Integrated Tutorials are now in the preview release of RStudio 1.3. We’re excited to announce that RStudio v1.3 gains a newly-minted pane: the Tutorial pane, used to host tutorials powered by the learnr package. Learn more: #rstats



RStudio (@rstudio; 893243): Integrated Tutorials are now in the preview release of RStudio 1.3. We’re excited to announce that RStudio v1.3 gains a newly-minted pane: the Tutorial pane, used to host tutorials powered by the learnr package. Learn more: #rstats

David Sjöberg (@davsjob; 51291): A new geom for ggplot, geom_bump shows rank over time. Check it out on github. #rstats #dataviz

Nihilist Data Scientist (@nihilist_ds; 46686): It’s true, #datascience is 80% just data cleaning. > The other 20%, though, is 15% failure and 5% death. So the data cleaning part isn’t so bad. > #rstats #pydata

Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 41589): 4 essential talks every #rstats programmer should watch to go from learneR to masteR 💡🔲🐛🧠👇

Tyler Morgan-Wall (@tylermorganwall; 31848): “A water spout… at this time of year… at this time of day… in this part of the country… localized entirely within your R session?” > “Yes!” > Rendered entirely within #rstats with #rayrender > Website: Github:

Jenny Bryan (@JennyBryan; 27264): googlesheets4 will soon have its first CRAN release that includes write/edit capability. Last chance to kick these tires! #rstats > Remember the original googlesheets pkg will stop working soon because the API it wraps goes offline sometime in March. >

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 26011): ok y’all know i love #rstats and believe it can do anything and everything but sometimes you really just have to open a spreadsheet and see wtf exactly it contains

Coding Club (@our_codingclub; 256165): Our FREE online #DataScience @our_codingclub course is live! Join #EcoDataScience and learn about #Rstats, #dataviz, #tidyverse and more. Our self-paced course is for learners from diverse backgrounds. @DataLabScotland @EdinburghUni >

Roozbeh Valavi (@ValaviRoozbeh; 25176): blockCV is on CRAN now! > blockCV makes cross-validation easier for spatial modelling e.g. species distribution modelling (SDM) and remote sensing image classification > #rstats #rspatial #sdm >

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 23131): hi hello happy monday here’s two functions for ya no i didn’t almost forget! #TwoFunctionsMostDays > 🎉 emo::ji() helps you put emojis right in #rstats (and in RMarkdown!) 📅 janitor::excel_numeric_to_date() sees your 43470 and raises you 2019-01-05! > 💻

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 18242): I’ve been thinking about a lot recently about how to explain the benefits of a Git/GitHub workflow to clients I train on #rstats. > Here’s a short thread with some of my thoughts. Would love to hear what benefits you see that I’ve missed!

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 18237): happy tidyr tuesday (😂) from #TwoFunctionsMostDays to my #rstats frands! > 🥤 tidyr::complete() completes all combinations of variables in your data ↔️ tidyr::unpack() converts df-columns into regular columns! > 💻

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 17844): 💫 Some great new features! 🌈 “gghighlight 0.2.0” by @yutannihilat_en #rstats #dataviz

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 17446): You’ve heard about DAGs and backdoors and know that you have to “adjust for” confounders. What the heck does that mean in practice?! Here are a bunch of ways to adjust with #rstats w/regression, inverse probability weighting, and matching #causalinference

RStudio (@rstudio; 11492): RStudio’s 2020 summer intern program is now accepting applications: please see for the announcement and for the application form. #rstats


Gianluca Baio (@gianlubaio; 200): I’ve decided I’ll stop caring about everything going on in the world and spend my whole time doing blogdown websites and practical exams on Bayesian modelling in health economics.

Alex Cookson (@alexcookson; 132): Finally figured out how to get a line break in RMarkdown for a #blogdown site. > End a paragraph with double-space.
> Then add a backslash and double-space on the next line. > Is this normal #rstats? I found a bunch of answers that didn’t work for me…

Hugo (@heyitsmehugo; 62): Hello, #rstats folks, I’m looking for a tutorial on how to build a website using R. I (re)found @apreshill’s “Summer of blogdown” but I welcome other tutorials/materials you think are worth looking at. Q: should I expect any problems when using Hugo to style things up? Thanks!

