Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 1027/284): I’m blown away by just how comprehensive the
is! 🤯
https://t.co/f7NnPPKAJ3Enter the model object & it checks for:
✅ normality of residuals
✅ normality of random effects
✅ heteroscedasticity
✅ homogeneity of variance
✅ multicollinearity#rstats https://t.co/u7fbFFDbYO ↪
Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 295/133): Interested in analyzing #coronavirus data in R? There’s now an #rstats package with data from the @hopkinsengineer repository. Pkg updates daily:
Shiny dashboard w/ that data: https://t.co/RXhGBCjE13
Dashboard code: https://t.co/RXhGBCjE13
by @Rami_Krispin https://t.co/hqAZCGOaBt ↪
Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 240/114): #DataScientists Download 2 Free eBooks (PDF):
1)Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R
2)The Elements of Statistical Learning
#abdsc #BigData #DataScience #DataMining #Statistics #MachineLearning #AI #Algorithms #Rstats #Coding https://t.co/YAnBYLU8Lr ↪
Malcolm Barrett (@malco_barrett; 237/36): Looking forward to speaking at @nyhackr tonight! I’ll be talking about why your project is already an #rstats package and why you’re already walking the path of R development, even if you don’t realize it
slides: https://t.co/5cdJvtSiks https://t.co/BN7du7Qc8C ↪
Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 151/33): New blog post! “What to know before you adopt Hugo/blogdown”
Featuring my two cents on maintaining a Hugo website 👩💻
#rstats ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 15/6): What to know before you adopt Hugo/blogdown {https://t.co/yQKoT8MnGy} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Frank Harrell (@f2harrell; 7/5): This blog article didn’t write itself, but w/repetitive examples for 2x2x2x3 conditions examined it’s useful to write R code to insert interpretations at selected spots. Also extended blogdown w/marginal notes and popups: link to R Markdown in https://t.co/oWg7jSFNRI #RStats ↪
Ross Gayler (@ross_gayler; 5/0): Much needed advice on updating blogdown websites:
Big thank you to @ma_salmon ↪
Peter R. Licari 📊📝🇺🇸 (@PRLPoliSci; 4/0): I have never appreciated MySpace so much in my entire life as I do right now, customizing the CSS and HTML for a new blogdown site.
Thank you, cringy emo background and weird digital pet. Gone (thank God) but not forgotten. ↪
Dr. Gabriel J. Odom (@RevDocGabriel; 3/2): @raymondBalise and @Bouzoulay teaching the #RMarkdown and #Blogdown suites for reproducible science research documents at @FIURCMI. It’s a good day to learn #rstats and #r4ds! https://t.co/eOPUQiRvMB ↪
Nadejda Sero (@sbnadejda; 3/0): @ma_salmon @apreshill This is so welcome! Je me prépare à écrire un blog post et je sais juste que je dois fouiller sur blogdown 🙈 ↪
Andy Troiano (@andytroiano; 3/0): @sharlagelfand Set up airflow to run blogdown code that creates a data dictionary from csv files i’m using to document an EDW ↪
Roland Schmidt (@zoowalk; 2/1): More strikingly though was the stark contrast among some schools which are closely located. Geolocated all primary schools and contrasted their AHS ratio. A few meters can make a huge difference.
Details & code here https://t.co/hueUic2b0d
#blogdown #rstats https://t.co/eKtutlkKFt ↪
JEMSU (@Jemus42; 2/1): Remember how people tend to make fun of node for having ridiculously large node_modules directories with dependencies and stuff?
