I recently came across a really neat way of explaining R² and shared variation in regression models using Euler/Venn diagrams, so I wrote up a bunch of examples of how to make these plots using #rstats https://t.co/NYlgsgUllZ https://t.co/fTXZ6LxG6b



Andrew Heiss, geriatric millennial (@andrewheiss; 976/191): I recently came across a really neat way of explaining R² and shared variation in regression models using Euler/Venn diagrams, so I wrote up a bunch of examples of how to make these plots using #rstats https://t.co/NYlgsgUllZ https://t.co/fTXZ6LxG6b

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 578/116): ✍️🐧📊 ggplot Wizardry Hands-On: A Step-by-Step tutorial as supplement to my talk “ggplot Wizardry: My Favorite Tricks and Secrets for Beautiful Plot in R” at OutlierConf 2021.

👤 Cédric Scherer @CedScherer

🔗 https://t.co/cJJdfGhQ4r
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/7KfGpR88V9

R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 353/85): Sometimes you may wish to display results from a statistical test in a graphics you have prepared.

The {statsExpressions} 📦 functions, like {corr_test}, provide the necessary expressions 👏


#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/4T3awwOSFQ

R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 299/50): For some reason, you may need to prepare a calendar in R and you might prefer to do so in the {ggplot2} framework.

The {calendR} function from the eponymous 📦 provides customizable monthly or yearly calendars 📅


#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/C1dM0FSllv

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 283/64): ✍️📊 Best practices for programming with ggplot2

👤 Dewey Dunnington @paleolimbot

🔗 https://t.co/bf2Pis1ugW
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/D5va77yWjk

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 271/153): CyberCoders: Full Stack Developer Skills Include Frontend and Backend. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/VpPSlgnuJi https://t.co/Qx7Sn0NHET

Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 255/90): Practical #Statistics for #DataScientists — 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and #Python: https://t.co/4TRaP0qjAC by @petercbruce et al.
#BigData #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #Mathematics #StatisticalLiteracy #Coding #Rstats https://t.co/Ha3gBENIqb

Catherine Adenle (@CatherineAdenle; 210/145): Infographic: 10 Key Types of Data Analysis Methods and Techniques

#programming #database #Data #DataScientists #Analytics #BigData #Rstats #AI #Reactjs #Python #DataScience #Tech #IIoT #ML #NLP #javascript #TensorFlow #Coding #Serverless #100DaysOfCode #Dataviz https://t.co/5faehNlV0g

Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 159/125): A Cheat-Sheet for all the Data Structures in Python.
#DataScientists #Analytics #BigData #Rstats #AI #Reactjs #Python #DataScience #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #ML #NLP #flutter #Great #javascript #TensorFlow #Coding #Tableau #100DaysOfCode #Dataviz #statistics #DeepLearning https://t.co/3h9TF6nUnN

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 155/89): 5 Free #Books To Take Your #DataScience Skills to The Next Level. #BigData #Analytics #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/UW5lYGvMwU https://t.co/XZW6jgVrD4

Naina Chaturvedi (@NainaChaturved8; 140/80): Machine Learning Roadmap
#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/AWk5Ix6jod

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 124/122): Free eBooks: Tutorials for Effective #MachineLearning. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/Oek8a6IU1m https://t.co/njGwkykMzt

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 122/116): Bayesian Statistical Modelling: 2nd Ed. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/1DnejVpgIb https://t.co/qVVAi9g7hb

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 116/99): Free eBook: The Machine and Deep Learning Compendium. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Mathematics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/kOh1AxlzOp https://t.co/qaAJAdd6bl


Maya Gans (@Mayacelium; 27/4): Inspired by @LadybugPodcast I finished @jen4web’s CSS course on @FrontendMasters and totally reworked the code for the resume page on my #blogdown website using flexbox and grid!! 🥳 Now it looks cute on any device size 😭🙏 https://t.co/hUcfZnv0gx

R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 10/5): ✍️ Mi post sobre blogdown - Juve Blog

👤 Juvenal @juvenalcamposf

🔗 https://t.co/bJM6YMSRja
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/oAX6fxebJq