Tor-G. Vagen (@tgvagen; 42): @JayessArtifact @jeremyphoward @HamelHusain If you work in #rstats, #blogdown is a great option. It has the features you are looking for and more through #rmarkdown support in @rstudio.

Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 40): @JosiahParry It’s all fun and games until the Hugo theme falls out of sync with blogdown (if you choose another theme…)

MITTI1210 (@MITTI12101; 40): 以前RstudioのblogdownからHugoを使ったサイトを作ろうとして失敗したから興味あり!

Arielle Dror (@arielle_dror; 40): @YessicaYeast Big fan of the blogdown setup, here are the tutorials that I used:,

Dr Ciara Keenan (@MetaEvidence; 30): @DrNabinPaudel @dsquintana @xieyihui @apreshill @georgecushen This is the blog I followed : and I also used the blog down authors book which is available here :

Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 20): @sellorm was checking-out your awesome site of other awesome sites using #blogdown ! Curious if you know how I might search the blogs based on the theme they’re using? (Am interested to explore examples of how others have customized things within lithium)

Andy Murtha (@murtha_andy; 20): @PipingHotData Alison Hill’s presentation on blogdown to share and communicate your work! >

Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 10): @murtha_andy Great set of slides! You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen @apreshill present… do you have any recorded talks about blogdown that you would recommend?

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 10): @dreznik @brad_lindblad Sorry to disappoint but it’s made with WordPress not blogdown etc

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 10): @heyitsmehugo @JohnHelveston We have a little comparison in the blogdown book: >

Fanny Ollivier (@fanny_oll; 10): @AnnaHenschel @toridykes @Wix @UofG_PGRblog @PhdWomenScot @sgsah @sgsahblog I don’t know about Wix, I work with blogdown … I hope you can make it ;) Your website is amazing and this rstats’blog is a great idea ! Looking forward to read it 😊

Divya Seernani (@DSeernani; 10): @AnnaHenschel @toridykes @Wix @UofG_PGRblog @PhdWomenScot @sgsah @sgsahblog Dunno about wix. I had looked into blogdown with WordPress and that is possible.

Divya Seernani (@DSeernani; 10): @AnnaHenschel @toridykes @Wix @UofG_PGRblog @PhdWomenScot @sgsah @sgsahblog Blogdown?

Ming Tang (@tangming2005; 10): @RiyueSunnyBao some r blogdown template may make it easier?

Augusto Hassel (@augustohassel; 0/1): Basic LogIn Modularizado Ahora con comentarios habilitados!! #Hugo #Blogdown #RLang #Modules #RStats

Meme Overflow (@overflow_meme; 0/1): Blogdown and hugo not parsing html tags in markdown


りつ (@ritsu1997; 7322): 『Rによる原因を推論する』の文献案内を加筆しました。すこしは誰かの役に立つことを祈ります。😌 >

Sébastien Rochette (@StatnMap; 6312): 1⃣8⃣ commits later, our #bookdown “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps” 📔is finally built with Travis again, stable and wip versions… > How many commits do you need to fix Travis for your #rstats projects ? In progress: with @_ColinFay @thinkR_fr

ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 367): ほぼ昨日公開したやつの告知だけです はてなブログに投稿しました #はてなブログ RでOlley-Pakesの構造推定を書く例とbookdown - ill-identified diary

parker (@statsowar; 233): Someone from the DMs just asked about learning R for real, like to use in your job. Here’s the course flow I’d recommend from free resources online, but I’d love to hear suggestions! > 1. 2. 3.

