My partner recently told me he wants to learn R. So this year he’s getting a 25-day R tutorial advent calendar! Each day is a new bit of code teaching the basics in R. I’m pretty excited to send it to him this weekend 😊💕🎁🎄 #Rstats #Rstudio #AdventCalendar



Kiirsti Owen (@KiirstiO; 1679/101): My partner recently told me he wants to learn R. So this year he’s getting a 25-day R tutorial advent calendar! Each day is a new bit of code teaching the basics in R. I’m pretty excited to send it to him this weekend 😊💕🎁🎄

#Rstats #Rstudio #AdventCalendar

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 356/29): The laptop sticker game is strong in Australia! Featuring the laptops of @visnut, @nj_tierney, @earowang, and @statsgen #rstats

Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 246/38): 🤦‍♂️"… No, I told you to use R to run a 𝙏𝙪𝙠𝙚𝙮’𝙨 test."

#rstats #rayrender

(Happy Thanksgiving this week!)

Emma Vogel (@efvogel; 241/47): First attempt of using #moveVis to show move persistence of #KillerWhales tagged last year! Still have to make adjustments, but it’s an exciting start. #AnimalMovement #rstats

One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 179/89): The R Graphics Cookbook by @winston_chang, now available free online #rstats

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 173/35): 👨‍💻 Nice break-down of how @tjmahr made this combo viz!
📊 “Another mixed effects model visualization” #rstats #dataviz


Steven Ge (@StevenXGe; 39/11): What? Shiny Apps can be converted into desktop applications?
The R community keeps inventing/developing new things, way beyond a simple statistical computing language.
Shiny, Markdown, Blogdown, bookdown … …
What’s next?

Daniel (@dthroelfs; 21/2): Recreated my blog from scratch using Rmarkdown and the blogdown package. Connected everything through GitHub and Netlify. Thanks for the inspiration @dsquintana!

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 8/1): @mshieldsdunn blogdown!

Andrew MacDonald 🌈 (@polesasunder; 5/1): I seem to recall there being a #blogdown or hugo way of creating a draft of a paper? like the hugo page looked like an article, with a table of contents etc. Is that just a dream? did that happen #rstats

R Users Leeds (@r_users_leeds; 5/1): Do you know It helps R users to run blogs, create webs, books, and more. Our very own is made from a template that you too can use. So is and many more R books!

Gillian P. McHugo (@GillianMcHugo; 4/0): @Lycaonpictus93 @sam_williams @NikiRust @FattebertJ @dsquintana I also used blogdown ( and would be happy to help! I’m planning to do a session for @UCD_CodeClub about personal websites in January

Sam Williams (@sam_williams; 4/0): @Lycaonpictus93 I like @NikiRust’s ( and @FattebertJ’s ( websites. I had a stab at making one ( using the blogdown package in R, following @dsquintana’s guide Good luck!

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 3/2): make your blogdown page support latex rendering

Giovanni Pavolini (@gpavolini; 1/1): Big thanks again to @xieyihui for #blogdown. Today I’m working on and with a little tweaks explained in I was able to make it work. #rstats

boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 1/1): @mvarmazis @gepeto42 {blogdown} #rstats (which is, ultimately, hugo)

Holly English (@Lycaonpictus93; 1/0): @sam_williams @NikiRust @FattebertJ @dsquintana These all look great, thanks so much Sam! Very tempted by the blogdown approach actually…

NotQuiteDocManny (@TheMainManManny; 1/0): @Lycaonpictus93 @rhskraus I made mine ( using #blogdown in R. It’s really easy to use, and you can customize it as much or as little as you want!

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 1/0): @nicoleradziwill Me: haha yeah!

Also me: I’ll just write this two page website with blogdown 😳

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthy_m_g; 1/0): @joyrevisited @hadleywickham “Hands-On Programming with R” and “R for Data Science” are very good intros (esp. w/ tidyverse and %>% making code easier to understand/write). Learning skills to accomplish specific tasks, and having things to look forward to (e.g., using blogdown, papaja, Shiny) also helps.

