Desirée De Leon (@dcossyle; 812/30): New adventure 🎉
I’ve joined @rstudio where I’ll combine two things I ❤️, teaching & #rstats. I’m excited to get creative as a data science educator!
Made this ⛵️🌞 to celebrate! https://t.co/9WpBstdhX4 ↪
Mara Averick (@dataandme; 726/162): Pick your fave table-making package (many more than shown), and do it up!
🎉 “Announcing the 2020 RStudio Table Contest”
https://t.co/suurLyeq3N #rstats
/* imgs: @DavidGohel, Greg Lin, @davidhughjones, @riannone */ https://t.co/kCsmssJ6CM ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 359/257): Why is Machine Learning So Magical? #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/S5Ed0J3ph8 https://t.co/BKEtyu7xRU ↪
Stefan Müller (@ste_mueller; 280/71): Do you want to learn more about quantitative text analysis?
@koheiw7 and I have revised and extended https://t.co/zcDpZKCRx8, our step-by-step introduction to quantitative text analysis using #quanteda.
@quantedainit #rstats #textasdata #nlp https://t.co/PPS3EiITdT ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 258/197): Free Online Classes You Can Take at Harvard Right Now. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Mathematics #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/qzLpFoQqxg https://t.co/TiJu0UgfW5 ↪
Dean Attali (@daattali; 224/39): ✨Excited to announce {shinyjs}💡 v2.0 is on CRAN!
2.5 years in the making, loaded with new features and improvements
Commercial license was removed so that anyone can use it😎
💻#productivelockdown project #6 #rstats ↪
Insane (@TheInsaneApp; 184/90): Learn Python in 15 Seconds 😅😂
#theinsaneapp #ProgrammersDay #rstats #100DaysOfMLCode #javascript #reactjs #serverless #WomenWhoCode #Linux #100DaysOfCode #python #programming #deeplearning #coding #Memes #codingisfun #programmingmemes https://t.co/r1EobzJLPm ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 132/140): 10 Best TensorFlow Books (2020 Update). #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/ciVXiS6vkv https://t.co/4nULhu1oth ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 29/6): ✍️ “Writing a blogdown post for the ages | How to write a blogdown post that will still render in a hundred years from now.”
👤 Claus Wilke @clauswilke
#rstats https://t.co/BsjyqUkdPn ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 28/3): One of favorite #rstats #blogdown sites for kickstarting your learning 😎
brought to you by @RLadiesSydney 🦾 https://t.co/cPGFzb33Tw ↪
Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 17/0): I just tried out the {xaringanExtra} feature “embed_xaringan()” to add some recent #RStats talk slides on my website and it worked beautifully! The embed didn’t show in the “blogdown::serve_site()” preview but it made it through nonetheless 🎉
Learn more: https://t.co/4yIhjAp1B2 https://t.co/UI7g0FGWFC ↪
Mor Ndiaye (@papitau; 16/3): My personal website made with #blogdown package
#RStats #rspatial
Thanks @dcossyle and @apreshill for your good tuturials.
I think soon we can display two language (french and English) in choice of visitors
https://t.co/SNczMOOyoV ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 12/2): @apreshill @kanishkamisra @jannikbuhr Sigh… I just learned that @georgecushen moved the hugo-academic theme to a subdirectory of the Github repo (which breaks the convention of Hugo themes). This will surely burn a lot of blogdown users. Also see https://t.co/ylmhH5uOQF and https://t.co/hRfhR11Jy0 ↪
María Paula Caldas (@mapaulacaldas; 8/0): @MilesMcBain the new post addin from blogdown 👌 ↪
Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 7/0): Hours later, all I needed to fix my #rstats #blogdown #hugo deployment was a netlify.toml file… thank you to @apreshill whose “Spoon Full of Hugo” series is a lifesaver: https://t.co/inhhpvfiBA . Next step: stop editing my themes folder. https://t.co/w556s3UFv7 ↪
Ischi_Mathes (@GregorMathes; 5/5): I finally deployed my website: https://t.co/JoOm5kPldj
I will regularly post stuff about my scientific endeavor and data science there. At least that‘s what I’m telling myself. #blogdown #Rstats #hugo #academia ↪
Daniel Väisänen (@danielvaisanen; 5/0): Made an interactive #collapsibleTree of the occupations in my first PhD-article. To have somewhere to put the diagram I also tried #blogdown - creating a simple website.
