Want to learn how to make fast, interactive and web-ready US county-level maps in #rstats using Mapbox or D3? 🖥️: https://t.co/7AfAWsJW4R 📝: https://t.co/AUJgfGBC64 https://t.co/AR8JLGedVC



Asmae Toumi (@asmae_toumi; 498/88): Want to learn how to make fast, interactive and web-ready US county-level maps in #rstats using Mapbox or D3?

🖥️: https://t.co/7AfAWsJW4R
📝: https://t.co/AUJgfGBC64 https://t.co/AR8JLGedVC

Sharla Gelfand (@sharlagelfand; 431/73): as i’ve gotten more into comics, i (of course) wanted to try to mimic the feel of them in #rstats. when I saw bar charts and distributions of panel-to-panel transitions in Scott McCloud’s “Understanding Comics”, i knew i found my chance 📓💬

💻 https://t.co/8cYogOyLAe https://t.co/npMjes5kee

Stefan Karpinski (@StefanKarpinski; 283/128): Again: it’s apparently totally fine with @Apple that no numerical software will work on their new hardware. No #JuliaLang. No #RStats. No #NumPy. Port a damned #fortran compiler, Apple! https://t.co/EVpO6RxuoF

BrodieG (@BrodieGaslam; 255/63): New in-depth blogpost on NSE with #rlang’s quosures:


Jump down the rabbit hole with me to see how they work, and of course, how to implement them in base #rstats. https://t.co/wo4GebqONt

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 158/132): Must-Read Free #Mathematics #Statistics #Books For #DataScientists in 2020 and Beyond. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/YXfx71l2FP https://t.co/kTqU1mltnA

Sourabh Singh Katoch (@SourabhSKatoch; 150/106): From books to presentations in 10s with AR + ML(AR Cut & Paste).

Code: https://t.co/Rsky66WU3B

#Python #programming #100DaysOfCode #IoT #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #100DaysOfMLCode #AI #javascript #womenwhocode #RStats #Serverless #CodeNewbie #DataScience #DEVCommunity https://t.co/qYkwgtCiuJ

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 92/132): Top 10 Web Frameworks Used By Developers In 2020. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Mathematics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/zQWQkoCZkv https://t.co/5DznGF2hOv


alex hayes (@alexpghayes; 42/9): do you blog in #rstats but want to throw in some python written in jupyter?

this function turns your .ipynb nobteooks files into #blogdown posts!

https://t.co/LA7zbs2kTA https://t.co/iWtDiR1fUA

Marium Tapal (@mariumtapal; 22/9): My first blog post on my newly created #rstats #blogdown website is live: all about my data science summer internship with @rudeboybert!

Marco Mina (@ForesThink; 16/4): I grab the occasion of the summer silence to revamp my website🌐💻 Built it with #RStats #blogdown #HugoAcademic. Made everything open, with PDFs of papers (postprints for non-OA) and links to my blog posts. Soon new projects and photos🌳🗺️ https://t.co/0YdRiYtymU

R-Ladies Queretaro (@RLadies_Qro; 15/4): Les recomendamos que vayan explorando este recurso para nuestro próximo taller 🤓 https://t.co/edDDMlZ9K9 Nos vemos el #15Ago

Michele Scandola (@Scandle; 13/6): Hi all!

This is my website: https://t.co/1HZq3AHdTl
done with #blogdown and #hugo with #rmarkdown.
It has some posts concerning #rstats, #bayesian statistics, #neuropsychology and #neuroscience (mostly my publications, sorry), but more has to come!

James Day, PhD (@jamesday87; 10/1): Another lockdown project - making some nice looking #AFL tables using the #blogdown and #reactable packages https://t.co/XknYqDujI0

Monica Thieu (@monica_too_; 8/2): it ain’t peer reviewed empirical research, but #rstats BLOG POST: if you wanna make a website with blogdown, here’s everything I hacked so you don’t have to https://t.co/RkmusnZsu2

Brett Moxham (@bmoxO9; 4/6): Day 22: Worked on building out a simple blog as a way to start show off future projects! Learning about blogdown and Hugo.

#100DaysofCode #R4DS #RStats

Brett Moxham (@bmoxO9; 3/10): Day 23: Introducing my personal blog/portfolio. Hugo and Blogdown made it relatively simple to set up. Moving forward i will be posting on here to help amalgamate my work in one place!


#100DaysOfCode #R4DS #Rstats

Victoria Grace (@vickygracegabb; 3/6): Day 5 of #100DaysOfCode: played around with the blogdown package in R. Thinking of making a personal website as my first proper project in R.

