Sean Kross (@seankross; 1528/313): Today is launch day!🚀🚀
I am super excited to introduce Tidy Data Tutor a web application for visualizing your #rstats #tidyverse data analysis pipelines: https://t.co/7DuRg1ilMm
(Developed with Philip Guo) https://t.co/kHzi1GGoYM ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 638/116): 📦📐 {performance} • Models’ quality and performance metrics (R2, ICC, LOO, AIC, BF, …)
👤 easystats @easystats4u
🔗 https://t.co/asXHziQA91
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/mWctfKOJ47 ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 555/87): Hi friends! I’m happy to announce that {learnr} now has a very fancy, very shiny, very pretty new {pkgdown} site! Big thanks to pkgdown v2 for making our documentation look great while being easy to navigate. #RStats
https://t.co/P2OuD53Xqc ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 192/47): 📦📊 {complex-upset} • A library for creating complex UpSet plots with ggplot2 geoms
👤 Michał Krassowski @krassowski_m
🔗 https://t.co/vWKk0oeFcv
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/zscmIkSyYq ↪
R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 188/27): Sometimes you wish to remove only certain rows or columns that are completely empty instead of partly empty.
The {remove_empty_*} helper function family from {sjmisc} 📦 do exactly this! 🧹
#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/zKDdFpxscn ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 173/38): ✍️ Publication-ready tables with {flextable} and own theme in R | Michael Dismorr, MD
👤 Michael Dismorr @michaeldismorr
🔗 https://t.co/VRprChf5n0
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/dy94SwtkOR ↪
Elitsa Krumova (@Eli_Krumova; 121/84): #Git Cheat Sheet 💻
#100DaysOfCode #DEVCommunity #DataScience #Analytics #BigData #AI #ML #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #IoT #IIoT #IoTPL #Python #RStats #CloudComputing #CyberSecurity #RPA #CodeNewbie #WomeninTech #coding #FutureofWork #programming #dev @OzaKaran @Projects_007 https://t.co/IyM7i8vVY4 https://t.co/ujdaXt8VrP ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 112/101): Popular #MachineLearning #Algorithms Explained With Python Codes! #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/MtynKrI8O4 https://t.co/dqjb0qh4KR ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 94/19): Blogdown 13 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Heute reden wir über eines meiner Leib- und Magenthemen dieser Tage: Impfpflicht. Ich spoilere nichts.
https://t.co/1e9g657A6I ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 86/18): Blogdown Nr. 8 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Heute geht es um Daten.
https://t.co/o1eiznScaY ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 72/11): Blogdown 7 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Heute: Ländervergleiche in der Pandemie.
https://t.co/UFqGekpOsC ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 68/12): Blogdown Nr. 10 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Wir sind bei der Halbzeit angelangt und sprechen heute über Risikofaktoren.
https://t.co/mv0vxHsdht ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 61/18): ✍️ Quickstart guide to blogdown | Get familiar with blogdown in 30 minutes!
👤 Bernhard Bieri @bieri_bernhard
🔗 https://t.co/CuciqG0VQB
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/9suET6qAIX ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 45/9): Hi #rstats I would love to see your application - with a #blogdown or #distill website linked, right??? 🙌 https://t.co/mMtalR2zDj ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 39/7): Blogdown Nr. 9 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Heute reden wir über unsere Fehler und Irrtümer.
https://t.co/Hk3CJfk2Xo ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 28/3): Blogdown 11 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Wir reden noch einmal über Risikofaktoren, nachdem wir uns in Teil 10 ein wenig verheddert hatten…
https://t.co/ABtDOPAefB ↪
MichaelFleischhacker (@mfleischhacker1; 25/4): Blogdown Nr. 12 von 20 mit Martin Sprenger. Nach zwei Folgen Risiko befassen wir uns diesmal mit Erfolgsfaktoren im Pandemiemanagement.
https://t.co/AsfwLZILMu ↪
El arte del dato bien contado (@elartedeldato; 23/4): ‼️Tenemos nueva web! Esta nueva versión fue desarrollada con la librería #blogdown de R!! 🥳🥳
#dataviz #rstats ↪
Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 21/9): Haven’t blogged in ages, but I’ve switched my blogs comments from disqus to giscus and did a little write about it!
