Dr. Nishan (@DrNishanShaik; 1016/99): R is not a statistical software.
It is a programming language that is great at statistics!
#RStats #DataScience ↪
Christian Burkhart (@ChBurkhart; 678/107): 🌟pivot_longer cheat sheet 🌟
One of the more complex and useful functions in the #tidyverse package is #pivot_longer. In this free cheat sheet I tried to explain the function in detail: https://t.co/v5kxDWIjXA
#rstats https://t.co/yA7H0gnKzd ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 513/78): #SQL from #R is insane. Here’s why. 1/6
Image Credit: @yutannihilat_en
#rstats https://t.co/8g1kRdNY6O ↪
Robin Lovelace (@robinlovelace; 216/65): Geocomputation with R update 🏗️🏗️
Updated instructions for getting started with R for geographic research. We now start from the very beginning: installing #RStats and core #rspatial packages. Could be an ideal place to start in this space: https://t.co/3mb4Nm8pLO https://t.co/ol6oilW3N2 ↪
Stef voted for Leni&Kiko 🌷🌷🌷 🇵🇭🇺🇸 (@stefjacinto; 181/19): I’ve said it once but I’ll say it again: Python can be actively hostile to people from non-CS backgrounds. This whole thread captures the harrowing experience of a complete beginner.
#Rstats with its lovely CRAN library and RStudio are SO much more beginner-friendly. https://t.co/qYNiv1OfCG ↪
Saulo Gil (@Saulo_Gil; 44/5): My personal webpage 🤓using Blogdown R 📦!
Just some posts related to research, opinion, and data science.
#RStats #Blogdown #Science #postdoc #muscle https://t.co/7tvoRNWg92 ↪
Phytomagdarine (@phytomagdarine; 20/0): “Blogdown. Notizen zur Krise” von Georg Diez und Philip Grözinger
https://t.co/6LcF9LGXZW https://t.co/WjF2PQPpKW ↪
Alier Reng (@tongakuot; 6/3): I have been using Hugo (blogdown) for my blog; however, I have not had luck with it. So, I have migrated my blog to Quarto blog. A Quarto blog is similar to Distill blog. However, it uses Quarto instead.
Happy coding!
#quarto #RStats #Python #DataScience https://t.co/bfTzWMJrzc ↪
Dr. Christina Bergmann (@chbergma; 2/0): @DrVeronikaCH @Abebab Yep, super low threshold to get started.
Otherwise blogdown in R https://t.co/dyYlitpNVz ↪
Bryan Shalloway (@brshallo; 1/0): Added tags to the summaries of my lithium themed hugo blogdown site: https://t.co/kiSN2ZOKs1 https://t.co/eN7Bpc2R6D ↪
Dr. Elizabeth Mannshardt (she/her/hers) (@StatLizNC; 1/0): Check out @AmstatNews ’s Career Development Committee’s Portfolio Technology Adoptions Webinar Fri, May 13! Tools & resources to develop & cultivate a vibrant, professional online presence w Netlify, Hugo, R’s blogdown & more - free! https://t.co/K3JXEmsY6y ↪
🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor; 0/2): Are you using @GoHugoIO & have run into this warning?⚠️
The “tweet” shortcode will soon require two named parameters: user and id
I wrote #rstats code for migrating shortcodes https://t.co/rMGuXoszIU😇
Related #blogdown https://t.co/6uaTEsDZy6 & #gohugo https://t.co/ZN35quvDga ↪
🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor; 0/1): My #rstats #blogdown personal website involved updating from academic @GeorgeCushen to @wowchemy (~4.1 to v5.5) with a @GoHugoIO Twitter shortcodes detour
I now include Twitter threads 🧵 on all pubs 😊. Example: https://t.co/w108isnNKO
@github repo https://t.co/W2HCoSqhgM https://t.co/8PcEornMvX ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 334/101): Check this out 😍 : “Introduction to Data Science –Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R” by @rafalab is available as a free #bookdown.
