Programmer deleting a seemingly unused piece of code. What’s the worst that could happen? #DEVCommunity #Machinelearning #100DaysOfCode #IoT #100DaysOfMLCode #Python #flutter #javascript #womenwhocode #cybersecurity #RStats #CodeNewbie #DataScience #FutureofWork @SourabhSKatoch



Harold Sinnott 📲 😷 (@HaroldSinnott; 1635/462): Programmer deleting a seemingly unused piece of code. What’s the worst that could happen?

#DEVCommunity #Machinelearning #100DaysOfCode #IoT #100DaysOfMLCode #Python #flutter #javascript #womenwhocode #cybersecurity #RStats #CodeNewbie #DataScience #FutureofWork @SourabhSKatoch

Simon Couch (@simonpcouch; 221/48): My first #rstats post on my new blog and first #TidyTuesday submission—an introduction to model stacking in the #tidymodels!

Dan Quintana (@dsquintana; 191/47): Oh my GOSH: Calculating all possible meta-analysis study combinations

If you have 16 effect sizes, there are 65,535 possible meta-analyses you can run. With a few lines of #Rstats code you can run them all and visualise the results

Milos Popovic/Милош Поповић (@milos_agathon; 169/60): Check out Europe’s poorest and richest regions in my new map

#gdp #economy #dataviz #DataScience #maps #rstats

Dianne Cook (@visnut; 119/89): Would you be willing to review articles for the R Journal? #rstats Typically 1-3 papers per year. review content, code and usefulness. It’s all volunteer run and completely open. If so please volunteer using this form


David Echeverría (@dhecheverria; 30/6): Extiendo una cordial invitación al #Rweekend organizado por la @see_estadistica. Tengo el gusto de ser parte de los panelistas este año. Haré un taller sobre la creación de un blog con #R #Hugo #Blogdown

Brendan Cullen (@_bcullen; 21/4): As an enthusiast of all things tiny (aka a “miniac”), favicons are really sparking joy for me these days ✨. For any #rstats folks using #blogdown + #hugo academic theme for your websites, you can easily customize your own icon in a matter of minutes. Read more below 👇 (1/3)

R for the Rest of Us (@rfortherest; 13/4): Want to make a website using #rstats and RMarkdown? Many people know blogdown, but don’t overlook Distill. @thomas_mock has a nice overview of how to set it up here:


lopierra (@lopierra; 7/4): New post on my #blogdown site: trying patchwork, ggtext, and ggalt 📦📦📦

Nami Sunami | 角南直幸 (@n_sunami; 6/2): Just sharing my first post on my website. It’s about the interests in video games and COVID-19 lockdown measures in the US. This is also an exercise for me to use RMarkdown, blogdown, and hugo.

Joshua de la Bruere (@delaBJL; 5/1): @toeb18 You’ve probably come across it already but the by @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker, and @apreshill is fantastic.

ouR Coding Club! (@ouRcodeclub; 4/2): Today at ouR coding club we talked rMarkdown, ggplot2, blogdown and more! But the more the merrier - join us next time on Nov 2nd @ 2:30 PM ET!

☠️ Duygu Uygun-Tunc ☠️ (@uygun_tunc; 4/0): @matherion I previously hesitated about R fearing that it’d take a lot of time given that I am a noob (I used to know C++ a bit in the past but that’s all gone now)–I’ll go for GitLab & the blogdown package! Thnx a lot, also @dsquintana and @tuncaburak

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 3/0): @delaBJL @toeb18 @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker @apreshill +1 for the above!
@apreshill is my go-to blogdown resource. Here are some materials/posts put together for a blogdown workshop series:
And specific to Hugo, I found her Spoonful of Hugo blog posts to be very helpful:

Ischi_Mathes (@GregorMathes; 3/0): You can now look at my cv at my homepage and download it as a pdf file:

The whole website was built using the blogdown package, and the cv using the datadrivencv package. Or as one of my professors told me back then: “R is magic!” I should have listened.

Joshua de la Bruere (@delaBJL; 2/0): @toeb18 @xieyihui @ProQuesAsker @apreshill Yihui isn’t on twitter often but response to Github/Stack overflow questions quickly.
Amber is doing fantastic work @puddingviz with data and web design
Alison Also is phenomenal when it comes to blogdown.

Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 2/0): @uygun_tunc I use Hugo with the Academic theme and then host on GitLab pages. That’s all Open Source, and with the blogdown package, quite easy to set up. You’re free to steal/clone one or more of my sites to hit the ground running, check my repos at or ask 🙂

Carlo Cavicchia (@carlocavicchia; 2/0): @signormirko I used by et al. for mine. It is simple and supports Hugo, Jekyll and Hexo. (Probably you are more expert than me but I found it very intuitive)

Mario Schädel (@mcranium92; 1/0): @GregorMathes Looks awesome! Do you have the code somewhere (GitHub etc.)? I did my website with Github pages and Jekyll (Ruby), but at some point I forgot how exactly I did it. So, I am thinking about rebuilding it with blogdown and proper documentation for my future self.

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 1/0): A few years ago, I built a #blogdown site for a student group I’m part of – I host it with Netlify and it deploys from a Github repo of mine. I now want to transfer management of the site. Opinions on best way to do this? @apreshill @ProQuesAsker @xieyihui

Erich Neuwirth (@neuwirthe; 1/0): @walterra Ich hab, während ich das Projekt gebaut habe, erst blogdown wirklich gelernt und würde es heute anders aufsetzen.

Dr. Straight but in a spooky mask for a while (@RyanStraight; 0/1): But now the preview looks good but when I knit and build the #blogdown site, my #Xaringan slide decks are just single, no-style HTML pages. 😣 Sigh. #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Error blogdown::serve_site academic template #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): blogdown - is there a way to over-ride the config.toml navigation menu, through the yaml heading on a single page #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Problem with rendering Hugo/blogdown site #tidyverse #rstats


Dana Wand-zer 🪄🎃 (@danawanzer; 21/3): This was probably not the smartest thing to do mid-semester, but it will also save me a lot of time as I transition my handouts from Word & SPSS to #bookdown & @jamovistats. Major thanks to @djnavarro (learn stats w/jamovi) and @LisaDeBruine (PsyTeachR) for CC & open materials!

Vebash (@Sciencificity; 15/4): In RMarkdown you sometimes have code that produces an error, but you want to include it in the rendered output. Add: error = TRUE in the code chunk header.
The document knits without stopping at the error, since it is expected (R4DS learning). #rstats

Daniël Lakens (@lakens; 15/0): @NickFoxstats Yes, just set cache = TRUE

tipsder (@tipsder; 9/3): R Markdown Cookbook.
Libro con grandes consejos para la gestión de documentos reproducibles en #R vía R Markdown.

Martin Skarzynski (@marskar; 9/0): @ASpittel Your blog post is great,
but the part about using three backticks instead of two can be a bit confusing.
If you want to show a markdown code block in markdown, you can wrap the code block in 4 backticks:
``` \``diff

Aaron Pearson (@aaronzpearson; 8/0): R Markdown: The definitive guide has been revised and updated!

Going to be diving into parameterized reports over the coming weeks for reproducible analyses.

Book is free (online), found here:

Rosana Ferrero (@RosanaFerrero; 7/4): El paquete bookdown de #RStats facilita la escritura de libros y artículos / informes de formato largo con R Markdown.
A continuación se muestra una lista de libros destacados.

Jim Hester (@jimhester_; 6/3): @DrElleOBrien examples for each


Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 6/1): @amesoudi @GlassDelaney @LiyingWang10 No worries, I’m a huge fan of Rmd & bookdown for writing reproducible manuscripts, but there are many other really great workflow pkgs in #rstats, recently I’ve been exploring @wmlandau’s

Nicolás (@nicolasalalu; 6/0): Entrar al mundo theme () de tidyverse no tiene límites😍. Jugando con la data de @Properati_AR, encontrado en un gran Curso de CdD de @martinmontane,

JEPS - Journal of European Psychology Students (@efpsa_jeps; 5/2): - the @PsyTeachR courses are great as well (from personal glances, but we have full trust in @UofGPsychology :D)

And, of course, cannot miss a good pirate theme 🦜:

James Steele, PhD (ジェームズスティールさん) (@JamesSteeleII; 4/1): @dsquintana gosh.diagnostics from dmetar is nice too -

Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 3/1): @delaBJL AFAIK react’s table doesn’t have a built in option for this:

But you could define it externally to reactable if you’re doing Shiny:

Or even just add a “button” in RMarkdown:

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 3/0): @amesoudi @giladfeldman I’ve been working on a template for my MSc thesis using bookdown 📦:

The nice thing from a collaboration and open science POV is that it publishes to its own website every time you push new changes to GitHub via CI:

Ben Balas (@bjbalas; 3/0): @ceptional Nice! I didn’t know about bookdown - will have to check this out. The nutshell version is that I’m aiming for something btw textbook and workbook. The emphasis is on observation and learning quantitative models for early/mid-level vision.

Alex Holcombe (@ceptional; 3/0): @bjbalas That’s cool, didn’t know/remember you were writing one! Interested in details!
I used bookdown to write a little mini-text for one of my classes. It works well, I think; planning on using bookdown also for the #OA version of a book chapter.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): Bookdown related problem in R markdown #tidyverse #rstats

Poppy Watson (@Pop_Watson; 2/0): @_MMathur Follow Mathias Harrer and his section on forest plots. V easy to modify!

Michelle R. Greene (@MGreenePhD; 2/0): @bjbalas @ceptional +1 for bookdown. It’s been working really well for the student-led book that I manage.

Felipe Ortega (@jfelipe; 1/4): I’ve just stumbled upon this manual (still draft) about handling missing data in practice, with SPSS and #RStudio, by @mwheymans and @IrisEekhout : After a quick look, I think it deserves a careful reading later #rstats #DataScience

Amit Arora (@aarora79; 1/2): Re-plugging my book on exploring my journey towards fitness & strength with #rstats #rmarkdown #ggplot2 #bookdown #tidyverse. Book:

@thomas_mock I made all data open source, could be used for #TidyTuesday.

Adolfo Sánchez (@asburon; 1/1): Data Science in Education Using R #rmarkdown #bookdown

CaltechLibrary (@CaltechLibrary; 1/1): Interested in learning how to create an interactive digital book to freely share on the internet? Sign up for our Friday workshop, Creating an Open Access Digital Book using Bookdown, here:

Dana Wand-zer 🪄🎃 (@danawanzer; 1/0): @JosiahParry @thomas_mock @rstudio I am in love with the visual editing! It made putting my first bookdown website even easier 😊

talking bullocks, or an unblemished red heifer? (@thatbleepystuff; 1/0): @AlexBNewhouse Interesting. Bookdown looks great. Any thoughts on introducing it for documentation into projects / teams that otherwise have never used R, though? Is there anything else you’d recommend for such a use case?

I find that e.g. Github Flavoured Markdown lacks a lot of features.

jo-sigh-ughhh (@JosiahParry; 1/0): @abhishekn @shoshievass This is made with bookdown?! :’) brilliant. Loving the definitions of administrative data

Sam Parsons (@Sam_D_Parsons; 1/0): @NickFoxstats

Andrew Brown (@humus_rocks; 1/0): @heyitsmehugo @rstatstweet

Brian Qprop (@yobra_qprop; 1/0): @Simmie_kafaru @Shel_Kariuki @Denironyx if you like reading articles rather than videos I would start with

general JS: quite detailed

R shiny specific:

Better yet you can follow this frequently updated bookdown of url’s

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Is there a way to inform the configuration file in bookdown YAML in another directory in rmarkdown? #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Bookdown: Cross-reference figure with a custom link text #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to add quotation marks in caption (bookdown) #tidyverse #rstats

Francisco (@kproductivity; 0/1): Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning and R #rmarkdown #bookdown


The BioGirls 🧬 (@thebiogirls; 7/3): Struggling to keep track of your R code?

Markdown is an easy feature in R that saves your code and output to a PDF or HTML file for easy access

Check out our tutorial to test it yourself!

#WomenInSTEM #WomenWhoCode #Bioinformatics #RStats

Travis Dawry (@tdawry; 6/1): 1 dplyr 🧰
2 knitr 🧶
3 the community 🥰

David Rodriguez (@DRodriguez603; 5/0): Submitted my first assignment in R and used knitr for the first time and wowowow where was this in my life before?

Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 4/3): Messy approach to setting-up flags to interrupt rendering of #rstats Rmarkdown documents to allow for interactive inputs: (for those manually run, not-so-reproducible rmarkdown::render()ed reports where you don’t want to use params for some reason.)

KimEng Ky (@kykimeng; 3/2): knitr::purl() is probably the most underrated #rstats function ever!

Tom Jenkins (@Tom__Jenkins; 3/1): Quite update:

I have included a link to download this post as a PDF. It is located at the end and I’ve also copied it below. It doesn’t look perfect as I’m not sure how to optimise knitr yet, but it should be useful in times of no internet!

#popgen #phd

Sam Parsons (@Sam_D_Parsons; 3/0): @NickFoxstats Cache the results in knitr options, or save as rdata and reload in separate script?

SeqComplete (@SeqComplete; 2/3): Creating Reports in R Using R Markdown and knitr #womeninstem

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): Rmarkdown/knitr captions for tables using {gtsummary} #tidyverse #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): New to knitr and latex in RStudio #tidyverse #rstats

Coursesity (@Coursesity; 1/1): Top 10 R libraries 4 #DataScience

  1. dplyr
  2. ggplot2
  3. Esquisse
  4. Shiny
  5. Lubridate
  6. RCrawler
  7. Plotly
  8. knitr

Top 10 Python Libraries

  1. TensorFlow
  2. Scikit-Learn
  3. NumPy
  4. Keras
  5. PyTorch
  6. LightGBM
  7. Pandas
  8. SciPy by @Dev_Ag_

mikefc (@coolbutuseless; 1/0): @groundwalkergmb @henrikbengtsson I agree with this in general for functions which perform calculations.

Currently I’m contemplating some output/display functions like “knitr::kable()” where I want to set (for example) the number of digits in the output globally, rather than at every call.

Ethan Tenison (He, Él) 🏳️‍🌈 (@ethantenison; 1/0): @mrworthington @thomas_mock @jcheng I don’t think it’s possible. If it’s a really big project, you might consider using LATEX, which Knitr also accepts. The online LATEX editor Overleaf is pretty easy to use. After you set it up there you can download it and knit it for Shiny.

Carl Ganz (@carlishganzino; 0/2): #rstats hivemind, I know I can easily run basic Scala in the knitr engine, but how can I use SBT and import Scala libraries within knitr? I am Scala novice, and SBT makes my head hurt

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to keep some space between tables in a row in knitr::kable? #tidyverse #rstats


atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/1): @skyy_writing ついでにこんな感じです

> Linux
wget -qO- “” | sh

> macOS
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/bin #必要かも?
curl -sL “” | sh

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/1): @skyy_writing choco install tinytex

atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/1): @skyy_writing R Markdownではtinytexという最小限のtexlive派生に自動tlmgr installしてくれる仕組みがあるので、texliveで同じことやってくれればいいのにと思います。

真西 (@mns_econ; 1/0): TeX Live入れてるのにこの前間違えて{tinytex}入れちゃったせいでpathがちょっとぐちゃぐちゃになってる気がする

某ZR(ざんねん🙃) (@zr_tex8r; 1/0): どうやら、「R抜きのTinyTeX」にはオンデマンドの自動インストールの機能は無いらしい……😐

藤原惟📕 (@skyy_writing; 1/0): R抜きでtinytex単品をたぶんインストールできるはずなのですが、その方法を確立できてないっすね…。


Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 137/16): Been working with #Rstats learning materials for the University of Oslo, and being the geek I am, I of course have spent some time making templates for #UiO #Rmarkdown documents.

Includes: {distill}, {ggplot2}, {learnr} and {xaringan} templates

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 26/9): ✍️ “Sharing Your Work with Xaringan: The Basics and Beyond | Silvia Canelón”

👤 Silvia Canelón @spcanelon

Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 14/4): Lastly, thank you @malco_barrett - I adapted/changed {Xaringan} theme from his great ggplot presentation below:

Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 13/4): I participated in a workshop on academic publishing for the grad students in my program. I decided to share the #xaringan slides. Here’s a graphic summary 🧵

#academia #rstats #publishing #openscience #linguistics

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (@minebocek; 13/1): @dgkeyes Update to dev xaringan! Has to do with anchoring update in rmarkdown: But it’s no longer default in xaringan:

Sergio Garcia Mora (@sergiogarciamor; 7/3): Respuestas parciales a la Encuesta #KIWI de Sueldos de #RRHH que estamos haciendo con @club_rrhh

Me adelanto al CM del Club para agradecer a @patriloto y a @grrrck por la ayuda y guía para crear presentaciones en #Xaringan y publicarlas
#RStats_ES #R4HR

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 5/2): If you smile at the thought of learning to use #rstats to make slides then my @NHSrCommunity workshop is for you!

Day 1: nuts+bolts of the #xaringan pkg and deploying slides to the web

Day 2: all about #xaringanExtra and #CSS



magdalena bennett (@maibennett; 5/1): @kierisi plotly, xaringan, and plotly again.

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (@minebocek; 4/0): @dgkeyes @yjunechoe Right, you either turn it off explicitly in xaringan, or with dev xaringan it’s off by default

June Choe (@yjunechoe; 4/0): Important update for anyone who made {xaringan} slides in the ~1-2 week period this month when these weird anchors were added in!

David Keyes (@dgkeyes; 4/0): @minebocek Ah, I see. It looks like this is new in the rmarkdown package so I need to set it so that xaringan doesn’t use this anchoring behavior. Thanks to you and @yjunechoe both!

Priyanga Dilini Talagala (@pridiltal; 4/0): @statsgen Thank you very much xaringan ninja 🥷👩‍💻

Gonzalo Martínez (@Gonzalupus; 3/2): El sabadaba dimos una plática sobre etnobotánica y algunos métodos usados en esta disciplina. Y pus para aprovechar me eché una presentación en #RStats con #xaringan y #xaringanExtra.

Acá les dejo las diapos por si les interesa darles una ojeada.

Rei Sanchez-Arias (@reisanar; 3/2): Final stretch of the semester 📈. Again, need to highlight the AMAZING work of DS superstars: included some of @allison_horst beautiful artwork for one of the clustering slides (with @xieyihui {xaringan} and {patchwork} by @thomasp85): #rstats #DataScience

Gianluca Baio (@gianlubaio; 3/1): Really digging #xaringan and #xaringanExtra (after a little struggle to get in there…). Thanks @xieyihui and @grrrck - awesome work indeed

NHS-R Community (@NHSrCommunity; 2/0): We are really excited that @spcanelon will run xaringan workshop for us next week on Tuesday and Thursday. There are still a few places left at


Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 2/0): @rcalsaverini @rafaellopesdesa @tiagobbatalhao @mmfbio Eu programo em R e uso um pacote chamado xaringan. Prefiro ao beamer :)

Andi (they/them) (@InductiveStep; 2/0): @stephensenn Beamer is for people who think emacs is cutting edge. Nerds use xaringan.

Matt Bannert (@whatsgoodio; 1/2): NTS (+ the #rstats #RStudio community): Don’t do cmd+i to clean indentation in .Rmd files. It !#$@! up your .yaml header. #xaringan

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 1/0): Here’s a sneak peek at the custom NHS-R #xaringan theme we will be using!

Designed specifically for the @NHSrCommunity, following NHS identity guidelines ☑️

🔖Materials will be posted/linked on the workshop site:


June Choe (@yjunechoe; 1/0): @dgkeyes I thought it was a weird new reveal.js dependency that made its way into xaringan but it does seem like it could be some broader knitting-to-html thing in rmarkdown(?) Would be interested to know if/where other folks are encountering this issue..

Dr. Straight but in a spooky mask for a while (@RyanStraight; 0/2): This is weird: when I’m previewing via infinite moon reader, my #Xaringan slides work just fine. When I try to knit the deck, I get a “Could not parse YAML metadata at line 50 column 1: Unexpected ‘<’” error. Anyone run into this? #RStats

Nick Seewald (@nickseewald; 0/2): Has anybody had trouble with #Rstats #xaringan slides not loading mathjax when hosted on Github Pages? Everything looks fine locally, but on Github everything’s just in the ( )\ delimiters. Help would be appreciated; my commit messages are becoming increasingly unhinged!

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 9/2): Curious about all the chunk options besides eval and echo? The print appendix includes a comprehensive list, which you can also find on @xieyihui ’s blog
