A reproducible example showing how to create a figure of map layers in R https://t.co/bInB7eHpzd 🗺️ #rstats #rspatial Thanks to @geospacedman & @obrl_soil who have helped with this before and to @StefanJuenger for creating and elegant function to tilt sf objects https://t.co/4uQ5PF7GZJ



Rafael H.M. Pereira 🚡 Urban Demographics (@UrbanDemog; 397/81): A reproducible example showing how to create a figure of map layers in R https://t.co/bInB7eHpzd 🗺️ #rstats #rspatial

Thanks to @geospacedman & @obrl_soil who have helped with this before and to @StefanJuenger for creating and elegant function to tilt sf objects https://t.co/4uQ5PF7GZJ

PINAKI (@PinakiLaskar; 344/133): A performance enhancing training tool for the goal keepers.

#sportstech #soccer #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #Innovation #MachineLearning #selfdrivingcars #devcommunity #100DaysofCode #AI https://t.co/RenlaxdFm8

R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 267/45): During exploratory phase, we may wish to visualize and model data quickly and thoroughly. ➿

The {ggwithinstats} function from {ggstatsplot} 📦 does this for one-way repeated measures designs via plots with statistical details 📊


#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/UxoUQr1cvB

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 223/64): 📦⭐ awesome-r-learning-resources • A curated collection of free resources to help deepen your understanding of the R programming language.

👤 Eric Fletcher @iamericfletcher

🔗 https://t.co/nNL4XezOeo
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/npmOPAUByw

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 134/114): 3 Best Books to Start Off Your Data Science Journey. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/iKMIq16yhy https://t.co/0J4pVQ8akO

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 132/88): Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/oZaOe6VSo4 https://t.co/0ogSuP40Rc

Giuliano Liguori (@ingliguori; 100/110): #infographic: How to become s #DataScientist in 8 easy steps
Via @ingliguori #Python #BigData #Analytics #AI #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #MachineLearning #ModelOps #DevOps #DEVCommunity #100DaysofCode #AIOps #MLOps #DataAnalytics @ipfconline1 https://t.co/Ev7szrLVsh

Eastern Style (@EasternStyle1; 97/105): The function is used to simulate the movement of butterfly wings.#Python #BigData #Analytics #AI #ML #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Azure #RStats #DotNet #CPP #Java #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/eqjqkzRpdK


Max Ferlauto (@MaxFerlauto; 35/5): Just published my website https://t.co/ylFwtfhGpG I used the R package Blogdown with @apreshill’s #HugoApero theme. Spent months customizing the #Wowchemy theme until I got fed up with its updates. But most of the alterations I did are actually the default of this beautiful theme

Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 13/2): Many thanks to @djnavarro for the amazing {bs4cards} #rstats package, perfect for creating beautiful grids with pics and links (for packages, talks, etc.) on blogdown ✨ how do you organize your links?

package: https://t.co/j12ezUBDxW
example on my site: https://t.co/oeFkdgWwFT https://t.co/Y4gXYr8VUo

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 5/0): @apreshill @MaxFerlauto Since I learn that #HugoApero existed and started using it, I always recommend it. It’s beautiful on the fly! And it’s way easier to setup with netlify. So thank you again and again for your work with #HugoApero and all your tutorials and materials in blogdown.

Steph #notabotnotatrot 🇮🇪 (@stephmcg; 4/0): Crutches #blogdown https://t.co/AtA7Rr2LNn

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 4/0): A beautiful new #HugoApero #blogdown site! Complete with a customized color scheme 🎨 and typography 🔠
Learn more about how to customize a Hugo Apéro site in the theme docs:
Style your site colors https://t.co/BjwGolbU5I
Style your site typography https://t.co/lBsOEvESnF https://t.co/wog6ZAocDu

Ariel Muldoon (@aosmith16; 2/2): I got a warning I need to choose a new build image for 3 #rstats #blogdown sites on Netlify. Eek! 😱 Immediate failure with the recommended “Focal”. Luckily using RUBY_VERSION 2.7.0 (add in Environment variables) as others found was a quick fix for me. 😌


Steph #notabotnotatrot 🇮🇪 (@stephmcg; 1/1): Dry July 2021 #blogdown https://t.co/ehCVQDp6Qa

Danton Noriega 🦔 (@dantonnoriega; 1/0): @tayyshue @OpenAcademics @AcademicChatter @PhDVoice @apreshill has a great post on how to do so using R and blogdown.


