Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 533/257): Best of #SQL Cheat Sheet #MachineLearning #DataScience #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps https://t.co/70pXZ34WJW ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 399/193): #UNIX/ Linux Command Cheat-Sheet! #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/KXhTQZ9qSF https://t.co/6m0CYoPccc ↪
Daily R Cheatsheets (@daily_r_sheets; 368/87): Today’s #rstats cheatsheet: data-visualization
Download: https://t.co/hhEDJBUZmP
See more: https://t.co/KgJ4eggU4l
Contribute your own: https://t.co/KLVFg0ougL https://t.co/dHQTRHX2Iz ↪
Subhash🇮🇳🇿🇲 (@666Jsubhash; 359/159): Best of #SQL Cheat Sheet #MachineLearning #DataScience #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps https://t.co/W63g9dHlyc ↪
Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 244/46): “The {TSstudio} #rstats 📦 provides a set of tools for descriptive & predictive analysis of time series data” - preprocessing, interactive dataviz, and modeling. By @Rami_Krispin
Uses {plotly}, {forecast}, {forecastHybrid} & {bsts}
https://t.co/ngnbJIjoCv https://t.co/Aw9Tmarzag ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 243/118): Best of HTTP Cheat-Sheet. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #CyberSecurity #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/WDWDF68wRR https://t.co/2uncpbySJx ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 240/139): Basic #Linux Commands #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps #DevOps https://t.co/cBufX990pb ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 237/106): Best of Nmap Cheat Sheet #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps https://t.co/6QCasJWOSX ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 191/104): Free eBook: #SQL Cookbook, 2nd Edition. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/2ryI2cfpxV https://t.co/nJS4AZKRXJ ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 153/89): What is Data Science? #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/y0dNs3QMW0 https://t.co/oEi3yVPcMg ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 144/93): Top #Tech Skills in Demand #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #DL https://t.co/WHy6CccTOA ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 121/89): Data #Science Projects with #Python. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Books #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/royEVqitJz https://t.co/R98mhcCgAD ↪
Giulia Masoero (@giumasoero; 21/5): 🎉 my new #website is here 🎉
I have just finished working on it, all build in #R using #blogdown and @wowchemy
🦉Check it out: https://t.co/L7UNBP7y2S🦉
Please PM for suggestions, missing stuff, constructive critiques, etc…! 🐦
#postdoclife #RStats #ornithology #ecology ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 11/0): (and shoutout to blogdown for making it so easy to make neat websites like this) ↪
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (@minebocek; 8/1): @jtrnyc At the risk of giving an answer you didn’t ask for: https://t.co/8fCOhUJykk.
But if you already know those tools and don’t feel like trying out something new, I think I’d use blogdown b/c I feel like there are more comprehensive, easier to follow (for me) tutorials/docs for it. ↪
Computer Says No - coding club (@computersays_n; 6/1): Hoje no CC: construir um website com o package {blogdown} em R. Das 14 às 16h, na sala 8.1.30 no DBIO. @UnivAveiro @CESAM_Univ ↪
BHSci_, R & Graphical Art 🦄🇨🇦🌈 (@StarTrek_Lt; 6/0): converted a Hugo blogdown blog to Quarto Blog.
very nice. ↪
DESUC (@desuc_uc; 2/3): Taller gratuito sobre “Cómo crear una web estática con Blogdown” en R.
🟣¿Cuándo? El jueves 9 de junio a las 17:00
🔴¿Dónde? Por zoom
🟠¿Qué necesitas tener? Un computador con R, y conocimientos a nivel básico del software.
🔵Inscripción: https://t.co/woZVdLFray.
#rstats https://t.co/EokNclEIDB ↪
First Issues Bot (@first_issues; 2/2): The sidebar dragger can go too far and become stuck against the window’s resize dragging. https://t.co/nsLsfvo6pe #github #SCSS #TypeScript #JavaScript #HTML ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): How Can I Write a Dollar Sign in blogdown #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/doGs0SyMFL ↪
Amit Grinson (@Amit_Levinson; 1/0): Amazed to see that blogdown/rmarkdown seamlessly knitted R and Python code. Excited for the opportunities this opens up and hope to document more my learning of Python (through blogdown).
Next time fingers crossed (well the one after the next) is some R, Python & SQL ↪
🇲🇽 Leonardo Collado-Torres (@lcolladotor; 63/14): Just a reminder that you should read 3 💎s by @rdpeng
- What is the question? https://t.co/Aet2wvBP5c w/ @jtleek
- Tukey, Design Thinking, and Better Questions https://t.co/xyh5QZtnpQ s/o @hspter
- Types of questions https://t.co/gqyJyTK8Zd w/ @elizabethmatsui
#DataScience ❓ https://t.co/tXlioGa3n9 ↪
David Grubbs (@crcgrubbsd; 34/17): Hi all. If anyone has written or is writing a free online book, i.e. on bookdown, github, etc. and would like to discuss doing a parallel print version with CRC, I would be happy to discuss this with you. #rstats #datascience
#statstwitter #econtwitter ↪
Jocelyn Wikle (@JocelynWikle; 13/1): @thesamasher @paulgp @KhoaVuUmn @SeanKHiggins Fun for undergrads at ground zero.
https://t.co/nmxnGUGlDA ↪
Daiki Nakamura (@d_nakamuran; 7/3): 基本的な内容としては、無料で公開されている Doing Meta-Analysis in R に沿って解説を行う予定です。https://t.co/chBtpg3Yei ↪
Dr Alexandra Lautarescu (@AleLautarescu; 6/1): Any recommendations for good & basic #R #RStudio tutorials? Want to teach my student and would love something that they can just follow & click along with.
