R packages for making print-quality tables https://t.co/XiOyLtNVsr #rstats



One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 410/125): R packages for making print-quality tables https://t.co/XiOyLtNVsr #rstats

Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 220/114): #DataScientists — follow links to download FREE PDF eBooks:
1)Intro to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R.
2)Elements of Statistical Learning.
→ https://t.co/BkCzi2DBwU
#abdsc #BigData #DataScience #DataMining #Statistics #MachineLearning #AI #Algorithms #Rstats https://t.co/BSsgc0zDJb

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 190/52): 📦📊🖥 “easyalluvial • Generate Alluvial Plots with a Single Line of Code”

👤 Bjoern Koneswarakantha

#rstats https://t.co/2AVJRDRqkB

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 166/58): Tutorial: Web Scraping in R with rvest {https://t.co/cjCpBaLzRt} #rstats #DataScience

Data Artisan (@dataartisan1; 164/74): A basic understanding of #coding is extremely helpful in #DataScience!

#AI #MachineLearning #100DaysOfMLCode #100DaysOfCode #Rstats https://t.co/3XngEFkRPl


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 161/43): ✍️🖥 “Making A Website With RStudio • The Blogdown Package • https://t.co/16Spjeq8mA”

👤 samia @samiasab90

#rstats https://t.co/ipPhXIurGr

Tim Mastny (@timmastny; 47/12): More cooking-themed @GoHugoIO content inspired by @apreshill’s “A Spoonful of Hugo” series:

Intro to Hugo: Master Chef👩‍🍳

For anyone who’s wondered what Hugo is or wants to customize their website!

Featuring @xieyihui’s hugo-xmin theme.
#rstats #gohugo
https://t.co/5P1E2xlBtj https://t.co/lk6NvO6DIn

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 32/4): What a fantastic analogy for teaching Hugo layouts!

Definitely planning to steal this in the future- add it your #rmarkdown #blogdown #hugodown #gohugo bookmarks 🍲 https://t.co/ROWNC0uKNc

Caitlin Casar (@DeepSubsurfer; 26/3): @bonniecelt @AcademicChatter Github pages + the Hugo static site generator with blogdown, I wrote a tutorial on it here: https://t.co/izc36nl4AD

Caitlin Casar (@DeepSubsurfer; 22/1): wanna learn how I built and hosted my website for FREE? check out my tutorial here: https://t.co/izc36nCFsb

Delaney Glass (@GlassDelaney; 17/2): Had fun co-hosting a workshop this morning on how to create a professional website using #R #Rstudio and #blogdown with @benmarwick! We gleaned inspiration (and code!) from @apreshill & @dsquintana #Anthro #sciencetwitter #AcademicTwitter #datatools

Emily Robinson (@robinson_es; 11/3): @skyetetra @siawayforward Or if you want to go the easy way and you use R I recommend blogdown. There’s a million tutorials; I like @zabormetrics’s one https://t.co/sbHN8JJXeA

Robert M. McDonnell (@RobertMylesMc; 10/1): @MilesMcBain I use Gatsby myself, but it’s a lot more involved than using blogdown. I wanted to build a site and improve my JS, so for me it was win-win. (https://t.co/OsbPubkeLv for code)

Tim Feeney (@Tfeend; 8/0): @ProfMattFox @EpiEllie I set up a webpage. Mostly as a way to play with R and blogdown, but also to have a landing page. I have only been contacted once, but it by someone who found a thumb drive I dropped in an airport! I got it back and thus the web presence has already paid off.

tidybiology (@tidybiology; 4/3): Have some free time on your hands?

It’s time to update your website!

Check out: “How to make a personal website using R, rmarkdown, and blogdown”


Silvia P. Canelón (@spcanelon; 4/0): @Amit_Levinson @MichaelDorman84 @toeb18 I second this 👆🏽
{Blogdown} makes it easy to launch and maintain a website. The book is great (https://t.co/aCEY0Tw7W5) but let me know if I can point you to any tutorials!

Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 4/0): @MichaelDorman84 @toeb18 Agree!
Hugo was (and is) a great starting point for me. The blogdown package makes it really easy to work with it so I definitely recommend this approach.

Alberto Acerbi (@acerbialberto; 3/0): @CostelloWilliam RStudio + Blogdown + Hugo Academic theme (possibly hosting everything for free at GitHub). If you have time, it is a good investment!

Ujjwal Panda 🐼 (@maddestpanda; 3/0): @bonniecelt @AcademicChatter RStudio with Blogdown. @dsquintana has a tutorial on how to do it. Plus points: it is free, easy and highly customisable. I made my own site this way: https://t.co/lTO7G99XR4.

Alexander Kirchner-Häusler (@KirchnerHausler; 3/0): @bonniecelt @AcademicChatter Can recommend Hugo + Github + Netlify + R Studio Blogdown. Open source, tons of themes, free to host, integrated with rmarkdown, and the domain is only 7.99 a year for the first year. It is a bit more effort to learn and setup though.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): R Blogdown blogdown how to make the continue flow between tabs stop- Hogo academic theme #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/9wU8h8ALab

Andrew Bates (@asbates_; 2/0): @robinson_es @skyetetra @siawayforward @zabormetrics +1 for blogdown if you’re an R user

David Neuzerling (@mdneuzerling; 2/0): @grrrck @dsquintana That would be great! One of the things I like about blogdown and friends is that my little insignificant corner of internet can be free of advertisements and tracking.

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Intro to Hugo: The Masterchef of Layouts https://t.co/SoJLIFWR1k

Houston #DefundThePolice #BlackLivesMatter Haynes (@whiskersedge; 1/1): @Rachel_K_Meade @rstatstweet @PixSciCo 💯 agree! Even though not a grad student #rstats revived my interest in learning programming languages. Ironically, blogdown led me to learn about Golang (@GoHugoIO integration) and recently I’ve taken up @fsharporg which has a wide swath of R interops. Life’s grand pageant! 🤓

Antonio Sabogal (@AntonioSabogal; 1/0): @ZulmaCucunuba El camino es usar blogdown. Para usuarios de R es una forma simple de montar un sitio web y alimentarlo con contenido o posts a base de R. Es El estado del arte (en R) para hacer sitios web.

R-Ladies Madrid (@RLadiesMAD; 1/0): Intro to Hugo: The Masterchef of Layouts https://t.co/4w8raUExgl

levene bartlett (@levene_bartlett; 1/0): @icymi_r @samiasab90 Now I’m thinking to change blogdown template

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @BenHanowell I’ve heard of this method, but never thought about how to do it with tools in the R Markdown ecosystem (I’m not aware of anyone, either). It feels like blogdown + tags in posts might get you close.

Tyler Smith (@sedgeboy; 1/0): @andrew_leach @MilesMcBain You can get up and running with https://t.co/k3mY3nQ7Xe, which includes a very quick “quick example” that will get you going. It doesn’t cover citations, but it’s not too much work beyond the initial setup. I’ll try to write up my notes before I forget what I’ve done

R-Ladies Bucharest (@rladiesbuchares; 0/2): Join us tomorrow @ 7PM CET+1 to discover Rebecca Barter, Data Scientist and Data Science educator from UC Berkeley. Great topic on blogging with R Blogdown. Register now via meetup. #rstats #rladies #letsR https://t.co/gfHriM2tcw

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Display YAML and chunks without executing them in blogdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/tZRcDYLCHS

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): R Blogdown in macOS Catalina 10.15.5 give this “Error in site_root(config) : Could not find _config.yml under” #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/bPjScJfOFc

