Learned last week from the man himself (JJ Allaire) that you can execute Python scripts in RStudio and it just knows #rstats (the first reticulate command auto-ran) https://t.co/WdX8Evzqwg



Hilary Parker (@hspter; 810/187): Learned last week from the man himself (JJ Allaire) that you can execute Python scripts in RStudio and it just knows #rstats (the first reticulate command auto-ran) https://t.co/WdX8Evzqwg

Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 434/51): Added a 1 page resume to my #rstats {{pagedown}-built CV repo. To filter what gets into resume I just modify a column in my positions spreadsheet. No more starting from scratch when I want a new template!
gh: https://t.co/NYJNg7daj7 https://t.co/J0JQJz5Xpb

renata gerecke (@renatagerecke; 367/46): ever want to join a list of dataframes together (with #rstats) in one fell swoop? try purrr::reduce(list_of_dfs, full_join, by = “id_column_name”)

honestly, when this worked, i nearly cried

Mitchell O’Hara-Wild (@mitchoharawild; 362/97): Time series forecasting in #rstats has undergone a fairy tale transformation 💫🧙‍♂️! The fable package for tidy forecasting is now available on CRAN. 🥳

Forecasting with fable is easier than ever, so learn today how to forecast tomorrow. 📈⌛️

📚 Blog post: https://t.co/j3Kj7qoarJ https://t.co/YMhUHH9NAf

David Robinson (@drob; 330/59): In this #tidytuesday screencast, I analyze a dataset of pizza ratings and discover the best and worse 🍕 in NYC and other cities 📊 https://t.co/ldUUzsV6MU #rstats https://t.co/nPth3hqdnS

RStudio Tips (@rstudiotips; 316/83): Our @rstudio add-in of the day is ViewPipeSteps by @daranzolin: make it easier to see what every step in a pipeline does by examining the data at each point in the transformation! https://t.co/XbKoXy3mml #rstats https://t.co/w4st4WgQU5

John Cassil (@johncassil; 308/80): I just found and tested out what turns out to be a really well-done, beginner-friendly, and fun guide to supervised machine learning with #rstats, courtesy of @juliasilge

I highly recommend it!


Mara Averick (@dataandme; 298/63): 🔮 Excellent intro to {fable}…
“Tidy forecasting in R” ✍️ @robjhyndman
https://t.co/A1oRyyPeOw #rstats https://t.co/zai0ijWx94


A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 87/3): Super excited to update my lab website with all the new insight I have about blogdown from @apreshill ’s workshop. Thanks for the BEAUTIFUL options from @dcossyle . It needed to be done anyway, from 2020 I am officially Associate Professor ! https://t.co/OfrU3qLxub

Sayani Gupta (@SayaniGupta07; 32/5): Amazing resource for learning to use #rmarkdown and #blogdown more efficiently and creatively - excellent workshop designed and delivered by @apreshill - https://t.co/4ZatM0jwxh. Excellent start of #ysc2019. All set for Day 2 :) https://t.co/Z5Tt7oy4v8

R-Ladies Melbourne (@RLadiesMelb; 26/13): Head over to the new @rstudio website where you can find lots of resources for all expertise levels. There are also lots of resources for those that teach the next generation of R users! Gorgeous #blogdown website by @apreshill and her team https://t.co/R7pnKBtqbM

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 26/7): New #rstats post: “Goodbye, Disqus! Hello, Utterances!”

🔩 A bit of blogdown/Hugo tweaking,
🔩a bit of XML wrangling.

https://t.co/AHbLj8MHs1 https://t.co/dXy2hA18uS

stephanierkobakian (@srkobakian; 25/5): A great #rstats workshop at #ysc2019 by @apreshill, whispering the secrets of beautiful #blogdown sites, doc collections, and #rmarkdown templates https://t.co/62oH1V43dm

Lena V Kremin (@LVKremin; 21/1): Happy to share that my new website is up and running!! https://t.co/ni4ZuTa7p9

Made possible by #blogdown in @rstudio, help and tutorial from @dsquintana, and a new photo taken by @Hilary_Rose_