My #renv cache folder for my blogdown blog repository measures 613MB and that doesn’t seem quite right somehow. #rstats ↪
Sangram K Sahu (@sangram_ksahu; 2/0): @TwelveSharp GitHub pages with few simple markdown pages and jekyll themes. But now I’m combining with blogdown R package. ↪
Josiah 👨🏻💻 (@JosiahParry; 2/0): blogdown can be so fickle.
like, where did this bar come from? :o https://t.co/Lup9geUn0R ↪
Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 2/0): @OscarBaruffa I’d use .RMarkdown files this way your content is saved as .markdown, not html files that depend on your theme.
https://t.co/dAtpPtZ8BP ↪
Alex Cookson (@alexcookson; 2/0): @ma_salmon @apreshill Thank you! I’m right in the middle of building a blogdown site, so this is super timely and helpful! ↪
JEMSU (@Jemus42; 1/2): So… did you know @GoHugoIO can use pandoc as a markup engine? https://t.co/q31g28jDEB
My first thought was that this would make it possible to truly integrate #RMarkdown with “plain” markdown posts in #blogdown, but then again… it would be an external dependency.
#rstats ↪
Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/1): a tip + a question:
#rstats #blogdown users:
tip: you can specify draft: true in your YAML headers, + it lets you preview your work w/o including it in your built site.
q: I think there’s also an option to do that by default. anyone remember what it is? @apreshill? @djnavarro? ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/1): @BenjaminWolfe @djnavarro True not yes, but I agree with @grrrck about a workflow here:
Also I talk about issues around this here:
https://t.co/CdrPuZZY5Q ↪
Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 1/1): Posted by Maëlle’s R blog on Maëlle Salmon’s personal website, now on R-bloggers: What to know before you adopt Hugo/blogdown #rstats https://t.co/Z0jPxl3DUV ↪
Firas【エルシニア】 (@Grindelwarudo; 1/0): @TwelveSharp Blogdown with the academic hugo theme + netlify 👀 ↪
Damien Dupré (@damien_dupre; 1/0): @dataandme Hi Mara, slightly related question: do you think a blogdown on netlify running {learnr} would work? ↪
Alison Hill (@apreshill; 1/0): @_bcullen @cengizzopluoglu I haven’t tested tabsets in blogdown, but I imagine it might only work for Rmd html outputs that use bootstrap as I think it depends on that. But as I said, untested! ↪
Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 1/0): @apreshill 😊 thank you for the blogdown book 😉
That font 😍 ↪
Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 1/0): @OscarBaruffa Then your theme might break depending on Hugo updates.
- Keep your tweaks to your theme in the layouts folder so you easily see what you changed
- Choose a theme that seems well maintained/keeps up with Hugo (so you can update your copy of it) ↪
Brendan Cullen (@_bcullen; 1/0): @apreshill @cengizzopluoglu Just tested it out! No luck. It appears this is also an open issue with blogdown: https://t.co/cOLTatextv ↪
Houston H. Haynes (@whiskersedge; 0/1): @ctrlshifti @CHERdotdev So much this…
I built an @Azure static site project using #rstats/#blogdown/@GoHugoIO and am deployingusing @github actions. Got to the point where I had to decide whether to build fully responsive image embeds or harden the security and thought “I have to find an apartment”. ↪
Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 0/1): Hello #rstats #blogdown people!
anyone else seen this error when running blogdown::hugo_build() https://t.co/8vz1beIPvL ↪
Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 0/1): I’m thinking of changing my blog to #rstats #blogdown but I keep seeing ppl have these difficult Hugo issues when changing themes. Am I only hearing about rare cases, or is this really something to consider before switching? ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 183/38): The 1.1.0 update to my project translating Statistical Rethinking into #brms and the #tidyverse is up!