url: https://t.co/ZbgKVP9Oqp ↪
João (@KimJoaoUn; 4/0): Quase cometi o erro de iniciar um blogdown pro curso essa hora da manha… Ta maluco, amanha faço isso. ↪
Mark (@MarkGingrass; 3/7): R Blogdown Hugo Site with Amazon Associate Affiliate Ads and Embedded iframe. Please Share and Retweet!
#rstats #rstudio #rprogramming #programming #hugo #blogdown #stats #math #webdevelopment #DataScience #DataAnalytics https://t.co/MK6rPf92pR ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 3/2): @delaBJL @xieyihui @kanishkamisra @jannikbuhr @georgecushen I’m saying this somewhat in jest. I build blogdown/Hugo websites all day long, using themes other than Academic. e.g., https://t.co/1sguKcL3OB, https://t.co/tURYdKt3nI, https://t.co/UfPShXL3Hj, and are all blogdown/Hugo sites ↪
June (@yjunechoe; 3/0): Blog post with working example and code for the table (yes the table works with {rmarkdown} and {blogdown}!) https://t.co/xS8Cz9OXFp ↪
Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 (@dmi3k; 3/0): @MilesMcBain Reprex, xaringan, rbbt, blogdown. ↪
Will Wheeler (@willwheels; 3/0): @dsebastiantello @chase__eck @ajhollingsworth Wow, this looks really useful. I tried to make a hugo-academic blogdown site two or three times and gave up each time!
I found distill to be very straightforward: https://t.co/DVPw4jfmjV
Mine (in progress): https://t.co/3b7moa74rA ↪
Mark (@MarkGingrass; 3/0): @MilesMcBain Blogdown add new post and add image. ↪
Arielle Dror (@arielle_dror; 3/0): Oh, you can also build entire WEBSITES in R Markdown with a few clicks. I created a personal webpage using this tutorial last year and am in process of (slowly) updating it to look really nice without needing to learn a ton of js/css/html. (https://t.co/YTC8aNDjlF) ↪
Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 2/0): @calvinmdewilde @Netlify Ah, it maybe really was through namecheap.
I use the blogdown package, Hugo academic theme and host it on GitHub + netlify. I remember there was a simple verification/cross-checking process, but nothing too serious 🤷 ↪
Ledgerdomain (@fredfribe; 2/0): @clareitao @DaniellMrC Blogdown, vms ↪
Kyle Ratner (@kyleratner; 2/0): Also, blogdown and git tutorials by @dsquintana (https://t.co/RWT6v2dPtm), @apreshill, (https://t.co/EuGLtnqb4h) @JennyBryan (https://t.co/wLdRGWUiuH) were so helpful! 🙏 ↪
Lucky Mehra (@lmehra; 2/0): @gustavoetal @kanishkamisra @apreshill @xieyihui I was struggling with the same error code for last two days. Then found the solution at: https://t.co/PyRqnBjS3L
I was able to serve the site after adding the below code to config.toml
path = “wowchemy-hugo-modules/wowchemy” ↪
Aline Coutinho (@AlineSociology; 1/1): I spent 5 hours trying to build a static website with Hugo, and I’m stuck in an error after I type the command blogdown::serve_site(). I’ve watched tutorials, read documentation + questions others had online… nothing.
