Katie Jolly (@katiejolly6; 567/138): I 💜 WPA style National Park posters and often look for color schemes from them so I decided to make an #rstats package! I’ll write a blog post with examples soon, but for now feel free to try them out and let me know what you think! 18 to choose from!🌲🏔 https://t.co/9Ag5yy6NrM https://t.co/119qWsl6Vg ↪
Stephen Turner (@strnr; 471/111): corrr: tidyverse-friendly package for exploring correlations in R https://t.co/V8btgqhOot #Rstats
The workflow illustrated here is super useful
df %>%
cor() %>%
as_cordf() %>%
stretch() https://t.co/L6P89BWisg ↪
Edwin Thoen (@edwin_thoen; 425/85): I am really happy (and a bit proud) that Agile Data Science with #rstats, A Workflow is now done. You can read it here https://t.co/Y5iVVO8787. I would love to hear your thoughts! ↪
David Robinson (@drob; 368/67): In this #tidytuesday screencast, I analyze a dataset of horror movie ratings, and use lasso regression to predict ratings based on genre, cast, and plot.
What’s 😱👍: Indian, animated, and drama films
What’s 🙄👎: Sharks and Eric Roberts
https://t.co/3qj7NoA4Pf #rstats 🧛♂️👻 https://t.co/OBI6x1O2zX ↪
Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 275/113): One of my all-time favorites >> The Most Complete List of the Best Cheat Sheets for #DataScientists covering #AI #NeuralNetworks #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #BigData #DataScience #DataViz #Python #Rstats #Coding etc.
https://t.co/r8WpZ0NDgS https://t.co/sTvTJzzbFK ↪
John Burn-Murdoch (@jburnmurdoch; 250/20): Love a bit of coding on deadline:
This afternoon I overhauled our parliamentary vote graphics, taking them from #rstats #ggplot to run entirely in the browser using #d3js, including the labelling.
Zero Illustrator involved, straight from browser to publication. https://t.co/SyMncmZ5cx ↪
Max Kuhn (@topepos; 244/5): I’m proud of myself for only getting five minutes into creating a new R package before checking to see if somebody else had made the same exact thing (someone had)
I had a great package name idea tho
#rstats ↪
dreamRs (@dreamRs_fr; 227/63): New package on CRAN : {fresh} 🥳 create custom Bootstrap theme to use in #shiny application, use your corporate brand colours or just the colours you love ! #rstats https://t.co/6EDa9hM88h https://t.co/SyB36OEpAC ↪
Tyler M🧟organ🧟-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 206/22): How about this for a genre: #rstats progress pics.
I started developing #rayshader back in 2018 because I always wanted to learn more about raytracing and cartography, and thought there might be value in a tool combining the two. (there was😃)
What’s your #rprogresspic? https://t.co/hZktYmZqCw ↪
Craig Van Pay (@CKVanPay; 185/51): I can’t stress how much I love the #rstats package “tidylog”. This package provides you with a log of changes that happen at each step of your data cleaning and preparation. So much easier to later explain your prep. and follow the changes to your data. https://t.co/ZtjyYp1qod https://t.co/sk5G1nxI9k ↪
Qiusheng Wu (@giswqs; 176/74): WhiteboxTools v1.0.1 released! The library contains 412 tools for #geospatial analysis. Check out the #Python, #R, #ArcGIS and #QGIS front-ends at https://t.co/UrJXfs21WQ #GIS #lidar #hydrology #remotesensing #opensource #rstats https://t.co/aGTMLpyCSQ ↪
Alison Haunted Hill 🧟♀️🏚 (@apreshill; 46/4): This is a very beautiful custom #blogdown site- just wow 🤩 https://t.co/oqPw8eG3CB ↪
antuki (@antuki13; 39/41): Determined French woman 💪 still looking for a #datascience summer 2020 internship outside Europe! I even made a blogdown post about it! Please share… #rstats https://t.co/glC6dZPl4l ↪
Alison Haunted Hill 🧟♀️🏚 (@apreshill; 19/8): The new 💅 @RLadiesSydney website is worth checking out for the design alone, but also for one of my favorite “Get Started” series for #rstats:
#rladies #MadeWithAcademic #blogdown https://t.co/dceF0LZJ9w ↪
Daniela Vázquez (@d4tagirl; 17/2): I’m finally ready to migrate my blog, and use blogdown and Hugo 😅 I remember some blog posts about this and even some threads on Twitter, do you have a favorite resource? #rstats https://t.co/XFfNjpBlGD ↪
Altuna Akalin (@AltunaAkalin; 10/1): new personal website (https://t.co/W5SaZyLK6V) built with #blogdown, @GoHugoIO, @rstudio and hugo-academic, thanks to @xieyihui and @georgecushen https://t.co/eHg2jFgDuy ↪
Alison Haunted Hill 🧟♀️🏚 (@apreshill; 7/1): @shunley42 If you like it, it works! For colors and fonts, I basically do what @dcossyle does. For the academic theme, she developed some great color and font pairings you could play with: https://t.co/xVOFLb5JZ2 ↪
Matt Dray (@mattdray; 6/3): I made {blogsnip} on my commute: a titchy #rstats package with a few #rstudio addins that make my #blogdown posts easier to write.
