Hadley Wickham (@hadleywickham; 1906/539): dplyr 1.0.0 out now: https://t.co/NDMJmxwllZ. This is the culmination of months of work and we’re very excited that it’s now available to the world! #rstats ↪
Matthew Kay (@mjskay; 555/97): I finally got around to updating the {tidybayes.rethinking} #rstats pkg: Now you can use {tidybayes} with the latest version of @rlmcelreath’s excellent {rethinking} package!
Includes a fancy new vignette too! https://t.co/4UmZf8wVE3 https://t.co/SaAnbGzH3X ↪
David Granjon (@divadnojnarg; 357/78): 👋Hi #RStats ! I’ve been quite silent these past weeks. 🥳Today, I am pleased to reveal a book project started 18 months ago: https://t.co/a0BhuRjk7j. It will serve as main material for the upcoming @erum2020_conf workshop on “Building Advanced User Interfaces with Shiny”. 🧙♀️🚀 https://t.co/RHBdF6B6Ic ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 262/131): #Python Implementation of Gradient Descent. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/HRZoQjYCpy https://t.co/JUfSso6V9i ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 202/108): Best #Books for #MachineLearning for Starters. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/7sLOlCcnKq https://t.co/t3FaZC48MD ↪
coding_monkeys (@coding_monkeys; 142/92): And here’s a ‘moving’ 5 MB hard drive from the mid 20th century. 🥰
#Python #RStats #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #HTML #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Coding #Programming #cybersecurity #100DaysOfCode #coding_monkeys https://t.co/MnDa2paueb ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 123/106): Springer has Released 65 #DataScience #Books for Free. #BigData #Analytics #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Mathematics #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/Z8LAKDSgBS https://t.co/rxlUwGd8ao ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 104/97): Free eBook: #Python for Everybody. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/K6z1rHsZeH https://t.co/NC26LV2Rtg ↪
Chester Ismay (@old_man_chester; 135/29): I’m beginning to work again on {thesisdown}. Happy to announce a hex sticker! I’d like to update https://t.co/KpRpAjna3j w/ {blogdown} blog posts showing the work of people who have used {thesisdown} for their theses: https://t.co/wPDk3AdJWl. Would love to see what’s out there! https://t.co/etoY1PrMh3 ↪
Ben Harrap (@BHarrap; 33/2): I scored an #rstats sourdough to celebrate finally figuring out #git and managing to setup my website using blogdown/netlify!
It’s mostly default stuff at the moment, the main challenge was getting it to work - https://t.co/BQx67TSiIU https://t.co/Xetn0E4sXa ↪
We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 33/0): As for favorite packages: I am a tidyverse devotee (especially dplyr and ggplot2!) and am trying to get better at RMarkdown (particularly through xaringan and blogdown). Or you can just look at my laptop stickers 🤓 https://t.co/CVGKXG5NXO ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 24/7): Syntax Highlighting in Blogdown; a very specific solution {https://t.co/28Sp9nF0vJ} #rstats #DataScience ↪
José Incio (@Jlincio; 24/1): Por cierto… si alguien sabe como hago para meter la tabla dentro del post me avisa. La página esta hecha en md, rmd (hugo+blogdown). He tratado de todo con blogdown y nada. ↪
Ndirangu➐ (@NdiranguMartin_; 9/2): I just created my first R blogdown with my resume and first blog on passwords meter. Looks simple and casual, but hey! That’s my face on it! Big shout out to @PipeFunction for his helping hand, even though its fractured, quick recovery 🙏.
#RStats ↪
Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 8/4): @Hao_and_Y @andrewheiss has a stunning course with open materials using blogdown/hugo/academic theme: https://t.co/qdfrtOpgJl Source is on Github: https://t.co/eUo4NyvzCw ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 7/4): Syntax Highlighting in Blogdown; a very specific solution #rstats #datascience https://t.co/cWAUwVjFru ↪
Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 2/0): So pkgdown, blogdown, bookdown, & all the other *down #rstats 📦s are based on #markdown.
But it seems that #python’s #sphinx docs are built not on markdown but on something called #reStructuredText.