I should go to bed. Perhaps I’ll have a eureka moment. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Error adding iframe with Shiny app to blogdown - Wrong URL is used #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/0odlWUcjG1 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Image header for post doesn’t display in blogdown post #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Stybu7uNS0 ↪
Umair Durrani (@umairdurrani87; 1/1): Trying out the xmin blogdown theme and drawing some cars with #ggplot2 #rstats: https://t.co/3bJkbWqmif ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/0): Blogdown: change CSS in the Academic theme #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/cKFKR9UzYo ↪
Adam H. Sparks (@adamhsparks; 1/0): @somacrat @MattCowgill This is the correct answer. Website and CV both written in #RStats and automated. New pub? Grab the bibtex entry, put it in the bib file, update the CV and push changes. CV is linked from website with DOIs providing links to said papers. blogdown and vitae packages are lifesavers ↪
Mark Edmondson (@HoloMarkeD; 1/0): @ShirinGlander @rstudio Not a fix, but a workaround could be to have the original Rmd as .rmd.raw say, then render that locally to Rmd, then let blogdown serve that up. ↪
Shirin Elsinghorst (@ShirinGlander; 1/0): Also, if someone has an idea why #blogdown doesn’t serve my site anymore if I include any #Keras function, please let me know! 🤔 (@rstudio Github issue: https://t.co/cjHd7QLK8L) ↪
Alessandro_ARG (@Alessandro__ARG; 1/0): Me negué a hacer la página en Hugo con blogdown. Finalmente logré poner todo junto. Termino de organizar el material y empiezo a compartirlo. #rstats #finance #monetarypolicy ↪
Joshua Goldberg (@GoldbergData; 1/0): @andrewheiss @pachamaltese @digitalocean Glad you two connected. May I ask @andrewheiss that you share some magic on how you created your course website. I know it’s mostly blogdown/R. I’ve looked at your source code. I’d just like to learn tricks and hacks that you learned along the way. 😄 ↪
Deemah 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 (@dmi3k; 1/0): Trying to organize my thoughts about ways of rendering and deploying
based on https://t.co/VawaF0eRIr https://t.co/3De1V4YbGs ↪
llrs (@Lluis_Rev; 1/0): @MilesMcBain Addinexamples for the %in% shortcut, blogdown, and reprex but those later two seldom ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): blogdown vs hugodown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/LVLD7tYrPr ↪
Eric Scott, PhD (@LeafyEricScott; 0/1): @MilesMcBain Reprex, blogdown, and one I made to insert a metadata template into a (R) Markdown based on dataframe column names and types. https://t.co/jBKdix8haP ↪
HoxoMaxwell!😷 (@Maxwell_110; 195/41): PoE with R: https://t.co/AkmBbgqzYu
R で計量経済をというサイト
単純な線形回帰からパネルデータにおけるGLS,操作変数法,内/外生性,時系列モデルなどと,包括的にトピックが網羅されている.本や Free pdf も・・・.pdf: https://t.co/syJlr2u0Re
Book: https://t.co/8xMcnOeplt https://t.co/RKJTfh6Gzh ↪
One R Tip a Day (@RLangTip; 118/50): The complete book, R Programming for Data Science by @rdpeng, is available online at https://t.co/jMza23SrkQ #rstats ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 49/10): ✍️📚 “All books on https://t.co/rDte5XFlUy | Bookdown”
👤 RStudio @rstudio
#rstats https://t.co/tbqbOF8bR9 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 34/12): 📦📚 “testdown • Turn your ’testthat’ results into a Bookdown.”
👤 ThinkR @thinkr_fr
#rstats https://t.co/qWQlIn1tCy ↪
Emorie Beck (@EmorieBeck; 16/3): All materials are available on #GitHub (https://t.co/IEFWtBoWCr) and the OSF (https://t.co/xjWkomNVXk) as well as the shiny app (https://t.co/uEIqGpOjfk) and a nice #bookdown format (https://t.co/jugMmh6UuU) 7/n ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 13/7): よっしゃー!bookdownのあらゆるフォーマットにもnumber_sections追加したった!これで相互参照も図3.1とかできるようになったぞ!
https://t.co/bO1gLcqrDq ↪
Tahir Enes Gedik (@tahirenesgedik; 11/0): @AliOilhan Belki giriş düzeyinde bir anlatım için: https://t.co/mzEpWIlLwD ↪
Burak AYDIN (@Burak4YD1N; 10/0): Coursera’dan aldığım derslerin keyfi bambaşkaydı, ileri düzey programlamayı, Shiny’i, bookdown’u uzaktan eğitimle öğrendim. Yüzlerce öğrenci dersi aldık, puanlama akran değerlendirmesi ile yapıldı, ama kimsenin derdi öncelikle yüksek not almak değildi, iş öğrenmekti.. ↪
Eskisehir R User Group (@eskisehiR_users; 7/2): Türkçe olarak @emretoros tarafından kaleme alınan
“Sosyal Bilimler Araştırmaları için R”
kitabına ücretsiz olarak erişebilirsiniz 👇👇
https://t.co/dbM38ydQXq ↪
Mikhail Popov (@bearloga; 7/0): @CMastication @ellamkaye @thomas_mock @R_cookbook Well I’ll be darned! From https://t.co/m9tJWI4dEL (h/t @kwbroman) https://t.co/WQqBhiqsQt ↪
Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 5/2): For those looking to take R Markdown to the next level, check out the R Markdown Codebook by @xieyihui @EmilyRiederer @chrisderv https://t.co/EJ9llyPGRE ↪
Mauricio Ortega (@biomauro_rtg; 4/1): R Programming for Data Science https://t.co/YKwxvG8TgB ↪
Dr. Jessica Burnett (she/her) (@TrashBirdEcol; 3/1): @algaebarnacle Just stumbled on this thanks to dr google https://t.co/CPaPcoRgM6 ↪
Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 3/1): @chendaniely @TiffanyTimbers @dcossyle Looks like 1 app per exercise. Local shiny server now up and running. https://t.co/H6KiwJlEKF ↪
Mônica Rocabado (@monimazz; 3/1): Como ler conteúdo em PDF, doc, áudios e imagens no R? Como obter informações de sites e do twitter? Colaborei na construção dessas respostas no capítulo 5 do livro Text4cs do @davicmoreira 👩💻💫 Confere lá! #RStats #DataScience https://t.co/qJxw7ZRihe ↪
Karl Broman (@kwbroman; 3/0): @CMastication @bearloga I understand the underscore issue to be a bookdown thing, but recommended more generally. https://t.co/ErhIuaRe8S ↪
emre toros (@emretoros; 3/0): @AnlasEkonomi https://t.co/JIkpEDd7CB
yardımcı olabilir… ↪
ellisvalentiner (@ellisvalentiner; 3/0): @_ColinFay It could if you submitted a PR
https://t.co/zCggfYAGC1 ↪
txt4cs (@txt4cs; 2/2): [Atualização] 11 de setembro! O que disseram os deputados brasileiros 19 anos atrás? Capítulo 5, sobre obtenção de conteúdo, publicado com a colaboração da cientista de dados @monimazz! https://t.co/tDYit1axOA ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/1): bookdown figure number formattiing: both sequential numbering and section numbering #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/gqnblnsTlm ↪
PirateGrunt (@FanninQED; 2/0): @CMastication @kwbroman @bearloga I may be wrong, but I had thought the underscore issue with bookdown was confined to LaTeX and/or cross-referencing. I think the latter case is where I had trouble and began to adopt the habit of dashes instead of underscores. ↪
Rodrigo Fileto (@rodfileto; 2/0): @BeaMilz @KimJoaoUn @bruno_gommez Eu usei markdown com bookdown. Tive que fazer algumas páginas customizadas (capa, folha de rosto) mas no fim deu certo e ficou bonitinho ↪
Ahmet Akgül (@rpydaneogrendim; 2/0): @HaydarB4 @AnlasEkonomi Eklenebilir. https://t.co/1lCTszoPSf ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Is the traditional markdown image insertion format
not allowed in r bookdown? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/82J5t5hLim ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Bookdown: Number each part starting from 1 or use Arabic numbers for appendices #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/7kjlpQJFG2 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Markdown HTML w/ bookdown: Changing Figure Numbering #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/eSlsHEpS1u ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Bookdown: how to make citations in footnotes appear in the chapter references? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/cWFnTHAXLd ↪
John P. Mills, PhD (@johnpmillsphd; 1/0): I have a book on Amazon, but it has recouped costs now and I want to make it OA. Does anyone have any suggestions for how to do that beyond bookdown? I have seen a few different options on here over the past six months and thought I had bookmarked (I hadn’t!). #ScienceTwitter ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 1/0): @chendaniely @dcossyle @chrisderv A more detailed discussion can be found here: https://t.co/Zcc3frqzou ↪
De Stroy (@addictive_ds; 1/0): @silviajulianalm @rafalab Have a look at bookdown and find the book by the same author, it supplements the course and provides more details. Have fun 😃 ↪
TuQmano (@TuQmano; 1/0): @BeaMilz Tenes que poner en el Rmd el texto de la anotación luego de
https://t.co/jcyZMbz4JU ↪
Tingjie Guo (@TingjieGuo; 1/0): @vrognas Git should work but that’s too geek 🤓. But I like Rmarkdown, it’s modern. Checkout bookdown R package, maybe you will want to write everything with it 😁 ↪
Arielle Dror (@arielle_dror; 1/0): Parameterized reports (https://t.co/yY7g76DCFk) are also really cool. You can set parameters in the YAML header to control anything, from what data is pulled to what text you want to display in different versions of a report. This makes life easier and your code more efficient. ↪
Brendan Cullen (@_bcullen; 519/105): Just learned an amazing #rstats trick: You can embed #learnr apps using
for live coding demos inside #xaringan slides! 🤯 This way you don’t have to switch b/w slides and #rstudio IDE for live demos, reducing cognitive load. #rmarkdown knows no bounds! 🤩 https://t.co/WAYxyKoWLd ↪
One R Package a Day (@RLangPackage; 9/5): workflowr - Provides a workflow for your analysis projects by combining literate programming (‘knitr’ and ‘rmarkdown’) and version control (‘Git’, via ‘git2r’) to generate a website containing time-stamped, versioned, and documented results. #rstats https://t.co/OAnypTFqR1 ↪
Nick Criswell (@nrcriswell; 2/0): @GoldbergData We’ve had success embedding shiny apps (and knitr docs!) hosted with RSConnect into dashboard pages in Tableau. Then you can have the best of both worlds. https://t.co/uxLy1TU5px ↪
Mikhail Popov (@bearloga; 1/2): @ellamkaye @thomas_mock That’s so weird! It works for me; I wonder what’s going on
Are you using latest versions {knitr} & {rmarkdown}? Do you work in RStudio IDE? (I recommend updating that to latest if you haven’t yet.) Do you use {tinytex} (https://t.co/5IODOYty5g) to install the LaTeX distribution? ↪
Calum Polwart (@ShinyBlackShoe; 1/0): @DM_Zadeh @Pharmacistdaz Are you wanting a “pretty” table (knitr in rmarkdown) or export to CSV or excel
Can also markdown to word direct… ↪
Jeff Walker (@jwalkrunski; 1/0): @mtanichthys @JennyBryan this includes reading/writing image files for example this code
``` r
image_path <- here(“images/transport/simple_diffusion.jpg”)
The directory “images” needs to be at the root level of the R Studio Project (where it should be!) ↪
Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 1/0): @chendaniely @TiffanyTimbers @dcossyle Would love to see a package that does for python/reticulate what {tinytex} does for LaTeX - a no fuss noob-level installer of a minimal working version of python (miniconda-ish). ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 205/44): Have you ever wanted to use R’s colors in your {xaringan} slides or other R Markdown HTML docs? (Yes, this tweet is for a very niche #rstats audience.)
If you said YES! then I’ve put together some CSS files just for you
https://t.co/mZaS4fYKsa ↪
David Schoch (@schochastics; 80/11): Finally finished a blackboard inspired xaringan theme. What I learned is that css is both awesome and #$@&%*! #rstats https://t.co/Vsdgzqjn9p https://t.co/p8UNKRTCOa ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 42/3): Absolutely enamored with combination of xaringan + mathjax + colors in equations for more mathy slides
(Use \color{#2ECC40}{2 + 2} to use colors with any hex code) https://t.co/AAWAq3nnba ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 34/6): 📦 “xaringanthemer • 😎 Give your xaringan slides some style”
👤 Garrick Aden-Buie @grrrck
#rstats https://t.co/6J9vHKlITN ↪
Jonathan Kitt (@jokittr; 4/1): This is really useful! Preview the output of a RMarkdown file as you save it, using xaringan package from @xieyihui. #RStats #rmarkdown #code
https://t.co/U6ITS8YT7i ↪
Sophie Hill (@sophie_e_hill; 4/0): Screen-recording + captioning done with @screencasto: https://t.co/aDLiMrVdwi
Slides made in Rmarkdown with xaringan: https://t.co/bvoYhG6VSk
All files available in this repo: https://t.co/uCoRExm1M3 ↪
Omar Wasow (@owasow; 4/0): @JaeJaeykim2 Am trying to transition from Latex to Rmarkdown+Latex. For slides, Xaringan’s native HTML has been a huge improvement over Beamer (eg, remote teaching). For papers, only big advantage has been ability to export to Word for one co-author. Stuck with Latex for book project. ↪
Daniel Nüst (@nordholmen; 3/0): @StephenEglen @geospacedman @lgatt0 @wolfgangkhuber @albertcardona I took a quick look around and learned about the countdown feature by @lopp_sean - apparently part of Xaringan since 2017! It shows a timer for each slide. The PR should be a good starting point to implement this, including a small rewrite by @xieyihui
https://t.co/89pLPu0l4n ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 2/0): Acabei de colocar também os links de apresentações anteriores (e que eu ainda não atualizei o material). Tem 3 apresentações diferentes sobre xaringan aí 😳
tá na hora de atualizar haha
https://t.co/X5kGHqHZ5w ↪
Daniel Sjoberg (@statistishdan; 2/0): @health_design23 It’s not too difficult! The website is hosted on https://t.co/vnnH5JOwgW and the slides made with the xaringan R package. 🕺 ↪
Jarek Bryk (@jarekbryk; 1/0): This thing is properly indistinguishable from magic. Amazing #xaringan https://t.co/gkxLgfPOaz ↪
Pavitra Chakravarty (@genomixgmailcom; 1/0): I love everything xaringan and xaringanextra https://t.co/vupMD1HNyO ↪
Peter Sobolewski (@psobolewskiPhD; 1/0): This is very slick and a really good idea, especially with remote presentation tools, where switching windows/etc. can be more time consuming…
I really need to get more familiar with #xaringan and #rmarkdown for presentations…
#SciComm #AlwaysBeLearning https://t.co/SWcJVLzxNf ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 1/0): @suziproibida Oi! Se for com xaringan, tem material que não está ai ainda pq ainda quero atualizar: https://t.co/YQVxP3hNPD e https://t.co/WCxMgYRJOh ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 1/0): Usei várias dicas feitas sobre como compartilhar as apresentações feitas no xaringan pelo @grrrck neste post: https://t.co/51QIyYYhTL ↪
Andrew Farina (@AndrewFarina01; 1/0): This xaringan theme looks great! I’ve been hesitant to dig too deep into css…then I see this…time to learn more than just the basic css manipulations! https://t.co/9B20TsgTdD ↪
Tim Tiefenbach (@TimTeaFan; 1/0): @bmwiernik @rstats4ds And then there is {flipbookr} to produce {xaringan} slides which reveal every pipe step and output. It’s ideal for teaching. https://t.co/oEP71BIryl ↪