Alexander Wuttke (@Kunkakom; 1098/79): The most beautiful Table 1 I’ve ever made 😍
Thanks to modelsummary by @VincentAB #dataviz #rstats https://t.co/6uJsVEmHiI ↪
Jesse Mostipak (@kierisi; 364/44): I’m honestly blown away by how many #rstats streams there are on Twitch, and how fast the community continues to grow ♥️ we really are almost at 24//7 streaming of all your favorite R content! https://t.co/RgYTepUidq ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 268/72): 📦🔢 modelsummary • Beautiful and customizable model summaries in R.
👤 Vincent Arel-Bundock @VincentAB
🔗 https://t.co/F02sm93cYC
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/ftofkVIv6D ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 230/51): ✍️ The Mockup Blog: 10+ Guidelines for Better Tables in R. Make tables people ACTUALLY want to read.
👤 Tom Mock @thomas_mock
🔗 https://t.co/hvWT3BRodS
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/nMFjLcwaBB ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 214/34): ✍️ Working with Google Sheets from R
👤 Jonathan Trattner @jdtrat
🔗 https://t.co/2wNloFjDG6
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/TSVOIWbF6f ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 185/28): DataExplorer is an R Package for rapid exploratory data analysis (EDA). It’s an 80/20 tool for me - I use it in most analyses to learn about my data and increase my productivity. Learn More. https://t.co/hV9OtdhyJe
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/2Mb9LKix0e ↪
Rubén Arce Santolaya (@ruben_arce_s; 170/139): Essential Machine Learning Algorithms
#Python #programming #100DaysOfCode #MachineLearning #100DaysOfMLCode #AI #javascript #womenwhocode #RStats #Serverless #CodeNewbie #DataScience #DEVCommunity #IoT
#BigData #Analytics #CyberSecurity #DigitalTransformation https://t.co/L7CBapzDPg ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 157/119): Deep Learning — A Brief Intro. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Mathematics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/AHK2au2GkS ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 156/98): Top ML Books to Read this Weekend. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Mathematics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/odfUQxKpwB https://t.co/RN5sQLOacd ↪
Ed Kwedar (@EdKwedar; 129/92): #ComputerScience (CheatSheet ). #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Mathematics #Statistics #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode via @gp_pulipaka |
https://t.co/svix5oKyhM https://t.co/RmIIMGCcOl ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 122/92): AI Best: #DataScience #Mathematics #Statistics Books Lists. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/dHlBeUxsoE https://t.co/s80tT0QvYh ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 107/116): Top Books on Artificial Intelligence. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/drVml7kyqr https://t.co/Z9eOtcio5J ↪
Adolfo Álvarez (@adolfoalvarez; 13/3): Thanks to @apreshill for the Hugo Apéro theme and #rstats blogdown package (with @xieyihui and @chrisderv ), I have a new version of my website https://t.co/m3ygYbE5sS ↪
Jenny Sloane (@jfsloane; 6/4): Excited to share our latest mini tutorial on building websites use #R #blogdown where @TehillaOst does a fabulous job of explaining HTML, CSS, and Markdown and shows us how to override css
https://t.co/ODvc9H32pN ↪
Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 4/0): Thank you for this post on changing the blogdown add-in template @lcolladotor 🙏
https://t.co/Lp4wy6TImg ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 3/0): @ma_salmon @spcanelon @gshotwell @lpaikousis @RLadiesJozi @RLadiesBLR If there are still some features missing in blogdown, I would be more than happy to discuss and see how we can add them.
