Marcus Borba (@marcusborba; 434/216): Free eBooks: 100+ Free Data Science Books. #NeuralNetworks #MachineLearning #TensorFlow #100DaysOfCode #BigData #Analytics #DevCommunity #Programming #IoT #javascript #Linux #Cloud #Serverless #womenwhocode #Python #RStats #DeepLearning #AI #DataScience
https://t.co/oKbTu2WlIi https://t.co/6RzDLjJemi ↪
R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 294/56): Population pyramids help visualize the overall age distribution of a population and are useful across many fields (e.g., ecology).
The {pyramid_chart} function from {ggcharts} 📦 provides an easy syntax to create them 👏
#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/O7RB54NLnX ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 225/105): #AI Best: Deep Learning for Autonomous LIDAR Perception. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/oJba2zB7gu https://t.co/5JAmgCGGaY ↪
Jesse Mostipak is making mirepoix for #SLICED (@kierisi; 223/22): I’m brainstorming an intro to #rstats series for YouTube, and based on my personal experience, most beginners struggle with the concept of tidy data.
is there something you’ve struggled with//seen learners struggle with MORE, in terms of foundational concepts? ↪
Naina Chaturvedi (@NainaChaturved8; 194/136): Free Books : 90+ Free ML, Web Development, Data, Computer Science Books for All
#Python #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #RStats #CPP #Java #Flutter #TensorFlow #ReactJS #MachineLearning #DataScientist #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode ↪
Doxyaxone (@Doxyaxone; 114/94): Ah… I should stop searching…
#Python #BigData #Analytics #AI #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Azure #PyTorch #RStats #DotNet #C #CPP #Java #CSharp #Flutter #SQL #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #MachineLearning #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/GcxheISuUF ↪
Norimitsu Nishida (@NorimitsuNishi1; 35/3): 以前学びなおしてみたt分布の導出についてまとめてみました。式展開は必要以上に細かく作成しているつもりです。
(ブログはRのblogdownパッケージで作成しています。) https://t.co/dJfWFW2yCi ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 13/8): How to set up a working HTTPS encryption with netlify, blogdown, and https://t.co/5TswOGkqtB {https://t.co/9wkq4vdf8G} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Jesús Vélez Santiago (@jvelezmagic; 4/1): @platzi Aún no hay mucho, pero eventualmente lo habrá. ✨
📊 Data Science
👩💻 Hugo, blogdown, rmarkdown, xaringan, R.https://t.co/G8kBLi6fCf ↪
Joseph W Pope (@joepope44; 3/0): @OscarBaruffa I mean, can they not just use blogdown ? ↪
Alberto Gonzalez Almuiña (@AlmuinaAlberto; 2/3): Does anyone know why in #blogdown when adding a new post it shows up perfectly with serve_site but then when building the blog with build_site and deploying the blog it does not appear?
It is really frustrating…
#rstats #rstatsES ↪
R-Ladies Sydney (@RLadiesSydney; 2/2): 7 more sleeps!! Join us next Tuesday for a blogdown starter session with @jfsloane and @TehillaOst … LIVE and in person @NousGroup
RSVP here https://t.co/n2nhTR5ujk https://t.co/4KoS4FaAva ↪
Ben Bolker (@bolkerb; 2/0): @seanASanderson trying to steel myself to get into the blogdown world … have to figure out if I can rsync content to my current web space (rather than messing with redirects) … https://t.co/L5oxSL0wqT https://t.co/lU67U9nqRT https://t.co/HPMk2k9jKl ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Blogdown Site not showing my Images after deploying on Netlify #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/9vUqkSWzkt ↪
Francisco Requena (@datarequena; 1/0): @AlmuinaAlberto Try the function blogdown::check_site(). It can be useful to identify possible errors in your configuration ↪
Pedro é isso aí (na voz da Ana Carolina) de PFF2 ✦ (@Pedroissoai; 1/0): po to fazendo uma pagina usando blogdown, hugo e tals e do nada ela ta redirecionando pra paginas estranhas e n sei como resolver ↪
Dr. Jan C. Rode (@jancrode; 1/0): „Der Mangel an Vorstellungskraft wird gesellschaftlich problematisch, wenn die Vergangenheit mehr Plausibilität erhält als die Zukunft.“
(@GeorgDiez1, Blogdown, S. 111)Looking at you, CDU, CSU, SPD, FDP ↪
Jan Bartels (@JanEricBartels; 0/1): I had a little bit of time at hand so I made my own blog using Blogdown for R. Going to occasionally post some research and/or struggles and solutions with R from time to time (in German or in English).