#rstats #DataScience #dataanalysis #Algorithms #rmarkdown https://t.co/xTZJAPvZPf ↪
nathan taback (@NathanTaback; 177/29): My book on Design and Analysis of Experiments and Observational Studies using R is out https://t.co/AMF3sqW6YK. great working with @crcgrubbsd on this project. I wrote it using bookdown thanks @xieyihui ↪
د. منـذر الزيـد (@AlzaidMunther; 61/11): 📌 #لكل_باحث_وباحثة
سلسلة محاضرات رائعة حول الطرق الإحصائية الكمية في الطب التجريبي Quantitive Methods in Experimental Medicine
🔹التطبيقات باستخدام برمجية R
#البحث_العلمي @Acad_Research ↪
Diogo Proietti 🇮🇹🇪🇺 (@DiogoProvete; 36/3): Enquanto isso, o acesso ao conteúdo do livro já está disponível em formato bookdown https://t.co/m37YekEMIS. Outros links relevantes: https://t.co/GzNW5GXXTP (eBook - degustão ); https://t.co/eEBzzqcUi1 (site da editora - disponível a partir de 13/05). ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 25/14): Notes on Changing from Rmarkdown/Bookdown to Quarto
https://t.co/cVnCGz1KOJ #Quarto #rmarkdown #rstats #bookdown #python #rstudio https://t.co/AR8LyNLguj ↪
David Grubbs (@crcgrubbsd; 23/21): Hi all. If anyone has written or is writing a free online book, i.e. on bookdown, github, etc. and would like to discuss doing a parallel print version with CRC, I would be happy to discuss this with you. #rstats #datascience @CRC_MathStats #statstwitter #econtwitter ↪
Cameron Patrick (@camjpatrick; 12/0): @DavidKButlerUoA one example of the argument against means of Likert items: https://t.co/bR7unLj3fV ↪
Dr Helena Paterson (@PatersonHelena; 11/1): So proud to be part of this. Remember to check out the appendices in the Bookdown supplementary resources. They will help you progress to the next levels. Build your code a line at a time, then function-by-function and later idea-by-idea. https://t.co/gQcMxA82o2 ↪
Leandro Cardoso (@siegnant; 7/3): This book here: awesome! #Rstats #rstats
And helping me a lot with (previously) obscure details, like the !! prefix to tell shiny-esque things to go reactive/interactive.
https://t.co/2EQ7hqxTDj ↪
心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 6/2): わあ,自分もbs4_bookの美html出力したい!と思ったそこのあなた!!以下のレポジトリzipでダウンロードして,画像の通りBuild > bookdown::bs4_book押すだけでできるはずなので体験してみてね。後はrmd内の文章好きなようにすれば自分の本書けるよ!bookdownは入れといてね https://t.co/IwOL1o29bH https://t.co/JDp07QYPIZ ↪
Bernhard Clemm (@BernhardClemm; 6/0): @lisalechner If you have 450 dollari per month, you could do the Google News API, that covers many countries and goes back 4 years. About pros and cons: https://t.co/62fNgmVrmg ↪
Lluís Revilla Sancho (@Lluis_Revilla; 6/0): Managed to trim down the github actions to build my thesis from 15 minutes to 5 minutes (for html, epub and pdf).
I learned a lot of #latex and #bookdown in the journey. I will create a post soon on lessons learned. I’m almost ready to defend ↪
ViroBiology (Aimer G. Diaz) (@EvolvingVir; 5/1): New set of animations for the BioVirologia Bookdown’s portrait just cooked, our chef @Pictus_Lycaon, thanks bro
Coming soon in https://t.co/rtCMmpmcAq https://t.co/2JgxBDxoHg ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 4/3): @CiteDrive 3.0 😍 is arriving, and this is good news for everyone looking for a straightforward reference manager for #RMarkdown, #Bookdown, or #Quarto!