So far I’m thinking
but not sure if there are better options out there ↪
R.A. Posthumus (@RAPOSTHUMUS; 3/0): @BWBroersma @statistiekcbs github + bookdown https://t.co/kZDud54Rac ↪
Gibrán Cruz-Martínez (@gibcruz; 2/1): Another great #openaccess resource for QCA research/teaching 👇
QCA with R
A Comprehensive Resource
By Adrian Dușahttps://t.co/06myCgTkwR ↪
Mia Wege (she/her) (@Miasjien; 2/1): @Sivu_Nzimeni https://t.co/0egJXLubYv ↪
Jon Reades (@jreades; 2/0): @profrichharris Having torn my hair out getting to get bookdown to work, @andymaclachlan pointed me to @quarto_pub and I had a functioning markdown-driven site in 5 minutes. Me just organising my whole module (which was already on Git anyway). ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/2): How to disable automatic table number for bookdown::html_document2? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/rsacwyxdTF ↪
Ludger (@HelloLudger; 1/1): @rstudio is it possible to create a keyword register in rmarkdown/bookdown? Especially if it gets exported to word/pdf, so the register should link to the page number the keyword is on… ↪
George Knott (@crc_gk; 1/1): If you have published a free online version of a book in #stats #DataScience e.g. on #bookdown we can work with you to publish a print version too. Do reach out : ) ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Including % symbol in table caption of bookdown latex table #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/IjyCuTg2tS ↪
siero (@siero5335; 1/1): 👀: Statistical Methods for Environmental Mixtures https://t.co/O7IB9BlWHd #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Christina Buelow (@ChristinABuelow; 1/0): #rstats #rspatial really nice bookdown here on {leaflet} #rshiny and #asynchronous loading for #app #speed
thanks @RexParsons8, might be just what I need https://t.co/FFguNv9RgW ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/0): Bookdown figure captions with URL hyperlink #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/5phAVNqro1 ↪
Michael Friendly (@datavisFriendly; 1/0): Does anyone know if this can be done with rmarkdown / bookdown / citeproc – with output to Word? https://t.co/b2EGsLlFKA ↪
Brynjolfur Gauti Guðrúnar Jónsson (@bgautijonsson; 1/0): Á eftir línulegum líkönum koma útvíkkuð línuleg líkön:
Þarna ertu með endurteknar mælingar, eða útkomur sem fylgja annarri líkindadreifingu úr veldisvísisfjölskyldunni. https://t.co/TAEiiYE34C ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): How to take down a bookdown page? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/oeSJ7HfUdD ↪
tj mahr 🍍🍕 (@tjmahr; 11/0): > renv::install(“knitr”)
Error: package ‘knitr’ is not available
In addition: Warning messages:
1: package ‘knitr’ is not available
2: no MRAN records available from repository URL ‘/bin/windows/contrib/4.2’ https://t.co/FpiXE1N8gn ↪
Big Book of R (250+ free R programming books) (@BigBookofR; 3/4): knitr by Yihui Xie
#RStats ↪
Joe Wasserman (@JoeWasserman; 2/2): When making RMarkdown docs on Windows, I use Cairo to anti-alias ggplot2 plots by setting an option:
knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev.args = list(png = list(type = “cairo”)))
but now I get an “unable to start device ‘png’” error!
What broke and how can I fix it? #RStats ↪
鷹羽裕輔 (@gendaibushi; 2/0): @Yuki_Sahashi @psycle44 バッチ処理書くことが多いのでRscriptでコメントたんまり残す派ですが、丁寧に実験手順残すときはjuyterlabやknitrでしょうか。あとはRstudioでhistory保存して、申し訳程度にメモ書いたり。 ↪
Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 4/3): Hello, #rstats tweeps. I’m having trouble trying to get tinytex working in a #docker image. My Dockerfile has
FROM rocker/rstudio:4.1.3
RUN R -e “install.packages(’tinytex’) "
&& R -e “tinytex::install_tinytex()”But LaTeX is not installed 🤔 ↪
Lu R. (@LuuRiascos; 1/0): @Jramirezga @oswnavarre Este es el error. Ya traté instalando y desinstalando R, Rstudio y MikTex y cambiando pdflatex por lualatex o usando tinytex y siempre llego a lo mismo. https://t.co/qLlLv6rQOF ↪
John MacKintosh (@_johnmackintosh; 4/1): TIL
There’s a 📦 that converts PowerPoint to xaringan slides.
I should be used to people doing amazing stuff with R but this seems super magical.
I seriously hope I can use this to kick-start* a presentation for end of the month.
- write entire thing
https://t.co/zaeHOrEpJR ↪
Laure Spake 🏔️ (@LSpakeAnthro; 2/0): Two sets of slides to learn {xaringan}
https://t.co/Ab4KLtrIPR ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): R DT table with buttons does not fit page in Xaringan HTML5 presentation #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/Lf3uouWwLa ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): Access
slide number in custom slide number format in Xaringan #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/s9MmZRDbk4 ↪
Josh Merfeld (@Josh_Merfeld; 1/0): Im gonna be totally honest with you all… xaringan slides are really nice. ↪
Chung-hong Chan (@chainsawriot; 1/0): @JohannesBGruber I found it after the demo that it can be more like a presentation by outputting a slidy presentation with learnr in it. Reveal and Remark (i.e. xaringan) don’t work though. ↪
Amit Grinson (@Amit_Levinson; 1/0): How to have text desaturate as your slide progresses?
I really liked that option from the Xaringan R package as it makes it easier to control the reader’s attention. At work I use PowerPoint and wanted to do the same, so here’s a brief tutorial on how I do it: https://t.co/yuU1OWc2En ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): R Autofit DT table width and height in xaringan HTML5 presentation #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/pKGn7sIgxd ↪