Pssssttt….. hey kids…. wanna learn some Advanced Statistical Computing with R? @hglanz and I are making our course materials public. We’d like to invite you to follow along with our superstar Cal Poly students over the next 9 weeks: #rstats



Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 1255/344): Pssssttt….. hey kids…. wanna learn some Advanced Statistical Computing with R?

@hglanz and I are making our course materials public. We’d like to invite you to follow along with our superstar Cal Poly students over the next 9 weeks:


Keith McNulty (@dr_keithmcnulty; 575/110): The new dplyr::relocate() function is for those of you who spend far too much time retyping column orders in dplyr::select() because your boss has data-OCD - or you do :) #rstats #r4ds #datascience #tidyverse

Ted Laderas (@tladeras; 538/135): Repost because I can’t spell: Yes, I am crazy. I’m teaching another online course this term, an introduction to #rstats and the #tidyverse called Ready for R. I’m happy to share materials/RStudio Cloud notebooks if external folks want to take a stab at it.

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 381/51): You can only keep three… #rstats #ggplot

Jacquie Tran (@jacquietran; 331/40): Sport science friends interested in learning R:

I want to give back to our community which is going through a super tough time. Thinking of preparing #rstats tutorials, webinars, screencasts…

What topics would be useful to cover? RTs welcome 😊

@Benita_Lalor @alicesweeting

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 307/61): Still on a break from twitter but if you’re looking for a distraction, I’ve posted the next series of videos in my introductory #rstats course to YouTube. This one is an art class pretending to be (part of) a tutorial on basic programming constructs 🙃

David Smith (@revodavid; 254/79): Time series forecasting best practices from @Microsoft, with notebooks in #Python and R #rstats

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 229/123): Top #Books to Get Started in #MachineLearning. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode

Debashis Dutta, Ph.D. (@debashis_dutta; 215/147): The " #Python ML (3rd Edition)" Book Code Repository. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #100DaysofCode
Via @gp_pulipaka

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 209/123): New AI-Based Fever Detection Cameras for Crowds Help Limit #Covid-19 Spread. #BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #HealthTech

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 203/137): A Comprehensive 10-Page Probability Cheat Sheet. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysOfCode

Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 195/23): I think my favorite upcoming feature of {dplyr} 1.0.0 is cur_data().

cur_data() returns a data frame of the current group’s data!

Combined with {slider}, I think it makes rolling regressions on grouped data frames incredibly intuitive!



Santosian Noor (@isantosian; 160/92): This CAT is running under some code! Loop until!
#Python, #DataScience, #R, #BigData #Analytics #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysOfCode

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 142/98): Lab Materials for MIT 191: Intro to #DeepLearning. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 106/97): Is Advanced #SQL Still Relevant For #DataScience ? #BigData #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode


Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 42/6): ICYMI:

Do you love #rstats but find yourself confused by how you might make your own R-powered website with #blogdown? The great @djnavarro just released a 5-part playlist to show you how.

Mark Brandt (@mjbsp; 35/5): Some Lab updates!

  1. New website design, Created w/ blogdown and Hugo. Thx interweb tutorials!
  1. New paper, by Felicity Turner-Zwinkels, finds that the structure of moral foundations differs for libs & cons in US & NZ

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 24/10): 📝🖥 “>   04 📖 >   website <- blogdown + github”

👤 Danielle Navarro @djnavarro

R- Ladies Amsterdam (@RLadiesAMS; 23/8): Times are challenging, but we’d like to give you the opportunity to come together to support & learn with one another! Thus we’re hosting an online session on blogdown with Aurore Pagliot. Curious how to create blogs & websites with #rstats? Join us

Georg Diez (@GeorgDiez1; 18/4): „Das Pathos also, das in dem „koste es, was es wolle“ steckt, ist … ein künstliches Pathos. Wir, also diese Gesellschaft, haben nicht getan, was getan werden musste, koste es, was es wolle, als die Geflüchteten 2015 unsere Hilfe brauchten.“ „Blogdown”

Dr Zachariah Wylde (@wyldescience; 15/2): Shameless self-promotion! My website is live. A work in progress but so far so good).

