Free_AI_Books_Available (@Free_AI_Books; 849/301): Free Book is Available.
#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/pfkrwHAtbp ↪
Sharon Machlis (@sharon000; 793/115): Easily create single new ggplot2 geoms from multiple ggplot layers with the {ggpackets} #rstats 📦 by Doug Kelkhoff #ggplot2
https://t.co/G4H8vA432f https://t.co/jsZjifN6il ↪
cmdline_tips (@cmdline_tips; 475/115): 7 tips to combine multiple ggplots using patchwork by @thomasp85 #rstats https://t.co/xNfEJV51xQ #ggplot2 #patchwork ↪
Mack (@Analytics_699; 352/161): Must have Python Cheatsheet ▶️
#Analytics #BigData #AI #Python #Rstats #Reactjs #IoT #IIoT #ML #Serverless #flutter #TensorFlow
#javascript #DataScience #WomenWhoCode #programming
#CodeNewbie #Coding #100DaysOfCode
https://t.co/z7bSUK5JbU https://t.co/bHnOxQJxI7 ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 316/137): Data Structures and #Algorithms with #Python. #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/TX2DWluURg https://t.co/oXBoxhyrSp ↪
Matt Dancho (Business Science) (@mdancho84; 313/64): How to solve 90% of data science problems.
Article: https://t.co/CbW3JmAQRU https://t.co/De56NpyLFe ↪
Giuliano Liguori (@ingliguori; 281/132): #Infographic Become a #FullStackDeveloper in 200 Days
Via @ingliguori #ArtificialIntelligence #AI #ML #DataScience #DataScientists #innovation #CodeNewbies #Tech #deeplearning #CyberSecurity #nocode #Python #Coding #javascript #rstats #100DaysOfCode #programming #MachineLearning https://t.co/Dwk5RV0Ug0 ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 273/79): 🙌Descarga y ten a mano estas guías gratuitas sobre Estadística descriptiva, #RStats y #RStudio
🔗 https://t.co/MMgMxNzrAW
#DataScience #DataAnalytics #data #dataviz #Datavisualization #FelizSabado #FelizSabadoATodos #cursos #formacion #ebook #gratis https://t.co/JSxlmhG5lE ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 248/108): Python for Data Science! #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Books #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/ounLHnQnWw https://t.co/5HY4JzCH3e ↪
RainbowR (@R_LGBTQ; 239/66): Today we launch #TidyRainbow, a fortnightly data project aimed at the LGBTQ+ community who use #rstats. We’ll post a relevant, inclusive data set for your data visualisation and analysis. Please sure your images and code with #TidyRainbow 🌈https://t.co/XLJwTn3mwJ 🧵 ↪
Parvez (@parvezshahshaik; 238/102): Linear Regression #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps #AWS https://t.co/MoVsISXz5u ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 200/118): Linear Regression #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps #AWS https://t.co/y2hIq85PSQ ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 200/106): Kali #Linux Commands List https://t.co/CtNjASAKVS #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP https://t.co/ErdtDxQKlt ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 177/49): Data Visualization Packages for R you should check out in 2022 by @citedrive https://t.co/Y8SjWqjWBm #rstats #dataviz ↪
Helen Yu (@YuHelenYu; 173/86): Learning about data structures
#AI #DataSecurity #dataScientist #DataAnalytics #RStats #Reactjs #IIoT #flutter #javascript #java #TensorFlow #Cloud #coding #BigData #5G #MachineLearning #R #reddit #WomenInSTEM #fintech #technology #blockchain #Job #DataScience #100DaysOfCode https://t.co/Ck4yBVemXU ↪
Jaana Ali Syeda (She/Her) (@JaanaSyeda; 173/59): 100 Days of #DataScience Challenge #MachineLearning #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT #MLOps https://t.co/a0xhDj8hqq ↪
Cyber-Blog (@cyberbl0g; 170/98): #Git Cheat-Sheet 💻🖱️
#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #cybersecurity #computerscience https://t.co/vtIB7moPYN ↪
Milos Popovic (@milos_agathon; 155/47): My new map shows % of people who never used the Internet in Europe 😱😱😱
#internet #www #digital #RStats #DataScience #dataviz #maps https://t.co/1aWiqzaaRz ↪
#SEO KONIKAISLAM (@seokonikaislam; 152/64): Free Book is Available.
#BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #100daysofcodechallenge https://t.co/13EwB1t8uy ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 147/92): Some tools for Front End Web Development #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP https://t.co/m2lU9MJGH3 ↪
Rohan Paul (@rohanpaul_ai; 147/59): RoadMap for #DataScience #AI
#Python. #BigData #Analytics #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #RStats #TensorFlow #GoLang #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #ArtificialIntelligence #100DaysOfMLCode #pythonlearning https://t.co/6i1il8RE5n ↪
Syeda Sheraj Ali (@Sheraj99; 135/93): Frontend Development Roadmap #MachineLearning #DataScience #SQL #Cybersecurity #BigData #Analytics #AI #IIoT #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #JavaScript #ReactJS #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode #NodeJS #golang #NLP #GitHub #IoT https://t.co/vpxcvNdYHq ↪
Dr. Ganapathi Pulipaka 🇺🇸 (@gp_pulipaka; 122/83): 180+ Projects with Source Code! #BigData #Analytics #DataScience #AI #MachineLearning #IoT #IIoT #PyTorch #Python #RStats #TensorFlow #Java #JavaScript #ReactJS #GoLang #CloudComputing #Serverless #DataScientist #Linux #Programming #Coding #100DaysofCode
https://t.co/TLL58eE6iG https://t.co/XJvHZ9BeRV ↪
RStudio Glimpse (@rstudio_glimpse; 65/9): Talk and demo from @xieyihui at #useR2022!
Creating a blog (or website) with blogdown that will not be down
https://t.co/GsQkv3PExl ↪
Julia Silge (@juliasilge; 11/0): @andrewheiss @GaborBekes @Gabors_Data @grant_mcdermott As a maintainer of some websites like this that use blogdown and one that uses Quarto, if you are starting fresh, I would probably recommend Quarto:
https://t.co/AufZcGaGlM ↪
Pascal Schneider (@padasch_; 3/0): I just set up my personal website using the R package #blogdown. It is still under heavy 🏗️ but I will soon start to share ideas and thoughts that come up during my #phd journey 💭
https://t.co/PxcdAGJh70 ↪
Andrew Heiss (@andrewheiss; 3/0): @GaborBekes @Gabors_Data @grant_mcdermott I’d use blogdown ↪
Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 2/0): @sharon000 @lteal @padpadpadpad @jkregenstein @quarto_pub @apreshill @djnavarro Ultimately if blogdown is serving you well there’s not a huge push to move. Hugo is doing vast majority of heavy lifting re theme and structure, and knitr is creating the intermediate .md files. ↪
Julian Hinz (@julianhinz; 2/0): @GaborBekes @Gabors_Data @andrewheiss @grant_mcdermott blogdown and distill work pretty well from my experience ↪
Charlotte 👩💻 (@charliejhadley; 1/0): Is there a way to programmatically expose all YAML options* in a {blogdown} template?
*the docs say YAML is key-value pairs, but in the context of RMarkdown I think we call these options? ↪
Julian Hinz (@julianhinz; 1/0): @GaborBekes @Gabors_Data @andrewheiss @grant_mcdermott distill: https://t.co/Ha6V88WXbf blogdown: https://t.co/wDnxknFI6J ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 188/57): Read for free “R Graphics Cookbook, 2nd edition” by
@winston_chang - a hands-on guide with more than 150 recipes to help you quickly create high-quality diagrams.https://t.co/oDtzC8hroQ
#rstats #bookdown #rmarkdown #dataviz https://t.co/DW5Ms96G3Y ↪
Rosana Ferrero🕊☮️🏳 (@RosanaFerrero; 97/23): 🔥¿Cómo importar/leer datos en #RStats?
