Mara Averick (@dataandme; 1850/378): 😲 Make some fancy interactive tables…
“{reactable}: Interactive data tables for R” ✍️ Greg Lin
https://t.co/WouHrd78XZ #rstats https://t.co/tbzr9oMZI6 ↪
Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 518/111): scales 1.1.0 out now — https://t.co/Vm7fIoWznG. New naming scheme (breaks_ and labels_ prefixes), much improved docs (so you can easily see how to use with ggplot2), and a bunch of small improvements. #rstats ↪
Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 430/56): More patchwork goodies. I’ve had this on the horizon since I started the package #rstats https://t.co/jpv4aw8mWq ↪
RStudio (@rstudio; 395/53): Our first artist in residence.
@allison_horst joins RStudio as artist in residence.
#rstats https://t.co/yTZ58un8HS ↪
Dr Gavin Simpson (@ucfagls; 346/55): Getting there…
#rstats #gganimate #GAMs #mgcv https://t.co/r1T6iyrIKC ↪
Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 323/49): Hot on the heels of the new guide collection functionality in patchwork comes guide_area() for putting said collected guides in an empty area of the grid #rstats https://t.co/D92WWo9TjI ↪
Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 299/36): So excited to announce that @allison_horst is @rstudio’s inaugural artist in residence — https://t.co/4jWGxew6a8. I am such a huge fan of her work and I’m excited to be able to help support it. #rstats ↪
R for the Rest of Us (@rfortherest; 274/62): It doesn’t matter how great your work is if you don’t communicate your results effectively. Here are some packages to help you make beautiful tables in #rstats.
https://t.co/Ist7a5MHQl https://t.co/qVXPPASl0D ↪
Maria Teresa Ortiz (@TeresaOM; 156/46): Hace ya 5 años di la clase de estadística multivariada 🙀! Las notas que recopilé (con @felipexgonzalez) ya no estaban en ningún sitio así que esta semana decidí ordenarlas con #bookdown 🥳y ponerlas aquí 🤓
Ahora toca actualizarlas 😐
#rstats #rstatses ↪
useR! 2020 (@useR2020stl; 149/143): We’re excited to announce our call for diversity scholarship applicants, and thrilled to be able to help members of our #rstats community join us in #StLouis for #useR2020. Please share the announcement widely - applications will be due January 15th! https://t.co/qbkXXjCGJn ↪
Amy Gill (@biochemnerd; 44/5): I launched an academic personal website using #rstats #blogdown! I’m using it to build a digital portfolio for computational biology PhD applications. Check it out at https://t.co/ZFEpCKKeNf! ↪
Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 33/12): After some {blogdown} issues today, I finally managed to get a new #blogpost up today!
This time we have: Plotting GAMM interactions with ggplot2
#Rstats #ggplot2 https://t.co/bpCRNuuLU8 ↪
Guy Prochilo 🏳️🌈 (@GuyProchilo; 17/2): I’ve updated my webpage to the latest version of Hugo-Academic. It’s compiled in R & hosted on GitHub pages: https://t.co/n1nBrN0NcD
The package author has also substantially simplified the process & gives details here: https://t.co/3kreUJzHyh
#rstats #phdchat #blogdown https://t.co/FCJuyLD8wZ ↪
Luke McGuinness (@mcguinlu; 14/5): Happy to share my first ever post (written using the amazing #blogdown📦), covering my experience of a) making #stata and #rstats play nice and b) getting R to notify your phone when the #stata analysis is complete. Feedback and typo-spotting welcome! https://t.co/4rtBhVRUhT ↪
OC RUG (@oc_rug; 9/5): Join us tomorrow morning for a free 90-min workshop by @pablobarajasp on how to use #blogdown and @Netlify to build your personal website and add your awesome #rstats and #DataScience projects.
Register here: https://t.co/CoGpMXUbMY ↪
Duncan Mahood, MPH (@DuncanMahood; 7/2): My personal website is now live! This was my first website built with #blogdown and I was amazed at how easy the process was. Great tool for those who want to increase their online presence but haven’t worked on websites before! #rstats #epitwitter https://t.co/jgS6sgvVH2 ↪
Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 6/2): Great first #blogdown post from @mcguinlu on using #stata from #rstats (plus sending phone notifications for long-running jobs 🙃)
@mcguinlu any plans to share on @rweekly_org?