R-Ladies Sydney (@RLadiesSydney; 20/5): It’s October! We’re celebrating Plot-tober with a couple of viz-related events. First, @apreshill will use her Great British Bakeoff package data to demo the power of ggplot. Alison is a educator at RStudio, blogdown book author and great teacher RSVP: https://t.co/hIr3ebnnDI 1/4

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 15/2): Super fun #ShutUpandCode at @RLadiesSydney this afternoon, we are working on blogdown, axis labels, factor analysis, time series and more…thanks @NousGroup for having us, the Cassowary room is excellent space! #rstats @williamslisaphd @indakoclarke @tamarathck @miriamhochwald https://t.co/ErEtTjfVRh

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 10/3): The best teachers are good at analogies. Loving how ⁦@apreshill⁩ is getting us to understand blogdown site structure using a rooms in your house analogy #Rstats https://t.co/2FZl5gfVVp

Ana Laura Diedrichs (@anadiedrichs; 8/2): “Tips for Hugo academic template” by @lesliemyint helps me with CV and RSS configs https://t.co/Dbf5kiwlRo #rstats #blogdown

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 6/2): A @juliahellenff está criando um site com o #blogdown com o tema Academic, com o deploy no @Netlify. Hoje penamos um pouco para descobrir como solucionar alguns erros! Então esse tweet é pra compartilhar, e pra ficar registrado caso aconteça novamente haha

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 6/0): Quando comecei a usar o blogdown demorei mais de um mês tentando até conseguir colocar no ar 😟Era uma mensagem de erro atrás da outra, de temas novos para mim. Então acho que vale a pena compartilhar também o que dá errado, isso pode ajudar outras pessoas que estão tentando tbm.

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 4/0): Whenever I go to a training, I need to spend time (a few days later) to try out the things I learned, otherwise it all evaporates (apparently). Doing that with my new blogdown knowledge this afternoon….and I’ve missed a step @apreshill

Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 3/2): idk who’ll see this, given the blazing fire of us politics rn, but does anyone in the #rstats / hugo /blogdown world know how to invalidate the cache for specific pages? I keep having issues where students see old cached versions of pages and they have to manually refresh a lot

{garrick, adenBuie} (@grrrck; 3/0): @nj_tierney @ma_salmon @apreshill @Netlify Me, stumbling into your blogdown repo:
Oh hey! That’s gonna be a great post when it comes out 😁 https://t.co/pS2nRQF8Er

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 3/0): @nj_tierney @apreshill I mean applying https://t.co/ZTC1ZutuV9 i.e. not messing up with the the theme folder, custom stuff should be directly under layouts/ so one can see what had been customized and customize again if needed when updating the theme folder

Greg Sutcliffe (@Gwmngilfen; 2/4): As promised in my #ansiblefest Contributor Summit session on Mon, here’s the 1st post in a series I hope to write on the tools & research I’m doing in the #Ansible community. This one: PR merge times


Much, much more to write…

#rstats #shiny #blogdown

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 2/2): @RLadiesSydney @NousGroup @williamslisaphd @indakoclarke @MiriamHochwald I worked out my blogdown problem @RLadiesSydney! Step by step instructions here: https://t.co/s6Z7wsc0lQ. Can’t wait to see all your Beautiful Academic themed blogs. thanks to @apreshill and @dcossyle for putting this #rstats #blogdown template together. It is magnificent! https://t.co/QdRS5ACvwD

Zoë (@Zhaime; 2/0): I’ve been working on my personal website using R blogdown, please take a look at https://t.co/grIKJUpT2T 🙈 let me know your thoughts! #R #RBlogdown #Psychology #phdchat

Calum Davey (@CalumDavey; 2/0): @matt_hanhat @causalinf Thanks Matthew! It’s just made in RMarkdown with code_folding=true and a floating toc. Nothing v fancy here I’m afraid… But I hear good things about blogdown which I will check out

Amir Fayyazuddin (@AmirFayyazuddin; 2/0): @SarahMasso I thought the tutorial (https://t.co/VYptPi9DFc) by @apreshill was fantastic. I was able to build a website without too much trouble and with no prior experience.