🐙https://t.co/hiiiYPlp9i https://t.co/ZJMWPM3ziG ↪
Jacob Bellmund (@jacobbellmund; 4/1): @F_R_Richter I use the hugo academic template and blogdown in #rstats for my personal page. Can probably be extended to a lab page. Great tutorial by @dsquintana for a jump start here: https://t.co/TIMrlGP3Cc ↪
Ryan Estrellado (@RyanEs; 3/3): Question for the blogdown experts: Do you push your draft posts to GitHub? My blogdown directory needs a major cleanup. Appreciate any tips! #rstats ↪
Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 3/3): Hey #blogdown friends, anyone know how to enable Google Analytics to track views for PDFs on your #blogdown site? I have page views set up but I have no idea how to set up “event measurement” for my PDFs w/ blogdown. [cc: @apreshill @xieyihui @Andrew___Baker @wytham88] #rstats ↪
Eugene Joh (@eugejoh; 3/1): looking to create a new #blogdown website for professional/blog purposes, any recommendations for reliable Hugo themes? #rstats ↪
Luuuda 👻 PoorlyFormattedJSON (@ludmila_janda; 3/0): @samuelcrane is now showing off our Data Hub! built by Samuel in #blogdown 💪 https://t.co/82f9m2jGVV ↪
Dave Braze (@davidbraze; 3/0): @RyanEs @shunley42 a. I use Hugo and the academic them directly, not via blogdown
b. I’m not an expert
c. I do push draft posts ↪
Data Scientists (@DataScientistsF; 2/5): Determined French woman still looking for a #datascience summer 2020 internship outside Europe! I even made a blogdown post about it! Please share… #rstats https://t.co/uIyG1vp8Pe … - https://t.co/AoXahGE53M #DataScience thanks @RichardEudes ↪
JP Ruiz Nicolini (@TuQmano; 2/1): El proceso de construcción del sitio web lo hicimos desde #rstatsES
Usando blogdown y su integración con HUGO y github.
Esas referencias están linkeadas en TuQmanoR, que tiene un desarrollo similar https://t.co/3ZSxafDYz7 ↪
Maëlle Salmon 🐟🔪🍣😱 (@ma_salmon; 2/0): @d4tagirl There’s a section about migration in the blogdown book itself. 🙂
To make future theme changes easier btw I prefer to have content as .Rmarkdown (not .Rmd) or .md, which is also something explained (pros and cons) at some point in the book. ↪
Big Data Analytics (@BigData_Fr; 1/5): Determined French woman still looking for a #datascience summer 2020 internship outside Europe! I even made a blogdown post about it! Please share… #rstats https://t.co/e8L6MIVus6 … https://t.co/vOycyagH19 #Analytics thanks @RichardEudes ↪
Giuliano Sposito (@gsposito; 1/1): Week 8 Projections and Simulation is Out!
https://t.co/dOHgWFTaCK#FantasyFootball #rstats #blogdown #hugo https://t.co/jH8q9tRoiV ↪
Matt.0 (@MattOldach; 1/1): @W_R_Chase Wow this is…stunning… was it made with #rstats #blogdown using #D3 wrappers and fancy CSS or how was this made exactly? https://t.co/AuvsAwOV0S ↪
Houston Haynes (@whiskersedge; 1/0): @thebyrdlab Just saw the other reply and agree. I have been impressed as I save updates for my static site. I’m using MRAN with MTK extensions - builds a beefy Hugo/blogdown site with highcharts / html-widgets in just a few seconds from a cold start. [new machine] ↪
Victoria DeLeo (@victorialdeleo; 1/0): @Billistician I like R Blogdown, because I do everything in R anyways. ↪
Ryan Estrellado (@RyanEs; 1/0): In case I’m not the only one who needs this right now. What you should and shouldn’t mess with in your #blogdown directory. Thank you @apreshill 🙏🏽 https://t.co/RVEoxPSeji ↪
Rafael La Buonora (@rlabuonora; 1/0): @d4tagirl @g3rv4 Buena! Contá como te va con blogdown! ↪
Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 1/0): @Andrew___Baker @apreshill @xieyihui @wytham88 But I don’t know how to convert these GA instructions into our #blogdown world since my previous GA enabling was just via following this piece of the #blogdown book. https://t.co/QdshhFqoJw [3/n] ↪
Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 1/0): @MattOldach Thanks Matt! The site is made using Hugo through blogdown. I basically wrote my own Hugo theme, which involves writing HTML templates and a lot of CSS. Nothing too fancy, just a lot of fiddling. ↪
Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 1/0): @JenRichmondPhD blogdown:: with academic theme, is it? ↪
Chad Michael Eyer (@eyer; 0/1): .@georgecushen Love the hugo-academic template for #blogdown and #rstats, but I can’t figure out how to add alt-text to a featured.jpg image to make for post #accessibility. Any pointers? ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 508/105): The 0.0.1 version of my #bookdown project, “Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in #brms and the #tidyverse” is live. https://t.co/33mkX0k3yE
1/3 ↪
Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 35/7): #rstats - Development version of 📦 {attachment} can now help fill the DESCRIPTION file of a #bookdown project 📖. Also, there is no more dependency on {devtools}.
