Excited to see our paper "Data visualisation using R for researchers who don't use R" formally published in AMPPS today! Paper for downloading PDF: https://t.co/IwM85mus3I Bookdown for working through tutorial: https://t.co/MZ6nlM3cTC #rstats https://t.co/Yd1MkeB85t



Thiago Gonçalves-Souza (@thiagotoyoyo; 303100): É com grande alegria que anunciamos a publicação totalmente gratuita do nosso livro “Análises Ecológicas no R” junto à Nupeea! Agradecemos ao @ulyssesUpa e @TadSiqueira. Links: https://t.co/SfM2POKFx7 https://t.co/HqugOY8iEq https://t.co/hypwPeTXHJ #ecologiaR #rstats #rspatial

Maurício Vancine (@mauriciovancine; 29482): É com grande alegria que anunciamos a publicação totalmente gratuita do nosso livro “Análises Ecológicas no R” junto à Nupeea! Agradecemos ao @ulyssesUpa e @TadSiqueira. Links: https://t.co/MextXQwAsf https://t.co/LOLsh2zpGL https://t.co/vrlJ4kZge8 #ecologiaR #rstats #rspatial https://t.co/R1PpDVdnV7

Kate Chalmers (@kategchalmers; 28716): I prefer loops in #RStats because I found them easier as a beginner. I sometimes feel like I’m a minority/missing out on something by not using apply tho. What do other people use? Is it worth making the switch? #R #DataScience #coding

Shannon Pileggi (@PipingHotData; 24249): from the wonderful @xieyihui > “R Markdown is not going away. Rest assured that we will still actively maintain it.” #RStats > https://t.co/1VrvAVqfsa

Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 19133): Machine learning is great, until you have to explain it. > Don’t worry. This R package will save you. > https://t.co/SQ7paEVRMN > #rstats https://t.co/nZqCwvhpHL

KDnuggets (@kdnuggets; 18341): How to Execute SQL Queries in #Python and #RStats Tutorial https://t.co/ZQD9j5VEaX https://t.co/XTkBrEfoWo


R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 136): If you’re interested in how to create a blog using #Rstats, you may want to check out this free ebook by @xieyihui et al.: > “#blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown.” – via #bookdown > https://t.co/VVcwyFCJO8 https://t.co/gpscLvpyrC

Teal (@lteal; 31): Hey #Rstats fam:
> @quarto_pub looks awesome – I want to move my blogdown (wowchemy academic) website over to it. Any guides + tips on how to do that? > I’m digesting the great posts from @apreshill & @djnavarro that are getting me started.

Ziqian Xia (@Ziqian_Xia; 20): @nishuang @lxya0616 用yihui xie大神的blogdown也很好,速度很快,上手简单,维护稳定,开源无商业化。

Dan Vader (@RobotVicuna; 10): @ZFusfeld If you do a lot of stuff in R, making a site with blogdown is pretty easy. You can host it on github and deploy with github or netlify for free. https://t.co/HwtBSfFYuf

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to change website icon in R blogdown? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/oAqdPBxSmD

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Why is table numbering not working with blogdown::html_page, but working with bookdown::html_document2? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/hnL5yNgupK

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Problem index site on Google created with blogdown in R software? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/JUf4BJZmLe


Emily Nordmann (@emilynordmann; 2842711): Excited to see our paper “Data visualisation using R for researchers who don’t use R” formally published in AMPPS today! > Paper for downloading PDF: https://t.co/IwM85mus3I Bookdown for working through tutorial: https://t.co/MZ6nlM3cTC > #rstats https://t.co/Yd1MkeB85t

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 30265): Take a look! 👀 If you are interested in #dataanalysis, #dataviz, and modeling of geographic data in #rstats, you should check out “Geocomputation with R” by Robin Lovelace et al. It’s free 🙂 > https://t.co/kHpq6lCnSD > #rmarkdown #bookdown #geocompr #datascience #geocomputation https://t.co/2lmiHMfPrU

CiteDrive (@citedrive; 13128): If you’re interested in #dataanalysis, #dataviz, and modeling geographic data in #rstats, be sure to check out “Geocomputation with R” by Robin Lovelace et al. - it’s free 🙂 > https://t.co/gcmyrdiUIP > #rmarkdown #bookdown #geocompr #datascience #geocomputation #ggplot2 https://t.co/7EX87mPSZT

Gareth Bilaney (@GarethBilaney; 11723): You can read “R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition” by @winston_chang for free - a practical guide with more than 150 recipes to help you quickly create high-quality diagrams. > https://t.co/jFYfwDscyW > #rstats #bookdown #rmarkdown #dataviz @rmarkdown @citedrive https://t.co/YQot17EUhi

Diogo Proietti 🇮🇹🇪🇺 (@DiogoProvete; 332): Enquanto isso, o acesso ao conteúdo do livro já está disponível em formato bookdown https://t.co/m37YekEMIS. Outros links relevantes: https://t.co/GzNW5GXXTP (eBook - degustão ); https://t.co/eEBzzqcUi1 (site da editora - disponível a partir de 1305).