Here’s the new link: https://t.co/qkUHYZJSNn
Here’s the new doi: https://t.co/WdCEEektKk
1/7 ↪
David LeBauer (@dlebauer; 39/4): Thanks for the compliment @lukestein, and for reminding me how effective the @EdwardTufte style of typesetting an article is! Might check it out again now that it can be done with rmarkdown https://t.co/Pv7mZ1F3je https://t.co/Mzb4v5Fw2t ↪
Mladen Jovanović (@Physical_Prep; 27/7): To all my fellow research scientist looking into version control and collaboration tools:
- Learn #markdown, ideally write a dynamic document using @rstudio and #bookdown
- Start using #git and @github
Here is a quick guide: https://t.co/QBJzrumrY9
#rstats #sportscience ↪
One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 24/12): The online edition of Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models has links to R code at the end of every chapter https://t.co/A9dThr6dgb #rstats ↪
Adam Ringler (@AdamRingler; 13/2): Data Science with R: A Resource Compendium
https://t.co/ZUFZ2shLzF ↪
Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 11/1): Starting to get the hang of the {bookdown} #Rstats package, super impressed! Check out this package if you’ve ever wanted to put together a book, technical document, or long-form document https://t.co/5Wa4ISkYUG ↪
Oscar Baruffa 📊🇿🇦🇳🇱 (@OscarBaruffa; 7/2): Dear #rstats peeps. Is it possible to have a custom URL for a #bookdown -hosted book? The official docs don’t really help with examples of CNAME changes - it’s a bit generic :/ ↪
Fabio Votta📊🦉 (@favstats; 7/1): @dgkeyes I wrote my BA thesis in Latex and copy-pasted results and tables into the .tex file. For my MA thesis, I used bookdown and knitted to pdf. It’s helpful to know some Latex but pure Latex is completely unnecessary for a data science workflow in R. ↪
ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 5/3): We plan to release a new version of {attachment} soon. https://t.co/Wv1eTNN5da
If you had any issues with the dev version, share it with us 🙏: https://t.co/qoqUtdBxf3
The new version has {devtools} dep removed, retrieve deps from ’tests/’, works with #bookdown site. #rstats https://t.co/gBuoiawHyp ↪
Nathaniel Haines (@Nate__Haines; 5/0): @JCSkewesDK @GWeindel @JvParidon There’s also a good section in McElreath’s statistical rethinking book on multicollinearity, which @SolomonKurz walks thorough here: https://t.co/nAW61uQyVy
If there’s strong multicollinearity, it should show up in the pairs plots and inflate uncertainty in the estimates. ↪
りつ (@ritsu1997; 4/1): コーランをRで分析するという本を発見した……!コーランには19という数字が奇跡的に散りばめられているっぽいのだけど(知らなかった)、それを再現可能(reproducible)な仕方で分析したよっていうものらしい。『再現可能な奇跡』というタイトル。
https://t.co/SC47puuqNx https://t.co/KeLKyvpLP8 ↪
Grant Williamson (@ozjimbob; 4/0): via @tootstorm; Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse
https://t.co/3IZAzhDgQS ↪
David Nield (@DRNield; 3/4): Is there a good #rstats text out there for the engineering-esque skills around R? Looking for a bookdown-like text like R4DS but for using cloud computing services like AWS or Azure with R, setting up your connection to a server for Shiny, etc for a complete novices ↪
DataKritter (@datakritter; 3/2): @TheGinaGi @research_sw Bookdown is part of the tidyverse, or at least closely allied with it. Definitely core #rstats - all the core books are in bookdown. ↪
Jeroen van Paridon (@JvParidon; 3/0): @GWeindel @JCSkewesDK @Nate__Haines See the leg example here: https://t.co/ljv6tv5JOw
The estimated beta for left leg is halved when introducing right leg into the model. There’s increased uncertainty too, of course. ↪
Kayo Okuda (@pinokio7kayo; 3/0): 今日はANOVAにType I, II, IIIがあることを知った。一番下にある参考リンクの説明がとても分かりやすい。https://t.co/86EVzZsZmH ↪
Michael DeWitt (@medewittjr; 3/0): @statwonk And even Python via reticulate. Plus integration of communicate tools (Rmarkdown, bookdown, pagedown, etc) is second to none and speeds up the pipeline from analysis to communication/decision-making ↪
Sara Kingsley 🕊🌍🌈⚖️ (@sendgoodcheers; 2/1): @daszlosek @PhDemetri If wanting to produce an image and plop into latex, RMarkdown has some decent ops: https://t.co/5M8nRkAujF ↪
Uryu Shinya (@u_ribo; 2/1): Rユーザが書籍等を執筆するならBookdown、の発想に囚われたくない。
Rmdからmdへの変換は容易なので、そこから書籍を構築可能なツールを使えばええやん、といくつかのプロジェクトを立ち上げました。が結果として、これらのツールのメンテナンスできなくなる阿呆が当方です…。 ↪
Jack Dougherty (@DoughertyJack; 2/0): @electricarchaeo @triplingual @thesizeofct After spending far too much time looking at how @electricarchaeo and colleagues created their Bookdown text in their GitHub repo (https://t.co/SVmK0FhXlc), I finally decided to write down and share my own notes! ↪
Adam Bartonicek (@BartonicekAdam; 2/0): @rvatki @drrollergator No worries, there’s also a lot of free online RPubs (& package-specific vignettes). I’d recommend:
Just Enough R: https://t.co/Rfvvaywinw
R for Data Science: https://t.co/DmgL2kQJr9
Statistical Rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse: https://t.co/HYr43Xhlec ↪
Shawn Graham (@electricarchaeo; 2/0): @DoughertyJack @triplingual @thesizeofct really like how you’ve done all this; especially appreciate the how-we-built-this workflow at https://t.co/pUWWW086QM ↪
Jeffrey Young (@riffology; 2/0): is actually helping me understand the material even quicker. For those who are wondering, you can get a copy at https://t.co/zlBXqmyL0O. ↪
Didzis Elferts (@delferts; 2/0): @Avotans Esmu pārgājis uz R paketi brms, kas ļauj ierastajā veidā rakstīt modeļus (pati pārkompilē uz STAN). Šeit pavisam svaigs resurs par šo paketi https://t.co/aSEPyBPMNC ↪
R-Ladies Miami (@RLadiesMiami; 1/2): @lauragabrysiak asks what’s the best way to stay up to date on #tidymodels updates. #rstats with the Twitterverse, @rstudio community site and #bookdown to come soon on #Github https://t.co/mCdPwMBGd9 ↪
Riccardo Esclapon (@Esclaponr; 1/1): Does anyone know what the asterisk on the publish dates for some of the books on https://t.co/OGKHq3JeK6 mean? I don’t see an explanation on the page #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/Qzu8kQ3zRk ↪
JEMSU (@Jemus42; 1/1): Turns out GitHub actions for #rstats are actually… working? I expected much greater pain, but then again, I haven’t tried rendering a multi-format bookdown project yet.
Try usethis::use_github_actions() (dev version of usethis)
Thanks @jimhester_ \o/ https://t.co/porzSvybnJ ↪
Murray Cadzow (@MurrayCadzow; 1/1): @Esclaponr @dgkeyes By default in a non interactive session bookdown::render_book() will clean the environment before rendering. You could try running as bookdown::render_book(…, clean_envir = FALSE) ↪
Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 1/0): @dsquintana bookdown is amazing. one tip I have, that took me ages, dont use “_” in your code-chunk names. It causes unexpected behaviour, use normal dash “-” ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 1/0): Adopting the current version of #brms meant introducing the new Bulk_ESS and Tail_ESS summaries (https://t.co/wDjUJ59sNK), updating our custom_family() workflow, and replacing marginal_effects() and stanplot() with conditional_effects() and mcmc_plot(), respectively.
5/7 ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 1/0): This update contains substantial expansions to the sections on
- multinomial regression (https://t.co/Rl6QsOPg18) and
- negative binomial regression (https://t.co/UwRyeqApld).
2/7 ↪
Riccardo Esclapon (@Esclaponr; 1/0): @ameisen_strasse @jimhester_ I don’t think that’s it because if you look at the image here the bookdown starts executing after the variable db_user is assigned a value using the secret (which is hidden as “***”) and it’s not a matter of it having the wrong value either, the issue is the variable is not found https://t.co/J9QO9a56Rr ↪
Riccardo Esclapon (@Esclaponr; 1/0): @alexcookson @xieyihui @sharlagelfand Agreed! I did not know about spin() or purl() or child documents.