With v1.0, we tried to mostly filled the gap we knew about but there are always some missing spot. ↪
Neeldhara (@neeldhara; 3/0): @michael_nielsen @boazbaraktcs Right… I suppose the “blog edition” of bookdown is blogdown? Recent changes rendered their main documentation a little dated but this post here was quite helpful already:
It seems especially handy for R users, but also beyond, IIRC. ↪
Zeki Akyol (@zekiakyol0; 2/0): Let’s see if I can move my website from WordPress to Netlify/blogdown without breaking it🤞 ↪
Jonathan Trattner (@jdtrat; 2/0): @chrisderv @ma_salmon @spcanelon @gshotwell @lpaikousis @RLadiesJozi @RLadiesBLR I’m not sure if this is something implemented in blogdown already (if so, please ignore) but I’d love the option to have unlisted blog posts — something like that described here https://t.co/jxXbqXIn4J ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 2/0): @bmwiernik Here are some synthetic reaction times (https://t.co/4hWOwhX16H) from a blog post (https://t.co/HAIgZ4dO6Z) ↪
Joel Nitta (@joel_nitta; 1/0): @djnavarro Sounds good to me. I wanted to do the same with blogdown but didn’t get nearly this far. ↪
Dan O’Leary (@Antisimplistic; 1/0): @michael_nielsen Ghost seems like a better alternative to Substack. RMarkdown with distill / blogdown. I use Fastpages. ↪
ThinkR (@thinkR_fr; 67/28): 🎉To celebrate the release of our #rstats book “Engineering Production-Grade Shiny Apps”, the online version now has a new look using #bookdown bs4_book 🎨
- 📔Purchase on CRC Press: https://t.co/6wdtNNqdFV
- 🔗New look online version still on: https://t.co/uzXCW9VA71 https://t.co/IqhdIh82Mq ↪
Tom Mock 💉💉🎉 (@thomas_mock; 19/0): @delaBJL I’ve used @drob ’s fuzzyjoin R package a bit before, and it’s been very useful in those cases.
Writeup: https://t.co/XuNNl3pfDt ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 14/2): @joshualerickson @IsabellaGhement @ChelseaParlett This text is a free frequentist introduction to the GLMM: https://t.co/Y3yLtyf0CA ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 12/1): @GuyProchilo For the GLMM, this one’s free: https://t.co/Y3yLtyf0CA ↪
John Measey (@AfriHerp; 9/4): @brembs @rmounce Now included as a reason to use Open Source Tools
https://t.co/eiyDP8j6wZDon’t you just love #Bookdown? https://t.co/wZttcSCSBr ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 8/2): It turns out .Rprofile runs after base loads but before stats loads, so I have to explicitly load stats before tidyverse.
In my actual project, I’m sourcing a script that runs before each chapter in a bookdown, so I have all those functions available when I’m editing the book. ↪
Gabo Gaona (@gavg712; 7/4): Why is it still not possible to cross-reference figures, tables or anything else in an rmdarkdown::*_document()? I don’t want to have to rely on bookdown to be able to do that.
grrrrrrr#rstats #rmarkdown #rspatial https://t.co/I2pP5uXhw4 ↪
Tiffany Timbers (@TiffanyTimbers; 7/0): I have come across the strangest thing - set.seed + sample works differently inside the same code chunk when rendered with rmarkdown vs bookdown😕
At current, this is of course happening in a complex situation… time for a #reprex! ↪
Alex Holcombe (@ceptional; 6/0): Congratulations to @shirdekel on the successful defense of your PhD thesis, and kudos for going the extra mile in ensuring reproducibility, as well as achieving a beautiful product by using {bookdown}. https://t.co/rhgzwjOSMB ↪
Nicolas Roelandt, mystique Zensunni (@RoelandtN42; 4/4): How to get started and inspired?
#TidyTuesday #30DayMapChallenge #rspatial https://t.co/BTVhdYScVO ↪
Nicholas Erskine (@nerskine95; 3/0): @benraue @edjegasothy rmarkdown has support for parameterised reports, which might be what you’re looking for?
https://t.co/Ze2Nsy2QJ9 ↪
Sivuyile Nzimeni (@Sivu_Nzimeni; 3/0): @amanda_bui_ Roger Peng has a book that I found helpful. Wait until you get to a milestone in your project, you will be hooked.
https://t.co/BBUNUzsH1H ↪
El Biogrupo (@ElBiogrupo; 3/0): ¿Quieres practicar R haciendo cosas útiles? ¿Qué tal aprender ecología y comportamiento animal trabajando con ejemplos prácticos reales? https://t.co/RdpDEYiV38 #biotapas ↪
Krum Arnaudov (@ArnaudovKrum; 3/0): @MartaTopor @martinagvilas @rlmcelreath Especially helpful to me has been @SolomonKurz companion to the book in tidyverse and brms https://t.co/7ozttfeXRH. The book + companion + video lectures in Youtube are just a treat. Quite a lot to read, try and learn, but a treat. Much success! ↪
Luis Fernando (@lfdelgadom; 2/3): Excelente texto de estadística en R
AprendeR: Parte II https://t.co/Y9u0ioB3ar #rmarkdown #bookdown #rstats ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 2/0): @sanne_m_smith Warning about this:
The working directory is different from default when knitting for chunk evaluation. So if it works ok for plotting in plot pane, one must watch out when chunks contains relative file paths.