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 2/0): @CivicAngela @RLadiesChicago @apreshill @joyceisms I do not know if you speak about it but there is also awesome-blogdown that also includes websites not rendered on GitHub: https://t.co/DqIobxpOff

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/1): @SarahMasso @AmirFayyazuddin Are you trying to build a plain R Markdown site (https://t.co/cEbeLbHrAi)? Blogdown is a separate package (https://t.co/puVlwSW1bf)

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 1/0): I’m using this link to get to your git repo with the magic button. Then I cloned/downloaded it so I end up with a folder on my desktop. Open that rproj file, library(blogdown), serve_site() all good. I even did library(usethis) and use_git_config(), but…. https://t.co/JQE0DvNtzq

Fiona Bradley (@Fiona_Bradley; 1/0): @JenRichmondPhD @apreshill @dcossyle congratulations!! I fixed up my website using blogdown yesterday. So easy! https://t.co/N0Kyy2nWhT

Tyler Burleigh (@tylerburleigh; 1/0): @BecomingDataSci @BenitaWins I really like this. I try to create visibility by blogging about parts that I find interesting. I think it helps to do the work in a format that’s easy to transfer to a blog / portfolio. For me that’s Rmarkdown + blogdown, but Jupyter notebooks work too

Matthew Klein (@matt_hanhat; 1/0): @CalumDavey @causalinf Did you use blogdown to make your website? It looks great. Also, really cool application and results! Your treated - synthetic gap figure is very nice. I’m excited to check it out again when you’ve finished it completely

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/0): @JonTheGeek Yes yes yes. I’m 💯 w/ you. We also use Confluence + Jira on top of everything.

@Jira, in particular, is marvelous when you combine it w/ @Bitbucket to manage projects. I don’t plan on abandoning that.

@Confluence is good but it’s just not #blogdown.

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: blogdown https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 0/1): 2/9

I’m putting together an internal analytics site w/ #blogdown. That’s, naturally, an R project + an internal #git repo.

But often the single post is the tip of the iceberg on a larger body of work, for which I usually use an #rstats project all of its own.


Guy Prochilo 🏳️‍🌈 (@GuyProchilo; 347/49): #Rstats: I’m writing a bookdown book on how to perform power analysis in R. I’m going to attempt to cover most common designs in psychological science, but it will be applicable to all sorts of data sets. Watch this space.

#phdchat https://t.co/fChdnZQivk

Melissa K Sharp (@sharpmelk; 21/5): I’m writing a bookdown book on STROBE.
#Epitwitter is amazing for resource sharing and questions. I hope that this can lend itself as a repository of sorts for knowledge sharing. Draft should be launched late this year 🤞 #Rstats #reportingguidelines #statstwitter https://t.co/Tny1jA2Wjp

Chris Brown (@CStatsAU; 16/2): I taught my first introduction to R workshop yesterday. Team of 16 went on a 1h wildly brief ride through @rstudio #rmarkdown @tidyverse #flexdashboard and #bookdown! 🤓Huge thanks to @redheadkristy for the help and keeping everyone up to speed. 🙏 #rstats https://t.co/YbuJTGukqE

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 12/2): I used the {yarrr} 📦 by @YaRrrBook, specifically to make some nice #pirateplots!


🔗 CRAN: https://t.co/KYn47bKcrZ
🔗 Tutorial: https://t.co/zOU4bMQMUy https://t.co/gDiZmQl0bQ

R-ladies San José CR (@RladiesCR; 10/4): Les recordamos que mañana tenemos reunión. Tema: Introducción a Bookdown. ❤️ Porfavor confirmar asistencia mediante el siguiente link:


Las esperamos 😌 https://t.co/V061N3GToO

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 10/3): Get that #bookdown! https://t.co/NLmeCYSIKj

Sebastian Sauer (@sauer_sebastian; 8/0): Multilevel (ML) modeling should be more widely recognized. @rlmcelreath ’s book is a great resource for ML mod. @tjmahr wrote a beautiful post on that. Similarly, check out AJ Kurz’ version of the book: https://t.co/R7MmX3Npkv https://t.co/RXWBj0sNgP

Roozbeh Valavi (@ValaviRoozbeh; 7/3): Excited to read my new book: Feature engineering and selection. Another wonderful book by @topepos

The book is available at https://t.co/vVFgMdy62f

#rstats #machinelearning #DataScience https://t.co/Trjk16UCFN

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 7/3): @wgervais @siminevazire Not sure. I think the RStudio cheatsheets are really good, and as a reference you can’t go past the official source, but there’s probably a lot of other options


Felipe Ruiz (@felipe_ruizb; 4/2): @gboccardobosoni @LatinR_Conf 3/3. Remarcar que este trabajo se ha realizado en el marco de las actividades de docencia que realizamos con @gboccardobosoni en la @facsouchile / @uchile y que su acceso es libre, gratuito y de calidad!
https://t.co/N2RhirScBw https://t.co/tbdhbE1DVg

Andrea Vargas (@Avargas2398; 4/2): Mañana en el aula 300A de Ciencias Económicas de la UCR. Para cualquier interesada en aprender sobre Bookdown y R 😌

#rladies https://t.co/zjYNLq3QoU

Tony Hirst (@psychemedia; 3/0): Picking up on another (open) course from an inbound link to one of my blog posts…

This one on SNA…


Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 3/0): Cheers, @adamhsparks. What I’m looking at over my morning coffee.


CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 2/2): CRAN updates: BMTME bookdown GetTDData glasso lintr praznik runner TPMplt traitdataform vtreat xfun https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

ゆるふわ入りかったん(*≧∀≦)ノ☆・゚ (@KATSUNAMA; 2/2): おそらく「ちょうど3秒後」に、世界が消滅する可能性は、ゼロもしくは、ゼロとみなしてよいほど小さい。偉そうに説教垂れる前に、ググる行為を覚えような。

7.5.1 確率密度
https://t.co/ibSzLlt8ss https://t.co/QgWLcMEt4D

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 2/0): @drrachelbrenner With R, you can make your own academic website and blog with the #blogdown package. And with #bookdown, you can publish your own online books.

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 2/0): @rdataberlin @krlmlr And once your commit messages are clean and informative, you can extract them as a bookdown with (experimental) {gitdown} package: https://t.co/Ddiff1dhpl

Jim Grange (@JimGrange; 2/0): @Psycasm Not sure I am respectable, but I have a lab book here: https://t.co/ypA03w5Nt5 It borrowed heavily from @jpeelle ! I need to make some additions to it, but it worked well last year.

DiplomadoAMV (@DiplomadoAMV; 1/1): El Prof. @gboccardobosoni, del #DiplomadoAMV, presentó su libro de R en la Conferencia @LatinR_Conf 2019 la semana pasada. Y tu, ¿todavía no descargas su libro? Qué esperas!!! https://t.co/cgQ4ACKost

Marcel Ribeiro-Dantas 🙋🏻‍♂️ (@mribeirodantas; 1/1): Just like Ctrl+Shift+M adds %>% for you, there should be a default shortcut for ``` (bookdown) #rstats #rstudio #lazy

Guy Prochilo 🏳️‍🌈 (@GuyProchilo; 1/0): @michamoore @KojiJTaka The document? It is bookdown via R Studio.

かとしょー (@kat0_sh00; 1/0): 昨日初めて知ったんですが、これ、かなり良い感じだと思ったんです。

David Hood (@Thoughtfulnz; 1/0): @AlParsai The standard introduction would be R for Data Science https://t.co/g47kGMEA7W

For getting started with your own data, I wrote a tutorial years ago around reading in a csv file


There are a lot of good works at https://t.co/yKwszHA0nC on a range of topics

David Hood (@Thoughtfulnz; 1/0): @kamal_hothi @EmmaVitz @Caleb_Speak @ConversationEDU I think https://t.co/Mm5JM3sG0A is showing the website + manuscript from a single source pathway (and to reassure people book down doesn’t have to have only R in it)

Lucas Henneman (@lucas_henneman; 1/0): Ahoy! One short week after Talk Like a Pirate Day, and I’ve stumbled upon the perfect bridge between all things Rrrrr and all things Pirate.