One more nice tip I recently found relating to .Rmd documents that I didn’t see on here is how to write R code for a header section, see the two screenshots attached of using an emoji for a bookdown section title https://t.co/PRXTwZyikl ↪
Michael Dorman (@MichaelDorman84; 1/0): @OscarBaruffa Good question, I’m not sure… But I guess that once you have your own domain, it makes more sense to host the book on a platform where you have more control, such as on GitHub or on your own server, then just index the book on https://t.co/cOooJTP6pP ↪
DataKritter (@datakritter; 1/0): @TheGinaGi @research_sw Bookdown! ↪
John Blischak (@jdblischak; 1/0): @_psyguy You can insert the DOI badge onto any page by copy-pasting the Markdown into any of your Rmd files. That’s the easiest option. Fancier options would be to use a header/footer or a custom HTML navbar:
https://t.co/c1wQhmUz94 ↪
Dr. Jeremy Abramson (@JeremyAbramson; 1/0): @nicoleradziwill @jeremyphoward @aronchick @ProjectJupyter @Office @github @amuellerml @AllenDowney @OReillyMedia Yes it is! People have been looking for a Python version of Bookdown, and if this is it, that’s a huge game changer! ↪
Leonie Peti (@LeoniePeti; 1/0): @fancyporifera I think this is great https://t.co/YMFRo3JOlu ↪
Jesus M. Castagnetto (@jmcastagnetto; 0/1): Just found out the “YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R” (https://t.co/FvZ1u10uyB) and I am enjoying it a lot (in particular section 1.4 :-)
#rstats #rpirates ↪
Daniel Roy-Greenfeld @ Los Angeles (@pydanny; 0/1): Anyone got a deep understanding of R-Studio’s Bookdown formatting of Kindle/Mobi files? I have some questions. ↪
Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 20/10): I wanted to explore:
- The feasibility of writing a post that includes both #rstats and #python via knitr
- Estimating NHL shooter embeddings via via #TensorFlow in both languages
- Show how we can easily include @tableau in our exploratory work
https://t.co/k8CKPjLqGa ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 12/0): @dgkeyes @EsbenLKjaer @rstatstweet The YAML approach allows you to set options globally for a specific output format (e.g. html_document). The setup chunk approach sets chunk options globally for the document regardless of the output format (unless you set them conditionally, e.g. if (knitr::is_html_output()) set) ↪
Annette O’Connor (@oconnorwalker; 10/6): Congratulations to @janani137 and
@CamilleArcher5 for your award for inclusion and diversity
@MSUInclusion for founding & co-organizing.
@RLadiesELansing @RLadiesGlobal #rstats #knitr #rmarkdown @MSUCVM
https://t.co/DQhGJ0mIhq ↪
Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 4/1): “the_chunk_name” %>%
flipbookr::chunk_reveal_gif() %>%
flipbookr::flipbook_gif_save()A temp file must be created line 2? or? right now, using knitr::include_graphics() Feels like a bit of a hack - but works!
And: gifski or magick? #rstats ↪
Caio Brighenti (@CaioBrighenti2; 4/0): For anyone else trying to do this, here’s what eventually worked after I installed a dev version of knitr and updated all my MikTex packages:
https://t.co/OnenVPJEj6 ↪
Julia Krasselt (@jukras1; 4/0): @steffenlinguist @AnnamariaFabia2 You should definitely try RMarkdown and kable from the knitr-package! ↪
Victor (@humeursdevictor; 3/1): @steffenlinguist Have you tried using RMarkdown and create a Word from it ?