For more about working dir and Rmd file
https://t.co/jTR3YuSB7b ↪
lele ♡ 1Ø1Ø ᵛ (@tinytenyang; 2/0): @M00NJIIN Einfach eine Liste mit den Quellen die du benutzt hast 😊 Also aus welchen Büchern, Artikeln, … du die Informationen für dein Referat her hast
https://t.co/f3SF47NIc2 ↪
Jeremy went to the fair without a hat (@jeremy_data; 2/0): @amanda_bui_ If / when you want to go deeper on specific topics, see chapters in the collection of books at https://t.co/pFrn1SrvSS. Plus, all those books are free online and all were written in R! ↪
Neeldhara (@neeldhara; 2/0): @boazbaraktcs @michael_nielsen Right! This inspired me to play around with bookdown and Hugo for a while, but I kept forgetting what I had to do to get to tangible output 😅
I think this was mainly because I was only using it rather occasionally and wasn’t organised enough to document the process 😬 ↪
Rafael Velásquez, CFA (@Value_Quant; 2/0): @macrocephalopod One option if R inclined
https://t.co/mmnQjE5Qci ↪
Nithin .M (@nithinnithu_m; 1/4): Can someone help me with this? I am trying to change the output format of bookdown by using parameters but it is not working.
#RStats #Rmakdown #bookdown https://t.co/Jw0W09zYwS ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Bookdown parameterised output formats #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/mSWboVq28L ↪
Nithin .M (@nithinnithu_m; 1/1): How do we use cleveref in bookdown for referencing figures? I can use renew command in equations by renewing \eqref with \cref. But what about figures and tables??
#latex ↪
Calum Polwart (@ShinyBlackShoe; 1/0): @nithinnithu_m @rstatstweet Sorry where I’ve said pdf_docuemnt2 I think that should be bookdown::pdf_document2 ↪
Dr Ed Jegasothy (@edjegasothy; 1/0): @benraue Even this would be really, really simple with rmarkdown outuput as HTML. Def worth looking into https://t.co/wXsLQ1AHA9 ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 1/0): @PragmaticDon In the short term there’s going to be a gap in the print versions (though people can always print the PDF themselves if they want). In the medium to long term though, I want to get back to work on an update using bookdown, and eventually that would have a print version ↪
Alan O’Callaghan (@AlanBOCallaghan; 1/0): @Tjdriii @PhDemetri This is maybe worth a look because I remember the code being pretty arcane https://t.co/3HobySMj1F ↪
Bruno Nicenboim (@bruno_nicenboim; 1/0): @jpsnijder I ended up re installing everything, upgrading R, downgrading bookdown, using the latest rstan in CRAN (rather then the latest dev), removing the old RDS files of the Stan files, and something of all that solved my problem 🤷♂️ ↪
R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 1/0): @gavg712 Yeah, I agree that it would have been nicer if these variants had been introduced in {rmarkdown} itself, instead of in {bookdown}.
But I am assuming there must have been good reasons for doing this division. ↪
Gabo Gaona (@gavg712; 1/0): @rfunctionaday Yes… I know this, but that’s the point, not to rely on bookdown for simple reports. ↪
Diane BELDAME (@DianeBELDAME; 1/0): @joelgombin @tvroylandt @marindacos @moreymat @carenes @TheuliereMael Est-ce qu’un pauvre point sans graphiques (avec R) est un vrai pauvre point, c’est ça la question ! :-)
(On écrit tout en .Rmd ou .md chez nous avec xaringan ou bookdown dans Rstudio parce qu’on a un Connect qui déploie en CI/CD…mais VScode fait son chemin) ↪
Tuomas Mattila 🇫🇮 🌱🚜🧪🥼🔬🛰️🪱 💧 (@TuomasJMattila; 1/0): @judlj Maybe… here is a nice guide.
Another option is to group-source this thing at @SYKEinfo w. @SSoimakallio . Idea –> visualization –> code.https://t.co/BV8tMCsY4D ↪
Lorenzo Gaborini (@lgaborini; 1/0): @fefoanza @IsabellaGhement @tjmahr @grrrck @thomas_mock With {bookdown}, you can also use references (that lets you use Pandoc citations)
Write a caption in pure Markdown:
(ref:chunk-label) The long caption here …The chunk:
```{r, fig.cap=’(ref:chunk-label)’, … ↪
Eline Van Geert (@Eline__VG; 1/0): @danieltomasz @KULeuvenOpenSc @KU_Leuven Thank you @danieltomasz! Yes, it is a gitbook created with R Markdown and bookdown! There is also a thesisdown package that may be helpful if you are interested for using it in that way. ↪
Magnus Rattray (@MagnusRattray; 1/0): @strimmerlab Nice notes - bookdown looks good (cc @DrDaveCWong can we steal Korbinian’s notes for our course?) ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @romunov That’s why I explained that I’m sourcing a script that is normally loaded via bookdown when I render the book, but also want the functions available when I’m editing chapters.
Loading these libraries & functions at the top of each chapter actually is a problem in this case. ↪
Shenglai Yin (@Shenglai_Y; 1/0): Meanwhile, here is a very nice book about #BiologicalStatistic in #Rcode, examples are given with #Genomic data. It also talks about #MechineLearning tools. authored by @AltunaAkalin
Computational Genomics with R https://t.co/OTolsGzJR2 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 0/2): ¿Deseas conocer las diversas posibilidades que nos ofrece #R?
Más de 1000 libros para el aprendizaje y con resultados derivados del uso de este hermoso lenguaje construidos a través de #bookdown.
#dataviz https://t.co/rqZedaX9nI ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): how to put formulas and tikz plots into bookdown table cells? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/diMeUkbUxL ↪
👻🎃 Andrew Heiss 🎃👻 (@andrewheiss; 244/39): Finally tried out knitr v1.35’s new YAML-style chunk options and it’s so nice to be able to break long lines! Descriptive alt text is way easier now.
You can even mix and match regular options and YAML options (like echo=FALSE here)—the YAML ones take precedence #rstats https://t.co/oMvQ16YN0B ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 154/28): Inline knitr chunk options are here and I’m here for the YAML flavor!!
#| fig.cap: Bigger flippers, bigger bills
#| fig.alt: >
#| Scatterplot of flipper length
#| by bill length of 3 penguin species…Example #RStats chunk from https://t.co/1tlThrACdN https://t.co/mEH4prbDZl https://t.co/g3tTX3KjYk ↪
tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 133/20): Inline chunk options are here!!!!!
#| echo = FALSE, fig.width = 10,
#| fig.cap = “This is a long caption.”plot(cars)
https://t.co/WCIIPnbB1H https://t.co/dqdAA0WBom ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 17/3): knitr 1.35きたね。私が入れた更新もさることながらチャンクオプションを特殊なコメントとしてチャンク内に複数行で書けるようになったのは大きい。
#| echo=FALSE,
#| fig.width=5, fig.height=3
https://t.co/tUbhDYPT8B ↪
Karina Bartolomé 💚 (@karbartolome; 6/0): Momento de actualizar {knitr} https://t.co/2JAFuWRU8i ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 5/1): @LeafyEricScott @tjmahr You may test the new syntax for knitr chunk options with remotes::install_github(‘yihui/knitr’) now. Documentation has been updated accordingly: https://t.co/SxBEsSBzgX (search for #| if you can’t find it there) ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 4/0): @IsabellaGhement @tjmahr @thomas_mock The latest {knitr} package update, see the release notes linked in TJs tweet ↪
Benjamin Wolfe (he/him) (@BenjaminWolfe; 3/0): This is so, so cool.