#TeXLaTeX #BibTeX #Overleaf #CiteDrive #rstats #python #biblatex #referencemanager #rstudio #vscode https://t.co/fgUkuLl8sL ↪
numericalguy (@numericalguy; 4/2): Making your #bookdown book look fabulous. https://t.co/YeTaP6eqeT #rmarkdown #rstudio @grrrck ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 4/1): @emilynordmann @McAleerP @PatersonHelena @wtoivo1 The journal version has some problems with the displayed code that makes it hard to copy and paste (fancy quotes and triple spacing), but the bookdown version doesn’t have this problem.
https://t.co/22phatXqIp ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 4/1): @matherion @charliejhadley It makes total sense to do it that way, but a major pain if you’re considering converting a highly referenced bookdown to quarto. This tips the balance in favour of bookdown for the #psyTeachR books. ↪
Dr Chantel (@CDavieSTEM; 4/0): Woo! Got the first chapter of my PhD thesis published on #GitHub as a @quarto_pub #bookdown project in @rstudio
NB: Work in progress 😃
#RStats #ecology #EvolutionaryBiology #aspen #PopulusTremula #ScottishAspen
https://t.co/o1jWe9MT7S ↪
Colin Madland 🇨🇦❤️🇺🇦 (@colinmadland; 3/3): Underneath the page is an R package called #bookdown and if you register for Congress, you can learn a bit how you can get started with bookdown for your #OpenScience #OpenPublishing project https://t.co/rZaVM1476c #OTESSA2022 ↪
Espacio Muestral (@espaciomuestral; 3/3): 📚 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼́𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀 𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘃𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗴𝗮𝗰𝗶𝗼́𝗻 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗲𝗻 𝗥
Te compartimos este #libro en español para comenzar con #RStudio🧑💻
https://t.co/lu9k4c8vsg ↪
Pedro (@PedroPark9; 3/2): #rstats #rmarkdown If you face the error “Error in files2[[format]]” while trying to compile your {bookdown} book to
format. The solution is to install {bookdown} from github:remotes::install_github(‘rstudio/bookdown’) ↪
Antonio M Quispe 🇵🇪 #ProtégetePerú = #vacúnate✌ (@drantonioquispe; 3/2): “Bookdown: Diseño y análisis de estudios experimentales y observacionales!!!”
Gracias @NathanTaback por sumar este fabuloso libro a las referencias de mi curso de análisis Estadistico con R. Excelente material y ejemplos de análisis!
Lectura recomendada para investigadores! https://t.co/a5455ydCTJ https://t.co/IxgKBOkFmV ↪
Vikram Singh Rawat (@Guru_GyanKhoji; 3/1): @wviechtb To optimize loops in #RStats try reading this chapter
https://t.co/Ho8anl9u6h ↪
Erdi Dasdemir (@erdi_dasdemir; 3/0): Tekrar edilebilir raporlar hazırlayabilmek için direk Rmarkdown öneririm. Şu kitap ücretsiz ve roman okur gibi okunacak kadar iyi ve akıcı yazılmış. Gerekli temelleri veriyor. https://t.co/874cI8fExZ İdeali R olsa da Python ile de kullanabilirsiniz. ↪
Cayelan Carey (@CareyLab; 3/0): The AED science manual is a work in progress, so we invite AED users to contribute to the bookdown, case studies, and more! Learn more here: https://t.co/CVihjlTbxE ↪
Brenton Wiernik 🏳️🌈 (@bmwiernik; 3/0): @mariviere1 @LisaDeBruine On the other hand, I can’t count the number of times I ran into errors with re-used chunk names because of bookdown’s compile-into-one-script behavior ↪
Gjalt-Jorn Peters (@matherion; 3/0): @LisaDeBruine @charliejhadley Ah, yes… Shit, I hadn’t yet considered that, and was hoping to slowly start migrating some books from Bookdown…
I might end up writing a function to help with this though, if I do, I’ll try to refind this thread, or otherwise DM you 🙂 ↪
Claudio Zandonella Callegher (@ClaudioZandone1; 3/0): @alexkyllo I am a big fan of the bookdown double format…html for web browsing and pdf copy ready to download if I want to read it on tablet (highlight annotate) ↪
MizumotoAtsushi (@MizumotoAtsushi; 3/0): R Markdown Cookbook https://t.co/GLoGuTDr3a ↪
Dr Chantel (@CDavieSTEM; 2/1): After approx 14 years of being stored in tiny paper packets, I finally managed to weigh nearly 500 biomass samples collected during my PhD.
Looking forward to reworking the analysis and getting the work onto #RStats #Bookdown or similar.
