I was trying to explain to novices what #rstats {magrittr} pipe does and all I could think of is these two examples https://t.co/53Vxgtxh62



Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 (@dmi3k; 480/95): I was trying to explain to novices what #rstats {magrittr} pipe does and all I could think of is these two examples https://t.co/53Vxgtxh62

Max Kuhn (@topepos; 423/186): We’re hiring a position to make modeling in R even better.

If you love the tidyverse and different types of modeling, check out this full-time, remote position: https://t.co/EbG64vmhdZ

There’s some really cool stuff on the horizon. Come help us make it happen!

#rstats https://t.co/aVMhSe7wi3

Jakob Schwalb-Willmann (@schwalbwillmann; 254/73): Coming soon: 3D movement track animations using #moveVis 0.10.4 thanks to #rayshader by @tylermorganwall and #ggplot2 by @hadleywickham et al.! Will also make it possible to supply altitude data as z values within the move object. Updates: https://t.co/krllY1JAoW #rstats #dataviz https://t.co/dapEA8ACWq

Nihilist Data Scientist (@nihilist_ds; 236/51): Small sample sizes make the world seem much more interesting than it really is. Measure anything well enough and the answer is just a depressingly inevitable “maybe”. #DataScience #rstats #pydata

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 202/11): I just accidentally broke 3 reverse dependencies of the scales package because I wrote rgb_in[, 1:3] instead of rgb_in[, 1:3, drop = FALSE] 😬 #rstats

Matthew Leonawicz (@leonawicz; 180/54): #ggplot2 guitar chord chart/fretboard diagrams in your R markdown document. https://t.co/zOgzftbqmT (Would be nice if Twitter’s image preview didn’t cut off the actual code; it’s there.) #rstats https://t.co/kL5ZT9YpMH

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 174/44): If you’re interested in contributing to the tidyverse, and you’re in SF on Jan 31, we hope you’ll join us for tidyverse developer day!

The day is designed so that anyone can contribute, whether you use GitHub every day, or you’ve never used it before.

#rstats https://t.co/asnlcR3mtq

Ryan Timpe 🧱📊 (@ryantimpe; 174/37): ❗ brickr 0.2 is now on GitHub! New 3D model rendering, transparent bricks, & bug fixes. Full details on https://t.co/iuAbL2V13E #rstats #brickr https://t.co/styvcyAHqA

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 174/36): 📦 Newness in one of my fave EDA pkgs…
🙌 “(Re)introducing skimr v2 - A year in the life of an open source R project” by @michaelquinn32 & @ElinWaring
https://t.co/u6nUxonjiN #rstats https://t.co/W9HygsMG02

Mɪʟᴏꜱ Pᴏᴘᴏᴠɪᴄ (@milos_agathon; 163/48): My dot-density maps show the ethnic composition of Yugoslavia over 30 years according to 4 censi.

#ethnic #census #population #demography #history #yugoslavia #maps #dataviz #bigdata #rstats https://t.co/9il3xv5kF6

CRC Data Science, Stats, and Math (@CRC_MathStats; 90/184): Calling all #RStats enthusiasts! We’re giving away a signed copy of #FeatureEngineering & Selection by Max Kuhn & Kjell Johnson. To win, follow us, retweet this message, and we’ll pick a winner at the end of next week @topepos #UseR #DataScience #Statistics #RStatsGiveaway https://t.co/SIo5ibX6FW


Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 391/38): 4. If you want to do more, make a nice personal website — a good place to start is blogdown + academic theme. @apreshill has a great tutorial to get you started: https://t.co/ckpuEcWdet

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 216/58): If this motivates you to start a #blogdown #rstats website 💨, but you’d like a bit more hand-holding, check out: https://t.co/I3MuTTpGSu

4⃣ days
👩🏾‍💻 ~ 1 hour a day (see slides) +
🛠️ ~ 30-60 min homeworks

Or just click this “Deploy to Netlify” button 🌠: https://t.co/r0uM9J5XYs https://t.co/3TkSOpwkYb

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 24/2): Good Morning!…i know it’s afternoon - i’m just starting my day 🙈. how you ask?? Working on my blog, of course!! If you don’t know already, the #blogdown book by @ProQuesAsker , @xieyihui, & @apreshill is an excellent place to start! #RLadies 💜 https://t.co/RtGZ67vTGP

Nick Strayer (@NicholasStrayer; 13/2): Any persons involved in #blogdown specific #hugo theme development. Do you have thoughts on proper development protocols? I’m thinking about ditching the standard theme-to-repo format for a {usethis} style #rstats pkg with a ‘use_theme()` function to ease development/ adoption.

