Free_AI_Books_Available (@Free_AI_Books; 179/75): Free Book is Available.
#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/oC8oSxB6S7 ↪
د. خلود صالح المانع | Dr. Khulood Almani #MWC22 (@Khulood_Almani; 174/153): 🎯What are the🔟types of #innovation?
#Technology #AI #Robot #Digital #IoT #DataScience #BigData #Flutter #100DaysOfCode #coding #python #javascript #MachineLearning #Fintech #business #investing #Marketing #RStats #ReactJS #programming #Linux #Nodejs #Serverless https://t.co/wPL0x8b4ha ↪
د. خلود صالح المانع | Dr. Khulood Almani #MWC22 (@Khulood_Almani; 123/109): ⚡️What is a #Data Lake❓
#DataScience #BigData #DataScientists #Linux #Coding #Digital #technology #innovation #IoT #Flutter #javascript #100DaysOfCode #coding #python #Robot #Womenintech #Robotic #Marketing #RStats #ReactJS #programming #Linux #Nodejs #Serverless https://t.co/dK6MZiwmaI ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 12/4): Hosting a blogdown blog on github pages {https://t.co/F92pDgtoJg} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Ali Guner (@AliGunerMD; 6/0): goodbye to WordPress,
hello to #blogdown.finally I carried my personal website to new home 🏡.
with several improvements.https://t.co/ggVGoA4GjB ↪
R-bloggers (@Rbloggers; 5/2): Creating your own short URLs with blogdown {https://t.co/7ibTMLrDLx} #rstats #DataScience ↪
Karat Sidhu (@karat_sidhu; 5/2): As part of my #100DaysOfCode I built a webpage to act as a personal website/portfolio page using R and Blogdown. It uses the Hugo Apero theme developed by @apreshill . Visit https://t.co/FiDxVTY4XU to check it out. ↪
Gianluca Baio (@gianlubaio; 4/0): @patrickCDEmath If you can do R, you can try blogdown, which wraps hugo to create static websites, which, IMO, are awesome. Google blogdown and you’ll find millions of examples (including my own) ↪
Emilio L. Cano (@emilopezcano; 2/0): Hay un tutorial de {blogdown} 📦 que puede estará bien, a pesar del instructor 😉 https://t.co/QWxNOjalT5 ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/2): CRAN updates: blogdown gwavr LUCIDus scCAN #rstats ↪
Justin C Yang (@JustinCYang; 1/0): @drnursenick I gotchu! Code is here, and you just need to pop in your Google Scholar ID (and maybe a little more here and there). https://t.co/q1htEOCwbG Visualise that network! 👑 ↪
Max Fourman (@MaxFourman; 0/1): Made a simple website using the blogdown R package, the Hugo Apéro theme , GitHub for version control and Netlify for publishing! Thanks @apreshill for the excellent theme and instructions.
https://t.co/lwvxdVhYE9 ↪
Alberto Acerbi (@acerbialberto; 207/61): Just updated the html/bookdown of our (w/ @amesoudi @smollamarco) “Individual-based model of cultural evolution” with the version the will be published by Routledge (in a couple of months?). It will remain free.
Enjoy cultural evolution modelling!
https://t.co/ij30xxcrux https://t.co/QhigxT8dhA ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 38/6): I’m so excited to start the #30DayChartChallenge! I’m going to organise my charts using the #psyTeachR bookdown template and post updates in this thread.
https://t.co/lW7jMwqZvM ↪
Thiago Gonçalves-Souza (@thiagotoyoyo; 20/3): Vamos ajudar escolher a capa do nosso livro? Além de ser totalmente gratuito em formato ebook e bookdown, a capa quem escolhe são vocês! Ajudem e compartilhem ;) https://t.co/0FVMi85Dl2 ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 16/1): Day 2 #30DayChartChallenge I used {waffle} and learned how to tweak the spacing in a legend. However, ggsave doesn’t play nice (the icons are all ?), while bookdown renders the icons, but adds a thin border to the panel.background and white edges.
