Use glue strings to customise result names in dplyr verbs! Read the #rstats blog post about this new tidy eval feature at



lionel (@_lionelhenry; 821171): Use glue strings to customise result names in dplyr verbs! Read the #rstats blog post about this new tidy eval feature at

Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 814168): I’m thrilled to finally announce that {slider} is officially on CRAN! 🎉 > {slider} is a #rstats 📦 for extending the idea of {purrr} to rolling windows, allowing you to compute moving averages, rolling regressions, or any other custom window function! >

RStudio Tips (@rstudiotips; 791154): Coming in @rstudio 1.3: real time spellchecking! #rstats

Kerry Cameron (@kerryacameron; 31974): Happy International Women and Girls in Science Day! Today I’m unphotogenically catching a train in the rain to Brisbane, to do an #Rstats course that will help me analyse data from this field trip. #WomenInScience #WomenInSTEM #larvalrestoration #coralreef #science

Jaclyn A. Siegel (@jaclynasiegel; 3194): After 4 years of resisting all things R-related, I have finally conceded and signed up for an introduction to #rstats workshop next week. Frustrated tweets to follow.

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 26174): Neat tree of dplyr actions by @alexcourtiol & @rdataberlin: 📑 “Rguides: Data transformation with {dplyr}” #rstats

Chris Brown (@bluecology; 26066): Just got my hands on the classic Generalized Additive Models book by Wood (Edn 2, 2017). #rstats mgcv is a deep package, here’s some tips 1/n

Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 174106): Awesome List of the Best Cheat Sheets for #DataScientists — great learning resources for #AI #NeuralNetworks #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #BigData #DataScience #Python #Rstats #Coding etc. —————— 👇👇


Alison Hill (@apreshill; 242): 👀👀👀 This is a great conf website built with the Hugo academic theme #blogdown >

Anna Weinstein (@annapurna82; 193): I built this new website in #blogdown, to the soundtrack of @gshotwell chanting “ONE OF US, ONE OF US” because I finally relented and tried #rstats. Did I enjoy it? Well I’m already building two more websites, so, yeah.

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 111): @RLadies I also use R in my personal time! I love finding datasets and seeing what I can learn from them. Perhaps they are in a PDF? Or could I create a cool visualization? To see some of the things I’ve worked on, please find my personal #blogdown blog here! 55

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 91): I have a #blogdown site! 🎉 > > No content yet. However, it is personalized. And if you like it, I wrote down every step in my log— > > —and you can follow along w/ my 7 git commits: > > #rstats #MadeWithAcademic

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 72): @RLadiesMelb @MrsLaviniaG @annaquagli @SoroorHediyeh @smwindecker @MariaProkofieva @nushkee @evbln @mixOmics_team @goknurginer If you haven’t jumped on the #blogdown bandwagon yet, @statsgen gave a fabulous talk on how to set up your own personal website or blog:

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 60): Who has experience using zenodo (or other options) to assign DOIs to individual #blogdown blog posts?

alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 60): @george_berry blogdown. put the blog in a github repo, automatically deploy with netlify, write all the posts as rmarkdown

Gaby Hofer (@sci_gab; 50): This turned out to be a bit more tricky, particularly because my Git skills were rusty (and barely existent in the first place). I’ve found this tutorial to be quite comprehensive and also understandable to someone who doesn’t know too much about Git. /4

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 40): @minebocek @nbcthegoodplace @lynnandtonic @ClausWilke @Emil_Hvitfeldt me after conf looking at my blogdown sites in various states of disrepair

Jared Knowles 📈 (@jknowles; 40): Our homepage is built using the R package blogdown to build a Hugo static site deployed via GitHub and Netlify. You bet I had a fun time making it. It took me a bit to grok it, but I think the end result does what I need. Check it out:

Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 30): A big thank you goes to @apreshill and @xieyihui for creating such an informative and helpful #blogdown book. Never have I thought I’ll be able to easily create my own website and blog.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @allison_horst oh and for teaching blogdown!! > >

Coltan Scrivner (@MorbidPsych; 20): Google sites is a very easy platform for making a free website. If you like R, you can also make a pretty sweet website with minimal coding skills using Blogdown. Nice walkthrough by @dsquintana here:

Greg Dubrow (@greg_dubrow; 20): Sophie reviewing my config.toml blogdown r code. Next up looking at the css file to see why code chunks render in text that’s too light #catRday

Martijn van Vreeden (@martijnvv; 20): @HoloMarkeD @jgianoglio @SimoAhava @dan_shure Same here. Blogdown is great for this. The performance is mind-blowing too.