https://t.co/l5AA36q6uo ↪
Gianmarco Altoè (@gianmarco_altoe; 3/0): … today I was preparing slides (using #R with #knitr) for a course of “Data Analysis” …
at some point I just wanted to add a circle to a .png image … and I discoverded the amazing #magick package (https://t.co/nm15o1PjNa) 🙃🙂 ↪
Nicole Radziwill (@nicoleradziwill; 2/0): @kearneymw @shunley42 i’m in an infinite loop of it saying it needs to install knitr & rmarkdown… and it won’t let me out, even after a full re-install. this is so bizarre ↪
Thomas Lin Pedersen (@thomasp85; 2/0): @giron_julius @rstudio @rstatstweet @drob Look at the documentation for animate(). It discusses controlling rendering defaults from knitr chunk settings ↪
Biology Bear (@bear_biology; 2/0): @TomahawkVPhD @marike_boenisch @mc1r_omara @G_YulfoSoto @estebanvalvb you can save to a xlsx file with R and give it styling but its complicated.
if your creating a Rmarkdown document however you can do
knitr::kable(x)and it will output a nice table for your document ↪
Stefany Samp (@girasolechi; 7/4): @RLadiesChicago : Thanks for a great session on Pagedown tonight! A few things I found helpful: This post about editing CSS files for two-page resumes (https://t.co/OSa3TAe7tF) and you can pick new icons using the fa-regular-400.svg file that downloaded with Pagedown! #Rladies ↪
Thomas Vroylandt (@tvroylandt; 2/0): @coreypembleton Here is a draft guide for pagedown
https://t.co/7NCFYm6OFV ↪
Kim Cressman (@swmpkim; 16/0): @dgkeyes But… But…. Have you tried {tinytex}? It installs only what you need from LaTeX so you can knit to pdf! Changed my life! ↪
Aaron R. Williams (@awunderground; 3/0): @dgkeyes @sctyner @andrewheiss @jefflittlejohn Math mode is useful! LaTeX has proven really useful for my math homework and for technical papers at work. R Markdown + library(tinytex) basically unlock all of the power of LaTeX without any of the headaches. ↪
Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 2/0): Nothing is like a new TinyTeX release 😁
Thanks @xieyihui ↪
Kim Cressman (@swmpkim; 2/0): @dgkeyes If you wanted to make mathematical formulas or something, that’s LaTeX language. But just knitting a regular old Rmd to pdf is no problem once you have the right tex packages installed, and that’s what tinytex does.
https://t.co/fUyk8ox2UW ↪
Nicolas Roelandt (@RoelandtN42; 1/0): @favstats @dgkeyes Same here. What bothers me most was TeXLive and such. @xieyihui ’s {Tinytex} helps a lot with that.
In other hand, I have that thing with CSS that makes me terrible with {pagedown}. 😕 https://t.co/BILfm2oQiv ↪
Kim Cressman (@swmpkim; 1/0): @dgkeyes Nope! Just run tinytex::install_tinytex() and it installs everything you need to knit to pdf. You can use all the other great rmarkdown stuff, kable, etc. Page breaks are a bit different than html but I think that’s the only thing I’ve run into. ↪
Margie Hannum (@Margaret_Hannum; 135/38): Slides from my @RLadiesNYC talk about #gtsummary 📦 are available on my GitHub! PS I used @apreshill’s gorgeous #RLadies xaringan theme to create the slides in R. Code for that up on GH as well. ^_^ #rstats #datascience #gt
https://t.co/5508rPLKmy https://t.co/mXy36jiITd ↪
Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 9/3): @noamross In xaringan, you can use a couple shortcuts to highlight a line of code (see attached, h/t @grrrck)
For more highlighting than this, I couldn’t find anything else out there, which is why I wrote {flair}. 😊 https://t.co/mKr9WnTiXZ ↪
Giora Simchoni (@GioraSimchoni; 8/0): * All slides are runnable code (Xaringan), you can run online at RStudio Cloud or Binder with the press of a button
- All slides are also HTML/pdf and online, you can view from your phone ↪
Otho (@othomn; 7/3): A while ago I did some slides again with #xaringan and #ggplot2, I love how elegant #rstats tools always are.
(examples from ISLR)
https://t.co/DEOK4R8A2S https://t.co/3iYJxyM7If ↪
Vebashini (@Vebash; 5/2): Many probably know this, but I only just learnt it after some trial & error.
