Want to use google earth engine from #rstats? https://t.co/rXcdQ2mEBD



TimSalabim (@TimSalabim3; 533171): Want to use google earth engine from #rstats? > https://t.co/rXcdQ2mEBD

Nicole Hill (@NicoleTMHill; 44651): Goodbye #arcgis you’ve replaced by #rstats forever. A milestone worth celebrating!!! https://t.co/FJ85eOIMPS

Jakub Nowosad (@jakub_nowosad; 306107): A new report about the waterquality R package is published. It describes methods for the detection and quantification of water quality proxies via remote sensing data and shows a case study of the package use. Read it at https://t.co/evbyKJFaGF #rstats #rspatial #remotesensing https://t.co/lmSA1i1rv3

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 28065): 🎊 It’s here! So happy to have @ModernDive in hand! Congratulations, @rudeboybert & @old_man_chester. You’ve made a real winner, and great addition to the #rstats-book pantheon in this one! 🆓 online forever: https://t.co/4CVsETFOQ0 https://t.co/h24qLvL2yP

Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 20176): Really neat job opening at the @nytimes for a staff editor in statistical modelling! https://t.co/sQVzZOSCQv. #rstats

Ian Cook (@ianmcook; 19346): tidyquery 0.2.0 is now on CRAN ✨ ✳️ supports data.table through dtplyr ✳️ supports join queries ✳️ includes new function show_dplyr() #rstats #tidyverse #rdatatable #SQL https://t.co/g9imQZ0I1X

Brendan Cullen (@_bcullen; 16945): Little #rstats tip: While you can easily toggle the display of R code with code_folding in #rmarkdown, it’s less easy to toggle the output of your code. Though there’s a (relatively) straightforward way to do this using the beauty of html_tabsets. Here’s a quick demo! https://t.co/FP7JGsNVaV


Juvenal (@JuvenalCamposF; 10414): Hola amigos! > Este fin de año estuve aprendiendo a usar la librería blogdown de R, y me animé a hacer un pequeño blog: https://t.co/n4zTTrFU5z > Espero me sigan! Estaré publicando cosas de R, cosas frikis y demás contenido (cuando me de tiempo de escribir). https://t.co/lW6nzKsKeu

Ethan Tenison 🏳️‍🌈🌎 (@ethantenison; 1210): Day 7: Completed Intermediate Python on DataCamp. In addition, I’m looking to create a blog, maybe using Django or BlogDown, as a record of learning. > #100DaysOfCode #DataScience #Python #PyStats #RStats

Stefanie Butland (@StefanieButland; 110): Made my site using Hugo Academic - GitHub - Netlify. > tbh this was challenging and took me a long time because Hugo didn’t feel intuitive. I started with @apreshill’s tutorials https://t.co/JPSLq0Gy7L & a post by @grrrck https://t.co/nGbwFOkyuO

Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 93): @gabbspalomo turning on GitHub Pages (in the repo Settings) is the absolute most dead simple way to do this > if you want fancier things, with #rstats-derived content, then check out rmarkdown (websites), bookdown, blogdown, and/or pkgdown (depending on the type of project)

Elizabeth Stark (@tech_is_dead; 53): This weekend’s project - blog makeover for @symbolixAU using blogdown and Hugo . Massive shout out to @mike_dane for this playlist. Highly recommend it if you want to dive into Hugo in a hurry - https://t.co/5Q2w2CSY4S > #rstats #blogdown #Hugo

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 41): the other reason I stopped using blogspot https://t.co/DrppcSVrSX is that there are so many spam comments! the long-loved blogdown instead https://t.co/OPSmy2C8rm

Arie Spirgel (@ariespirgel; 40): I just created my new website with #blogdown, and if you’re interested in doing the same, here is my complete list of recommendations: > 1. Bookmark this post by @apreshill https://t.co/hXeY3Tw1w7 2. Keep referring back to the post until your site is up and running. > -The end.

