flotsam (@researchremora; 1182/234): A population density map of long, slinky Chile. Took a bit of time to find an angle I like.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale https://t.co/ulU36V34tw ↪
R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 244/37): If you are fluent in R and wish to learn SQL, it can be nifty to have a function that can provide a syntax translation between the two.
The {translate_sql} function from {dbplyr} 📦 provides such translations 🔀
#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/Jafa31i673 ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 179/30): 📦📊 {ggstatsplot} • Enhancing {ggplot2} plots with statistical analysis 📊🎨📣
👤 Indrajeet Patil @patilindrajeets
👻 https://t.co/4muBWhCGVE
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/cb7hsHeQpA ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 178/40): 📚📊🗺✨ Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny
👤 Paula Moraga @paula_moraga_
💀 https://t.co/orfhpDkwyp
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/RvEuXGW9Ms ↪
Ed Kwedar (@EdKwedar; 140/105): AI Best: Guide To #DataScientist Path - #DataScience Landscape | #BigData #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode via @gp_pulipaka | https://t.co/mXzd6Kj9eN https://t.co/hqd2ov7scL ↪
Bader ALSalhan | بدر الصلحان (@ALSALHAN; 118/103): #Infographic: Type of #DataScientists
#Cloud #AI #BigData #Analytics #DigitalTransformation #Great #DataScience #Python #RStats #Java #Javascript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DEVCommunity #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #DevOps #Data https://t.co/n3YmI9Aeae ↪
Eva (@EvaSmartAI; 117/119): Amazon robotic Air Hub sort center
#Analytics #MachineLearning #AI #Python #Rstats #Reactjs #IoT #IIoT #Linux #Serverless #flutter #javascript #TensorFlow #BigData #CloudComputing #Robotics #100DaysOfCode
🗒 Delivered via: #VegaLMS
📽 via davehclark https://t.co/goZk6UINzH ↪
Rubén Arce Santolaya (@ruben_arce_s; 112/121): 10 Key Types #DataAnalytics Methods
#BigData #Analytics #frontend #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #CloudComputing #Serverless #Linux #database #DataScience #100DaysofCode #ML #data #devops #php #java #AI #digital #opensource https://t.co/vVuTgKRCJT ↪
Kaija Gahm (@kaija_bean; 144/32): Have you ever wanted to convert your slides to a scrollable #RMarkdown document, maybe to post on your #RStats #distill or #blogdown site?
I wrote a tutorial here: https://t.co/0mSzS9NPmC
#scicomm #tidyverse #DataScience #reproducibility ↪
🎃 Spooky Kross 👻 (@seankross; 27/6): What are things you do all the time in #rstats that you would discourage a newcomer to R from doing? For me it would be using base graphics and using an R Markdown based blogging setup that is not blogdown. ↪
Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 11/0): @seankross 👋Hi! I use an R Markdown based blogging setup that is not blogdown, and I love it. {distill} has been much easier for me to get started & maintain a blog than {blogdown} was. ↪
Michael (@mikedecr; 5/0): blog overhaul insight: no need to manually set options(hugo.blogdown.version = …) in your site .Rprofile when you can pass as.character(blogdown::hugo_version()) to it ↪
Data Science Dojo (@DataScienceDojo; 4/2): Have you ever wanted to convert your slides to a scrollable #RMarkdown document, maybe to post on your #RStats #distill or #blogdown site?heres how to do: https://t.co/19VziD1npW ↪
Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 4/2): Managing a blogdown website be like…
#RStats https://t.co/XkhuCbZO1I ↪
Courtney Crosby (@CourtneyLCrosby; 2/0): @matt_zefferman @babeheim I use blogdown in R, push the changes to Github, and host my domain name through Netlify. It’s a bit tricky, but @dsquintana has excellent tutorials. Case in point: https://t.co/bOv9e81Kcz ↪
Rob Williams (@jayrobw; 2/0): @matt_zefferman Jekyll or Hugo if you’re willing to write in Markdown. Hugo integrates pretty cleanly with blogdown, too. ↪
Marta Karas (@martakarass; 2/0): @seankross “using an R Markdown based blogging setup that is not blogdown” +1 😒
From my recent email: “I set up hugo academics from scratch. And re-setup it 1y ago same painful way. Bless my heart. You please do use blogdown tutorial” ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Blogdown not displaying plots #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/FHj94ZgXgy ↪
Karina Bartolomé 💚 (@karbartolome; 1/0): @cristianvaldez5 yo uso distill en r, también tengo un blog en blogdown pero me pareció más complicado aunque permite personalizar bastante más que distill ↪
Lluís Revilla Sancho (@Lluis_Revilla; 0/2): Adding talks to my website with #blogdown. Anyone knows how to make the image of the talk appear on the website?
Currently it is not shown on the list of talks nor the event or dates 😔 Also I desisted to make it appear on the home page (on the academic theme) #help #rStats ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Build blogdown with github actions in subdir #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/amDbJAGFC3 ↪
Jose Luis Cañadas (@joscani; 0/1): Me está dando problemas hoy desplegar en Netlify. ¿Alguna alternativa que sea fácil con blogdown? ↪
Dr Charles T. Gray ⚔️ (@cantabile; 36/0): Holy shite, @LisaDeBruine
I just copy-pasted my slides into bookdown and
It. Just. Worked.
Everything knitted. All the plots, tables. https://t.co/LrPsu9ao6i ↪
Arthur Albuquerque (@arthur_alb1; 14/3): @NCahill_Stat Looks nice! @SolomonKurz has also replicated it here https://t.co/zSg3iB7f1Y, first figure ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 5/1): @Lluis_Revilla @MartinezLican @MeghanMHall And documentation is here (just for the record): https://t.co/esNVwu69xW ↪
Mathias Harrer (@MathiasHarrer; 5/1): @GuillChevance @crcgrubbsd @helenagmieres @pimcuijpers @Toshi_FRKW @DDEbert @CRC_MathStats Hi Guillaume, great resources indeed! We also made sure the entire book is available online for free here: https://t.co/IgzGLKAKYS ↪
Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 3/4): Anyone want to talk me out of QR codes in a print book (tufte margin notes)? Leaning toward also printing the short URL.
(Online version omits QR code and simply hyperlinks. Thank goodness for eval=knitr::is_latex_output() in #rstats #bookdown.) https://t.co/ijtdGwe9Q6 ↪
Espacio Muestral (@espaciomuestral; 3/2): Te recomendamos: Data Science for Psychologists 📕
Un libro dirigido a personas del área de #Psicología que quieren comenzar en la #CienciadeDatos desde #R 💻
https://t.co/7LJPAVCp1L ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/3): Cross-reference code chunks in
similar to figures, tables, and equations #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/f29psMsDOZ ↪
Fabio (@change_states; 2/0): @ChrisMasterjohn I don’t know if it’s the best, but it’s a good resource if you plan on using R:
https://t.co/BJy4q2rS9Y ↪
memovocab (@memovocab; 1/1): [Book] Very interesting book (available on line) on how to conduct a meta-analysis with R https://t.co/11h42wvh6t ↪
Colin Madland, PhD(c) (@colinmadland; 1/1): @_valeriei @roycekimmons found this course yesterday … https://t.co/h11Qbvgkpa ↪
Bill Gardner (@Bill_Gardner; 1/1): I’m getting distracted by bookdown (https://t.co/goIULDHvjl).
I have to produce a massive data report. bookdown is immensely powerful, and therefore great fun.
The temptation is spend my time hacking, i.e., playing, Instead of writing, i.e., working. ↪
Colin Madland, PhD(c) (@colinmadland; 1/0): @ClaytonBurnsPhD @_valeriei @roycekimmons Agreed, WordPress is challenging for long docs, for sure. I’ve been working in Bookdown recently and really like it for long form publishing. https://t.co/ejIZGBP3uC. Curating? @zotero & @NotionHQ for me. ↪
Jisca Huisman (@HuismanJisca; 1/0): @Lluis_Revilla @DrMowinckels @djnavarro This may or may not be true for markdown::render, but is not true for knitr::knit
When trying to find back the stackoverflow thread about this, I came across the below, which may be exactly what I need. So, thanks!
https://t.co/aCtkUPP1NB ↪
KOSgitTI v1.45.2(鎖骨さん) (@kosugitti; 1/0): TeXをpandocでmdにしてあとでRmdで修正してからbookdownでepubが一番いいような気がしてきたぞ。 ↪
Douglas Lawton, PhD (@DouglasLawton; 1/0): @millerdl I also noticed there’s a Rmarkdown template already constructed for the journal in rticles which seems very handy. https://t.co/iJimr57XfF
But yeah manuscript central is a paiiin. ↪
Knut Jägersberg (@JagersbergKnut; 1/0): @Rami_Krispin I have not tried but it seems possible to register custom language engines. https://t.co/wSmCsODiq4 ↪
Flavio Azevedo (@Flavio_Azevedo_; 1/0): @ntdPhD For best practices, you probably are looking for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). There’s little you cannot find here: https://t.co/5QVyRFyXLa
In practice, this online book is absolute 🔥
https://t.co/KWD5SpaKnQ ↪
Paquito Bernard (@PaquitoBernard; 1/0): @erinomarakunz Best resource for beginners
https://t.co/fYOnwhjUWn ↪
Jordi Rosell (@jrosell; 1/0): @ozeo_ https://t.co/H584MWdBGX ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Trouble with the Word Themes in Bookdown knit #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/CRNDr22vfG ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Access parameters in bookdown chapters #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/cWbY64GPF6 ↪
tj mahr, friendly ghost 👻 (@tjmahr; 7/0): @ed_hagen @LisaDeBruine yup. i also use split() and my own super_split() for making the lists. janitor::make_clean_names() can help avoid the need for backticks in the list accessing https://t.co/pgYfATpjQ6 ↪
Ingo Rohlfing (@ingorohlfing; 6/2): There is always one more useful {knitr} function I didn’t know:
Put knit_exit() in your file and the knitting process stops after this point. You get a report for everything before knit_exit. Everything that follows is just skipped from report
#rstats ↪
John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 4/0): @ijeamaka_a This in combination with setting the default figure path so you get a nicely named folder is super nice 🙂
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.path = “figs”) ↪
R Weekly Live (@rweekly_live; 3/5): An Upcoming Breaking Change in knitr on Unbalanced Chunk Delimiters @xieyihui #rstats #datascience https://t.co/ESqnOInBLa ↪
Stas Kolenikov (@StatStas; 2/0): @ivelasq3 kableExtra to build upon knitr:: kable() ↪
Joshua Rosenberg (@jrosenberg6432; 1/3): Weird #rstats question - is it possible to automatically style all of the tables in an R Markdown document with something like what knitr::kable() does? ↪
Andrew Rohne 💻 (@AndrewTheTM; 1/1): @msimas R does visualization and dashboards better, and there are some things easier in R. If someone ported ggplot, knitr, and kable to Python, it would take a chunk out of R’s user base.
(and I still hate Python, I want brackets and no forced indents!) ↪
Frank Gootjes (@GootjesFrank; 1/0): @jrosenberg6432 Have a look at the example from the help page of knitr::knit_print: https://t.co/cq2P1wXB6L
When knitting, the code from the example will allow to call a custom print method (kable?) instead of the default knit_print method for a certain object class, in your case “data.frame”. ↪
Ollin D. Langle-Chimal (@Nietzchrodinger; 1/0): @TrishaShrum Rmarkdown is great for this. You can easily generate tables from any data frame using knitr::kable
You can also check some online tools like https://t.co/w2tUy89ipl ↪
tj mahr, friendly ghost 👻 (@tjmahr; 1/0): @JesseCambon wooo fighting the good fight for jekyll and knitr 👏 https://t.co/EVs0RUpSm7 ↪
Ed Hagen (@ed_hagen; 1/0): @wgervais knitr::spin is another option:
https://t.co/rDeXaAnZWP ↪
Benjamin Gowan (@Benjaming_G; 1/0): @technocrat @ivelasq3 I blew someone’s mind the other day with a quick df %>% knitr::kable(“latex”) for them ha. ↪
MaleM- #343🇵🇪🇨🇦 (@malena_maguina; 1/0): data.table >>> pandas
knitr & latex >>> jupyter
ggplot2 >>>maplolib
After using python I love R better https://t.co/doZUKST9Gh ↪
amandaj3038 (@amandaj3038; 1/0): @anwar_siraji @rstats4ds Maybe the tidy text package combined with Kable from Knitr, or ggtable can help. ↪
ΚΛМRΛΝ КНΛΝ. 🙇♂️ ♓️ (@CamCaan; 1/0): @stayribangsoo @rstats4ds Probably you need to install tinytex ↪
tonho (@tonhocampos_; 1/0): @thiagodasal se precisar instalar tenta o TinyTex, mais leve ↪
mestre dos magos (@terrivelment; 11/0): manguekio xaringan 😡 https://t.co/RNIOuyuUYa ↪
Fêshow (@fernandakellyrs; 8/0): Aprendendo a tirar pontos positivos da filha da putagem de gente alheia:
- Aprendi xaringan
- Estudei o básico novamente
- Futriquei mais ainda o R Markdown
- Conheci mais sobre as funcionalidades do R
Foi bom, mas o papel de palhaça sei fazer muito bem 🤡 ↪
Eric Leung (@erictleung; 3/0): pretty cool that firefox has a color blindness simulator in its accessibility pane
it’ll make checking xaringan presentations and anything else that runs on the browser to see if it is color-blind friendly https://t.co/rykVsQwzUU ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 2/0): @courtneybhilton @ceptional @LisaDeBruine Maybe @minebocek’s example using @Slidoapp in xaringan slides? https://t.co/IGdxfLzgPH ↪
Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 1/3): It’s been a minute since I have looked for new RMarkdown themes. Interested in standalone HTML files and #xaringan slide decks.
What is everyone using these days?
#rstats #rmarkdown ↪
Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 1/2): The amount of resources that the #rstats community provides never ceases to amaze me.
The XaringanBuilder package from @grrrck and @JohnHelveston allows you to render PDFs from #xaringan keeping panel interactions! 💯
https://t.co/WzF1duVXal ↪
Tiago Ventura (@_Tiagoventura; 1/0): @AIinclusive @BeaMilz Xaringan brabão da @BeaMilz! ↪
Nick Seewald (@nickseewald; 1/0): @grecostatistics I’m actually becoming more of a xaringan guy these days! ↪
Brian Greco (@grecostatistics; 1/0): @nickseewald I just learned about xaringan the other day. I love that he named the package that to prevent people from discovering it so he could be one of the only people with nice slides. 😂 ↪
Roxana Noelia (@data_datum; 1/0): ¿Por qué cuando intento imprimir diapos de xaringan solo me imprime la 1era pagina una vez esta en html? Alguien sabe como solucionar eso? Instale varios add-ons de mozilla pero no hay caso. #R_tips #R ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): RMarkdown HTML xaringan - R code chunck titles #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/FrJt31847M ↪
nissinbo (@nissinbo_; 0/1): xaringanのcssがいっぱい載ってるサイトないかなあ ↪