I have a Q for anyone who’s used it:
Who TF thought RST was a good idea? Why? https://t.co/c0fRFEilRd ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Syntax Highlighting in Blogdown; a very specific solution https://t.co/9oUTKXHbMo ↪
Lewis 📊 (@Afafa_h; 1/0): RStudio + Blogdown + Github + Netlify = A winning formula https://t.co/QZWVte4R0i ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 1/0): @GueyeNono Only the interactive lessons are with learnr. The rest is all just blogdown ↪
jpiaskowski (@SeedsAndBreeds; 1/0): @kw_stat This helped me: https://t.co/TBo7K9PUdn ↪
Kevin Wright (@kw_stat; 1/0): I keep reading about how easy it is to set up a blog with blogdown. Then I read the instructions with dozens of steps. When it comes to technology, dozens of steps are NEVER simple. What am I missing? #rstats ↪
Ifeanyichukwu (@nmorstanlee; 1/0): @old_man_chester Interesting package. Just when I’m compiling my thesis using raw {blogdown}. Will definitely this out. ↪
Yury Zablotski (@yuzaR___; 1/0): I LOVE R-Markdown!!! 😍😍😍 HTML reports, publications, beautiful blog - blogdown 📦, amazing presentations - xaringan 📦 No Latex or MS Word anymore. And there is more! 🥳 Technology must excite, instead of frustrate! Thousand thanks @xieyihui !
#Rstats #r4ds #datablog ↪
Alessandro Gasparini (@ellessenne; 1/0): Quick question to all #rstats people using #blogdown/#hugo/#netlify: any idea on why my #xaringan slides are not rendering on my website? I compiled with self_enclosed: true and put in the static folder, they render fine locally/offline… but remark.js doesn’t load once online! ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @Shel_Kariuki @lopierra @apreshill @georgecushen It will be great if you could help test the fix for this annoying problem: https://t.co/9EWlmiZ2UR Thanks! ↪
Thomas ‘Fredo’ Hütter (@DerFredo; 0/1): Posted by n Posts on A stats websiten n, now on R-bloggers: Syntax Highlighting in Blogdown; a very specific solution #rstats https://t.co/nFWAQlQSAC ↪
Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 47/1): Spellcheck in @Rstudio is going make writing {bookdown} books so much easier #Rstats https://t.co/jCmdIOdknm ↪
Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 26/6): @RobertFrey40 Howdy!
Some of my favorite RMarkdown resources:
For getting started:
https://t.co/sD6y5y0dDLFor the book on it by the pkg author @xieyihui :
https://t.co/DC4B7HeiFyFor #RMarkdown in a production env by resident Superstar @EmilyRiederer :
https://t.co/2r6ym6H1pR#RStats ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 19/4): @chendaniely @dcossyle I just test drove this, and it works!!! Thanks you @dcossyle for your excellent blog post on this! I am now going to try roll this out further to make an executable version of my bookdown book! https://t.co/fMdB4fxco3 ↪
Métodos em Pauta (@metodosempauta; 16/6): Para quem trabalha com R, a dica é usar o RMarkdown para escrever seus artigos, relatórios, livros. A ferramenta é free (open source) e facilita a replicação de todo o trabalho!
O livro que responde qualquer dúvida:
https://t.co/sYIVCetUCy ↪
Taro Mieno (@MienoTaro; 12/3): R as GIS for Economists https://t.co/UNZAprG3p5 #rmarkdown #bookdown #rstat
Just added Chapters 4 (raster data basics) and 5 (raster data extraction for vector data) to the book.
Many variables (like weather) come in a raster format. Hope the book helps. ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 12/3): .@apreshill @minebocek - you can embed learnr in bookdown! (I find this very very exciting!!!) https://t.co/Buj1o8gOGT ↪
David Alex Smith (@david_a_smith; 10/0): @Astro_Nerd Maybe bookdown? Write in markdown, nice equation rendering, run R and Python code if needed, source control in git. Keep for yourself or easily publish to lots of different formats. https://t.co/5TNaHSQWTj ↪
Linuxtoy 🐧 (@linuxtoy; 9/2): Markdown 只是源格式,它会转换成 LaTeX 再输出。另外,Bookdown 也是用 Markdown 作为源,其作者已经用它出版几本专著了。 https://t.co/V5dAp8QPCB ↪
Adam Fleischhacker (@preposterior; 5/3): Added a draft chapter on decision making and made sure everything is working with R 4.0. Such an easy process😀All the key pieces #rstats #bookdown #gretastats #DiagrammeR #tidyverse #TensorFlow work together flawlessly. https://t.co/itLNeiHPIz ↪
Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 5/0): A lovely primer for beginners on using rmarkdown.
In related news, I had a very promising discussion with technical people about using bookdown as a way of getting Ally to create alternative formats for large documents previously created using LaTeX may be possible! https://t.co/EGs9qFgfxB ↪
Sean Kross (@seankross; 5/0): @ktaylor Mastering Software Development in R: https://t.co/pnWq8zYNvR
The Unix Workbench: https://t.co/od5v3sNTTd ↪
Hao Ye (@Hao_and_Y; 4/4): Does anyone have suggestions or examples of OER lessons/workshops built off of GitHub repos / pages?
looking for:
- lightweight
- based on markdown
- NOT based on Jekyll (sorry Carpentries!)
Or should I look into adapting bookdown/pkgdown/manubot?? ↪
Patrick Ward (@OSPpatrick; 4/0): @thomas_mock @CowboysStats @adrian_cadem @kjhealy I’ve enjoyed Interactive web-based data visualization with R. I bought it in paper back but you can access it in bookdown here:
https://t.co/p9vCiJ3Muj ↪
Adam H. Sparks (@adamhsparks; 4/0): @ResearcHersCode @alane_blythe If your uni has a Word template for dissertations it might be worthwhile exploring using it as a template for Rmarkdown output to get the formatting? https://t.co/8xWNYRIBZ5 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/1): insertion of javascript into bookdown project, again #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/YZ3DkV8VF0 ↪
Lise Vaudor (@LVaudor; 2/1): Hey Twitter friends! Does anybody know how to get stats (number of visits etc.) on a html page (specifically, bookdown-rendered pages…) 🤔? I have no idea how many people are actually interested in this https://t.co/aUx0qBkHd0 for instance… ↪
Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 2/0): @LVaudor If you’re ok with less privacy here’s a solution for Google Analytics, by @benmarwick https://t.co/RgFkZOqxRt – I guess you’d need to also add a GDPR thing somewhere.
(I still need to research alternatives to GA) ↪
Sachin Rawat (@sachinxr; 2/0): @dpanch_89 @TheBiologist01 @AcademicChatter Here: https://t.co/NtqLGytYck ↪
don piano (@HugoFrederick; 2/0): an important morning read
https://t.co/CwC62dx1ju ↪
David Barney (@davidjbarney; 2/0): @joshmccrain This is just bookdown, no? https://t.co/Yqxyt2ssQC ↪
Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 2/0): @JennyBryan @bell_griffin @hadleywickham Links & discussion of some of these Rmd <-> Google Doc experiments can be found in the R Markdown Cookbook by @xieyihui & @chrisderv here: https://t.co/3wSiuiZIY2 ↪
abdullah (@sources_tech; 2/0): @Ma_9ya @SQUCOFFEE @Squ_2013 شوف هذا الموقع https://t.co/z9sxDEvBy0
فيه شرح للdiscrete random variableواستخدم هذا الموقع عشان تجرب الكود مال تشوفه اذا صح
اتمنى تفهم منه ويفيدك✌️ ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Add image before bookdown title #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/pekbrDr4DJ ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Bookdown and gitbook #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/AohafegdwK ↪
Vicky Steeves (joinmastodon.org) (@VickySteeves; 1/1): @Hao_and_Y I am interested in it also, as someone who authors a lot already with markdown + pandoc (in the form of RMarkdown & knitr/bookdown) ↪
Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 1/0): @tylermorganwall @LPMKremer Is there a way to insert this animation as a gif into a bookdown e-book (with credit, of course) for medical #rstats beginners, just to give them an idea of what is possible in #rstats? ↪
Umberto Mignozzetti (@umbertomig; 1/0): @TaylorBoas Not sure if you are an R fan, but a more radical idea could be to use R Markdown. For me, it works great! They have a useful package called bookdown. ↪
Chris Tomlinson (@tomlincr; 1/0): Gosh Lexical Scoping and for loops are a tedious combination! 🤯
No matter how many times I read https://t.co/U79lp0S0gu by @rdpeng it still catches me out..
#R #programminglife @dannyjnwong @loki1706 ↪
Brett J. Gall (@brettjgall; 1/0): @joshmccrain It’s the rmdformats in the YAML https://t.co/au7cUK2A0l ↪
Deirdre Toher (@dtoher; 1/0): @nj_tierney @alicesweeting So useful - especially as it looks like rmarkdown (and specifically bookdown) may be the way to go when it comes to generating accessible typesetting of mathematics (and more). ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 1/0): @apreshill @dcossyle It seems like more iframes magic could solve this problem given that a learnr app can have multiple exercises? Adding the iframe to bookdown seems to be the easier part. ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 1/0): @TiffanyTimbers @dcossyle Yea, this is where you hit the wall- there isn’t currently (that I know of) a good way to have multiple Rmds in a bundle (like bookdown) with executable code chunks. The Rmd tutorial output format (https://t.co/QGzwttvnIv) is the closest, but still single 😭 ↪
UWE Maths and Stats (@UWE_MathsStats; 0/1): Note: it is possible to convert .tex to .rmd using pandoc in order to start creating bookdown documents from existing .tex files.
However, markdown does not have the same range of fonts available as LaTeX.
#TALMO #accessibility #Mathematics ↪
sean laverty (@seanteachesmath; 0/1): Anybody out there that’s used PreTeXt and bookdown? ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 19/3): @tjmahr FWIW, my favorite thing to show beginners to when asked the “but why” question, is to show the magic of fig.path as a knitr chunk options, so your figures get sensible names :) https://t.co/vv3chC0cTo ↪
Jon Henner (@jmhenner; 15/0): Oh. My. Universe.
I love knitR. I can’t believe I was too intimidated to implement it into my code work in the past. It’s actually really easy and already I’m being super productive with it. ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 10/5): ✍️🖥 “Create Awesome HTML Table with knitr::kable and kableExtra”
👤 Hao Zhu @haozhu233
#rstats https://t.co/BFoS3mcJvv ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 8/2): マニアックな記事なので、これだけとりあえず覚えておいて。
> R Markdownのチャンクのキャッシュは、チャンクオプションかコメント以外のコードに変更が加わった場合に更新されます。knitr::chunk_hooksを設定するとチャンクキャッシュが更新されうる | Atusy’s blog https://t.co/KL1AgfJwJ6 ↪
Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 6/0): For ex, spent some time last year in the {knitr} repo and it was so fun and educational to peak under the hood and has been very helpful since in debugging and hacking around the edges.
(3/3) ↪
Alex Thompson (@ecofiz1; 3/1): For the last 6 months I’ve silently struggled with an Rmarkdown problem that prevented me from using knitr. I installed and uninstalled pandoc countless times.
Today I realized I just needed to update my OS. https://t.co/mRD7AigxLj ↪
Joshua Shapiro (@jashapiro; 3/0): I may or may not have spent the last couple hours diving into the bowels of knitr to implement a thing that may already exist somewhere and is probably better done done some other way, but I had fun. Some cleanup and documentation and I’ll probably post a draft tomorrow. ↪
Jon Henner (@jmhenner; 3/0): @AthenaNeuro It lets you embed your coding workflow and results in an html, pdf, or word doc to share with the rest of the team. It lets you create elegant and reproducible documents which is important if you’re a contracted statistician like I am in several cases.
https://t.co/2hpCZX9G7D ↪
Sam Albers (@big_bad_sam; 2/0): @adamhsparks @bearloga My first code and prose together moment was with Sweave. My first happy code and prose together moment was with knitr. ↪
Matt Sams (@DrMattSams; 1/0): @DylHicks Aside from gt, knitr::kable plus kableExtra. https://t.co/gU5yvHxr0P it, DT, and formattable have been my go-to packages for table creation prior to gt. I haven’t messed with gt yet, but I imagine it’s good, too. ↪
bruce.moran (@bruler0111; 1/0): @mgalactus @tangming2005 +1 Jupyter notebooks, great for interactive work, and can be used in a workflow setting as per Marco’s method once finalised. Also GitHub renders pushed notebooks, which works for viewing plots and code together. And finally, can be exported to Rmd and knitr’d into PDF/html/etc. ↪
Tormod Bøe (@tormodboe; 1/0): Knitr::spin() - why did it take me 10 years to realize this amazingness?