https://t.co/F2Lfp9c1vj https://t.co/yZOdaTRMbE ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 14/1): @rasmusengholm xaringan is a package that lets R users create pretty slide decks in R markdown, which is cute from a nerdy point of view but really useful from a reproducibility standpoint. I’m writing a xaringan theme that folks at my company can use for our talks
https://t.co/g2oyV7oWqE ↪
Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 9/1): I haven’t used much bookdown myself, but this seems to be the most common question about @quarto_dev - anyone have resources to share? https://t.co/o6B3hRhA9l ↪
Marek Prokop (@MarekP; 8/0): Za týden ukážu na SEO Restartu klíčovku v R. Pokud o R zatím nic netušíte a chtěli byste to změnit, projděte si příručku Od Excelu k R: https://t.co/3LyCIRF2Tk
S tímto úvodem budete přednášce lépe rozumět a určitě ho využijete i na jiné věci než klíčovku. ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 7/3): R Markdown Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts
https://t.co/xJbfPQ92Ly#rmarkdown #rstats #bookdown @dataquestio @_casey_bates ↪
Alexandre Rubesam (@arubesam; 7/1): @Tb2Heavy There are so many resources available online. Some examples for beginners to learn R:
https://t.co/6RrdUrnCTy ↪
Lotte Hargrave (@LotteHargrave; 6/0): Current main source of procrastination: I finally put all of my PhD papers into bookdown and I can’t stop scrolling through the PDF ↪
Max Kuhn (@topepos; 5/0): @KellyBodwin @jaredlander @quarto_dev For books, I find it much better than bookdown esp how it only executes what it really needs to while you are developing new content.
The referencing is better too (I still love book down tho) ↪
藤田義明 (@YohiakiFujita; 5/0): @physicalHamHam 海外行かずとも、インターネット上に英語で書かれたIT系のウェブブックが沢山あるので、日本語の書籍と比較されたらいいかと思います
https://t.co/k5fAnelLgV#駆け出しエンジニアと繋がりたい ↪
Josh Erickson (@joshualerickson; 4/1): @PrachiBans14 @rstats4ds I really like this https://t.co/EY2CpwpZSS but honestly the package vignettes are hard to beat and find myself always going back. ↪
Christopher Barrie (@cbarrie; 4/0): @FrancescoBailo @chainsawriot @justin_ct_ho Will be really useful for teaching. This may also be of interest to you
https://t.co/ecnfDQD83B ↪
Hudson Golino (@GolinoHudson; 3/1): Twitter friends, any ways to write books in R/RStudio other than using bookdown? ↪
Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 3/0): @gas_liverpool possible resources - https://t.co/H6KiwJlEKF
https://t.co/icIOiAK7l0 ↪
Jared Lander (@jaredlander; 3/0): @topepos @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev Any examples? I put A LOT of work into getting bookdown ready for my third edition so making a switch would need very big upsides. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 2/2): bookdown evolution in response to quarto #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/9NO18SWxCb ↪
𝙳𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚍 𝚁𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚒𝚗 (@GivingTools; 2/2): #rstats I think I’ll switch to Quarto. It seems it can do all Bookdown can do & more, with better support.
- Anyone know tools/templates for converting projects from Rmd/Bookdown to Quarto?
- Am I losing something from making the switch?
@xieyihui ↪
tipsder (@tipsder; 2/1): ¡Introduction to #R - tidyverse!
Libro para el uso de R a través del ecosistema #tidyverse. Un gran conjunto de librerías para la gestión de datos desde un enfoque de la ciencia de los datos.
#data https://t.co/SyJHO00fFV ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 2/0): TIL that if you set book_filename: “_main” in _bookdown.yml, plots are saved in _main_files/figure-html/, but this dir isn’t included in a github Pages website, so images break. The solution was to change “_main” to something without a leading underscore. ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 2/0): Here’s the exact same code from the bookdown version (above), but saved with ggsave. No white borders and all the icons are broken, but at least there’s no line around the panel. Any ideas? https://t.co/5LWnmcACbU ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 2/0): @LatexNoob That’s a good question. This scenario seems to be a complete @overleaf solution to include R code to generate dynamic output in LaTeX documents. The reverse works fine, as described here:
https://t.co/ogHWaOaDEP (1/2) ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 2/0): ひっさびさにRmdにPRしてる。マージされれば任意のHTMLドキュメントでコードフォールディングを使えるようにできる。それこそbookdown::git_bookなんかでもね。
https://t.co/afA8uuvZ0c ↪
Ed Hagen (@ed_hagen; 2/0): @matt_zefferman @AWRgenes I bookmarked this – don’t know if it’s any good:
https://t.co/Klspsoa57e ↪
Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 2/0): @rgaiacs @quarto_dev To be honest, I haven’t used much bookdown. I swapped from R Markdown primarily for the python support. ↪
Peter Higgins (@ibddoctor; 2/0): @PipingHotData How hard is it to migrate a bookdown project?