Need to convert xaringan Rmd slides (rendered as html) to pdf: install nodejs, and then install decktape. In R load the xaringan 📦. Then call thedecktape()
function to convert your slides. #rstats https://t.co/4FDdrykIig ↪
Dr. Sam Tyner (@sctyner; 4/0): Final update (hopefully) for those still following this: if you have this problem (xaringan + emoji + countdown + RStudio <1.3) my work-around is going to be to use font awesome icons instead of emoji. The fa icons don’t cause the issue! 🥳 Click through for more detail. https://t.co/ry7AfqJXLB ↪
Jared Lander (@jaredlander; 4/0): @grrrck @dgkeyes @malco_barrett @nyhackr I really want to use xaringan but I need self contained slides and doing so with xaringan means the slideshow takes 5+ minutes to load. ↪
David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 4/0): @jaredlander @grrrck @malco_barrett @nyhackr I’ve used the chrome_print() function from {pagedown} to convert my xaringan slides to PDF. It’s been been seamless. ↪
Dr. Sam Tyner (@sctyner; 2/3): Hey #rstats hive mind, I need help. I’m using the {countdown} package to insert timer into {xaringan} slides, but I keep getting a weird angle bracket inserted into my slides. Any thoughts? See picture for demo. #xaringan https://t.co/btrKAR4Mix ↪
Jared Lander (@jaredlander; 2/0): @grrrck @dgkeyes @malco_barrett @nyhackr I could build a normal presentation then print to PDF, but then I lose the web functionality. Making all the content suitable for self-contained URI encodes them. But xaringan renders the HTML essentially on the fly, meaning it’s trying to render all these URI strings. Big mess. ↪
MUTE (@mateusonfire; 2/0): @berthmuller monica com xaringan KAKAKSKXKKXDOODK CK ↪
eusouods (@eusouods; 1/0): @engbadass Nem despertando xaringan ngm acerta, brabo ↪
Malcolm Barrett (@malco_barrett; 1/0): @dailyzad @nyhackr Yup! I love xaringan ↪
Malcolm Barrett (@malco_barrett; 1/0): @mwark89 @nyhackr Actually, I hand-made a lot of that, but yes, it is based on
(e.g. https://t.co/BUcs6oW5rF). The coloring comes from the highlighting function in reveal.js/xaringan, the CSS for which is here: https://t.co/O9vviKm2wS ↪
Sir Panda (@dailyzad; 1/0): @malco_barrett @nyhackr nice, xaringan? ↪
Garrick (@grrrck; 1/0): @dgkeyes @malco_barrett @nyhackr Don’t worry, you still get to write custom CSS 😉
xaringanthemer is an easy button for a fully customized base xaringan theme
xaringanExtra is evolving but it’s a collection of extras ranging from useful to flashy ↪
Damien C-C (@dccc_phd; 1/0): @sctyner First thought: are the two salient packages up to date (i.e., xaringan, countdown)?
Second thought: does the issue with the second timer go away when you comment out the first one? ↪
Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 (@dmi3k; 1/0): @noamross What is {xaringan}?
https://t.co/oIWZ4cPFFe ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Muti grid layout beyond four with xaringan #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Txq8Q3emYW ↪
Daniel Probst (@skepteis; 2/1): @AnnaHenschel @AcademicChatter Examples for formatters are https://t.co/sXPu13XwGg for R (RStudio has some functionality as well, might be based on formatr) and black (https://t.co/VH8OmarI3G) for Python. This already helps a lot. 7/n ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @alexcookson @sharlagelfand Yes, two trailing spaces is the answer: https://t.co/Ym9pcjs9n9 <br/> only works for HTML output since it is an HTML tag. ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | My First Uncoast Unconference in 2019 https://t.co/zJXmOM4BeN ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Quick Notes on Some rstudio::conf(2020) Talks after I Watched the Videos https://t.co/SN7uLKmL1U ↪