you presenting at ASC in San Francisco?
And great R package - love his video lectures and have recommended book to several people. You might also like:
https://t.co/nOQX4JCuYP ↪
Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 0/2): If I produce teaching notes in #rstats using bookdown, any suggestions for getting html output into VLEs while keeping the ability to change fonts/sizes background colour etc for accessibility? ↪
Paul Lemmens (@paullemmens; 0/1): Exact same #rstats code under W10 and WSL (ubuntu 18.04) w/ eqv. R and pkgs versions. Under WSL the bookdown render errors on a cont. value to discr. scale but W10 renders just fine. Traceback not really helpful. How to debug THAT? @JennyBryan @hadleywickham @romain_francois https://t.co/8bvRnTdtmc ↪
Ladislas Nalborczyk (@lnalborczyk; 2/3): #Rstats #knitr #rmarkdown question: is it possible to include a Figure caption without including the plot? ↪
Wit Jakuczun (@WitJakuczun; 2/2): @streamlit Looks like #knitr and #rnotebook by @rstudio. #rstats #python ↪
fuuuumin (@fuuuumin314; 1/0): knitr噛ませるとdplyrがobject見つからないよって帰ってくる謎バグと戦っている。
もうマジ無理、baseに逃げよう。締切やばいし ↪
Adrien Treuille (@myelbows; 1/0): @WitJakuczun @streamlit @rstudio Yes! #knitr and #rnotebook were big inspirations, as were @elmlang, @reactjs , @observablehq , @ProjectJupyter, @GoogleColab, and @heroku! Excited to share more about the tech on Oct 1st! 🤖 ↪
Joyce Robbins (@jtrnyc; 1/0): @sctyner If you keep it really basic then you can just switch, but the fancier you get, the less compatible they are. knitr::include_graphics for all images (not
) helps keep images working in both systems ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): @kazutan @yutannihilation @masato_takahash results=‘asis’してcat(’<em>foo</em>’)すると<em><em>foo</em></em>になってしまいます.htmltoolsを使うとknit_print.htmlはknitr::asis_outputとhtmltools::htmlPreserveを組み合わせているので,results=‘asis’不要で*も守れて無難です.
どっちが良いかはケースバイケース? ↪
Dan Miller (@data_nurse; 0/1): Dumb #rstats Twitter question: thrilled to finally update to win 10 at work 🤔(and finally be able to use @rstudio) but networked PC refusing to install a couple of packages in my default lib (DT/knitr). I can get them to install in a temp folder… 1/2 ↪
Tim Hosgood (@tjohnhos; 1/0): @ryankeleti literally took me longer to remove all traces of MacTeX than to install TinyTeX and all the packages needed to build my thesis, and i saved about 10gb of disk space. thanks for the tip! ↪
ryan keleti (@ryankeleti; 1/0): @tjohnhos https://t.co/CeST8o0RXD looks sweet,
but probably not what you are looking for ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 85/17): 💖 The tab-completion in @grrrck’s xaringanthemer is so nice!
“🎨 xaringanthemer: give your xaringan slides some style”
https://t.co/ls8KHgYwdP #rstats #rmarkdown https://t.co/PlweZMlSft ↪
Sadettin Demirel (@demirelsadettin; 25/7): R ekosisteminde #verigörselleştirme öğrenmek için faydalı ve bir o kadar da detaylı bir rehber➡️https://t.co/P7IPrdUeO0 Üstelik 160 sayfalık sunum da bir başka R paketi #xaringan ile hazırlanmış. #dataviz #rstats #ggplot2 ↪
Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 9/1): @DrMowinckels @gh_firefly @lacion And, of course, my slides were created in R using @xieyihui’s xaringan:: and posted to my distill:: blog.
https://t.co/0X44iCwFWx https://t.co/k8exVnEy3t ↪
Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 6/0): Slides update for #HLF19 🥐
Now with musical homomorphisms! 🎶
https://t.co/0X44iCwFWx https://t.co/IDwbc9j9Vy ↪
Vebashini (@Vebash; 5/1): RMarkdown xaringan slides: If you’re like me, you may want to view your slides as you’re writing them up. Running xaringan::inf_mr() does just this! The slide you’re working on will show in the viewer tab, & changes you make appear in real time! https://t.co/7yisF1xdy7 https://t.co/zAQ8ZMGB1i ↪
Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 4/1): @HLForum @moumita_bh What an honour to participate in opening #HLF19 🤩
Slides for my presentation can be found here: https://t.co/0X44iCwFWx https://t.co/Hd1fYNp6JC ↪
Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 3/0): @TiffanyTimbers @groundwalkergmb @ProjectJupyter You can do interactive coding within slides using xaringan and learnr. Here is an example made by my friend te teach medical school students R.
https://t.co/oQChTm3lCn ↪
Andrew Stewart (@ajstewart_lang; 1/0): The unit covers Data Wrangling, the GLM, Mixed Models, Data Viz (including animations), Data Simulation, and using Binder and Xaringan for reproducible environments and presentations. You can view the slides in .pdf format in a new tab via the RStudio Files pane. 3/4 ↪
Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 1/0): Slide test!
Will push more when I touch down in Germany. Will code it from my notebook on the plane.
https://t.co/0X44iCOgO5 ↪
Dr. Sam Tyner (@sctyner; 1/0): @jtrnyc @rensa_co I don’t. Sorry. I usually use xaringan for HTML slides and I’ve never had a problem converting those to PDF! ↪
CRO (@tocofomemai; 0/1): #rstats #xaringan #markdown #rmarkdown https://t.co/YMdzlkKDxC ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @zhiiiyang @apreshill @Brightspeaking My blog is 14 years old. Medium is 7 years old. But that (platforms come and go) is only a small problem. There are deeper problems of Medium in my eyes (platforms offering more and more candies): https://t.co/ZS6yv51lSJ ↪
Ali Twelvetrees (@dozenoaks; 1/0): @quantixed I guess it is an unpleasant bug in Wordpress if you specified the language in the tags… my knowledge of Wordpress ends here! It seems like a fix might be painful. Yihui Xe is the best source for R formatting/publishing https://t.co/gWwjFEyCfN ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @ProfGaelle @ac_maclachlan @rstats4ds @nicebread303 I’d recommend saveRDS() instead of save(): https://t.co/hb30pM6eys unless you are sure load() won’t silently override your existing objects. ↪