Jenn Schilling (@datasciencejenn; 786/86): I spent new years eve creating a data viz of the books I read in 2021.
#DataViz #RStats #GGPlot2 #Reading https://t.co/5hzcZ5T8RP ↪
A. Jordan Nafa (@adamjnafa; 717/60): End of Year #rstats tip: make a function that applies all of your preferred ggplot2 theme settings instead if typing fifty lines of code for every plot (letting my OCD show here 😂🥲) https://t.co/5VPWpd6i10 ↪
Wolfgang Viechtbauer (@wviechtb; 699/128): In 2021, I did approximately 180 hours of live streaming on R and statistical programming. As always, these streams are free and open to all. New dates for the beginning of 2022 have been scheduled: https://t.co/Hwl8cmYSuw #Rstats ↪
R Function A Day (@rfunctionaday; 535/84): If you use {dplyr} and {tidyr} 📦s to wrangle data, you may wish to see some feedback about what different operations did, especially in long piped chains.
The “print and pipe” operator (%P>%) from {ViewPipeSteps} 📦 does this 📝
#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/jEev5v27te ↪
Emily Riederer (@EmilyRiederer; 532/73): Many #rstats Shiny users query database, but fewer have managed their own. This becomes necessary if your app needs persistent storage.
In this post, I share some tips for creating DBs for use with Shiny and what (don’t know that) you need to know
(1/2) ↪
Annapurani (@annapurani93; 380/83): Thread 🧵-
Creating a good #dataviz with the right colours might seem like a herculean task, but it’s not.
So, here are six pointers that might help ease your process. Follow along 🤗
#datafam #DataAnalytics #RStats #DataScience ↪
Kirk Borne (@KirkDBorne; 365/140): 70 Free Online Courses for #DataScience to Advance Your Skills in 2021.
via @tut_ml
#BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AI #DataScientists #Statistics #DataLiteracy #Python #RStats #Coding #BeDataBrilliant #Careers #NLProc #ComputerVision
https://t.co/3glxpcnXKo ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 343/56): 📦📊 {gtsummary} • Presentation-Ready Data Summary and Analytic Result Tables
👤 Daniel Sjoberg @statistishdan, Michael Curry, Joseph Larmarange, Jessica Lavery, Karissa Whiting, Emily C. Zabor
🔗 https://t.co/FkkPoCeVGi
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/lFin3DBi2D ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 270/29): ✍️📊⇆ Comparing Distributions - https://t.co/pc9o3STwC7
👤 Kieran Healy @kjhealy
🔗 https://t.co/AcLIzWCzrT
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/nVdR0LMnbd ↪
Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 200/17): Started to prototype and scope a new dashboard supporting the coronavirus #R package.
#RStats #dataviz https://t.co/DIBFo5eR0N ↪
Chris Doyle (@ChrisDoyleFL; 199/134): Best #python cheat sheet .#DEVCommunity #MachineLearning #Python #IoT #AI #javascript #100DaysOfMLCode #VeroBeach #RStats #Serverless #CodeNewbie #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #mathematics #coding https://t.co/dgSrDCNmVM ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 199/34): 📦📊📷 {ggsvg} • Use SVG images as ggplot points
👤 mikefc @coolbutuseless
🔗 https://t.co/SPXe2FUq9x
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/vthYH8Kwsb ↪
Catherine Adenle (@CatherineAdenle; 134/158): Infographic: Data Science Lifecycle
#DataScience #MachineLearning #rstats #BigData #Analytics #AI #Tech #PyTorch #Python #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #DL #ML #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #Flutter #CodeNewbie https://t.co/4YNVcQTuPO ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 118/90): 70 Free Online Courses in 2021. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/hbOP4tKp7j https://t.co/bcu0HD3FmR ↪
Zhi Yang, PhD (@zhiiiyang; 8/2): If you suddenly fail to serve your #rstats #blogdown site, please follow this instruction. The actual fix might depend on the specific error message that you receive.
https://t.co/YXakCGubin ↪
george kanellos (@georgekanellos; 7/3): 🥳🥳 New post!!
I am blogging with R and {blogdown} but since I need to use Python for deep learning I had to integrate Jupyter/Colab with my blog. So I wrote a small guide as to how to do it:
https://t.co/v7zpegDBeu#blogdown #Rstats #100DaysOfCode #66daysofdata ↪
Mohsin Ramay (@mohsinramay_; 6/4): Hey blogdown users
Are there any widgets that we can embed to get reviews and feedbacks for websites build using blogdown?
#RStats #blogdown #DataScience ↪
Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 6/0): Problem solved ✅ - use blogdown::hugo_build instead of blogdown::build_site (which in my mind you should avoid using at any cost…) https://t.co/imyNoFFvdu ↪
Jun Kawabata, Nurse CritCare (@CritCareNurs; 6/0): Webサイトの構築 with #R
#RStudio というIDEは素晴らしい環境と再確認。
以下のサイトを参考に #RMarkdown から楽しく進められそうでワクワクします。#朝活 #Rトレ
blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown
https://t.co/lnf32oJa0T ↪
#rstats 🤖 (@rstatsvideo; 5/3): 📺 New #rstatsvideo: Day 09: Hugo Apéro from scratch || rmarkdown + blogdown + Netlify #12DaysOfDusting
▶ Alison Hill (@apreshill)
🗣 🇬🇧
🔗 https://t.co/p3mnqSLLNk ↪
Shannon Burns, PhD (@shannon47burns; 5/1): Just got a new M1-chip Macbook Pro yesterday (OSX Monterey 12.0.1), and tried updating my website via blogdown in R today. Umm… anyone who knows blogdown/knitr have any idea what’s going on? Like, the whole application literally flips over? https://t.co/JezWmkCByw ↪
#rstats 🤖 (@rstatsvideo; 3/1): 📺 New #rstatsvideo: Day 08: Solo patterns || blogdown + GitHub + Netlify Deploy Previews / Branch Deploys
▶ Alison Hill (@apreshill)
🗣 🇬🇧
🔗 https://t.co/YyR55L8UCG ↪
Chris Gaskell (@chrisgaskell92; 3/0): Huge thank you to the kind individuals who share their methods and code for developing these websites 🤝
(@apreshill, @spcanelon et al.)For anyone who wants to make their own then check out this amazing tutorial 👌https://t.co/7TIIrdRmAn ↪
Norimitsu Nishida (@NorimitsuNishi1; 3/0): @Jun_Kawabata_ blogdown+github+netlifyで、ほぼRmarkdownのみで静的なwebページ作成する事できるのでおすすめです。😄 ↪
Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 2/2): Hi #blogdown folks 👋, when publishing a new post with Hugo, is there a way to run blogdown::build_site without re-rendering old posts?
#rstats #rmakrdown ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): blogdown::serve:site() error: Failed to launch site #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/N65mdW7ZBL ↪
Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 1/2): Beautiful #HugoApero #blogdown site with publication, project, & teaching sections, and featuring #RStats and clinical psychology content 👏 https://t.co/1qSoFTWQBm ↪
Knut Jägersberg (@JagersbergKnut; 1/2): R Blogdown Tutorial: Introduction
by Jennifer Sloane#rstats
https://t.co/LuRPRb4BsE ↪
Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 1/1): @r_vaquerizo @joscani Bookdown y Blogdown son dos motivos suficientes por sí mismos para aprender R trabajes en lo que trabajes ↪
Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 1/0): @paulalcasado The blogdown::serve_site() build the site locally, but it doesn’t render the new post to the public folder. I think that works for netlify sites but not for Github pages. The build_site rerender the all site from scratch (which is really bad from reproducibility). ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 1/0): @NR_Jenkins the #blogdown package ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 1/0): @Rami_Krispin
build_site(..., build_rmd = "timestamp")
will do the job. 😉
https://t.co/TUsMzseFfL ↪
Paula LC (@paulalcasado; 1/0): @Rami_Krispin Try to use blogdown::serve_site() instead ↪
Jun Kawabata, Nurse CritCare (@CritCareNurs; 1/0): #GitHub や #Netlify 初学者🔰は辛いけど,その先に!
#R での #blogdown のチュートリアルらしきものを参照しつつ,deploymentまでの道のりはまだ遠い。 https://t.co/ZqlbgUGmJ8 ↪
KielKontrovers - Tempolimit Jetzt! Lockdown Jetzt! (@kielkontrovers; 1/0): Habe mich schon eine Zeit mit #Hugo beschäftigt und o Wunder #Blogdown und #Bookdown sind damit “kompatibel”. Nice. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Include an image in md files with blogdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/xwd841N5tA ↪
Mickaël CANOUIL (@mickaelcanouil; 0/1): @Rami_Krispin There is also
build_site(..., build_rmd = "newfile")
depending on the behaviour you wish #RStats #blogdown to have. ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 573/114): 📦🎓 {thesisdown} • An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package
👤 Chester Ismay @old_man_chester, Nick Solomon
🔗 https://t.co/qHUX1TN9Wk
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/cIzMVUz3Dw ↪
R posts you might have missed! (@icymi_r; 65/17): 📚🔍🩺 Reproducible Medical Research with R
👤 Peter Higgins @ibddoctor
🔗 https://t.co/K7rsdHfzIQ
#rstats #datascience ↪
Comunidad R Hispano (@R_Hisp; 38/10): Bookdown es una herramienta para escribir libros muy resultones. El formato web es muy chulo. La gente de @rstudio lo hace todo ahí.
Cosa que te interesa: es muy fácil de usar.
Si no te lo crees, @r_vaquerizo te cuenta cómo. #rstatsES https://t.co/eQWZxCVPck ↪
Raúl Vaquerizo (@r_vaquerizo; 28/13): Vídeo para iniciarse con #bookdown #rstats
https://t.co/V3NZZ17u5T ↪
Peter Dahlgren (@peterdalle; 22/6): APIs for social scientists: A collaborative review
https://t.co/HyHpJsvBba ↪
Isabella R. Ghement (@IsabellaGhement; 17/4): “The LOOIC and WAIC computed in STAN (including brms) generally cannot be used to compare (mixed effects) models with different level-2 predictors.” as per https://t.co/9ePbGVfVff.
So what do people use to compare these types of models? #rstats ↪
Virgilio Gómez-Rubio (@precariobecario; 12/1): ¡¡Doy fe de que bookdown es útil para escribir libros!! Lo mejor es que pueden integrar R para producir tablas, figuras, etc. y se pueden publicar en varios formatos (PDF, gitbook, Epub, word, …). #rstatses #bookdown https://t.co/lwwezVIh0u ↪
Raúl Vaquerizo (@r_vaquerizo; 9/0): Acabo de arreglar una cerradura, esta mañana he montado una mampara y ahora voy a contar en un vídeo cómo hacer libros con bookdown.
Soy o no soy un personaje del renacimiento. ↪
One DataScience book a day (@One_Data_Book; 4/4): icymi_r: 📦🎓 {thesisdown} • An updated R Markdown thesis template using the bookdown package
👤 Chester Ismay @old_man_chester, Nick Solomon
#rstats #datascience https://t.co/4qGf4lt6hj #100daysofcode #onedatabookrt https://t.co/F0mu1uixG8 ↪
Arthur Albuquerque (@arthur_alb1; 4/0): @SolomonKurz @stephenjwild @IsabellaGhement I always put this link along with my script when fitting a brms model https://t.co/A90lGydYv3 ↪
Rex “garbage in” Douglass (@RexDouglass; 3/1): “Statistical rethinking with brms, ggplot2, and the tidyverse: Second edition”
https://t.co/iklgKbPka9 https://t.co/zFnZvtPWft ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 3/0): @mariviere1 @andrewheiss It is a whole different publishing system. So it achieves similar goals as R Markdown, but no R packages are involved. So you’ll make slides, books, websites, etc, but you won’t use xaringan or bookdown or distill. ↪
aure (@maureviv; 2/0): @R_Hisp @rstudio @r_vaquerizo Bookdown ha conseguido que todo el mundo quiera usar LaTeX😁 ↪
Alex Sanchez Pla (@sanplaale; 2/0): @JosepMGarcia75 @macips01 Amb Rmarkdown pots fer des d’una pàgina amb un esquema -el Markdown es molt bo per això- fins llibres, amb bookdown o articles pels quals tens plantilles. I pots incloure tan de Latex com vulguis. O gens😏
Evernote m’agrada però trobo feixuc navegar i buscar els materials ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): subscript out of bounds message when rendering bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/xTYLmzVezT ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): bookdown failing to render book #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/z3HG2cHxnT ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Bookdown: does not run R script #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/zlpcCr6tir ↪
Jonathan Carroll (@carroll_jono; 1/1): Mar 15
https://t.co/cVLPBu6bhuThis looks like another good read - I’m not sure if it’s complete, but I’ll look through what’s there. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): How to use ‘apalike’ bibliography style without using
citation_package: natbib
in bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/XFxhtgGQet ↪
Raj Redlich (@RajRedlich; 1/0): @JustoFernndezL2 @DoctorBemway Si está realmente interesado en por qué el fenómeno parece tener una escala u otra según la normalitzación que se haga y está familiarizado con el concepto de probabilidad bayesiana comprobará que está incurriendo en la falacia del fiscal
https://t.co/aClmEyg2j8 ↪
Noticias sobre R (@noticiasSobreR; 0/1): Vídeo introducción a bookdown https://t.co/Hv8q7jAwCt #rstats ↪
Jannik (@jannikbuhr; 4/0): @andrewheiss which is super impressive!
From an R perspective there won’t be much that changes or can break. If you render an Rmd file or qmd file that uses only R code, the engine is still knitr by default. For python it is jupyter and for mixed documents it is knitr with reticulate. ↪
Morten Elsøe (@MortenElsoe; 3/0): @TSangild Knitr! ↪
JayEnAar (@GorwayGlobal; 2/0): @DeepakNModi @DrNobleKKurian Specifically use RStudio and do every analysis project as a KnitR (.RMD) file so you always end up with a research report - however draft - that is annotated, explained, understandable and most importantly reproducible. ↪
Rたん (@cppfriendsbot; 1/0): Docker コンテナ上で knitr したらまだ去年の大晦日でした。タイムゾーンを設定していませんからね。 ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 4/2): Images html in xaringan & highcharter #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/uDSYkdUXer ↪
Zahid Asghar (@Zahedasghar; 4/0): Learning xaringan in R for having effective class lecture presentations and professional training development https://t.co/fu7tHMrdeo ↪
Marc-Aurèle Rivière (@mariviere1; 2/0): @andrewheiss I’m in the same boat. I’ve read the whole documentation a few months ago, got really excited about it, but I haven’t made the switch yet. I’d like to see if all the nifty Rmd packages like xaringan work with it first … ↪