Behold, an updated, simplified, step-by-step guide (plus video!) for doing regression discontinuity with #rstats!



Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 618120): Behold, an updated, simplified, step-by-step guide (plus video!) for doing regression discontinuity with #rstats!

David Robinson (@drob; 58152): Wow while we’ve been messing around on #rstats Reddit has been getting it done

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 28376): Bayesian Statistics using R, Python, and Stan {} #rstats #DataScience

Dr Andrew Digby (@takapodigs; 19241): All #kakapo fans who are #Rstats users: check out the new awesome #kakapo colour palette from @GojThomson. You can now have Sinbad in all of your plots! #conservation

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 16535): Already 20th of October ?! So… the printed version of #rmarkdown cookbook is officially out ! 🎉🤩 > For those who❤️paper, you can now get a hard copy at (I think it is on sale for a few days) > Happy #rstats 📚 reading!

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka (@gp_pulipaka; 151110): Best Machine Learning Books (Updated for 2020). #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode


Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 6612): Personal highlights from the latest #blogdown > 🧶 the knit button in @rstudio works > 🍱 has a helper function blogdown::bundle_site() to move post files into leaf bundles > 🏗️ blogdown::build_site() no longer recompiles R Markdown files by default > 🎓 Hugo modules just work

Stephanie Hicks (@stephaniehicks; 3910): Looks like I definitely need to upgrade to latest #blogdown! Thanks @xieyihui for the awesome features in the new release! #rstats

FROHMANN VERLAG (@Frohmannberlin; 141): @nachtundtagblog Bei uns erscheint Mitte November – VÖ-Tag wegen Eventfrage noch nicht ganz fix – in der Reihe Kleine Formen #blogdown von Philip Grözinger (Zeichnungen) und @GeorgDiez1 (Texte).

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 100): Featuring great packages by @AchimZeileis, @VincentAB and @lrberge, among others. > Also thanks to @xieyihui for integrating blogdown with Jekyll/GH-pages. Surprisingly enough, this is the first blog post that I’ve written entirely in R Markdown…

Rodrigo Werle (@WiscWeeds; 52): Our blog went down for a couple days after some updates (thanks @maxwelco for helping me bring it back to life). Farmers, educators, agronomists & industry colleagues reached out to let us know the blog was down; very happy they noticed! #blogdown #rstats

Lars M (@thesignigame; 32): Oh man, my blogdown/Hugo set-up let’s me have GIFs as thumbnails chef’s kiss #rstats #blogdown

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 30): @andrewheiss @jent103 @apreshill Anyway, with the original 3 “don’t”s in this twitter thread are no longer necessary: > 1. You can’t (easily) touch index.Rmd; 2. There is no public/ directory any more by default (you don’t even need to know what that means); 3. Just Knit It! ™

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 30): @_bcullen I basically cannot reuse my old blogdown teaching slides, but I’m OK with this :)

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 22): Unable to render new .Rmd files to html after the recent blogdown update #tidyverse #rstats

Joshua de la Bruere (@delaBJL; 22): Does anyone know of a blogdown/#hugo theme that is heavily inspired by Microsoft’s Metro design philosophy? #rstats

Jae Yeon Kim (@JaeJaeykim2; 20): @andrewheiss Thanks for sharing. Also, this is an excellent use of blogdown! Very impressed.

Chris Mainey (@chrismainey; 12): Hey #rstats #blogdown users. Is anyone else having problems since latest update? I think it’s to do with servr, as it doesn’t respond when serving site. Happens on Windows and Ubuntu through WSL. If it’s just me, it must be firewall or something. @xieyihui @apreshill Thanks!

blowindblow (@cyanapricot; 11): Personal projects: 1. Scrape web for the full script of C&H comics 2. Create wallpaper for phone/computer 3. Participate in #TidyTuesday
4. Migrate from WordPress to R blogdown + Netlify(?) 5. Edit short AC video for Sher

Dr. Oof-enshmirtz (@daveonbrill; 10): Finally may time na ako to do stuff that I wanna do 😭 tomorrow I’ll try to learn {blogdown} and migrate things there hehe

Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 10): @VincentAB Thanks man! Very happy with the switch to a remote theme. Makes the site much more lightweight and easy to update. (Plus the blogdown integration obvs…) > That’s all @mmistakes’s work btw.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @PieRatio As I said to someone else recently (, it’s often hard to debug problems on Twitter. I’ll appreciate it if you could file a Github issue with a reproducible example. I just tested leaflet myself against the dev version of blogdown, and it worked fine.

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @sedgeboy @ProQuesAsker @rstudio Done:

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @chrismainey @apreshill I just pushed a possible fix that might be relevant to your problem. Please see if remotes::install_github(‘rstudio/blogdown’) works. If not, feel free to file an issue. Thank you!

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 10): @chrismainey @apreshill There’s too little information in a tweet. Could you file an issue to Github? Thanks!

Tom (@tomjemmett; 10): @ChrisBeeley Something I’m mulling over whether to build, but a repository to store these kinds of analysis, then use bookdown / blogdown to render to github pages.

Karina Bartolomé 💚 (@karbartolome; 10): @guadag12 @smessina_ @r0mymendez Jajaj posta que sí!! todo mi blogdown es un hugo template yo solo armé las publicaciones, sin templates es imposible 🙈

C. M. Jones-Todd (@cmjonestodd; 10): @TiagoALOMarques @rstudio @rstudiotips No idea about RStudio Connect, but for #bookdown / #blogdown stuff I use GHpages. There are other ( perhaps cooler?) options I’m sure!

Peter Sobolewski (@psobolewskiPhD; 10): @vtemarticent @dsquintana If you do go the #blogdown route, this ‘workflow’ from @xieyihui was very helpful for me (whole book is great!) Also from @apreshill : FYI: Don’t hesitate to nuke the ‘public’ folder and hugo_build again!


Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 171): Would you like to improve your R Markdown game? Check out “R Markdown Cookbook”! > You can find the free online version (licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License) here:

#DatarkanKeluk 🏠 داترکن کلوق# (@Thaza_Kun; 165): Contoh buku rujukan Fizik berbahasa Jerman yang dihasilkan menggunakan Bookdown. > Rupa Catatan Mekanik Kuantum aku akan jadi macam ini. Cubalah belek-belek sekejap. >

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 132): Quer saber como usar o GitHub Actions para fazer o deploy de um livro usando o pacote bookdown? Confira esse post do @Emil_Hvitfeldt :

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 61): Will some of your readers care about the code but most won’t? Automatically pull it all into an appendix > > (10/n)

#DatarkanKeluk 🏠 داترکن کلوق# (@Thaza_Kun; 52): Benda ini lebih hampir dengan tujuan asal aku menghimpunkan nota kuliah itu: supaya wujud rujukan sains ilmiah berbahasa Melayu di internet. > Setelah lebih kurang 2 tahun mencari, akhirnya aku jumpa juga caranya: kerangka Bookdown.

John MacKintosh (@_johnmackintosh; 51): I’m immediately struck by the overall appearance of this book, and how quickly the contents load. Is this a typical Python notebook? Bookdown books always seem to be quite laggy, (which is why I have the hard copies of R4DS and TidyText)

Zelus (@yo_mom_gae; 50): @elisejnik Looks like a bookdown to me

Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 50): @jdrasmus1 @savljohnson @noah_triplett Think like a demographer and get curious about crosstabs. I spot a lot of problems that way. Always make it reproducible! > R for Data Science ( and Exploratory Data Analysis ( are two good resources. > Tag: @sd2nyc2nc

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 40): Overrun by the amount of code in a single Rmd or want it better modularized for collaboration? Child documents can help you write multiple Rmd and render them to one output: > > (2/n)

Hamed Davari (@Dave_theJudge; 40): @Velad20 @Taghip1

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 30): Concerned about accessibility? You should be! Use web best practices to make your HTML output more accessible and screen-reader friendly > > (9/n)

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 30): Need to reference specific lines of code in your writing? Output hooks let you post-process your output – including adding line numbers! > > (5/n)

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 30): Want to automatically generate code chunks and/or MD text (e.g. separate header and plot for a set of variables)? knit_expand() is your friend > > (4/n)

Martin Skarzynski (@marskar; 30): @chrisderv @JoannaMelon Links to the rmarkdown cookbook: GitHub:

#DatarkanKeluk 🏠 داترکن کلوق# (@Thaza_Kun; 30): Konteks: Aku tengah cuba hasilkan catatan Mekanik Kuantum menggunakan Bookdown >

#DatarkanKeluk 🏠 داترکن کلوق# (@Thaza_Kun; 30): Bookdown menggabungkan kemantapan LaTeX dalam penulisan Markdown (md) . Markdown ni macam Words tapi lebih ringkas. Gabungan md dan LaTeX ini pula diterjemahkan dalam bentuk HTML. > Tambahan pula, Bookdown membolehkan ia disusun ikut bab macam buku!

#DatarkanKeluk 🏠 داترکن کلوق# (@Thaza_Kun; 30): Bookdown juga memudahkan pembaca yang menggunakan telefon jadi tak semestinya ia perlu dirujuk menggunakan komputer semata-mata.

Sara Mortara (@MortaraSara; 30): @rafalpx @SanchezTapiaA apesar de um dos nossos objetivos ser convencer as pessoas a não temer latex, a oficina foi tão boa que depois dela eu estou usando até bookdown

David Grubbs (@crcgrubbsd; 23): It’s official the R Markdown Cookbook is now out in print!!!! It’s available from Hearty Congratulations to @xieyihui @chrisdev and @EmilyRiederer and the editor @JohnEKimmel1. #rstats #datascience #bookdown

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 23): Can bookdown output in PDF/X-3 format? #tidyverse #rstats

f0nzie@OilGainsAnalytics (@OilGains; 23): I made this special update of #rstats #rTorch at request of one of the top seven science and engineering universities in United States. What an honor! > > Manuals and tutorials written in #Rmarkdown #bookdown and #pkgdown packages.

Wei Yang Tham (@wytham88; 22): #rstats Bookdown question: can you do custom text for links to figures? > right now i can do the usual “refer to Figure
@ ref(fig:graph-i-plotted)“. > Is there something like > random crap I wanna say?

Andi (they/them) (@InductiveStep; 22): Current fav: - lecture notes in #RStats markdown - knitted to self-contained html (images embedded) - using {.tabset) to hide answers - animated gifs, e.g., to demo actions in RStudio - NOT using {bookdown}; rather each week’s chap is self-contained and downloadable

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 20): @fusaroli @paulbuerkner It’s not very polished, but you can find some #brms code for discrete-time hazard models here:

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 20): Are you writing a tutorial or vignette and want to show and mock a temp file on the fly? The {cat} engine can help you out > > (8/n)

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 20): Have some Markdown code to show only if certain logical conditions are met? Using the {asis} language engine and the {echo} chunk option makes this straightforward and elegant > > (3/n)

Tiago André Marques (@TiagoALOMarques; 20): Hey tweet-peeps that use #bookdown. How hard is to publish online some notes I made for students? Does not seem straightforward, am I missing an obvious step? @rstudio @rstudiotips #. Sorry for numpty first time use…

CAP’N (@nathangs20; 20): I’ll be trying this out. It may be what pulls me away from VS Code for my bookdown project. Depends on RStudio’s git support, with which I’m not familiar.

Sucheta Tripathy (@tsucheta; 20): Computational Genomics with R and many other free books at

Radoslaw Panczak (@RPanczak; 13): @SN_OAbooks The link above will get you one for mere $13000€. The link below will get you one for free in #rstats #markdown on @github with awesome work from @xieyihui. Just example. There are many other tech and web options. Choose wisely #openscience

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): PNG file does not render in Bookdown #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): R Bookdown code shunk output problems pdf #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): Code folding for multiple languages in bookdown #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): Is there a proper way to include images in the margins a an R Bookdown project? #tidyverse #rstats

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 11): @thomas_mock @AnthonyTeacher @robinson_es Yes, you can. It’s similar to how you reference R code. Put Markdown chunks in a file, e.g., ref.txt, label them, knitr::read_chunk(‘ref.txt’), and use them with ```{asis, your-markdown-label}. More about the asis engine:

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 10): Oops! Missed one of them and only did 9 😳 > Need multiple output formats? Make sure your custom styling (from the previous 2 chapters!) will work either way > (11-ish / n) >

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 10): Want to customize the style of an arbitrary block of text or code? Insert your own “fence” with Pandoc divs! > > (7/n)

Harsh (@HarshSikka; 10): @andrew_n_carr @gumroad Definitely! Also check out, it looks super convenient for pushing our something decent looking to html, PDF, and epub, etc. (it is in R Markdown tho lol)

Alejandra Ortiz-Ayala (@aleortizayala; 10): @AdrianaRudling @JasonReifler @tjscotto @Qualtrics If you have additional questions let me know

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 10): @RaoOfPhysics Yeah I agree and for PDF specifically entr is probably the best option. This reminds me that I wrote a (terribly hacky too) R script specifically for watching and re-rendering a bookdown project, I’ll see if I can dig it up to share

Rosalie Bruel (@RosalieBruel; 10): @prosser55 @rstatstweet In the {r} part of the chunk (where you can define the options for your chunk, e.g., eval = T), you can add fig.width = 7 and fig.height = 4 (for example). See here for more details:

sumeragiagito (@sumeragiagito; 10): こんばんは😄 > 機械学習関連で > 「Feature Engineering and Selection: A Practical Approach for Predictive Models」 > 直訳で「特徴量エンジニアリングと選択:予測モデルの実用的なアプローチ」 > という特徴量エンジニアリングについて書かれた本が > webで無料公開中! >

abdullah zubair (@zubsw; 0/2): Learned basics of #bookdown this week. Still baby steps but slowly getting the groove of it #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Unable to resize an image in Bookdown #tidyverse #rstats

Lukas Burk (@Jemus42; 0/1): Seriously I can’t stress enough how much TinyTeX has made local LaTeX projects viable for me, which is kind of what the entirety of all my {bookdown}-related endeavours relies upon. Including my master’s thesis. Which is kind of a biggie for me right now. #rstats


atusy (@Atsushi776; 70): 久々にknitrにPRしてきた。これで1.29, 1.30, 1.31とコンスタントに貢献できてる。

Ioannis Kosmidis (@IKosmidis_; 64): To top this up: the #rstats ecosystem has great📦to both produce publication-quality reports/outputs and maximize their accessibility ({knitr}, {rmarkdown}, {colorspace}, {viridis} to name a few). We can always do better in terms of accessibility. >

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 32): TFW you find exactly the #rstats answer you need from an obscure @StackOverflow thread from 3.5 years ago. Thanks @juliasilge! > And for the record, if you use #knitr with abnormally large datasets, setting cache.lazy to FALSE can save you some headaches. >

Programmer Books (@ProgrammerBooks; 31): Dynamic Documents with R and knitr, 2nd Edition ==> > #python #javascript #angular #reactjs #vuejs #perl #ruby #Csharp #Java #linux #programming #network #security #golang #coding #ionic #android #ios #DataScience #development #ArtificialIntelligence

Jae Yeon Kim (@JaeJaeykim2; 30): I shared this tip once … If you want to turn your test version R markdown file into R script for whatever the reason is, consider using something like this knitr::purl(input = here("markdown", "test.Rmd"), output = here("R", "prod.r"))

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 20): Curious about all the chunk options besides eval and echo? The print appendix includes a comprehensive list, which you can also find on @xieyihui ’s blog > > (6/n)

🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor; 12): @RahaPhD @RLadiesBmore Could be: > * Something in Raha’s Rprofile? * An RStudio version change? * An RStudio setting? * A difference in the #rmarkdown or #knitr versions we have installed? > ⁉️ > @RahaPhD, can you post your R session & Rstudio version info too? Maybe on a gist. Thanks! > #rstats @rstudio

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): .png from knitr breakes flexdashboard in Shiny app #tidyverse #rstats

Shoei (@shoei05; 11): rmarkdownで使用しているパッケージの挙動が不安定で、一回で正しく図示されない場合。あとで差し替えたい場合は、cache=2 だと差分と認識されてknitr時に上書きされてしまうため、cache=3で、file名_files>figure-html>該当画像を差し替えるとうまくいく

jake riley (@yake_84; 10): @daniebrant This can be so frustrating. You can try > {r, out.width = "400px"}  knitr::include_graphics("path/to/image.png")


Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 20): @felipe_mattioni @_ColinFay @chrisderv Got it! You encountered the same bug as me. You need to add ‘–disable-dev-shm-usage’ in the extra_args parameter. see

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 20): @_ColinFay @felipe_mattioni @RLesur You may need so set some extra arg so that it work in docker. It depends on the container you are using and how chrome is setup. For example : extra_args = c(“–disable-gpu”, “–no-sandbox”) See

Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 10): @felipe_mattioni @_ColinFay @chrisderv I’ve gathered all the recipes to use pagedown::chrome_print() with docker in this section of the documentation


Lukas Burk (@Jemus42; 32): I just had a biblatex/biber-related issue with the formatting in my .bib file that wasn’t an issue 2 days ago, and I thought I might as well reinstall/update TeX Live via {tinytex}, and… thanks @xieyihui, TinyTeX is the best thing since sliced bread, it just works 🙏 #rstats


Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 66): I’m excited to be leading an #RStats #xaringan workshop in two weeks for the @NHSrCommunity 2020 Conference! > There’s still time to register! > 🔖Find out more about my workshop at the course site: > And see the full program here:

Sophie Hill (@sophie_e_hill; 41): @dbrby What is it? > I like using Xaringan - super easy to customize!

Mine Dogucu (@MineDogucu; 40): When RISE becomes as good as xaringan, I will teach with Jupyter.

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 24): CRAN updates: MARSS mvrsquared PRISM.forecast RaSEn rmarkdown SuessR xaringan #rstats

Ross Dahlke 🔑 (@Ross_Dahlke; 20): @sophie_e_hill @dbrby Agreed on Xaringan! I can seem a little intimidating with how custom you can make it with css (if like me you don’t know css), but you don’t have to and then it’s super simple. @sophie_e_hill ‘s template looks great!

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 20): @RaoOfPhysics Two suggestions: you can use xaringan::infinite_moon_reader() or js4shiny::live_preview(). Both will re-render .Rmd documents when saved and are available as RStudio addins >

Michal Michalski (@topographos2; 20): @josephlewis1992 True, took me ages but I settled on xaringan for R related stuff

kvltovcachelos (@AntifaCogollo; 11): Ninguén: Absolutamente ninguén: Truxa: Al igual está poco puto tocho el ascrafly este… > El del xaringan este

Jon Harmon (@JonTheGeek; 10): @_ColinFay @rstudio It appears to happen when I have a rendered xaringan presentation from a different project open in an RStudio window, strangely enough. Closing that window took care of the issue. Gonna try to make a true reprex and… figure out where to submit an issue…

Russ Steele (@RussInMtl; 10): @daniela_witten I hope you ask all your future seminar hosts to include this in their introduction of you. TBH, this is a real branding opportunity for you. Coffee mugs, T-shirts, a TikTok collaboration with @ChelseaParlett, a xaringan slides theme extension package. I’m in for all of it.

neregauzak (@neregauzak; 10): @jjgibaja Preparará sus presentaciones con xaringan?

We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 274): Two resources have been useful to me ➡️ for inspiration and for beginners. @xieyihui authored the DT package, which I use regularly! #rladies #learntocode

Dianne Cook (@visnut; 111): @statsgen Stated by someone who is way more knowledgeable and talented, nicknamed the cool hacker in