Mark Edmondson (@HoloMarkeD; 20): @jgianoglio @SimoAhava @dan_shure It put the fun back into setting up a blog for me, I do it via the Rmd package blogdown

Stephanie Spielman, PhD (@stephspiel; 13): Seeking ideas for “grabbag” topics for discussion in my data science class. Currently planned are scientific publishing/reproducibility crisis, making a personal website blog with blogdown or github/jekyll, career paths in data science. Who’s got something? #rstats

Civilytics (@civilytics; 12): Our homepage is built using the R package blogdown to build a Hugo static site deployed via GitHub and Netlify. You bet I had a fun time making it. It took me a bit to grok it, but I think the end result does what I need. Check it out:

Anthony Schmidt (@AnthonyTeacher; 11): How do you embed a Tableau dashboard (embed code is a mix of html and javascript) into RMarkdown/hugo academic? I am struggling. #rstats #blogdown #hugoacademic

Anna Weinstein (@annapurna82; 11): @xieyihui’s #blogdown documentation is glorious and poetic, which really makes it a joy to learn all the fiddly little bits. It even inspired me to try #bookdown pretty much right away. Gosh I love good documentation. Thanks #rstats!

arrrstats (@arrrstats; 10): Savvy? @⁠Deadman_Plank_SwashBuckler’s #⁠blogdown documentation be glorious and poetic, which really makes it a joy to keelhaul all th’ fiddly little bits. It even inspired me to try #⁠bookdown pretty much right away. Gosh I love good documentation. Sail Ho #ArrrStats!

Birmingham R User Group (@BirminghamR; 10): @chrismainey @andrewlaughland Yes, we covered the detailed stuff in a workshop last year. This year we’ll just do basic and then focus on other parts of the RMarkdown ecosystem (bookdown, blogdown, etc.)

Anna Weinstein (@annapurna82; 10): @gshotwell I found blogdown much less overwhelming to set up than sites (not having to set up a local server is a huge bonus for someone like me, who doesn’t use a local server for anything else and therefore has to recreate a lot of confusing steps every time).

Marc Williams (@marcjwills_; 10): @SBAmin @roelverhaak @Aiims1742 @Cancer_Cell Great way to share. Wish all papers had such comprehensive code and methods that were so easily accessible! How did you put it together? R blogdown or something else?

Tolga (@btolgao; 10): @george_berry I use R blogdown and host on a personal domain. But i will say anything but medium.

Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 10): @apreshill @xieyihui You can also checkout some common useful tips in the blogdown-demo site:

Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 10): @apreshill @xieyihui @georgecushen If you want a short tutorial to get your #blogdown up and running quickly with hugo-academic, check out @dsquintana great post. Thanks!

Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 10): @apreshill @xieyihui Another great guide was @apreshill talks ‘Summer of blogdown’ and her website’s ‘site.footer’ code I used to edit mine.

Abdul Majed (@1littlecoder; 10): @mariapazvilas @apreshill @CSIRO The slider at the top looks nice! Didn’t know we could do that with {blogdown}

Ícaro Agostino (@icaroagostino; 10): @JasonLHe93 @rstatstweet @AcademicChatter Search for the R package blogdown, you can easily create a blog and use github as server for free

Roland Schmidt (@zoowalk; 10): @andrewheiss hi andrew, just came across your post in the rstudio community on hugo/blogdown and TOCs. Did you ever manage to write posts in .rmd and get a hugo toc? many thx! >

Hlynur Hallgrímsson (@hlynur; 0/1): So, I’ve got a silly #Rstats #blogdown question relating to #HugoAcademic. > If I’ve got an ‘accomplishments’ widget, is there a way for me to make the title into a hyperlink through some Markdown wizardry (or non-wizardry, preferably).

David Nield (@DRNield; 0/1): Anyone know a good way to get a floating table of contents in a Blogdown site using the hugo-academic theme? > #rstats


atusy (@Atsushi776; 22665): モデル式をRmdの数式にできる!これは便利!!

Daniel Anderson (@datalorax_; 16128): Wow! Was just made aware that my equatiomatic #rstats package with @andrewheiss and @jrosenberg6432 has a little shoutout in @xieyihui’s new R Markdown book!