My only comment is to look at the {#here} 📦 🤓 (https://t.co/u7VdshSm9l). https://t.co/2jHFt8zAm3 ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 6/2): @rudeboybert @CFL1GHT @Netlify @github And that’s when you use the “Deploy to Netlify” button https://t.co/HDydpCNib5 ↪
OC RUG (@oc_rug; 6/1): Thank everyone for coming to the #rstats workshop today. I hope it helps everyone learn about how to build a personal website with #blogdown @RStudio and @Netlify.
👉🏻You can find @pablobarajasp’s slides here: https://t.co/43ac7hzMNs https://t.co/HtbZ9Y5e5Y https://t.co/r7GgjD5vpK ↪
Vincent Mellor (@vam103; 5/5): @HackyHourGatton is starting to take shape…
Location: 8117a Level 3 Tea Room (its too hot outside…)
Banner Photo: Done (in the too hot outside…)
Website: Started (just have to learn blogdown…)
Logo: Loading….
Time: Erm…. is a universal constant? ↪
Amy Gill (@biochemnerd; 5/0): There’s more to add, but this is the most I can do before grad apps are due. Shout-outs to @rafalab and his HarvardX Data Science series for helping me learn R, @xieyihui for blogdown/pagedown and intuitive documentation, and @NicholasStrayer for his CV template on GitHub. ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 4/0): 15. Start bookdown and blogdown projects. There are different types of gitbooks too. Build book tab, Serve sites.
This has have changed my whole way of thinking about communication and publishing, I use them every day. And Yihui just showed many things I’ve never heard of! ↪
Duncan Mahood, MPH (@DuncanMahood; 3/2): If you want to learn how to use #blogdown, the #free and #opensource essential guide by Yihui Xie was instrumental for me and does a great job at demystifying the website building process #rstats #epitwitter
https://t.co/EDyJfsjZQn ↪
Aaron Caldwell (@ExPhysStudent; 3/0): @MelissaGWolf I followed this book https://t.co/7xo6NIIKAN and this site https://t.co/QDF7WstGOl. My current site looks nice (at least I think so) https://t.co/IqG1qWbp3B ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 3/0): 7. line breaks: add 2 spaces at the end of the line. But this can get tedious, so there’s an RStudio add-in in blogdown: “quote poem”. It adds 2 spaces to each line of the text you’ve selected. YES ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): importing ggiraph to blogdown (htmlwidget) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/HmbKuPyQpF ↪
Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 2/1): I was so ready to post this blogpost on plotting interactions from gamms. And then…. a hugo and theme update after formatting my macbook totally messes up my homepage and I am gutted and things are so broken :( #Rstats #blogdown #hugo ↪
Rick Klein (@raklein3; 2/0): @hansijzerman @dom_muller Technically we use GitHub + Netlify for hosting, but it’s kind of a non-standard workflow for the Blogdown R package (I don’t think it’d work for rapidweaver) ↪
Corrie Bartelheimer (@corrieaar; 2/0): @MelissaGWolf I wrote a blogpost back then about how I set up my blog back then https://t.co/YCdp1w8PkX
At some point I switched to netlify and found the process somehow smoother and more flexible. But it’s easy to move anyway. Changing the Hugo theme is more work, so pick wisely ;) ↪
Stephanie Moore (@smoore_phd; 2/0): @MelissaGWolf These resources were previously shared with me:
Hope one or more is useful! ↪
Jonathan Keane (@jonkeane; 2/0): I know I’m late to this party, but hugo (+ blogdown) is really slick. Once you wrap your head around some of the hugo magic (e.g. which templates are used), even customizing them to do some pretty complicated things isn’t hard. ↪
Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 2/0): yes, the new blogpost seems to be duplicated. Given all troubles with blogdown and hugo today, I’m leaving it that way ↪
Alessandro Gasparini (@ellessenne; 1/1): @tmorris_mrc @pclambert123 @pauldickman Ahem: https://t.co/CKpUxR5eWR (powered by #blogdown!) ↪
David Meza (@davidmeza1; 1/0): @d4tagirl Here is one I like, https://t.co/iA23ZOKwX4
Alison is one of the authors of the blogdown book, https://t.co/7DmiIEvh7a ↪
Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 1/0): @seabbs Btw speaking of the docs I prefer using .RMarkdown when using blogdown, that generates .markdown which are Markdown files, instead of html, so easier to switch/update themes.
