Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 400/65): Grammar of graphic with Julia!
The Algebra of Graphics is an extension of the Makie - a Julia package for data visualization. This library supports the grammar of graphic plotting style inspired by R’s ggplot2 package. 🧵 👇🏼
#julialang #dataviz #rstats #ggplot2 #DataScience https://t.co/zVPUuG46Yp ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 201/143): 800 Free #ComputerScience Classes You Can Take Right Now: @MIT_CSAIL. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/96997SoKJW https://t.co/AKURQxBdez ↪
Dr. Dominic Royé (@dr_xeo; 200/87): Hoy he podido actualizar los mapas de sequías de España incluyendo el año pasado. ¿Cuándo hubo sequías en España peninsular y las Islas Baleares entre 1961-2021? #dataviz #rstats https://t.co/ytHK7fhlmZ ↪
Matthew Kay (@mjskay; 195/24): Since support for different color blending modes is coming to #rstats 4.2 (thanks to Paul Murrell!) I’ve been playing with adding it to {ggdist}
Current thought: identify groups of objects to blend via a
aes and specify how to blend them with ablend
parameter https://t.co/NRqCdZSWBg ↪
DNA & RNA research (@AndGenomics; 186/86): Integrating Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics Education
https://t.co/7Iu4us81N9#Bioinformatics #OpenScience #DataScience #100DaysOfCode #WomenWhoCode #BigData #MachineLearning #serverless #Linux #Python #coding #SciComm #PhdChat #PhdLife #Rstats #Genomics #CompBioSkills #edu https://t.co/AiO6ZEyNIW ↪
Doxyaxone (@Doxyaxone; 165/126): FullStack Developer. #Python #BigData #Analytics #AI #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Azure #PyTorch #Cython #RStats #DotNet #C #CPP #Java #CSharp #Flutter #GoLang #SQL #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #MachineLearning #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/MJkdFbXW9Z ↪
TalkingTechSA (@TalkingTechSA; 153/136): Big Data careers. #Python #BigData #Analytics #AI #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Azure #PyTorch #Cython #RStats #DotNet #C #CPP #Java #CSharp #Flutter #GoLang #SQL #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #MachineLearning #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/LS72VosALi ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 141/123): All Major Neural Networks, in One Chart: @MIT_CSAIL. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/SEatedaLvJ https://t.co/NdLFWOGlJh ↪
Helen Yu (@YuHelenYu; 126/116): Difference between #BigData and #CloudComputing
#AI #DataAnalytics #Python #Rstats #Reactjs #IIoT #ML #Linux #Serverless #flutter #javascript #TensorFlow #BigData #CloudComputing #programming #coding #100DaysOfCode #Jupyter #PyTorch #R #DataScientists #Jobs #WomenInSTEM https://t.co/xd5yfwoSlj ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 115/89): The Difference Between Github and Gitlab for Uploading Code! @MIT_CSAIL. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode https://t.co/HDnJNbyrUP ↪
Marcus Borba (@marcusborba; 114/87): Free eBooks: 100+ Free Data Science Books. #NeuralNetworks #MachineLearning #TensorFlow #100DaysOfCode #BigData #Analytics #DevCommunity #Programming #IoT #javascript #Linux #Cloud #Serverless #womenwhocode #Python #RStats #DeepLearning #AI #DataScience
https://t.co/oKbTu2WlIi https://t.co/SpB40Q8m4z ↪
Esteban Moro (@estebanmoro; 37/2): I use {blogdown} for my blog. One of the critical elements is the Hugo theme you choose. I put together a list of blogs I liked + the theme they used, e.g. @apreshill, @mdancho84, Diego Usai, or @dcossyle. I hope it helps you decide which one to choose! https://t.co/7zaNQN5VmV ↪
Grant McDermott (@grant_mcdermott; 8/0): @Andrew___Baker I think there’s a lot to be said for a standard Jekyll-GitHub setup. Still stable after all these years. I’ve set mine up so you can build posts using blogdown Rmd etc. Best of both worlds imo. You can fork my repo and switch in your own content. https://t.co/YZqiAPPvmN ↪
Leila Fouda (@Leila_Fouda; 8/0): @JustineASmith This is mine: https://t.co/x3EB01B0CK
I started it last year for an online CV and research presence. I’d potentially like to blog on it in the future. I followed @apreshill’s brilliant tutorial on using blogdown, GitHub, and Netlify. ↪
Catherine Kim, PhD (@fishiintheC; 5/3): Third workshop content we have put online and everytime #blogdown gets a little easier… maybe?
#R #RMarkdown #Netlify #RLadies #WomenWhoCode https://t.co/ZKFxDCMcpi ↪
Kerry Shea, PhD (@operantbaby; 2/0): @DrJulieKYoung @apreshill is a good person to follow. She has a killer template (Hugo apero), using bookdown or blogdown package (I get them confused). ↪
Isaac Flath (@isaac_flath; 2/0): @heads0rtai1s @abhi1thakur Doing EDA on some new projects.
Made myself a template for client facing reports with some CSS styling to make it look how I want with company colors.
Also halfway done with a blogdown website.
So yeah - lots of fun. I’m in it deep 😅 ↪
Chidambara .ML. (@chidambara09; 1/5): https://t.co/DPAZAMgV5Z
#dataScientist #DiGital
#CX #WOMEN #eHealth
#data #CES2023 #finServ
#fashionTech #inSurTech
#bigdata #100daysOfCode #javaScript #flutter #linux #rObOtiCs #TRAVELtech #USA #Uk #FRENCHtech
#TeCh4gOod #AI #MWC22
@enilev ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/2): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgChTfK ↪
Brandon LeBeau (@blebeau11; 1/0): @CMastication I spent longer than I’d like to admit getting my course blogdown site back working after this! Ultimately had to do a hard reset from GH, OneDrive wouldn’t download needed folders to build… ↪
Martin Henze (Heads or Tails) (@heads0rtai1s; 1/0): @isaac_flath @abhi1thakur Blogdown is great! Gets you up and running really fast. Been using it for a couple years and it only needed occasional maintenance. ↪
Robert Walker (@PieRatio; 1/0): @heads0rtai1s @rstatstweet There’s an automation to do it in blogdown. ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): One Little Thing: Touch a Source File in a blogdown Website #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/kTYH6lklbz ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): blogdown: Knit on Save, or Save on Knit? #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/2wP4qLjBZG ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): blogdown bundles break theme blackburn #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/FB69TQ4jBn ↪
Diogo Proietti 🇮🇹🇪🇺 (@DiogoProvete; 14/0): introdutórios sobre R disponíveis em português!
O livro deve sair em breve em vários formatos e ainda teremos uma página feita totalmente em bookdown, com código, texto e muitas referências para se aprofundar ainda mais. + ↪
Isabella Velásquez (@ivelasq3; 13/3): ✨Want some great #rstats content?!
- RStudio YouTube https://t.co/lorNKbOHRd
- Big Book of R https://t.co/fNZFlxe19h
- Bookdown archive https://t.co/Q5x3Xg8E3d
- R-Bloggers https://t.co/ynrph7T5EN
- Awesome R-Ladies blogs https://t.co/VRxhNglP9k
5/6 ↪
Thiago Gonçalves-Souza (@thiagotoyoyo; 13/1): @HernaniFMO @DiogoProvete @mauriciovancine @paternogb @LET_IT_BE_news @HernaniFMO o livro será de graça em ebook ou bookdown. Vai dar pra aproveitar bastante sem pagar a taxa da @Nature 🤪 ↪
Claudio Daniel Pacheco Castro (@claudiodanielpc; 12/4): Hace unos días, @rfunctionaday anunció que dejará de publicar por conclusión del proyecto. 😔
Afortunadamente, todo el material que generaron lo pusieron en bookdown😀. Se los comparto para que revisen y rescaten funciones muy útiles 👇🏼 #RStats
https://t.co/YStf6rUcmu ↪
Denyse Dawe (@dee_dawe; 9/6): I put off learning #Rmarkdown due to worries about the time commitment. But WHOA! Best ROI of time invested for a useful new skill- you can go from zero to making serviceable reports in less than a few hours! 🤩 #Rstats https://t.co/gVVthrAGJq ↪
Nic Fox (@nicfoxds; 8/0): @fishnets88 I’ve seen a few people recommend doing it in RStudio with Bookdown https://t.co/4UGUhZgPJA ↪
Darío San Segundo Molina (@dario_ssm; 5/2): Esto me está resultando muy útil, sintético y aplicado para usar bayesiana con R en un metaanálisis (por si a alguien de por aquí le sirve también :)
https://t.co/uuvJK69rUK ↪
Felipe Ruiz (@felipe_ruizb; 5/0): @Vicky__eLePe He estado dedicado hartos años ya, a enseñar uso de RStudio para el área de las CCSS. Junto con hacer algunos cursos (haremos más en marzo/abril) tenemos publicado esto (un pelín desactualizado); pero con todos los materiales reproducibles en línea!
https://t.co/N2RhirScBw ↪
Amelia McNamara (@AmeliaMN; 4/2): @gjc11311 I am not much of a data.table person, but my first impulse is always to search https://t.co/17cksW6Clb. Looks like the only data.table resource there right now is https://t.co/FAgvQF2S3A but that’s a start! #rstats folks, know any other non-DC resources for #datatable? ↪
Matti Vuorre (@vuorre; 4/2): @tcarpenter216 @rstudio @ProjectJupyter You can use sql in a rmarkdown document https://t.co/yROa5zuqKK ↪
Hugo (@heyitsmehugo; 4/1): OK. I think the answer might be here: https://t.co/QiEYRrDPC1 ↪
Emil Hvitfeldt (@Emil_Hvitfeldt; 4/0): @fishnets88 bookdown https://t.co/2KrWZrJBqq or Quarto books if you like living on the cutting edge https://t.co/q5sSHenI4C.
It all depends on how much non-text you need to add.
I find that markdown documents can be copied into Grammarly, checked, then copy back works good enough ↪
Isabella R. Ghement (@IsabellaGhement; 3/0): @ChelseaParlett Others have already provided valuable insights on this thread, so I just wanted to fill in some dots.
The book “Beyond Multiple Linear Regression” has a nice treatment of data explorations that could inform your formulation of a mixed effects model.
https://t.co/KusljNRliG ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 2/2): ¡#R para principiantes!
Libro web, en español, para aquellos que inician su recorrido en este hemoso lenguaje.
Gracias a Juan Bosco M por este aporte. Otros trabajos del autor en:
#data https://t.co/HTUAETUobT ↪
A. Jordan Nafa (@adamjnafa; 2/0): @arthur_alb1 @wdonald_1985 @bmwiernik @SolomonKurz @stephenjwild @f_g_zampieri @tjmahr @mjskay @load_dependent @paulbuerkner Syntactically it looks right, but meta-analysis is a bit outside my area of general knowledge (but there’s a great new comprehensive open source book on it here: https://t.co/9RFNSvJ27u). Your rhat diagnostics are a bit high, so I would up the number of iterations ↪
Mike LeGower (@mlegower; 2/0): @KaiGehring1 @PHuenermund @causalinf I would highly recommend switching to an RMarkdown/bookdown workflow, but I don’t have recommendations for tables in particular. I have used kable, but I haven’t had to do any complicated model summaries. ↪
Ben Hanowell (@BenHanowell; 2/0): @djpard1s #rstats #bookdown plus @github pages plus Travis CI ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/3): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): Bookdown:: word_document2 knits outdated word document #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/2OOKMY1RBp ↪
Dr. Ryan Straight (virtually) (@RyanStraight; 1/2): 🤔 Any advice for getting DiagrammeR Gantt chart axisFormat to work in a #bookdown #Rmarkdown file? The chart prints fine but I can’t seem to get axisFormat to work, and I can’t seem to pass milestones or crit arguments. #rstats #dataviz ↪
Riccardo Fusaroli (@fusaroli; 1/1): Has anybody used bookdown to organize their lecture notes as the course progresses (to minimize next year’s work) and has tips to share? 1/ @CarcassiFausto ↪
Kohei Kawaguchi-Sunada (@mixingale; 1/1): @uncorrelated style.cssに
font-family: Yu Mincho Regular;
font-family: Yu Mincho Regular;
css: style.css
でいけました。 ↪
Lisa Hopcroft (@LisaHopcroft; 1/0): So much useful! 🤯 9.6 Custom blocks (*) | R Markdown Cookbook https://t.co/BuNZtXhIyz #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
The Data Digest (@DigestData; 1/0): @ysadelacroix @rstatstweet Errors can be really annoying in R, sometimes putting the error into google gets you a good solution from stackoverflow. If you have the time and want to get a good basic understanding of R I recommend: https://t.co/4GFwIORB3q ↪
The Data Digest (@DigestData; 1/0): @ysadelacroix @rstatstweet Maybe this free hands-on guide is more helpful?
With which code, or concepts do you struggle with the most? If I understand where “way back” is, I can give you some more directions. ↪
Claverol (@jonmelon45; 1/0): @fishnets88 Rstudio does an amazing job on this task! You can use bookdown to create great html books only using markdown (and you can run python and r at the same time ;) ) ↪
Louis Aslett (@louisaslett; 1/0): @ucfagls Maybe not relevant: I dev’d less slick version of this for easy deploy/maintain and scale up/down for embedding in {bookdown}/{rmarkdown}. Example use: https://t.co/qNKRRISqKJ 4 lines to deploy on std Digital Ocean VM, repo is here: https://t.co/1HW16GJiKb Beta so few docs atm ↪
Peyman Kor (@peyman_kor; 1/0): @isaac_flath @jeremyphoward I think it has richer toolkit and flexibility. You can write book/ thesis (bookdown pkg), there are many scientific paper templates ( rticles pkg), at the end present you work with (xaringan pkg). As Phd student, can not imagine my life without them😊 ↪
Alexander Wuttke (@Kunkakom; 1/0): @ccpaquet https://t.co/2RgrkG8jGo ↪
Asher Berkowitz (@BerkowitzAsher; 1/0): @watling_samuel I don’t know if it’s detailed enough https://t.co/K5rgaoAIur ↪
Jisca Huisman (@HuismanJisca; 1/0): @EdIvimeyCook @joel_l_pick Not a shiny pkg, but rmarkdown::render(“MyDocument.Rmd”, params = “ask”) blew my mind when I first found out. The power of rmd & shiny combined!
If you come across any pkgs that expand upon that in your quest, could you please let me know? 😇
https://t.co/Wf73H7zADP ↪
Kohei Kawaguchi-Sunada (@mixingale; 0/2): WindowsのRStudioで日本語でbookdownプロジェクトを回すとき、render_bookでRStudioのViewerに表示されるhtmlの日本語フォントを変えるにはどうすればよいのか。いまなんか汚いフォントが出ている。 ↪
Eric Juskewitz (@EJuskewitz; 0/2): Any experienced #bookdown users out here? #rstats https://t.co/ki9tRZgRcf ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Bookdown: in chapter bibliogrpahy refernces with nocite in gitbook output #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/1Vs1GCUsza ↪
Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 23/1): 5/10 ✨Work deliverables - PDFs with readable tables spanning page breaks https://t.co/xzceq8eGaM ↪
Marc L Seal (@ParkvilleGeek; 7/1): “With a little bit of LaTeX and fairy dust 🧙, report ready PDF tables are possible. 🥂”
PIPING HOT DATA: Report Ready PDF tables with rmarkdown, knitr, kableExtra, and LaTeX https://t.co/YcYl9hrw5y ↪
˗ˏˋ Hedvig ˊˎ˗ (@Laserhedvig; 7/0): making a nexus file in R (also knitr and glue pkgs) - Nexus is a file format used for various software, particularly in bioinformatics. It is for example used by MrBayes, SplitsTree and more. Truth be told, it’s a bit of a higgledy-piggledy… https://t.co/Np2P3xHhsK ↪
Susannah Cowtan (@SuusJC; 6/3): Dynamic chunk headers for the win. All my EDA plots saved in one go, with the species names in the filenames. I love knitr::knit_expand(), even if it is a wee bit more complicated in RMarkdown than it was in .Rnw files. #rstats #rmarkdown ↪
Berkeley Statistics (@UCBStatistics; 5/4): The Statistical Computing Facility has updated its tutorial on dynamic/reproducible documents: https://t.co/dEOOboCtzT. Take a look for a compact overview of using R Markdown, knitr/LaTeX, and Jupyter notebooks to create documents with runnable code chunks. #RStats ↪
Matthew Grainger (@Ed_pheasant; 4/0): @heyitsmehugo @rstats4ds Like this? {r ref.label=knitr::all_labels(), echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} ↪
Naoki Maejima (@naoki_maejima; 3/0): rmarkdown上で複数のチャンクをforループで作りたいときは{pander}が便利すぎる
https://t.co/Tfxo848Dgp ↪
Shahryar Eivazzadeh (@shahryareiv; 2/0): @Chaay @faatakb در R با Knitr میتوان متن آمیخته به برنامه درست کرد. زبان متن هم چیزهای گوناگونی هست از جمله latex. با این همه در بیشتر موارد منطقی اینه که از یک build system استفاده کرد (مثل make) که اتومات فایلهای مختلف را پردازش کنه و آخر در فولدر خاص (مثلا overleaf dropbox sync) بیاندازه. ↪
einian85 (@einian85; 2/0): @RM15393278 خوبه اینو ببینید: https://t.co/rZbVAtemLP ↪
FLG Art I VNCNT | Fossils Bestiary (@FLG_Art; 2/0): @0xCryptoSheik @degenpoet Good you didin’t see the first one 😅 as it was knitr output 🙈 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/1): New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qF0WLR88Cu ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/1): One Little Thing: Spin a Child Script via knitr::spin_child() #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/YXYhZkkinY ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/1): News from knitr v1.35 to v1.37: Alternative Syntax for Chunk Options, and Some New Engines #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/ursnsjUvCh ↪
Daniela Schmidt (@_danielaschmidt; 1/0): You must have RMarkdown installed. Create an RMarkdown file. The output should be a word_document [1]. Insert the data [2]. knitr does the magic [3]. (3) https://t.co/dW0kHL20bI ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): One Little Thing: knitr::combine_words() #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/wvdRVeoWUv ↪
R-Ladies Urmia (@RLadiesUrmia; 15/5): This morning, We had an amazing event about Rmarkdown. We heard about “tinytex” package. Have you heard about Visual markdown? It is a very easy and wonderful way to use #Rmarkdown #rstats #rladiesUrmia #rladiesIran
https://t.co/HQd2bzAzgI https://t.co/V3SO5ckA8S ↪
Amelia McNamara (@AmeliaMN; 3/0): @MineDogucu Used to be HTML, but now that I’ve switched to @gradescope I make them do PDF. The pain of LaTeX install (even with tinytex) at the beginning of the semester is balanced out by how smooth it is to give feedback all semester. ↪
Grayson White (@graysonwwhite; 3/0): @calebstanford4 @duetosymmetry A great way to run TeX without using all that space is @xieyihui’s tinytex (https://t.co/aPnKXYPaKb). It is < 100mb. ↪
Dr Ajay Koli (@ajay_kolii; 952/182): 😀 I’m very happy to share #RStats slides (~240) from my course “R For Beginners”.
It includes five modules - basics of R, Rmd docs, viz, dplyr, & xaringan. The beautiful CSS slide style is adapted from the work of @apreshill. Please give ur feedback
🔗 https://t.co/oPXfmhsY6N ↪
Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 199/33): How to create PowerPoint slides directly from #rstats with R Markdown in RStudio. Plus: interactive HTML slides with {xaringan} #rstudio #DoMoreWithR
Article: https://t.co/HHfxuFfKek
Video: https://t.co/kxOczgO1ww https://t.co/TiZCua0adq ↪
Lewend Mayiwar (@LewendM; 8/2): Want to create slides in R? I finally gave it a go. Here are my (very) amateur slides and excellent resources that helped me (resources in🧵👇). My slides: https://t.co/l89iRz6cA1. I used @xieyihui’s #xaringan package and deployed them via Github and Netlify. ↪
Rami Krispin (@Rami_Krispin; 8/1): The course covers the following topics:
✅ Basics of R & RStudio
✅ Dynamic Documents using R Markdown
✅ Data Visualisation using ggplot2
✅ Data Wrangling using dplyr
✅ Slide Crafting using xaringan ↪
Ted Laderas, PhD 🏳️🌈 (@tladeras; 5/0): @ucfagls @richardjtelford I’ve had good luck embedding video in learnr tutorials using {vembedr} and embed the xaringan slides ↪
Silvia Canelón (@spcanelon; 4/2): @ucfagls If the tutorials are hosted online (eg shiny apps) maybe you’d like the idea of embedding them into xaringan slides https://t.co/YZYgwkocae
Alternatively, you could deliver the tutorials in a pkg https://t.co/27z9sdITuL like they did with the DoSS Toolkit https://t.co/F3bJoEdzQ4 ↪
Prof. Dr. Lars Hinrichs (@larshinrichs1; 3/4): I was asked if #learnr apps can work inside of #xaringan. Yes, they can, here is an example from my current class. #rstats https://t.co/FEPciHphI6 ↪
Lewend Mayiwar (@LewendM; 2/0): Share your slides with descriptive metadata and social media card (see blogpost by @grrrck:https://t.co/x6AGdeAOQx)
💡If social media card does not display, try reducing the size of the image. (tip from @spcanelon: https://t.co/CLwXYO5w7T). ↪
Lewend Mayiwar (@LewendM; 2/0): Create slides with the {xaringan} package: e.g., https://t.co/RMlXRZEBzJ (@apreshill ) and https://t.co/zROVwNRpZI (@spcanelon) ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/0): The Implementation of
yolo = TRUE
in xaringan via yolofy() #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/R108K5mQdm ↪
Nithin .M (@nithinnithu_m; 1/0): @felipe_mattioni @vishal_katti Will this work with xaringan?? ↪
Michael Flynn (@flynnpolsci; 1/0): As a big fan of xaringan, I’m excited to incorporated xaringanExtra into the workflow. The ability to scribble on slides alone is fantastic, but adding editable slides will also be great for in-class exercises.
https://t.co/HBP80EQKwI ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Accidentally Pressing ’m’ on xaringan Slides #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/D9ccPjnyHt ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Self-contained xaringan Slides #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/MGH8Ay6dcE ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Can I print tibbles with xaringan so they look like the RStudio console #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/eSC7vHx9Fe ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Fonts when using pagedown::chrome_print in xaringan #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/huFKMg3kdp ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 4/4): Some of My JS Tricks to Enhance the HTML Output of Markdown #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/553Pbr4Rlc ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 2/2): From RTFM to ITFM (Improve The Fine Manual) #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/s2i6FXY171 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 2/1): On TIOBE Index #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/MVzD1bq9Rz ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 2/0): Let Your Markdown Breathe! #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/J89ONo0QiX ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/7): Okay, it is Time to Try Pandoc 2.x Now #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/KCi9wcNUQ8 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/3): The Two Surprisingly Hard Things about the Otherwise Simple Markdown #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/YCojt3WYks ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/3): Isn’t Medium an Obviously Terrible Platform for Blogging? #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/atZGQZC64K ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/2): Serving a Website or Shiny App at #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/76gZIJVO8R ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/2): Things are Getting Better and Better #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/ytWgwvQtBF ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/2): On Cosmetic Changes in Pull Requests #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/bMyywpvlxr ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/2): Naming Software Packages with Common Words #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/Dn4wfrRsCD ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/1): Reflections on 25+ Years of “50 Years of Data Science” #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qnm9Wnarpt ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/0): Full-width Figures with Two Lines of CSS #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/hPviuD76eE ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/0): Simulating the OLS Consistency When X and ε are Dependent #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/0AFXhQkb0M ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/4): The Best Experience in Remote Talks that I Have Given #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/J0ncdV64ow ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/4): On a Clear Night #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/oiYn1w8IN9 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/3): HTML Widgets for Non-HTML Output Formats #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/CvgN4Je4qS ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/3): Winners Take All in the Dependency World (or Hell) #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/Mt2TGNUtL4 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/3): August 12, 1991 Review of S-PLUS Statistical Software #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/rwDfFjBFjc ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Timezones, and Worse, Daylight Saving Time #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/WfHKvLAWWv ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): On “Quick Questions” #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/ajjR7FaTmE ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Once in a Blue Moon, I Reached “Issue Zero” in a Github Repo #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/NfY6g3rRhd ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): The Best Way to Support LaTeX Math in Markdown with MathJax #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/RCJljZPdNK ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Back from rstudio::conf 2019 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/O9E5Yzvc68 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Back from rstudio::conf(2020) #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/9YxSJQKuCI ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Quick Notes on Some rstudio::conf(2020) Talks after I Watched the Videos #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/eR0vcSKXrU ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Let MiKTeX Install Missing LaTeX Packages Automatically #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/hfgRJgp2PO ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): The Trouble of .Rprofile if it Doesn’t Have a Trailing Newline #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qRMcXIKS2O ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): On Cache Invalidation #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/VY5cJhUZ4l ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): A CRANextra Repository for Homebrew and R Users on macOS #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/PBefwN5ypM ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Yue Jiang: A Ninja with Sharingan #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/MJzz0atzVh ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Do You Have to Use FontAwesome or Other Libraries for Web Symbols? #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/Orodbm64OC ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): No Description, Website, or Topics Provided #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/UC4bCvys34 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): The “Invisible Baby” Metaphor #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/07WBhSJLoQ ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Quietly Struggling (with Software) #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/FyT3hWSEBS ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): In HTML and the Web I Trust #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/Sq47ouUGSr ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Two of My Use Cases of Lazy Evaluation #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qY1AJHAuUe ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Impact: Depth or Breadth? #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/OLn3RXHa21 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): The First Notebook War #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/m8iHq2mRXR ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): A Follow-Up Post on My Early Career Crisis Post (Finally) #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/putqwJoOO7 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Rmd Files will No Longer be Rendered as Markdown on Github #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/0ErP0sUC9v ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): English is Still Hard for Me, and Thoughts on (Computer) Language Wars #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/ejIx33Y3Jw ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Two Roads Diverged in a Wood; Take One without Blocking the Other #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/ETmscW6jc1 ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): On Marketing (on Social Media) #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/vHnUNY3D5H ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Romain Lesur: The Most Wonderful Collaborator I Have Ever Worked With #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/XxWuNOf6CP ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Down? Not My Fault… #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/ZgXlOWXWhu ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): My First Uncoast Unconference in 2019 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/l0e1gvPa9l ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): A List of Mistakes that I Have Made in My Software Engineering Career #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/KAoLhIImVz ↪
Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): crandalf: Use Github Actions to Check Reverse Dependencies of an R Package #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/rA44J1USDl ↪