Jumping Rivers (@jumping_uk; 6/3): Spice things up with a little bit of JavaScript! 🔥 Learn how to add a dropdown to any R {blogdown} visualisation with a bit of JS in this tutorial written by @JohannesBGruber #Rstats
#DataScience #JavaScript


María Nanton (@bynans1; 5/0): Cuando decidís dedicar un ratito de tu feriado para aprolijar tu blogdown https://t.co/7QamPfsyBS

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 4/2): Yay! Another #HugoApero site! This one by @joshualerickson is all about hydrology + remote sensing + stats https://t.co/duB0wpuNiQ💧
I particularly like how friendly and welcoming the writing is throughout the site 🙂 #blogdown #RStats https://t.co/l9QxtylWEn

Michael Flynn (@flynnpolsci; 3/0): After screwing around with blogdown/hugo/wowchemy for way too long, I’m really enjoying Distill. So far it’s way easier and pretty flexible. For my needs at least.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): Building public directory in blogdown to deploy on own server #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/3UJ6wtHwQu

Khaled Al-Shamaa (@arphp; 1/2): This blog post tries to explain some generalities about creating and publishing blog- style web pages through the use of the blogdownR library
#RStats https://t.co/btYqAHn1ki

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): blogdown not inserting archetype when selected #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/YafHNBZVjX

Jannik (@jannikbuhr; 1/0): @chem_christian I quite like hugo (https://t.co/mMXVlWUtcy), optionally via the R package blogdown (https://t.co/R2Xl0dNXWE) for some added goodies. For example, this is what my site currently looks like: https://t.co/hkJSRwSGt0

Samuel Crane (@samuelcrane; 1/0): Awhile ago I switched our internal knowledge portal from {bookdown} to {blogdown} because I didn’t like the gitbook defaults. This new Bootstrap4 theme has me taking a second look. https://t.co/MXU2GYNvfp


Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 373/86): The #rmarkdown team is excited to share news about the latest #bookdown release. Read our post for highlights, including:

🥾a 3-column HTML book w/ Bootstrap,

🔎better search,

🧭customizable 404 pages, and

🚀project templates to get started faster


Prof. Dr. David Daniel Ebert (@DDEbert; 15/10): Plan to conduct a #metaanalysis ? Our hands-on guide #MA using #R including #rpackage for every step to be published by September 13 by @CRC_MathStats @tandfonline https://t.co/mhJShALEab online version for free: https://t.co/91uhNJEC1y #AcademicChatter #openscience #rstats

Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 15/5): New #bookdown version is out!

In addition to the highlights in the blog post, you can read the release note of the new #rstats package reference site

Lots of improvement in features and docs ! https://t.co/XLo7EJHU0g

Layla Bouzoubaa 🌎🇲🇦 (@Bouzoulay; 14/1): kind of new to the interpretable ML game 🙈 h/t to @ChristophMolnar for his easy-to-digest book. Anyone else who is getting thrown into world of #XAI - give this one a look :)
https://t.co/2pVcCJQ7bm #rmarkdown #bookdown

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 13/5): Announcing bookdown v0.23 {https://t.co/GqfI9DwKLS} #rstats #DataScience

Joselyn Chávez (@josschavezf1; 12/2): Pueden ver los materiales que generamos usando #bookdown en https://t.co/VG5uLADPQJ basados en el material de What they forgot y Mastering Shiny

R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 7/4): Announcing bookdown v0.23 @rstudio #rstats #datascience https://t.co/acrLzk49jD

Jorge Fabrega (@jorgefabrega; 7/2): Status: Experimentando con la droga dura de bookdown #RStats

Zoë Turner (@Letxuga007; 6/1): I’ve started it! I’m doing my @apha_analysts professional registration using #rstats 😃{bookdown} https://t.co/tHIocDhQN5 Yes. All in the open. Every word! https://t.co/eVfzIYwIYS

Zoë Turner (@Letxuga007; 5/0): What timing! I’ve just started playing with #bookdown and this looks amazing. 😍 https://t.co/rZO5bQlCtP

Lisa Lendway, she/her (@lisalendway; 4/1): @ctitusbrown @rstatstweet You can add keep_md: true to the YAML heading so the md file is also saved, and those render pretty nicely. https://t.co/k4e77cOho5

Moyo Ajayi (@MAjayi_907; 4/1): @issa_madjid @mharrison @pycharm I think VSCode is a good IDE for Python (and even for R). As for the lack of bookdown material for Python, I understand, but I think moving through tutorials is really good way to get experience.

Jorge Fabrega (@jorgefabrega; 4/0): De mi servicio de utilidad pública: Si desean cambiar el orden de sus capítulos en un bookdown, no se les ocurra cambiar el nombre a un .Rmd sin antes haber grabado los cambios en él.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 3/2): Organize bookdown chapters into “parts” #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/HVhhqe2VTj

Abdoul Madjid (@issa_madjid; 3/1): @mharrison @pycharm Oh. Thanks for sharing. My last request, would be to make more quality ressources available for everyone. Of course, we can find great Python tutorials online but the best R books are also availables in bookdown format what we don’t find in the Python community.

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 3/0): @arthur_alb1 I mean, with very simple models, you can skip MCMC and just use grid approximation to make plots like that (e.g., https://t.co/3hSJkBWokD, https://t.co/XvMubTDu8I, https://t.co/hN7hlYMJSN). However, this becomes intractable once the models get even mildly interesting.

Felipe Ruiz (@felipe_ruizb; 3/0): @navarro_lean @javierpibanez @brunopalmansi @idaesoficial 2022 🔥 dejo un insumo preliminar 🤓


Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 2/1): Wow! I read the post and the last thing I was expecting was to see my GitHub username there!
C’mon folks, give #Bookdown a try, the team behind it really hears user feedback and is constantly improving it! https://t.co/8uKmJu8Oxk

Rob Denton (@RD_Denton; 2/0): 3. @yanivbrandvain’s Applied Biostats course notebook, obviously made with lots of love

Find here: https://t.co/KfDuwSizWz

Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 2/0): @StarTrek_Lt Sorry- support dark mode was on our to do list but didn’t make it in this release. Feel free to upvote the issue here https://t.co/66DYufEsTN

TuQmano (@TuQmano; 2/0): Bookdown 😍 https://t.co/UMC7Xzk7OA

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Bookdown 0.23 -> 0.24 :: Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/i9tOzIRaua

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): A question (bullet or enumerate list in theorem, lemma envirement) for bookdown or tinyTex #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/zpGwMP6IUD

Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Doing Bayesian Data Analysis in brms and the tidyverse https://t.co/0IeIO1lFD7

Dr. Gina Centuries Old Gi 🖖🏾 (@TheGinaGi; 1/0): Just finished my low-energy presentation on #rmarkdown basics. I mis-asvertised, and really didn’t dip into Bookdown. But I think I’m going to set some stuff up on the site, using Bookdown.

And next month is semi-advanced #ggplot2. Hope to see you there. #swRk https://t.co/zTkRJFPN6r

Adventures in Social Work Research! (@research_sw; 1/0): Just finished my low-energy presentation on #rmarkdown basics. I mis-asvertised, and really didn’t dip into Bookdown. But I think I’m going to set some stuff up on the site, using Bookdown.

And next month is semi-advanced #ggplot2. Hope to see you there. #swRk https://t.co/lRKOmUaRNP

Arthur Albuquerque (@arthur_alb1; 1/0): @SolomonKurz btw, I might go through Krushke’s book just to get to read your bookdown. It looks sharp!

Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 1/0): @BioProtean May I suggest #Bookdown? The learning curve is a little steep a the beginning but the advantages are oh so many!

José R. Berrendero (@JRBerrendero; 1/0): La nueva página de referencia de bookdown.


José R. Berrendero (@JRBerrendero; 1/0): https://t.co/L7nRLgb6BK

Zoë Turner (@Letxuga007; 1/0): Ah {bookdown}. Trying to publish to Netlify from a folder I hadn’t removed from .gitignore.

I’m pretty conscious that some of my tweets must sound like: “Ah blah. Trying to publish to blah from a folder I hadn’t removed from blah de blah whotsit”! https://t.co/11gkzsjDti

autovetor (@bayzeras; 1/0): @pKariova e se quiser gerar o rmd como se fosse um doc latex tem como tbm, mas eh meio chatinho pq vc precisa ter o latex instalado https://t.co/uaxG2PmYQY

Mouhsine - محسن 🇲🇦 (@BellaMouhsine; 1/0): 1.1 What can be forecast? | Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed) https://t.co/7HCA3EbAWc #rmarkdown #bookdown

Carry You Home (@quantadan; 1/0): @flourn0 This book is awesome. I finished it in like four days.

NelsonGon (@bionelsongon; 1/0): I briefly went through this book back when I was actively reading books on bookdown. One downside for me was that I needed to download specific packages for the book. https://t.co/wPx4r3hB7j

Cleiton Rocha (@CleitonOERocha; 1/0): @leofn3 É exatamente a proposta do Rmarkdown, esse link deve te ajudar: https://t.co/KeAyAqEroc

Thomas Hütter 💉💉 (@DerFredo; 0/1): Alison Hill, Christophe Dervieux, Yihui Xie posted on R-bloggers: Announcing bookdown v0.23 #rstats https://t.co/Cx61dOpACk

claudîus (@dataclaudius; 0/1): Announcing bookdown v0.23 via #rbloggers #rstats #datascience https://t.co/46OzP0dlzn


RLadiesCDMX (@RLadiesCDMX; 43/12): 💡Nuestro tip para hacer tablas bonitas con la función kable del paquete {knitr} 😉

pero también están
#funcionTip #paquetip #RStats https://t.co/dWqvzGH9hK https://t.co/bScvxsmGrS

Luke W. Johnston (@lwjohnst; 3/0): @polesasunder @ucfagls I generate them seperately in the course repo and have them on the website with knitr::include_url(). Here’s an example https://t.co/Oz9gMBVOhg with the source Rmd https://t.co/vqOIxlhhZP

Fiona Bradley (@Fiona_Bradley; 2/2): @TrishHepworth Very cool. See also how knitting concepts are embedded in data analysis tools, knit and https://t.co/GExbdbX0Dz knitr: https://t.co/v1MD00k7y9

Lluís Revilla Sancho (@Lluis_Revilla; 2/0): @padpadpadpad @MilesMcBain Check out the following code: knitr::kable(mtcars)

Gary Olsen (LosHuertos) (@garylosh; 1/1): @girba Absolutely. I’m a fan of repeatable research using notebooks. I’ve always wished for something like knitr, but for application dev more than data work. I haven’t had time to look closely at gtoolkit but this looks super cool.

Anthony Fiedler (@FAfied32; 1/0): @Jas_Hughes Finalizing with KnitR, eh?

Leonardo (@JOLEONAR; 1/0): @oscarsalvador24 @SaraRC83 @pcoffeebreak @coursera Este es un reporte mensual de actividad sísmica que hago usando RStudio (knitr), solo se necesita la tabla con los datos de sismicidad y el resto textos tablas y figuras con R excepto el mapa que usa un programa externo llamado GMT pero se ejecuta desde R. https://t.co/IjuQT1bPcM

tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 1/0): @MilesMcBain I was using it as a loader (just grabbing some functions) but something in my targets/knitr setup meant the global environment and the “global environment” of the document were not the same 😵‍💫

Michael Flynn (@flynnpolsci; 0/1): #rstats #xaringan question: if I’m using knitr::include_graphics() for inserting figures into xaringan slides, what’s the best way to vertically align figure? I’m including figures inside of .pull-left/right wrappers for what it’s worth.


Julio Trecenti (@jtrecenti; 32/2): É possível visualizar seu slide enquanto edita usando o xaringan::inf mr()! você sabia disso? Já corre lá para testar e marcar os amig@s que vão adorar essa dica também! #faxinadedados #rstats #programação #pesquisa #datascience #xaringan https://t.co/R4umr89Myc

jsavinc (@jsavinc; 23/12): People who make presentations in #RStats (e.g. xaringan) - what format do you use for the slides and how do you present them in online meetings? Save as html and share the browser set to full screen?