Check it out: https://t.co/uUCjX0LCiv ↪
しん@統計学、R言語の森の中 (@wlkintheforest; 32/2): Rの本が無料で読めます(英語)。
#R言語 https://t.co/ZhxiJZv5U4 ↪
Víctor Morales Oñate (@VictorMoralesO; 17/5): Saludos Comunidad,
Comparto con ustedes mis notas de clase de Econometría Espacial. Aún está en construcción, pero va tomando forma. Cualquier comentario o aporte siempre bienvenido:
#Analytics #Statistics
https://t.co/5hCOZCIobW ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 10/1): @StatStas @xieyihui https://t.co/WbZ7qr0sQx ↪
El Biogrupo (@ElBiogrupo; 9/5): ¿Quieres practicar R haciendo cosas útiles? ¿Qué tal aprender ecología y comportamiento animal trabajando con ejemplos prácticos reales? https://t.co/RdpDEY1jEy #biotapas ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 8/3): Do you have a word document template that you are required to use at work? Would you prefer to use R Markdown instead? You can do just that!
@xieyihui has kindly documented this here: https://t.co/lmLUJZmPi4 and made a video as well: https://t.co/zW0y6Ejodw ↪
Gordon Shotwell 🇨🇦 (@gshotwell; 7/1): @ryangarnett78 @hadleywickham @JennyBryan @sharlagelfand @rstudio Yup! Indeed it’s easy, all you need is to include a template in a package.
https://t.co/Vu8j9solMA ↪
L.(GBTQ+, happy pride!) Eleanor “Luce” Nguyen (@NguyenLuce; 5/0): @LucasOfSunshine @SocDoneLeft Here to plug @swirlstats, it’s a fun way to learn!
Also https://t.co/eg3lKB5fVI has a bunch of free books + GitHub repositories to learn more. ↪
𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚒𝚗 (@GivingTools; 4/1): @nominalthoughts Tidyverse, ggplot, rmarkdown/bookdown, rstudio, pipes, functional programming, purrr, nearly every newest statistical and data processing tool… ↪
Tianyu Li (@TianyuLiTTU; 4/1): Applied Missing Data Analysis with SPSS and Rstudio
Book_MI.knit https://t.co/S6xgt02X44 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
numericalguy (@numericalguy; 3/1): A few pointers why my #bookdown would not make a PDF file of the book
- long overall paths and names of files
- \linebreak without having any text before it
- having equations in headings
#rmarkdown #rstudio ↪
tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 3/0): @grrrck I use a notebook system built on targets so that I can jot down things in separate Rmd files and put them together in a cleanrmd bookdown single html document. That’s my code bubble thing. ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 3/0): If you do this (create a Rmd for a specific word doc template), and want to be able to easily share with others you can go a step further, and make this an R package!
https://t.co/SdWuK0nqeu ↪
Matt Kerlogue (@mattkerlogue; 3/0): @dtoher If the chunk is set to show the code then it will show the comments, as they are part of the code. But they can add comments outside the chunk using the html comment tag <!– your comment –> https://t.co/fDQiiU6g1q ↪
Jordi Rosell (@jrosell; 2/1): @Leesplez Or if you really like Google Drive you can use rmdrive (I didn’t tried myself yet) https://t.co/9HLdIApeZh ↪
Alexandra Bagaïni (@a_bagaini; 2/1): @hadleywickham It is possible that they’ve read The Pirate’s Guide to #rstats by @YaRrrBook: https://t.co/sZzjf7SSzK ↪
Kai! (@kaioinformatics; 1/0): @kierisi *bookdown/gitbook. I think people are also hesitant to say ‘this is who is important’, with the implication that anyone not listed is not important ↪
David Kahle (@davidjkahle; 1/0): @Leesplez For academic journal templates, have you checked out the rticles package? https://t.co/z5ECO3jWwY ↪
Lewis G (@LewisGeer; 1/0): Stumbled upon a concise and clear textbook on statistical computing by @rdpeng of JHU: https://t.co/YErgZN7vze. So nice to find books like Fermi’s Thermodynamics that are stepwise with the motivation precisely stated at each step. ↪
ذوزنقه (@soosanageh; 1/0): @MyMazinLife https://t.co/VY9ZNccKSX ↪
