Craig Van Pay (@CKVanPay; 1362/282): Linear mixed models have a lot of moving parts. I’ve found that simulations really helped me understand how these models work and the various parts of them. Here are some of my favorite simulation guides, tutorials, and resources in #RStats.
(1/x) 🧵 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 336/64): ✍️ Half a dozen frequentist and Bayesian ways to measure the difference in means in two groups
👤 Andrew Heiss @andrewheiss
🔗 https://t.co/9hyDLhW0e6
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/U1cCQd4IyA ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 179/31): Regular reminder that the show_col() function in the {scales} library is indispensable #rstats https://t.co/0e7ED28cVh ↪
Giuliano Liguori (@ingliguori; 178/154): 9 Reasons to start learning #Python
Via @ingliguori #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode @antgrasso @mvollmer1 https://t.co/mZh2EX0PHm ↪
Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 39/8): y’all, i had NO IDEA you could preview draft #rstats website changes with Netlifly + GitHub branches ⚒️
@grrrck has a great 2019 post on this for {blogdown}
here’s my quick {distill} take on it!
as always, thanks @apreshill! 💜
https://t.co/mtHXVMvRSh ↪
Georg Diez (@GeorgDiez1; 30/9): 28.3.20
„Die kollektive Angst frisst sich in die Einzelnen und bleibt dort drinnen, eine Weile jedenfalls.“
#Blogdown, bei @Frohmannberlin https://t.co/dEwvTjrMxF ↪
Georg Diez (@GeorgDiez1; 18/7): „Es sind die Verheerungen des Kommenden, die sich da andeuten, eine andere Welt.“ Blogdown, 30.3.20 „Und wenn das nun das Ergebnis wäre, dass diese Form von Zivilisation verloren gehen würde, eine Wüste bliebe, wo vorher (…) Vielfalt war?“ @Frohmannberlin https://t.co/7XvpztrpDc ↪
Benjamin Wolfe (@BenjaminWolfe; 11/1): @jarildy #rstats has a wonderful package for it called #blogdown. Then you just write your posts in markdown which is easy to learn. And if you ever want to add fancy analyses, you’re all set up!
I’d use @Netlify for free hosting.
I recommend anything from @apreshill to get you started. ↪
Nic Crane 🏳️🌈🤓 (@nic_crane; 10/0): @sellorm @apreshill Ooh, actually, I think I’ve just found the exact relevant @apreshill resource - a recent blog post which I’ll use instead of the book for now as I’m assuming it’ll be more up-to-date; https://t.co/R0u3F2EupU ↪
women dot code Belgium 🇧🇪 (@womendotcodebe; 5/2): Always wanted to create a static blog but didn’t know where to start? Or maybe you are interested in Data Science, programming in R and you could use your own blog?
Anna wrote a tutorial to create your own blog with R blogdown and host it on Github Pages
https://t.co/oPkqOC2Ipp ↪
Nic Crane 🏳️🌈🤓 (@nic_crane; 5/2): I was going to start my blogdown blog again, but the book (https://t.co/wdFkU9hGXa) has the warning in the image below. Anyone got a feel for how much things have changed since 2019? Debating whether to go ahead or find an alternative for my #rstats & #pydata blogging! https://t.co/isBwzFhym6 ↪
June Choe (@yjunechoe; 5/1): #30DayChartChallenge Day3: historical
Growth of my #distill website since its launch/migration from #blogdown last summer. Big bump from my {ggplot2} stat_* post in September and 10 days ago (??). I haven’t blogged recently but hope to update soon!
Code: https://t.co/gsCmuYu8vW https://t.co/SaJdNFOH7B ↪
Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 5/0): (Mostly) enabled code-folding on my #hugo #blogdown powered + lithium themed website. Thank you for documentation by @jepusto @StatnMap : https://t.co/eeBRaYoorg and comments by @MarkDruffel @jordanbranham31
Link to commit where I set-it up for my site: https://t.co/xtm3TcTFLc ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 4/0): @umairdurrani87 @RCoderWeb When in doubt, run
, which should tell you that you have draft posts in this case :) ↪
Anthony Scotina (@ScotinaStats; 2/4): I wrote about getting started with {blogdown}!