Use {attachment} during package development to help you deal with dependencies
https://t.co/OFsgGQD6mL ↪
Damie Pak (@pakdamie; 13/3): https://t.co/5lrNRTTCse
This is a very fun and simple intro book to #rstats! I think this is one of my favorite figures. https://t.co/UW4OBDuyDe ↪
ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 7/3): #rstats - With {attachment}, we can now easily update the DESCRIPTION file of our #bookdown 📖: “Building Big Shiny Apps - A Workflow”, for automatic deployment using @travisci and @github
https://t.co/tDePsWPWOe https://t.co/ZTpjF6XC0w ↪
José Manuel Fradejas 🇪🇺 (@JMFradeRue; 6/0): @RojasCastroA @linhduned Estará libre y accesible en la red. Formato #bookdown. ↪
Noora Hyysalo (@nhyysalo; 4/0): With minimal experience in both R and doing meta-analysis, I came across this hands-on guide that seemed really accurate and somehow thought I could manage this. Am I mad and delusional? @MathiasHarrer https://t.co/lahx8qg6MY ↪
Data Science Reads (@dsreads; 3/4): A free, online textbook for the Introduction to Data Science course at St. John Fisher College. The course is taught in R using RStudio, and the book is a great resource on its own.
#rstats #DataScience
https://t.co/RF1xB69VRx https://t.co/W7sULNW1Zg ↪
OZAWA (@ozapro18; 2/0): jamoviで散布図を書く場合にはscatr(マニュアルにはjscatrと記載されているけど見当たらない)というアドオンを利用する方法もあるみたい。https://t.co/9vCQ9eMrGo ↪
Edwin Thoen (@edwin_thoen; 2/0): @hadleywickham @JennyBryan @wmlandau Final finally, @xieyihui’s bookdown makes it ridiculously easy to create an online resource. ↪
Vegard Lysne (@VegardLysne; 2/0): @drchandra86 I wrote my thesis in Rmarkdown, which felt like a good idea at the time. Very educational. But, as @tho_ols say, formatting/proofreading not the easiest. Regret not checking out bookdown earlier, which would be really helpful. ↪
心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 2/0): bookdownでセクション見出しに漢字を入れると,Buildができなくなってる現象が自分には起きてるのだけど,最新情報を知るには中国語が必要な時代かもしれない https://t.co/mhkMnG7yU8 ↪
data_sciesotist (@data_sciesotist; 2/0): いいねぇ。
9.3 Shower presentations | R Markdown: The Definitive Guide https://t.co/jH82DYCrWN
Shower Presentations with R Markdown https://t.co/QwkSeG0xts ↪
Dr. Straight but spooky 🎃 (@RyanStraight; 2/0): So, Bookdown: Pressbooks but free and open source. ↪
Paquito Bernard (@PaquitoBernard; 1/3): A very interesting FREE ressource to perform a meta-analysis with R
Particularly for plots !
