Rを使ったさまざまな書籍が無料で読めます(英語)。 オーソドックスなとこだと、ggplotのトナカイ本、tidyverseのオウム本 他にも、Introduction to Data Science、Beyond Multiple Linear Regression、Forecasting: Principles and Practiceとか気になる本もある。 https://t.co/KXXUBfkFUP https://t.co/gxVWaOPvf5



Daniel Sjoberg (@statistishdan; 35046): Hello hello hello! 🌈🧙‍♂️ > I am working on a new function that adds forest plots inline in a gtsummary table. > Please take a look and make suggestions before it’s migrated into gtsummary! > https://t.co/kMuBfoa3TE
> #rstats #cran #DataScientist #gt https://t.co/qW6eFSAvwy

Mara Averick (@dataandme; 30757): IDK how I’ve been sleeping on this 🔥 book by @mirnas22, @shannon_e_ellis, @stephaniehicks, & @rdpeng: ♻️ “The {tidymodels} ecosystem” (in ch 5 Modeling Data in the Tidyverse) https://t.co/vp4XRrYYtm #rstats #tidymodels https://t.co/CkXTglrJdv

#RStats Question A Day (@data_question; 30644): Interviewer: So do you know sql? Me: No, but I know R Interviewer: How is that going to help? Me: #RStats https://t.co/JJpIp3O2ec

R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 22139): In {ggplot2}, the missing values are removed by default, but sometimes we may wish to visualize them to see if there is a pattern in missingness. > The {geom_miss_point} function from {naniar} 📦 offers exactly this functionality 🔍 > https://t.co/zJrYSMhnX4 > #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/IrXFHoLVG1

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 18240): 📦📊✏️ awesome-r-dataviz • Curated resources about Data Visualization, Drawing & Publishing in R > 👤 Krzysztof Joachimiak > 🔗 https://t.co/qGKM2Q59BU #rstats #datascience https://t.co/D187gjqWzt

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 11499): Best Deep Learning Books to Read in 2021. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/HBsknqXbBj https://t.co/7OvINLDklK

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 96104): Deep Machine Learning Methods. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/vYpSlhx65X https://t.co/5F4QdQfXeZ


Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 443): You know it is Friday when you are stumped by a blogdown problem that is solved by the very checking functions you helped to make 🤕 > https://t.co/ithkpHMiGc https://t.co/NP6jebkhZ7

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 284): Another new blog up! > https://t.co/Pr8RiGe7Kr > I recently updated my #blogdown website. During the process, I laughed (not really), I cried (almost), and I learned a lot about #blogdown (true). In this post, I outline the major steps in case you need to update your website, too.

R-Ladies Tunis (@RLadiesTunis; 135): Don’t forget to register to our meetup “Introduce yourself online with blogdown and Hugo Apéro” by @apreshill for more info 👉 https://t.co/IbZVJFouvf to subscribe 👉 https://t.co/LmfuaNfG0k #RStats #Rladies https://t.co/mW06AwmKLY

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 92): @JosiahParry https://t.co/4ntH5FmQDj

Eric Brasil (@ericbrasiln; 92): Preparando o site para o próximo semestre e estou achando muito lindo o tema zDoc em @GoHugoIO. E como é fácil criar o site com #blogdown no @rstudio e depois colocar no ar com @Netlify > #DigitalHistory #EnsinoRemoto https://t.co/k5yrUU9IZq

Mara Alexeev (@MaraAlexeev; 61): @xieyihui Thank you! For what?? Everything you do! #RStats #blogdown #bookdown #knitr #xaringan

Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 44): You are using #BlogDown #RStats package? You write “long” blog post or simply want to have a table of content right beside your post? In other words, you want a floating TOC, as in a regular #RMarkDown HTML document? I have a solution! https://t.co/4CUnS1Tfw3

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 40): @JosiahParry @simonpcouch @xieyihui is just too good. I’m working today on bringing that blog post into the blogdown book, so better docs on the way!

Juha Itkonen (@JuhaItkonen; 30): @Nonissimo @jaakkosarela @mjantti Mietinpä, että voisin tehdä ihan vain staattisen web-serverin mallilla Rmarkdown -> Blogdown-> Hugo -> GitHub -> Firebase. Sillä saisi kivasti myös R:stä data analytiikkaa ja olisi kevyt palvelimen kannalta. En tiedä, menettääkö jotain olennaista, kun se on staattinen.

Rosie A (@rosieabe; 20): @asmae_toumi @apreshill I built one in blogdown a while ago for fun, it is nearly empty though 😂😂 I need to get back into things 😅

jos (@JosiahParry; 20): @simonpcouch @apreshill LOL every time i’ve griped over the past few months @apreshill comes in with the blogdown 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 > 🚨🚒🧯

Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 12): #blogdown #RStats 🤯 https://t.co/q1ngBieHuR

Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 12): This is part of the solution to a floating toc in #blogdown #RStats https://t.co/SSK83jePm7

Raphaël Simon (@RplSmn; 12): The hardest part about using blogdown is the hours spent looking for a theme that is just right but not exactly maybe if I deep dive github … ahhhh #rstats

Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 12): Not sure how I have missed this, but jupyter-book https://t.co/io39MkxCWT looks like a great set of tools; create ebooks from notebooks and markdown in python.
> On the surface, comparable to the Rmarkdown and blogdown/bookdown libraries in #rstats. > H/T @pythonbytes

Gavin Masterson, PhD 🐍🐸📊🇿🇦🇸🇪 (@gavinprm; 10): @apreshill They’re amazing functions! Thank you for adding them. > Unfortunately my blogdown issue seems to be related to the Academic Hugo theme so I will need to switch to wowchemy.

Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 10): @ingrid_zoll e.g. You want to make a blog, so you practice Rmd with {blogdown} but also learn some software stuff by moving the files to GitHub to share it > e.g. You want to build an app to show biology data. So you focus on Shiny but also touch data viz and some domain-specific pkgs > etc.

Bruno Nicenboim (@bruno_nicenboim; 10): (The website looks quite ugly, if there is a wizard of blogdown who wants to do their magic, please help! )

kanto | DGS D-88 (@aindinoise; 10): Big thank you (several thank yous) to Alison Hill (@apreshill): I stumbled across her blogpost - and more - and I thought “yeah I’ll try that”. Boy did I try. It’s great fun, and I get to finally learn some HTML and CSS in the process. https://t.co/pbDK6SInnb

jos (@JosiahParry; 10): @fulop_dan I fought blogdown just for you > https://t.co/vN3JBSThQ0

Ani Ruhil 👨‍💻 (@aruhil; 10): @plAnneting Start with @apreshill and the excellent walkthrough here … https://t.co/FhvMMTf5Ht

Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 0/1): Floating toc in #blogdown #RStats Tomorrow, I’ll write a blog post on how to achieve this (few tests to run first)


Sato Shuntaro (@Shuntarooo3; 438115): Rを使ったさまざまな書籍が無料で読めます(英語)。 > オーソドックスなとこだと、ggplotのトナカイ本、tidyverseのオウム本 > 他にも、Introduction to Data Science、Beyond Multiple Linear Regression、Forecasting: Principles and Practiceとか気になる本もある。 > https://t.co/KXXUBfkFUP https://t.co/gxVWaOPvf5

Nick HK (@nickchk; 735): Full PDF at the link (please do not re-host or re-upload the PDF, as it’s a draft. To share, please send others to that same link. Plus, at some point the link will have a Bookdown version). Data for code examples (for now) at https://t.co/qXc8vMiDJJ

Nick HK (@nickchk; 300): To come: * Many edits I’m sure (LMK if you spot errors/have feedback) * Bookdown * CRAN, ssc, and PyPI packages with data for the code examples * Published version (workin’ on it!) * Illustrations?? * Homework set library for instructors * New video series to accompany the book

Women Who Code Guatemala (@wwcodeguatemala; 119): El día de hoy te invitamos a conocer la historia del lenguaje de programación R 👩‍💻. > Recuerda que este 29 de Abril tendremos nuestro taller “Aprende R desde cero”. > Fuente: Capítulo 2 “History and Overview of R” de “R Programming for Data Science” aquí: https://t.co/k3hlJro5xO https://t.co/8l0Adzlx6T

fat-tailed & unbalancedparentheses (@federicocarrone; 102): New version of Data Science in Julia for Hackers! The new implementation uses bookdown. There is still a lot to fix and to do do: like adding links to the interactive notebooks with binder/pluto and the possibility to download a PDF of the book. https://t.co/1n9OgBQxVf

Vikram_Singh Rawat (@Guru_GyanKhoji; 73): #RStats #Python #datascience > I added 2 chapters on speeding up the R code and loops in particular. Read these chapters and let me know if I missed something. > Chapter 13 For Loops | Best Coding Practices for R https://t.co/Ho8anl9u6h #rmarkdown #bookdown

Wilhelmiina Toivo (@wtoivo1; 32): A3: This Pirate-themed R book is also great: https://t.co/EnmDzcH8Dr #LrnSciChat

Unai (@unaimarcor; 31): @OlofKindgren Rmarkdown/Bookdown use cases: - https://t.co/l1vc3w6L9V - https://t.co/dNfJfWyAhO > See this dialogue with the authors of RStudio about the strengths and missing features in their ecosystem: https://t.co/cpMcnJwN0h. > Strongly recommended for less technical/geek people.

David Hood (@Thoughtfulnz; 30): I advocate, for those working with Rmarkdown and wanting to vary a bit from your normal practices, The R Markdown Cookbook is a great first point of call. > Display all the analysis code in a appendix is far simpler than what I did a few years back > https://t.co/3GPMRd1yQo https://t.co/mLq19YkYpA

Chris Holdgraf (@choldgraf; 20): @psychemedia @olihawkins what parts of the bookdown integration are most useful? I am trying to understand where to draw inspiration for Jupyter Book

jason wilson (@jason_a_w; 20): @WomanCorn @MorlockP I do not, just made a follow request. Longer form stuff presents difficulties but from my POV they are not insurmountable. Also there are similar alternatives like Asciidoc and Bookdown

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 11): Bookdown user name #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/jv6zsyV56j

Conor Seyle (@CSeyle_OEF; 11): @alb202 With the caveat that I haven’t actually used these, psych has been working on this problem for a while and I think this seems like a solid review of some r-based implementations https://t.co/rIL9o6KAXo

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 10): @JoeWasserman @wdonald_1985 https://t.co/ZRbwD70kIK

levene bartlett(Αλή Μερτσαν) (@levene_bartlett; 10): @data_fiend I agree with you. if you find spare time, you should make boogdown. Also I’m thinking to make bookdown version about Phd thesis, after finishing. Now I’m making beamer for jury(Thick)

Dr S J Kerr 💙 (@data_fiend; 10): @levene_bartlett I only discovered rmarkdown in my 3rd year and by then I’d already written a few chapters using Latex, so it was easier to keep going. Bookdown looks good too, I’m planning to look at that when I have time.

emre toros (@emretoros; 10): @MelekGidersoy https://t.co/5fnd4rkFXi 1-9 bölümler

Batatau (@Taj_maharis; 10): Momento fofura enquanto aprendo sobre o pacote Bookdown! https://t.co/XiiUMv7Fhz

Tony Hirst (@psychemedia; 10): @olihawkins How are you finding them? I’ve gone back to using Rmd in RStudio more and more, partly because of the bookdown integrated workflow…

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 10): Bookdown PDF building: “figure-latex” folder deleted before TeX file can be built into PDF #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/VJEGIaXnoN

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 10): bookdown and MATLAB? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/U74uX3ap0i

Isabella R. Ghement (@IsabellaGhement; 10): @camjpatrick @WomenInStat I really like this book for how nicely it explains what type of exploratory analyses can guide the specification of a multilevel model: > https://t.co/rEk1GmLWia

Matthew Grainger (@Ed_pheasant; 10): @_PhilMartin Have a look at Chapter 16 “doing meta analysis is R” (bookdown site). It’s really helpful. Power for meta- regression isn’t actually addressed (apart from that it is typically low!). There is a paper in systematic reviews from 2013 which might be good too - Hempel et al.

Dexter H Locke (@DextraordinaryH; 10): @tjmahr Here’s one approach https://t.co/bpfYrnLS8e

leo (@leonardovertise; 10): @UDisattivata LaTex è bellissimo (anche se lo conosco meno di quanto dovrei). Per caso hai provato anche bookdown?

Leon Eyrich Jessen (@jessenleon; 10): @minebocek @gvwilson @apreshill @KellyBodwin @AmeliaMN Absolutely. Perfect. Thanks @minebocek and @gvwilson! 👏 I’m thinking more and more, that I need to create a bookdown site for my course curriculum 🤔 I had ~30 students last year (1st run) and this year it’s ~90 and I can expect more and my current design doesn’t scale 🙄

Sergio Garcia Mora (@sergiogarciamor; 10): @valenzine Me mata que haya piratólogos… que buena carrera! > Mi aporte a la historia de piratas es este libro de programación en R que en realidad es una traducción del idioma pirata al inglés: https://t.co/MH8s7urmE6

Martin Monkman (@monkmanmh; 0/2): Q for the #rstats #bookdown hivemind…what’s the best way to manage book.bib & package.bib files across multiple books? I have 3 books on the go & there’s a big intersection of reference materials. Maintaining 3 sources is getting to be a pain.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Building bookdown book in 1-up level directory #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/ot4GJYSdYe

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Manipulating the font size of headings, footnote and table description in bookdown (for pdf_book) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/wZscHanhZ4


Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 7012): For the smoothest #rstats experience in RStudio IDE, you can default to these Global Options🕊️ > In case you’re curious as to why, here are a few 🗒️ for starters AGG: https://t.co/ALCwYB97hR utf-8: https://t.co/5RTznbii1I tex: https://t.co/kyDAOgflbR https://t.co/V6I5ti2LWv

R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 6711): As trivial as combining multiple characters to form a single phrase sounds, the common solutions return outputs that are imperfect for human readers. > The {combine_words} helper function from {knitr} 📦  fills in this gap!  🙌 > https://t.co/M0CgOUU0ed > #rstats #DataScience https://t.co/XuCNHf3BFi

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 139): R Weekly 2021-W17 Wikidata, knitr, Top 40 New CRAN packages @rweekly_org #rstats #datascience https://t.co/2iP2ZWmTYN

Stephanie Boyle (@_stephanieboyle; 81): I have just added a simple knitr::include_graphics code chunk with figure sizing, and I did it correctly without googling. > I have transcended. > #rstats

The R-Podcast (Eric) (@theRcast; 62): A brand 🆕 @rweekly_org highlights podcast is out! https://t.co/hb6m039ZwY > 🔎 Exploring {tidywikidatar} @giocomai 🖼️ {knitr} accessibility @apreshill @chrisderv @xieyihui 📦 Top 40 #rstats packages @RStudioJoe > h/t @batool664 😀

しん@R言語、統計学の森の中を歩き回る (@wlkintheforest; 51): Rを使う際、評価経緯を残すためknitrを使い始めている。書式を調整したい場合、最近勉強しているhtml/cssが使えることに気づいた。html/cssはやりたいこととずれている気もしていたが、やはりそうではなかった。 > たにぐちまことさん(@seltzer)のUdemy講座でHTML/CSSの勉強を継続する。 > #統計

Victor Ordu (@BroVic; 21): Good grief! And to think I’ve been doing this by hand - with knitr loaded! https://t.co/INRX3JzmAB

Pfluft (@PloederlM; 11): #RStudio experts: do you know how to specify the name of the output file in a regular R file (not a RMarkdown file). I often use knitr or rmarkdown to create html, pdf or docx, but I would like to define the file name depending on different analyses. Thanks!

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 11): #R #Automated | New in knitr: Improved accessibility with image alt text https://t.co/2LljBPScM4

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 10): Unable to use Knitr to pdf #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/nMzOgcvWjG

Martin Tomko (@dinomirMT; 10): @LeahAWasser Following, very interested (for both raster and vector data, and geopandas w dask etc). Also, while here - any materials to do python/jupyter reproducible reports (think knitR), especially after the breaking chabges of nbconvert 6x

alex (@gableingaround; 10): @asmae_toumi Are you talking more about flattening deeply nested objects (rectangularizing), or more like building a knitr table out of pieces of a model summary and the input data, or something else entirely?


Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 30): @RoelandtN42 @RLesur Every year there is a new TeX Live released. So TeX Live 2021 is now out and you need to reinstall (update) your TeX Live 2020. So same with TinyTeX but it sends you a nice message about it 😉 and offer a reinstall function. 😄 But for sure pagedown provide another nice option!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 12): Tinytex Installation Recent Issue #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/RtD7yzBhRL


Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 278): Yay! Join me and @grrrck for the #xaringan party at @_useRconf! 🥳 > 💅 create a #css style guide for your slides to match your institution’s guidelines (or your personality 😉) 💎 learn about inclusive, accessible & elegant slide design #rstats https://t.co/M9TpPQU9ju

useR! 2021 (@_useRconf; 255): Do you want to take your presentations to the next level? > 📌Professional, Polished, Presentable: Making Great Slides with xaringan  > 👥 @grrrck @spcanelon  > 📚English/Intermediate > ⏰ 20:00-23:00 UTC 🖥️ https://t.co/MrVoJuuqF3

girl from interior (@mmfbee; 202): Apesar de eu amar ⓐⓜⓐⓡ ⓜⓤⓘⓣⓞ o #xaringan, uma parte das das minhas apresentações ainda são feitas pelo powerpoint, salvas em .png e depois eu adiciono elas aos meus slides no #RStudio. Não conseguirei aposentar o powerpoint tão cedo 😅 > #R #RStats https://t.co/lx2hQPlzQc

girl from interior (@mmfbee; 101): Obrigada @Azeloc 😅😅 #Xaringan #R #Rstats https://t.co/ueJh01PFlR

Fernando Corrêa (@Azeloc; 40): @mmfbee Esses dias eu precisei arrumar a ordem de uma apresentação de 82 slides em xaringan. Senti falta dos drag and drop gente boa do powerpoint, viu…

Alessandro Tomassini (@le_Tomassini; 33): I just made a little thing for my supervisions on decision-making. I combined #rstats {xaringan} and {plotly} to produce an interactive version of the expected utility model 😎 (sorry powerpoint) > https://t.co/9DHwhy65oV

Alexa Fredston (@AFredston; 23): do any #rstats folks know how to customize just the title slide (text size and alignment) in a #xaringanthemer presentation? I opened xaringan-themer.css but got warnings not to change it and can’t remember how to change the css in the .Rmd itself…

Lukas Burk / JeMScu (@Jemus42; 22): I’m giving a very brief introduction to {xaringan} tomorrow and of course @grrrck has already done it better 😬 https://t.co/WFXHy01Kzi #rstats

Christine Stawitz (@stawitz; 20): @AFredston You can use the custom_css argument in the style_xaringan function call I think!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 10): Reveal left side then right side in xaringan #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Clk17oNxNu

girl from interior (@mmfbee; 10): @ClaudianoNeto Isso, para cada slide eu faço uma figura e depois utilizo elas nos meus slides Xaringan 😅

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 10): @pbarrosjr @rOpenSci o de xaringan eu tbm pensei, viu! pq no conteúdo também diz que vão falar sobre acessibilidade web em apresentações com xaringan. Mas uma das ministrantes disse que o material será disponibilizado :D

Paulo Barros Jr #FicaEmCasa (@pbarrosjr; 10): @BeaMilz @rOpenSci Peguei um de mapas e um de ggplot, mas o de xaringan me balançou, espero que o do ggplot não seja um basicão pra eu não me arrepender de não ter pegado o do xaringan

magdalena bennett (@maibennett; 10): @thiagoscot @LudoGazze I love the flexibility and design of Xaringan slides, so it’s also a thing of how much you value those (I really dislike most Beamer templates, and editing them can be quite tedious). Also, if you use R, totally worth the investment. If you don’t, maybe not.

Pr. J.Scholler (@Pr_JScholler; 0/1): Jean Clark et Lilian Boissé ont réalisé un site regroupant des explications autour de la classification supervisée. Tout ça avec #distill, #xaringan💜 et #RStats https://t.co/5OlhKaxV9b https://t.co/sTEFnNmnjW

Nguyen Tan Thai Hung (@Hung_TT_Nguyen; 0/1): Slides made with #Rstats #xaringan and #xaringanExtra View the web-based interactive version here (press F for fullscreen): https://t.co/7rnPU3SMHx


Fernando Corrêa (@Azeloc; 40): @mmfbee Vc conhece o infinite moon reader? É um preview ao vivo e acho que pode te simplificar a vida: https://t.co/NppIH6KKwu