Mladen Jovanović (@Physical_Prep; 235): This is HUUUUGE for the (scientific) book writers, researchers, and everyone else looking for reproducible dynamic document writing. Looks easier and cleaner than {bookdown} improvement over rmarkdown > https://t.co/fNN5yYBP13 > #rstats #sportsci #sportscience #markdown #rmarkdown

David Grubbs (@crcgrubbsd; 2221): Hi all. If anyone has written or is writing a free online book, i.e. on bookdown, github, etc. and would like to discuss doing a parallel print version with CRC, I would be happy to discuss this with you. #rstats #datascience @CRC_MathStats #statstwitter #econtwitter

R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 195): Read for free “R Programming with Minecraft” by @kwbroman et al. > https://t.co/VnM6xdXGzd > Based on the {miner} R package, this course teaches you how to write R code to manipulate your #Minecraft world. > https://t.co/us51NN262H > #elearning #rstats #bookdown https://t.co/58Ntb7uNNn

Stephen Wild (@stephenjwild; 121): @IsabellaGhement A couple useful (for me) references. The Aki Vehtari reference is very good. > https://t.co/FI7HTWm2Wt > https://t.co/oqk4elVY2o > https://t.co/Eg1rC4F3Um

Dr Helena Paterson (@PatersonHelena; 111): So proud to be part of this. Remember to check out the appendices in the Bookdown supplementary resources. They will help you progress to the next levels. Build your code a line at a time, then function-by-function and later idea-by-idea. https://t.co/gQcMxA82o2

rahul :: رهول (@unrahu1; 101): @AcademicChatter If looking for data science: https://t.co/DjSWqqEju4

Devin Judge-Lord (@JudgeLord; 95): Hey, political science grads! APSA #DDRIG applications are open! (up to $15,000! Due June 15) > To help get you started, I made a template (bookdown/LaTeX/Docx) based on last year’s call: https://t.co/DLqjqBdgMA > Please share far and wide! And good luck! https://t.co/A1cnW3kMK0

tipsder (@tipsder; 73): Curso de #R con fines de ciencia reproducible. Libro web, en español, con una aproximación para el aprendizaje de R desde la base del lenguaje. https://t.co/OHiZe2s6mm #RStats #DataScience #data #dataviz #RStatsES https://t.co/o8PuOsMfMh

Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 60): @mharrison @cbrnr_ @jeremyphoward @Vernboy You may want to check out @quarto_pub if wanting to stay native in Python but also be able to render books like bookdown. > A lot of physical books published from bookdown. > https://t.co/Cast4EZEXG > Python for Data Analysis, written with Quarto: https://t.co/drhyMoJPVI

ViroBiology (Aimer G. Diaz) (@EvolvingVir; 51): New set of animations for the BioVirologia Bookdown’s portrait just cooked, our chef @Pictus_Lycaon, thanks bro > Coming soon in https://t.co/rtCMmpmcAq https://t.co/2JgxBDxoHg

Lluís Revilla Sancho (@Lluis_Revilla; 50): Managed to trim down the github actions to build my thesis from 15 minutes to 5 minutes (for html, epub and pdf). I learned a lot of #latex and #bookdown in the journey. I will create a post soon on lessons learned. I’m almost ready to defend

Grupo Cognitive (@GrupoCognitive; 42): Después de eso, solo es cuestión de ejecutar tu script y puedes despedirte de la redacción de documentos que toman demasiado de tu valioso tiempo👋🏽 > A continuación, te compartimos una guía completa con tips y trucos de Rmarkdown: https://t.co/IYsW2ZLUFw

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 31): @emilynordmann @McAleerP @PatersonHelena @wtoivo1 The journal version has some problems with the displayed code that makes it hard to copy and paste (fancy quotes and triple spacing), but the bookdown version doesn’t have this problem. > https://t.co/22phatXqIp

Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 20): @nickchk @stephenjwild @conjugateprior It might be because of the rendering approach you’re using. Merge and knit might give troubles since all code in all chapters is run in the same session, knit and merge shouldn’t since every chapter has its own session. > https://t.co/0rAHBSdEWt

Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 11): As usual, our work was done using #Rstats, and #bookdown!