IIRC one limitation of .RMarkdown might be mathjax. ↪
Maëlle Salmon 🐟 (@ma_salmon; 1/0): @seabbs It reminds me of a thread I can’t find 😢 I use serve_site() when using blogdown. ↪
Luke McGuinness (@mcguinlu; 1/0): @seabbs @OVOEnergy @BristolRUsers @HPRU_EI Really enjoyed the talk and had a quick realted q: when researching, did you come across any way to either a) extract data entered into {blogdown} (e.g. on past talks) and pass it to your CV RMarkdown file, or b) do the reverse, pass the info contained in the CSVs to {blogdown}? ↪
Dylan Craven (@DylanJCraven; 1/0): big thanks to the tutorial on blogdown by @dsquintana ↪
Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 0/1): Having a #blogdown #rstats struggle.
is ignoring the Rmd caches both locally and on Travis. Unfortunately, several posts are built with data that is no longer around (woops) so this is an issue!Anyone have an idea?
Code: https://t.co/5vrmuUJuHw ↪
Data Liftoff (@dataliftoff; 0/1): Great post, and great use of blogdown ! #rstats https://t.co/nC9c1hX2Ot ↪
Maarten Demeyer (@mpjdem; 0/1): Is there an accepted way to keep two versions of an #rstats #blogdown site, differing only in their config.toml? I now push two branches of the same repo to two netlify sites, updating in one branch and then cherry-picking the commit to the other. ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: blogdown SAVER zCompositions https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats ↪
David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 21/1): The resources mentioned in the thread above are great, but still quite advanced (e.g. https://t.co/nCw73b8Db8). I’m considering putting together a “book” (i.e. bookdown) that will answer the types of questions I get all the time. ↪
Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 18/8): #Statistician #Statistics #Maths #Stats #Econometrics #DataAnalysis #Estadistico #Estadistica #AnalisisDeDatos #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RStudio #rstatses #Probability #Probabilidad #BookDown #rstats #rstudio #data #dataviz #math https://t.co/86exllCZBq ↪
Oli Clark (@PsyTechOli; 9/0): I’ve added a line of code that makes my histograms change colour every time I compile my thesis in Bookdown - I have no idea how it will look when I submit it! https://t.co/x6XIXYEzEr ↪
Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 6/11): #Statistician #Statistics #Maths #Stats #Econometrics #DataAnalysis #Estadistico #Estadistica #AnalisisDeDatos #DataScience #CienciaDeDatos #RStudio #rstatses #Probability #Probabilidad #BookDown #rstats #rstudio #data #dataviz #math https://t.co/Q6UPPZGMF3 ↪
Erin Hengel (@erinhengel; 5/0): @paulgp @grant_mcdermott @wytham88 @dlmillimet @jim_savage_ @causalinf @thosjleeper Just FYI: if you use Bookdown, you can “cache” chunks (see here: https://t.co/TSXeOAJvYD). If I understand make correctly, it’s not quite as powerful as make. But it’s super easy to implement if you’re writing your document in R markdown, anyway. ↪
Statisticians and Data Scientists (@statsanddatasci; 4/6): #DataScience #statistics #dataanalysis #stats #maths #rstats #rstatses #bookdown #rstudio #machinelearning #deeplearning #estadistica #cienciadedatos #analisisdedatos #DataViz #RMarkdown #TextMining #statistician #Econometrics #Probability #DataAnalyst #Teacher #Tidyverse #Data https://t.co/gKrcPaK1cx ↪
Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 3/2): We’ve focused on building out chapters. In addition, we have an #rstats package (with a #ggplot2 theme and the data we use) and the bookdown-created, website version of the book in the works. ↪
Michael DeWitt (@medewittjr; 2/1): @andrewheiss @healthandstats That’s why i end up with a ‘options(https://t.co/KDyNSxPXE8.latex = function(x) {…}) ’ with a bunch of gsubs to correct weird pandoc to LaTeX bugs that i can’t solve lol ↪
Felipe Ortega (@jfelipe; 2/0): OK, in case that any non-English user has struggled like my with this (apparently) bug in #bookdown, just check this new issue (with quick fix) I have just opened on GitHub: https://t.co/x2vwOePPN7 TL;DR: chapter titles with accents do not unfold in ToC (CC @joscani) ↪
श्रवण वसिष्ठ / Shravan Vasishth (@shravanvasishth; 2/0): @rlmcelreath oh ok. i think there are significant advantages to bookdown. CRC Press will allow me and my co-authors to keep our published books online in perpetuity in bookdown format. ↪
Eduardo Giordanino (@egiordanino; 2/0): RStudio para Estadística Descriptiva en Ciencias Sociales
Manual de apoyo docente para la asignatura Estadística Descriptiva. Giorgio Boccardo Bosoni y Felipe Ruiz Bruzzone, 2019. Carrera de Sociología, Universidad de Chile (segunda edición) @udechile
https://t.co/rapzjvg3fX ↪
Matt.0 (@MattOldach; 1/0): The https://t.co/iWqLB98v6e bookdown is filled with some great information troubleshooting/debugging, performance tuning and security sections. Succinct enough for me to finish on bus ride home https://t.co/dxBE9J8FNB https://t.co/2Px80GkjfH ↪
Dr. Ryan Straight (@RyanStraight; 1/0): @xolotl @mozilla @pressbooks @steelwagstaff @theeditress I’m a Bookdown fan, myself. ↪
David Hood (@Thoughtfulnz; 1/0): @aschiff Comes back to having a metric, for example get the synonyms of all non-“stop words” and find the commonest as being representative is still a frequency based analysis (though is arguably the mode). I suggest having a look at Text Mining with R at the https://t.co/Mm5JM3sG0A ↪
Altay (@galtay19; 1/0): @CellardEleonore @MohsenGT I do not have material but very strong testable mathematical evidence that proves that there is 19 based design in the text of Quran and thus it is intact till the last letter with its current structure.