Zhi Yang | DM me abt @USCBiostat & DS interviews (@zhiiiyang; 12/3): For example, check out one of my projects about developing a hierarchical topic modeling on colorectal cancer. https://t.co/4OyZo7jvHg

A collection of #dataviz projects from participating #TidyTuesday

This entire website is built by #blogdown for FREE.

David Smale 🔎 (@committedtotape; 9/3): New blog post from me. Cleaning & tidying data on the Soviet space dog missions, using #tidyr, #janitor and #lubridate packages. A 2nd blog post on how I then visualise the data coming soon. Data courtesy of @duncangeere
#rstats #tidyverse #blogdown https://t.co/au2LpetWIi

Keren Xu (@kerenxuepi; 9/1): I will share my experience of building a personal website by using Blogdown at R-Ladies Pasadena next Wednesday. Please join us if you are interested! Here is the RSVP link: https://t.co/dTB2eWD9Kn https://t.co/Pw79ZMZZBE

Yanxian Li (@yanxian_l; 8/0): Finally, my personal website is up and running. Thank you,
@dsquintana, for the nice tutorial on building a personal website using the #blogdown package. Thanks are also due to @georgecushen for building the #hugoAcademic template and @Netlify for hosting the website. 1/n

Zhi Yang | DM me abt @USCBiostat & DS interviews (@zhiiiyang; 6/0): @JonTheGeek @apreshill I got a deal then. I learned both #xaringan and #blogdown from her in one day.

Los Angeles R Users (@la_Rusers; 5/3): If you’re not on Google, You don’t exist. Do u have a portfolio website ready to showcase projects? Please join #rladies Pasadena for an evening of building a FREE personal website using #blogdown and @Netlify with our organizer @kerenxuepi on Nov 6

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 4/1): @ijlyttle Absolutely. Great idea. I would recommend using the code of my blog post: https://t.co/NqCM7anc0l
This codefolding works for bookdown, blogdown and pkgdown on my side. Would be happy to contribute.

Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 3/2): Netlify is experiencing failures for what they originally said was a ‘small number’ of sites - but the problem may be more widespread. Many users of the #rstats blogdown package host on Netlify. https://t.co/I3Jk4uM6GN

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 3/1): @abiyugiday @rstudio @xieyihui Nothing springs to mind after a quick skim, and I don’t have time to dig into it at the moment (it’s been a long time since I’ve worked with an Rmarkdown site that wasn’t blogdown-related), but I’d recommend linking to your repo in the issue, and maybe posting to community

Los Angeles R Users (@la_Rusers; 3/1): Two of our organizers @Emil_Hvitfeldt and @zhiiiyang will be there to help you.

Stephen Parry (@statsysteve; 3/1): You can now create websites in R-markdown with blogdown! #rstats #weekendproject #html #nerd https://t.co/55PBhlmJFZ

Rodrigo V. Anderle (@RodrigoAnderle; 2/1): Depois de muitas idas e vindas com o #blogdown, consegui ressuscitar meu blog. A ideia é ir compartilhando algumas coisas que estou fazendo para a tese.
Mais detalhes no link:
#rstats #parquetecnológico #inovação https://t.co/LAwfwjQWQE

Kathleen Wendt (@wendtke; 2/1): I knew I should have made a personal website with #rstats and #blogdown. Winter break goal. https://t.co/bNKuB02SYr

Hlynur Hallgrímsson (@hlynur; 2/1): Wait, I just did a Ctrl+Alt+R to a run of some very computationally heavy #rstats code in an #Rmd, assuming THAT would be cached since I had cache=TRUE for the chunks in question. Now when I #blogdown::serve_site I get the old results. Is there anything I can do to not run it x2?

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 2/0): @zhiiiyang @apreshill Oh jeez! If I’d remembered @apreshill held a workshop about it, I definitely would have started there! She (virtually) held my hand into blogdown, it makes sense that she also covered this!

Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 2/0): @_johnmackintosh Happy user of blogdown + Hugo. Choose a theme, do some tweaking, connect to netlify, and ready to blog…

Tiago Henriques (@Balgan; 2/0): I’m also happy to have finally moved of medium and my blog just uses Hugo with blogdown #rlang

Zhi Yang | DM me abt @USCBiostat & DS interviews (@zhiiiyang; 1/0): @AkilaWijerathna I just used the most popular academic theme as it is by @georgecushen
using #blogdown and @Netlify. Everything is free except for your time. Lol. Highly recommend following step-by-step instructions from this website created by @apreshill https://t.co/HdMOEmT34K

Brandon Walker (@BranWalkerData; 1/0): @NicholasStrayer I’m a blogdown user, not a developer, but I think that would be a awesome!


心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 39/7): tidyverseに基づいた心理学向けデータサイエンスの入門資料。大学で教えた授業内容が元になっているみたい。 Data Science for Psychologists https://t.co/Fi2xIH2H7r

Michael Siciliano (@M_D_Siciliano; 31/1): @nickchk Kurz Tidyverse take on McElreath’s book has a nice section on overfitting here https://t.co/wP0zArQiSv

Greg Wilson (@gvwilson; 17/1): I am giving up for the day on getting Bookdown to work with a publisher’s LaTeX template, so I’m going to make pasta sushi (thin rice noodles instead of rice laid out in a sheet on the nori with bacon and avocado and then rolled up and nom nom nom). #selfcare

Ian Ruginski (@ITRuginski; 16/2): Super excited to have finished my new website at https://t.co/sRI77VdMtt, updated for my new position with @giva_uzh. Many thanks to @xieyihui (https://t.co/QZPU3NBTi1) and @georgecushen (https://t.co/rCbJDLffDV) for making website creation so easy with #rstats. Feedback welcome!

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 15/3): At some point I wrote this list as a collection of things I still want to learn using #rstats . Haven’t made it far but my list has changed. Got some basics of git, BookDown and rmarkdown. Anyone else got a wish list? https://t.co/kl94l99dr5

⌬ 𝕀𝕢𝕣𝕒𝕣 𝔸. ℕ𝕦𝕣𝕖𝕪𝕫𝕒 ⌬ (@iqrar99_; 6/3): DAY-69

Today I found a good website to learn #DataScience.

The Art of Data Science
by Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui

Thank you so much for the articles. I really like it. 😁

here’s the link : (https://t.co/LwwlvaGLby)

Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 6/3): Thanks a ton to @chrisderv for his solution to

“Horizontal rule in #rstats Markdown / Bookdown causing errors”



Greg Wilson (@gvwilson; 5/4): This is as far as I’ve been able to get with Bookdown and the No Starch template: https://t.co/yydNlGSrCW Any help with \MakeUppercase and bibliographic citations would be very welcome.

Ahmed Elhakeem (@aelhak19; 3/1): Intro text on using #rstats

YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R https://t.co/4TRq42cdiv

Prabhakar Pandey (@prabhakar_niet; 3/0): A wonderful resource for beginners to learn R, simple, entertaining, pedagogical, suitable to those not trained in programming or stats, as I am. Thank you @YaRrrBook for knowledge propagation.
YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R https://t.co/O4mHcVZVP0

nathangs20 (@nathangs20; 2/1): @FlightTestFact 6.2 GitHub | bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown https://t.co/ZjiQYzCK8u

Sergio Berdiales (@SergioBerdiales; 2/1): @paleofreak Yo utilizo https://t.co/t8fl1A9M8N. Es gratis. En su web tienen un tutorial muy claro y sencillo. Creo que sería una muy buena opción. Yo voy colgando mis cosas aquí https://t.co/RN2f7tJYM4

Greg Wilson (@gvwilson; 2/0): Upshot: \section inside \quote works fine w/ publisher’s template in manual examples, but H2 in ‘>’ blockquote in R Markdown passed through bookdown+pandoc+xelatex fails because it can’t find tikzlibrarytopaths.code.tex and this is why we can’t have nice things. https://t.co/pJr0udjU85

Leo Kiernan (@DrLeo037; 2/0): @chrismiliki @Ektropos @TheCuriousLuke Where do you want to start?! R for data science is the seminal one, but start here for your own specific needs:


tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Bookdown caching #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/AcKEzc3Md9