Shah Nawaz (@shah_f1; 10): @jeremy_data When quarto has child feature like bookdown i will think about it

Lisa DeBruine 🏳️‍🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 10): @nj_tierney If you miss the df_print option in rmarkdown, I’ve recreated it. You just have to source the code at the start of each chapter (something bookdown had an option to do and I miss). > https://t.co/uAsi9p3QqP

Ruaraidh Hill (@RuaraidhHill; 10): 🤖 TECH - for meta-analysis w/ @gbrlrgrs Software/ R packages for Day 2: RevMan https://t.co/Nf4NLKWOh8 {meta} https://t.co/32caZ1iUDx {metafor} https://t.co/pvq3Ps5MsD Reading: Doing Meta-Analysis with R: A Hands-On Guide https://t.co/Ve1ioTmSIc Code: https://t.co/YMzTdihmKm

Christian Arnold (@ChrisGUArnold; 10): @_AckermannK Apologies for the self promotion: I flipped the classroom and am using a Bookdown Homepage as ‘Lecture’. All classroom time is spent solving labsheets. PM if you want to know more. https://t.co/3vfAscPvob

BrandenCollingsworth (@brandenco; 10): @mharrison Are you aware of bookdown and r markdown? Turns markdown and code into whatever document you need using pandoc, supports Python and other languages, can render files for printing a book, tooling in rstudio ide is very good.

Mohamad Ghassany (@M_Ghass; 10): @minebocek @MT_statistics @quarto_pub Thanks Mine for sharing this and everything else. I just discovered Quarto in your tweet, what is the difference between it and the ususal Rmd (and bookdown) ?

Gökmen Altay (@gokmen_19; 10): @kurdoglu_77 @stomodeum @mert_milen @1923VatanSever @yasamask @edipyuksel @Bicero Allah v el-Rahman kelimeleri icin kitabimda linkteki sayfada asagiya dogru ilerlersen karsina tablolar cikacak. “countW” başlıklı sütunda ilgili ayette kaç kelime olduğu var Ama fark etmez kendinde ulaşabilirsin, yalın haldeki Allah kelimesine bakmak kolay https://t.co/B7yViRkOus

Gökmen Altay (@gokmen_19; 10): @kurdoglu_77 @stomodeum @mert_milen @1923VatanSever @yasamask @edipyuksel @Bicero Eğer her bir ayetteki tüm kelimeleri soruyorsan, şu linkteki sayfadan yukarı doğru ilerlersen 2 ayrı dinamik tablo var. 6348 ve 6236 ayetelerdeki tüm kelime sayımlarına ayetlerle beraber ayrı ayrı ulaşabilirsin. https://t.co/WDTvzkTSri

Pawan Jangra (@pawanjangra1198; 10): Statistical Inference via Data Science https://t.co/69Jw0ei8OS #rmarkdown #bookdown #dataScientist #dataScience

Sharon Klinkenberg (@ShKlinkenberg; 0/1): @AdelaIsvoranu @SachaEpskamp @BorsboomDenny Awesome! But why in this time of #OpenAccess #OpenScience and #OER do we need to publish this for sale? @SachaEpskamp @BorsboomDenny wouldn’t publication in #bookdown style suffice?

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Add or remove “References” in TOC at end of each chapter in bookdown::gitbook #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/H3K2SAAQJ6

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Cross reference to any text in bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/JXYxkJMcvz

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to change rmarkdown/bookdown word_document citation and bibliography style #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/sfTY8KQ3BO

Lars Schöbitz (@larnsce; 0/1): @tomkXY @ProjectJupyter If you are in the #rstats world, then it’s bookdown, distill, xaringan all in one, and extended to what was missing previously. Plus: the documentation is phenomenal. There is also something about quarto projects in quarto projects, which I haven’t understood yet.


Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 30): @rgaiacs @annakrystalli ++ In general documents I prefer to use knitr, its simpler (and in my thesis I mostly use knitr aswell). When I’m only knitting to HTML, I sometimes use kableExtra aswell: https://t.co/Eau4eKSq6Y ++

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 12): CRAN updates: knitr piggyback tclust #rstats

John MacKintosh (@_johnmackintosh; 10): @cararthompson With the old version, I had them in a local ‘img’ file and did a sprintf thingy to get a local URL to embed them using knitr::img_uri See code here https://t.co/anNxcBvlDH > New version should be easier https://t.co/iZRyzkSLdm May as well ping @kc_analytics tho :)

Will Landau (@wmlandau; 10): @kingsushigino Yeah, since tar_mermaid() just outputs the markup code, I usually render it in a dynamic {knitr} code chunk (https://t.co/mk6gB4EIy8). But I might switch to DiagrammeR::mermaid() when https://t.co/9fNcEknr05 and https://t.co/zD5vPzKrGJ are fixed.

Helicity Boson (@HelicityBoson; 10): @miarvellous Ohhh yeah, knitr can be finicky, troubleshooting it can be tricky since it’s mostly external to R and Rstudio, if you know what I mean. > Black box.

Barret Schloerke (@schloerke; 10): @s21n @daattali Yes! knitr::include_app()

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): knitr, side-by-side images with padding/margin between #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/yhCcyPkBdc

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): knitr - Rmarkdown Execution halted problem #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/aeHvQ5ZJ1J


Matt Worthington (@mrworthington; 20): @markchand @rmmyrick91 You should just install tinytex. Issue is that your laptop has last year’s LaTeX software and needs to be updated. tinytex update would be quickest!

Nobuhiro Mifune (@NobuMifune; 20): tinytexをアンインストールしたらknitでpdf作れた。これで今日の授業も乗り越えられる


Laurent Bergé (@lrberge; 186): I moved my course pres. from Beamer to HTML (Xaringan). #Rstats > The process was rocky and painful since I had to overcome a few frustrations in the process. > The outcome was a new Xaringan theme. Feel free to use/modify it as you see fit! > https://t.co/AARsNPAVEU > 12

Alex Albright (@AllbriteAllday; 180): Also, much love to xaringan presenter mode which I used for the first time today + loved (would recommend) > Ft. my favorite plot (a ternary plot 🥰) from my JM talk https://t.co/WTJAbIjG32

Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 141): @gdequeiroz @quarto_pub @apreshill @djnavarro @ijlyttle @scheidegger @PipingHotData Also, this is my ongoing attempt to re-create the R-Ladies xaringan theme to Quarto presentations: https://t.co/HOBleOBrJY code is available here: https://t.co/Dvs7yubOJX

Aman Bhargava (@thedivtagguy; 70): I designed two activities and also shared games by @flukeout and @playcodepip (which the students loved). All the resource material for this session is available at https://t.co/RgTVKJQEFv First time using xaringan by @xieyihui and it was awesome!

Athanasia Mowinckel (@DrMowinckels; 20): @scheidegger @gdequeiroz @quarto_pub @apreshill @djnavarro @ijlyttle @BeaMilz @PipingHotData One thing I see, as an avid xaringan user, is that I think the docs could do with a page with some examples of differing css possibilities of slides between the two. not being able to apply a full set of css changes to a slide through a class for instance

Michał Bojanowski (@mbojan; 12): So Quarto slides (revealjs) or xaringan? #RStats

CRAN Package Updates (@CRANberriesFeed; 12): CRAN updates: compareC healthyR.ts Lahman sigminer unmarked xaringan #rstats

Desmond Choy (@Norest; 10): @apreshill Just picking up #xaringan and found this 🧵. Thank you @apreshill - these are fantastic tips!

tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): R Markdown broken image icon in Xaringan presentation #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/ApKxTPYjGx


R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 366): With Quarto Coming, is R Markdown Going Away? No. https://t.co/HuZCvbyXUC @xieyihui #rstats #rmarkdown

🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor; 162): @strnr I haven’t tried it but I found this blog post by @xieyihui useful https://t.co/VO1MeL6YDQ

Karat Sidhu 🥼🧪🧬🧫👨‍🔬 (@karat_sidhu; 116): A great blog post comparing Quarto and RMD for anyone thinking of trying out the new format. #rstats #datascience > https://t.co/qzyMNqEMus

Jaehyun Song (@Tintstyle; 62): With Quarto Coming, is R Markdown Going Away? No. - Yihui Xie https://t.co/1mm7KrbzVK

Zaeen de Souza (@zaeendesouza; 41): “Let me answer the most important and urgent question first: R Markdown is not going away.” > 🙌🙌🙌 > https://t.co/Q2vJJEDfn4

Melike Dönertaş (@melikedonertas; 10): and a blog post from @xieyihui “Quarto is an attempt to generalize the R Markdown ecosystem, so that all useful features for authoring and publishing technical content can be made available to a larger world outside R.” https://t.co/clH2MtLMkv https://t.co/es123Nd4jn