https://t.co/m6IYGhFpoc https://t.co/zeKnL6rWFA ↪
Jon 🎃👻“trending towards significance”👻🎃 Huang (@jon_y_huang; 1/1): @nus_sling Rmarkdown / xaringan package
It takes some getting used to, but is well formatted, can incorporate R code, and forces me to keep things simple. ↪
Carlos Javier Rincon (@cjrr2016; 1/1): https://t.co/0g86i757LH ↪
心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 1/0): bookdownでRの同人誌書くの始めようとしたところ,盛大につまづいている ↪
Philipp Bayer (@PhilippBayer; 1/0): @gladymar85 @ForrestResearch @orchid00 We should have looked a bit more into bookdown!! Have a look :) ↪
Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 1/0): @GastroDS @NHSrCommunity Not a bad idea. A repo of worked example that answer question, possibly as markdown/bookdown might be a good idea. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Is there any way to take take a chapter from a forked bookdown repo and add it to you own bookdown project while making sure that the chapter will stay synced with the original. #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/vefqMZyK8J ↪
Rich FitzJohn (@rgfitzjohn; 4/1): {orderly} is designed to work well with the tools you already use (drake, knitr, etc) and impose very little how you design and write analyses, but is full of little nudges and features to reduce collaborative conflicts and tension and to make reproducibility easier ↪
Learn Ruby (@MaryLearn; 2/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr
☞ https://t.co/N9TJtq356W
#ruby #programming https://t.co/6z6xZl9YRi ↪
Lars Dalby (@lars_dalby; 1/2): Is there a function that allows you to print a table of a data.frame but without the header row in #rmarkdown? #rstats #knitr ↪
Ruby on Rails (@ruby_o_rails; 1/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr
☞ https://t.co/s1P6ycSP7o
#ruby #programming https://t.co/hqfB2iElw3 ↪
Robert M Flight of the Navigator (@rmflight; 1/0): @MilesMcBain @rstudio Ah, OK. That would be part of the reason why the knitr button let’s you set particular params, and launches in its own separate session. I know if I do it from command line, I restart my R session first. ↪
Lars Mølgaard Saxhaug (@load_dependent; 1/0): @f_g_zampieri @aguiarfej Knitr? Would you share the script? 😜 ↪
Ruby Programming (@ProgrammingRuby; 0/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr
☞ https://t.co/s80OuesHev
#ruby #programming https://t.co/YTjlyH6BuD ↪
Ruby Developer (@DeveloperRuby; 0/1): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr
☞ https://t.co/qxmsGRgulQ
#ruby #programming https://t.co/20E53m49Mi ↪
Kim Cressman (@swmpkim; 2/0): @nicoleradziwill Next time you do want to try on your own computer though: use the tinytex package to install the TeX that you need. Life-changing. ↪
Nicole Radziwill (@nicoleradziwill; 1/0): @swmpkim ha, I was actually in the process of trying to load up tinytex after MiKTeX agony when I decided to try https://t.co/5SWOt8SVKN to see if that would be a good contingency plan! glad to know it’s life changing :) ↪
Garrick Aden-👻eee (@grrrck; 228/50): I wrote a short blog post solving a common 👁️ #xaringan problem: automatically add a logo to all of your slides with just a tiny little bit of CSS and JavaScript. #rstats
https://t.co/cLtlqUw8HS ↪
Mireia Ramos-Rodríguez 🧬👩🏻💻 (@mireia_bioinfo; 51/23): I finally had some time to update & upload my #xaringan slides for the #ggplot2 workshop at @RLadiesBCN.
👩💻 You can watch them live here: https://t.co/MeZ1lcj7O8
🧙♀️ The repository with the updated materials: https://t.co/XJWI6n0UUG
#rladies #rstats ↪
Garrick Aden-👻eee (@grrrck; 16/1): I also made a template repo on GitHub for easy setup for your next xaringan presentation
https://t.co/eoF2DEygBo ↪
Tam (@tam07pb915; 7/3): [R] Rmarkdown(xaringan)で学会発表スライド作るときの超初心者メモ https://t.co/ChLVzpUmCW ↪
Jakub Nowosad (@jakub_nowosad; 5/3): The pagedown package is great for exporting xaringan slides to PDF. The only thing you need to remember is that all images must fit in the slides to be properly exported. You can learn more at https://t.co/hcCeusctXt. Thanks @xieyihui! #rstats https://t.co/lCUgQAldc0 ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 3/3): xaringan Tip: Add A Logo to All of Your Slides #rstats #datascience https://t.co/HjBDFv8A6Z ↪
Faith Musili (@musili_faith; 3/2): Am a newbie in using xaringan in Rmarkdown to make presentation slides after @junglepaul introduced me . How can i add a watermark in the background of slides? #rstats ↪
Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 3/1): Is there an equivalent of beamer’s [shrink] in xaringan? If not, are there more efficient ways of achieving same result w/o resizing text till it works? #rstats
PS: I realize one shouldn’t shove a bunch of text in a slide, but it’s useful for info slides outlining hands-on ex.s ↪
Martin John Hadley (they/them) (@martinjhnhadley; 2/0): My only issue with {xaringan} is that it’s not called {_xaringan} https://t.co/5uIsDgMQRr ↪
Carsten Allefeld (@C_Allefeld; 5/3): Source: https://t.co/yFDmNecssF
#DataScience https://t.co/1INY0mrRsA ↪