Jens Müller (@Jens_D_Mueller; 1/0): Very useful tutorials are available here:



Julio Spairani (@jspairani; 1/0): @JonTheGeek @R4DScommunity A good start https://t.co/DOxELpUgCU 😁

Greg Wilson (@gvwilson; 1/0): @alistair604 I’m glad it’s useful - the new edition just came out from Taylor & Francis, and all the content is still online. And thanks again for your fix - something is still failing with the actual book, so I’ve filed an issue with Bookdown. Onward!

adrift-like-flotsam (@researchremora; 1/0): @martintelefont I’d go with Mastering Shiny (https://t.co/YlXh1zG2Do) and R Markdown: The Definitive Guide (https://t.co/2wNucUyoU3).

Daniel Nüst (@nordholmen; 1/0): @dinomirMT @johnjarmitage @QuantStack @banesullivan @matplotlib R Markdown supports other languages, too:


Dr Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 0/1): @scienceclar How are you going to write it? LaTeX is very verbose if you’re typing it all out just for the text formatting. Pandoc Markdown (or Bookdown if you need R) is easier to type. You’ll need some LaTeX to modify the template Pandoc uses though.

Felipe Ortega (@jfelipe; 0/1): @JennyBryan @old_man_chester @rudeboybert @rafalab @CRCPress Finally, another recent discovery w more advanced material: Broadening Your Statistical Horizons. Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel models https://t.co/nfcltdK2TQ #rstats


Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilat_en; 20/15): .@Atsushi776 is looking for the next job. He is the greatest R programmer in Japan and maintains {knitr} and {rmarkdown}. Doesn’t @rstudio need a paid maintainer for these packages to help @xieyihui…?? https://t.co/2QVqKsCGe1

hoxo_m (@hoxo_m; 18/3): とりあえずY社のPC全部からknitrをアンインストールして業務が回るか試してみろ

Omni Analytics Group (@OmniAnalytics; 11/5): The new release candidate of #skimr version 2 implements the #knitr knit_print() #api. Simply pass a dataset to the skim() function, and human-readable summary output will be available directly in your #rmarkdown documents! #rstats #tidytuesday https://t.co/11TNaCDJYg

Susan Holmes 📗💻 (@SherlockpHolmes; 6/2): @aaronquinlan So I teach from an iPad and I import the pdf made from knitr (slidy slides) as landscape files, then as I teach I use these as my canvas to write on (like a blackboard) during lectures, I’ll send you an example if you like.

Danny Brent (@H2O_econ; 2/0): @JonathanColmer @cjwich @ArielOrtizBobea Data work on this project

  1. data cleaning and descriptive work in R
  2. panel data regressions in Stata
  3. figures based on coefficients in R

My initial plan was actually to everything in knitr - not sure how/why that fell by the wayside

Martin Telefont (@martintelefont; 1/1): So, say somebody that’s an expert python dev wants to refresh his R skills. What are good books/resources to start from? I am especially dying shiny and knitr for later use. Totally not asking for me, is for a friend (cough cough)

Martin Tomko (@dinomirMT; 1/0): @nordholmen @emdupre_ @choldgraf @johnjarmitage @QuantStack @banesullivan @matplotlib @eLifeInnovation @NokomeBentley Also, managed to once get a workflow with R and knitr and latex and git to work with overleaf. That was great, but very complex and fragile. Most co-authors would not touch this. Cannot get this with python easily. Need the code<->text oscillation to be smooth

JM Prada (@EpiPixels; 1/0): @MadlenUche @epi_twit If you open it in Rstudio, you can choose output option (pdf/html). I believe with beamer/knitr.

Nicole Radziwill (@nicoleradziwill; 1/0): @Brampton93 even the older wikis have that part fortunately… that was a feature of e.g. twiki back in the early 00s. i keep thinking “this should be easy” - you know, take existing flat file web-editable wiki code, hook it up to knitr engine… but alas i am not smart enough to program it

Phil McAleer (@McAleerP; 1/0): @_stephanieboyle @dalejbarr @LisaDeBruine Would need to test but your version looks like the knitr::kable() output and the first version is more akin to something else. Check your package versions (knitr and markdown) and defaults?


Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 4/3): @ma_salmon You’re welcome !
No doubt this could brake a lot of rmarkdown document with #rstats users updating TexLive using #tinytex and working with pandoc 2.7 bundled in @rstudio IDE. When version 2.8 will released , upgrade the version included ?🤔
At least there is an easy workaround!

Robert M Flight of the Navigator (@rmflight; 1/1): More #rstats latex fun: getting tinytex install to be recognized system wide by RStudio on Ubuntu


CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: colocalization GENEAread tinytex https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Zhi Yang | DM me abt @USCBiostat & DS interviews (@zhiiiyang; 16/2): @JonTheGeek #xaringan workshop at #rstudioconf2019 by @apreshill

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 12/2): Ha “Closing RStudio may help your Mac cool down”. Never seen that message before @cantabile! There is SERIOUS xaringan going on in Sydney this afternoon #rstats https://t.co/8mGPtz3Qem

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 12/2): #rstats #lazyweb can anybody recommend a good #xaringan tutorial? I’ve got to break free of my Google Slides addiction! https://t.co/mAjwfwUDbu

R-ladies San José CR (@RladiesCR; 8/3): Ayer tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir con @laubolgo en la sesión de #xaringan. Increíble compartir con personas tan interesantes y pura vida 🥳 https://t.co/I1SgyFMKoR

tc (@ustcer_ztc; 4/1): Found this thread when creeping on yihui’s tweets, which is quite relevant to what we are trying to do on xaringan themes. We have initiated a discussion on GitHub https://t.co/Uvb9y89eeS https://t.co/5UdT1ujzE2

A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 4/0): @JonTheGeek as others have already mentioned, my tip is use an @apreshill template :) I used the custom xaringan one she made for the ysc I went to. https://t.co/pnDQ0EYoXq

Andrea Vargas (@Avargas2398; 3/1): La sesión de ayer de @RladiesCR sobre #xaringan estuvo increíble ❤️

Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 3/0): install distill:: & xaringan:: and cranked up my inf_mr.

@rensa_co provided Git emotional support as I waded through docs and synced my project on lappy486 with your repo.

Cube and are ready to rock this unconf session and then fall all to whiny pieces when we need to push. 🥐 https://t.co/ld1sfFPipX

Adi Sarid (@SaridResearch; 2/1): Started teaching intro to statistics with #rstats . First time using xaringan to build my lectures, and it’s awesome. @xieyihui

tc (@ustcer_ztc; 2/0): This is my first hugo theme inspired by @xieyihui ’s hugo-xmag theme, but with all templates rewritten from scratch.
I’m developing a new #xaringan theme showcase website using this theme(Still work in progress though!) https://t.co/pDVHi6Fy9o https://t.co/Rn4yZblPNR

rei_carmesim_melhor_banda.mp3 (@gioscherrer; 2/0): Eu sou o xaringan

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/1): CRAN updates: xaringan https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

Zhi Yang | DM me abt @USCBiostat & DS interviews (@zhiiiyang; 1/0): @pachamaltese @gvegayon Cool. I haven’t used Beamer for a while. Now only #xaringan. @xieyihui has a template both in English and Chinese. https://t.co/ex0xTMRgoD

Edward Brooks (@edwardbrooks24; 1/0): @JonTheGeek @R4DScommunity https://t.co/2kenbdrExM

Edward Brooks (@edwardbrooks24; 1/0): @JonTheGeek @R4DScommunity https://t.co/K5RWhVr00Q

James Goldie (@rensa_co; 1/0): @JonTheGeek @cantabile and @JenRichmondPhD have been working with #xaringan a fair bit this week and might be able to recommend something!

Raphael Bruce (@rphlbruce; 1/0): 3) Você consegue fazer tudo no mesmo ambiente: escrever o paper em Rmarkdown, trocar o beamer por xaringan e abandonar Arc/QGIS. Eu não faria a troca num mundo pré essas coisas porque, de fato, o R base é um inferno. Mas chegou num ponto que parece estritamente dominante.

Sylvain Lapoix (@SylvainLapoix; 0/1): I pushed an HTML page with #GithubPages set on Master branch, as usual. 3 hours later, nothing passed. Checked file structure : same I’ve been using 10 times without a glitch (#Xaringan HTML output #rstats).

Any idea what went wrong ?

cc @githubstatus

https://t.co/iTRUSbKDm3 https://t.co/J44eSNx2Wf