Made using R #blogdown, @source_themes, Hugo, and easily updated using @github while being hosted through @Netlify.
Hopefully this tweet helps with google indexing!!

Eren Halil Özberk (@rnzbrk; 13/2): Self-promotion! My website is live. Basically, I’ll create R programming content in Turkish and share tips! Made by using @rstudio #blogdown @source_themes, Hugo Academic, @github and @Netlify. Special thx to @dsquintana for tutorial!
See y’all!! #RStats

Maia (@MaiaPelletier; 11/1): I’m currently sitting on my balcony & drinking this week’s #TidyBrew , working on a blog post (!!!) for this week’s #TidyTuesday, since I finally sucked it up and learned how to use blogdown 🎉

Jagoda Marinic OFFICIAL 🏅 🍓 (@jagodamarinic; 9/3): „So ist der Mensch, er lebt in seinem Kopf. Manchen ist das ein Paradies, manchen ein Kerker. So wird es in den Häusern und Wohnungen sein. Manche starren an die Wand, und die Wand schreit zurück;“ ❤️
⁦@GeorgDiez1⁩ #CoronaVirus

Juanjo Medina (@Juan_JoseMedina; 9/0): Lockdown with blogdown and Hugo academic. Finally managed to get to it! 😃😃😃

Janine Khuc (@Janinekhuc; 8/5): There are plenty of awesome things you can do with #rstats- creating blogs and websites is one of those things. Curious on how to do that? Join us for an online workshop with @AurorePaligot #rladies #blogdown

R-LadiesSTL (@RLadiesSTL; 8/3): 🌟SCHEDULE CHANGE🌟 Due to a schedule snafu 🙃we are moving tomorrow’s Meetup to the SAME TIME NEXT WEEK. Join us on zoom at 6pm CST on April 9th to learn from Dr. @Dorris_Scott how to make your very own website with blogdown.

Dave (@_davecooley; 7/3): @CoulSim @vb_jens @TimSalabim3 It works pretty well if you use widgetframe::frameWidget() to display the widget in blogdown

for example -

Sarah Van Alsten (@alsten_van; 7/3): Need to make a profession website? Start a blog with all your new COVID baking feats? Join ⁦@RLadiesSTL⁩ next week (virtually) and learn how with blogdown 😍 #RStats #AcademicTwitter

R-LadiesSTL (@RLadiesSTL; 6/4): Just 3 short days until we welcome Dr. @Dorris_Scott who will be teaching about making personal websites with #blogdown Thurs April 9 from 6-8pm @RLadiesGlobal. Prepare your fave quarantini🍸and/or 🍰🥧 and join us! The zoom link is on the Meetup page…

Mark Sellors 🏡 (@sellorm; 5/2): Just merged a PR from @tladeras. 🎉🎊 Check out Ted’s site here -> and more great #blogdown blogs here -> #rstats

Simon Coulombe (@CoulSim; 4/2): Hey #rstats,

Do you have code to create a slippy map with ~ 70k polygons (with different opacity) that can be shared on blogdown handy?

leaflet can’t handle so many polygons.
Is the answer mapdeck / mapview(platform= mapdeck)?

@_davecooley @TimSalabim3 @vb_jens

R-Ladies Medellín (@RLadiesMedellin; 4/1):

Blogdown es una librería de R que permite gestionar por completo un blog y publicarlo. Está pensado especialmente para usuarios y desarrolladores que usan el lenguaje R, pero no es solo para ellos.

Georg Diez (@GeorgDiez1; 2/1): Notizen zur Krise, von Philip Grözinger und mir, jetzt immer auf @medium: Blogdown

savhannah schulz (@iamconscious2; 2/0): @AnnaHenschel @_deardata I’m working on my blogdown at the moment (thanks to @dsquintana and @djnavarro tutorials), so will hopefully be able to share a post on the excercise and what students thought about it

Cristian David (@cristcdc; 1/0): @MaiaPelletier great, I use for my blog “jekyll” since I have never used blogdown because in “jekyll” I can design the page with html 🤔🤔

Jens von Bergmann (@vb_jens; 1/0): @CoulSim @ElectionsCan_E @_davecooley @TimSalabim3 @Steve_Tornes The HTML is a file in the “static” directory in your blogdown project. You can then iframe that into your blog. Alternatively you could paste (or load) it into your blog post RMarkdown (after stripping the header content and loading js/css in the body).

Simon Coulombe (@CoulSim; 1/0): @vb_jens @_davecooley @TimSalabim3 seems like I should be able to save the 100MB .html on dropbox and read it from blogdown/netlify

vera bunse (@kaffeebeimir; 1/0): @Merkstatt Was für dich?

Juanjo Medina (@Juan_JoseMedina; 1/0): With much input from my wife who has now being converted to the R gospel thanks to blogdown

Erich Neuwirth (@neuwirthe; 1/0): @themiwi Ich hab was prinzipiell ähnliches. Blogdown

Mike Stafford (@faithfulpundit; 1/0): I’m acknowledging reality and going on a month’s rolling hiatus on book and TV reviews. I need all my psychological horsepower for processing what we’re living through.

Hugo (@heyitsmehugo; 1/0): About a month+ ago, I tried creating a website using #blogdown in #RStudio. Well, things didn’t work out as expected. After trying to commit, RStudio’d freeze and I had to force close it every time. Anyone knows of a solution for this? @rstudio @rstats4ds @rstatstweet

samia (@samiasab90; 1/0): @AbbyCScience happy git with R is a helpful resource. I learned git best when I made a blogdown page :)


Martin Montane (@martinmontane; 934/193): Si están en cuarentena, pueden divertirse mucho aprendiendo a programar en R, un poco de estadística, otro de aprendizaje automático y otras cosas en el compendio de notas de clase que es

Comentarios constructivos, abiertos y bienvenidos

NUMBATs (@numbats_rise_up; 66/12): 🗨️ “How Rmarkdown changed my life”

📄 Handy #rmarkdown templates for @MonashEBS by by @robjhyndman

🛠️ You can make your own rmarkdown template following instructions here:


Yann Ryan (@lievesofgrass; 28/17): Fancy either a) learning how to analyse historic newspaper data using #rstats or b) contributing to a chapter or edit to such a book? Check out: 1/2

Martin Montane (@martinmontane; 16/2): @pachamaltese @UTDT_Gobierno @darojud Not really. Notas de clase - mejorables y en proceso - que fui juntando en un bookdown con algún hilo conector. Mucho para mejorar, pero evidentemente es útil para que, dada la cuarentena, muchos se pongan a chusmear R

Dr. GP Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 13/39): Authoring #Books with R Bookdown. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #GeoSpatial #GIS #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 13/6): 10 Things We Learned in Creating the Blog Guide with bookdown {} #rstats #DataScience

rOpenSci (@rOpenSci; 13/4): [blog] 10 Things We Learned in Creating the Blog Guide with bookdown

by @StefanieButland (1st-timer)
& @ma_salmon (more) experienced bookdowner

#bookdown #rstats

clusterAI (@clusterai; 9/3): Martin Montane compartió su libro online y gratuito llamado Ciencia de Datos para Curiosos ( utilizando @rstudio . Si tenes curiosidad en explorar y analizar datos entonces tenes que darle una leída. ⚡️🔥

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 8/6): 10 Things We Learned in Creating the Blog Guide with bookdown @rOpenSci #rstats #datascience

Soichi Matsuura (🇫🇮で拘泥予定) (@matsuura_rits; 6/3): 統計の基礎から勉強するなら,こちらの資料がオススメです。英語ですが。「My Data Science Notes」

Patricia💡 (@patri_vaquero_; 4/19): 🔬 Authoring #Books with R Bookdown. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #GeoSpatial #GIS #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode

Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 4/1): @StefanieButland and I wrote about our bookdown
collaboration! Is any of our tips new to you? 😉

srah nguyen (@snewyuen; 4/0): attempting to make a bookdown for @preservethispod and when I search engine pushing @rstudio to @gitlab, who else would pop up but @VickySteeves 👋

Ximena 💚 (@ximepruyas; 4/0): Atención el hermoso

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 4/0): @mikedecr @jlenriquezch The update at the new link is even better. 🙂

Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 (@dmi3k; 3/0): rOpenSci | 10 Things We Learned in Creating the Blog Guide with bookdown

Rodrigo M. Carrillo Larco (@rodrigoc_90; 3/0): @TapiaJC_ @Gabc91 @StatsMarin @Josec_C @jjaimemiranda Probably useful

Gary Hutson (@StatsGary; 3/0): Cool that my r Bloggers DPLYR tuorial is mentioned here: 👍

Bastien Castagneyrol (@BCastagneyrol; 3/0): @PetitRmy1


Michael Kevane (@mkevane; 3/0): @MaEbeling Here is a nice tutorial- the distance functions are about 2/3 way down in the chapter

Oscar Lecuona (@lecuona_oscar; 3/0): Humor + Estadística = new meta

CrstC (@Crst_C; 3/0): @martinmontane @vazquezbrust Todes le robamos más o menos impunemente.

Deberíamos escribir EL bookdown de R en castellano…

HackyHourUWA (@HackyHourUWA; 2/0): Thanks for coming everyone! This time we had a guest all the way from Melbourne!
we discussed weird errors between minimap2’s sam output and ValidateSamFile (this issue:, @RachaelLappan has to upload her bookdown thesis and showed her project planning 1/n

Bastien Castagneyrol (@BCastagneyrol; 2/0): 😱😱😱😱😱 Things I were doing manually are implemented in this #dmetar #R package for #MetaAnalyses!

Sebastián Martínez (@sbmrtnz; 2/0): @juanitorduz

Hannah Redler Hawes 🕷 (@hannah_redler; 1/0): @rooneyvision With a very gorgous bookdown lookdown I must say

Leon Reteig (@LeonReteig; 1/0): The amsterdown template is based on the bookdown R package: bookdown makes it easy to create a beautiful PDF, using mostly markdown syntax, with minimal LaTeX. And you get a nice-looking HTML version too (to put up online), with no additional effort!


Sharon Howard (@sharon_howard; 1/0): @lievesofgrass I think I know what I’m doing with bookdown, but will definitely ask if I need any help. Thank you!

Sharon Howard (@sharon_howard; 1/0): I like this so much that I’m thinking I might copy the idea for the tattoos project. My plan for that was to write a few blog posts (eventually…) but I’m now wondering if bookdown might be a better way to bring stuff together.

J. Colomb, @pen (@j_colomb; 1/0): bookdown::render_book("index.Rdm", output_format = bookdown::html_book("toc"=FALSE))
then zipping the files kind of work.

José Luis Morales (@DataBarcelona; 1/0): Twitter para programadores de R #rmarkdown #bookdown

Thomas Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/1): Posted by rOpenSci - open tools for open science, now on R-bloggers: 10 Things We Learned in Creating the Blog Guide with bookdown #rstats

Enayetur Raheem (@eraheem; 0/1): COVID-19 Live Report #rmarkdown #bookdown


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 5/0): @tslumley There are many types of “R Markdown slides”. The answer to your question probably depends on which R Markdown output format you are using. To insert a page break inside a chunk, knitr::asis_output("\n\n\pagebreak\n\n") might work.