Ines Teacă (@inesz; 0/1): Join me tomorrow @ 7PM CET+1 to discover Rebecca Barter, Data Scientist and Data Science educator from UC Berkeley. Great topic on blogging with R Blogdown. Register now via meetup. #rstats #rladies #letsR https://t.co/MjlvB7zr1N

Lukas / jemsu (@Jemus42; 0/1): Uuuh, {blogdown} / .Rmarkdown-using people: {renv} now works with .Rmarkdown files 🥳 https://t.co/Nb1soMgpzB #rstats

Robert Preseau 🔴⚪ (@robertpreseau; 0/1): How do i get blogdown to launch the viewer if i closed it? #blogdown #rstats


Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 201/32): The 0.0.2 version of my translation of the second edition of @rlmcelreath’s “Statistical rethinking” into #brms and the #tidyverse is up!



Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 25/2): #LazyWeb #RStats

Is there a package to write quizz inside RMarkdown that are destined to html ? Like an online bookdown?

{learnr} has a quizz() function but it requires a shiny runtime and I’d like to avoid that

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 24/4): [Current status]

Hacking around with fullPage.js and {bookdown} to see if I can make book chapters look like slides.

#RStats #Rmarkdown https://t.co/xv27CU3Qxq

tanep (@tanep; 8/2): @NewJack7 @ClausWilke https://t.co/8J18XJlCB2 is quite nice!
Not sure it fully qualifies as basic though.

Ezekiel Adebayo Ogundepo (@gbganalyst; 7/6): Do you want to learn R programming from scratch?

You can start with YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R (https://t.co/tyVBxWI2pe) and R programming from the scratch by Ezekiel Ogundepo @DataScienceNIG



Joyce Robbins (@jtrnyc; 6/3): Happiness is… triggering a #bookdown book build for the first time in six months with @travisci and having it work the first time. #rstats

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 6/0): oooh this looks promising https://t.co/f3jBN2E4ub https://t.co/3KGlOrm4kV

Lydia Hopper (@LydiaMHopper; 6/0): @Partha_Marcus Swirl is great for complete entry level: https://t.co/IycnSHof1E Also see this accessible handbook from @YaRrrBook: https://t.co/uvSGFIGP5E

JP Ruiz Nicolini (@TuQmano; 3/0): @cantoflor_87 @LatinR_Conf @R4DS_es @vazquezbrust Ciencia de datos para curiosos de @martinmontane


tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): R bookdown - pdf_book does not render pdf - defaults to HTML and only for the first chapter - rest blank #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/iA9SmlNpQD

Rich (@richdayandnight; 2/2): I recently discovered #bookdown too while looking for documentation options :). You guy can also check out https://t.co/LQXm2bnSyT too for easy online publishing if you want to make your thesis available online. (They give out free spaces too, which is more than enough). https://t.co/oQyM9xk3xI

Peter Smits (@PeterDSmits; 2/1): I’m just gonna get those green squares by moving my #dnd notes onto github instead of random markdown files on my local and my binder of full notes. Use #rstats and #bookdown to build a blog.

That’s not cheating, right? https://t.co/fPEdGva6AR

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 2/0): @andrewheiss Small note: this is the link to the most recent version of my ebook https://t.co/U6SjLKPxiM

Daniel Anderson (@datalorax_; 2/0): @andrewheiss Maybe this would help? https://t.co/vi8NqlT7fC Or maybe this? https://t.co/FHd0ALkJEH

Garrick (@grrrck; 2/0): @dsquintana @mccarthymg Are you previewing the HTML in RStudio? The viewer will block the external twitter JavaScript, so the tweet won’t render. If you open the html version in a browser it should work (and if it doesn’t I’ll investigate, I don’t think I tested in bookdown)

Felipe Sánchez (@FelipeSanchezB; 2/0): @mj_cotZ @TalkR_ES algo así


tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): consistent code formatting inline and in chunks with bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/8jxjSO170X

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): cross-reference for code chunk in bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/llIWeoSkmF

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Bookdown/thesisdown/huskydown: change page margins for a single page within a document #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/mKnJNaEYEy

Koen Hufkens, PhD (@koen_hufkens; 1/1): @KRNaturalPhoto Would take a long hard look at #rstats bookdown for this one. Been doing the same for a side project.