https://t.co/RbShtSm87n ↪
Michael Ekstrand (@mdekstrand; 1/0): I’m pretty comfortable cooking up custom static site gen with JS (see e.g. my personal web site), but don’t always want to build it all myself, and I like the GitBook/mdbook/bookdown style & UI. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Find missing chapters with bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/eiipfzSJEt ↪
Jo Etzel (@JosetAEtzel; 41/13): Now accepted at Cerebral Cortex: “Pattern similarity analyses of frontoparietal task coding: Individual variation and genetic influences”. Preprint at https://t.co/GuHGTDVQ9z and code (#rstats #knitr) at https://t.co/t6a29gygNs. A few highlights follow. Work w/@ScienceYael. ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 28/6): Quicker knitr kables in RStudio notebook {https://t.co/QzdCqynJ6K} #rstats #DataScience ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 13/0): 6. inline output of a character vector knitr::combine_words. Defaults to “and”. So knitr::combine_words(c(“apples”, “oranges”) becomes “apples and oranges”
And don’t forget your oxford commas! https://t.co/Vjeo4hEKZ8 ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 12/3): 13. Use other languages: RMarkdown is also really JuliaMarkdown, PythonMarkdown JavaScriptMarkdown, CSSMarkdown… just change the {r} to {python}!
More than 40 languages supported in knitr!!!! ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 10/3): 8. put all your code in the appendix rather than the body of your report. Use
Demo: {r, ref.label=knitr::all_labels() }, along with the setup chunk’s knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE).
Or, select your choice: {r, ref.label=c(‘some-code’, ‘more-code’) } https://t.co/Nt3HPVsdqu ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 9/3): 9. Create an animation with
package and animation.hook=‘gifski’. Will animate your plots:https://t.co/riUDslJZ3K https://t.co/I0Q1fG3lgc ↪
Javier Elío (@Elio_Javi; 8/3): Finally I’ve migrated my #CV to #Rmarkdown #rstats. I’ve used my own template, and knitr::kable and kableExtra for rendering it to pdf.
I’ve created a public repo with the .Rmd: https://t.co/Owd3X9sV2E
Hopefully it’ll be easier to keep my CV updated!!! https://t.co/X8goUKCRkV ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 8/0): TIL: R Markdownでは、先のチャンクでシードを固定しとけば、次のチャンクもシードを引き継いでくれる。
https://t.co/FUVIWccAco https://t.co/cc01nuK1Fj ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 7/0): …with knitr::spin
3. knitr::purl translates your .Rmd to .R script! With options for comments translating into code chunks. Or not. Or with full narratives and text. ↪
TimSalabim (@TimSalabim3; 6/1): Can we mix #python & #rstats in knitr::spin?
https://t.co/wjKyTTTB0Y ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 5/0): 4. add citations with knitr::write_bib. Great for citing packages! knitr::write_bib(package_name, .bib_file)
5. Cross-ref figures, tables, and sections! In action: https://t.co/EO5KJbDz1e ↪
Thea Knowles (@theaknowles; 4/1): As anticipated, this was excellent! Thank you @xieyihui!
My favorite tip was to use knitr::purl(‘file.rmd’, documentation=0) to extract all the R code from an Rmd file and omit the text.