りつ (@ritsu1997; 217): 『Rによる原因を推論する』に計量テキスト分析の章を今後追加します。一緒に執筆している原健人さんが計量テキスト分析を用いた熟議の研究「熟議は誰の影響を受けるのか」で政治経済学会論文コンクール最優秀賞を受賞し、国際シンポジウムで発表したことを記念しています。😆 >

ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 173): 構造推定の話はまた30頁超えたのでbookdownとpdfで公開しました。長いので先にspeakerdeckのスライドを見て興味を持ったら読むくらいでいいです。 > #tokyor 前回参加者へ: Rでの実装、そもそもなぜやるのか、役に立つのか、の話を追加しています >

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 142): @hadleywickham Hi Hadley. We’re quoting you in our book, just checking that your ok with it

Adam Ringler (@AdamRingler; 132): Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium

Dr. Jeremy Abramson (@JeremyAbramson; 100): Blogging from Jupyter is > a). Awesome > but perhaps more importantly (I hope?!) > b). A step in the direction toward a viable Python Bookdown alternative? Parameterized Jupyer (with live code, mathjax, etc.) -> HTML “books” -> eBooks -> Actual books = serious game changer!

Marco A. Pérez M. (@MarcoA_PerezM; 94): Introduction to Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in R

lopierra (@lopierra; 94): TFW you accidentally hit the ’M’ key while reviewing your #xaringan slides, and for a second you think you might be having a stroke 🤯 #rstats >

sathvik (@sathviknishanth; 62): @CMastication I’ve not applied this. But have come across an excellent financial analytics bookdown website … It has a chapter devoted to credit risk #rstats

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 53): Am I correct that in an RMarkdown document you can set figure height + width either in the YAML ( or in the setup code chunk ( > If so, is there any reason to choose one or the other approach? #rstats

Dr. Jeremy Abramson (@JeremyAbramson; 51): @jeremyphoward @ProjectJupyter @Office @github First off, this is really awesome…so thanks! > Secondly, I wonder if this could be expanded to more than just blogs. Basically, I’m wondering if this could be [the start of?] a viable Bookdown alternative for publishing code-heavy “books” from Jupyter? >

Grumpy Old Health Stats Dude (@healthstatsdude; 51): @RaviPatel188 @SolomonKurz @paulbuerkner @krissianyo @rlmcelreath rethinking with @SolomonKurz bookdown is also my go-to; another option could be @willkurt ‘s book:

ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 50): 今回はもともとtexで書いていたのをbookdownに移植しただけでbookdownの便利機能をあまり使ってなかったので、練習兼ねて過去の長い記事も移植しよう。特に三国志のやつはチュートリアルと言ってる割に具体的なRプログラムの解説がないので。

ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 42): bookdownの設定が思った以上にやることが多くてこれだけで発表一つできそうな量ですね。一つのソースからいろいろな媒体の文書を生成できるのは使いこなせれば便利なのでなんとかテンプレを作りたい

Achim Zeileis (@AchimZeileis; 41): @brandmaier Self-destruct? :-) > More seriously: If you keep the LaTeX document reasonably plain, then “pandoc -o paper.docx paper.tex” works surprisingly well. > R/Markdown via rmarkdown or bookdown gives you more options for nice processing, though.

Ravi Patel (@RaviPatel188; 40): @SolomonKurz @paulbuerkner @krissianyo @rlmcelreath And some unnamed hero provided a brms & tidyverse accompaniment to his book and lectures too >

Tom Webb (@tomjwebb; 40): I’m relatively new to rmarkdown so finding little things (like discovering knitr::purl to extract all the R code from a lengthy rmd tutorial I’ve written) is still a source of delight.

Simina M. Boca (@siminaboca; 31): @ErinEKent I teach using R exclusively. Looked up to see what I used as an example last semester. It was the “forest” function in the “meta” package. A number of other packages exist for this. #rstats

Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 21): Rユーザが書籍等を執筆するならBookdown、の発想に囚われたくない。 Rmdからmdへの変換は容易なので、そこから書籍を構築可能なツールを使えばええやん、といくつかのプロジェクトを立ち上げました。 > が結果として、これらのツールのメンテナンスできなくなる阿呆が当方です…。

Didzis Elferts (@delferts; 20): @Avotans Esmu pārgājis uz R paketi brms, kas ļauj ierastajā veidā rakstīt modeļus (pati pārkompilē uz STAN). Šeit pavisam svaigs resurs par šo paketi

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 20): @djnavarro hi Danielle, we’ve included a tweet of yours in our book. Is it ok for us to use it?

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 20): @TheSmartJokes hi! We’re quoting a tweet of yours in our book. Is it ok to use it?