Kamil Skowron (@kamilskowron; 1/0): @mkumm As far as I understand, Leanpub is limited in the case of fine-tuning how PDF is generated. As I started using bookdown, I applied multiple changes to the source of the book(to make it look better) so it drifted away from the markdown format/PDF output supported by Leanpub ↪
Michi Tobler (@michitobler; 1/0): @SapCaps @KateLaskowski Never mind… yes it is. I think bookdown it is! ↪
Dr. Serena Padilla-Caplins (@SapCaps; 1/0): @KateLaskowski @michitobler Yup Rmarkdown or Jupiter notebook depending on which language you’re interested in using. Rmarkdown can be used to generate html files and through bookdown and github can be made into a website. ↪
Qing Zhang (@qingzzzzzz1; 1/0): A nice piece on nested regression https://t.co/jU4ILk1Nuj ↪
Tony Hirst (@psychemedia; 1/0): @Connor11528 @andreazonca Try jupyter book… or use jupytext to to convert to Rmd and use bookdown? ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): r bookdown epub table caption issue #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Oy2s4lxUkV ↪
Sungsam Gong (@sunggong; 0/1): Want this copy, but I wondered this could reach more widely to members of public for their benefit, such that we do not pay for reading (online) research articles under #openaccess publication scheme. Borrowing ebooks from local libraries? Or what about https://t.co/IVX4irepDl https://t.co/kfmaq14a0D ↪
Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 48/10): At least once a month, I get confused about which of these {knitr} options I actually want to use 🙊
eval, echo, include.So I finally made a quick table for myself. Maybe you’ll also find it useful. 📄
For more, see:
https://t.co/QZwA6kWBB3✅: yes, ❌: no
#rstats #rmarkdown https://t.co/Q795O3vVKq ↪
Tom Mock 💉💉🎉 (@thomas_mock; 33/3): @StatStas @xieyihui I know you’ve already seen knitr::combine_words() and stringr::str_flatten() but there’s also glue::glue_collapse()
https://t.co/gDQhCLDpgb ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 19/6): ✍️ Building your own knitr compile farm on your Raspberry Pi with
👤 Bruno Rodrigues @brodriguesco
🔗 https://t.co/A47d1EhIq7
#rstats #datascience ↪
Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 18/4): Not only can you change the graphical device used in #rmarkdown via chunk options, but you can also provide additional arguments to the device itself! 🖼️
Of course, arguments depend on:
output (HTML, PDF, etc.) and device (PNG, JPEG, etc.)#rstats https://t.co/hBe8DG09XU ↪
Filippo Gambarota (@fgambarota; 17/12): #useR #useR2021 #rstats #RMarkdown #knitr
Can wait for the useR!2021!! We will present trackdown https://t.co/unH8eyCwdi
An R package for collaborative writing and editing of R Markdown documents. Here a brief anticipation
https://t.co/LaKa5OAkIx made by
@ClaudioZandone1 ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 8/0): @JohnHelveston @StatStas That’s indeed a good exercise. It happens that I wrote knitr::combine_words() precisely because I was invited to teach a guest lecture to undergraduates in 2014. ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 7/0): @StatStas @jaredlander @JohnHelveston You don’t need a wrapper function—knitr::combine_words(oxford_comma = FALSE) removes the Oxford comma. ↪
Remco (@Remco72348684; 6/0): @dtoher It’s possible. https://t.co/R7gV6d240B. Adding eg. echo = 2 will only show line 2 of that chunk https://t.co/Tof6EoBGBJ ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 5/0): @StatStas @xieyihui knitr::combine_words() ↪
Royal Statistical Society (@RoyalStatSoc; 4/2): Know anyone interested in learning about automated reports in R? Book 3+ people and enjoy a group discount! #R #Rmarkdown #Knitr
https://t.co/u9qvVIYuzl https://t.co/5BmUGJHXMY ↪
Susana Pérez-Álvarez (@susana4dats; 4/1): Algun usuario familiarizado con #GitHub y proyectos de #RStudio generando informes en #Markdown con #Knitr? 🧐
Sería tan amable de compartir la estructura y organización #ideal para trabajar en #equipo?
Mil gracias!
🤯🤯🤯 ↪
Ana Escoto (@aniuxa; 4/0): Una plana útil:
Cómo enviar un archivo RMD a un script:
knitr::purl(“P1.Rmd”, “P1.R”)
Que no se me olvide. ↪
CAA-SSLA (@CAA_SSLA; 4/0): @benmarwick Sooo, what packages are used by archaeologists? Per paper about 8.5 packages (median). The most often used packages are ggplot2, knitr, dplyr, devtools, raster and tidyverse. So most often mentioned are some for data manipulation, visualisation and the writing of paper. ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 3/4): One Little Thing: Spin a Child Script via knitr::spin_child() @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/fm4VBlapPN ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 3/0): @jaredlander @StatStas @JohnHelveston Just checked the git history and it was contributed by @SamEDThompson five months ago: https://t.co/diIFMdBnYC ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): knitr: Knitting to HTML - add a prefix to figure and table numbers #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/1YQhnNcl7D ↪
tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 2/0): @softnoumenon @gongcastro yes because of how knitr/rmarkdown can assume a different default working directory than the project root ↪
Jose Barrera (@overdispersion; 1/1): @TiffanyTimbers I have never used WYSWYG because I learn LaTeX before I needed to write my first presentation. Always LaTeX (reports, presentations, posters, journal articles, …), with knitr if data analysis is involved 😊 ↪
DavidLawrenceMiller (@millerdl; 1/0): fun fact: I corrected these manually in my knitr/LyX doco, only to find that the code in the doco no longer works! ✅ https://t.co/sfGciA2gCx ↪
Johannes Gruber 🇪🇺 (@JohannesBGruber; 1/0): @FogartyUk Or R Markdown or knitr or LaTeX. Nobody actually knows 🤷 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Issue with knitr and projects #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/dJ0lMLhCOw ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): knitr code chunk option to hide some comments #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/uAVhStNSqu ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): HighCharts charts in .pdf report with knitr and RStudio #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/zSHwQQCMfH ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): TinyTex isn’t working anymore with rmarkdown (maybe Path problems?) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Y2fNWyiYF3 ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 134/11): Unpopular opinion: reproducible presentations (e.g., R Markdown Xaringan, Jupyter Rise, etc) are easier than WSWYG ones (e.g., Powerpoint, Keynote). 1/n ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 80/24): 📦 xaringanBuilder • Functions For Building Xaringan Slides To Different Outputs.
👤 Dr. John Paul Helveston @johnhelveston, Garrick Aden-Buie @grrrck
🔗 https://t.co/H6q4ZG64rj
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/u9rWwbtktT ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 13/0): This solves a long running minor annoyance for me. {xaringan} (thanks to remarkjs) has always had this cool headings in the sidebar slide style (see https://t.co/3rEuazBG3X). But it has always bugged me that you can’t click the headings to move around. Now you can! 🥳 ↪
Zhian N. Kamvar (@ZKamvar; 9/1): As I work on my #xaringan slides for #useR2021, I am really glad that @mozilla has really clear documentation for all the CSS things I don’t know (which is nearly ALL the CSS things) https://t.co/CjI2JKvPgq ↪
Maëlle Salmon (@ma_salmon; 5/1): An unrelated but very cool use case of {chromote} I stumbled upon is “Printing xaringan slides with chromote” by @grrrck
#rstats ↪
Khia A. Johnson (@khia_johnson; 4/1): you can connect your project with the internet (i.e. github) but you don’t have to! This is something it took me way longer to realize that it should have..
If you do, I recommend @spcanelon’s blog post on deploying version controlled #xaringan slides: https://t.co/sXgMjRudfi ↪
Alexa Fredston (@AFredston; 3/4): what’s the least miserable way to save slides made with #xaringan #rmarkdown to a pdf without using Chrome? #rstats
all the easy solutions appear to use Chrome which my macbook can’t really handle https://t.co/xEkC21wM9P ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 3/0): @Erin_R_Hoffman Here’s a Xaringan presentation from a project by team of students (@iflores_siaca, @RichieZitomer, Rayce Rossum & Juno Chen) that I supervised: https://t.co/l2OeXaeIVs ↪
Meghan Hall (@MeghanMHall; 3/0): During the event someone asked in chat if I could share the .Rmd file for the slides, as an example of a simple xaringan presentation, so I’ve linked the code there, as well. ↪
Sevenap (@StoyMuTriste; 2/0): Tiene el xaringan el gaara https://t.co/BG8YMlyafX ↪
Alex Sanchez Pla (@sanplaale; 2/0): @TiffanyTimbers Of course they are! Who might think differently? I have banned PowerPoint and alike from my classes and students have very quickly become proficient in Xaringan, Beamer or whatever they have chosen to use. ↪
Nithin .M (@nithin_eco; 1/0): @Prathkum But shadow not appearing in bullet items. Ofcourse not in html, but xaringan. Any idea? ↪
Nithin .M (@nithin_eco; 1/0): @Prathkum Thanks a lot for this.. really solved one of my problem using xaringan slides ↪
Lluís Revilla Sancho (@Lluis_Revilla; 1/0): Many thanks to @grrrck for fixing a bug on metathis and all the expertise showed and shared around xaringan, and to @EmilyRiederer for sharing how to prepare this kind of talks. Now I feel more ready for the recording. ↪
Dr. John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 1/0): @lfdelgadom @lisalendway It was made actually specifically for xaringan slides 😁 ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Simulating the OLS Consistency When X and ε are Dependent https://t.co/P3ZTWDRkpJ ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @ross_gayler @timClicks Your memory was correct. It was me at rstudio::conf(2020) (I didn’t attend this year’s conf): https://t.co/sg1lZ2QdDT ↪