100% That Enby Grrl (@EmRstats; 1/0): @ChelseaParlett @KellyBodwin Or maybe a collaborative Bookdown style living document shared through Github?

Much like https://t.co/gyKYfMv4e3?

Frederik Aust (@FrederikAust; 1/0): @BertieArbon @richarddmorey You could also try using bookdown::word_document2 https://t.co/SLDc5wmS2g

Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham (@paulgp; 1/0): @lukestein @itaisher @BasilHalperin @namalhotra https://t.co/xW057SfE3V

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 1/0): @les_ja @monjalexander Yes!!! bookdown!

Ben Williams (@fishanalysis; 1/0): @TrevorABranch @brycem @MathType Why not markdown/bookdown? LaTeX equations make a lot more sense then the point and click windows versions.

Joyce Robbins (@jtrnyc; 1/0): @apreshill How can I get r x to render as r x, not the value of x for teaching purposes? I tried `r x` following examples in the #bookdown book, but it’s not working for me.

Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 0/1): Bookdown to html is the way to go, especially as users can change font size, style and background colours.

It may need some extra work on creating a good custom CSS file to address the last few issues that could be better for accessibility. #rstats for the win. https://t.co/dKCzKKxaWt


Max Kuhn (@topepos; 25/1): Not to get too opinionated but putting this in a system call at the top of all of your R scripts is much better than rm(list = ls()).

It will clear out all of your knitr caches too!

Right @JennyBryan and #rstats? https://t.co/RL4K92M8N2

Annette O’Connor (@oconnorwalker; 8/0): @pbett @Protohedgehog @PLOSONE Agreed, Formatted templates save a huge amount of time. We switched to using knitR (@rstudio) or LaTex in @overleaf which has templates (but needs more). So much better (faster) than MSWord. Life changing really.

{garrick, adenBuie} (@grrrck; 5/0): @jtrnyc @apreshill {knitr} has a little helper for this, try

r knitr::inline_expr("x", syntax = "md")

The trick you showed should work, but you need a new line between the “r” and the “x”. Here’s @xieyihui’s post about that syntax https://t.co/fjQwoeC89i

Tetsuo Ishikawa (@fronori; 3/4): Rのknitr::kable()を拡張するパッケージにkableExtra https://t.co/OBDBsYLdxn がある。
dt %>%
kable() %>%
と通常のkableからパイプ%>%でつないで書けるのでとてもスムースに拡張できる。遊び心でいろいろやってみたくなる。 https://t.co/78gaAKhlU9

Christian Glez. (@chrglez; 3/2): #rstats #reminder #fonts #customfonts #ggplot
custom font in ggplot using #rmarkdown and #knitr -> specify the Cairo device in the document metadata. Source: https://t.co/xcBFwaWkxI

Edit: Fixed some typos from a previous tweet https://t.co/eOdHPrTuWD

igjit (@igjit; 2/1): Scheme手習いをRMarkdownで写経するためにknitrのScheme engineを実装するというyak shavingを終えた様子です。 https://t.co/p5QH4cftSo

Hao Ye (@Hao_and_Y; 2/0): @andrewheiss Ok, “knitr” is obvious, but is “lubridate” the oil lamp or the hourglass?

Nathan Brouwer (@lobrowR; 1/2): are there any tricks for running knitr() on a .Rmd file but not saving the output? I want to make sure a file will render, but don’t want to keep the output. will probably just write a function to clean things up but am lazy

Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 1/2): Hi #rstats #pkgdown users, can you help? I’ve got a readme.rmd in a package repo that contains plots. Plots render to images for .md. If I specify a folder for plots in knitr options my pkgdown build can’t find them. Any suggestions? Do I need to tell the pkgdown.yaml somehow?