Andreas Brandmaier (@brandmaier; 20): @rossjacobucci I will be writing this in RMarkdown with support of the bookdown package. This seems to work decently.

John Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 20): @heyitsmehugo @apreshill The Rmarkdown site generator is pretty simple and makes decent sites:

あどみす ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ” (@ADMIS_Walker; 20): 経済まったくわからん侍だけど,エコノメさんがかなり本気で執筆したのは伝わってくるな.(あと bookdown のレンダリングが綺麗).

Craig Van Pay (@CKVanPay; 20): @simultagnosia @mcxfrank @melissaekline I find Chapter 2 “Basics” from @xieyihui’s book to be very good (the rest is too)! >

ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 12): @ADMIS_Walker このbookdownというのはmarkdown系の構文を内部でpandoc使っていろいろな変換してくれるので一応できますが、設定のいろいろなところがハードコーディングされてるので細かい調整ができない(e.g., 日本語特有の設定)のが現状です。それでも自分で1からpandocの設定を書くよりは簡単だと思います

Aaron Jacobs (@unconj1; 11): Working on some internal #rstats documentation in #bookdown has me like

Dr. Jeremy Abramson (@JeremyAbramson; 10): @nicoleradziwill @jeremyphoward @aronchick @ProjectJupyter @Office @github @amuellerml @AllenDowney @OReillyMedia Yes it is! People have been looking for a Python version of Bookdown, and if this is it, that’s a huge game changer!

Michael DeWitt (@medewittjr; 10): @statwonk And even Python via reticulate. Plus integration of communicate tools (Rmarkdown, bookdown, pagedown, etc) is second to none and speeds up the pipeline from analysis to communication/decision-making

Leonie Peti (@LeoniePeti; 10): @fancyporifera I think this is great

Olga Boichak (@olgarithmic; 10): Anyways, I tweeted it out a few days later, the tweet went viral and got a life of its own, and this morning I found out it made it into a book to illustrate the sense of community among R programmers. Talk about research outputs😂 22

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 10): @olgarithmic hi Olga. Is it ok if we use your tweet in our book?

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 10): @EmojiMashupBot @_UtrechtNL we’re quoting your tweets in our book. Is it ok with you?

Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 10): @BenjaminWolfe Hi Benjamin. We’re quoting a tweet of yours in our book. Is it ok if we use it?

Luke McGuinness (@mcguinlu; 10): @Entropy_M @dhj_davis Best place to go for guidance at the moment is Chapter 10 of the “Doing Meta-analyses in R” book, which walks you through using both the {robvis} package and the Shiny app. Let me know if you have any specific questions! 🙂

Kenta Yoshida (@yoshidk6; 10): @JustinWilkins Can this word_document2() work? Not sure about title page though. Came across a nice example here: Tried to knit and it worked. It also seems like Unicode like α just works

El morro del Excel (@benitopanda; 10):
Es una biblioteca pública en modelo html. La mayoría de libros están en inglés

Patricia💡 (@patrivaquero; 10): Forecasting: Principles and Practice #rmarkdown #bookdown

Mike K Smith (@MikeKSmith; 10): @JustinWilkins Here, let me Google that for you:

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @dhmontgomery @andrewheiss If you want to post-process plots, you can do it automatically via the fig.process chunk option:

藤原惟📕 (@skyy_writing; 0/1): Pandocだけでなにもわからなくなっているので、R Markdownとかbookdownとかやってる人はすごい(語彙力)

Adam Fleischhacker (@preposterior; 0/1): I am grateful for #rstats masters Jenny Bryan, Richard Iannone, Hadley Wickham, and Yihui Xie who provide the infrastructure that I can even attempt to make a cool package and book (i.e. bookdown).