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 19/3): Dica boa essa do Trecenti…

  1. Se o inf_mr demorar pra atualizar ao criar um slide novo, uma dica é ir clicando CTRL+S para salvar o arquivo. Aí ele funciona melhor!
  1. O inf_mr tem um Addin no RStudio! E é o único do xaringan. Então se esquecer o nome da função, é só ver lá! https://t.co/xLH8OYPCST

Nithin .M (@nithinnithu_m; 18/4): Today’s #rstats tip. How epoxy package (one of my favourite package) can be used brilliantly in #rmarkdown and #xaringan to summarise regression results with minimal code
#EconTwitter https://t.co/HQq6Mq3TC1

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 11/1): @jsavinc For some presentation tips you might be interested in “cloning” your browser window, which @grrrck covers at this timestamp https://t.co/IztgDWK9eI as part of our recent intermediate xaringan tutorial for #useR2021. Course site at https://t.co/R4OOm7YWGt

Andrew MacDonald 🌈 (@polesasunder; 9/5): looking for some #rstats advice on smoother ways to integrate xaringan slides onto a course website. Please share any wisdom you have https://t.co/G0PTgj585o

Zoë Turner (@Letxuga007; 7/1): @jsavinc Coding in xaringan is a lot of fun. I didn’t know anything about it until the @NHSrCommunity conference where @spcanelon did a presentation https://t.co/PHoCt7EAuU and I’ve not looked back since!

Yoshihiko Kunisato/国里愛彦 (@KunisatoY; 6/2): RMarkdownでスライドを作っていると,中華フォントっぽいのがあって,気になりつつ放置していました。最近,cssで指定しているフォントが日本語じゃないのに気がついて,Notoフォントに変えたら直りました。ニーズは少ないけど,xaringanユーザーは参考までに・・・

Joseph Bulbulia (@go_bayes; 5/1): @jsavinc @rstatstweet ioslides, saved as HTML. So that others may access (and for backup) I post my slides to a distill website on GitHub, and embed the talk with a chunk like

```{r embed-xaringan1, layout=“l-body-outset”}
xaringanExtra::embed_xaringan(url = “my_slides.html”, ratio = “16:9”)

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 5/0): @kierisi Same! I’ve been experiencing this first hand lately. Also had to find and replace all “sharing again"s with “xaringan” 😂

Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 4/0): @Letxuga007 @jsavinc @NHSrCommunity Thanks Zoë! @jsavinc you can find the course site for the NHS-R workshop Zoë is referring to at https://t.co/zEjiTcJwLu

Indranil Dutta (@academicmargin; 3/0): What’s an easy to use .Rmd to .pdf converter? I am using #xaringan. I found an online converter that mostly produced terrible formatting.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/3): using xaringan slides for class presentations #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/GaglX7Og7T

Michael Flynn (@flynnpolsci; 2/0): Following @andrewheiss and trying to efficiently consolidate course materials and build in a default archival structure using websites. Still a work in progress, but it’s coming along nicely using Distill and Xaringan slides.


Joseph Casillas (@jvcasill; 2/0): @academicmargin Did you check the #xaringan wiki? There are a few options (decktape, chrome) that convert html to pdf quite well.

Stephanie Spielman, PhD (@stephspiel; 2/0): @corydupai Great question! The code just…doesn’t seem to work when other libraries are loaded… 🤣 It would require a separate shiny widget input for “what libs do you want,” which would then have to get popped into a different chunk in the xaringan template.

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Can’t install xaringan in ubuntu 20.04 within Github Actions #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/HJotK8MpiI

#rstats 🤖 (@rstatsvideo; 1/1): 📺 #rstats video: Xaringan Slides (part 1)
▶ NHSR Community (@NHSrCommunity)

jsavinc (@jsavinc; 1/0): @Letxuga007 Thanks for the excellent tips! The main appeal of generating slides is automatic updating of graphs from my analysis, but interactive elements might just push me to try out xaringan sooner.


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 49/16): ✍️📚 The First Notebook War - So Joel Grus doesn’t like Jupyter notebooks. Here are some of my thoughts on notebooks, IDE, and R Markdown

👤 Yihui Xie @xieyihui

🔗 https://t.co/qmEtF4w7Ek
#rstats #datascience

ashish (@a5hi5h; 1/1): @ctitusbrown @GenIgnored Some background why it does not render nicely https://t.co/eS1LWUjDHQ