Ihaddaden 🐼🍗🍳 (@IhaddadenFodil; 1/0): @xieyihui @xieyihui thank you very much 🙏🙏🙏 !!! BTW: thank you for all your amazing packages, especially Blogdown !


boB Rudis (@hrbrmstr; 75/8): The plan is still to crank out an #rstats {bookdown} book of the combined #30DayMapChallenge creations on Sunday with more annotated code + explanations of why I chose each topic along with why I coded them the way I did to help provide context for folks (esp those new to GIS).

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 46/0): I’m giving an internal training on JavaScript tomorrow, and writing everything in Bookdown with the {bubble} knitr-engine is quite handy:

R-Ladies London (@RLadiesLondon; 27/4): Thanks for bringing 3 copies of your latest book “Feature engineering and selection” for our luck winners, @topepos! 🙌

For anyone interested, the online version of the book can be found at

#rstats #rladies

Laura Ación (@lacion; 6/1): Acceso gratis a “Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models” el último libro de @topepos 📘📗📕 (Thank you, Max Kuhn!)


Recle Etino Vibal (@recleev; 5/3): #RLessonOfTheDay use nocite metadata to cite references without mentioning them in the text body #rstats #rmarkdown #bookdown #pandoc

Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 4/1): Once again I tip my hat to the incredible #rstats community. In particular the superb work of @xieyihui
While others around me are trying to turn their LaTeX notes into accessible ones, mine, produced using bookdown, have passed the checks with flying colours

SethGitter (@SethGitter; 3/1): @EpiEllie I used Modern Dive free online book ( I am a Stata user though I think a novice could do it too
Also for amusement can’t do better than YaRR a pirate’s guide to R, covers a lot of the same material

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/1): @IhaddadenFodil Documentation here: or or

Willy Tadema (@FrieseWoudloper; 3/0): Vandaag ga ik proberen om #bookdown onder de knie te krijgen. De boeken en artikelen die met dit R package gemaakt zijn, zien er goed uit!

Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 2/2): @adamhsparks @AvrahamAdler I’m also wondering how many of the popular guides to learning R (r4ds, yihui bookdown guide, swirl, to name a couple of popular ones) mention citation() and give examples of use??

Mathieu Saby (@27point7; 2/0): Avis aux amateurs : pour construire un livre interactif avec R Bookdown il faut (aujourd’hui) compiler les sources depuis github pour corriger un vieux bug de prise en compte des accents dans la table des matières

Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 1/2): Hmm, #rstats community. Does anyone have good tips for converting existing .tex files to .rmd files?
Trying to come up with a way of creating more #accessible versions of existing material. #bookdown does a great job, but still requires some major manual editing (labels etc)

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/1): CRAN updates: bookdown glancedata patternplot #rstats

Robert M Flight (@rmflight; 1/0): @dynamic_choice xaringan all the way. Code, awesome graphs, and all the flexibility of HTML / CSS, and print to PDF if you won’t have a browser …

Jasleen Grewal (@jasleen_grewal; 1/0): @pathogenomenick Bookdown is a savior, and integrates nicely with rmarkdowns #LatexThesis

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 1/0): @RebantMalhotra Yes, definitely! I’m working on making it a full-fledged book (aka bookdown). This is just the first step. I’ll post on Twitter as I make progress.

Mathieu Saby (@27point7; 1/0): J’ai mis 1 journée à comprendre le problème et pile quand j’allais faire un ticket je réalise qu’il y en avait déjà un et qu’il venait d’être résolu…

Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 1/0): @MelissaGWolf @redskiouros @DanK_atz Yeah, great idea! Bookdown can also work well - our set-up is a bit less linear, but also uses a markdown back-end, so we can even have multiple versions. Let’s mutually follow and DM etc 🙂

Melissa Gordon Wolf (@MelissaGWolf; 1/0): @matherion @redskiouros Yes! Let’s chat. @DanK_atz and I were just discussing creating a bookdown (instead of just posting labs, ha). Maybe Skype?

Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 1/0): @noamross That does some of the very heavy lifting, still have to work on labelling and cross references (for bookdown), but this should really help colleagues get started.


Irene (@irenecrisologo; 1/0): @Shobenase I am working on it! I prepared a bookdown version, I am just waiting for a go signal from our Uni library to post it publicly.

Patrick Schratz (@pjs_228; 0/2): #rstats: Does anyone know how I can get HDPI images into bookdown? Images look fine on lap screen but horrible on a projector. Fonts are scaling but imgs do not, even though they are HDPI and I’ve set the chunk option accordingly.

Jacques (@jacquesdp; 0/1): Free online eBook, “Techincal Analysis with R” by Ko Chiu Yu. I’m constantly surprised at the quality free content available online 😎 #rstats #trading #investing

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): bookdown install failed #tidyverse #rstats


Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 112/6): Even if one day I could turn off a ggplot2 legend without googling, I don’t think I will ever be able to knitr::opts_chunk$set() without googling.

*If you’re thinking “Just write an addin, Mine!”, yes, you’re right.

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 4/1): @dreznik {bubble} is an R package to launch and interact with a NodeJS session, and it notably includes a knitr engine that allows you to create NodeJS notebooks from R

Stats for bios (@StatsForBios; 4/0): Ah, error = TRUE in knitr does what I wanted without me defining the hook myself.

In context, if you have a fragile vignette. You can do error = T and purl = F to stop CRAN trying to run the code and getting cross with you.

Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 3/0): @renatagerecke Global chunk options: Very handy!

Heather Turner (@HeathrTurnr; 2/1): Some good tips in this thread for those hard-to-remember knitr/ggplot tricks!

Mike K Smith (@MikeKSmith; 1/0): @minebocek - A propos .Rmd to reprex.

Workaround: knitr::purl(“reprexFile.Rmd, documentation=2) %>% reprex::reprex(input = .)

Joe Cheng (@jcheng; 1/0): @mwark89 It’s because objects returned by HTML() have a class that implements the knit_print S3 generic. See

Stats for bios (@StatsForBios; 1/0): @danmaclean Yes, thank you. But tryCatch goes


which then doesn’t fit into the knitr chunk hook thing.

This is plan B. But to keep the vignette tidy I’d probably tryCatch with eval = T, echo = F and then eval = F, echo = T with no tryCatch.

Ramnath Vaidyanathan (@ramnath_vaidya; 1/0): @xieyihui The SQL engine is great! I was looking to extend it to return tbl_lazy but ran into roadblocks. The detailed issue is here Any pointers would be much appreciated.


Yisu Zhou (@makzhou; 0/1): Upgraded tinytex and other dependencies, suddenly this doesn’t work: Hope the v2.8 come soon.


Michael DeCrescenzo (@mikedecr; 16/0): I did a whole high-stakes presentation with xaringan with zero(!) bugs in the way the lots-of-math rendered from the online mathjax CDN so I think I deserve that job offer, yeah?

Malcolm Barrett (AFK) (@malco_barrett; 6/0): @RobKnell1 @hadleywickham Yup! This is my xaringan theme, kakashi, which you can find here:

Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 5/4): Fantastic talk/workshop slides from @malco_barrett on designing #ggplot2 #rstats plots. Covers {cowplot}, {gghighlight}, {patchwork} and much more + what a sweet #xaringan theme.

Excited to use some of the tips in #getTBinR - particularly highlighting.

Andrea Cirillo (@AndreaCirilloAC; 3/3): I thought about it two days ago and it is already out, thanks to #xaringan and @xieyihui : introducing the paletteR gallery.
Thank you @neilfws @asincopado @Arfness @jmtoralc for providing your masterpieces 😁.

Visit it here:

Roxana Noelia (@data_datum; 2/2): xaringan Tip: Add A Logo to All of Your Slides · Garrick Aden-Buie

J. Colomb, @pen (@j_colomb; 2/0): @juancommander you could do your slides in rmarkdown (xaringan!) and have it all text and links :)

Otherwise, there is probably a way to automatize image inserts of the pdf slides using Rmagick and Rmarkdown.

Otho (@othomn; 1/0): Xaringan:

apply-reveal flipbooks:

Otho (@othomn; 1/0): Slides done with Xaringan 🌌🚀

using the apply-reveal script to progressively evaluate dplyr pipes and ggplot2 viz 🌈

Lefkios Paikousis (@lefkiospaik; 2/1): @dvisger @theRcast @rstudio @_pvictorr @_mfaan @xieyihui Here are the slides . great stuff!

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @biochemnerd @DevOps_Kitties Nice job! (BTW, sorry for nitpicking, but the links on these two lines are incorrect: you need the https protocols, otherwise they are broken links; more on this: