I'm very excited to announce the pre-release of a new #rstats 📦 for working with date-time data, clock! clock introduces entirely new types for handling date-times, while also providing a high-level interface that works with R's built-in date types. https://t.co/UwYsEC8sOc



Davis Vaughan (@dvaughan32; 29163): I’m very excited to announce the pre-release of a new #rstats 📦 for working with date-time data, clock! > clock introduces entirely new types for handling date-times, while also providing a high-level interface that works with R’s built-in date types. > https://t.co/UwYsEC8sOc

Afton Leigh Coombs (@aftonsteps; 23627): Where are the #rstats Twitch streamers? 🥰 Lately I’ve been making silly R things (as I do) and streaming it. Met a few R programmers, and seen a lot of non-R programmers decide to give it a try. It’s been fun! If you’re on Twitch I want to find you 🧐

💎𝞛𝙰Ņ๐н𝙰ℝ ⲥн๐ⲱƊ𝙰ℝÝ💎 (@TechTweet24h; 127135): Sign Language Detection in Real-Time on Raspberry Pi using OpenCV AI Kit - Trained with Roboflow. > #MachineLearning #AI #100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #IoT #flutter #Python #javascript #Serverless #womenintech #cybersecurity #RStats #CodeNewbie #DataScience https://t.co/TqigeM4wWu


KaMowitz • NRW (@MowitzKa; 1220): @JochumPeter Wordpress spinnt: Blogdown

nochnteichungheuer (@nochnteichungh1; 653): @ARabiator @XTribun @JochumPeter Kein spott mehr - mockdown Hahn kräht nicht mehr - cockdown Gugl-zensur - blogdown

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 60): @jbryer Since blogdown 1.0, you can pin the version of Hugo (and you are strongly recommended to do so): https://t.co/vplQIDKJ0R blogdown::check_site() may also help you diagnose common problems.

Stefan Hartmann (@hartmast; 60): @AlexWillich @JochumPeter Websites mit RStudio: Blogdown Maßnahmen-Parodie: Mockdown Vampirmassaker: Pflockdown

Frank Schumacher-H. (@HSchumfra; 60): @JochumPeter Keine News mehr - Blogdown

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 50): @rweekly_live Hi @datawookie, I didn’t find your contact info on your site, so I’m replying here. I apologize for wasting your hours of time. I didn’t realize this could be a problem on RStudio Server, but I just pushed a fix to the dev version of blogdown: https://t.co/VIwmPDGAoj

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 50): Thanks for you feedback as blogpost @datawookie ! https://t.co/J0fqUUL6n9 We tried to provide a fix for it in the dev version of blogdown https://t.co/NHpstvhoTu You may want to try it and share maybe some more feedback. Thank you!

/usr/bin/env thomas (@thomas_neitmann; 50): @toeb18 If it’s a one of thing then Towards Dtaa Science in Medium is a viable option. You’ll get quite a bit of tragic immediately. But if you plan to share more in the future (you should!) then you should go for your own blog. Blogdown isn’t do hard 😉

Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 40): @andrewheiss Could you share more info about what was malformed? I’m wondering if we could let blogdown::check_site() detect this problem in the future. Thanks!

Matchmaker (@MatchmakerRhld; 40): @Dschingis_Hahn @JochumPeter Online-Publikation offline - Blogdown

Luis Miguel Montillⓐ (@Luismmontilla; 40): @ignaciojduran @AcademicChatter I also used hugo and the academic template, but if know a little bit of R, you can use the blogdown package to make everything infinitely easier https://t.co/AtglQ9vde8

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 30): @xieyihui Aha! We figured it out. He had put the content from his blogdown project’s .Rprofile inside ~/.Rprofile, including this initial part that sources ~/.Rprofile. R was thus recursively sourcing .Rprofile from itself and breaking stuff. https://t.co/lRpuqzKJrM

Jason Bryer, Ph.D. (@jbryer; 22): Nothing like trying to make a small update to your website and finding out the theme doesn’t work with the latest version of blogdown or Hugo 🥺 #rstats

Jason Bryer, Ph.D. (@jbryer; 20): @topepos @apreshill @juliasilge Primitive isn’t always a bad thing. What I liked about yours is the hexes in the upper right corner. Since I use Blogdown for my course website I can easily change the color palette to match (I pick new colors each semester so I don’t get confused).

💦🔥der digitale Brandlöscher (@brandloescher; 20): @JochumPeter Es wurde noch etwas erweitert 😁 Wii break - Zockdown Die nackte Wahrheit - Rockdown Mit dem falschen angelegt - Knockdown Froschwanderung übersehen - Frogdown Zum Lachen in den Keller gehen - Laughdown Kein Stehvermögen - Cockdown dDOS Attac - Blogdown 😁

Denise Schöwing 🫖 (@inselmudda; 20): @JochumPeter @Wirrbelkind Moderne Schreibblockade - Blogdown

Adrian Brügger 🌍 (@adrianbruegger; 20): Recently my wordpress-based website was hacked, most of the content deleted. I had to recreate almost everything from scratch. As an alternative, I can recommend using an approach that combines #RStudio, #blogdown,#github, #netlify.

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 20): @xieyihui I don’t know if blogdown::check_site() can/should check users’ global .Rprofiles, but maybe adding something to the documentation saying to not put this source(”~/.Rprofile”) thing in ~/.Rprofile itself would fix issues in the future?

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 20): @Emil_Hvitfeldt Latest stable one. Turns out it was a weird mistyped blogdown option in Rprofile

Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 12): #rstats #blogdown users, have you imported a post into Medium? For me, formatting for any code gets completely messed-up. > Tried contacting @Medium but they didn’t have a (non-manual) fix. > I’m currently using Lithium. Curious if others know of fix or if other themes worked…

Dan Carpenter (@drdcarpenter; 12): I just deployed my #rstats #blogdown Hugo website to the @digitalocean app platform and it was easy! As simple as pointing to my GitHub repository and hey presto. And the good news is you can host up to 3 static sites for free.

Haddock (@MadEtJot; 10): @JochumPeter - E-Gitarren kaputt? RockDown - ausgerutscht beim Laufen? JogDown - Unimog defekt? MogDown - WLAN aus? BlogDown - gegen Tür gelaufen? NockDown - Viagra leer? CockDown

Heike 🌈✌️🧡 #Feueraus. #unsstinkts ! (@Haselnusstafel; 10): Ofen aus - Smogdown Schreiben, Kopf ist leer? - Blogdown Rockstars @ Home - Rockdown (frei nach Paul McCartney ) #hartaberfair fällt aus - Talkdown Immer recht freundlich - Mockdown > Ich laufe mich langsam warm https://t.co/PR2VsQsgvf

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 10): @travisgerke great tip! but… my dude, this is literally what blogdown was invented for

Andrew B. Collier (@datawookie; 10): @xieyihui @rweekly_live On the contrary, @xieyihui, I enjoyed figuring it out, and learned a bit about blogdown and Hugo in the process.

なるせ (@dataspirits1; 10): Rstudioから直接更新できるブログがあれば便利だと思って作った。準備が大変だったがこれから楽になることを期待。RMarkdown + Github + Hugo + Blogdown + Netlifyの組み合わせで、正直よくわからん。 https://t.co/QGw8RxNVXX

Dylan Anderson (@dylansjanderson; 10): @toeb18 @rstatstweet I just started with my blog (via blogdown, hugo and netlify), which was a chore to create. Otherwise, Medium is great (that’s how you post through Towards Data Science, but needs to be accepted) and RBloggers. Both are good for short quick posts too

Tobias Stalder (@toeb18; 10): @balt_ti Yea I could integrate it on my blogdown webpage but I also like the idea of having it stored in a more archive-type of place.

Andrew Fraser (@Arfness; 10): @toeb18 blogdown on to your own site? Netlify etc?

Hayden (@HYDNMCDNLD; 0/2): I redid my #blogdown site with a new theme hugo-PaperMod! Now I just have to write a new post😁https://t.co/TIZCdIORWN #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Image Thumbnail File Not Showing in Blogdown Post Beside Title #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Lr5PR0JR1s


Amelia McNamara (@AmeliaMN; 1618): At least weekly, I think about how much time @xieyihui has saved me over the years, and how much smarter his tools have made me look. RMarkdown, knitr, bookdown, etc etc. Plus all the joy and laughter from his talks! 🙏 Yihui 🙇‍♀️

Amit Levinson (@Amit_Levinson; 9413): Woah! the ability to include all code chunks at the end of an #rmarkdown document as an appendix is amazing! > Petty straight forward as shown in in the image (here I integrated it in a pdf). Learn more about it in the Rmarkdown cookbook: > https://t.co/cFVbyVHYbC > #rstats https://t.co/tgrHxoNlNJ

ardata-fr (@ardata_fr; 8122): We have been working on the documentation of the #rstats package flextable and now have a great #bookdown here https://t.co/T9IeI0CqhG. Your feedbacks are welcome. https://t.co/g0poCTAQo3

Onur Keleş (@Onr_Kls; 287): I just discovered this project by @SolomonKurz. It re-expresses @rlmcelreath’s codes in Statistical Rethinking (second edition) with the brms, ggplot2, and tidyverse (dplyr, tidyr, purr etc.) packages! Looking forward to reading it. > https://t.co/VhXiPOMx9u

Keith McNulty (@dr_keithmcnulty; 216): R and #python are proofreaders for 70% of my book because it won’t build if there is an error. That’s the joy of #bookdown #rstats #r4ds #DataScience #analytics

yaniv brandvain (@yanivbrandvain; 173): with help from @kdc509 , @Graham_Coop and @DocEdge85 i now have a draft of my permutation chapter > https://t.co/wfgRZQMhmG https://t.co/2vUpuG692f

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 74): All of a sudden, tibble output on my bookdown site is mangling the space character encoding. It wasn’t doing this a week ago, and it doesn’t do it when I serve the book locally. Any idea what to fix? #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/Jutml8EPHW https://t.co/ekFZkLFrNP

Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 71): @IsabellaGhement @OscarBaruffa @rstudio @mbeckett_za If the results are not changing, you can use cache = TRUE to save results for specific sections. > https://t.co/pF2dvytfOK > The Visual RMD editor will make you more productive without having to re-knit the whole document, as you can “preview as you go”. > https://t.co/VmlPE8rQoY

KunisatoY (@KunisatoY; 60): これまでゼミ論集は,学科で受け継が出てきたLaTeXテンプレートを使って作ってきました。今年から卒論をRMarkdownに指定したので,そのままBookdownにすることにしました。二段組は図の配置で苦労するのでやめましたが,楽できれいに本が作れるのは便利ですね。

Ewan Carr (@ewancarr; 53): #rmarkdown PSA: > Turns out, 📗 #bookdown isn’t just for books! 😯 > Use the “word_document2” format to get all the #bookdown goodness (figure/table numbering, cross-references, unnumbered headings😍) for any output type (reports, articles). > Read more: https://t.co/kPwnEqEm12 https://t.co/weIRxl4Yrh

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 51): @simonpcouch @grrrck This could work depending on your aims: https://t.co/VFWVdhigFS > Then copy the link of the issue comment (e.g., https://t.co/2jCTBUvGJZ) and the iframe should start at the issue. Since it’s an embedded webpage users can scroll up/down to see the whole conversation too.

😷stefan (@applestefan; 50): Wenn sich das Buch nicht gut verkauft - Bookdown https://t.co/2MeeMIVJFS

Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilation; 40): 廃れているページがここに。。 https://t.co/41IzriWJTV

Data Science Central (@analyticbridge; 31): Bookdown: Authoring Books with R Markdown by Yihui Xie https://t.co/vB9104iVuJ #dsc_Technical #dsc_hash_EXe8i

Emerson Del Ponte (@edelponte; 31): Need help from bookdown masters (I’ve read the docs and nothing worked). I’m using the new bs4_book layout and want to remove the gray border of the inline-figures. The example is the index.rmd. I can’t remove it using inline css as well. @apreshill @yabellini any advice? https://t.co/QXXd4XxX22

Emilio (@emilio; 30): @usabilidoido @gonzatto @fredvanamstel Vamos fazer-lo para a versão original? Eu fiz porque os meus alunos vão ler Diseño libre para uma aula de innovação. É um livro tão accesível e bastante curto. :))) > A documentação de Bookdown: https://t.co/iUOFZnCMw2 mas podemos trabalhar juntos em fazer-lo. Fiz tudo numa tarde.

Emilio (@emilio; 30): Oi @fredvanamstel @gonzatto, o projeto de hoje foi mudar o livro de Design Livre em espanhol para o GitHub usando R Bookdown. Podem ver aquí: https://t.co/6DapGbawsD

Andrew McKinley (@aw_mckinley; 30): @seerymk @Popher I run hot and cold on LaTeX. It’s the only way to fly for equations, and Overleaf looks to be trying to fix the collaboration aspect. The PDFs generated by latex however don’t meet accessibility requirements though. This year I’ve been trialling Bookdown for course notes instead.

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 30): @lisalendway @DrDataSlut @OscarBaruffa @LucyStats Here’s a link to @LucyStats’ original blog, plus updates for the subsequent releases… https://t.co/di6PSHajbK

Jens Oldeland (@oldeland; 30): In case you never used the flextable package by David Gohel - give it a try, it is awesome! checkout: Using the flextable R package https://t.co/5g8G5Bat8r #rmarkdown #bookdown @DavidGohel

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 22): @omaclaren @alexpghayes @code @rstudio And Source of the above image > https://t.co/rkf8C6e6W5

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 21): @sTeamTraen You’ll also lose that dropdown menu entirely if there’s a knit field in the YAML. I thought RStudio was broken the first time I encountered that one 🤦‍♂️ > https://t.co/9ZY7N5sNbL

Emilio (@emilio; 20): Yo: Voy a pasar este PDF a bookdown para poder leerlo en línea. Yo, después de 245346 commits en GitHub: https://t.co/CTK4hy4DVj

TuQmano (@TuQmano; 20): @pabblo_h Proyecto de {bookdown} cuenta?

Emilio (@emilio; 10): @aniuxa ¿Solucionaste esto? Podés usar Bookdown y pasarlo a epub o PDF.

Ken Steif (@KenSteif; 10): @edzerpebesma @CRCPress Thx Edzer! Very early visions for this book were ArcGIS & R. sf & tidyverse enabled the current format, which is so much more valuable. Many thx to u! > My colleague Sydney helped hack together cold folding from below. Print will have code, sans folding. > https://t.co/4EBUYewsZ0

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 10): @EyayawBeze @xieyihui @ustcer_ztc Thanks for the feedback! This is something we discussed already. It is not plan yet though. Can you share more why the format in bookdown are not enough ? Is it not easy to use ? To remember ? Or else ?

birgit matter (@BirgitMatter; 10): https://t.co/DOT0Xr24g5

Eyayaw Beze-እያያው ተካ (@EyayawBeze; 10): @chrisderv @xieyihui @ustcer_ztc Thank you, @chrisderv. It’s not about bookdown’s format. I was just hoping that it should be possible with rmarkdown itself, no need to call bookdown just for equation labelling and referencing.

Eyayaw Beze-እያያው ተካ (@EyayawBeze; 10): @xieyihui @chrisderv @ustcer_ztc Hi Yihui, When will rmarkdown include the markdown extensions by bookdown? I mean equation labeling and referencing with the bookdown syntax, for instance, but without the need for bookdown::*_document2?

Adam Garber (@Adam_C_Garber; 10): Or for the opposite (Rscript ➡️RMD) use knitr::spin() > https://t.co/QQ0cbw5NXq

Data Science Central (@DataScienceCtrl; 10): Bookdown: Authoring Books with R Markdown by Yihui Xie https://t.co/F3wQP00IVT #dsc_Technical #dsc_hash_EXe8i

Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 10): Rmarkdown reference: https://t.co/hy59N9ZeJb

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 10): @samclifford @cantabile Do you have a reliable way to suppress smart quotes in places where they should be suppressed but used where they should be used? I turn them off entirely for bookdown because I can’t get them to go away in every circumstance.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): R Markdown / Bookdown: How to custom number book chapters? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/iMYmAaFjwv

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Change right sidebar header in bs4_book (bookdown)? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/JCWI39E2IG

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Setting up Utterances (https://t.co/Hb2xpl63Bk) with bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/HnzsbWCpyg


R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 28048): Sometimes you just want to extract the source code present in the source document (e.g., Rmd) to a separate script, and {purl} from {knitr} 📦 makes that effortless! 🦪 > https://t.co/2lwSJ2HhKG > #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/RpqD7zsQst

Cédric Scherer (@CedScherer; 11513): So many hours spent. Until I found this gem. > knitr::purl() is great! https://t.co/cjyltBA19T

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 10625): Image sizes in an R markdown Document #rstats #datascience https://t.co/0E5f4obDec

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 166): 🔊 Another packed episode of the #rstats @rweekly_org highlights podcast is out!
> 💎 {shiny 1.6} on CRAN @winston_chang @cpsievert @schloerke ⌨️ remote pair programming in @code live share! @ivelasq3 🪣 using lists in {knitr} @tjmahr https://t.co/sazDpNpml8

Jumping Rivers (@jumping_uk; 129): Have you ever had trouble sizing your #rstats knitr documents? See our new blog post for tips https://t.co/sdSMQxU4aS

Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 107): #rstats world! I have a student who is getting a “c stack usage is too close to the limit” every time when using knitr (even with an R-chunk-free Rmd file) & getting same error when trying to install anything with devtools or remotes. We’ve un/reinstalled R but no luck. Ideas?

Adam Garber (@Adam_C_Garber; 52): Learned about knitr::purl() today from @allison_horst! This would have saved me many hours as a TA converting #rmarkdowns to Rscripts for lab repos. #rstats https://t.co/ttHqUypr7R

Colin Fay 🤘 (@_ColinFay; 50): @d_olivaw Joking aside, if you add a browser() and call knitr::knit() from the console, it will open the debugger: https://t.co/5D1Pi1fHpx

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 40): @sTeamTraen As a general tip, it might be helpful for you to add knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE) to the setup chunk of long Rmd files so that results are cached in case you encounter an error like this.

Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 30): I love #regex find-and-replace in #vscode. > The #python extension lets you mimic #jupyter notebook cells in a .py file, like knitr’s spin function in #rstats. It looks like pic 3 below. > This beast of a regex writes it for you. > ^((# [^#\n]+\n)+)(?<!#) >

%% [markdown]


%% https://t.co/NT6AsKeeVV

Siro Fritzmann (@siironimo; 30): @ijeamaka_a @xieyihui, @chrisderv, and @EmilyRiederer have a great chapter in their R Markdown Cookbook regarding R package citation (https://t.co/P32yHT4gf7). The best thing, cite all loaded packages directly to a .bib file with knitr::write_bib.

Oscar Baruffa (@OscarBaruffa; 20): @IsabellaGhement @rstudio @thomas_mock @mbeckett_za One of these books should cover the topic https://t.co/SdDFD2wHb3

Uri Simonsohn (@uri_sohn; 12): When you open an .rmd file in R Studio it automatically loads ‘knitr’. Are other packages likely to be loaded in this fashion (without a user requesting them & without notification). e.g., could ‘matrix’ be loaded this way somehow? #rstats

CodeCollect (@CodeCollect; 11): Strange rendering of rmarkdown to HTML for tufte-handouts when using knitr/RStudio https://t.co/JabYAhD1sJ

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | Lists are my secret weapon for reporting stats with knitr https://t.co/GWhqCorUni

Kimon Froussios 🇪🇺 (@fruce_ki; 10): @uri_sohn @rstatstweet Loading the Rmd is a user request. It’s probably hard-coded into Rstudio because you will need knitr to compile the Rmd. More similar to how packages load packages they explicitly depend on, than to packages being loaded because of recognizing a function call you typed.

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 10): @psboonstra The cache mechanism is not to be used with code chunk that have side effect used by other chunks - loading package that are used by other chunk is one of this. See more in : https://t.co/bpKPzkFMad If you activate cache globally you need to se cache=FALSE

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Strange rendering of rmarkdown to HTML for tufte-handouts when using knitr/RStudio #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/D0CgUJbkEL

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): can’t able to download pdf with knitr in shiny in R #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/AuBlCnJwDB


Nick Brown (@sTeamTraen; 30): @ThadMichaels Yebbut I don’t use TinyTex, I use MiKTeX, and that’s “meant to work”. > This stuff is sooooo not ready for prime-time. We are inoculating 80% of the people we try to teach it to. They smile politely and walk away to SPSS and Word.


R posts you might have missed! (@icymir; 9219): 📦 slidex • Convert PowerPoint Slides to xaringan (remark.js) Slides > 👤 Daniel Anderson @datalorax
> 🔗 https://t.co/ZopyYtAb9S #rstats #datascience https://t.co/VJjYedYtso

Crystal Lewis (@Cghlewis; 578): It just took me an absurd amount of time to realize I can escape automatic numbering by using “\” between the number and the period in #rmarkdown #xaringan. I’m passing this along in case it’s helpful for anyone else! https://t.co/WYADEEGBQb

Max Kuhn (@topepos; 563): I can’t imagine using anything other than {xaringan} for slides. > Mine are pretty primitive compared to what I’ve seen @apreshill and @juliasilge create. https://t.co/g2EtbLI3NZ

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 5325): 📦🎨 xaringanthemer • Custom xaringan CSS Themes > 👤 Garrick Aden-Buie @grrrck
> 🔗 https://t.co/NcZHyiBPvv #rstats #datascience https://t.co/cwtJW3Hlel

Dr. John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 289): Thanks to @grrrck, this is now available in the {xaringanBuilder} #rstats package! > Want to include panelsets or other complex features in a PDF of your #xaringan slides? Use: > build_pdf( input = “slides.Rmd”, complex_slides = TRUE ) > https://t.co/JQTtziqXMO https://t.co/sM4lK6HDmj

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 177): ✍️ xaringancolor announcement (xaringancolor allows you to specify shared text colors in the text, equations and code sections of xaringan slides.) > 👤 Emil Hvitfeldt @emil_hvitfeldt
> 🔗 https://t.co/sAsdTQitaU #rstats #datascience

R for the Rest of Us (@rfortherest; 127): Want to make presentations directly from #rstats? The {xaringan} package (https://t.co/H2jV9vyNgI) is just the thing you need. > Here’s a short thread on {xaringan} and packages that extend it. https://t.co/pmLK10Lcai

Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 113): Loving these RSudio snippets for slidecrafting 🧙‍♂️ > .pull-left[ plotting code ] > .pull-right[ show plot ] https://t.co/bDGYNi52Qv #rstats #xaringan https://t.co/SXX2rR4nZA

Jason Bryer, Ph.D. (@jbryer; 112): I finally committed to using xaringan this semester (converting from ioslides) and I am so glad I did. The ability to control the look without using HTML is fantastic! #rstats Thanks @xieyihui (& @topepos since is borrowed heavily from you templates)

Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 110): Update: it got worse. > The backtick trick somehow made xaringan treat subsequent — as <hr> rather than slide breaks, so now we have the HTML character &#96; inside <code> tags and yes it works but honestly I am about ready to cry https://t.co/p92VV5bq0I

El arte del dato bien contado (@elartedeldato; 95): Si queréis hacer presentaciones en #rstats aquí tenéis los temas de la librería Xaringan! 👌👌👌 https://t.co/Bq4UhCMs4x

Jared Lander (@jaredlander; 20): @topepos @apreshill @juliasilge I recently switched from ioslides to xaringan too. Looks great, would look better if I styled them more.

R for the Rest of Us (@rfortherest; 20): Want to learn more about how to use {xaringan}? Theses slides (make with {xaringan} obviously) from @zhiiiyang are a great place to start. > https://t.co/6edb7VQ24E https://t.co/ulpuCTQq37

Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 20): @JohnHelveston @brshallo While we’re at it, do you want to add a share image screenshot to that list? Sort of like a thumbnail but built for social media sharing. > https://t.co/8tc36AHsHS

Dr. John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 20): Thanks also to @brshallo for adding pptx support! > {xaringanBuilder} can now build your #xaringan slides to: > - html - pdf - gif - pptx - png (a thumbnail of the first slide) > https://t.co/JQTtziqXMO

Dr. Ajay Koli (@koliajaykr; 12): is there any #rstats pkg to draw line arrow in xaringan slides? … it feels dino to take the slide’s screenshot and then doodling arrows on it and then importing edited image back to the slides.

R for the Rest of Us (@rfortherest; 11): Also check out these slides from the 2019 Advanced RMarkdown workshop by @apreshill. > https://t.co/YZB5I69rqc https://t.co/ddtCgqgnpH

tomás (@tomascortesp; 10): @nickchk xaringan?

“Ben” Byunghwan Son (@Byunghwan_Son; 10): #Xaringan #slides are quite awesome (particularly how easy it is to include a gif) but people lied that it’s easy to get the hang of it. https://t.co/5WsS8Xty0x

Henri Wallen (@HenriWallen; 10): @topepos @apreshill @juliasilge I’ve been working on lecture slides this week and after checking out xaringan I think I’ll redo all of them. Thank you for the hint!

Charlie 👩‍💻 (@charliejhadley; 10): @cantabile Using {xaringan}’s moonreader and then running a code chunk that takes over the viewer 😣

Frie (@ameisen_strasse; 10): For my fellow xaringan (and ioslides??) users who have spent hours copy pasting — in frustration. https://t.co/PVtvRAiSK1

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Can I convert slides made in slidy or ioslide to Xaringan #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/8wK5YJiarh

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to embed html images in xaringan self-contained slides #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Jw0PDNiB6S