Abdul Majed (@1littlecoder; 33): @jeremyphoward @github Also just a shoutout to @xieyihui ’s {blogdown} that makes incredibly easy to launch a site / blog on GitHub or netlify and maintain just from @rstudio https://t.co/y4hDOQJKJV

Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 32): Hi #rstats #blogdown users, any way to update (or push) new blog posts without rerendering old posts? I am currently using the blogdown::build_site function. thx! > #rmarkdown

JD Long (@CMastication; 30): @thonoir Can using an abstraction on top of Hugo lower the burden? I use Blogdown and host on Netlify. It’s a Hugo site but I’m a bit abstracted away from the Hugo guts.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 21): @Rami_Krispin @rstatstweet Is this on the right track? > https://t.co/G3iAEY7RZE

Michael Johnson (@data_mike_j; 21): @jeremyphoward Appreciate all your work making things easier for people getting started! Also, shameless plug for the #rstats ecosystem… I built my blog with blogdown (also compatible with GitHub pages) https://t.co/Y6f7bW2sGf

uwe sterr (@SterrUwe; 13): 2019 @Kaggle ML & DS survey data gives great insight into what > - Algorithms - Tools - Platforms > are most popular for #MachineLearning. > Played with data using #Rstats and @xieyihui wonderful 👏 #blogdown in @rstudio hosted the webpage on #githubpage https://t.co/BsUZDk3lFW https://t.co/xMoS7GWoem

Peter Sobolewski (@psobolewskiPhD; 11): @dsquintana @Netlify @clathrin @Namecheap BTW, do you publish the static content (ala drag and drop of public/) or use the continuous deployment via @github with @Netlify handling the #hugo rendering? See: https://t.co/qm67CaM0Pu

Dr Andrew Laughland (@andrewlaughland; 10): Great evening with the @BirminghamR people. Regarding Blogdown and Hugo have a look at @Netlify for your hosting.

Houston H. Haynes (@whiskersedge; 10): @gabbspalomo @rstatstweet I’m building a workflow for R/blogdown/Hugo and deploys through GitHub Actions. It’s a bit fancy - using Azure Blob static sites and Verizon CDN to manage SSL, a custom domain and related elements. So there’s several layers to the cake.🎂 I’ll be blogging about it soon. 🤞

Melike Dönertaş (@melikedonertas; 10): @gabbspalomo @rstatstweet blogdown

Andrew Fraser + C₈H₁₀N₄O₂ (@Arfness; 10): @OscarBaruffa @rstatstweet Agreed. It’s almost as if we need someone to write a package to build a directory of twitter package recommendations. Hmmm. rtweet –> tidytext –> blogdown…..

Henrique Costa (@hcostax; 10): @NBnMoura Vai criar um novo blog? Conhece o pacote blogdown do RStudio? É uma ótima ferramenta pra criar/editar blogs.

Pachá 최용술 격투기 (@pachamaltese; 10): @StefanieButland welcome!! mine is https://t.co/I0rXC0MHoh and the blog is https://t.co/Uz4RCSbKYR (made with blogdown)

AspiringObjectivist (@RandianJustice; 0/1): @florinpop1705 R blogdown FTW. #rstats.


Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 13023): New Blogpost! ✨ > Deploy your bookdown project to Netlify with Github Actions > Simple step by step instructions with plenty (17 !!) pictures with arrows for easy deployment 👩‍🔧👨‍🔧 > https://t.co/ud9bRYP9cv #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/cDdxdG1OC5

Sam Abbott (@seabbs; 3211): #rweekly_highlights this week: > 2. Nice intro to #rmarkdown and #bookdown - down with Word! > https://t.co/rysDSIYSs0… > 2. Customizing your #rstats Rprofile - so people know your cool (+ other reasons). By @jumping_uk > https://t.co/9jXwpTNmhG https://t.co/SVmm9sHTZ2

Freya Watkins (@freyawatkins; 233): Fun evening of lightning talks about various R packages with @BirminghamR ! Here’s @BodoWinter introducing swirl, a self-paced way to learn R within the R console. Others gave talks on httr, mgcx, purrr, flextable & bookdown. Glad I was finally brave enough to make it :) https://t.co/PTAVMXoNKg

Komunitas R Indonesia (@rindonesia; 147): Ada banyak buku gratis belajar R di https://t.co/i742PkrSFb lho, salah satunya ini. Sila disimak dan kasih masukan ya! > Ada buku tentang R yang useRs sekalian ingin ada tapi belum ada di bookdown atau portal terbuka lainnya? https://t.co/0JrCIJwRbP

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 141): @statsgen @sarah_romanes @PaulaMoraga @nj_tierney @visnut Specifically, download remark.js v0.14.0 from https://t.co/Dgzbu9d5gt and use the chakra option of xaringan::moon_reader: https://t.co/7fZOGrpNuV

Thea Knowles (@theaknowles; 103): Lovely to be back in #LdnOnt with the @RLadiesLdnOnt folks to give a tutorial on using #rmarkdown for academic writing 🙏 > 🔹Slides: https://t.co/02ouEfZ8rr 🔹Materials: https://t.co/7nm3oLlxas 🔹Dissertation tutorial (alluded to in the talk): https://t.co/yJ1NuPD0O9

tipsder (@tipsder; 93): ¡Introducción a la estadística con #R! Libro web ideal para aquellos interesados en el aprendizaje de la estadística utilizando R como herramienta de apoyo. https://t.co/fHt6p6BpsO #rstats #rstatsES #data #DataVisualization #dataviz https://t.co/Gbw2Fmp09J

tipsder (@tipsder; 84): ¿Cómo escribir libros web con #R y #bookdown? Rta. Dos libros web, en español, para la construcción y disposición de libros en diversos formatos (web, pdf, MOBI, EPUB, etc.) desde R. https://t.co/AMauNe8BG3 https://t.co/eao81jNgaz #rstats #data #DataScience #dataviz https://t.co/2yvEv1mdwv

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 84): Deploy your bookdown project to Netlify with Github Actions #rstats #datascience https://t.co/7tsWKWPCNo

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 70): The first github_document knit for chapter 23 is up (https://t.co/zcymG70ntc). Chapter 24 has been basically done for some time. They’ll make their way to the #bookdown draft, soon. In the meantime, peer review is welcome.

Christopher Peters 🚀 (@statwonk; 53): brms and multi-level models are 💪! 🚀 > Another: https://t.co/Vw21TgMxf6 https://t.co/ScQd9REel2

Melissa K Sharp, MPH (@sharpmelk; 52): Finally making progress on the STROBE #reportingguideline educational expansion #bookdown site ⬆️General guidance 🧐Field-specifc info (from extensions) Most importantly: 🗣️A place to share relevant resources related to STROBE items (e.g. bias, confounding, etc.) #epitwitter https://t.co/oDqlGDfBbj

Jon Huang (@jon_y_huang; 52): Building a hardcopy stats & methods reference library for students and fellows. > Yes, I know some of the best are in bookdown and PDF form, but for some reason, folks just won’t read screens! > Give me your recs below 👇 #statstwitter #epitwitter > Please and thank you! https://t.co/NadjViUzA9

Cyril R Pernet (@CyrilRPernet; 50): @robustgar no thx right now https://t.co/YRljTfOjxr

Thomas Mock (@thomas_mock; 42): @brownalytics @ZachFeldman3 @EmilyRiederer There’s a good starter at: - https://t.co/sD6y5y0dDL > Whole book on it from package author: - https://t.co/DC4B7HeiFy

Jozef Hajnala (@jozefhajnala; 33): Want to help your favourite #rstats packages/books and have limited time? Just raising constructive issues helps tremendously. > One example is the most recent issue raised by @nathaneastwood_ on my bookdown publication: https://t.co/zun96eZmY7. Thanks!

Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 31): Turns out if you name the file output.yml instead of _output.yml your #bookdown won’t do what you expect 😅 #rstats

Ryota Mugiyama (@RyotaMugiyama; 30): “When you feel an R Markdown document is too long, you may consider splitting it into shorter documents, and include them as child documents of the main document via the chunk option child.” https://t.co/d57xdod3Ih

Emil Hvitfeldt (@EmilHvitfeldt; 30): Example site: https://t.co/MTSXRV23NN > Example repository: https://t.co/JF2d44iVkJ > Thanks to @jimhester for all his work on GitHub Actions for the R community!

lol yeah rent control sux… unless? (@TheRealEveret; 21): @hyperplanes I use: > https://t.co/AYbQQTeGiP > https://t.co/y3gpUFt48Z > https://t.co/0Fvub5rro8 > https://t.co/CL23M8drTH > For knitting to HTML: > https://t.co/RU9NzPsgGh > https://t.co/eqzac95tg0 > For knitting to PDF: > https://t.co/hHRa4HrE6q

Ivàn Leonel Vàsquez R. (@vasquezivan23; 21): l like this chapter Sampling (Muestreo) #DataScientist #rstats https://t.co/TvYof0CCzj

Pablo Bernabeu (@PabloBernabeu_; 20): @nickgaspelin https://t.co/CEhHz9fnJ7

Javier Sajuria (@jsajuria; 20): I have also implemented a cleaner workflow, using RMarkdown for the slides and labs, bookdown and GitHub for the module website. This comes from the shared knowledge built over years of teaching with other amazing people.

おとうと (@otouto__; 20): 研究仮説と統計的仮説の違いについてならこの内容でどうだろう https://t.co/bsjI9WiUUD

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | R Markdown and Bookdown for Academic Writing in R https://t.co/o0nZHDbp5J

Federico Molina (@FedeMolinaMagne; 10): @pachamaltese @ucatolica Pensé (ilusamente) que era trivial adaptar una clase para correrla con thesisdown o bookdown. En ingeniería generaron una que está re linda, pero quiero correr todo en Rmd o Rnw, estuve intentando adaptar la clase y fallé estrepitosamente 😂. Pero más adelante lo voy a hacer 💪💪

Brendan Palmer (@B_A_Palmer; 10): @statsepi @AleLautarescu @ukrepro No. I’m cross I didn’t play around with Bookdown four months ago!

Jim Hunter (@jimhunterbr; 10): @minebocek @OpenIntroOrg The costs are outrageous in the developed world. Imagine how inaccessible textbooks are in middle and low income countries. Without OpenIntro Stats (thanks, @OpenIntroOrg) and other R books available for free (thanks bookdown), teaching biostat would be impossible

Gabriel (@Gabriel00602805; 10): @matherion @damiandropmann @djnavarro @emilyandthelime It sounds very nice! I have a some general ideas about the benefits about bookdown. If that is usefull to write this translation it will be a good opportunity. Tell me more about that. Write me by inbox or my email: gagonzalez1@uc.cl

Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 10): @Gabriel00602805 @damiandropmann @djnavarro @Gabriel00602805, might be a good opportunity to cover it to Bookdown, too? If you’re not familiar with Bookdown, but are interested, I’ll happily have a virtual meeting with you to show you around and help set to the basis for the book (also, @emilyandthelime did R/🇺🇲).

🥀T. Michael Ellis (@tootstorm; 10): @chlorophileB @rlmcelreath Oh, wow, this has me excited after Googling that book: https://t.co/s0I5A18MBQ

Gustavo Bruno de Paula (@gustavobrp; 10): @jnascim @mahagodoy Pra consultas rápidas eu às vezes vou até esse site: https://t.co/alME9zvyeB. E outro livro/guia que me parece bom é este: https://t.co/YcQOJm15D3.

CAP’N (@nathangs20; 0/2): A small foray into #bookdown and #github as a means of hosting the #SFTE Reference Handbook https://t.co/Yhkt8eMbgm Feedback? @FlightTestFact

Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 0/1): Slightly odd request. Anyone know how to start a #bookdown book from a section number greater than 1? I’m continuing a set of classnotes (two parter) and would prefer not to confuse students! #rstats (i.e. want the first section to be numbered 6). The equivalent of \setcounter)


Stephen Turner (@strnr; 4411): Solution: >

Thanks to @stephspiel for pointing me in the right direction, @LucyStats for the solution https://t.co/Yh8OypXPAu

One R Package a Day (@RLangPackage; 286): lemon - Functions for working with legends and axis lines of ‘ggplot2’, facets that repeat axis lines on all panels, and some ‘knitr’ extensions. #rstats https://t.co/pz3oYVjMN0

Stephen Turner (@strnr; 255): I once found a knitr/rmarkdown trick to include all the code from the Rmd at the end of the document as an appendix, but I can’t find the function I’m looking for. I don’t mean purl + read in code. Pretty sure it was a simple one-step thing. Any ideas?

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 253): @ludmila_janda See also: https://t.co/GgMamGjCwm

Rebecca Batstone (@BatstoneRebecca; 52): Husband @Bstoneguitar asked me how my work was going. I responded: I’m trying to commit on git but it just won’t knit. Love when life’s little frustrations sound like poetry. #github #knitr #SaturdayMorning

Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 30): @StrictlyStat @rstudio What are you really hoping for? reprex (the package) can’t do anything that isn’t achievable via knitr running inside callr. I suspect we’re talking about a problem that’s beyond the scope of what reprex is good for.

Matt Warkentin (@mwark89; 23): Any rmarkdown/knitr experts able to help answer this question? > https://t.co/KJzAWm3xKX > @xieyihui #rstats

Gabe The Engineer (@gdbassett; 12): #rstats twitter. Anyone have any clue why knitr/pandoc would not be able to allocate memory after multiple iterative knits of parameterized reports? pryr::mem_used() shows 10GB mem used. Docker shows 18GB used, but free -m shows 10GB free (vm has 32gb ram). cc @xieyihui

Daniel E. Weeks (@StatGenDan; 12): #rstats An escaped space “\ “ after the ![]() will keep the included figure in place.
> SourceTree commit message\ https://t.co/xJpXwC0C26

Matthew Martin (@hyperplanes; 10): Do people still use knitr? All of the “how to knitr” content on the internet is starting to decay (broken links, not updated recently, etc.) Which makes me think no one uses it

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: knitr rrcov signs TestDimorph wv https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats


Kazuhiro Goto (@drkgoto; 113): TinyTeXを使って10分で(R向けの)LaTeX環境を整える https://t.co/YQETH5boof #Qiita


Sarah Romanes (@sarah_romanes; 287): Hi #rstats twitter friends. Does anyone know whats going on with #xaringan slides recently? Slides now render completely different to two days ago (enlarged headings). An example: https://t.co/FtvJ231qxn > General HTML problem?Is there a fix? https://t.co/kFUMem4KgB

Gordon Shotwell (@gshotwell; 180): Slides finished, and with two weeks to spare to find the Xaringan theme that defines me as a person.

R-Ladies Barcelona (@RLadiesBCN; 114): We have a winner!!! Keep tuned for a #xaringan workshop in the next few months… https://t.co/MrIExzfgrd https://t.co/eya6VVr65v

Yeyo (@yeyomourglia; 92): Escribiendo un Curso de R #rstats , con el package #xaringan, para presentaciones. @rstudio @xieyihui . https://t.co/Khy1Gtx9fv

Claus Ekstrøm (@ClausEkstrom; 51): @statsgen @xieyihui @sarah_romanes @PaulaMoraga @nj_tierney @visnut A quick fix is to include <style> html { font-size: 16px } h1 { font-size: 55px; } h2 { font-size: 45px; } h3 { font-size: 35px; } </style> in the xaringan Rmd file. Join the discussion on what to change at https://t.co/NeMuyqv3mR

Alex (@abresler; 20): In searching for some good examples of Xaringan presentations I came across this absolutely FANTASTIC talk by @andrewheiss that wonderfully describes how EVIL mafia governments co-opt NGOs to serve their evil purposes > https://t.co/PZojYwmSof

Ian Flores (@iflores_siaca; 20): @_ColinFay @jumping_uk Yes, I’ll make a repo in GitHub as I make my slides with xaringan. Will share and tag you once I do it.

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 12): CRAN updates: adehabitatLT agricolae micropan MomTrunc RPushbullet rquery tmap xaringan https://t.co/y5W2NTKSXT #rstats

👨🏽‍🦱 (@pintoja13; 10): @Nasedenada Eu uso o rasengen e o KATON GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU, tudo isto enquanto tenho o meu xaringan ativado 😬sou fudido


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 50): @strnr @stephspiel @LucyStats Here is @xieyihui blog post with @LucyStats solution (plus a cool addition by @aosmith16) > https://t.co/OoaQLBB4mf

Daniel Hadley (@danielphadley; 42): @beeonaposy Most old posts by @xieyihui hold up, and the rest are like an #rstats time capsule https://t.co/YGZPEs1W9z

Stephanie Spielman, PhD (@stephspiel; 0/2): @strnr Looks promising- https://t.co/0SP0EbSFOy