Free and open source and you’ll learn some R!


Indrajeet Patil (@patilindrajeets; 36/7): Sometimes you may wish to render an #rmarkdown document from a code chunk of another document.
E.g., if you’re writing a paper and want to render the supplementary info document from the main document.

Doing so is as simple as this 👇! 🙌

Ref. https://t.co/FDfAZ2q7WA

#rstats https://t.co/9In6J8dlNl

Clover🍀🇺🇳 (@Misaka_Clover; 18/3): 在阅读清单里找到了去年收藏的这本书,一直没看。作者还特意制作了PDF和epub给我们下载,当时下载的PDF只有170多页,现在再去网站上发现已经有220多页了。


现代科研指北 https://t.co/BU3vw8Uddi #rmarkdown #bookdown

Dr Mark Greenaway (@certifiedwaif; 12/2): Time to learn RMarkdown. https://t.co/CAUFqqJhYS
Only five years behind everyone else ;-D Late to every party … #rmarkdown

ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 5/4): #rstats - ‘Création de rapports automatisés avec bookdown et GitLab Pages pour le suivi de projet’ par @MarionLouveaux aux @rencontres_R
👉 Le package {bookprep} : https://t.co/opmx8G34z3 https://t.co/w0hCMU9mCZ

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 5/1): Relatedly, show the chunk options in a demo by surrounding the chunk with four backticks:

``` \``{r, fig.cap=“My plot”}


Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 5/1): I’m using shiny apps in #bookdown, but I also need to print as PDF. I want to conditionally include the app or a screenshot depending on render. Is there a better way to do this than to set a flag at the start and set app chunks to eval = !is_pdf and img chunks to eval = is_pdf?

Paul Drury (@notquitecezanne; 5/0): @Nyey @PhDVoice @AcademicChatter An alternative I am considering is using bookdown based on R markdown. https://t.co/SEDh7WGcEb The advantage being multiple output formats-even Word!

Verónica Totolhua (@yoltotolhua; 4/2): #R Markdown: The Definitive Guide by Yihui Xie, J. J. Allaire, Garrett Grolemund https://t.co/KB8W8c6QTK

Sentient Potato 🌸️ (@SentientPotato6; 4/0): not me spending my friday evening developing an R package to automatically generate RStudio projects for bookdown documents that conform to all the dissertation formatting requirements of my university

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @Emil_Hvitfeldt @juliasilge ah good, so not all bookdown 👼 https://t.co/rAHRB5ewc4

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 3/0): @nathanihoff @GuyProchilo For the Bayesians in the room, I’ve translated a good chunk of Singer and Willett into #brms: https://t.co/WQKd6ghtGs

Anna Sophie Kümpel (@kuempelanna; 3/0): “Beyond Multiple Linear Regression” by Paul Roback & Julie Legler: https://t.co/x4Z2B6zM0k (11/14)

Ana Martinovici (@Ana_Martinovici; 3/0): @MaxPrimbs For an intro to Git and GitHub: https://t.co/0R8ZeV3fM5 It’s not specific to turning bookdown projects into github-hosted websites, but it explains how to create a repo and commit & push the files you need. Should make it easier to follow the bookdown manual afterwards.

Max Primbs (@MaxPrimbs; 3/0): I´m looking for a beginner-friendly tutorial to make a bookdown project into a github-hosted website. I don´t know anything about github. Anything comes to mind?

Ryan Schneider (@ryanschneider11; 3/0): @yoav_kessler @mattansb I used OneNote up until this week, and that worked well. Now my list of topics and functions has grown large enough though I’m organizing it all into a bookdown

Separate functions by topic, with each topic becoming its own chapter

D.H. Slone (@dh_slone; 2/2): #rstats #bookdown I don’t know who needs to see this but if you get weird package errors using bookdown, delete the _bookdown_files folder in your project. It kept trying to load a package that was not even in my script because it was listed in a cache. 😡 How many hours!

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 2/0): @juliasilge @skyetetra This may be neither here nor there, but block2 may not be a resilient way to go? https://t.co/Bxv13hMSRk https://t.co/5nxqaEMO5X

Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 2/0): @skyetetra The terrible thing is that it “doesn’t build” because of some inline code in a block2 bookdown thing:

All those red ❌ are actually fine 😭