For those who don’t use R…
…or don’t use it with knitr to mix text and analysis…
…or don’t use knitr chunk options to set output options on a chunk of code…
…they’ve always had to be listed on one line. The new format is just really, really nice. https://t.co/35mPmEqcVn ↪
Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 3/0): @val_the_narwhal @ivelasq3 @rstats4ds Great! And you can now add knitr chunk options inline! https://t.co/u8Q6RBYriG
Btw I’d be very interested in any resources you’re willing to share about data viz accessibility practices for people with IDD; I haven’t explored this area yet 😀 ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 3/0): knitrのコミッタになって以来の宿題が片付いて気持ちいい。 ↪
R-Ladies Montevideo (@RLadiesMVD; 2/1): Y cuándo usar cada cosa? 🧐
🔅 pocos informes? {Knitr}
🔆 optimizar pipeline? {Targets}
☀️ registrar todas las versiones? {Orderly} con un sistema de respaldos
@ma_salmon en #rladies
#rstats https://t.co/Ox26eNCJK4 ↪
Liz Hare PhD 😷 (@DogGeneticsLLC; 2/1): @statistishdan @github @rstudio @drillybit The new cheat sheets from RStudio related to knitr, rmarkdown, and related packages that were created over the summer are “empty documents” for me. ↪
ill-identified (@ill_Identified; 2/0): upLaTeX + upBibTeX で動作させる例も作りました. BXjscls の機能に頼ってるだけですが, Pandocテンプレートも作れば科研費LaTeXみたいなのも(たぶん)そのうちQuartoで作れると思います
https://t.co/SNNzyUUYM2 https://t.co/WkuxNNIwdv ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 2/0): ドキュメントはここ
https://t.co/MfPk61QI0r ↪
Calum Polwart (@ShinyBlackShoe; 1/0): @gavg712 This is the method I have used:
https://t.co/g0NQW18xv4 ↪
Marcelo (@m_r_avila; 1/0): @val_the_narwhal the changelog can be found here: https://t.co/cN38TNITAP ↪
Marcelo (@m_r_avila; 1/0): @val_the_narwhal The latest version of knitr allows for inline chunk options. Small change but it might make it easier to include longer and better descriptions of the image. https://t.co/hVlj1sdNIr ↪
Rodrigo Reyes (@rreyes1979; 1/0): @leoferres What about https://t.co/Ychgp4eB7D? ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 1/0): @IsabellaGhement @grrrck @tjmahr @thomas_mock it should work with every R Markdown output format. It is a knitr feature and rmarkdown uses knitr. officedown is a rmarkdown output format. Please give it a try ! ↪
mikefc (@coolbutuseless; 0/3): Any markdown/hugo/pkgdown gurus know why long strings get “squashed” in ‘pkgdown’ render, but now in a normal “knitr” render?
I’m getting a long string replaced with “[2013 chars quoted with ‘’’”
See images: Longer text is local knit, abbreviated text is pkgdown output
#RStats https://t.co/ZijIOjQhhZ ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: dbnR knitr MetaboQC #rstats ↪
tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 0/1): @coolbutuseless pkgdown docs does not use knitr. it does its own eval and render stuff ↪
Daniel Anderson (@datalorax_; 3/0): @joieprout With the latest versions of pagedown you can also create PDFs by adding
knit: pagedown::chrome_print
to your YAML. Really nice to have both easily. https://t.co/IaFhUISLD7 ↪
Victor Buendia (@vbuendiar; 4/1): Today I had a lot of problems updating TeX packages in a local Linux machine, due to repos being outdated (and without a lot of space in my / partition).
I’ve just discovered TinyTex, which solved my problem in a really efficient way. Check it out! https://t.co/ZMUvY5OG63 ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 2/2): CRAN updates: fda mime tinytex ztable #rstats ↪
なおまさcojバフェット (@naomasa_puyocoj; 1/0): tinytexによるLaTeXコンパイル問題一応解決したので報告(誰得)
options(tinytex.verbose = TRUE)
engine = “pdflatex”)
) ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Install TinyTeX: certificate has expired #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/F4n0vdHr0Z ↪
Junior J (@jotajb5; 27/5): I am making a #DataViz material in R #Rstats based on books that I have found on the web. I share the slides make in Xaringan #ggplot2 #plotly #Tidyverse #TidyTuesday @spcanelon @Rbloggers @rstats4ds @icymi_r @apreshill @juliasilge
https://t.co/TMuoJQNTi4 ↪
A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 27/3): That feeling when you are running a workshop in 90 min and the xaringan #rstats slides all of a sudden throw an obscure error and wont knit because….
[insert 20 min troubleshooting] ↪
Benjamin Nowak (@BjnNowak; 22/0): Still stuck at home, so this is a good time to update my soil sciences courses with {xaringan} https://t.co/r5Dtde3iEW ↪
Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 10/1): Kinda niche lazyweb: Does anyone have advice for pushing xaringan slides to RStudio Connect?
I can get the plain slides up there, but I can’t get the css formatting to come along for the ride with “publish finished document”, nor can I get it to rebuild properly on the server. ↪
Thomas Vroylandt (@tvroylandt; 8/0): @moreymat @joelgombin @carenes @marindacos @TheuliereMael @DianeBELDAME En passant, il en existe déjà une version “light” pas encore mise dans le package. C’est ce qui a servi pour le xaringan de la présentation aux rencontres R –> https://t.co/w1GfIB4iur ↪
Tom Mock 💉💉🎉 (@thomas_mock; 7/1): @KellyBodwin Guide at: https://t.co/GN9lCoLJWy
In short, you want rsconnect::deployDoc()
If you send the final .html it should “just work”.
If rendering on Connect, add files found w/ rmarkdown::find_external_resources() to YAML resource_files
- my_theme.css
— ↪
Cécile Arènes (@carenes; 6/0): @marindacos Sur les conseils de @joelgombin (merci!) j’utilise le package Xaringan pour Rstudio, qui a été plus facile à prendre en main pour moi que reveal.js.
Les sorties pptx à partir du Rmd sont possibles, mais je n’ai pas encore fait de tests ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 6/0): @KellyBodwin Did you change the YAML to self contained? https://t.co/yR7zvDBuui ↪
Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 4/0): @margaretsiple @openscapes @grrrck and I used a Project Board when preparing our xaringan workshop for #useR2021 🎭
I found it really helpful as a tool to see the forest (workshop) for the trees (issues, tasks). Particularly for a co-creative project like this one https://t.co/9JLIG4ty46 ↪
Vebash (@Sciencificity; 3/0): @lisalendway I am not an inline fan but I loooovvvveee xaringan:::inf_mr() for viewing everything in my html rendered document right in my Viewer window just with saving the document (the click of a Ctrl + S showing all prose and code output = chef’s kiss, for me) 🥰♥️🤩 ↪
Mathieu Morey (@moreymat; 3/0): @joelgombin @carenes @marindacos @TheuliereMael @DianeBELDAME @tvroylandt a répondu sur linkedin sur l’ajout futur (possible) à gouvdown d’un template Xaringan : https://t.co/vrfqS4LoiD ↪
Joel Gombin (@joelgombin; 3/0): @carenes @marindacos On peut faire des thèmes pour xaringan. A voir en revanche si ça peut aller au niveau de contraintes de la charte Marianne… @TheuliereMael @DianeBELDAME auront sûrement un avis ↪
Tom Mock 💉💉🎉 (@thomas_mock; 2/0): @KellyBodwin If you just want to host the final content, try:
server = server_url)Here’s an example of hosting complex things (like pkgdown site) on Connect (meta those slides are xaringan on Connect):
https://t.co/T6MpyqBDFB ↪
Philip Leftwich (@PhilipLeftwich; 1/2): xaringan::moon_reader doesn’t generate self-contained HTML files.
So beautiful slides, but you can’t just email or upload the output 😭 - embedded images are blank
#rstats ↪
Cécile Arènes (@carenes; 1/0): @moreymat @marindacos @joelgombin @francois_sabot @tvroylandt @TheuliereMael @DianeBELDAME @MapperFr c’est toujours le même problème, je l’utilise en contexte para-pro quand je n’ai pas de charte graphique obligatoire et de slides qui doivent être rééditables/réutilisables par mes collègues.
J’expérimente Rstudio/Xaringan parce que je vais faire une formation pour un Urfist ↪
Mathieu Morey (@moreymat; 1/0): @marindacos @tvroylandt @joelgombin @carenes @TheuliereMael @DianeBELDAME Le rendu de remark.js (la base de Xaringan) est léché, mais j’aimerais moi aussi une solution simple à utiliser hors de l’écosystème R. Faute de mieux, je rejoins mes collègues dans leur folie R(Studio), avec sa gestion foireuse des paquets, juste pour écrire des diapos. ↪