Nathalie Lehmann (@NathalieLehman3; 1/0): @pierrepo And what about IDE’s or keeping track of your research (notes / papers read / project management ) ? Here’s some of mines:
1- Version control : git / github
2- IDE (for R): Nvim-R + tmux (for Python I use Spyder or just vim but not so convinced)
3- Notebooks: bookdown templates

Daniël Lakens (@lakens; 1/0): @sTeamTraen @chrisharms @coles_nicholas_ @the100ci @StuartJRitchie One way it to add a blog post to the internet archive (a version control mechanism). Another would by to make a bookdown blog, and push version controlled changed (if I ever move my blog, that is what I would do)

Nguyen Ngoc Hai (@NguyenNgocHai2; 1/0): Forecasting: Principles and Practice https://t.co/fF7XSVbK92 #rmarkdown #bookdown

Garrick (@grrrck; 1/0): @dsquintana No problem! You’re my bookdown beta tester, so let me know if you run into any troubles

hobart mariner (@hobartmariner; 1/0): @fuailalainn are you using bookdown? it looks really nice, way easier than actual latex

Irene Crisologo (@irenecrisologo; 1/0): @dakshitha12 Thank you! :) A common thing people say on advantages of rmarkdown is combining code and text into a single document. However, I’ve only used it to generate this bookdown version, so I can’t really speak much for rmarkdown. This might be more informative: https://t.co/JbqeZAOoKV

Sean Grogan (@SeanGrogan; 1/0): @irenecrisologo @numpy_team @SciPyTip @matplotlib @sciencechatph This is great! I had no idea this tool was a thing. According to my brief look at Bookdown, it seems to say that I can “[download] Multiple choices of output formats: PDF, LaTeX, HTML, EPUB, and Word”. How would I grab your (any) thesis as an epub?

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Using bookdown package as a repository for articles #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/e6U4z80ZCL

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): bookdown project on travis-ci: Input files not all in same directory #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Kd4yN6zE6b

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 0/1): Twitter #rstats bookdown experts: is there a way to generate a separate Reference section (from book.bib) and Packages section (from packages.bib)? The YAML can be used to merge them…but I want the output separated, too. Thanks!


atusy (@Atsushi776; 19/1): knitr 1.29!


Jonathan Sinclair (@_J_sinclair; 6/4): Spent my vacation learning #KnitR & #RMarkdown as part of my #DataScience training.

Fully able to write published PDF documents using only #rStats code - no word processor needed.

@xieyihui Would be proud 💻🥂📈🥳 https://t.co/iJxxxW1p0S

James Van Slyke (@jamesvanslyke; 4/0): Hi @jenineharris I was at the webinar today and I’ve been trying the demo, but I get this error message when installing the knitr package. Any ideas? https://t.co/EK2ePushUX

Eduardo Castro (@lalopangue; 3/3): Hey @xieyihui how do you do to avoid foreign characters in #knitr html files? I’m writing a workshop in Spanish and the resulting HTML files contain accent marks that internet browsers can’t work with. E.g., introducción-a-phyloseq.html won’t work. #rstats #knitr #rmarkdown

Jeremy Gresham (@greshjs; 3/0): @sophiemmkay @0x0ddc0ffee @upulie I work with both. I end up doing a lot of line-by-line preprocessing/cleaning with python and importing the results into an Rnw, using knitr to make latex/beamer slides

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @ma_salmon @dr_keithmcnulty Just to clarify, RWordPress was not created by me or Duncan Murdoch, but Duncan Temple Lang instead. And yes, the big problem is that it doesn’t seem to be maintained any more. Coincidently, someone recently also brought up knit2wp(): https://t.co/iVul8ptBBO

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): Rstudio cannot show outline of knitr with chunk label #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/piaUxgjAt8

Gianluca Baio (@gianlubaio; 1/1): @amancayork I think if you’re outputting to LaTeX (or html, to be fair), knitr::kable and KableExtra are very good. Sometimes I work in pure Rmd — but I often find even more efficient to write the R chunks directly into LaTeX (with Rnw format)

Eric Ekholm (@ekholm_e; 1/0): @EmmaVitz @rstatstweet knitr::kable(), plus extensions

じゅんさま (@junsama48; 1/0): xfunとknitrがないからRMarkdown使えませんと出る。こういうエラーが出まくってそのたびに止まるっちゃうからRは時間泥棒なんだよなあ。

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 1/0): @dsquintana I just came across this (haven’t tried it yet). You could create a function to make screenshots automatic:

tweet <- function(url) {
if (knitr::is_html_output() == TRUE) {
} else {
} https://t.co/qVnQQ1PzFE

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Suggestion for a chunk to automatically execute knitr in the same .rmd file #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/E5WPk8fY28

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): cache support in knitr engine? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/iHAgYw7qVd

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Can knitr code option find local object? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/cd0NQzsVkU

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): aliases is not workable with root.dir in knitr opts_knit$set? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/6AO9t8vrL8


Sam Levey (@SamHLevey; 3/1): 24 hours of pain later, and I have a pretty good looking PDF-maker!

It was totally worth it because writing papers in LaTeX is b@ll$#*t. https://t.co/bk6YDssrLl

岩TAKU (@djiwataku; 3/1): To be released…
Oshiri / DJ 岩TAKU & StingRay ft.K-Force,Tinytex,Liquid https://t.co/FfGSV3ozqU


Gina Reynolds (@EvaMaeRey; 122/27): So, math notation and visual representation builds of basic statistics! They coevolve speaking to different learning styles. Plus DRY principles for coders and a walk through of calc w num vals, for numerophiles! #ggplot2 #xaringan #flipbookr #rstats https://t.co/JgWLxo94Ms https://t.co/ol08lMGdtD

Dale Maschette 🐟🧗‍♂️ (@Dale_Masch; 24/1): My trying to make #xaringan slides for the first time. https://t.co/OzaL6ZcMW5

Kristy Robledo (@KristyRobledo; 14/1): Fantastic presentation by @statsgen on #xaringan and how to be a #ninja. Thankyou for sharing your wisdom! https://t.co/rI0q79SZuU

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 11/0): @AmeliaMN You can use inf_mr() if it’s a #xaringan presentation

Matthew Hendrickson (@mjhendrickson; 1/1): I know there’s buzz about xaringan in the #rstats presentation world. I’m a fan of reveal.js. Took a little to get started, but the night theme looks great and I like the ability to organize slides by section (e.g., right or down).
Great example (not mine)
https://t.co/TMq1KBuAub https://t.co/rVOFzq66g8

Vini CAMPEÃO DA EPL ℗ (@sepmelo; 1/0): @lwramoraes @KaueBW @FelipePaschoalD Ala, já tá no ódio jaja disperta o xaringan

Leonardo F. Nascimento (@leofn3; 1/0): @BeaMilz Oi Beatriz, tudo bem?
É possível centralizar o título da apresentação no xaringan? A minha está alinhada à direita. Já coloquei um “class: middle, center” mas nada ocorreu.


Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 7/1): @d_olivaw I hate it, too: https://t.co/Lhr7guJrGK

Gastón Levy (@levyg; 1/0): @collected_notes On mobile is not so intuitive.
Will try this: https://t.co/PEHBEyVbLU

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @d_olivaw @BrodieGaslam Thank you very much for the bug report! I was puzzled by the same thing a couple of years ago but was not sure if it was a bug: https://t.co/VvE2FkgJd0 I’m glad that it is fixed now!