Dr. Gavin Jones (@ecologyofgavin; 1434/258): One of my fave/most frequently used #rstats commands:
options(scipen = 999)
turns off scientific notation in R, aka turns 5.3e-2 to 0.053 😇🙏🏻 ↪
Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 988/151): this halloween, try exploring your data… in the dark 😱
made entirely with #rstats #rayshader #rayrender
#dataviz https://t.co/HhojoBhLvt ↪
Kareem🔥10x statistician🔥Carr (@kareem_carr; 283/17): Sitting in the back of a Python class coding in R right now. ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 #rstats ↪
Miles McBain (@MilesMcBain; 280/71): An #rstats package that costs you next to nothing to learn and use but will save you untold time and frustration: https://t.co/51FOso5GCU. 😍😍😍 ↪
Travis Gerke (@travisgerke; 238/47): If you happen to be an #rstats user encountering this unnecessary elitism:
{function(x) (x^3*cos(x/2)+1/2)*sqrt(4-x^2)} %>%
integrate(-2, 2) %>%
print(digits = 10) https://t.co/F4Ks4gh4dc ↪
Martin Wegmann (@m_wegmann; 218/48): we finally submitted our book “introduction to spatial data analysis” w/ #qgis and #rstats to the publisher! thanks to all reviewers for many valuable comments! https://t.co/ofiu6NmUVG ↪
Fernando A Barbalho (@barbalhofernand; 217/80): O Estadão publicou um pdf com informações do IBAMA sobre localidades do NE atingidas pelo óleo.
Fiz um gist com um script que lê o pdf e gera dataframe tratado, com correções de nomenclatura e UF.
O gist está aqui (1/3):https://t.co/nlioxhWgiJ
#rstats #OpenData ↪
Paula Moraga (@Paula_Moraga_; 196/55): Excited to see 📚 Geospatial Health Data with R-INLA and Shiny available from @CRC_Maths very soon! 🎉😍
Book covers:
🌍 #Spatial data & maps with #rstats
📈 #Bayesian #diseasemapping models
(🦟 #malaria 🏥 #cancer 🏭 #airpollution)
⚡️ Interactive viz & Shiny appsBook links 👇 https://t.co/nMEyQ9oSaw ↪
Will Chase (@W_R_Chase; 33/6): 👨💻 Want to know how I designed and built my new website? I just published a blog about it! Read for the behind the scenes deets and some inspiration for any #rstats tweeps looking to customize their #blogdown site
https://t.co/tBA5fyD4s8 ↪
Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 22/0): ok… the time has come to throw away my extremely fragile but #aesthetic blogdown website full of code that doesn’t work anymore. i’m going to attempt to update hugo, use page bundles, and pick a theme that’s actually flexible 💪 wish me luck ↪
Owen Churches (@OwenChurches; 11/8): I’m part of a great #rstats community of practice for public sector workers in Adelaide with @Kristen_Osb, @Mel_Heap and @leggett_man. And now we’re going online too with our very own #blogdown site: https://t.co/vnI8dqQmLx. Follow along as we make all the government data tidy! https://t.co/ZPyptB1IDm ↪
Christopher Lavoie (@ChrisLavoieEcon; 10/1): I just published my first blog post on my website using #rstats and #blogdown. https://t.co/kBrBdNUMAC
It’s about understanding what a loss function is for making predictions. Have a look if you like! ↪
Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 7/0): you vs the blogdown site they tell you not to worry about, @W_R_Chase edition 😂😭 https://t.co/Pq1TovZqB6 ↪
Gavin Masterson (@gavinprm; 6/2): “Hello World”, I’m officially a ’netizen’ with a personal website. Big thanks to @xieyihui, @rstudio, @georgecushen and @Netlify for making it relatively painless. #rstats #blogdown
https://t.co/kfkIVOk729 ↪
Data Liftoff (@dataliftoff; 3/2): Want to learn how to create websites with the blogdown R package? Here’s a free online book by @xieyihui 📚
#DataScience #rstats
https://t.co/m259ePwkRw ↪
Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 3/1): @wgervais @LTF_01 Markdown isn’t so steep, it’s it? Rmarkdown, and all the awesome things you can do with blogdown, bookdown, and simple stand alone Rmd files, is steep, but Md⬇️ itself is deliberately simple, no?
Re: starting: I’d just start an Rmd file in, Rstudio and add a cool analysis 🙂 ↪
Sam Hunley (@shunley42; 3/1): Blogdown folks! How do you edit your posts? ↪
Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 3/0): you vs the blogdown site they tell you not to worry about https://t.co/dFR4E7g7ou ↪
Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 2/0): @monkmanmh @apreshill yesss, Alison is totally the blogdown queen 👑 ↪
Carlisle Rainey (@carlislerainey; 2/0): @andyphilips_ @annabellehutch @mcfuhrmann +1 for GitHub. My website uses GH. If you’re in an RStudio workflow already, blogdown makes it easy to set up. ↪
David Nield (@DRNield; 2/0): @annabellehutch If you like Rmarkdown, I highly recommend the blogdown package, which makes making a website using Hugo really easy.
Here’s a tutorial I used to make the website I’m building: https://t.co/SO0ID9AgPe
My website (random url until it’s ready to be public): https://t.co/0IqItlsMG6 ↪
Alison Haunted Hill 🧟♀️🏚 (@apreshill; 2/0): @sharlagelfand I am so excited to see how you make the academic theme look cute cc @dcossyle (a starter site with nice colors and themes is here: https://t.co/r0uM9J5XYs) ↪
Mike K Smith (@MikeKSmith; 1/1): @nlmixr @rstudio @rstudio: Note the MDL User Guide written with bookdown (3 years ago) and the https://t.co/xiOvcaBqGx website built with blogdown (also 3 years ago!). https://t.co/OcQd2RoyLn ↪
Ian Ruginski (@ITRuginski; 1/0): Super excited to have finished my new website at https://t.co/sRI77VdMtt, updated for my new position with @giva_uzh. Many thanks to @xieyihui (https://t.co/QZPU3NBTi1) and @georgecushen (https://t.co/rCbJDLffDV) for making website creation so easy with #rstats. Feedback welcome! ↪
Carlisle Rainey (@carlislerainey; 1/0): @andyphilips_ @annabellehutch @mcfuhrmann Here’s one I’m experimenting with using blogdown. (I can’t remember why it’s not live…) https://t.co/VRvVw9vpPc ↪
Gavin Masterson (@gavinprm; 1/0): @SalamanderJenn Hi Jennifer. I’m about to deploy my personal website after starting the project on Monday this week and putting about 12 hours in. I used R, {blogdown} and the hugo Academic theme (which has great documentation to customise options). Will use Netlify to host. How’s yours coming? ↪
HTML & CSS StackOverflow (@htmlcss_stack; 0/1): Modifying font-title of blogdown webst [Votes: 3] #html #css #rmarkdown
https://t.co/PKEZ0d4eNM ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 77/9): The 0.0.2 version of my #bookdown project, “Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in #brms and the #tidyverse” is live. It now includes Chapters 1–10! https://t.co/33mkX0k3yE
1/2 ↪
David Ebert (@DDEbert; 42/17): Now preprint freely available: Our new “hands on guide” to conduct #metaanalyses in R. including R package and step by step explanations for the most important stuff. Feedback & hints about errors much appreciated lead author @MathiasHarrer @pimcuijpers https://t.co/Y3KGzQJMX1 ↪
Dana Linnell Wanzer, PhD (@danawanzer; 11/1): @ecgrim @dgkeyes Recs, in no particular order:
- https://t.co/iJTAiowQE3 by @R4DScommunity
- https://t.co/eKkWICJ5ts by @SuzanBaert
- https://t.co/QfnNHTejzU by @dalejbarr & @LisaDeBruine
- https://t.co/3NZYzfEFtS by @djnavarro
- https://t.co/ZhNgzlHfTd by @tladeras & @datapointier ↪
Nicole Radziwill (@nicoleradziwill; 3/1): and then there’s a button where you can knit ANY PAGE to powerpoint, or Word, or PDF (just like normal) – or you can checkbox a group of pages and then produce a BOOKDOWN or something – the default would of course be knit to HTML bc that’s what you would be looking at – 2/ ↪
Kathleen Wendt (@wendtke; 3/0): @technocrat @rstatstweet Yes, broad overview, suggestions, examples of what can be done. We thought we might create a repository of resources (bookdown?) for participants to investigate after the workshop. ↪
Rafael Irizarry (@rafalab; 2/1): @IsabellaGhement @LeviWaldron1 All the code is on GitHub:
In fact, using this repo, you can regenerate the book from scratch using the bookdown package.
That particular piece of code is here:
https://t.co/ckkpV3lyoU ↪
りつ (@ritsu1997; 2/0): 初めてのStack Overflowへの質問「bookdownのsearch engineをmultibyte characterに対応させる方法はありますか?」という質問をしたら一日のうちに開発者のYihui Xieさんが回答してくれた。実装したい機能だけど時間がないらしい。コントリビューターがやってくれることを祈る他ない。🥺 ↪
心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 2/0): @xieyihui Thank you for finding this tweet! The error may occurs specific environment, because I can not get a reproducible example too in other pc, although versions of bookdown and R are same. I will try get the reproducible example and report it to the Github! ↪
Rory Quinn (@RoryJosephQuinn; 1/2): A guide to feature engineering and selection for #datascience and #machinelearning
https://t.co/EcgUeyqQ1E ↪
Katy (@Simple_equation; 1/1): Any #Rmarkdown wizards out there- I’m trying to change the margins on my book download pdf, but I can’t get it to work. What is the easiest way to change my margins?
#Rstudio #bookdown #stats #coding #maths #studentlife ↪
Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 1/1): @cantabile @JenRichmondPhD @djnavarro starts a new bookdown project
fill the provided biblio.bib file https://t.co/4XKQAAolW8 ↪
👻 cjlortie (@cjlortie; 1/0): @jleebraun love it!
https://t.co/rn0jYGL4ts ↪
Meme Overflow (@overflow_meme; 1/0): Horizontal rule in R Markdown / Bookdown causing errors https://t.co/eLIEtDpPHT https://t.co/X3lkg8sm2X ↪
Tadeu (@tagote; 1/0): @lmonasterio Se a apresentação em .Tex estiver ok, use o Sweve e gere um arquivo (.Rnw). Se for apenas estilizar o texto, faça como o colega falou: in_header. Beamer no Rmarkdown é fácil, mas partindo de uma apresentação do zero. https://t.co/VyldeyYZWr ↪
Dale Maschette 🐟🧗♂️ (@Dale_Masch; 1/0): @Antonarctica @Gillian_Slocum @useR2018_conf https://t.co/xpngmUjSVS ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @matsuchiy You can file a bug report to the Github repo of bookdown. In the post you mentioned, I didn’t really get a reproducible example, and I was too lazy to make one by myself… If I have a minimal reproducible example, I might be able to fix the problem. Thank you! ↪
Ana Cruz-Martínez (@anakrousism; 0/1): Time Series Analysis with R
https://t.co/Wkk1h1JpBu ↪
Susan Holmes 📗💻 (@SherlockpHolmes; 8/0): @MaartenvSmeden I recommend slidy using knitr which also supports all the latex and can include nice ggplot2 graphics easily, I use it for many of my talks and lectures. ↪
pointy hat (witch) (@chipspopandabar; 7/0): using the knitr package to produce beautiful documents with embedded graphics ↪
Johan Lindbäck (@iiijohan; 5/0): @MaartenvSmeden It is. Mainly because
- the easy integration with R through knitr
- the ability to easily comment out sections/slides etc
- …[because] the source code is plain text
- it’s kind of fun :-) ↪
Leo Monasterio (@lmonasterio; 3/0): O jeito que eu fiz:
no rstudio, eu ativei a opção “keep tex file”, quando fiz o knitr
Então copiei e colei o arquivo tex direto no overleaf.
Meio tosco, mas funcinou. cc @rphlbruce ↪
👻 cjlortie (@cjlortie; 1/2): #CV is really a bunch of lists. I am re-doing it and using #rstats @rstudio to switch over to #rmarkdown to generate cleaner version. Thinking of tables for list and using knitr::kable to render and then knit to pdf. @gordonblasco any insights on #bettercvs? ↪
Dr. Chris Wall (@coraloha; 1/1): Reinstalled R, R studio, knitr… still not functioning. Code chunks run but can’t knit to html or pdf #R #Rstudio #Rmarkdown ↪
Noam Ross (@noamross; 1/1): @Warreningshot Ah, you might want to use something like https://t.co/zw0N819daU ? I don’t know of anything that formats / wraps the text in a table in the console in a way you can read it, but knitr::kable() or pander::pandoc.table() might do OK. ↪
Patricio R. Estevez-Soto (@prestevez; 1/0): @markrt @martinjhnhadley See also texreg, xtable, and knitr::kable ↪
Boaz Sobrado (@sobradob; 1/0): @coraloha @rstatstweet Can be many things that’s the issue. Try reinstalling knitr? ↪
gabrielo (@gabrieloprimo; 1/0): @lmonasterio Considera usar o knitr. Pra mim funciona bem fácil, o script simplesmente lê o código do tex então nesse caso é um prosaico copiar e colar. ↪
Joe Rubash (@OceanJoe1; 1/0): @Amysw13 @rstatstweet I most often use DT::datatable() for interactive html tables and knitr::kable for static… Formattable looks cool and I’m super excited about GT ↪
tj nightmahr 🎃🍕 (@tjmahr; 1/0): @statwonk yeah, predict.gamlss() did some pretty janky nonstandard evaluation that broke my knitr doc ↪
Robbie Hart (@Oreotrephes; 1/0): @gigi_rose Because it’s hard for everyone! I’ve had some luck with knitr::kable and kableExtra, but there are always hurdles… ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Knitr Rmarkdown error object not found (from a previous question) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/VTU3FkZmnO ↪
Dr. Christian Hoggard (@CSHoggard; 22/1): Personal achievement: I finally got the tinytex and vitae (https://t.co/LdA4hvkEtB) packages working and now have coded a curriculum vitae (this will be configured to GitHub shortly) #levelup #rstats https://t.co/JJ84Eq6QbB ↪
Jeff Rouder (@JeffRouder; 2/1): Love TinyTex, so convenient for Rmarkdown to pdf
@xieyihuihttps://t.co/qDjoM8MkLi.tinytex ↪
Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 28/5): Something I have been working on you spice up #xaringan spiraled out of control and now I have floating hexstickers 😅
Will post code once I get it simplified
#rstats https://t.co/6wpxD9d8hK ↪
A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 26/6): I am getting back on the #xaringan horse… so far I mostly just have a title slide, but its quite nice. Who wants to come to Melbourne next week and learn #rstats with me at @AIMOS2019 ? Register here https://t.co/0bGSPnxGRZ https://t.co/3WkODx85o4 ↪
R-ladies San José CR (@RladiesCR; 9/5): Les recordamos que mañana tenemos taller de Xaringan en la Biblioteca Luis Demetrio Tinoco 🤓 Acompáñennos! 💪🏻 https://t.co/3aQ658oBh2 ↪
Pachá 帕夏 (@pachamaltese; 9/1): I released the xaringan slidedeck I’m using / He liberado las diapositivas xaringan que uso https://t.co/RAw6V3gaxp ↪
R-ladies San José CR (@RladiesCR; 6/5): Nuestra próxima reunión será el martes 29 de octubre.
Tema: Introducción a Xaringan 🤩
Lugar: Sala 1 de audiovisuales de la Biblioteca Luis Demetrio Tinoco, UCR, sede Rodrigo Facio.
Les esperamos 🤓
Favor confirmar asistencia aquí:https://t.co/LE3OOoyBjq ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 4/2): @ZoologyDave I’d recommend Google Slides bc they are easier to collaborate with and share, for both Macs and PCs. You could also use #xaringan if your workflow is in #rstats #rmarkdown ↪
Brenton Wiernik 🏳️🌈 (@bmwiernik; 4/0): @MaartenvSmeden I like Rmarkdown with https://t.co/CsvRaUi5Ny ↪
Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 4/0): Definitely getting better with #xaringan. Nice looking short presentation in half an hour. Most of the time was spent looking up awkward HTML formating! @grrrck #xaringanthemer is a great help. ↪
Andrea Vargas (@Avargas2398; 4/0): Taller de Introducción a Xaringan con RLadies San José 💪🏻 Acompáñenos en la Biblioteca Tinoco el 29 de octubre 🤓 https://t.co/u2rYscacoq ↪
A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 3/2): Ok RMarkdown #rstats peeps, are there shortcuts for #xaringan class codes?
i.e. Do I really need to type .pull-left[ ] on every slide? https://t.co/uZzuC98a11 ↪
joy (@JoYLi4; 3/0): LOL using xaringan to build our presentation slides and the description has me shook https://t.co/C7TNAgekIW ↪
Jason Gantenberg (@EvilMammoth; 3/0): @alexpghayes @jon_y_huang @MaartenvSmeden @minigamedev For standard RMarkdown presentations, I think you can set the self_contained: true option in the YAML header, which should be safe offline.
Personally, I really like the xaringan package by @xieyihui, but they’re not as easily self-contained. ↪
Manuel Durazo (@durraquio; 3/0): El análisis de redes es una aproximación que puede ser utilizada para identificar delitos como el fraude a tarjetas de crédito (R + Xaringan + Cypher) https://t.co/PWoyOaUo7t ↪
Robert M Flight of the Navigator (@rmflight; 2/0): @MaartenvSmeden @dccc_phd xaringan for rmarkdown. Latex equations when needed, simple themes, and R graphics no problem. Print to PDF when I’m using any other computer than mine. ↪
Alexandre (@ale_rramos; 2/0): Xaringan https://t.co/wVC4c4TNsz ↪
Pablo (@pabblo_h; 2/0): @sergiogarciamor 👀
https://t.co/hq3N26CD66 ↪
Iyani Banda (@ianbanda2; 1/2): #rstats Anyone have any issues running the xaringan template script? Getting an issue saying my encoder wasnt able to encode the script, any ideas how to get around this? ↪
Laura Bolaños G (@laubolgo; 1/0): Hoy aprendiendo paquete #xaringan para presentaciones con código R con las chicas de @RladiesCR
¡Súper genial la experiencia, muchas gracias chicas!
#rladies #rladiesCR ↪
finding youR way (@rfindingyourway; 1/0): My most frequent application of a binary search is when trying to kill {xaringan} moon readers https://t.co/xAgMRzdGiL ↪
Shane B Galvin (@S_B_Galvin; 1/0): @MaartenvSmeden I like xaringan because I find it fun. But I’ve used Google slides a bit. It’s handy because you can send a link to the audience so they can post questions in text format from their phones. Their questions then appear in your presenter view. ↪
Susannah Cowtan (she/her) (@SuusJC; 1/0): @MaartenvSmeden I like RMarkdown in xaringan ↪