📦 utils::read.csv
📦 readr::read_csv
📦 base::load y readRDS
📦 feather::read_feather
📦 data.table::fread
📦 arrow::read_parquethttps://t.co/2jd7zZAViu
https://t.co/qjygs88zxG#data #DataScience #programming #RStatsES #DataAnalytics https://t.co/Fo83ffWnIN ↪
Hilde De Weerdt (@hild_de; 13/2): About 15 yrs ago I set up a class on “democracy” in 申報; it was great to be able to search for relevant arts. This morning I compared the use of 民主 1872-1949 per decade, downloaded all arts & did NER on them, txs to @ankeqiang amazing Histtext! https://t.co/u9duDSwJFG #DH https://t.co/wy2MQljH42 ↪
Solomon Kurz (@SolomonKurz; 5/1): @YuthikaGirme @RebWeidmann This one’s for free: https://t.co/Y3yLtyf0CA ↪
Kevin Kent (@kevin_m_kent; 5/0): For making websites Quarto gives you a large number of customization options without the headaches you may have experienced using something like bookdown (I know I did for sure) ↪
Garrick Aden-Buie (@grrrck; 4/1): @charliejhadley This might help fill in the gaps https://t.co/jA6iX1P3ik ↪
Avishai Tsur (@AvishaiTsur; 3/0): @GaborBekes @rstatstweet @Gabors_Data @andrewheiss @grant_mcdermott For a course like this, consider Quarto book / Bookdown ↪
Stefan Gross 🇺🇦🇺🇦💙💛 (@DocBio1509; 2/1): @trinemoholdt Maybe these examples are of further help: https://t.co/OupwXUst06
I am not aware of a good user-friendly anymore 🤷♂️. Our RiTA licence will expire in 2024, so we have to find a good (open-source) alternative as well. Maybe someone on #epitwitter #clinicaltrials has other ideas.🤔 ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 2/1): Notes on Changing from Rmarkdown/Bookdown to Quarto
https://t.co/rNfmD2u2ia #Quarto #rmarkdown #rstats #bookdown #python #rstudio ↪
Tomislav Hengl (@tom_hengl; 2/0): @patscli Bravo Patrick!! Per aspera ad Astra! Now, where is the URL for the bookdown version of that awesome opus? ↪
Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 2/0): @KellyBodwin format:
reference-doc: custom-reference-doc.docxIf you haven’t alreaady, you should read:
and similar idea from RMD:
https://t.co/MCwy0NgUUx ↪
Raúl Vaquerizo (@r_vaquerizo; 2/0): @coforfe El Montgomery siempre. Pero sabes que hay que acostumbrarse a buscar de esta forma “experimental design bookdown”.
Hay que tener muy claro lo más básico para llegar a conocer los modelos mixtos. Yo NPI de modelos mixtos ↪
Esteban Strange (@estbecks; 2/0): @Sanchezpri_ BookDown is a fast and free bot to download books from the web. For partnership: @advenuz https://t.co/ePGjjjlhTp
Es de Telegram ↪
jean-paul Marthoz (@jpmarthoz; 1/1): L’équilibre entre la vie privée et l’intérêt public. Un défi constant pour le journalisme. Le RGPD accorde une exception journalistique, mais assortie de critères stricts. Comment arbitrer? https://t.co/jt5JBnc9Ck @philaloux @ajpjournalistes @EJNetwork @conseildeonto @DeontoloJ ↪
Nick HK (@nickchk; 1/0): This turned out to be a problem with Cairo, not Bookdown. Very confused why this would be, but the “serif” fix wouldn’t have worked either - it overrides that too! Turning off Cairo and for now I suppose slightly lower res graphics. Any fixes appreciated. https://t.co/mgFf76X30D https://t.co/l05drQbpxw ↪
João Gabriel Flores da Rocha (@floresdarocha; 1/0): @joze_gota https://t.co/ffEWOHK8Z4 ↪
Sebastian Sauer 🇺🇦 (@sauer_sebastian; 1/0): @jenineharris Does gt allows for cross referencing as does eg kable?(useful for eg bookdown) ↪
Luca Cozzuto (@lucacozzuto; 1/0): @hmqxvcn @Di_SPACE_Lauro @StefanoBerto83 E come fare report automatici con bookdown su GitHub che non si sa mai. https://t.co/bunlqlU5oR ↪
Robert Guss (@howtocode_io; 1/0): @romainlanz There are several tools out there, but these are my top 3: Bookdown: https://t.co/PSUyUp0NSP Softcover: https://t.co/Id5Vgyg6LW LeanPub: https://t.co/8Is3a4F2YD ↪
ASSCLAB-PSU (@assclab; 1/0): Hands-On Data Visualization https://t.co/VPwRpjwSV6 #rmarkdown #bookdown ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 23/6): hey #rstats, if you missed my talk about #knitr at #useR2022 or just want to look again at the slides, you can find them here:
https://t.co/oWxfSfeRyxFor the recording, best is probably to follow @_useRconf to get the info !