Can you still publish via the bookdown site?
Wondering if I should migrate this summer
@KellyBodwin ↪
BUVa Campus Delibes (@CampusMDelibes; 2/0): Cómo redactar un artículo científico en Ciencias Sociales, por Nicolás Robinson-Garcia https://t.co/siR5esRUw1 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 1/1): @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev R Markdown and bookdown is a great tool for #rstats users. Python support has improved over the years but requires the user to be careful with a few things. Did you try @ExecutableBooks ? ↪
Quarto (@quarto_pub; 1/0): @lasrubieras @ERDonnachie @rstats4ds @rstudio If your dissertation uses bookdown then yes, there is definitely some conversion required! Generally there is no conversion required for ordinary Rmds, but bookdown is a different story (tools for conversion are however on the way) ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @sharoz Ooh, ragg is the problem! If I set knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = “ragg_png”) for the bookdown, the bookdown plots that previously worked are garbled. ggsave now uses ragg by default, so I had to turn that off by setting device=png and now it works! ↪
Steve Haroz 📊👁️🧠 (@sharoz; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine Did you set bookdown to use ragg? That might help. ↪
The Data Digest (@DigestData; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine Wow, just wow! That bookdown idea is great and it looks really clean and amazing. Thanks for leaving in step by step explanations. That is a great source for learning. ↪
Alexandre Rubesam (@arubesam; 1/0): @guicane https://t.co/6RrdUrnCTy ↪
rai (@raissatac; 1/0): e vai ser em e-book ou bookdown!!!!
isso é precioso, caras 🥹🥺✨ https://t.co/66t21jQbwG ↪
Alex Gold (@alexkgold; 1/0): @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev Took me about an hour to migrate https://t.co/54wbeLaYu6. Prob another 1-2 for getting GitHub Actions to work.
Bookdown currently not supported, AFAIK. ↪
Joel Gombin (@joelgombin; 1/0): @dariolacan @BertrandMocquet @moreymat @Enroweb @EmilienSchultz Oui c’est le set up le plus courant. Je n’ai jamais testé ça cependant https://t.co/TNUHJxh5t6 ↪
Nate Breznau (@BreznauNate; 1/0): @xieyihui Thanks for… everything… In this case the bookdown template! ↪
Raniere Silva (@rgaiacs; 1/0): @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev What are the features that @quarto_dev have but bookdown does NOT have? ↪
Todd R. Johnson (@johnsontoddr4; 1/0): @NoahHaber Glad to see you point this out. I’m about to the point of just using R bookdown and https://t.co/zaTyIQvqkR to self publish. I’ve switched to R’s Xaringan for most new presentations involving data and computational models. ↪
Gon García-Castro (@gongcastro; 1/0): La distribución posterior (amarilla) resulta de aplicar el teorema de Bayes. Usamos el método en rejilla para hacerlo. Primero fijamos una serie de valores del espacio muestral de nuestro parámetro de interés ([0, 1]).
https://t.co/1qx5JB4IQd ↪
Johannes Gruber 🇪🇺 (@JohannesBGruber; 1/0): @GolinoHudson You can do that with R Markdown too 😊! https://t.co/pQEFfzavzL ↪
Johannes Gruber 🇪🇺 (@JohannesBGruber; 1/0): @GolinoHudson What do you mean? R Markdown is enough to write a book. Bookdown just adds a few convenience functions. You can also use R Sweave which is basically LaTeX . ↪
Hudson Golino (@GolinoHudson; 1/0): @JohannesBGruber Very awesome! It seems to be much more flexible than bookdown, since you can use Quarto with Python, Julia, etc, etc. ↪
Hudson Golino (@GolinoHudson; 1/0): @JohannesBGruber I know. But I was wondering if there are other packages, like bookdown, that is useful. For example, to write papers in the APA format, I like using the papaja package. ↪
Sientifiko (@sientifiko1; 1/0): @culturayevol @acerbialberto @evoluchico @amesoudi @smollamarco Es q es un bookdown, así q se mantiene actualizado en esa versión. Pero en el subtweet compartió el git
Podís forkear eso ↪
ICM Young Researchers (@icm_young; 1/0): #ICMYRTip
En https://t.co/2dx97jJuzi encontrareis libros de acceso libre sobre programación en R, análisis de datos, gráficas, estadística…
👇Seguro que alguno os sirve de ayuda.
https://t.co/uHXEJJo2kM ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How can I show affiliation in title page of bookdown pdf book while using authblk latex package? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/vartKB1DTb ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 13/6): Check out this tutorial to insert R code into your LaTeX document within your Overleaf project.
#overleaf #rstats #rmarkdown #texlatex #knitr ↪
Karina Bartolomé (@karbartolome; 13/1): knitr::purl(‘file.Rmd’) genera un ‘file.R’ que hasta incluye arriba de todo la lista de params si el .Rmd está parametrizado ↪
boB Rudis 🇺🇦 (@hrbrmstr; 5/0): This brings me back a few decades: https://t.co/iKtrlVrb6b
I’m thinking I can (likely) make a (simple) {knitr} or {quarto} engine for this thing (it only has super limited output capabilities, so how hard can it be? #famousLastWords) ↪
LatexNoob (@LatexNoob; 3/0): @rmarkdown This is incredible! Can’t wait to try.
is there a way to implement this on offline latex documents using a package of some kind? Or are we better off with knitR?
Thanks! ↪
Eric Leung (@erictleung; 2/3): i was trying to remember how to format and google for #RStats RMarkdown code block parameters that are comments, but still work
turns out, they’re called chunk options and work like this
#| my-chunk, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 10
```https://t.co/csG8bLzGdh ↪
Colin 🤘🌱🏃♀️ (@_ColinFay; 2/1): @znmeb @charliejhadley Yeah but knitr::include_graphic() is way more complicated than using pure HTML ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 2/0): @LatexNoob @overleaf I’m not aware of anything that works entirely without Knitr, i.e., through a LaTeX package. But I’d be curious if anyone found out more. (2/2) ↪
Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 1/1): IMHO: This is a game changer if executed correctly…..
My future looking view: Think the flexibility of knitr/Rmarkdown but easily understood by everyone looking to create report(s).
Input document with simple syntax -> multiple output formats with easy-to-configure themes. https://t.co/YwIQ9q9xwj ↪
boB Rudis 🇺🇦 (@hrbrmstr; 1/0): @JosiahParry @MuseumModernArt I am thinking of using one of the R chrome web page capture pkg thingys as part of a {knitr} back-end to render Rmds to this thing (at the appropriate width). ↪
Brady Johnston (@bradyajohnston; 1/0): @jrosell @rstats4ds @PhilippBayer You can use either knitr or jupyter as a backend, so the choice is yours! The interface remains Rmd-esque though. ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 1/0): Image sizes in an R markdown Document – via @jumping_uk
#rstats , #knitr , #graphics , #rbloggers , #resolution #rmarkdown ↪
Kelly Bodwin (@KellyBodwin; 1/0): @noamross @topepos @jaredlander @quarto_dev Interesting, I’m surprised that it doesn’t naturally support that given that the underlying engine is still knitr. ↪
AlgoCompSynth by znmeb (@znmeb; 1/0): @_ColinFay @charliejhadley The last time I did anything with images I used knitr to insert them - there are some formatting options on the code chunks. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Error when using knitr with renv with a Rmd file in a project subdirectory #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/SyXSu8WOCe ↪
CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 1/2): CRAN updates: distrom MALDIrppa qqconf tinytex #rstats ↪
Aleksandar Tomasevic (@atomasevic; 1/0): @GolinoHudson Yeah that sounds like some weird TeX issue, other formats are handled directly through pandoc. Post an issue in their github repository or replace tinytex with full tex live distro ↪
Aleksandar Tomasevic (@atomasevic; 1/0): @GolinoHudson What TeX distribution do you have? Use pdflatex –version in terminal. Documentation says package install will only work with tinytex or TeX Live. It looks like you have something else.
You can try running tlmgr in terminal and see if u have it, that’s what Quarto needs. ↪
Hudson Golino (@GolinoHudson; 1/0): @atomasevic I have tinytex and am using pdflatex and xelatex… The error is still showing up! ↪
Juliana Benitez (@July_Benitezs; 1/0): @dgreynoso @TuQmano @RLadiesBA @rstudio @rmarkdown A mí me estaba pasando algo parecido con el paquete vitae, y aunque intenté solucionar lo de ghostcript sin éxito, se solucionó cuando actualicé tinytex🤷♀️ ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 217/6): I love xaringan way too much https://t.co/tKs6DFo5iP ↪
John Paul Helveston (@JohnHelveston; 20/2): Exhibit D: xaringan-like revealjs slides
The demo has some impressive features:
https://t.co/5MU46dCo5U ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 19/1): @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev I admit I’m curious and want to learn, but I know so little about Quarto. How much of the R markdown ecosystem ports over naturally? (e.g., can I make xaringan-like slides that way, or is that not feasible right now?) ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 11/1): @JonTheGeek @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev @R4DScommunity Hm. Partially answering my own question, looks like you can do something very xaringan-like (i.e. Reveal.js slides) with Quarto. Nice!
https://t.co/f1fQjrmNrQ ↪
We are R-Ladies (@WeAreRLadies; 9/1): #Accesibilidad en R
- Dale prioridad a formatos que sean amigables con los lectores de pantalla. Rmarkdown y Xaringan son una gran alternativa, evita el uso de PDF. ↪
Danielle Navarro (@djnavarro; 7/0): @jaredlander @JonTheGeek @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev @R4DScommunity Huh. I confess I’d never noticed xaringan had speaker notes - it’s probably a consequence of too many years wasted as an academic but I’ve gotten used to a chaotic lifestyle where all my talks are given from the slides without notes 😁 ↪
Andy Field (@ProfAndyField; 7/0): @djnavarro This is sooooo much better than all the other xaringan themes - good work 👏(and please post code😁) ↪
Karina Bartolomé (@karbartolome; 4/0): todavía no terminé de entender algunas cosas de xaringan y ya necesito empezar a ver quatro presentations https://t.co/ys48EYqDE1 ↪
Jared Lander (@jaredlander; 4/0): @djnavarro @JonTheGeek @KellyBodwin @quarto_dev @R4DScommunity But reveal can’t do self contained slides with note slides while xaringan can. ↪
Karina Bartolomé (@karbartolome; 3/0): https://t.co/mr2HhbRKLs –> me parece muchísimo más simple que la opción de {xaringan}, con solo decirle las líneas a resaltar así:
```{.python code-line-numbers=“4,5,7,10”} ↪
Sofia Kirke Forslund (𒀭𒈹𒍠𒊩) (@inanna_nalytica; 2/0): @djnavarro Beautiful. Who came up with the name xaringan? ↪
Ella Kaye (@ellamkaye; 1/0): @quarto_dev @chrisderv Similarly, I’m loving Quarto presentations. Are they going to supersede {xaringan}? ↪
Dr. Phil Chodrow (@PhilChodrow; 1/0): @HaydeeLindo I’ve been a very happy user of the xaringan package through R, but I’m intrigued by the recent release of @quarto_dev. Supports simplified authoring of @revealjs slides, which have been suggested by several others. Customization might require playing with CSS. ↪
Aida آیدا (@AidaInMirror; 1/0): The majority of my early Ph.D. work is tedious and feels irrelevant, but then when I get to use Xaringan for a presentation 😍😍😍 ↪
Michael Flynn (@flynnpolsci; 1/0): Oh man, this is exactly what I wanted to see after converting all of my lectures to Xaringan. https://t.co/CZq59xIFA6 ↪
BHSci_, R & Graphical Art 🦄🇨🇦🌈 (@StarTrek_Lt; 1/0): @skulegirl all good, i use that theme whenever i made slides before i learned xaringan ↪
Ethan (@SEthanMilne; 1/0): This looks pretty promising :)
Not sure I’d switch from .Rmd quite yet, but if .qmd picks up and starts getting community support for less-technical people like me I think I’d really enjoy the slide format to replace my {xaringan} workflow. https://t.co/uMMmovPnQB ↪
Marie Manalili (siya/she/👉🏼) 💉😷 #LabanLeni2022 (@mariemarm; 1/0): @djnavarro oh is xaringan the slide background? I was about to ask if you designed it as it’s cool 🤭 ↪