Huge shoutout to all the resources already out there that I used when I learned blogdown. The #rstats community is amazing!
https://t.co/k7a4C4T8dR ↪
David “nicholdav” Nicholson (@nicholdav; 2/1): @jarildy @dk_prabhu definitely I wouldn’t judge if you just want to get something up and running with wix or one of those
but static site generators can be fun
See blogdown (some hugo info here)
https://t.co/DLKaHr37vJIn Pythonland I like Pelican + Nikola
https://t.co/Fz9KDe5eMK ↪
Fan Jiang (@FanOnRobotics; 2/0): Finally a new home page after ~4yrs of procrastination
Enjoy some retro vibes when you visit :)(Published with Hugo and blogdown) ↪
Lukas Hager (@LukasHager_; 2/0): I’m excited to link to my personal site, created with blogdown (thanks to @xieyihui ):
https://t.co/OD05GBk8hp ↪
TedRedwood (@Ted_Redwood; 2/0): The best #EssexFM content I’ve read today!
You won’t believe who Ted calls out prior to the third annual Bloggy Blogdown! https://t.co/MmlwOfoAV2 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/3): Automating site building with blogdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/GzaEUC9YzL ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Blogdown - submit/receive an email to access/download a file in R #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/9dcVxnvUKX ↪
Umair Durrani (@umairdurrani87; 1/2): #blogdown question: The ‘Privacy Policy’ link is showing up locally, but not on the deployed version. What am I doing wrong? Source on GitHub: https://t.co/6pk9xPmjAf #rstats https://t.co/ZtE2ZW03d0 ↪
Hung Lo 羅鴻 (@HungLo_tw; 1/0): @BlmzRina I tried blogdown with R, also very good but relatively complicated so I decided to go with the easy one :)
oh I was also recommended by my friend who uses Wix ↪
jo-sigh-ughhh (@JosiahParry; 1/0): @CMastication @Emil_Hvitfeldt lol i really wish i could fix it but i have literally no idea what is happening. i’ll go interrogate knitr & blogdown. here it is though! https://t.co/6aaNIGWNBO ↪
Gabriela D’Souza (@gabster0191; 1/0): an image error in blogdown just consumed an hour of my afternoon bah humbug.
Setting it all on fire and going back to wordpress.
(the solution was this: https://t.co/4tVejd4DuP. It just took a while for me to figure out how to apply it) ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @dsquintana @drboothroyd I was just going to link Lynda to that site :) I personally hate blogdown now and am doing most everything as simple single-page sites or bookdown (and meaning to learn distill). But if you like a blog structure, it’s nice. ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 96/13): Data science in focus: {xaringan}. A short #rstats thread 🧵
~~~xaringan is an R package written by @xieyihui that is based on the JavaScript library remark.js and is designed to help you write amazing slides using RMarkdown.
#rstats https://t.co/OV7MQJf120 ↪
🖤✊🏻🌹 John Flournoy Wears a Mask 🌹✊🏻🖤 (@flourneuro; 34/6): What’s your current go-to for open-source statistics texts at the undergrad -> grad level for psych?
The best I’m aware of:
Poldrack https://t.co/DJIiuisVcf
Revelle https://t.co/0dkeUTVePa
McElreath https://t.co/tR4eG8UJC1 * + https://t.co/eTD9Zzdo8r*not fully open, not psych ↪
Craig Van Pay (@CKVanPay; 12/0): https://t.co/kPwhEUqe2L ↪
JB_Kurland (@JbKurland; 7/3): Thanks @Crimealytics! In an effort to provide further insight @DrAlexPiquero @npiquero @esorrell3 and @DrWandaLeal will be providing all the results for each and every team in a series of reports. To start take a look at the results for the @MiamiDolphins https://t.co/4RLZV0N7HD https://t.co/RklXZeb1gU ↪
Devin Judge-Lord (@JudgeLord; 6/5): Hey fellow polisci grads! APSA will soon open 2021 #DDRIG applications. 👀
To help get you started, I made a template (bookdown/LaTeX/Docx) based on last year’s call: https://t.co/DLqjqBdgMA
Please share far and wide! And good luck! https://t.co/Mfe26XnTwK ↪
Serdar Balcı (@serdarbalci; 5/3): My Director: “Wow, how did you do that?”