Michał Burdukiewicz (@burdukiewicz; 2/1): @AchimZeileis shares his experience how to dynamically generate exams in #rstats with #knitr for more than a thousand of students.

ellisvalentiner (@ellisvalentiner; 1/2): Can someone remind me how to use the RMarkdown/knitr cache features correctly?

Tachyon(タキオン)1080 (@tachyon7776; 1/0): @nyaotumama 呼び出したいライブラリーある時は、library(knitr)とすればokです

Achim Zeileis (@AchimZeileis; 1/0): @SaraKalucza So we’ll both be knitting…me with #knitr though ;-)

Michael DeWitt (@medewittjr; 1/0): @stevenvmiller Have you have tried to knitr::purl/knitr::spin your scripts? They would make amazing vignettes as is…

Kent Johnson (@kent3737; 1/0): @mmastertheone I think you are looking for the chunk option ref.label:


snärkē ph.d. (@hiveminer; 1/0): @debbbbier @Erin_Macartney_ @AcademicChatter Tinytex, sorry…


Michael W. Kearney📊 (@kearneymw; 10/0): @decustecu PowerPoint. Proudly. (Sorry Xaringan)

Ted Laderas (@tladeras; 7/0): @gvwilson @RStudioEDU @andrewheiss @Miles_Ott for being a helpful sounding board. @apreshill for being generally awesome with all her resources on Xaringan and Blogdown. @bethduckles for being awesome as well.

I love you #rstats twitter.

Emi Tanaka 🌾 (@statsgen; 4/0): @tslumley If you’re using xaringan slides with default template:

```{r plot, eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE}
plot(cars$dist, cars$speed)
```{r plot, eval = TRUE, echo = FALSE}

also for incrementing line by line:
by @EvaMaeRey

Caroline Ledbetter (@C_line_sealion; 4/0): @Thoughtfulnz @tslumley .@apreshill from rstudio 2019 demonstrates this.

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 3/1): Made for a young fan of “Dances with the Daffodils”, with two of my own #rstats packages (and xaringan). 😊🤓 #devtools Apparently it is #Wordsworth250 today. Quizzer for checking building knowledge of poem — not necessarily for memorizing.

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 2/0): @FaustoBustos + equations exported from latexit and graphs exported as pdf from r

i reaaaally need to embrace xaringan so I can use do it all in once place 😂

Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 1/0): @statsgen @tslumley I’m not sure that having the same chunk name will be allowed (will it?)… This is my go to post for the side-by-side:

physical distance, social solidarity (@JudgeLord; 1/0): With some students trying to complete my class on their phone, I’m so grateful that I made my slides in Rmarkdown & xaringan, making it easy to convert them to mobile-friendly html pages. Thanks, @xieyihui!

Fausto Bustos (@FaustoBustos; 1/0): @andrewheiss OK this is probz what I’ll do in the short run before I hop on over to xaringan but 🥺👉👈 can you share a few powerpoint slides with me? I wanna steal your color scheme and slide format

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 1/0): @PoliSciJack @statwonk PowerPoint—I’m too lazy to switch to xaringan even though it’d probably be a ton faster 😂

Jack Bailey (@PoliSciJack; 1/0): @andrewheiss @statwonk Did you make these slide using xaringan, Andrew? They look great whatever you did!

Federico Molina (@FedeMolinaMagne; 1/0): Para presentaciones Xaringan o Revealjs?

MATHEUS MENDES (@matheeus_mpm19; 1/0): @Douradobjj Ela usou todo seu Chakra pra fazer esse jutsu CHEIRA PÓ INFINITO ♾ da odeia da folha 🍁 e usou xaringan, amaterasu, mangekyou xaringan e o jutsu fingindo de morto. Kkkkkkkkk

John Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 1/0): @tslumley Learned this trick from @apreshill’s Advanced RMarkdown Workshop on #xaringan, which btw is chock full of other serious ninja-level tips & tricks: