Teaching linear regression this semester? Check out this Shiny app: https://t.co/mIKXgG3XwM My students did such a great job at “eyeball regression” I had to edit the code to add more noise to the data! 👀📈🤯 #rstats #rShiny https://t.co/d1lnrmCGE1



Sophie Hill (@sophie_e_hill; 335/57): Teaching linear regression this semester? Check out this Shiny app: https://t.co/mIKXgG3XwM

My students did such a great job at “eyeball regression” I had to edit the code to add more noise to the data! 👀📈🤯 #rstats #rShiny https://t.co/d1lnrmCGE1

Alier Reng (@tongakuot; 288/45): Fellow R users, did you know you can use the new dplyr across within the group by function?
Well, if you didn’t, here’s an example from @mdancho84 ’s course practice.

#rstats #DataScience https://t.co/zKuEk9aSRC

Helen Yu (@YuHelenYu; 156/131): 9 Machine Learning Algorithm and Use Cases
#AI #DataSecurity #dataScientist #SQL #quantum #DataAnalytics #Python #Rstats #Reactjs #IIoT #ML #flutter #javascript #TensorFlow #BigData #CloudComputing #coding #100DaysOfCode #PyTorch #R #WomenInSTEM #programming #MachineLearning https://t.co/0leltorkpH

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 154/89): 800 Free #ComputerScience Classes You Can Take Right Now. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/96997SoKJW https://t.co/B4rbgmW50Z

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 145/128): Free eBooks: #DataScience On LinkedIn. #BigData #Analytics #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Books #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/h0Ui7LKpxI https://t.co/XvRmi3RVz4

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 142/115): Basic Linux Commands! #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/Uon9l9deqp https://t.co/dDN6wjwWPd

Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 136/125): #Infographic:Here are the top 6 #Python libraries for #MachineLearning!#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientists #Linux #Coding #100DaysofCode #programming #NLP #SQL #flutter https://t.co/tN1lefi1T1

Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 110/92): Windows PowerShell Commands Cheat Sheet https://t.co/OxX9x8SPuv
#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientists #Linux #Coding #100DaysofCode #programming #NLP #SQL #flutter #AWS https://t.co/47tYprcKXP

Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 103/98): Free Data Science #Books That Every Beginner Must Read. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/gziQQ3fGe8 https://t.co/zBqz1X3fIy


Fonti Kar (@fonti_kar; 59/13): Pretty proud to be part of this project - we migrated a WP site to Hugo w/ blogdown! Lots of coding + stats tutorials to get you on your feet! https://t.co/TRXmzC8lUZ Thank you to all contributors for making such a helpful resource! @AlistairPoore @will_cornwell @adaptive_plant https://t.co/5pftakxDXI

R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 14/7): Announcing blogdown v1.0 {https://t.co/7OtRgsptnu} #rstats #DataScience

David Schoch (@schochastics; 14/4): After weeks of fiddling, I finally made the transition from Hugo Academics to Hugo Apéro for my personal #blogdown page. As a bonus, I added/updated tons of open source material for #rstats. Some highlights in🧵 (1/4)

Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 4/3): Set your YAML header so that the tags of your #blogdown posts are automatically just the packages called in the Rmd…

tags: ["r funspotr::spot_tags()"]

https://t.co/Z25yz8wEPy #rstats #hugo https://t.co/squegeKC3I https://t.co/CPrElXNxZz

Nan Xiao 肖楠 (@nanxstats; 3/2): A simple link checker for Hugo and blogdown websites #rstats #gohugo #blogdown https://t.co/7kbodwDzaR

Will Cornwell (@will_cornwell; 3/0): @fonti_kar @AlistairPoore @adaptive_plant hugo + blogdown = massively faster and easier to use. thanks for all the work @fonti_kar !

🕊quest - (@itshealthcrime; 2/0): @Frankipanki @SHomburg „BlogDown“

Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 1/1): blogdown::new_site()




Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/0): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgChTfK

Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 1/0): Thanks a ton to @xieyihui for getting this working and for his patience in going back-and-forth with me! Note funspotr::add_tags() currently only works as intended with the development version of blogdown (1.9): https://t.co/wnIndCbZeB

Kerry Shea, PhD (@operantbaby; 1/0): Do you use #blogdown or #Hugo for your webpage? Can you share your site? I’m trying to find ideas for making a local community page.
.@apreshill have you across anything like a league page (standings, schedules, events, etc?) https://t.co/XBC9vxNmCi

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgC0hRa

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgChTfK

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgChTfK

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgChTfK

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Announcing blogdown v1.0 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/aUCPgChTfK

Thomas Lieb (@thomasrieben; 0/1): #blogging and #dataprivacy? May sound boring, but it’s important. So, why not write a blog post about it: https://t.co/8fUB2zjwWf

#rstats #blogdown @GoHugoIO


yaniv brandvain (@yanivbrandvain; 107/19): Made it through the first section of my applied biostats course – focusses on collecting data, doing stuff in R the tidyverse way, and sampling

github: https://t.co/fHAPy5EcZo
Book https://t.co/XYmG6imSdh

next up: prob theory and hypothesis testing

Rosana Ferrero (@RosanaFerrero; 52/15): ¿Cómo evaluar gráficamente la validez de los supuestos del modelo lineal?
💡identificar la causa del fallo en los supuestos es clave para tratar de encontrar una solución
#model #DataScience #DataAnalytics #Statistics #dataviz #DataVisualization #RStats https://t.co/VjfngXgcFd

Phil McAleer (@McAleerP; 44/2): @dgweissman @HirstRj We share our stuff openly using GitHub and rstats/bookdown (https://t.co/wu64mKzE6S) but you should also check out @FORRTproject and @OSKB_COS which are superb repositories for open scholarship and teaching materials.

JB Duck-Mayr (@jb_duckmayr; 25/0): It really is amazing how much easier reproducible research is becoming with awesome tools like R Markdown and the bookdown extension (@xieyihui) as well as R packages like modelsummary (@VincentAB) that automate model summary tables and plots

Claudio Daniel Pacheco-Castro (@claudiodanielpc; 19/6): Es lunes de aprender.
Fui a buscar cobre y encontré oro.
Nuevamente, el Mtro. @jmtoralc compartió una joyita en la red social profesional y yo se los traigo al Tuita🙃.
Bookdown almacena una gran cantidad de libros relacionados con ciencia de datos:

The Social Science Sofa (@soc_sci_sofa; 12/0): @SchutzAustin If you like R4DS and the tidyverse approach to analysis, this one might be useful. It also has a chapter on additional resources for data visualisation and how to connect to the community at the end. 😉


Bjørn Peare Bartholdy (@OsteoBjorn; 6/0): The cover art was done by @petrathepostdoc , and it’s awesome!

Thanks also to the tutorial by @Emil_Hvitfeldt https://t.co/6PC6jWnhrp

And available source code for bookdown projects like R for Data Science and the R Markdown Cookbook. @hadleywickham @xieyihui

Bjørn Peare Bartholdy (@OsteoBjorn; 4/2): I am writing it with the #rstats package {bookdown},

And deploying it using @github and @Netlify .

The source code is available here: https://t.co/JN2NZwsfvU

#OpenScience #AcademicChatter @OpenAcademics

Tito Eliatron (@eliatron; 4/0): En Estadística básica edulcorada (https://t.co/PdXKD1OPhJ) de Alejandro Quintela del Río, puedes seguir un curso sencillo de estadística. Incluye ejemplos curiosos y notas históricas. La sección sobre el Teorema de Bayes es especialmente curiosa y verdaderamente reveladora.

Tan (@_TanHo; 4/0): At some point in the future I’d like to fully flesh out examples for every path on this flowchart, I know I’ve got a good chunk of it already done in that repository. Maybe expand it to a small bookdown? not sure!

Paul C. Bauer (@p_c_bauer; 3/4): Just in: A short review of the Github API by
@_knrd. Includes references to social science examples. https://t.co/Kq5SraXE8E #RStats https://t.co/j8fxLYFLhp

Kent Holsinger (@keholsinger; 3/0): I wish Bookdown had been available 25 years ago when I started building my population genetics notes https://t.co/X8ONebVFFJ https://t.co/whu0mxw6OG

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 2/2): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg

M ∘ Konrad (@_knrd; 2/2): Added another chapter to the “APIs for Social Scientists” online book. This one is about using the GitHub API: https://t.co/jhtJXruP6g Thanks to @p_c_bauer & @c_landesvatter for starting this great book project and for editing! #Rstats #APIs #GitHub

はたむ (@gg_hatano; 2/0): Python医療データ分析本をRでやる https://t.co/WGy2250Dcc #rmarkdown #bookdown

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/2): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): leaflet third party base map providers produces errors in bookdown bs4 #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Zi3TRmqA9N

1일1면 (@onedayonenoodle; 1/0): bookdown으로 집필 중인 책, 처음으로 전문 pdf 빌드에 성공했다. bibtex이 여전히 말썽이라 일본어 레퍼런스 스타일이 엉망이긴 한데 이 부분만 어찌어찌 코드 수정하면 될듯. 현재 630페이지에 앞으로 100-150페이지인데 도표 사이즈 조정하고 몇몇 날리면 600내외도 가능할 것 같다.

tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 1/0): @yoniceedee that makes sense. i guess i went with bookdown because of how easy it was to get started. but all bookdown does now is compile all the mds together and call pandoc for me.

Hamdullah Tunç (@h_tunch; 1/0): Örneklemimizin boyutunu arttırdığımızda, standart hata giderek küçülür ve aldığımız örneklemin ortalaması popülasyonun gerçek ortalamasına gittikçe yaklaşır.
Bunu değişimi gösteren bir grafik (popülasyonun gerçek ortalaması 10 olarak alınmıştır):

Kaynak: https://t.co/11UiJj3SKL https://t.co/Wva1tv5edf

Yoshihiko Kunisato/国里愛彦 (@KunisatoY; 1/0): ゼミ論集はbookdownを使います。そのフォルダに各ゼミ生の"tmp_ファイル名.Rmd"をいれて,見出しの変更(シャープの追加)とパスの修正(データや画像ファイルへのパスが変わるので)をささっとすれば,ゼミ論集がPDFで出力されます。ゼミ論集の作成作業がすごく簡単になりました。

Phil Wilmarth (@pwilmarth; 1/0): @SchutzAustin If you like books as opposed to online tutorials and videos, check out https://t.co/fAIgB8k3Rr. I recommend “R for Data Science” and “Data Visualization” as good starting books. All the book here are good and will fuel your R journey.

Warningshot (@Warreningshot; 1/0): @TaraMRutter @statstwitbot https://t.co/6K8TU8wAeN

This might help you some

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/3): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/3): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to set page break before each chapter in bookdown project? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/PXbTY5BfFZ

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/1): Announcing bookdown v0.23 #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/z2Q1AcbIzg

Eduardo Braz (@eedubrazz; 0/1): Interpretable Machine Learning https://t.co/WZtNBqPlgb #rmarkdown #bookdown

Material bem organizado para interpretação dos métodos mais populares de ML


kaelen medeiros (@kaelen_medeiros; 9/0): “i’ll just let knitr find my code mistakes in this rmarkdown document!!!!!” is a horrible idea i have every time i build an rmarkdown document 🙃

Fully vaccinated slut #ACAB #blacklivesmatter (@scootypuffrider; 5/0): @Blackbunnyfibrz @BitchyKnitter It’s probably some silicon valley trendy cutesy name missing a vowel or two… like KNTTR or KNITR

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/1): New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qF0WLR88Cu

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 1/0): New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qF0WLR88Cu

Eric K (@EricLeeKrantz; 1/0): @NorthPoleAnna I have to do weekly/monthly/periodic data updates for my clients. Rmarkdown and knitr save me so much time.

Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 1/0): If using knitr::purl() within an Rmd document or something that is itself going to be knitted, you may want to wrap it in callr::r() so that you don’t get “chunk label name” conflicts.

https://t.co/GjI5DUgToK https://t.co/sHBCLHT3cO

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/3): New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qF0WLR88Cu

Bharat (@NadarSenpai; 0/2): New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text #Analytics #DataScience #AI #ML #RStats #Python #coding #DataAnalytics https://t.co/qF0WLR8Gs2


Fabio Votta📊🦉 (@favstats; 147/15): Gave a short and fun presentation about multilevel modeling in #rstats for my PhDs at @UvA_ASCoR today :)

If you fancy a meme and gif-ridden presentation in {xaringan} about multilevel modeling, check it out:

https://t.co/DmboonUp2E https://t.co/kHjXduLUXp

magdalena bennett (@maibennett; 39/0): My (not-so) hot take of the day: The time you need to invest to make Beamer slides pretty >> The time you need to invest to learn how to use Rmarkdown (+ Xaringan).

Monica Alexander (@monjalexander; 23/0): 1990s: wastes time choosing perfect WordArt style for my essay title

2020s: wastes time choosing perfect base color for my xaringan slides

Guillaume Coqueret (@g_coqueret; 3/2): #rstats question: how can I include executable code in slides? (to make the presentation more interactive). The only way I know is via learnr, but that’s a bit heavy (requires shiny). Any option in xaringan, @xieyihui ?

magdalena bennett (@maibennett; 2/2): I want to put two authors with their respective affiliation centered underneath them in my #Xaringan title slide, and I just made it with a ridiculous number of  . It works, but it’s embarrassing. There’s obviously a better way without switching templates, no? #rstats

Giovanni Pavolini (@gpavolini; 1/1): @DataTrashPanda @rstudio you may want to see some of the snippets I use in lieu of Rmarkdown templates for both documents and xaringan presentations:


Mike LeGower (@mlegower; 1/0): @maibennett yesyesyesyesyesyesyes
I just discovered xaringan and am re-doing all my lecture notes in it. It’s waaaaaay better than straight LaTeX/beamer. And having the ability to embed code and do CSS tweaks is great.

Ella Kaye (@ellamkaye; 1/0): @monjalexander Choosing a perfect base colour for xaringan slides doesn’t sound like a waste of time to me