James Marsh (@JamesMarsh79; 51): libs <- c(‘dplyr’, ‘tibble’, # wrangling ‘stringr’, ‘rtweet’, # strings, tweets ‘knitr’, ‘kableExtra’, # table styling ‘lubridate’, # time ‘ggplot2’, ‘ggthemes’) # plots

Alastair Rushworth (@rushworth_a; 41): Some recent observations about #rstats / py blog post activity (via @icymi_r & @icymi_py ) > • rmd, rshiny and tidy data wrangling are hot right now 🔥 in R • good python blogs & OS packages seem to be written by companies • almost nobody names their knitr chunks 😂 > ……

Guilherme Jacob (@guijacob91; 40): @asenkevics @KimJoaoUn knitr, kable e kablExtra

Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 32): I’ve split this 4-panel plot into two 2-panel plots over two knitr chunks (also tried both in same chunk). When I knit the pdf, the plots become Fig 1 and Fig 2. I’d like this to be Figure 1 and Figure 1 continued (each w/ its own caption). Possible in RMarkdown? #rstats #knitr

Daniel Sjoberg (@statistishdan; 30): @SameerDesai1 @Margaret_Hannum @karissawhiting @zabormetrics Thx @SameerDesai1 ! You can print tables with the Rstudio gt package, or with knitr::kable() to PDF in R markdown. PDF output is technically under development in gt, but the tables still look great! kable doesn’t show the footnotes and spanning headers that are used in gtsummary.

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 30): TIL: latex_fragment and citation_package are knitr features!

Claudio Zandonella Callegher (@ClaudioZandone1; 20): Sometimes waiting for a document to compile is a deserved break, but most of the time it is just a waste of time (in particular if you have made only small changes)…it took me too long before discovering cache option on #knitr >

Daniel Sjoberg (@statistishdan; 20): @braden_live @healthandstats Hi @braden_live! Thanks for the question; I responded on SO. Short answer is that PDF and RTF outputs for R markdown are currently under development in the gt package. BUT you can use knitr::kable() to output the gtsummary table! Example code in SO response…happy coding!

Josiah 👨🏻‍💻 (@JosiahParry; 20): @thomas_mock skimr is 1000% percent my first stop. > skimr::skim_to_list(df) %>% pluck(2) %>% knitr::kable() > is my absolute favorite Rmd trick

C. M. Jones-Todd (@cmjonestodd; 20): Thinking of all the swearwords I’d’ve saved if I’d known <options(knitr.duplicate.label = “allow”)> was a thing before today…

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 20): @andrewheiss knitr chunk options can take arbitrary syntactically valid R expressions (not just variables), e.g. you could do fig.width = if (is_happy(Valentines)) 10 else 5

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 20): @nickchk @dlmillimet I dunno, this looks fine to me. > You should be able to export it using whatever is your preferred latex writer (huxtable::hux, Hmisc::latex, knitr::kable, xtable::xtable, etc.) I include a printout of the latter, although I haven’t spend time tweaking it ;-)

JEMSU (@Jemus42; 12): I think what I really want most of all when it comes to possible #rstats performance improvements would be some kind of multithreaded #RMarkdown website rendering I guess. > Or for #knitr and #pandoc to be as magically fast as hugo.

Austen (@blueberryrinds; 11): Ahoy #rstats #reticulate #etal, is anybody else hooked on knitr::spin but also wanna write python in its own syntax once in a while? Here’s a bash script that converts #python script w/ #knitr::spin annotation to #rmarkdown

Guy Maskall 🇪🇺 🔶 #FBPE (@GuyMaskall; 11): @NanetteGeorge A new #knitr package for #rstats!

Audrey Olson (@primalkitchen; 10): Me getting my homework code to compile, publishing the outputs to MS Word in Knitr:

Dave Lemen (@dlemen; 10): @mistersql Learning R, the mix of naming conventions made me twitchy. But I also thought the process of literate programming enabled by Rmarkdown and knitr is brilliant.

Nuno Casteleira (@nunocasteleira; 0/1): @claudioapiedade Exportar em csv, tratar com R e knitr para produzir o ficheiro em pandoc e exportar em LaTeX


Thomas Vroylandt (@tvroylandt; 80): @dgkeyes @RLesur wrote something awesome that could help you here


Braden Schrock (@braden_live; 20): @statistishdan @healthandstats I reinstalled the latest version of tinytex in R, and still get the same issues. Thanks for your solution though, it works! > It’s odd, because like @healthandstats I can knit to pdf using tbl_summary(df) and tbl_regression(lm), but not tbl_regression(lm, intercept = TRUE)

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: tinytex #rstats


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 9716): 📝 “Making Slides with R Markdown” // Alison Hill @apreshill > #rstats

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 5710): I have only just now realised that since my xaringan slides are html and are online, it’s absurdly easy to check that my teaching materials are accessible for folks with colour blindness. Why have I not been doing this all along???? >

lopierra (@lopierra; 252): Just gave my 1st #xaringan talk! Thanks to @xieyihui for awesome pkg and docs, @apreshill for super helpful tips, @grrrck for pretty #xaringanthemer & decoupling code+output post, & @allison_horst for beautiful artwork to spice things up. #rstats

Garrick (@grrrck; 232): Looking forward to sharing some cool #rstats things I’ve been cooking up for xaringan with @UseRTampa this week. If you’re in Tampa come hang out! > 🗓 Tues 225 7pm at Southern Brewing 👉 Deets:

TAKEbayesHI (@psycle44; 133): xaringanパッケージで、Rstudioに埋め込まれたままで編集するより、右にwebブラウザでリアルタイムプレビューしながら、左にrmdをポップアップさせてrmdを編集するスタイルにすると捗る.最の高.

lopierra (@lopierra; 51): I have to give lab meeting on Friday, and I’m still not really sure what to present about, so obviously the best course of action is to procrastinate by learning #xaringan and css, right? #rstats

lopierra (@lopierra; 40): @mjhendrickson @xieyihui @apreshill @grrrck @allison_horst Good luck! One of my motivations for learning xaringan is so I can someday use the super cool #flipbookr 📦!

John Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 30): Just found out about @grrrck’s countdown package for #xaringan slides - what a beautifully thoughtful package. Will be using this in class this week! >

Santosh Srinivas (@TweetSKS; 21): just discovered xaringan after so many years with #rstats … #twitter rocks! >

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 20): @CedScherer Tagging with #xaringan might help (you missed the n). I’m definitely no expert but hopefully that’ll help you find one! You might also want to stop by to see it anybody knows!

David D. Liebowitz (@DavidDLiebowitz; 20): @BrendanBartanen Thanks, metropolis theme using xaringan in Rmarkdown. > Look forward to catching up at #AEFP2020 !

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 20): @mancuso_s mp! you might be interested in xaringan too - like rmarkdown for slides/presentations! so you can really easily include R code and its actual output

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 20): @dailyzad @grrrck Yes to both! > I don’t always make my slides with text based editors, but when I do I use xaringan 🙂

Matthew Hendrickson (@mjhendrickson; 10): @lopierra @xieyihui @apreshill @grrrck @allison_horst Thanks for sharing. I’m working on my first presentation in markdown and was flipping between ioslides and xaringan. Still settling on a style, but this is very helpful!

Roxana Noelia (@data_datum; 10): @GabySandovalM @apreshill @garthtarr Xaringan o muerte 🤣🤣🤣

Romulyn A. 🇫🇷 (@AlvesRomulin; 10): 4 de Agosto 18 Ultima visita com minha Avó 😭 ❤️ 4 Anos de Falecido do meu manin ( FELIPE XARINGAN ) 😭 ❤️

Matt Cowgill (@MattCowgill; 10): @thomasp85 what software do you use for presentations - sounds like it’s Keynote / PowerPoint? Why not .Rmd -> Beamer / Xaringan? (I also use PPT)

Sir Panda (@dailyzad; 10): @djnavarro @grrrck This is super cool… was this made with xaringan? Should I make the jump from Beamer?!

yoni sidi (@yoniceedee; 0/1): @apreshill do you know of any R tools that will convert beamer template sty to xaringan css? #rstats

Alison Hill (@apreshill; 61): @jtleek I think @xieyihui enabled something close to this at #rstudioconf2020 with xfun::rstudio_type() > >

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 22): Quick Notes on Some rstudio::conf(2020) Talks after I Watched the Videos @xieyihui #rstats #datascience

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 12): My First Uncoast Unconference in 2019 @xieyihui #rstats #datascience

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | Is that a Mickey Mouse Blowing a Trumpet?