Thanks to @PipingHotData and @joel_nitta for motivations and instructions on getting this done!
#Rstats #blogdown #giscus #github ↪
Margot Nemecek (@MargotNemecek; 14/8): Dr. Martin Sprenger / Public Health Graz und @mfleischhacker1 - Erkenntnisse, Selbsterkenntnis und Fehlerkultur! Absolut sehenswert. Wie viel können wir von diesem Blogdown lernen um wieder einen vernünftigeren Umgang miteinander zu finden!Bitte retweeten! https://t.co/oHiv44ArSO ↪
bòB Ruðís (@hrbrmstr; 11/2): #RStats {blogdown} folks might want to take a look at IndexNow (https://t.co/xhsRYbCSfL) — a relatively new “instant crawl” API that Bing & Yandex (and, possibly, Google + others in the near future) have adopted. Some GH Action examples: https://t.co/DhKLQRV7uC ↪
bòB Ruðís (@hrbrmstr; 6/4): Yo #RStats fam: @kwantitative has been seekritly building a 👍🏽 👍🏽 👍🏽 code-first data visualization gallery via {blogdown}! Def get this into your RSS feeds (cc: @rweekly_org). https://t.co/wtLIrYfoPP ↪
Margot Nemecek (@MargotNemecek; 5/1): Dr. Martin Sprenger / Public Health Graz & @mfleischhacker1 Blogdown 6 von 20 - Thema: Verhältnismäßigkeit ↪
A/Prof Jenny Richmond (@JenRichmondPhD; 4/1): @abiylfoyp definitely @apreshill re blogdown in #rstats ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 4/0): @JenRichmondPhD @abiylfoyp I cannot believe I wrote my first blog post in 2017 https://t.co/Qsgyl3uKCQ ↪
Francisco Yirá 💻📈🇨🇱 (@francisco_yira; 3/2): Sharing this for anyone who has a blogdown site and wants to count visits but not to use Google Analytics.
It’s very simple to set up an alternative visit counter and you don’t even have to touch the hugo template code! #rstats
https://t.co/sZaXDfdR3v ↪
The Office of Research Trainees (ORT) at UHN (@uhntrainees; 3/1): Learn how to develop your own website from scratch through RStudio and Blogdown with the assistance of UofT Coders! Check out workshop details below ⬇️ https://t.co/S0D5aOxIhB https://t.co/oJ0ptqczVb ↪
Ming (Tommy) Tang (@tangming2005; 1/2): an older version of blogdown works: devtools::install_version(“blogdown”, version = “0.14”, repos = “https://t.co/gp7UuLbyHv”) #rstats https://t.co/KnYDD7MTvn ↪
Der Aufwecker (@RudiLepu; 1/0): 20 Tage, 20 Minuten - Blogdown 7 von 20 - Ländervergleich https://t.co/j3HPO1fJyT via @YouTube ↪
Francisco Yirá 💻📈🇨🇱 (@francisco_yira; 1/0): I think I finally found an opportunity to practice ✨git branches✨ in my personal projects: doing commits of the drafts of my blogdown posts without them being published
(so I can work on them from multiple devices or even from an RStudio Cloud session on iPad mini) ↪
Ming (Tommy) Tang (@tangming2005; 1/0): having problems with blogdown to create new posts: https://t.co/2nA1scrIag ↪
Margot Nemecek (@MargotNemecek; 1/0): @1halunke @HMeusburger @mfleischhacker1 Schade. Was er nämlich kann ist Fehler eingestehen - die Voraussetzung um daraus zu lernen. Sie sollten sich zumindest den Blogdown 9 anhören. Vielleicht können Sie dann das Eine oder Andere zumindest akzeptieren. ↪
Ecléctikus 🐵 (@scienceisbeauty; 1/0): Sí señor, #R + #Blogdown (+ #knitr + #tidyverse + @Netlify) es un stack ganadora para crear sitios web nativos en la nube, y con montones de funcionalidades. 👍 https://t.co/oic2q8kihK ↪
Ming (Tommy) Tang (@tangming2005; 0/2): blogdown::serve_site() #rstats
Error in hugo_build(local) : object ‘clean_empty_dir’ not foundI do not know how many hours of my life are going to be wasted on fixing this blogdown issue… ↪
Hans Rocha IJzerman (@hansijzerman; 0/1): can anyone help Ronan with problems on our site?
(i.e., does anyone know hugo themes for blogdown?) https://t.co/0Iz7SvJ76m ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): blogdown: ‘system3’ is not an exported object from ’namespace:xfun’ #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/GV52cn1GDv ↪
Mine Dogucu (@MineDogucu; 144/28): New blog post: tips for working with #rstats bookdown.
How to:
1⃣ Improve folder structure
2⃣ Write exercises
3⃣ Style headers
4⃣ Style R codehttps://t.co/GyqKbVxwgl ↪
John Measey (@AfriHerp; 13/5): Published today:
Available OA since April!
#bookdown https://t.co/8NwEcNBvHx ↪
Paula Moraga (@Paula_Moraga_; 7/3): @NiemLaura Hi Laura!
R Markdown: https://t.co/jJCBklpHAU
flexdashboard: https://t.co/efTY1uCZV4
shiny: https://t.co/uF5tihSVrg
My book also has some chapters on how to create dashboards using flexdashboard and shiny and including interactive viz: https://t.co/Ht3V06XsWv
Hope this helps! ↪
Maina Karanja (@Davids_Karanja; 7/3): @RPy_DataScience Here is a hands-on guide that was handy for me: https://t.co/VqeoaqYzUn #Rstats #SystematicReviews ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 6/2): On day 4, I foolishly attempted bookdown::bs4_book with GitHub Actions plus renv and @Netlify - enjoy 🤣🥲
Skip to minute 48 (😫) for the tl;dr and the $300 donated to charity 💸
Good night #RStats 😴
https://t.co/empygOWlQN https://t.co/qoKM3HpW0V ↪
autovetor (@bayzeras; 6/0): @KimJoaoUn QuantEcon! https://t.co/SLK2M03sKY
E esse livro aqui que é focado em finanças (em R) https://t.co/tXFFbL5uqF ↪
Dr. Baba (@babayoshihikoCH; 6/0): #RStudio から、 #bookdown で電子書籍を作れるようになってきた。さてそろそろ #Kindle出版 か! ↪
Adam Garber (@Adam_C_Garber; 4/2): @_bcullen Here are some presets for choosing background color of knitted code🧶 from @xieyihui’s book:
🟣 “bg-primary”
🟢 “bg-success”
🔵 “bg-info”
🟡 “bg-warning”
🔴 “bg-danger”https://t.co/atpApCAhGs
I’ve always wanted more control to style🎨 code output with #rmarkdown https://t.co/rQ3Rqgz6hy ↪
Espacio Muestral (@espaciomuestral; 4/2): ¡No dejes de aprender! 🤓
📕 Aquí otro libro en línea sobre #Markdown en #R
🔗https://t.co/ZyiXlYq5w8 https://t.co/U4aXxUUd3p ↪
Mine Dogucu (@MineDogucu; 4/1): If you want to take a peek at the folder structure the demo repo is here: https://t.co/CZPqYFh7ZJ
I think using child documents makes it a cleaner workflow. ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 4/0): @tjmahr Agreed, that is pretty cool. Tangentially, what I love about the #bookdown revolution is it’s so much easier, now, to figure out how people actually make their figures. ↪
Tim Taylor (@drtimt; 3/2): … and also a big “thank you” to the developers and maintainers of the underlying technologies with which Bookdown was created, including RMarkdown, RStudio (@rstudio), Pandoc (@pandoc_tips), BibTeX and GitBook (@GitBookIO), among others! ↪
Joe Roe (@joeroe90; 3/0): @Iza_Romanowska @CAA_Int @idhrenil @benmarwick @alex_brandsen @tombrughmans @electricarchaeo @ArchaeologistSP @xrubiocampillo @jwhpverhagen @lornarichardson @verdewek @CDWren @er_crema @RachelOpitz Hmm, google tells me that you can theoretically use Jupyter in R, but it’s not common. We tend to use R Notebooks (generated from R Markdown): https://t.co/ItrtePfJpx ↪
#rstats 🤖 (@rstatsvideo; 2/2): 📺 New #rstats video: Day 04: bookdown || rmarkdown + bookdown + GitHub actions + renv + Netlify #12daysofdusting
▶ Alison Hill (@apreshill)
🗣 🇬🇧
🔗 https://t.co/MBiDjjoDHM ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): How can I add arbitrary elements to the Table of Contents in Bookdown? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/ARbfPH36n2 ↪
JB Duck-Mayr (@jb_duckmayr; 1/1): halp
https://t.co/uiwNVaAA1a ↪
HELLGORITHM (SEASONAL) (@leisurelefty; 1/0): @shitshowdotinfo @RadishHarmers @marx_knopfler I’ll check out RMarkdown and/or Bookdown and see if they can do what I need ↪
alex (@shitshowdotinfo; 1/0): @leisurelefty @RadishHarmers @marx_knopfler Have you looked into RMarkdown/Bookdown at all? If I needed something that could do engineering related stuff enough to consider latex, it’s what I’d learn instead of using latex ↪
𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚒𝚗 (@GivingTools; 1/0): @justinjmillar See it with code, data, and text in our dynamic document (bookdown) https://t.co/21Jh7Z6LZd
(scroll or search for the work ’treemap’) ↪
𝚓𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚢﹏𝚜𝚊𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜 (@json_dirs; 1/0): @flourn0 does just passing args to pandoc work? eg:
pandoc_args: [
“–output”, “/wherever/name.html”
] on https://t.co/BGjOupbWwQ ↪
elikesprogramming (@elikesprogramm1; 1/0): @MilesMcBain I feel your pain! so, no solution here. But if you decide to re-invent the wheel, can you make it roll for htmlwidgets across all ****down family? That case is even worse than (gg)plots. You tweak params, knit a single Rmd just to find out it breaks rendering the whole {bookdown} ↪
Guido Corradi (@GuidoBCor; 1/0): @RicardoRey_95 ¿Qué estás leyendo o que recurso estás usando? Yo estoy super feliz repasando cosas y sacando codigo de este bookdown https://t.co/ur3WIViizG ↪
Steven Lancaster (@SLLancaster; 0/2): Decided to build an R workflow tutorial using bookdown. Any tips (or traps) I should keep in mind as I get started? #rstats ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Use pandoc template with bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/phtVqUI9f6 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): bookdown plot does not show accurately in github pages #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/7zBCoSHaTQ ↪
Ben Marwick (@benmarwick; 12/0): @Iza_Romanowska @CAA_Int @idhrenil @alex_brandsen @tombrughmans @electricarchaeo @ArchaeologistSP @xrubiocampillo @jwhpverhagen @lornarichardson @verdewek @CDWren @joeroe90 @er_crema @RachelOpitz This sounds very exciting! https://t.co/GAT856HnnH could be ideal for this, it’s a scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc & markdown for both R & Python users, with Jupyter and Knitr support. ↪
Joαchim Goedhαrt (@joachimgoedhart; 11/0): Converting an R-script to RMarkdown file (script.R -> script.Rmd).
Note2self, this works:
knitr::spin(‘script.R’, doc = ‘#’, precious = TRUE) ↪
jp • data • tech (@thatjuanpablo; 3/0): R libraries for data science
rmarkdown ↪
Stringfest Analytics (@stringfestdata; 1/2): #Rstudio keyboard shortcut: Knit Document (knitr) - Ctrl+Shift+K (Windows), Command+Shift+K (Mac). #rstats ↪
Mario Reutter (@reutter_mario; 1/0): @SwampThingPaul @IsabellaGhement In the future, I plan to include an .Rmd superscript that just sources the subscripts and maybe even includes the whole results section.
If you want to do this, too, remember to source the script in the knitr global environment:
source(“script.R”, local = knitr::knit_global()) ↪
Mario Reutter (@reutter_mario; 1/0): @jasontsukahara @IsabellaGhement @SwampThingPaul For .Rmd make files I found this very helpful to get everything in your global environment as if the script was run in the R console and not sourced:
source(“script.R”, local = knitr::knit_global()) ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @mickaelcanouil @LisaDeBruine @rstats_tweets Yes, as I mentioned in the first section of the post, you can install the dev version of knitr, which will give you a clearer error message. ↪
なみさんチャンネル (@5SW7acErnw0jhLt; 1/0): レポート等作成する際、ソフトウェアのRStudioを使うのですが、
#R https://t.co/deDtMoj3vk ↪
Ali Guner (@AliGunerMD; 1/0): @T_BigDataDive knitr::kable (model) %>%
kable_styling (bootstrap_options = c (“striped”, “hover”, “condensed”))or try other table viewers like DT::datatable ↪
sam (@samuelmehr; 9/1): setting up R Markdown on a new laptop. haven’t done this in awhile, it’s many steps.
{tinytex, rmarkdown, citr}
Better BibTeX
pandocam I an old person? is there now an app to do this all automatically? how much is now built into RStudio? ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Unable to install rmarkdown under Windows due to failure to install tinytex #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/F036dSfBcV ↪
Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 44/7): Using the {xaringan} #rstats package to create HTML slides? Hit P for presenter mode, C to copy to a new window, then P again on the clone for audience view. Now you have 1 presenter view for you and a window for your viewers, and they advance in sync. ??? to add slide notes! https://t.co/MFJ7NcELFB ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 38/12): ✍️ Deploying xaringan Slides with GitHub Pages · R Views
👤 Silvia Canelón @spcanelon
🔗 https://t.co/C2BADzxFvw
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/0nh5GdQKm0 ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 38/7): And on day 3, I deployed a #xaringan talks repo and earned $300 for charity dusting off a 🧹3 year old domain 🧹.
Also, I was very tired in this video- which may actually be better, because I talked slower 🤣
Good night #RStats 😴
https://t.co/Fythqr7H7i https://t.co/KrhdMxAZjp https://t.co/oSoXUK3rtQ ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 30/7): ✍️🎨 Slide Template Using Duke University Color Palette & xaringan |
👤 John Little @john_little
🔗 https://t.co/DckdJL02uO
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/32N4Fa5yqP ↪
jebyrnes (@jebyrnes; 5/4): Oh! Multi-column layouts in Xaringan! #rstats https://t.co/UgLzFK5w73 ↪
#rstats 🤖 (@rstatsvideo; 5/2): 📺 New #rstats video: Day 03: xaringan || rmarkdown + xaringan Netlify #12daysofdusting
▶ Alison Hill (@apreshill)
🗣 🇬🇧
🔗 https://t.co/o11JdEZyIO ↪
Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 1/3): Deploying xaringan Slides with GitHub Pages · #Rstats https://t.co/1M7ipP6gvn ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): xaringan does not render a kable that contains code chunks correctly #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/ri6Jy4FlC9 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): xaringan - can I set a countdown for the whole presentation? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/N9hd5gEPwX ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | Deploying xaringan Slides with GitHub Pages https://t.co/Fg8lGtE4WC ↪
Statistik Dresden (@StatistikInDD; 1/0): @patilindrajeets Danke! Ja, guter Tipp. Ich hab es in xaringan direkt eingebettet, nicht separat gespeichert. ↪
priyanka (@priyankaigit; 1/0): @sharon000 Wow this is awesome trick. Thanks for sharing Sharon.
I started working on xaringan since early this year. It makes presenting such a smooth experience. ↪
Howard Mann (@howardm19; 1/0): @apreshill @juliesquid Thanks for the info. Maybe with Netlify going forward.
B.T.W., Xaringan (with Panelsets) is great for Radiology Case Conferences!
E.g.: https://t.co/x91dLSeipY ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine @rstats_tweets Seems to be related to https://t.co/3VIrSy8J6Y ↪