Now I know how to extract all the syntax for my final figures from my dissertation. https://t.co/4s3zJRpJPr ↪
Félix M. (@felix_mil_; 3/0): Currently experimenting with {golem}, {reticulate} and DesktopDeployR for building usb-drive portable shiny apps. Nearly 0 experience with them and a lot of struggling but now I want to throw {knitr} in there to add HTML reporting. #NeverEnough #youcantstopme #rstat https://t.co/UxZboA88JO ↪
Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 (@dmi3k; 2/1): Quicker knitr kables in RStudio notebook – by Roman Pahl #rstats https://t.co/W0sK50P77d ↪
r2run (@r2run1; 1/2): #rstats #broom #tidyverse Is there a function that I can use for inline knitr reporting of broomed models so that I get the variable beta with associated confidence interval and p-value ? ↪
fdetsch (@fdetsch; 1/1): Hey #rstats #knitr people https://t.co/hYobKJywNR ↪
Ruby Programming (@ProgrammingRuby; 1/0): Ruby Algorithm Documentation with AsciiDoc and Knitr
☞ https://t.co/KghqdtI1iY
#ruby #rubyonrails https://t.co/oT3lZEsIUe ↪
Arindam Basu (@arinbasu; 1/0): @ProfAndyField @lakens @czielinski95 @OrbenAmy @zotero You can use bibtex package in R and knitr in that case. Or use a template with a Jupyter notebook to use bibtex files that you export from Zotero. ↪
claudîus (@dataclaudius; 0/2): Quicker knitr kables in RStudio notebook via #rbloggers #rstats #datascience https://t.co/mCznEwNTCA ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Can’t change knitr engine (macOS Catalina) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/LIWlycMBy4 ↪
Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/1): Posted by Roman Pahl, now on R-bloggers: Quicker knitr kables in RStudio notebook #rstats https://t.co/cn96tw87nn ↪
Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 7/0): And yes, Pagedown is a thing (https://t.co/Y5oO1VdvqZ), but requires a bunch of CSS tweaks to look nice :( ↪
QiangH (@hubentu; 1/1): @tangming2005 Try MathJax in markdown.
Also the new ‘pagedown’ can be a markdown alternative to LaTeX.
https://t.co/wmbX7wMTFZ ↪
Rafael Irizarry (@rafalab; 34/4): @tangming2005 I highly recommend learning to write math formulas in Latex. Not documents, which is tedious and R markdown makes it easier, just formulas.
If you don’t have Latex installed, I highly recommend the tinytex R package.
https://t.co/1BrKLIs8Kt ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 11/0): 1. tinytex is a small, powerful alternative to mactex
2. generate Rmds from your R scripts w/ a special syntax for comments: #` ↪
Martin Skarzynski (@marskar; 10/1): @LeahAWasser I recommend
& Rmarkdown
by @xieyihui
You can write in markdown and include as much or as little LaTeX as you want. ↪
Tyson Barrett 🌲 (@healthandstats; 2/0): @andrewheiss My hopes were that tinytex would fix some of the compilation stuff but that even needs more to make it more intuitive, I think. ↪
Hammao (@Abduljamiu; 1/0): @LeahAWasser If you’re planning to use Latex via RStudio, try tinytex, light weight and will download in a minute ↪
Andrew Heiss, PhD (@andrewheiss; 1/0): @healthandstats tinytex won’t fix the “why the heck is this centered table not centered” issue here tho https://t.co/IBWvJhJQvH ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 153/37): ✌️ 2-for-1: Cool new theme and a great purrr tutorial by @malco_barrett!
⚔️ “kakashi theme for xaringan”
😸 Example: “Functional programming and iteration w/ purrr”
https://t.co/VftooyG7HX #rstats https://t.co/ToiVeOx8HH ↪
R-Ladies Belgrade (@RLadiesBelgrade; 13/5): Haven’t managed to get a ticket to come to our #rladies #rstats workshop at @datasciconf delivered by @JovanaSavic2 and @tikiblagojev 😱
check out our #xaringan presentation 🙌😃👩💻👨💻 #ds
https://t.co/vu7JrBMkuW https://t.co/y0ReW0YIyt ↪
SisterAnalyst (@SisterAnalyst; 12/7): You’ve heard about #ShinyApps, but don’t know from where to start… How about our tutorial used for #dsc @datasciconf 5.0. Check out 👇#xaringan presentation that will introduce you to the basics of #shiny #rstats.
https://t.co/0pVWshDIji https://t.co/YUxOKurkbc ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 3/0): @Vebash @BinxiePeterson With Xaringan, this is an awesome post from @grrrck : https://t.co/UlUO7uj8dl with these I learned how to put the code in one side, and the plot (or other output) in the other side of the side ↪
Adolfo Álvarez (@adolfoalvarez; 2/0): @SaseAmaro @jalvaliebana @RamonNogueras Yo estoy mas feliz que una perdiz con rmarkdown y xaringan se lo recomiendo a todo el mundo ↪
Dorris Scott (@Dorris_Scott; 2/0): Just needed a good night’s rest to figure this out. Was able to deploy my Xaringan slides online thanks to this guide: https://t.co/HdbRy18zuE. Had to set up Git on RStudio before that and I used this guide to do so: https://t.co/8FZ2Pxp7A2 https://t.co/sxQJaYvxR5 ↪
Austin Lyke (@Lyke; 2/0): Word of advice - be sure to make pdf copy of slides using ‘pagedown’ if you do html slides in xaringan, revealjs, etc… https://t.co/lGweDGvT2E ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | {kakashi} theme for {xaringan} slides https://t.co/OrhyIFFw3a ↪
Andrew J. Stewart (@ajstewart_lang; 1/0): @BinxiePeterson It’s a bit hacky (as I created a custom background image which I then read in) but in xaringan the code on the left produces the slide on the right https://t.co/688lQcQmcy ↪
Bianca Peterson (@BinxiePeterson; 1/0): @Vebash Thanks Vebash, I’ve discovered Xaringan, but not sure how to color the 2 columns differently. I guess it should be with CSS, but my experience with CSS is very limited. ↪
Vebashini (@Vebash; 1/0): @BinxiePeterson Not sure if this is xaringan specific but maybe try it out? .pull-left[] and .pull-right[]
https://t.co/syG4NZzxn9 ↪
Adolfo Álvarez (@adolfoalvarez; 1/0): @SaseAmaro @jalvaliebana @RamonNogueras Xaringan https://t.co/psy9jK9lYe no necesitas estar online para crearlas. ↪
tctcab (@ustcer_ztc; 1/0): @malco_barrett @zhiiiyang Yeah, that’s the whole point of my PR: sharing&hosting xaringan themes without hard-coding them into xaringan😁 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): R Markdown / Xaringan Knit without preview #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/mOXyTRIOkJ ↪
Ihaddaden 🐼🍗🍳 (@IhaddadenFodil; 0/1): hi #rstats folks : I’m elaborating a xaringan presenation, the problem is that when I knit, I’m redirected to the first slide, so I have to navigate each time which is time consuming, any tip to stay within the slide I’m knitting from ? thanks in advance 🙌 ↪
Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 0/1): Lots of great looking #rstats 📦s released this week as well so worth checking out those.
A highlight for me: {docknitr} - use docker in Rmd chunks!
Honourable mention: kakashi a new theme for {xaringan} (by @malco_barrett)!
https://t.co/T9g4uIq9vZ https://t.co/JdkRSi77pp ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 211/43): “Yihui is a legendary type of hero in the R community.” #Truth
https://t.co/BvxKY8TytX ↪
JuliaStewart Lowndes (@juliesquid; 7/0): 10. Cache time-consuming code chunks with cache=TRUE. But use wisely, simple tricks can have costs and it might lead to more complications downstream
https://t.co/zTGzFzpTCJ ↪
Dⓐniel Chen 🐍🏴☠️ (@chendaniely; 3/0): @sil_aarts Rmarkdown supports child documents
https://t.co/ne6BpVjN5y ↪
Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 3/0): @JonTheGeek @aggieerin @sil_aarts Ah-hah: it’s ref.label, see https://t.co/7bD3AgZ0DH and see https://t.co/8n1G3NtJMu and see these comments there: https://t.co/LWwTT6HrBs ↪
Dr. Erin Buchanan (@aggieerin; 2/0): @JonTheGeek @sil_aarts @matherion Here’s a tutorial from @xieyihui to help see how it looks: https://t.co/29XdFvKyIK ↪
Mitsun Chieh (@MitsunChieh; 1/0): @wildskyf gitlab 也有支援 ipynb。
但兩家 git host 都不支援 Rmarkdown…
https://t.co/gSsCJkqgl6邪惡的巨蟒,排擠了 R(才不是 ↪
Revendra (@revendrAt; 1/0): One of the best on Oxford Comma I have seen 😃
(From Dr. Yihui presentation: https://t.co/EoKkEZkdvl) https://t.co/kengVM5fGd ↪