#Aspen #Ecology #PopulusTremula ↪
(((Bhanu))) 💉💉💉 (@McAlootikiii; 2/0): @JoeDNoonan https://t.co/za6xcWJMVD ↪
Eric Green (@ericpgreen; 2/0): @LisaDeBruine Maybe this was possible with bookdown and I don’t know, but I like quarto’s explicit yaml ordering because I can name a file “something” not “07_something”. The number of times I’ve had to rename files to get new ordering… ↪
Michael McCarthy (@mccarthymg; 2/0): @nickchk @stephenjwild @conjugateprior It might be because of the rendering approach you’re using. Merge and knit might give troubles since all code in all chapters is run in the same session, knit and merge shouldn’t since every chapter has its own session.
https://t.co/0rAHBSdEWt ↪
Sharon Klinkenberg (@ShKlinkenberg; 1/2): @AdelaIsvoranu @SachaEpskamp @BorsboomDenny Awesome! But why in this time of #OpenAccess #OpenScience and #OER do we need to publish this for sale? @SachaEpskamp @BorsboomDenny wouldn’t publication in #bookdown style suffice? ↪
Alan Haynes (@aghaynes; 1/1): @_johnmackintosh you can probably deploy to https://t.co/ZdmGDmceq8… see https://t.co/GfR8D2N0PN and https://t.co/9U7dPbVHRQ ↪
Ariel Mundo (@amundortiz; 1/1): As usual, our work was done using #Rstats, and #bookdown! ↪
تحليل احصائي (@d_sara112; 1/0): 📌 #لكل_باحث_وباحثة
سلسلة محاضرات رائعة حول الطرق الإحصائية الكمية في الطب التجريبي Quantitive Methods in Experimental Medicine
🔹التطبيقات باستخدام برمجية R
#البحث_العلمي @Acad_Research ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @markgburdon If you’ve not used bookdown, it’s probably easier to get started with quarto and you won’t have any frustrations over the little differences.
The lack of df_print was my major obstacle, but I solved that at https://t.co/CQexVvwQLX ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @ericpgreen (sorry) You could specify file order manually in bookdown if you wanted. This was really useful for debugging, too. ↪
Mark G. Burdon (@markgburdon; 1/0): @LisaDeBruine Thankyou for taste testing Quarto. I haven’t really used Bookdown, is it worth going with Quarto instead for bringing together RMD chapters into a book? ↪
Jakob (@nichtich; 1/0): Happy to see that bookdown moved to use pandoc (under new name quarto: https://t.co/bOrikEUoV4) so hopefully less Markdown variant confusion https://t.co/MV13xH4Tiw ↪
Sean Bock (@_SeanBock; 1/0): @JoeDNoonan trackdown works pretty well. It automates converting back and forth between rmarkdown and google docs. https://t.co/C6m7gKTODA ↪
Nick HK (@nickchk; 1/0): @stephenjwild @conjugateprior Ah. I have found for some strange reason that this doesn’t work quite right in bookdown ↪
Dan Vader (@RobotVicuna; 1/0): @ZFusfeld If you do a lot of stuff in R, making a site with blogdown is pretty easy. You can host it on github and deploy with github or netlify for free. https://t.co/HwtBSfFYuf ↪
Shah Nawaz (@shah_f1; 1/0): @jeremy_data When quarto has child feature like bookdown i will think about it ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Cross reference to any text in bookdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/JXYxkJMcvz ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Why is table numbering not working with blogdown::html_page, but working with bookdown::html_document2? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/hnL5yNgupK ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Add or remove “References” in TOC at end of each chapter in bookdown::gitbook #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/H3K2SAAQJ6 ↪
INFORMS (@INFORMS; 4/3): Essential #data science tools for elevating your #analytics operations #datascience #jupyter #rstudio #sweve #knitr https://t.co/alrDXmweBe ↪
Lisa DeBruine 🏳️🌈 (@LisaDeBruine; 1/0): @bmwiernik I’m trying to avoid re-implementing all of knitr’s plot handling. I’d have to figure out the fig.path, fig.width, out.width, fig.height, chunk name, etc. and match how knitr does it and handles problems. ↪
Tips Outfit Ngampus✨ (@Anisa04329264; 1/0): Rekomendasi kaos under 40K✨
Premium Cotton Knitr Waffle
✔️Tidak panas
✔️Tidak Nerawang
✔️Real Pict
#racunshopee #kaos https://t.co/J7HDN1GNiG ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to match the PNG image size between manually executing a chunk and knitting a file using knitr and ggsave #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/wKJnPl92Gw ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): knitr::include_graphics runs, but image cannot be displayed #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/YKUrIXS9su ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Listing to knitr enviroment (R-markdown error when using list2env in R chunks) #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/rc6862HaLI ↪
Juvenal (@JuvenalCamposF; 4/0): @jmtoralc corre su xaringan con infinite moon reader en el RStudio y se le mueven las imágenes ↪
Fernando Tonini (@toninifer; 2/0): @SamLeiva24 Que buena onda 🙌🏼🙌🏼 Encima es la puerta de entrada a otras maravillas cof cof presentaciones con el paquete xaringan cof cof ↪
ivanguardista (@BolinhoCruel; 1/1): Xaringan é um pacote lindo, um abraço pra @BeaMilz ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 1/0): @StarTrek_Lt Awesome! the colors look like the title slide and inverse slide from the r-ladies theme in xaringan!! 🎉 ↪
Beatriz Milz (@BeaMilz; 1/0): @BolinhoCruel Eu tô xaringando agora mesmo e contemplando a beleza do que consegui fazer com xaringan!!
Abraços pra você também! ↪
Carlos Cámara-Menoyo (@drccamara; 1/0): @drdavidtang Funny. I was super happy with revealjs but stopped using it because R library was too outdated and moved to xaringan. Now, I’ve seen that I can use revealjs again with quarto, but I am missing some nice Xaringan features such as layouting failry easily. ↪
Laurent Bergé (@lrberge; 1/0): @ChenWang_ I also find the syntax easier than in Beamer since it’s plain markdown.
But precise customization can be a pain in Xaringan/Reveal.js since you may need to know javascript. ↪
Chen Wang (@ChenWang_; 1/0): @lrberge Always wanted to give Xaringan a try. What do you think is Xaringan’a main advantage over Beamer? ↪
Serdar Balcı (@serdarbalci; 0/2): Why cannot I embed tweets into google slides? Sorry #rstats I know, I should have started a #xaringan presentation. https://t.co/GlUVnfmunX ↪
Serdar Balcı (@serdarbalci; 0/2): Why cannot I embed tweets into google slides? Sorry #rstats I know, I should have started a #xaringan presentation. ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): R Markdown missing plots when I print to PDF from xaringan #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/UFUskHtIrl ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 60/12): Yes #quarto can do a lot, but rest assured #rmarkdown is not going away: We’ll continue to work it! No need to switch #rstats if you don’t need to.
More context from my R Markdown team colleague @xieyihui
https://t.co/DkVobj2ppx ↪
Giovanni Pavolini (@gpavolini; 10/3): Thanks @xieyihui for this blog on #quarto vs. #Rmarkdown. After all the posts about quarto and its benefits I started thinking if it was worth all the hassle to migrate. Your post has helped me make my mind. #RStats
https://t.co/PzIWBuOM3x ↪
心理的に柔軟なクジラ (@matsuchiy; 2/0): Yihuiの2022-04-29の投稿記事を読む限りは,無理に移行しなくてもよさそう。同人誌のテンプレが再現できるかどうか自信ないし
https://t.co/tSXe1jfGpB ↪
Yohan J. Rodríguez (@hasdid; 1/1): #R #Automated | With Quarto coming, is R Markdown going away? No. https://t.co/1lsM0Q39E1 ↪
Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 0/2): Substitute the magrittr Pipe ‘%>%’ with R’s Native Pipe Operator ‘|>’ - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/DPTEqKFiMt #Rstats ↪
Jose Manuel Vera (@verajosemanuel; 0/2): With Quarto Coming, is #Rstats Markdown Going Away? No. - Yihui Xie | 谢益辉 https://t.co/Joen6hbmZk https://t.co/1nFXQO2KzH ↪