Martin Skarzynski (@marskar; 9829): @ashtroid22 Free #rstats®️books📚: •R for Data Science by @hadleywickham: •Modern Dive by @old_man_chester & @rudeboybert: •Introduction to Data Science by @rafalab: &

ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 628): Rのコードも併記されたなかなかボリュームのある資料を見つけた Introduction to Data Science

JD Long (@CMastication; 252): @BHarrap Bookdown, man… it makes it possible. We have made the source to the R Cookbook 2nd Edition public partially so folks can see examples of how to build a book w RMD.

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 113): The #rmarkdown guide is an absolutely fantastic resource, which I highly recommend:

Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 74): @BHarrap I wrote for Rmd theses using the UW LaTeX template with bookdown, noted here: Also take a look at @rosannavhespen’s excellent series of posts on doing this: & @ed_berry’s great post

Hoxo_Mass_Spectrum (@siero5335; 73): atusyさんが朝に紹介されていたR Markdown Cookbook, わからないところはまずこれで調べてみてくれという感じだ。Definitive Guideより読みやすそう。:

Matti Vuorre (@vuorre; 61): @mikhaeldito313 @SolomonKurz I really liked Kruschke’s “Doing Bayesian Data Analysis”. I think it is great for beginners. > > @SolomonKurz has translated some of the code from the book into a more modern version here:

Sir Panda (@dailyzad; 60): @ashtroid22 Most books are free (via bookdown), but R is well known for having a steep learning curve, and it depends on what packages you’ll primarily be using (I’d say base R is harder to learn than tidyverse)

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 60): @allison_horst This is WIP but @veerlevanson and I are writing and your image is on front cover, to make it clear that this is a happy and welcoming place!

Anna Weinstein (@annapurna82; 52): “The most challenging thing in the world is not to learn fancy technologies, but control your own wild heart.” Who knew trying to write a bookdown glossary would be so inspiring??? #rstats

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 50): My top use of R is the cleaning and wrangling of data. Education data comes in all forms and sizes! I use R to make #Shiny apps, #leaflet maps, and #ggplot2 viz. I recently rendered my first #bookdown. If you are interested in any of these topics, please let me know below! 👇 3/n

Dan Miller (@data_nurse; 41): @JohnGreenwoodMD @f_g_zampieri I think this is a great start for someone who hasn’t used it all before and this list some great suggestions too

Paul Julian PhD (@SwampThingPaul; 31): Found this awesome #rmarkdown #bookdown (open source) Physical Geology book. Almost got sucked down a geologic blackhole

Tom (@tom_jemmett; 30): @ChrisBeeley @guacamolebio I’ve been working today on rmarkdown templates - this has the notion of a “skeleton.Rmd” which starts all new rmds off with the same script (if you can work with markdown and not just scripts)

Ben Harrap (@BHarrap; 21): @CMastication I was reading the R Markdown book and did see mention of bookdown! >

Kelsey E Gonzalez (@KelseyEGonzalez; 20): @BHarrap @healthandstats Just found a new package called redoc by @noamross that will help when your advisor undoubtedly requests a word document version for them to markup.

Gordon Shotwell (@gshotwell; 20): @jonkeane Anna’s porting her music theory textbook to bookdown!

Ivan Leung (@urganmax; 20): @aleksizy @TiffanyTimbers @Docker @streamlit @rstudio #python being my 2nd language, @streamlit is much easier to adopt than other similar 📦 & w/o having to add server yourself 🤩 Have you tried #shiny #rmakrdown? It’s just ☝🏼extra line in header .yml (runtime: shiny) 😉 & you have an interactive Rmd! >

Eyayaw T. Beze (@EyayawTeka; 20): @dgkeyes Thank you, brother! You’re not tested at all. For the second topic, after a good deal of googling I find this one interesting. > > And this one is a great resource, esp for econometrics. >

Henrique Faria de Oliveira (@henriquef1008; 12): Pesos de portfólios usando metodologia de Paridade de Risco e Fronteira de Eficiência. > Universo de ativos usado foi o IBOV > Matéria usando foi do @OpenQuant , da postagem >

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 10): @souzatharsis Probably shiny in production :) Been using bookdown to build it and I absolutely love it

arrrstats (@arrrstats; 10): Batten down the hatches! “Th’ most challenging thing in th’ world be not to keelhaul fancy technologies, but control yer own wild heart.” Who knew trying to write a bookdown glossary would be so inspiring??? #ArrrStats

chris hartgerink (@chartgerink; 10): @BHarrap Just finished mine in Bookdown! All the code and such at but be warned: quirks ahead! Takes some debugging but works pretty well

Jason Clark (@DrJClarkStats; 10): @ethanbdm Can we just start with the Challenger o-ring example.