Michelle Monge Velázquez (@mich_croc; 2/0): Found this guide/R code very useful for camera trap projects. Sharing in case someone is disoriented on how to start (como yo). Thank you @Chris_Beirne for accessible, open access material. https://t.co/24tK3szygh #rmarkdown #bookdown

John Blischak (@jdblischak; 2/0): @felipe_mattioni @patilindrajeets I can’t recall the exact source I consulted to write the advice in that vignette, but the R Markdown Cookbook has an entry on using knit_expand()


Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 2/0): @LisaDeBruine Best way to conditionally include content for HTML or pdf is to use the is_*_output functions


But yes include_* function will do a screenshot of urls and apps in pdf outputs. Same for htmlwidgets.

Christine HvW (@christinehvw; 2/0): @delaBJL Inserting <div id=“refs”></div> forces the position of the references. See here https://t.co/et8acFKxWL

Mattan S. Ben-Shachar (@mattansb; 2/0): @ryanschneider11 @yoav_kessler I like that idea! Though that would require to learn bookdown 😅

Charlie 👩‍💻 (@charliejhadley; 1/0): @DewiKoning knit_exit() is a good call for one of my issues, as there’s just a bunch of stuff missing for some params values.

I replied elsewhere in this thread after realising that conditional child .Rmd documents solves most of my issues https://t.co/hrbAL53Gfy

Michael Schramm 💧📊 (@MPSchramm; 1/0): @fawda123 I love that y’all have an SOP as a bookdown document!

Niklas Johannes (@NiklasJohannes; 1/0): @MaxPrimbs https://t.co/aRHQwHPa0m

Ricardo Rey (@RicardoRey_95; 1/0): @DataHorseman Sobre meta-análisis desde 0, el libro de Meta-análisis de botella. Como sé que también eres amante de R, esto que te dejo por aquí es otra alternativa muy chula (y reciente, de este mismo año). Tengo pendiente echarle un ojo.


Vikram_Singh Rawat (@Guru_GyanKhoji; 0/1): @INWT_Statistics @rstatstweet There are some coding practices you can use to make #RStats a little faster and more memory efficient… Read the sections on memory and speed



Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 23/7): TIL in #rstats:

You can show a verbatim inline R expression like this:
Use this code to add: `r knitr::inline_expr("1+1")`

And your document will display:
Use this code to add: r 1+1

Instead of:
Use this code to show: 2

So useful for #psyTeachR teaching resources!

June Choe (@yjunechoe; 17/2): Experimental concept: “runnable” D3 code chunks on hover in RMarkdown. Made possible with pandoc and knitr magic.

Seeing some potential in this + {r2d3} for simple D3 tutorials for R folks.

Code: https://t.co/j12Wm99eRl https://t.co/vSbiIBzGBT

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 3/0): @richarddmorey @LisaDeBruine knitr::is_latex_output() or knitr::is_html_output()

I would put the Shiny app in a separate .R script, then do;

if (knitr::is_html_output()) source(“shiny.R”) else knitr::include_graphics(“screenshot.png”)

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 2/0): @pachadotdev @andrewheiss Oh nice, which accessibility tools did you find helpful? And since you’re interested in accessibility practices, here are some resources on how to add/write alt-text for the data viz in your post 😇

Brenton Wiernik 🏳️‍🌈 (@bmwiernik; 2/0): @aghaynes @coolbutuseless sars is more like a translator—it executes a subset of PROC and DATA commands using R’s functions. The package you linked to is for running an actual SAS environment from within knitr

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): output plot from knitr custom engine chunk #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/UMqsc4vhzl

Rプログラマたん (@cppfriendsbot; 1/0): 1月に書いてGitHubに置いた「Pythonプログラマが30分でわかるR」ですが、インストール手順を見ただけで大抵の人はめげますよね。でしたら夏休みに、R + knitr 環境のDockerイメージを作って、同じレポジトリに置けばいいですね。

Felipe (@fmarquesalmeida; 1/0): @CedScherer @apreshill Hmm, I am not much familiar with distill to understand the yml Param without the proper function.

But since it is based on rmarkdown it may possibly share some knitr parameters.

In this link, it is described a “fig.lp” param for that: https://t.co/ugoFCeLLMn

Felipe (@fmarquesalmeida; 1/0): @CedScherer Or maybe with the fig.lp (blank values) chunk param as shown here?


Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): It turns out knitr::include_app is smart enough to do this for me if I’m rendering to PDF, but this has been generally useful for learning more about contingent evaluation of r chunks :)