Thanks to everyone who attended live! https://t.co/EB9eepdUba ↪
Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 19/3): @CedScherer A brief gif of the panels in action - reuse the chunks by name with different knitr execution options. https://t.co/LT5VWwZtRW ↪
Elio Campitelli (@d_olivaw; 16/7): What I’m playing with now.
Add a knitr chunk with this code to save a zip for each plot with the data that made the plot.
Only works for ggplots, though.
Code: https://t.co/jpT0Hkspe6
#rstats https://t.co/cqXq0bjih4 ↪
Christophe Dervieux (@chrisderv; 11/2): @thomas_mock @CedScherer Thank you @thomas_mock !
To be clear, it is a knitr feature, which will work in Quarto as in R Markdown.
Doc about this (and other related knitr tricks) for reference:
https://t.co/8Kov2EGecE ↪
Mark Fransham (@markfransham; 10/3): Many thanks to the developers of packages that make R a joy to teach and use, in particular @rstudio, @hadleywickham and colleagues for tidyverse, @xieyihui for knitr etc, @MayoClinic for arsenal, @strengejacke for ggeffects, @PhilipLeifeld for texreg ↪
🌻Dr. Nik Ford🌻 (@ford_nik; 10/1): @pludger rstats has a package called knitr. https://t.co/tiplapjcDX ↪
Alison Presmanes Hill (@apreshill; 9/0): @CedScherer @fly_upside_down @chrisderv @eddelbuettel @minebocek @thomas_mock @xieyihui @grrrck yea ref.label is magical that way!
https://t.co/982KMeGey3 ↪
R Markdown (@rmarkdown; 4/1): R Markdown and Knitr Long Version
https://t.co/2F5GyZ668h #rmarkdown #rstudio #knitr ↪
Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 3/1): @CedScherer If you’re using R + Quarto, it’s still knitr as the engine, so you can use capabilities from other {knitr} docs.
https://t.co/Rp1WGOoVcu ↪
Charlotte 👩💻 (@charliejhadley; 3/0): Say I fucked up and wanted to override code chunk specific code chunks (eg eval=TRUE) is there a way to do that?
eg, this
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
``````{r, eval=TRUE}
``` ↪
Alise Fox (@hi_im_alise; 2/0): @DatLinux @rstatstweet @rstudio Oooh good point! Seems to work from my quick test. I knit to PDF using an .Rtex which runs knitr::read_chunk(‘script-with-emojis.R’). Just tried calling a code chunk from the script that contains commented emojis and didn’t hit any errors. ↪
David Ibarra Gomez (@David_Barracuda; 1/1): Curiosa coincidencia de intereses en #useR2022, Alex Zhu - R on Raspberry Pi: The {RaspberryPiR}. Es genial, lo había probado a pelo con plumber, RPostgresql, knitr… (https://t.co/zHvjEjWwMu) pero hay paquete… ademas y el chairman es el gran @emilopezcano.
¡Gozando! ↪
Yanina Bellini Saibene (@yabellini; 1/0): Mine shows us that {knitr} first commit was in 2011 and until 2021 we don’t have the alt-text feature.
A 10 years gap to have an accessibility feature!!!.
Developers create tools with no Accessibility support
Data Scientists create not accessible products. ↪
Tom Mock (@thomas_mock; 1/0): @KellyBodwin Gotcha - I’m not sure the best way but would try the GH discussions page!
You can also try searching for RMarkdown/knitr + your search query - there’s historical Q/A that could be applied. ↪
TEEJAY (@Ade2unge; 1/0): Meant to use a very beautiful table for this instead of knitr but these people no deserve am at all and I have to start all over again. In my defence, this is what they want in the first place and I also wasn’t equipped with this arsenal before. ↪
atusy (@Atsushi776; 1/0): PRしたので仕事に。
https://t.co/mmtEivNNhT#OsakaR ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): Knitr/PDF: Section header and landscape-oriented figure on same page #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/LAh1h4LkyN ↪
Zahid Asghar (@Zahedasghar; 17/3): R is awesome for slides preparation specially
package. https://t.co/X7M6r4x0nF ↪
Janith Wanniarachchi (@janithcwanni; 7/2): Finally! I can share my xaringan slides without creating a netlify website every time, using the {renderthis} package 😍
#useR2022 https://t.co/3VMHcpG6hp ↪
Brock Tibert (@BrockTibert; 5/3): I know @quarto_pub has a number of baseline themes for slide decks, but curious to see other templates the community has built. I am considering shifting to Quarto for a few of my fall classes but am a huge fan of xaringan for Rmarkdown.
#rstats #pydata ↪
magdalena bennett (@maibennett; 2/0): Updated Xaringan on my laptop and now all my slides are rendering weird. 🙃 Yeih. ↪
Zahid Asghar (@Zahedasghar; 2/0): 4 main things to be discussed through a variety of real data sets mainly in one of the most powerful data analytics language R and (Stata and excel for some users). All slides will be Xaringan package in R besides learning how to use single R4presentation/report/book writing… https://t.co/3Z67V77oQK https://t.co/NrifKzxMG4 ↪
useR! 2022 (@_useRconf; 2/0): This will be part of the session on Dissemination of Information, which will also feature @johnhelveston on building slides with {xaringan} and @daroczig on internationalizing packages. https://t.co/QO554PPDWS https://t.co/JkWHHd89iv ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 1/1): public link to xaringan slides no longer working #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/InSDMfzDU0 ↪
Emmanuel Alcalá (@jealcalat; 1/0): Qué maravilla de paquete. Para renderizar slides de Xaringan a pdf, pptx o mp4 https://t.co/AuQ4BWadYc ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @jsajuria @maibennett I guess the two computers have different versions of Pandoc. Check the output of xfun::session_info(c(‘xaringan’, ‘rmarkdown’)) on the two computers. ↪
Yihui Xie (@xieyihui; 1/0): @maibennett @jsajuria I think I have fixed this issue in xaringan 0.23 (released on March 8): https://t.co/ygLpTiOzeR If your xaringan version is older than that, you may update it. If you are using the latest version of xaringan, it may be a bug and please feel free to report on Github. Thank you! ↪
Ali Meres (@ameresv; 1/0): @yjunechoe Looks great! I have a question which will be the main difference between xaringan and quarto?? ↪
tidyverse tweets (@tidyversetweets; 0/1): In xaringan, how to change the margin under flextable title? #tidyverse #rstats https://t.co/vLPQWW7zdD ↪
RStudio Glimpse (@rstudio_glimpse; 86/14): TinyTeX users, you can install the full TeX Live now if you prefer!
It’s a few Gigabytes and contains all possible LaTeX packages: https://t.co/vsKYn4Sime ↪