Any suggestions for other beginners projects? 👩‍💻
#CodeNewbie #WomenWhoCode #RStats

Brett Moxham (@bmoxO9; 2/2): New Post!📜

European Energy (Tidy Tuesday) https://t.co/zPBTpdlVGk

#TidyTuesday #RStats #Netlify #Blogdown

Hope Snyder (@junekay92; 1/1): It’s been months in the making! My blog using #rstats #blogdown “Real Magic” is officially live! So far it’s only an introduction post but there is more on the way! Stop by and check it out!


atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): @niszet0 いや、なんか前に挑戦したんですけど、blogdownとの相性が微妙だったか何かで放置しちゃってるんですよね。

Harpo Labs (@harpolabs; 1/0): This is my first experience with the blogdown R package. I used blogdown to create the blog. I must say I liked it. However, it could be a little bit dark sometimes. It took me some time to get used to the publishing workflow.

Matthew Dekker (He/Him) (@dekkaaah; 1/0): @SarahBAndrea I’m deep into the Sunk Cost fallacy using blogdown in R. Probably wouldn’t recommend it

Robert Allaway (@allawayr; 0/1): (in the process, I also got to use #rstats #blogdown for the first time!!)


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 107/24): 📦 “thesisdown • An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package”

👤 Chester Ismay @old_man_chester

#rstats https://t.co/sdxwqSnmBZ

Mine Dogucu (@MineDogucu; 54/13): I had used this book two years ago in one of my classes. If you are looking for a gentle introduction to likelihood, Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel models, check out the final version of the Beyond Multiple Linear Regression book:


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 29/8): 📚 “Feature Engineering and Selection • A Practical Approach for Predictive Models”

👤 Max Kuhn @topepos and Kjell Johnson

#rstats https://t.co/p8oBHnNpA2

Randy Ridenour (@randyridenour; 15/3): I’ve been working on a critical thinking textbook for my class at OBU. It’s online here: https://t.co/EQshQ99cd3. Some chapters still need fleshed out with examples and references, and I need to write a final chapter on epistemic virtues.

Murat Öztürkmen (@mozturkmen; 9/3): @fuatbeser Epeyce ücretsiz bookdown var. Bazılarını buraya bırakıyorum:

心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 9/3): 見て!昨日がんばって表示に成功した右上のgithubアイコン。そしてみんなbookdownで本を書こうよ! https://t.co/ZUEfqKVm05

Rochelle Terman (@RochelleTerman; 7/2): What’s the nicest, flattest #rmarkdown theme for html documents? I like the default gitbook style in bookdown but can’t figure out how to replicate for standalone html docs. #RStats @rstudio

心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 6/0): 半日ぐらいがんばって、bookdownで作ったhtmlの右上にgithubのレポジトリ表示させるやつがやっとできた。

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (@minebocek; 5/0): I am this close to putting in an rstudio::global(2021) talk proposal about converting from LaTeX to bookdown and battling CSS to get it to do what I’m NICELY asking it to do!

I am not sure I can do it without swearing though…

_deadfate🇹🇼 (@_deadfate; 4/2): What They Forgot to Teach You About R https://t.co/4Pl3h9dvs3 #rmarkdown #bookdown
WOW this book looks really powerful

Osvaldo Martin (@aloctavodia; 4/0): @joshualeond @willkurt You can check it here, https://t.co/s7x2LxcsVV and maybe then get the printed version

Daniel M. Gimenez (@Ego_Ipse; 2/1): Enjoying the https://t.co/Pk5wTOqEQ3 bookdown by @JennyBryan… Easy going, fresh-styled and pretty informative… Higly recommended. Even more: a “must” resource for any R advanced user working with Git #RStats

Santiago Hermo (@santiagohermo; 2/0): De la mano del capítulo 4 del bookdown de @martinmontane. Gran recurso!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Huxtable package for R: How to correctly reference huxtables in bookdown when outputting to Word #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/UIjxjvpfoY

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): conditionally embed video in R-markdown (bookdown) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/PhoXjN9SW7

Jill MacKay (@jilly_mackay; 1/1): Ok #rstats folks and particularly you lovely #bookdown #rstudio folks - where am I going so wrong with my CSS? A shiny internet point to the person who can point out my silly mistake . . . https://t.co/RUBILx44r2 https://t.co/EdFuqs1IZE

Thelonious (@TheloniousGoerz; 1/0): @GlassDelaney This seems extremely time consuming but I suppose if you put in the up front from effort it makes journaling really efficient. https://t.co/jeaQO83j0j

Thelonious (@TheloniousGoerz; 1/0): @GlassDelaney The Rmarkdown crowd tends to be skeptical of it haha. I know you can get a style for bookdown they will format your journal and code into a nice format as well.