CODE (@CodeDve; 1/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr


#ruby #programming https://t.co/pu222hPNhM https://t.co/u4zLJcfqyH

Tetsuo Ishikawa (@fronori; 1/0): コードと大量の出力結果などがばらばらになり、フォルダ構成や命名規則だけでは対応が把握できなくなってきて、reproducibleなコードを書きたいと思い、久しぶりにRmarkdownを最近使い始めた。knitrするとhtmlやpdfが吐き出されるのは気持ちいい反面、コケるとエラーの解読に手間取る。慣れの問題か。

R StackOverflow (@r_stackoverflow; 1/0): Looping Flextables in R Markdown documents with Word output [Votes: 3] #r #rmarkdown #knitr

Christian Glez. (@chrglez; 1/0): #rstas #remainder #fonts #customfonts #ggplot

custom font in ggplot using #rmarkdown and #knitr -> specify the Cairo device in the document metadata.

Source: https://t.co/xcBFwaWkxI https://t.co/hmHjKCLpic

R-Ladies Chicago (@RLadiesChicago; 1/0): We start with a discussion of how we got here with dynamic documents: does anyone remember Sweave? After that, we had knitR, and now we’re at R Markdown!

Gordon Shotwell (@gshotwell; 1/0): @TazPoltorak @nnie_nl @rstats4ds This is the answer, knitr will write a new file with no new characters the first time you v knit, but the second time that file will already exist so it won’t overwrite it

Creative Coding (@coding_creative; 0/2): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr


#ruby #programming https://t.co/kUogwvBwfd https://t.co/Wq9tbXuZzN


Sebastian H. (@seathebass92; 3/0): Pagedown can be a massive lifesaver when converting between html and pdf https://t.co/wMYFHmPe2H

Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 2/0): @maibennett The style is just the default pagedown resume theme! https://t.co/CnoS8l024Y I can’t take any credit for it.


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 90/15): Thank you so much to @RLadiesMelb for hosting a wonderful #rladies meetup! If you are curious to see my “Take a Sad Plot & Make It Better” #xaringan slides, here they are: https://t.co/yFQ2Q6OHHI

(I tagged all my Australia fun on my website here: https://t.co/y3COfjYAWG) https://t.co/z0ubUrQbLN

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 35/5): Learning about Generalized linear latent variable models and “intractable posteriors” (said with awesome Australian accent) by @sarah_romanes


(I think I spy @statsgen’s #xaringan slide theme 🕵️‍♀️) https://t.co/WOHp4yZgdx

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 34/8): Working on my talk for tomorrow’s @RLadiesOslo talk on tidying data with {dplyr} and {tidyr}.

Got my tea, got {xaringan}, and lots of enthusiasm!

Pop by if you can!


#Rstats #Oslove #DataScience #dataWrangling

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 19/3): @sarah_romanes @apreshill @statsgen We really really really need a website full of awesome xaringan slides like R data visualization gallery. #rstats

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 14/4): Enjoyed @srkobakian’s talk on her sugarbag #rstats package to create tessellated hexagon map at #ysc2019 #youngstats19

#xaringan slides: https://t.co/ipz7vogXlc

#pkgdown site: https://t.co/LvPVy7zP6G https://t.co/88cmeNRXUo

Christian Glez. (@chrglez; 9/6): My tutorial slide introducing R (in Spanish). Created with #xaringan📦, based on @jvcasill #ru_xaringan theme https://t.co/qfNwqFwJxf. 🖥️ Presentation https://t.co/tPvTaEinqc 💻Code available on https://t.co/pFo2phYoZU https://t.co/uB5j3qF1eB

Claus Ekstrøm (@ClausEkstrom; 7/3): Looking forward to introduce @xieyihui’s #xaringan package for the Copenhagen R useRs today: “Xaringan shenanigans” https://t.co/GKHew9PUCB #rstats

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 6/2): O Data Science in a Box é um curso de um semestre, completo, disponível gratuitamente em: https://t.co/3WoSaBEPQQ com slides prontos utilizando xaringan, atividades de classe, projetos, provas, e tudo o que precisa para dar um curso de 1 semestre de Ciência de dados

Jeroen Minderman (@jejoenje; 5/2): Woohoo! I too spent ages looking for how to achieve this… and this works. “Widescreen” #xaringan #rstats #rmarkdown #remarkjs https://t.co/mP34OgeKFx

Zhi Yang (@zhiiiyang; 5/0): Beautiful slides in #xaringan! https://t.co/SveiIkCMTM

Sarah Romanes (@sarah_romanes; 5/0): @apreshill @statsgen Haha, I didn’t know my accent was so strong! And yes, I’m a massive fan of Emi’s amazing xaringan theme 😍 you have a good eye!

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 5/0): @dgkeyes @devenwisner Top o’ the morning to you @dgkeyes - it is 11:30pm here in Oz and I’m off to bed, but if you want to see all the links to my #xaringan slides with the code accessible too, I tag them all here: https://t.co/lB2a0MQp8s Goodnight! 🛌💤😴

R-Ladies Melbourne (@RLadiesMelb; 4/1): Slides today were created using the #xaringan 📦 https://t.co/6hB9RVIqGi

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 4/0): @devenwisner I gave a talk last night that used xaringan. You can see my slides here: https://t.co/WR9W9YdSyo

Bioinformatics London 🧬💻 (@bioinfoLDN; 3/1): @shikta_das How can we not mention #xaringan ? Check @apreshill old but gold slides for how to make .. slides! with {xaringan} #Rstats 📦 . What might be also useful is taking a look at {datalorax/slidex} 📦 for converting your legacy #ppt.

Octavio Medina (@octavio_medina; 3/0): Just started using the #xaringan package for my slides and it’s pretty great 🎉

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 3/0): @devenwisner So the main package that people use these days to make slides is called xaringan. This is a slideshow that explains the package’s functionality (yes, it’s meta): https://t.co/tEfXQJth6r

jabaa 🇺🇸 (@AlexVulgoJaba; 2/1): Xaringan Em processo já 👀 https://t.co/S48FEKpMVm

Michael DeWitt (@medewittjr; 1/1): There is just someone calming about tweaking the visual style of your xaringan slides to match your corporate visual identity…#xaringan #rstats

Andrew Baker (@Andrew___Baker; 1/0): @medewittjr I like xaringan slides a lot but it definitely adds a layer of pain-in-the-assness

Alfonso Tobar (@tobar_with_R; 1/0): @pachamaltese Those would be my primary so then I’d go with my helpers: datapasta, remedy, clipr, colourpicker, glue, xaringan, mufflr, dbi + dependencies, fs, usethis, zeallot.

Ariane Aumaitre (@ariamsita; 1/0): @EvaMaeRey @ma_salmon @apreshill Thanks a lot!! I love your use of xaringan for showing how things are done incrementally, will take it up for sure!! :)

Vebashini (@Vebash; 1/0): RMarkdown xaringan slides: IDK if this is xaringan specific, but it’s the 💣.
.pull-left[]: Moves the things in between the [] to the left of the slide.
.pull-right[]: Moves the things in between the [] to the right of the slide. https://t.co/EBE8nCHj9F

Christian Glez. (@chrglez; 1/0): @jvcasill gracias, aunque todavía me queda sacarle toda la potencia a las presentaciones en xaringan. Tu tema es de lo mejorcito que he visto para ese paquete. Yo solo tuve que adaptarlo un poco. https://t.co/sOy71VeQtD

Hernan Bruno (@HernanBruno1975; 1/0): @vianey_lb Me encantó. I need to give the xaringan package a try.

Russ Hyde (@haematobot; 0/1): d’oh. I’ve got a pretty sweet (first) xaringan presentation and can’t push it onto rpubs #rstats


Vebashini (@Vebash; 12/1): RMarkdown xaringan slides: If you’re like me, you may want to view your slides as you’re writing them up. Running xaringan::inf_mr() does just this! The slide you’re working on will show in the viewer tab, & changes you make appear in real time! https://t.co/7yisF1xdy7 https://t.co/zAQ8ZMGB1i

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 4/1): @swmpkim @apreshill @Lluis_Rev @JenRichmondPhD @apreshill will most certainly have a better answer, but in the meantime https://t.co/W2VV98wmJ0

Harish Guda (@harish_guda; 4/0): So, notebooks vs. IDEs is the new R vs. python? Cool.