#RStats ↪
Adam H. Sparks (@adamhsparks; 1/0): @bearloga I just realised, RStudio still uses Sweave in the tools menu here. I wonder how many folks have ever even used Sweave with the advent of Knitr. I know I’ve not written a new file in years. I still have some old .Rnw files from around 2009-2010 laying around though. ↪
Brandon M. Lind (@iowensis; 1/0): @scisus You could weigh frustration with knitr against time setting up an R kernel in jupyter (shouldn’t be long). I really like the ease of delineating cells for execution in jupyter vs R markdown-like things eg the ``` wrapper . https://t.co/RyumbDFbqM ↪
Jon Henner (@jmhenner; 1/0): @AthenaNeuro here’s an example of how im using Knitr to work on @wyattehall ’s data. https://t.co/07B5Ee16pE ↪
Mikhail Popov (@bearloga; 160/25): RStudio 1.3 (https://t.co/CGeuW3FHWo) includes an option to use {tinytex} (https://t.co/5IODOYty5g) for compiling .tex files, which is great because it will automatically install missing TeX packages when you click the “Compile PDF” button. https://t.co/sssRxOacYk ↪
Joel Gombin (@joelgombin; 3/0): @bearloga wow, tinytex is brilliant. Thanks @xieyihui ! ↪
Marcus Birkenkrahe (@birkenkrahe; 1/0): Fantastic #latex package by @xieyihui https://t.co/2YwDnbcxBI - works flawlessly. Discovered this through @rstudio ↪
Tomokazu NOMURA (@NomuraTomokazu; 1/0): わかった。わたしはMicrosoft R Open 使っていて,MRANはパッケージのレポジトリが古い時点のスナップショットになっているからみたい。レポジトリをふつうにCRANに設定したら,tinytexが新しくなって無事knitできた。 ↪
rmflight (@rmflight; 1/0): So glad I saved this bash script for setting up #rstats tinytex 📦 system wide so RStudio actually finds it
Originally from the rocker project.
https://t.co/1y9vfqVXzR ↪
Mine CetinkayaRundel (@minebocek; 202/32): PSA: If you use xaringan to make slides, and especially to teach code, bookmark this slide for showing code on one slide by @apreshill and result on the next: https://t.co/sKyZvYMX1A. I refer to it every time I make slides! ↪
Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 172/53): “The Tidyverse for Archaeologists: A Guide for Beginners” a remote #rstats workshop for archaeology colleagues in Japan. Slides are online here: https://t.co/UHRTrUtZp5 using @EvaMaeRey’s flipbook & @xieyihui’s xaringan (thanks to @apreshill’s encyclopedic guide) https://t.co/2oveLiGs9i https://t.co/1xs5rqNfiG ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 20/4): @minebocek I always have that deck open when I use xaringan too = my own xaringan cheatsheet 🤣
Slides inspired by @grrrck’s awesome blog post (like most things!): https://t.co/eB5PDVMYGt ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 7/0): converting my last set of powerpoint slides to xaringan and just straight up screenshotting some of them to speed up the process ↪
aqkeli jelo 1312 (@m3_solta; 4/2): xaringan fumate demanha https://t.co/WiRHRjoZwK ↪
Colin Quirk (@ColinTQuirk; 2/1): I’m creating a xaringan presentation for the first time and wanted to use gganimate for animations, but you can’t control when gifs play. So here is some hacky javascript that plays videos (made with gganimate/ffmpeg) when they become visible:
#RStats https://t.co/6HW7S4iYS1 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): font size of figure in xaringan slide too small #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/SMnCpcuf5w ↪
Rohit Goswami (@rg0swami; 1/0): Just starred yihui/xaringan https://t.co/PkIuakdTZu. ↪
nina mundinho rock lee br ♡ (@BAKUCONDA; 1/0): @C0NANG4Y o maldito uchiha com o xaringan 😩😩😩 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 18/2): ✍️ “An Introduction to xfun • A Collection of Miscellaneous Functions • Yihui Xie | 谢益辉”
👤 Yihui Xie @xieyihui
#rstats ↪