Frank Gootjes (@GootjesFrank; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine @xieyihui Maybe this is what you want to know, note that this is only valid during knitting, so you could wrap it in a print statement to see what values you are getting for html pdf/word


tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How does the knitr language engine for Python in RMarkdown keep track of variables across code chunks? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/tzibew5Rsy


Felipe (@fmarquesalmeida; 4/0): @CedScherer Do you want to change the labels? Something like in this issue?

–> https://t.co/gNtpXRouPV


Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 37/3): Tachyons is my favorite xaringan sidekick with tons of little CSS classes that make it easier to lay out and style slides. These days I couldn’t make slides without it!

https://t.co/I9V0jyA9ei https://t.co/eOJax3DfoP

Kévin Rue-Albrecht (@KevinRUE67; 26/13): The @Bioconductor project is celebrating 20 years in 2021!
Everyone is invited to contributed to a carousel of #xaringan slides to share memories and highlights of the project over the years!
The slides will be featured during the BioC2021 conference
-> https://t.co/TpClFP1qO1

Zoë Turner (@Letxuga007; 14/4): Did you know that if you use alt text for images in #rstats #xaringan slides, if your link breaks then the full text appears? This not only makes sense to the reader, it helps you work out which image it was that’s broken in the presentation and without looking at the code.😍 https://t.co/i4wVvcONFQ

Tuo Wang (@alextuowang; 9/8): {xaringan} package is a game-changer for presentation, especially when you need to present any R codes. Inspired by
@jvcasill’s work, I created a UW-Madison theme.

Description: https://t.co/DgdA7xJETH

Demo: https://t.co/scXuCDCcYi

#rstats https://t.co/XAhfypFEsb

Natalia Morandeira (@Nat_Mora_; 4/0): @sergiogarciamor @DogGeneticsLLC @_useRconf @club_rrhh Gracias Sergio! La que la tiene clara es @spcanelon ! Realmente fue mi primer xaringan y todavía tengo mucho por aprender. Silvia dio este tutorial y hace un tiempo en otro congreso dio una charla específicamente de accesibilidad. https://t.co/1cMyHoZ6Ke

Olivier Gimenez 🖖 (@oaggimenez; 3/2): Slides created with remark.js @gnab and the R #RStats package xaringan @xieyihui, source here https://t.co/8OqQfQ5Dno

Dr. John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 2/0): @CedScherer Sounds like the perfect book for my class 🙂

Here’s the class btw: https://t.co/GGIxVhfiMH

All the “how to” parts are embedded in xaringan slides, but it’s hard to search, hence why I’m thinking about a book.

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 2/0): @apreshill @jeffreymgirard @grrrck Yes! Hugo Apero and xaringan were my two big Tachyons-learning motivators

Benjamin Wolfe (he/him) (@BenjaminWolfe; 1/2): Oh yes! This is a fantastic #xaringan feature.

Back in the day when I used xaringan a lot I basically built this as a package myself but never published it. It was invaluable.

🧵1/2 #rstats https://t.co/myAiLfiJl6

Sophie Jones (@SNJ_nz; 1/0): @jpatrickegan Uses HTML slides for everything up to that point? Seriously, I think I’ve forgotten everything Powerpoint by now - just do everything in things like Xaringan

Cebollo🎲🌒 (@Berrebo_master; 1/0): @maega_ Esta desbloqueando el xaringan

100% That Enby (@EmRstats; 0/2): Hey #rstats community, is {xaringan} still the shiniest way to make slides for a presentation, or is there something new I am missing out on?

Dr Nicci Potts (@nicci_potts; 0/1): The mix of #leaflet and #xaringan or #revealjs = repeatedly crashed #RStudio console.

Presentation works fine in #ioslides but I need more slide customisation.

I really want xaringan or revealjs to be my solution but maybe it’s custom css in ioslides!?

#RStats #DataViz


Suman Khanal🇳🇵🦋 (@sumanstats; 4/4): @cpan_author Xaringan in #rstats

As it is created from rmarkdown, you can even execute #rakulang code.


Felix Golcher (@fgolcher; 4/1): Just in case, anyone out there is still working with #rstudio and #rmarkdown without the infinite moon reader by @xieyihui: