📚 Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R 👤 Paul Roback and Julie Legler 🔗 https://t.co/gbk0yfCAe9 #rstats #datascience https://t.co/ycNIaTbxx4



R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 571/91): 📚 Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R

👤 Paul Roback and Julie Legler

🔗 https://t.co/gbk0yfCAe9
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/ycNIaTbxx4

R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 244/30): Often we need to work, not with a specific date, but rather with intervals containing start and end dates.

The {int_*} function family from {lubridate} 📦 makes it easy to operate on intervals 🗓


#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/8mMnL0nJwC

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 227/37): DataExplorer is an R Package for rapid exploratory data analysis (EDA). It’s an 80/20 tool for me - I use it in most analyses to learn about my data and increase my productivity. Learn More. https://t.co/cCsK0JdArQ

#rstats #datascience https://t.co/3kW09d6oPv

🍁🍂 Andrew Heiss 🍂🍁 (@andrewheiss; 199/35): For mathematical and philosophical reasons, propensity scores and inverse probability weights don’t work in Bayesian inference. But never fear! There’s still a way to do it! Here’s one way, with #rstats and brms https://t.co/SRbOOSbYIG https://t.co/kR43hIxuxt

Rob Calver (@RobCalver5; 175/39): I’ve been meaning to alert you all to the latest book in the @CRC_MathStats #RStats Series by @e_g_mx, which I argue has the best cover the series has ever seen! @lara_crc and @crcgrubbsd may beg to differ! #DataScience #machinelearning #behavioranalysis https://t.co/1dFGf3HBH7

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 171/69): Top Machine Learning Book Recommendations by AI Expert. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/uIGNxZVALT https://t.co/D02g60caWu

🙋Nitish (@Niitiish7; 122/112): Algebra symbols
Retweet guys #BigData #Analytics #AI #DataScience #IIoT #Azure #PyTorch #RStats #Java #CSharp #Flutter #SQL #Python #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #HTML5 #MachineLearning #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysOfCode #Python3 https://t.co/L83e21AyM0

Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 112/94): A Cheat Sheets for all the Data Structures in #Python #SQL #DataScientists #ML #DataScience #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #PyTorch #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #Flutter #Jupyter #DL #HTML #NLProc #AWS #golang https://t.co/M74sDU4MfR

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 104/109): 6 Free #DataScience Books on ML for Experts + #NLProc. #BigData #Analytics #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/cav1QbBzrl https://t.co/cPHUhwxEig


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 24/6): 📺🖥 Paul’s reimagined journey: Making a blogdown website with Hugo Apéro - YouTube

👤 Alison Presmanes Hill @apreshill; Paul Villanueva @pommevilla

🔗 https://t.co/JTxuppofyu
#rstats #datascience

Aarathy Babu (@AarathyB; 15/2): So this should be fun! Creating websites using blogdown is always fun. Thrilled to share with @RLadiesAbuja
https://t.co/M7K4uUUxek https://t.co/RGaXCRwBvT

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Using R variable to determine date in blogdown talk #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/1qIMnM5DgQ

James Watling Lab (@jameswatlinglab; 1/0): @HannahOish Check out the Hugo theme with Blogdown in RStudio.

Gabriela Junqueira (@junqueiragaabi; 1/0): @gabrielnakamur4 o hugo e blogdown, mas to estudando html e css para deixar do jeito que eu realmente quero hehe

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: blogdown tufte #rstats

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Image scoping issue when using Wowchemy Hugo Academic and Blogdown workflow #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/o1AGkjc4WH


R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 151/34): 📚 YaRrr! The Pirate’s Guide to R

👤 Nathaniel D. Phillips

🔗 https://t.co/qDlDqGsQ7U
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/8xTJkiu2Ea

Indrajeet Patil (इंद्रजीत पाटील) (@patilindrajeets; 39/11): YaRrr!: The Pirate’s Guide to R 📖


Because when you work in R, there is never enough RRRRs!

#rstats https://t.co/p1GWzbPLwr

Nicholas Horton (@askdrstats; 29/5): @AMULETAnalytics @CRCPress Thanks for the kind words! Just a reminder that the full content of the paper book is also available via bookdown at https://t.co/geiovJTu3j

Raúl Vaquerizo (@r_vaquerizo; 9/0): Visto. Está hecho en bookdown, hago un vídeo para ilustrar como se hace un libro con bookdown (para torpes) y lo subo a git para que se pueda usar. A la vez lo voy publicando que he puesto a wordpress un editor de markdown

Mikhail Dozmorov (@mikhaildozmorov; 8/0): Awesome packages, and the growing Tidy Ranges Tutorial bookdown https://t.co/hWFRWjPOd7 is a great complement to HelloRanges https://t.co/Bohr7t5BbZ https://t.co/D0iISz8KK9

Alessandro Santuz (@alesantuz; 7/6): Twitter for Scientists by @dsquintana, what a nice find! Thanks Dan!
#rstats #rmarkdown #bookdown

wastemobile (@wastemobile; 7/1): Markdown 製書也用底層是 Rust 的 mdBook,幾乎重現了 Gitbook 的機制,有時還是便利些,已比初嘗試時穩定不少。

近來有發現蠻有趣的 Bookdown,一個 R 語言的開源套件,轉檔卻仍是使用 Pandoc,非常適合用來製作有大量資料、繪製科學圖表的論文與書籍,摸索中。

https://t.co/Zj8KyatMxp https://t.co/dSVpS97avD

Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 5/0): @fusaroli @wdonald_1985 https://t.co/ZRbwD70kIK

Espacio Muestral (@espaciomuestral; 4/1): 📕#Modelación basada en #agentes

👇Aquí te dejamos un libro para comenzar con teoría y práctica en #NetLogo 🖥️


R-Ladies Baltimore (@RLadiesBmore; 3/4): We are excited to co-host a special @RLadiesBmore @RLadiesDC #virtual #meetup on Jan 25 from 5-6:30pm ET w/ Sam Tyner (@sctyner) @FaegreDrinker Tritura group & co-organizer @RLadiesDC, on an intro to #bookdown! 📖

#rstats #rladies #Baltimore

🔖 RSVP: https://t.co/R74WUUE1gc https://t.co/TL9s0WwtSD

Yazeed 🦠🧫 (@Yalsowaida; 3/1): Bookdown
Free-open source for learning functions and basic statistical tests with #Rstudio


Ben Hanowell (@BenHanowell; 3/1): Hey, @xieyihui: I love bookdown, R Markdown, and knitr so damn much

Akilesh R (@akident; 2/3): #RStats https://t.co/jWlIuWkK5r

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): Error Build Bookdown with special characters #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/fK8jQPxfpG

William B. Fuckley (@opinonhaver; 2/1): conduct analysis in R
write article in R markdown
write book in R bookdown
make resume in pagedown
send email from mailR
find partner with tindeR package
analyze house prices with ZillowR
raise children with kindeRgarten

Robert Walker (@PieRatio; 2/0): @Rhiannon_Kirton @AmyPanikowski @CMastication To be honest, the copy-paste of a bookdown makes the digital text better, IMHO. But both are quite good in a large universe of R texts.

Robert Walker (@PieRatio; 2/0): @Rhiannon_Kirton @AmyPanikowski @CMastication I bought them though I’ve never actually opened the ‘real’ books; I appreciate the willingness to share the bookdown, which I’ve read. I was a poor graduate student once and, unlike when I was in school in the 90s–00’s, love that people share such great materials.

Achim Zeileis (@AchimZeileis; 2/0): @agpatriota @andrewzm You can combine exams2pdf() with any LaTeX template so in principle it is doable. But I wouldn’t go there…

Much more convenient to embed the exercise directly in the HTML, e.g., using webex by @LisaDeBruine & @dalejbarr


心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 2/0): 同人誌作成用bookdownテンプレートを,bs4_book形式でも出せるようにupdateした。 このレポジトリのファイル使えば,表紙以外の部分は全部できるはず https://t.co/AOgMwcJp9v

Romain Vuillemot (@romsson; 1/1): Introduction à R et au tidyverse par @lapply 💪 https://t.co/GHnKiUjb1S #rmarkdown #bookdown @rstudio

Antonio Falcón (@FalcMart; 1/0): On-line: “Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R” by Paul Roback and Julie Legler (@CRCPress).These text is intended to be accessible to undergraduate students who have completed a regression course. https://t.co/VO4WfYuIOo https://t.co/vizEQ26yzM

Nono Gueye (@GueyeNono; 1/0): @nithinnithu_m Sure thing.


Romain Lesur (@RLesur; 1/0): @datactivi_st @cecileLG @marineboudeau @pa_chevalier @JohanRicher @TheuliereMael Non, xaringan s’appuie sur remark

Robert Blunt (@RobbertBlunt; 1/0): @mrbarnabyb maybe try: https://t.co/b9ezOGx7lf

Kazuhiro Goto (@drkgoto; 1/0): jamoviのクラウド版が日本語化されたとのことです(グラフの日本語出力がされないようですが、あと一歩ですね)。近日、公開されるはずのダウンロード版はこの問題が起きないようです。日本語化の作業をしているのは「jamoviで学ぶ心理統計」を翻訳された芝田先生です。https://t.co/zfRATjxO9f https://t.co/XZCtjcfEBd

Pushpakanthie Wijekoon (@Pkwijekoon; 1/0): Big Book of R https://t.co/kUqNKXKEHS #rmarkdown #bookdown

Raúl Vaquerizo (@r_vaquerizo; 1/0): @l_hansa Demasiado extenso.

Con bookdown está quedando bien, pero quiero publicar por si no lo finalizo

OneMind-DataScience (@OMDataScience; 1/0): @r_vaquerizo Bookdown!!

Debashis Ghosh (@ghoshd; 1/0): @askdrstats @AMULETAnalytics @CRCPress bookdown - also modern!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Dynamic footnote referencing in rmarkdown / bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/ou4oy2RIkT

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Bookdown demo doesn’t compile when new_session = TRUE #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Lh9sFPzTr2

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to indent numbered sections and subsections in R Markdown (bookdown)? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/fkKlvWBdik

tipsder (@tipsder; 0/1): ¡RStudio para Estadística Descriptiva en Ciencias Sociales¡
Interesante libro, en español, para aquellos interesados en el aprendizaje de #R desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales y humanas.
#RStatsES https://t.co/EDpAJhc04J


Hiroaki Yutani (@yutannihilat_en; 80/15): The latest release of knitr allows us to wrap a code chunk with longer backticks. This is what I tried to tackle years ago but couldn’t figure out how to implement… Kudos to @Atsushi776!🍣#rstats
https://t.co/vzRU8nf8p8 https://t.co/eM4dmUFl3L

Jeffrey Perkel (@j_perkel; 7/4): TIL a cool #rstats rmarkdown/knitr trick: not only can you control execution of each code chunk with eval=TRUE/FALSE, you can also use expressions, eg: eval=ifelse(nrow(mytable) > 0, TRUE, FALSE).

minigamedev (@minigamedev; 3/0): I gotta retweet this, because this will enable better workflows in ggplot, knitr, and in an editor. I just don’t know how yet.
@MilesMcBain ? https://t.co/HsNq6lDbGw

amdryzen5900x🇹🇼 (@amdryzen5900x; 2/2): 這功能真的太屌了
what a awesome feature!
#RStats #knitr #yihui https://t.co/IwVj93d2fG

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/2): CRAN updates: knitr Rfssa #rstats

André Ourednik (@andre_ourednik; 1/1): In this post I show how to write an Rmd file that will allow you to run #SPARQL code chunks in #RStudio
and directly save the query result to a data.frame variable

It also reaches endpoints from behind corporate firewalls :-)


#RStats #knitr #curl #httr

Charlotte 👩‍💻 (@charliejhadley; 1/0): @HKoenker @dgkeyes The Header styles would allow you to feed in each part of the .docx into different parts of the .Rmd

Then for the code chunks there’s a little complicated if you’re using the fig.cap code chunk option, you’d need knitr::knit_expand as shown eg https://t.co/ytO6Ol3EJ5

Charlotte 👩‍💻 (@charliejhadley; 1/0): @bmwiernik Some of the directories contain images included via knitr::include_graphics() so if removed before knitting it’ll break with this error

File my_gg.png not found in resource path

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to set the location of the intermediate directory in knitr? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/shHhlONtVO


Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 22/3): Let’s make some CRAN releases before the end of the year ! 🥳

pagedown 0.16 is out there, with support for .scss file, Pandoc long table and a bug fix for Pandoc 2.16+ user.

Don’t forget to update !


CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 0/1): CRAN updates: tinytex #rstats


Meghan Harris (@meghansharris; 24/2): That struggle of “feeling” like I should be making presentation slides in Xaringan, but knowing that it would personally take me less time in PowerPoint right now. Sorry, #rstats community. I’ve failed you, but I really want to not do anything the week of Christmas 🤷🏾‍♀️

Rosana Ferrero (@RosanaFerrero; 3/3): Algunas plantillas para elaborar tus informes en #RMarkdown con #RStats by @frod_san
📌Beamer Metropolis slides
📌Xaringan slides
📌Manuscript in PDF
📌Manuscript in Word


Dr Ajay Koli (@ajay_kolii; 3/2): 💫 #STAR - Steps Towards Academic Research

🙈 sneak peek at the slides prepared using #rstats package #xaringan https://t.co/Z0pwic6Dfs https://t.co/8EzOqwIhB3

Cecile LG (@cecileLG; 3/1): @RLesur @marineboudeau @pa_chevalier @JohanRicher @TheuliereMael Oui tout à fait, repo et url privée (ou publique selon les besoins). Chez @datactivi_st on réalisait quasi toutes nos prez ou supports de formation de cette manière, avec un super theme #Xaringan (#rstats) Mais revealJs fait aussi bien le job.

Zaeen de Souza (@zaeendesouza; 3/0): TIL that in Xaringan you can have a slide change noise, so that visually impaired people can use it with more ease. such legends.

Cecile LG (@cecileLG; 2/0): @datactivi_st @RLesur @marineboudeau @pa_chevalier @JohanRicher @TheuliereMael Vous proposez quand un theme Xaringan type gouvdown comme commun numerique hein @SylvainLapoix @joelgombin 😊

Dr. Andrew Zieffler (@Chili14; 2/0): @lisalendway @meghansharris I use Keynote mostly. If you look at some of the slides from RStudio folks, they also at times use Keynote and not Xaringan. Use what wotks for you. There is no one right tool.

Lisa Lendway, she/her (@lisalendway; 2/0): @meghansharris It’s ok! I often still use the “basic” RMarkdown slides instead of xaringan, especially if I don’t need any special features. I’m doing that right now :)

Jorge CL (@condedehuamanga; 1/2): Well, I have all the friday night to finish the xaringan presentation #rstats Let’s do it!

datactivist (@datactivi_st; 1/0): @cecileLG @RLesur @marineboudeau @pa_chevalier @JohanRicher @TheuliereMael xaringan s’appuie sur revealJS