Leo Kiernan (@DrLeo037; 10): @Ibrahim70771572 Here’s another. (I though the first reply covered this link). It’s a full 4 years old how! But there’s a lot of great material in it.. >

Leo Kiernan (@DrLeo037; 10): @Ibrahim70771572 @rstatstweet There’s a range of stuff here: not specifically econometrics,. But possibly useful? >

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 10): It’s also embarrassing how quickly I went in search of the source: > For more details:

Koray Taşcılar (@KorayTascilar; 10): The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the tlverse #rmarkdown #bookdown

Christopher Ackerman (@cackerman1; 10): - - R - -

Randy Boyes (@randyboyes; 10): @The_Tin_Hat Guide here:

Vicky Steeves ( (@VickySteeves; 10): @AkhmerovAnton Or, use Bookdown with RMarkdown (which you can have code cells using SQL, R, Python, C++, and Stan! love the flexibility!) > Here’s an example: && the source: > Since it’s markdown at it’s heart the version control is dreamy

Kazuhiro Goto (@drkgoto; 0/3): @kaihiraishi どちらもほとんど変わりませんが、jamoviはオンラインテキストがあります。 > あとjamoviはパッケージの追加ができるので、R寄りだというのが僕の理解です。

Clint Miller (@clintomics; 0/2): Orchestrating Single-Cell Analysis with Bioconductor #rmarkdown #bookdown

Matt.0 (@MattOldach; 0/1): What’s the appropriate way to add blog posts as references to .bib in #bookdown? #rstats

Dave Braze (@davidbraze; 0/1): #rstats folks, I want to use #bookdown output type html_document2 with what is now a stock Rmd file, to get auto fig/tab numbering > Puzzle: I can’t figure out how to get numbering to work > Here are clips from a rendered file. Any help? > Note: “Figure 1” in eg is my manual label


Frank Harrell (@f2harrell; 6812): @MaartenvSmeden Why indeed. My courses have all the handouts and slides online, and #bbrcourse also has the reproducible knitr .Rnw files in github in case others want to add material (with attribution). . Making material fully reproducible has made my life better.

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 82): knitr::current_input()

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 43): Oh the glories of knitr::fig.chunk! ♥️ > If you ever get persnickety re: your #knitr output in #rstats… or you ever show a figure in #xaringan… do yourself a favor + read the end of this post. > I once got so frustrated by this use case I over-engineered a solution w/ #jQuery! 😳

tj mahr 🍕🍍 (@tjmahr; 41): is there a way in knitr/rmarkdown to have the name of the source file printed somewhere in the rendered report? (i keep project notebooks by compiling individual rmarkdown files into a single document but have trouble finding which file was responsible for a given section.)

Mark Crowe (@marklcrowe; 30): Just spent an hour writing R markdown and knitR worked first time. Going home now while I’m ahead.

Dr. Sarah Pohl (@LilithElina; 22): I’m using knitr::include_graphics() to include a PDF file in my HTML #RMarkdown output, but it does nothing. Neither when I run the chunk in my RStudio console, nor when I knit the document. It works fine when I knit to PDF instead. Does anyone know why? #rstats #knitr

Stats for bios (@StatsForBios; 20): @thonoir @ayushbipinpatel Are you using rmarkdown or knitr directly? > This works fine for me with your settings (using markdown::render()) >

Dr Anthony Caravaggi 🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇪🇺 (@thonoir; 20): @StatsForBios @ayushbipinpatel Cheers. Here’re the knitr settings. I can send the script, if needed: > knitr::opts_chunk$set( tidy=TRUE,
fig.width=12, fig.height=8, fig.cap=FALSE, fig.crop=TRUE, fig.pos=‘h’, tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=60))

arrrstats (@arrrstats; 20): I’m using knitr::include_graphics() to include a PDF file in me HTML #⁠RMarkdown output, but it does nothing. Neither when I run th’ chunk in me ArrrStudio console, nor when I knit th’ document. It works fine when I knit to PDF instead. Does anyone know why? #ArrrStats

Damien C-C (@dccc_phd; 20): @EvaMaeRey Also you’re missing an important definition of the path in your first piece of code. It should look like this: > “column_aesthetics.png” %>% here::here(“figures”, .) %>% knitr::include_graphics()

Dr Anthony Caravaggi 🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇪🇺 (@thonoir; 11): Quick #rstats question. How do you include generated plots within a markdown-based pdf document created with knitr?

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 11): CRAN updates: GeneNet knitr sjstats WrightMap #rstats

arrrstats (@arrrstats; 10): Aye! Oh th’ glories of knitr::fig.chunk! 🗺️ If ye ever get persnickety re: yer #⁠knitr output in #ArrrStats… or ye ever show a figure in #⁠xaringan… do ye-self a favor + read th’ end of this post. I once got so frustrated by this use case I over-engineered a solution w/ ! 🐠

Brody (@brodyjsmith; 10): @Hamed12875584 @rplusplus Make me think you could utilize R a little differently then: Using a Matlab server > Or, knitr package has the octave engine for available if you want to use it as a matlab chunk in a markdown document. > Although, an R based solution would be awesome!!!

Damien C-C (@dccc_phd; 10): @tjmahr You could probably also make knitr::read_chunk() work if you’re doing code externalization (

Andrew Whitby (@EconAndrew; 10): @jon_mellon > I think… I thought I had an example of my own but it was doing something else.


W. Brent Thorne (@wbrentthorne; 20): @BHarrap The pagedown pkg by @xieyihui and @RLesur has a thesis template if you’re interested!


David Neuzerling (@mdneuzerling; 110): 10 minutes until I give a talk that involves spruiking xaringan so I guess it’s finally time to learn how to pronounce xaringan

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 100): @bwundervald @fabianmoss My slides on how to make xaringan slides here 🤣 >

Garrick (@grrrck; 80): @BenjaminWolfe @djnavarro @apreshill

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 72): 📦🖼️ “Presentation Ninja 幻灯忍者 · 写轮眼” // Yihui Xie @xieyihui > • An R package for creating slideshows with remark.js through R Markdown. > #rstats

Bruna Wundervald (@bwundervald; 60): @fabianmoss xaringan (rmarkdown) :D and the beautiful themes made by @apreshill (her presentations are at

Ryan Briggs (@ryancbriggs; 50): For anyone learning xaringan (R markdown slides), I highly recommend @apreshill’s slide deck from rstudio::conf 2019.

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 30): @EvaMaeRey Would not recommend for figure paths within xaringan for example- xaringan ultimately requires relative files paths for images (and here ultimately generates absolute paths- just the args you enter are relative to your Rproj file rather than the Rmd you are in)

Cap’n Blackheart Bette (@cantabile; 30): @IrisVanRooij @amit_keshavlal And slides can be found here: > And a link to article I wrote, The Algebra of Bach, for a magazine that stuffed me around, so I pulled it. Great to have this unpublished piece to draw on for my @HLForum performance. >

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 20): @fabianmoss @bwundervald if you just want markdown-based slides, xaringan is just remarkjs + R Markdown >

Bradley Boehmke (@bradleyboehmke; 10): @BrockTibert Thanks. Re: xaringan source code, yes, their in the /docs directory:

Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 10): @bradleyboehmke the github repo for your deep learning with R workshop is absolutely fantastic. Are the files that you used to create slides available by any chance? I love reading the source code for the xaringan decks.

Jens von Bergmann (@vb_jens; 10): @The_Tin_Hat Nowadays I do it all in RMarkdown. That way I got the text, code, and graphs all in one place. Slides are just a webpage and easy to share, {xaringan} is a great package to facilitate presentation.

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 257): Back from rstudio::conf(2020) @xieyihui #rstats #datascience

Jozef Hajnala (@jozefhajnala; 111): Yihui’s blog is one of my favorites, so I am always happy to see a new post. In the latest one he writes about his talk, Q&A’s, and other conference experiences, mostly related to RStudio Conf 2020. As always, a very nice read: 📄

Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 31): @AmeliaMN @ijlyttle @SchneiderUK In “Ian Lyttle told me at the reception that he discovered a bug in rmarkdown but decided not to bother me and figured it out by himself. […] Anyway, it was so very kind of him!” 🙂

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | Back from rstudio::conf(2020) - My talk, Q&A’s, and other conference experiences - Yihui Xie

Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 11): Equally informative and sincere, it is always a pleasure to read posts by @xieyihui. #rstats 🙏