心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 1/0): 久々にBookdownでpdf作ろうとしたら、! LaTeX Error: Option clash for package geometry.のエラーが前やった手順で解決できなくてつらい。templateどこいった・・・

🧬Sacha schutz🧬 (@dridk; 1/0): @YoannPageaud you have bookdown for R

Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 1/0): @MavropaliasG Check out this section from the RMarkdown Cookbook:


Or the Advanced Customization from the RMarkdown Definitive guide:



Mikhail Popov (@bearloga; 29/4): What’s funny to me is the progression:

  1. being silly by making a SymPy engine
  2. JD: “whoa you can make your own knitr engines?”
  3. Me: “yup, here’s how. You can even rewrite the Stan one”
  4. Good idea, I should prolly write a blog post
  5. Oh this works, I should contribute it https://t.co/UAwSa2f5qb

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 6/2): ✍️🔤 “Language engines • Use other languages in knitr • Yihui Xie | 谢益辉”

👤 Yihui Xie @xieyihui

#rstats https://t.co/wv0eHErVdX

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 5/0): @rundel @minebocek @MilesMcBain - this might work better than knitr::purl for what you were trying to do a few weeks back

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 3/0): @AmeliaMN @ReginaNuzzo @decksetapp @deckset This looks like it would work really well with .md output from knitr. 🤔

Noam Ross (@noamross; 2/0): @wmlandau @nyhackr @MilesMcBain @QldFES @rstudio tar_plan() would just create a list of targets so it can be modified/appended like other targets? I would hope unnamed targets can also use archetypes like tar_knitr/tar_change.

I’ll be glad to get back “load target at cursor” for {targets}, too :)

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Reduce top margin when creating PDF from Rmarkdown using knitr #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/T7K4tZ51xd

Marisa L. Henry (@marisalyn; 1/0): knitr::combine_words is a such a useful #rstats function — combines objects into a phrase for human-readability, e.g. knitr::combine_words(c(“apple”, “orange”, “banana”)) -> “apple, orange, and banana”.

great for Rmd docs/copying and pasting into emails!

A. Jordan Nafa (@adamjnafa; 1/0): @GoldbergData For model tables, texreg is the best I’ve found. It’s highly customizable and can export to latex, html, and word formats.

For general summary table, knitr’s kable in conjunction with the kableExtra package is what I use most often.

Arthur Welle (@ArthurWelle; 1/0): @james_azam @rstatstweet https://t.co/lS4iOyxPnG

Nathan Rutenbeck (@anywillowbrook; 1/0): @bearloga @mcmc_stan Just came across your blog post on this, and thought you would want to know there is an important typo - the call in the post is different than the package function - package function: register_knitr_engine() vs in your post: register_knit_engine().

Thanks! So excited for this!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Printing from knitr/rmarkdown crops images and introduces linebreaks #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/5yupphAV7D

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Where is the Data Stored for Knitr Tables Generated in Bookdown? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/tqeBKofXpC

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): knitr kable formatting cell text as ordered list #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/IT7QH5WJ0H


Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 5/0): @dgkeyes @MyVisualVoice I’d also highly suggest borrowing from website design galleries - they’re likely to be much more creative than “business reports” which returns a lot of sad examples.

Also you probably already know… but {pagedown} for HTML/CSS -> PDF.


Leon Reteig (@LeonReteig; 3/0): @mdneuzerling @benrjack There is a letter format: https://t.co/oR7jvSaB4Y


Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 1/0): @kdpsinghlab I’m OK with an approach that parallels {tinytex}.

Tomokazu NOMURA (@NomuraTomokazu; 1/0): よし,使ってるパソコン全部にWSL2を入れよう!と思ったら,研究室のWindows10 Pro for WorkstationにはMay 2020 Updateがインストールできないという,わりと早い段階で躓きました。あと,結局WindowsのRStudioでtinytexインストールしたので,リダンダントな環境になってしまったなと。


Jiena Gu McLellan (@JoannaMelon; 19/7): 🥳🌸Have a look this awesome walkthrough slides for creating R packages! #rstudio #RStats #rstat #Rprogramming Slides made by #xaringan 🌻🌷🌸🌼 https://t.co/hlm0fMSdYg

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 8/0): In the meantime we presented at the two national conferences. For some of my co-authors this was the first conference presentation for their CVs. The slides were HTML documents prepared using #xaringan in #Rmarkdown (ht @xieyihui) https://t.co/tyxU4VuCDn

demian zayat (@demzayat; 5/0): @victoriaodon Xaringan? Es lo más!

Michael Flynn (@michael_e_flynn; 2/1): @dbeau83 @Stata Depends on your broader workflow I guess. I used latex and I’ve found markdown to be a much cleaner interface. @stevenvmiller has some great guides on his webpage. I’ve also started using xaringan for slides, so it lets me contain my work into a smaller software ecosystem.

Sergio Garcia Mora (@sergiogarciamor; 1/0): @demzayat @victoriaodon Yo estoy tratando mí adicción a PowerPoint con Xaringan. Me falta aprender a editar los estilos en css y soy Gardel


Max Kuhn (@topepos; 32/5): As a self-interested PSA…

What I call @xieyihui’s Rule: https://t.co/TyVRUuN7RI

How to get help for specific questions about existing code:

Stack Overflow first
└─ GitHub issue
└─ If all else fails then email the owner.


Max Kuhn (@topepos; 10/2): I’m sometimes guilty of the same thing, especially with Rmd questions. That’s an area where I feel like I don’t know the infrastructure well.

I think about this post a lot, not for self-congratulations but how we can all help maintainers: https://t.co/AR8fWKYDxM

Zhen (@wogong0; 2/2): 《原则》读书笔记 - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/HQMSax4l0i via @instapaper