Me: Meh, just regex, #rstats #ggplot2 and #bookdown defaults
My Director: “You will prepare a presentation”
Me: “Ok”, while looking a way to convert bookdown to xaringan or shower presentation https://t.co/RcXFe71tKK ↪
Bastian Koch🎙 (@bastiankbx; 5/1): Das ist quasi ein Bookdown.
Besondere Leseempfehlungen nicht nur für @alma_lapalma: https://t.co/5Xjt5UILSw ↪
안용열 (@yyahn; 5/1): @d_ijk_stra 결국(이미?) markdown + pandoc으로 통합되지 않을까요? 인용같은 건 이미 되고.. RMarkdown같은 걸 쓰면 latex package도 어느정도 사용 가능합니다. Bookdown으로 온라인 문서도 만들 수 있고… ↪
Eric Leung (@erictleung; 4/4): #TIL you can exit knitting an RMarkdown document early by placing this within a code block
https://t.co/G6v1z3PdRh #RStats ↪
Héctor (@An_Hector_; 3/0): Nueva entrada: ¿Cuál es el mejor gráfico para cada caso? Pt. 5 en R-conomics por el compa @ElJorgeHdz
https://t.co/iZ02wd1y07 ↪
Sebastian Sukstorf (@sukstorf; 3/0): @JohannesStarke @KhPape Ich würde nicht auf WordPress, sondern eher auf statische Webseiten setzen. Zumal ja auch die gemeinsame Bearbeitung wichtig ist. Hierfür ist ein Blick in Richtung blowdown https://t.co/Yv3eyhAxqd hilfreich. Achtung: Am Beginn eine hohe Lernkurve ↪
Soraya #wearamask😷 Campbell 🇹🇹🇩🇴 (@sorayaworldwide; 2/2): A little Monday night reading 🤩🤓
Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R https://t.co/2DuIEBJjr6 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 2/1): JavaScript使ってgitbookだろうとhtml_vignetteだろうとcode_foldingできるようにしちゃおうぜーと提案。今日は寝るけど後日取り組む。
https://t.co/GeXEI2Kyfp ↪
Lucas Morin (@lucasmorin_eolc; 2/0): @CovaFlorian Maybe something you’d find useful: https://t.co/fgNOoG3bha. ↪
Emmy Crae (@EmmyCrae; 2/0): Bookdown your haircut with WHO YOU ELP BARBER9ja. Affordable & Professional. Find @ Fagba, Lagos. 📞☎️: 08093709235 https://t.co/8c7tJIDHl1 ↪
yaniv brandvain (@yanivbrandvain; 2/0): @pleunipennings @Graham_Coop here.
but i imagine you’re bettter at explaining it than i am .. hope to improve next year ↪
Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 1/2): Any #rstats #bookdown folks have ideas about modifying the bs4_book() template to keep left navigation but replace right navigation with tufte-style margin notes from tufte_html_book()?
https://t.co/nE4tXtBG8g ↪
Karl Dietz Verlag Berlin (@KarlDietzBerlin; 1/0): @bastiankbx @alma_lapalma Bookdown 😍 Bestes Wort 💎 ↪
Arthur Albuquerque (@arthur_alb1; 1/0): @SolomonKurz hahaha I imagined since you only put this one as an example in the Statistical Rethinking bookdown. Yet I will definitely take a look at your website, they are all probably great. Thank you! ↪
Rev. Dr. Ryan Straight (@RyanStraight; 1/0): @OpenAcademics So, one idea I’m trying is to use a big ol’ #bookdown project to keep track of smaller bits of topical writing and ideation. I can then organize those into sections and see what larger concepts emerge. The cross-referencing is useful, too. ↪
ホームシックたいち (@HomesickTic; 1/0): SHAPについて調べてたらわかりやすいウェブサイトに出会ったのでトップページ共有
Interpretable Machine Learning https://t.co/ANvXgHr5Z5 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Naatero (@Naatero3; 1/0): Guía #Rmarkdown
https://t.co/belyuKkM7B ↪
Liam Scott (@PolyphonicAE; 1/0): @zettlr Whilst I have you, have you found a good way to cite tables in Zettlr? Figures are easy but the only solutions I’m finding uses bookdown or straight LaTeX code. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Disabling figure numbering in bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/GNSkXdM52m ↪
Jae Yeon Kim (@JaeJaeykim2; 17/0): My recent favorite R workflow. Step 1: experimenting with code in markdown -> Step2: knitr::purl(input = markdown, output = script) -> Step 3: source the script as a local background job. See this for more info: https://t.co/dVZr2MBcY5 ↪
Martin Tomko (@dinomirMT; 5/2): Updating tute on replicable reports in #Python with #nbconvert 6.0 - completely ruins my workflow w tplx and ipynb> latex, and I am unable to set any templating, titles etc. Why oh why! Mega pain, complex, students will never get it… #sphinx. KnitR #rstats envy @ProjectJupyter ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/3): R: Understanding the Basics of Markdown and Knitr #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/YWt3wpOXLD ↪
Gordon Shotwell 🇨🇦 (@gshotwell; 2/2): knitr::knit_child() is my new favorite #rstats function ↪
Kevin Stierhoff (@kstierhoff; 2/1): TFW some stray character creeps into your .Rmd file and then your document won’t knit… #knitr #rmarkdown #rstudio #FML ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 2/0): @rstub73 @opencpu @AchimZeileis That’s true for Rnw vignettes compiled through Sweave (e.g. the case of Rcpp). For Rnw compiled with the knitr vignette engine, there is a chance to call tinytex::latexmk(). It’s hard to give a full answer on Twitter, so pls consider a Q&A site or file a Github issue. Thanks! ↪
Jordan Young (@525_Young; 2/0): @MirunaBarnoschi Give this website a try once stack overflow is back online 😊: https://t.co/sg3V5Txtb0 ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): @niszet0 使える単位は限りあっだかもじれませんが、できたはずです。昔それにknitrも対応させるPRしました。
https://t.co/deTuv6mCjb ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 1/0): @kstierhoff @Huia_fishocean Please open an issue in knitr if you think there is a regression. With a simple example and the offending bib file, it could be enough to look into. ↪
HECTOR A. LIZARRAGA (@halizarraga; 1/0): @datalorax_ Ok, thanks, I’ll have a look at the video. I used the knitr image procedure as it works for RMarkdown document, in pdf but it did not work for distillery. Cheers ↪
Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 1/0): @thomas_mock This is great! Some other places/ways to include alt text:
🐦 In your social media card metadata with {metathis} https://t.co/vHP1dvDPmI
✨ In your code chunks with the new fig.alt code chunk option in knitr
https://t.co/JieGqkPDHs ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Pagedown(resume) template not producing the right formatting #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/94eGA1pcQr ↪
Jeroen Ooms (@opencpu; 13/2): Is there a way to configure tinytex to automatically install missing packages on-the-fly, like in miktex? ↪
Jeroen Ooms (@opencpu; 6/1): @xieyihui @rstub73 @AchimZeileis OK, I tried to summarize the issue here: https://t.co/TGrFFvzT4j ↪
Ralf Stubner (@rstub73; 2/0): @opencpu This should happen automatically when rendering an Rmd file, since this functionality lives within the tinytex R package. The TinyTeX TeX distribution is “only” a repackaged TeXLive and knows nothing about this. ↪
Achim Zeileis (@AchimZeileis; 2/0): @opencpu @rstub73 It should do this. Are you using tinytex (the R package) with TinyTeX (the LaTeX distribution) or with another LaTeX distribution installed on the system? ↪
Ralf Stubner (@rstub73; 1/0): @opencpu @AchimZeileis In that case you are out of luck. The functionality to install packages is part of the tinytex R package (tinytex::latexmk()) that is not used for Rnw vignettes. ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: incidence2 tinytex validate #rstats ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 52/8): 📦🎨 xaringan-metropolis • Metropolis theme of R package xaringan
👤 Patrick Schratz @pjs_228
🔗 https://t.co/TM4f9Y0pTZ
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/7K0DX0NqA6 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 47/9): ✍️ Sharing Your Work with xaringan: An Introduction to xaringan for Presentations: The Basics and Beyond.
👤 Silvia Canelón @spcanelon
🔗 https://t.co/8HCxWPEbsn
#rstats #datascience ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 34/1): Hoje passei a manhã estudando mais pra entender o pacote xaringan.
Assisti vários episódios de naruto🤣
Agora já sei o que é o chakra, tive uma introdução ao sharingan… ainda não apareceu nada sobre infinite moonreader entao preciso assistir mais para entender as funções 🧐 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 21/4): @xieyihui 🎓 If you’ve never used {xaringan} before, or are new to writing slides using RMarkdown, check out @spcanelon’s workshop materials:
‘Sharing Your Work with xaringan: An Introduction to xaringan for Presentations: The Basics and Beyond’
🔗 https://t.co/8HCxWPEbsn
#rstats https://t.co/qWHH9E8G1x ↪
Joscelin Rocha 🏳️🌈🇧🇴 (@JoscelinRocha; 17/7): Check this wonderful 🧵!!!! All my R workshops are done using Xaringan by @xieyihui!! You can create amazing slides with #rmarkdown!! Once you go there you don’t wanna go back. #r #rstats #gradschool #teachingR https://t.co/KbZclgpGrf ↪
Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 17/5): What are your favorite “why use xaringan?” and/or “why leave beamer for xaringan?” resources? Slides, blog posts, etc. welcome.
Bonus if the intended audience is academics or beamer users. #rstats
cc-ing some xaringan academic folks: @Andrew___Baker @JaeJaeykim2 @ramattheis ↪
Khia A. Johnson (@khia_johnson; 15/0): I just did a presentation made with xaringan in R and can now say I’m a fan! A+ presenter mode! ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 11/2): @xieyihui @spcanelon @grrrck 🛠️🎨 For a great worked example of making customised slides with {xaringan} and {xaringanthemer} check out @katiejolly6’s recent blog post:
‘Applying design guidelines to slides with {xaringanthemer}’
🔗 https://t.co/O14e8xISCf
#rstats https://t.co/Jmz3U0SXOx ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 11/1): @xieyihui @spcanelon 🎨 One of the best parts of using {xaringan} is how customisable it is - it’s easy to make slides that really pop.
To easily change the look and feel of your slides, @grrrck’s {xaringanthemer} is an amazing resource:
📦 https://t.co/iEk1UfHqR5
#rstats https://t.co/5P9ESimbx5 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 7/1): @xieyihui @spcanelon @grrrck @katiejolly6 There’s more! @grrrck’s {xaringanExtra} extends {xaringan} in lots of cool ways. Including:
• Creating a tile view
• Writing / drawing directly onto slides
• Adding tabbed panels🔗 https://t.co/eJelI15xQs
#rstats https://t.co/KQwI8umG4m ↪
Ross Mattheis (@ramattheis; 7/0): @AllbriteAllday @Andrew___Baker @JaeJaeykim2 I think @apreshill’s awesome slides are a great place to start: https://t.co/AGxzlyJ3OW ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 6/4): {xaringan} makeover for my French #rstats #shiny workshop completed at 99 % (I still have an issue with progress/notification {webshot}s, but I will fix it later 🤷♂️)
https://t.co/UnZSVMSHCv https://t.co/4ShxBSUwvi ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 6/1): @xieyihui ❓For a bit of an overview of what {xaringan} can do and how it works, dive into @xieyihui’s template slides and tutorial:
🔗 https://t.co/hhyThEHKaf
#rstats https://t.co/ES8hQxZSn4 ↪
Marilia (@mmfbee; 5/2): Eu 0 x 10 Xaringan
Não sei pq fica esse espaço em branco entre a barra de rolagem e a palavra plot!
#rstats #xaringan https://t.co/l94CmR7MU9 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 5/2): @xieyihui @spcanelon @grrrck @katiejolly6 🖥️ {xaringan} slides can be viewed in the browser, so it’s easy to deploy and host your slides online. Check out @spcanelon’s step-by-step guide using Github Pages:
‘Deploying xaringan Slides: A Ten-Step GitHub Pages Workflow’
🔗 https://t.co/99dJL3Gh5X
#rstats https://t.co/nvgmz0GDaC ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 5/0): @AllbriteAllday @Andrew___Baker @JaeJaeykim2 @ramattheis I always share @xieyihui’s original blog post https://t.co/ex2tKjQgQl ↪
Jae Yeon Kim (@JaeJaeykim2; 5/0): @AllbriteAllday @Andrew___Baker @ramattheis https://t.co/c7tnGwmgYU extra features for xaringan ↪
Joscelin Rocha 🏳️🌈🇧🇴 (@JoscelinRocha; 3/1): @khia_johnson There are so many cool things you can do with xaringan like adding logos, showing slides as tiles, interactive slides with sounds, etc. I am too in love with it. I try to keep up with the cool things here: https://t.co/9bHxzHFnZ8 ↪
Ariel Muldoon (@aosmith16; 3/0): @JaeJaeykim2 @AllbriteAllday @Andrew___Baker @ramattheis I just started using xaringan in the last few weeks and xaringanExtra contains so much additional magic. And xaringanthemer for theming really helped me get started with an overall slide “look”:
https://t.co/17GOep1NHq ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 2/3): Work in progress … #xaringan #rstats https://t.co/csfM4iNeUW ↪
cameron fen (@FenCameron; 2/0): This resource is important in understanding the proper historical and cultural context of xaringan:
https://t.co/uDFmMg2WMC https://t.co/jd0sKIAUsP ↪
Castro (@EiCastroo; 2/0): Sonos xaringan umaietucomademieteiru ↪
Marilia (@mmfbee; 2/0): @fredfribe @BeaMilz @ClaudianoNeto Preciso tmb migo! Estou me aventurando no Xaringan por influência positiva da @BeaMilz. Confesso que no começo pensava “pra que fazer isso se tem Power point?”, ate ver a maravilha que é para montar cursos e afins com scripts etc. Melhor que ficar mostrando código! ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 2/0): @mmfbee @ClaudianoNeto Isso ajuda? Em vez de usar a div, usar um css para fazer isso
https://t.co/C7a4zgtBEr ↪
Claus Wilke (@ClausWilke; 2/0): @VeritasArdentur @_wafflepancake Slides are made with xaringan. Sources are available on github. https://t.co/zcFixvDEzC ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 2/0): Please share any other {xaringan} resources you’ve found useful below! ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/3): Can I combine tile view and presenter mode in Xaringan? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/unNWe4MCix ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Xaringan: center image within two columns layout #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/nr5KhOb4ny ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Can I combine tile view and presenter mode in Xaringan? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/aM7LFrC4pc ↪
Victória Etges Helfer (@VicHelfer; 1/0): Why modeling when you could search for new xaringan themes for your reporting of the runs? https://t.co/NlXCjSSQPx ↪
Ledgerdomain (@fredfribe; 1/0): @mmfbee @BeaMilz @ClaudianoNeto Quarta-feira passada fiz minha primeira apresentação com o Xaringan; não tinha muita coisa, mas foi legal apresentar. No aguardo de ter a chance de mostrar output de código etc ↪
Serena DeStefani (@_DeStefani; 1/0): I thought I was creating slides in #xaringan, but what came out feels almost like art! https://t.co/bIHXgMqIkc ↪
Phiippe MICHEL (@PhiippeMICHEL; 1/0): @icymi_r @pjs_228 Beautiful theme. I use this with #Beamer and with #Xaringan. Thank you. ↪